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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Oct 1912, p. 10

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LOTS 0F TRUTH IN HIS WORDS. hen in Waukegan Tuesday, Governor Deneen stated hé lb. ad that th:UifeMr or an * et for the tllrd par ade to thefatb~ o tiiê third parti cot dubt b So> o ur gainst the republican pr nM 1«)eo turcaus2 unI *a* au, aéced e otedmZ fhatiibo a uU idnl Illinois thought more ofpathrm y "li sai the.go'vmrOrutted-Iflifoi8 ield its dir.ct Prim id tWO thirds of the votera expressed their choice etcw;&: ,on the ; 'tate tickt. There was neyer a queB- A4ý us ~otin.g wbich gave Wr. Demnduma &uILerimy tu 'adi there wan't a tbiaiWiCh ibtud the people had not hall their say-so why the ne- L'u tt~f a thid state ticket in Illinois. ý0gM p11M toth goyernor matter wàa sliffl td $s couty and legisative inatters in the state, includlflgt fan.id its district. The people spoke at thepi- ef4re thoewS5fno eaoto go backontbx *ta a Itu Ume just becamIe. a third par y in aishad been talked of and launched. lak Là outy saw the fallaql of a third county ticket -11that we hate iioaiethe sma e dt*lb ~~.' tikets to a certadn extent, for, 0 lth QWýM«were p ut mnto the field, theybave maelào ? ~andth* leg tive ticketsni this 'ydtwl o in »Jrtis aIL p -te whoe situation we believe that;adve - of Nr e M. RÔCoevet May hayE a stong 'fr hl=.to- presiden. but that aqllino' cauMe hem te jeopurdite the interb of the tate which two th"rd of the votera of the shahs eocted --à <!mtv bahm aavBull-Moosers but their <)Yt! mvu i s suchm that they plan votlng the Lr4p&tyUoloet. They xuay vote tor r Roose0. àv *0 q oM lti party wMflaupp~ b 4,6 jîý Mthe' 4hf preurM, moi ui bm M-Wgt Qbnoe f gbg p the bands of tMg d~4t0RsIfacIiia b ave m m kt-0é ebas expSIIÔSd sud vithh li pdp>rUua*elthe advantages gaiued. for the ga chauge iii the. state admIt- 1 #à4 .~OP USRVN AOOPT&O NESE. pLAN * 1~FMVOR IN TH III A«t NV IoSSA TAKING UP THE PLAN WITI4 MUCH VERVE. th Cà b4 Jianus"y 1, 1913, lue àio ý ' nivers817 of Abmiim LtncOln's gmajipatioit Proclum.tOn snd It han U been sugg.ated tiiat WautOeau *8mw i tlhe i.n.d 0 many citie., la th.e eut 8, and bold a coruniemorative service or meeting hor.a ln l.be ent the. minieters are bend-'b ing the movemênt and ln ManY cities 11 elaborat. celehratioinMexata b. hald. i MM nwiio are iiebilid the, mOvemint- assert fiat tiioje are a i,' ytb!tfügof-u wb hthe. country neede te b.e eaiat- P" at tho oreent time and tbm t 1h07 tblnk liere ilno lime ltk feth 1 f11 tt nunlverom 7of I'renfot B-n- colns great proclamtion ta býring the, etlatlng conadiong forcbi, baeraeh attention cftlthe peuple. 1 BIeçause of thia OvOelIt that 1 mn » aato, b . pr adlng rapidly lSt bas boep nrggented to the. SM .tbak It vould b. aMt ecelleùt tIlili the ieMn- letora ef Wauxffla Vueld ule oua elmilar plan. If thia vexe done Il i. >poited goa tha abig u-i10m uMtin coiild bebl. iand te or t tl ,aartyred preffidOiit opUl 1 hlauded in no uxicera.l termas. Ilapgunhble tbheti matrulIl beo brogghuh p àM a ieutnget g*. Waukegan MisteY1al, Anoclatlas vii.. It can> be ,4Aopidg*defnltely ,vbýetbW ornot, tie ilahltm bae Off to, .enter mbnub.swaplan. la -s» lb.,' do Dlot It la PfflibMe fiat nomt allier orpshation il)'the oitY MAY taie up the plan as 1t han hoeu i ma.- tloned noverai Uies of lIe, Tua, it Ila feit, la the iiest Urne for tii. »k9)a to ho laid an mars tilno au ib. &Iven - ihin ta ses thnt they are- carrled Ouit ln aua effective maniler. 1- pis?~m muosi e 0. m' ac.0=Ie I«MrDM Wss a iic t = -Q..oiD0.h 'Osibosarl doue imoe tbmslnf mbms cfbsoouscentloua and ê0ciu4 work F'or I1uWglty9s igtAgalnst Orgmnized Oreed LINCOLN FOWLER OP WU-WITTE Ih...t.6~ Cpmdidate lot cosgtuss REVIYALS ARE NECESSARY icouttaiued 8'om Page OXe. tcftmw eI hm PageOns) th seM wéà LThe. music stand o- cnptêe 'a t& la the. .1411e of the pui aI .*~4 RebUt WituI et ~au~'~4ioetnc thein.5 The. O*àiy bo.sth carrIed off the. hon. « n fur. b4fly. ýThe Youn.g lAffieàSm ee ub", bMi jo msd fisit loua. Tbe, nocif~lO hoth 1a the ftint ieotb te, bMlit at the. eetr«maoe.il geuti wu. 0eoratd vltiippe and s"a0eJohnaitilu 3bmai 'A. 9* aid John DOY. vat" s.Mutwas preeent du1'ing «~ee.r o"Iu oftheiieveatng. He bt*lp a b&-kaMhaketfaoru.ise d Tutu dbeOe. wfl chlldlei' A tte1' nom. 'l%* brmNltg van iac*ed viti le," and I*.tbrO"bet tiather- noon. The lm 1 aculate Conception .4*001oo .IS4:zl yt.egvo the pupije an 0 eIU t t. attend thi el6es Hundreda et YO'1ns .coupiea attend- . thc4~ e last n it. D eno 1.9 let'*~ 3 cock. T'2 1 in t e. ta ch arge o f th e 1 -1- F Ce Mat lett aeli c job clu A. Mr Mr ne 51 of turY' mod~ie." III '«Touhes. cluses aa ofteu to c I large." nld Dr. Boylie. "Tbey need Mr Md . retienq for lm#lXtfaal von tth'ba hjq "àiren. Tii. Salbaiti Sciioc a IL lý,çt gardeu o! lowern. We get re- l 'turnea t alil imes ofr e year, rT" or 1 bisaet soue epecial or mass meeting. j Ilave a spiritual atmo.piiere Sa the b, &4abath asehoci. A eacier las aLPra,'- er»il guide. A tralalag CRUn for teacli- ors e ne o f te tic .081 iPOltnit Mi lhiga la Sabati sahools, and If Prop- aj eri,' aonducted leude ta mnny conver- Tic 5-XraItneede of the8Sbaht or .aellool. as plctured hi Dr. BoYie 18 aiiÇd mvlng. The vomi hy tic teach- flinifvidiani. rekier'than cONleâ- lvbrile bittenr rtoa. Ont. aed di ometlan énve tbM a"Ille fRotF ,uaaed to maie open confession. re- vivais are neceasar,' la order toaak-a- o n the ieats O! the. Cbd*taae an-ili an 111cr. Dot convarted. Dr. Boyle u- l statu Ouibavjng an dent O! hile ovaat he Lake YForest charéb an la tiat va,' l ier n letou -,thi lhe Young I peupleo f lie élisTeiL He ooaRiemathi e aial"vOit Ofe soir ma Ja 10 bve Boule. "Attvar±is vhat." van 1the topIe takea hy Eugb« Cork. Fie »18 liat'luaail ofls e'- Verleace viti nImbe. national or obnt- ty conetitons, lie ver a gro* oer praiiaratlon andn a Mde* art ot devotion tien vas IXbiht0d at lie Lake o (bailconvention. .1 ! ie especiall,' eomrneWàed the el-' mentar,' ad theo uilanU"wcaUThOli Idos. piemetd 2a *l e10010 0GeMU ence ave hllm acs. totah o iow, be sld. th&u anytbui Jiehp4 gie.sie&l la conterance vonk. Such 'men sa L.J ager, Profeanor Saisi0ithie North naboOl, J. 8P.RiUn, ev pI» l foee. Z. C.-Toir w C>ileamo effaedi te %Wv*hk~'. ia L.. C. West t a ak Uleu on. et lie tlmieted teacheRs odit e e@ d«at,'. il W*as resolynd la vlevet tii. à.eat services rsedeftd ti th ssoeleteu ii pranels D. Evoreit during the 10a8M ton yaars, la maie blm~ chairman Of 1 lueeuautie om'*tta.Heo avel, ana.n: =en»tco! tie association for à rosolution van paaedt~de nom e c<demtîg le ~ %Illiiols. Suiidl, ayntii las.d clare a plan sbla tIg fUrtbored tu re, bl ialatnume Preeleat-mrs. Vhos. H. Berke. amo-*«& obntOllDMpcO>4t. t r.. Tiios IL Bufte. Fncy Worir Neelie Work Bootb- airnian, PaaBovin; Nes. atierlne14*Y, t. lIlita rs.,3pla Roud=n,. ti. Miaes Ç tte tad,'ao:~d.lid *i s, Mm à4a a i a Knu ney. )etUt9«f -aIa.. oÏN& ..Boyle A. Grad,Mmra in Wb*lUe.ra . Peter Mclermott. [. Able Tid3r. 191s Mary Grady. iffe4 petf-Ms.m 1ry DIrb» wainlui lu, Ic.. . lWkb, a, n. Lode*y. ILa.iL. ' gierida, Mr@. iH. Huaae3', Mas. Niii kRoardon, and Lm William A, lielody. (Jandy Botb-hblriflhfl.Mra.WiI- tut Bol , i;hanEmlly iioirOU4 Ir. Jo. 1mris .1. A. C.Cod . Nft Phîl Mainha. and4the isslnes loronce Orady?,d 'lorence )KeaîJ Doil Boothi-Mias Mary Ciambers, bairman; lMra. lmesMeDetanottI.an- dted b,' a number of the. youag ladies. 111te chnrch. xce CremuEeti-iilnnn ia.' 'bu. WorrtCI4 , lfq (a0940 SieA, dru. Ktai Walithn,ÎirPeter Nod- ian. and lirs. Wad.' Pilca Bootli-?M. ChOlarles Mane,'Y ~aAmSa ia.Wm.;,Wahde bra. A- MMn liercliant. 'àçrs. ;00 sicemu, brs. Lyle Pria.30«ilas ud. Oden. ivfappe aid Pruit Eooth-cirmnaa Xis. BOyard flêVle*Mmrs.J. Waec ira. ftuaiLo .lie. eene>, ad Mien Mary 11Ogiq. Beceslastlc Booth - Mr.lamei iVelcb, éanrnii Ëlr. hmas DtVî or. and Mrs. m.* i acimon. Éinh Pond Bootii--CbattUali.Mn loba Mc8hane. .Cbq 1ak. Rooi-Cliaiini, dwap DOrkln-; asslnt ,ib hib mnt, brs plâb ltSoui-*di.lobe nu and lima RoerUt Vetd. Dbecoration Ç*4pWtte-Tos. i Buriço akid i4O 1ii>jq. Sueor wlj4 »*, oaeV* AqIvesith 10 lisioore the bav*4 ivo Cam0. parerPriday. Fla ti.ladit Vini bold a card *Te* Illu nWtaiiug* bn bel*ex tepjd 4te attend tbà alu5t. Çctly pria.. vil behaarded the WlineèrB. An Urgeaf IBVKlson. pub« I. W. evi. *ouet 1tine Immaculate conception Chîarcý and. eni uStb.rs of bscis ùûü ttllbave qxtended a Most oorelli lnjkdtton ta the fPretestanht Waatkea t4 at tond the ban«r. Tb f»4mntte b the. big oyant wili be used ta defraY th*e baPasu aithe. imraaulata Con- Cest= néool. Many ArMeti.e t*ia. The b14 bar viil be held In the 4rmory. Arotznd the valle man&Y iootlln have been etod. iiach bootb bias been mont artlntlcally decOrated lty the respective chimrma.n and assist- #ýnt». The.decorations 'ln tii hall z#rpperae&tthe vunk o9 Mr.T. )L igurke and lAuls Dtrinf. ./ ' Chicago Cash iOrnIn Quotatlons. *Wieat-No. 2 reti. $1.06@1.09%; No. 1 red. 97eti1.05; No. 2 bard win- ter biOe; c.No 3 bard vbsel. , Mie; No. i1a.rLiern aptini.84OU9C; Ne. 2 mothiers epring. 90#9o,. O; e 3 nprlng. 87090c. Corn-?pS. Z64%W. 044%àc; No. 2 wbitq. 641àQ64%o; 1eo. 2 yeliow. W44064iUC. O&ton No. 2 Wite, 34%036eI; No. 3 White, 3834c; standard, 204 . Chlcagè Lave Itock. Hoga-tocoltB 8,00. Quetton rasnged at $8.55U8.65 i..',' shipping, WOS.58 1gb! shîlvpplat S.3609MB iwary paekins. And $6.000 7.25 good tu oe"plia. Cattie-RlteWito 20,000. QuatatIil o .e rha raaed at $02Ol0 rm teu $8.1507.50 chalce ta prime lad bhW __ cuva, $6.80U7.50 a.lected foedgMr"..à > eSS8C5.75 fair to e 4 Ostockera,.M &aWocMticC .anszuaw l i % P U1 U 130.88good tu Êhulce vas]ca1ves.H g t Sn tt alD stc hiiep-ftecelpts 48.000. QUotationa 1e & o î1D src raii*éd at $1.00.85 cice ta prime lami.. $5.26.00 sood to choie. yearllngs, 84.5004.85 good te abole. vetién.$3.9004.36 fair 10 good Oeé& W'ÂUK GAN LOCALS rhii ONei. the chie t ongineer qa Suotter, ___the Nort.,W j M nytc w ilii hopan.7 Çn&wàef. pgr ilb,. MO; prats. Ste; ,ioned Nov. 1, lie hau .erved as ap 1111a; liai s. 26cOrt, l; daimi. . Levi W, Yaggy. formerly iiead of the eîîgiaeor for thisi road for forty-eigbt extra, 7e: pacling stock, 22c. Western Publiihiaz coaipany, was bur- yar 'during vilchirlie ho hasn nver LiVi Pouily.ed at LaIke Forent Tuenday. liscdu. drawn a day's nuspenilon i. l run Turkeyn, pr lbi., 16c; chicitens, cational pulicaton" gIned bleu n bit, been Ibetween Chilcago ad Clinicai fovis. 12c, roonler,' 1o; epnînga, feliovsh1ip t e Roal GeographicalIo.1w, on teoDever Limaitd dla 18e: duc 40»8,e. 1 . ee.li. oceo<f London. lite le urvived by .~aîî iîo i o nnOs Caut MugOno I.ve 61 . 1' turee on., -le le sventy rear. oid tii. fMOth. 'F A M B u u "lo , N . Y .. ( ) C L 2 .3.îie n t u o f A u stin ha v e o r K & laed U"n 4 Wan ~5eveca. Live 1toci Vos- fRobert M'.Doweil, a farm barilfro.- mIssiou Merchanta, Kat BpEalO. N. Ir.. Pound Lake died In the Jane NIcAlia - a oaeuirners lopagu e" talftght the 411010 as folows: Ctle-Reçepta ier iapittai uts morInli of o;rhicro- high cost ofIlIving. The iep.zue vIii 10 carsa; arket slow. H.g-Recelpte &ni;e it theîîver. ttlie had a bore lavtN-ftgato the quality of food priO- 20 atre; iht gr4de etrant; otiere since Oct. 10. He was trought here duets for sale and bu,' grocerlen )p slow; beav'. $8.7508.95; Toricers,b, a superviser and iii. le a charily large quantîtios for Ils ciembers. Tbe $8j .75s pige,1$81ca .;5manict nlw case.lievan ond ln hin employer . wriplits <of consumera can hc preoérved, M 'roare;Laaekeit a'd liIthsthpaccording 1teinembera Of the club, 1OUlY jpmn ambe, $1.60; Yearlngs, 50ii bna odLkend8l 05.0;veiee. 4.75iff5.00; coves0,hiad th iere a weeO its 11condition t'y orgsnizatiofl, Iaasaeucb an every de- " .75 4.2 .CaV69,$5.001.W.as s rlo s toua he ir. ;,art e tt o ? produ tin and trade 11, 18754.5.'aVs, 5.000.0.li Otorganized inlais.owa lnlerest. Wors like a niler; regulaten cog Huloi tern R. M. Ton cleanoutthle' Tinte the aumplexloln through thc *gdboireis,. iylilvers; purifés tie stomach and bowels anhck ans wl blood lie oaiy reai Wa,'. lt's a wpii- stomnaci; makis yau f001 yoaflg and tic' works to heat the. band; neyer derworker. Try lt-Holllntni's R. Mi. * ~ ~ Tê llitI ?>l 0 rceo u;,is~ »- V"@,j5glo. [Tan. 355C-Pearce Dru-C qq I.. s r. n. 4 Il. B. r- The hassar Viinit C a»chMevenl with danCe. fSmnoiaimolc lias bMan pmt&a"d t"odambe latinean promisse 10 Éafl mmt ehan thie us- idal ammber. Ail Alicio f. Chao.. celttea Io'4U4 k< tae _ bd41~*0 ~sli<eis witEdf eb7 IUhlik 6 any gront enlant lb. latter port et thé veek '". The. chairlnan la barge,oft ihevan- Sous bootis bava bffl% y But,'~ eoctly »ànid utq il,'en for o~~n ~ aOsspS ,j fr Wednesan,' Min Sblîdrenon a! l4,0 lbY V!il " ithout charge. day afterahlt. ~ le admlUtA AULUAIN I LL sui, t-0 KFRI LL iuatodet Prime Native Steer PJb Rost ....tOC.8e ieBeef pot Eoast... le and 60 im p Roat.......... ..9 ri gtam .... ... . .. . .. .1.2c wmv NUve Ster Lb Bout Bc.&100 à.O Steporter* uhiO~tPi 3er oa .....a..i2W ,oft te St mtTg....................17C Pork Shoulder ........... 6 Ibs. Sipare Ribs, short cut ....... S lK e e nred Lard ... . 2/r Park Bo at............ Porký Chop........l.... i7c0 Ps' Loin ...................1 Pork Tenderloin.-. ............. 25C LAMB F&ý-prig Lamb .....Zo Faneng Lamb ........ . .19e 16mb ..................... li çar., iii'ê ia.Lo~g uutton ................... G ~WT ~~4 3M~ -VEAL ... .. ... . ... ..9e Fore Quarter. . . . ... . . . Bffl. 15-ieç VàûxeeyRoast ....... No.30 su UM44a. pT oua............ I

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