Friday, Saturday and Nonday, October 18,19 and 21 We are sure that there will be very few women who won' t make'it their business to attend this sale, for ladies as a rulc arc too sharp to let a chance such as this slip by unheeded. 'We art offering the season' s newest modes at prices which art absolutely impossible to duplicate. We are giving you the benefit of price concessions which we secured through carly buying. We ai'e oflering you high- class, beautifully tailored >garments, including suits, coats,' dresses, waists, skirts, millinery, etc., at prices which as a rule art only known late ini the season, when clearance sales are in action. Womner. who are acquainted with the splendid style and quality of our ready-to-wear-and there art very few who are not-will réadily appreciate the value and importance of this sa' e. IRead About The New Coats Coats at $7.95-At this price we offer'values which we are sure cannot be duplicated elsewhere for less than $10.00 anîd $12.00. Nicely miade ini the prevailing styles of nov- 7 9 eltv materials. chinchillas and black * broadcloths, s'ale prie .............7 95 Coats at $12.75-Beautiful coats of ricli novelties, heavy serges, broadcloths, chin- chi lias and caraculs, many attractive styles, sonie satiii lined, $15.00 2.7 gannents ............... 27 Coats at $18.50-An extensive showimg of the most Lbeautiful fal styles, elegantly tailor-18,50 cd of almost every desirable coat ma- 50 terial known. many satin lined, excel- lent $9-2.50 values for ............. Pretty Dresses Priced $4.95 Women 's all wool serge dresses, nicely muade in dainty styles, cut-away effect, Robespierre eollar, silk pip- ing, come in browrn and4 95 black, very low priced at. ..- Elegaut New Dresses $9.75 Materials are plain and diagonal serges and charmeuse satin; muade in the Nor- f olk, belted and cut-away styles, 'wofiderfully pretty9,5 models in ail colora ......... Sale of Girls' Dresses Girls' Wash Dresses 98c-Made of fine qual- ihies of gingham and percale in many attractive styles, ages 2 to 98OC 14 vears; $1.50 values at .... Girls' Dresses 49c-Ginghaxn and pereale dresses, sizes 6 to 14 years, dark colora, sale prire.................. a.49c Girls' Serge Dresses $2.98-AII wool serge dresses, pre-shrunk and sponged, a splenddd quality in blue, red and brown, tried with combination color, new side 29 effect, sale price................ 29 Dress Skirts Low Priced At $1.98-Women's ail wool serge dress skirts in navy and black, button at ide and have pocket,...1.98 sale price ... At $4.95-High lass skirts, made of alI wool serges, whipcords and novelties, high waisted effect with ide plaits, blac, blue..4.95 and brown ...... Iffih Clans Dresses $12.75 Made in the most captivating styles of the season of rnannish serges and char- meuse satin, some effective-12 7 ly trimxned in combination I. colora; $18.00 values, price..m An Interesting Saleof New FaIll iinery Trinmed Bats at $2.98-We are offering a won- derul attractive variety of trimnied hxats for ths sae at only $2.98. They are jaunty new velvet shapes, trimmed in becom- ing mannera with fancy feathers; n 9 Values that regaiarly bring not less a m* than $4.00, choice................2 9 Trlnuned ats at $4.98-You'll surely find a mode]. to suit inthis selection, foi 4 the styles and mnanner of trirnming are ex remely . varied. Fine silk velvet shapee, trimmned with f ancy cfeater, flowersansd velvet. . . 4.98 I - ~ w,~. -. _______ a -- - Petticoais 69c Fine miercerized sa- teen petticoats; the kind that rcgularlv sel for $1.25; tuck- ed flounce, sale price 69C Blouse Dresses ljAprons IOc Women's ho usae dresses, made of dlark and light col- ored percale, also kimonas of heavv f1 anelette andà erepe 89C Striped perc-ale kit- chen aprons in dark colors, also white lawn tea aprons, dain ,ily trimxned witlh lace, special loc lemsr lonuets Sample lot of in- fants' bonnets in- cluding values as high as $e.00; made of bear akin, velvet, corduroy and wool- en materials 25C $1.50 Waists, Speclul 89c A large selection of new waists, in- cluding taior muade stylles of fine rhite linon and daintv trimmnedý«d styles of lingerie and voile, ""'jC also madras shirts...... Hfair Goods Spect QABY CLUSTER PUPFS-One of tCe popular hair novelUes of thé. day made et tait lustrous humai, ha&, 25 ta 80 neatly made pufs, Sits perfectly and la comfortable, $300 va'u CRESENT CLUSTER PUFFS-Mdado fron, sélect quallty of human hair, caretully made Pufs, specia.l.... ................. 1.4 MILADY CLUSTER PUFFS-20 ta 26 PUIfs Of 6iliMit3P bair, a&l shades but gray, specil price................... 9O SAVE VOUR COMING-13a flot thraw away yaur cooinlge, cave thon, and Jet us make themn up for yau Into the papuhiir bair novel. tics, Our prie for maklag swtchez, pulrsa "d trans. formations le only ....... ....................... ...... 1.0 Women'i sweater coats made froru fine ail wool yarn, corne in gray, red and white, high neck or shawl col- la, fancy weave, spe"ia $1,095 Swei*ers Ail- wool sweaters co hildien, rmade fr, X a splendid qiiaflty of ail wool Y'klti white, card- nMààd gray, sines up to la years Sale, of Nobby FaIl Suits Sut8 = 975-Snappy new F3alI styles, tailored in a sIni manner of ail wool "crges and attrac- tive novelty mixtuires, trinineda nd plain styles, sizes for juniors, misses and women.7 Thev will favorably compare with 75 the best $12.50 garmelits, special Sale 9 90 price ................ ........ Suite at $13.95-Modish new styles in serges, chèviots and novelties, carefully tailored in Norfolk, belted and cut-away styles, guaranteed satin liniing, 19 $18.00 values at ............1.19 Suite at $18.75-Extremely hband-soxne models cm- braeing a large variety ofstyles made of exceptionally Ifine qUality 7 mannish serges, whipcords and novel- tics, easily worth $25.00, sale price.. Boys' Suits and Coats The suits and overcoats we're offer- ing you for this sale positively can- not be duplicated for leas than $5.00. The suits are double breasted and have knickerbocker trousers; muade of the ncwest novlty mixtures and plain, fabries. The overcoate are handsomely tailored of novelties, smaxt man- --51 nish styles, some with 13 converti ble collar, price... ]Boy' Trousers 39-Boys' knicker- bocker, trousers, muade of ceviots and ca si e « b lu e and bla k, 3 9 C .0 ausfr.... .... Girls' Coats on Sale Girls' Cosa $1.O-Made of Ladyscloth aid trirnxed with braid, lined throughout, ages 2 to 6, sale $1 price......................... Girls' Coas *298-Corne in chn- chillas, caraculs and novelties, in red, gray and blue, belted effets, large collars, 2 to 6 years, .98NI sale price..............£w*U Girls' Goas .9-A handsome selection of coats, muade of chinchias, caraculs and, nov- elties, effectively trimmed in 4 5 combination color .............. 1