- Youu have ProgresuÎve Store hyFivId Saturdayof thîs W.skt A SALE 1H41 SIIOULD ADD 1000 NIEW CUSIOMERS TO THIS- STORE Botter Quality and Now W. Can Givo It rend our elaims of setter QuaIlly for th8e Mouey bere than you eau gel elsewliere. You have NatùraIIy asked yoursell. orbig business enables us to g et "quantity prices " on everythlng knowledge of where the best values are to b. had and how to we buy. obtain them. .SECOND-We buy for CASH ONLY and gain the adv'an-. FIFTH-And the last and most imortant reaaon 18 oui' taè eerydicount offered. awysept version of the great merchandising truth, "G(Iive the people super- TIDOrexpenses are awy e tu te lowest, pos- ior values and you will get their trade." Our profit on each sale is sible point, consistant with good service to aur cUtomérs. very small, but the sum of many such profita ta quite satisfactory. Yom eauà prove M1e fruth of our clahues te yeur own satisfacionm by consparlng our values wlth those of other afores. Make up your mmnd f0 do tbasf WE WANT YOUR IRADE=AND WE ARE SU RE YOU WOULD LIKE TO TRADE WUTH US Pvriss es.*ê $1.00 Corseta 79 at ..... 79c Ties, cofUrs, et.; a cer- rmruewlnat aidcolonC , 81. 00 kind at ne, A $2.00 kind at . e4 MI~ huavy wool and fleeced underwear at a big reduction at .......... 9 50,cHlose *.9 at.......39 Milhinery -Rat& aIl newly created this week andi such an asSortment that you viii not b. able to resist buigOne Wheu you see them . Specially priced durmg asie at Cous end se@ .FT BETIE I the lu.PEBtTE COATS ... ARE BETIER $12.00juinior %& Misses Coats ai $6.95 Heavy coats made o fcheviots and fancy mixtures, plain box back with bet; also full box backs with saior col- lar, cufs sud patch pockets, 6.95 special at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Ladies %&Misses Coats ai $9.95 1" Heavy vinter coats, either three-quarter or full length, plain and fancy novelty materials and a nu.mber of good styles to select from. All izes, $20.00 Plush 'à Caracul Coais $13.98 y Women's plush and caracul, extra fine, guaranteed sati nlined coats with big rounding shawl collars, man- tailored througheut. They are not G only handsome, but warm ...............i 13.98S At $19.75 we have ail those extra heavy coats in chin chilla, astrakan, 19.<I75 ~, zybalin, velour, etc.... . *~e~ $8.00 Dresses at $5.00 Ladies and misses ail wool serge, silk measalne dresses i-n I a dozeni different styles. High collars, three-quarter length aleeves, lace collars and. neatly piped.5.4I sale price ................1........... .. 0 SERGE DRESSES-Made of all wool materials; newest season's styles, velvet collars and cufs on nome. Ail sizes and fully worth $15.00 8.75 SILK, VELVET, CHIFFON, BROADCLOTH, SERGE -~and many other beautiful dresses, fully worth $20.00 and M2.50, during this sale at, i49 Ysu'iI ENjoI the Visit îSUITS $1500 Tailored Suits at $8.95 Strictiy man-tailored suits mn serg- es and, novelty mixtures, 32-inch coats, satin lining, ladies' and mis- ses' aises, new aide pleated skirts, in black, navy, gray, etc.,89 special ....... 89 $22.50 Tailored Suits ai $15.00 Serges, cheviots, diagonals, cordu- roys, whipcordis and broadoldths, plain tailored or cut-away styles, skinner satin or peau de cygne lined. Ladies' and mis- f l ses' sizes .........150 HANDSONE $30.00 TAILORED SUITS AT $19.50 VTwenty-five new styles, plain tailored and trizmned ef- fects in taior made suits. We believe the finest show- ing ever offered the public at this price. Perfect in workmanship and up to the minute in styles .................19.75< $4.00 Shirts at $2.48 Extra good quality Panama, serge and 24 mixture skirts at................24 High grade akirta in all the good materials, 39 worth $5.00 and $6.00 at ............39 WAISTS-Mannish shirt waists and beautiful 49 lawns worth $ 1.00 at..............49 Beautiful lingerie, lawn, lace and fiannelette 98 shirt waists, worth $1.50 at ........... 8 SHOES-Ladies and Misses patent, gun metal, vici kid, buckskin, suede and tan shoes, worth$40 to $7.00, priced at from $2.50 to....Wý... 4.00 EVERY EFFORT 15 DEVOTED TOWARD MAKING IlS TH-E STORE THAI WILL OirIs DeartilentOurchildren's coats this season are making the hit of the _______________________community. A splendid assortment o! coats for the littie ones. They are becoming, but don't show the dirt and are as warm as toast. $5.00 caracul, zybaline, cheviot and chinchilla coats ail neatly made up will be placed on sale 29 during this period at only ........................ ..... ]Beautiful $800 plush, serge and chinchilla coats in sizea up to 15, wiii be sold for .........................................49 1 Children's voolen dreses iserge and several other .9 materials, worth $3.00 and $400 at .......... 98 Girls vool sallor andi Nbrfolk Dresses from $3.00 50 to . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 0 Childen's hats in ail shades and styles, $13.00 Girls' ahoes in ailleathers and ixes, from $125 2i5nWAilGAM" B ~e ar ment Boys' suits-.and overcoats in worth $5.00 specially priced at. i.z s.up to -12, ... 2.98 Boys' suits and overcoats in heavy mixtures, etc., AI sizes up to 16, worth $800, specially priced during sal4'. J'.. Boys knee pants in serge, corduroy, worsteds, etc., 79 worth $1.00 and $1.50 at 39c and...........79 Hors ameSOMs of the Priss our FaIliGods so Faste Shaker finnel. under- skirt4, extra heavyi 'wtt'7d,- 37c-ýl Shaker flannel n*gt gowns, extra heavy, worth $1.00* 39c full length, ne wi pst. terns, worth 98 Knitted Brasaieres, A r worth 7ftat .. .. A Sweaters Children's sweaters atl: 0 75c, $1.00 and $1.»0;' colors, plain or fny weave Ladies' and us' . Sweaters at $.0 2O $300 $4.00 and shawl and sallor olr1 plain and fancy heavy:., weave PLEASE YOUt, Boys' fine ail wool fiannel blouses worth $1.00, very special during43 this sale at................43 Boys' shoes in ail heavy and dressy leathers, priced from 2.50% $1.25 to .................. '