l re ,odca M~EP~TIION *(otlahiud h'om Page On..) myeï r M Zon Ct, atitRev. C, A. Mil ler of raislake, aslating. Yeter of Waukegan bld charge of the aàd"dbârm«.»-"@ toor up the 4 Î4rtant pointa latbe traning of clldren and teachers, givlnf quAWUI- cations and 4»#*ý hlngh Cork iýa* t uiê tgl re- gWd to the mer"oil vro - Mi sHéAld: -tbrents are more respoustble tlili tteiehrn. The Výqe W~ Ieteto Dvelop a physet Po eOelOo9" sud have laid the. touatlon for futur. useful Il!e. KAi cp4eubuy 41 that is wortb rawpig laebectik gé, Mr. T. K. Scott han moved to Wau- The construction crw ef the North Western raltroa$ tg buy driving piles for th newsumbway near Lalteside avenue, Ground was broken ye.terday for a on %tory buildififion the eaîat sid of Stat. street betwe.n the Jatkgûn boilding'sjid the Val! building. It le te be occipod by a UT. Gold, who will cenduct a barber shop. A porilon of North Chtoagos tirati and oniy paving ia being torm Up to alloW for the gewer excavation. Ttiù pavement la laid on Broadway f roin State to a point ji west of E A. Punînakines grocery gorc and was laid qiite a few yeara ago. It va4te ini tenýtiou of the leading men St thai lime ta make Broadway the main j street for business housses. The pia lag cosstedaof woodbloçks, with illlng of cinders. wn dzeumember orthe Orês.CRAP ON TWENTV* OPTw dse& ebera PI Iti. onSECOND STREET).i Tburaday nlgbt andset ieene in dancing. le cream and cake werel A Ilvely tinie enatted at 221 and, served. The. club ia raptA? gaininx $fote treets ai a Ilie heur Baurdayl bmdi4i 4"g wmmWsiîip, and evenlng and rpsulted in th£ arrefit of flac lis.obet t"i.ocial we'f are !like Omotz and lis brother, Mate, of the e tu Onit.. The police were notifled about !# tis .A. conneliof Okahtoma City. tlock that Mfike wae trylng ta dri'.*ý Ohianomna, i. vieitiflE t the.home 1 fais tetamthrough the plate glass wîn ,er vlarents. Mr. and Mrs, Vandennu.J down of John Oeata' fruit store at 2'd 4051.. Dr. (onnel formerly îracticed ani State etIdets and was under tlite in.4lcine bere but aold ont ta Dr. Jul-Influence of liquor. ar when he decided tu ioeate In te W. h ,f,.-. iS.rît Thâe inges of TruçJlendàbfP I Special Values in Underwcar: Ait Wool Union Stjlts, the closed crotçh style $3.O.00,HeavY weight woi" and cotton ixeéd $1.50 and $2,00. You cannot dupi(l- coite them anywhere at the prke. Yq ur Kuppeâhimer Overcoat Is here. Corne in and pick it out white the selection is the best, $15.00 to $25.00J. We are showinq some. fine heavy Overcoaits at $10.00. Slip on Rain Coats, $5.00 to $15.00. Extra heavy Shaker knit Sweater Coats, with the new Rougi' Neck $3.50.1 SpalId 1ng heavy Shaker Knit Sweater Coats $6.00a ad $7.50 Phonie 152-M 119 Genosee St. F. idet <44,Co* "The "?oUne of B. ottei.*"Qè strain theonuir for thoe "M oo& 504 est. the sene he bail departed for honteluallr IhSndcitrSr GWle aamethlng tui evéry cblld te do., ebanqutthefSot de- Deh r Sir-tvoua eem te have etéith l. dea that Wogi jir1ntl s tpi. l te as 'he o gndcu o ot lgtCa hemi rubee ,-lsta riffith Iis a meniber of Zion Nly attention was calied this morn-! he liq a member of Mion, Wbtcbils net est sabbath iae la " qtettt rges lba oti lh htte antobeeSued an sys tînt lie was ex peiled tram the'ing btiste oominent headllnen of yourj Imue. Your very truly--John A. lewis. ose in allowed tb ,niar tie iql after &dihafo as belfi Thurodav evening in Retunng from Waukegan aI thti Ifli io urcb. Mr. 1ewlis la the general~ paper ofthie 21st. referring la Oit-> opening ~tIlis AudLorium. North Chicaga. and haur the twao mltz brothemu attacke E s,î8~I;N TA eser 0f 11 a e ineaining faii.tlj t omrlae aZou Td -~Lie bs1 llbtst.os hbundred and fifty perbonF. Peter Nieyeris and a party of friend, iha omrlae uZo.1d- t1an e reelvf Thruglie mainlains taIt tnder th cl of 1Saor lehil i hsig fnerthohea tlirough chlîdmenla a belp ta tie as 5'eice onBthe.proprietor of 1Is4 MOawe ZM4ON! Dr Dowie thé estale uould have'1 Raperi1D. Griffith aias Devereaux, do ricl; b m a lo.ad liat IL tueces them mseftjlsneau.If tI~Y The. Lirar Board met last niglit ts ri tr o aligOtl. ____gone tetaire. At Ithe lresent lime he:%ho wasu for a whlle a member af thel la Lebave**. ii~p10do fght. 11AVe a gffl thns lt oIeAO é dru IL Vifi Mis11. B. . Thompeon on Park lice. 1la fighting inthîe courts to gai n pom- CI ilan Caîhalic Apcetolir Churcli Tbfflte 0ýOeWaq Dbl« th"8r-, Meerssent ln a call ta thie station l sessitonvrinvey ooofad- the oiÇn Lu ityl.Jyfl weth them. BSe. liaIthelbfblrga bave jysau0 0 makes arrangements for a* E SO>ltZo.bu oe nvr dsand be4lenc1. - .tU 1 oyu clets.pise i whob tbu teé..ik mI bul jshow tu b. given saine tîmo andOfficer Hyde esponded on thelTHIS 18 THE M<>T CUEL BLOW -inih .80welku ing and in Oct ber. 1904, lie ras ex- b-#i0W'Ï u S ftu u o et in. aas ble second te the parent. Il 0* #*,gr future. The exact date madilcdti r rter ntTA A ENOAL HE re and because of the many limnes îelied for dishaîte8ty and wite de- b n t'.istt Giv. Ihem a knowl.dge of thoelsi as fbut eutbut wlll b. announeed lat- dlrgathe m alle alelytuis cl. urbOUDandEAERhis actions have made il îîecetuary t10 sertlon and has never heen reinstated. lov. It. 'Iii.ié lt t ébaracter pbysliy. W, The board Ia compoe.d of t.he a teroi- hdelithe lb u _____lav e hlm appear in lrint, Mr. Lew sinre chicli lime he lias anly been a a a y. ,Vr Wh" yu jInel. Lta "Coud tpachers are bore, flt train- lowing 3141e: lra. c. Wacter, Mm. WIL forced la draw hi, gun before Itie Ru!,ru 1).Grfimtàs ias ocra dealt letter Ia printed, as followa Imischief maker. IycIon. And e*Wt 7=Ulove, th&& e. and mon ie h.conecsud 1tu tr W. cbuusa irs. L. hD Jouer, Mi two men rere subdued. the mont cruel biow of ailleisZion City. Ill., Oct. 22, 1912. .. rom the space you bave given tbisz yov u r ke.-IeUmu va»keý W«k liethe ar falut« Noclas K.0. homsonand rs.J. . Hle. They gave bond tla appear thia ev- been repudiated by ZMon lt'Jon dtor Waulîegan Sun, Waukegan, 11 a nIIIosisu@o ou air 8111001d be wtthOut sotnP Obet la clama 51k. molts and is brother, Mate, elgfrtil womk. Th e eal IUft e luci .le is O e abgven a fine of $55and cause C.T OTISED0 A. .. ~ ,e" very liportant. blt shaogd b. se«- befora Judge Nehaus lat evening, the ___FOT __TA O A. Zý â oadary. The tblrd princîple la pray. former for dsorderty canduct and the Tony Yackets met wth a peculinsai- de. ive. sol b ra ldiittr for eaiting or rather Interfer- mnd St the sanieUlime vemy pain! ul i ________________ "Ail classes sol clrfi8 ng wth an cfiert.In the caae of ietIi onnga i ooo wtb t leut tre. coqmItt«Q ee . ou- Jé the fine ras remiltldanld olily Slxtent histmret. He bas tromelg 1t bersblp h.lng the main pritcipe" the conte collecled. The two brotb - g lýahrge t. wieas ersuntegII Prof. Deo gave a very tnterestissg ers were arrested a a late boum Bat-- bill anae aat w eaponhe wp rat S ta1k ta teaglier traning. The main rday evening for disorderly conduct tnedai axespate a p ai Thlrt H ESM E_.W S pint hein; cansecratla. wite unjer the influence of liquor ff. ottéaebtatadobi At 7 oclack the delltesiwere en. When »er the Ira brothers ara tîn the a bisfot rcived ol i fuî os~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~tn tiBjst Vloi bbtdîubaeofteeaeltefods.the rbfoundaitema retosfuA I terlained liy tise choir gaod eough citizen. and it la thaughl <mma h lr n nui u e At 8,p. m. an sddrs.s by Hugh Crk thaltlihey wil refrain froin and furtber sulted. A phii. asmm edt shIOOA55CCI4IOU. Thee n urc.lis way rejoîcîng. S A E 8éàbIh u" "a Butail d& e0«gU Deituan. hwu Wl e S AeF. nonIadeus JOLD in "s. .0mbfor te bumai vWhie pîa$ang vithmatches a PINDS HOME FLOODEO pu.blicpq. A mais la a better father fu~y gI spoig u very- forq~pçitig ilitias noe" mdoly. Usnto tethedepbnhernee Mrs. J. A. Wood returnod from W belWOêt Ôbien l lit h. tmin.lpg of bis isceirmi heh an auffsed a ire"at diltrip tea Waukegan one day tiis reek a chblidtin." sald he. ai pain and any marked ImprovemenUto10 ind tie faniture and furnishinge Marlo Laroie. gesral ecn a si len diffirult ap te the Pre8ent 0of hem home ament rulned by rate.Ù oTl t lsIte, hltsJutoeiaelio, tie. IL ta nomthoUglit fiat a speedy 1 The rater bail been %hut off ai tbe ty ceévention becanse the couty 10 cvryl craij mireet an accouint of the sewem mort e the Wihie. We4bave'ne riaitte ltrediffleOt l n certallSmlu ain f~ iIn the building iSi been loft turne! uneo re cao maie *eh other btter. city vili qulcksand vlsich casmes tht obsnbycent. Derwaurndr. ooad vl5'y*>f the -use af ail se hools.' The worst place voleticouittered 15, of courie te fauceleu being Open lie A i ,IIte. i Ne exhibited five rings al labeled on Sheridan Rond uear Siateireo sui t alj dlueofwae pur witb Us. letter 'C". The tirst ring street. and aI anaîber point on Broad. lite r m.nd toi efunre badiyd reprqgnted conception. way rhiclainisalmosl as lad. Tie fre fotmhmmmmmnmtefuntuebal g.i-4Sat a oly eoollaa sleeping' qîlentitns (Ionet hellu maitlers n drn lite thetîutug er. astoernes t w. o w glant aBnliaesth c o oniamt e lu, u b waster inea Wqrk IL rigit for c -4,« 3>00% TàI u810 #ANOVET. sdfliil ~ hlr uLdw sdh sSuifs gciielarse.makin;g l aor 1,etdS p 31puele4a ery dellghsful and td - 'lih. occutpats of the ioi'er fiat We haveaoredagàroaat gainesi enîrare 10 the floaded rooutes~' 'iiiV i yeatachSunday vo aJ4 1d,'ôWýoy a 0tfutair andl the0club ssseaierîO utoftertrailreen t, t m h in û dz ad- Sud ~ ~ rli ali aleoû -4fit 10 elted oser ltse genemat sRat thse atof sueepinout UItihesvter ~ hl, jk fo Ante*ia. W. have ~O ovsk alIosWleh reauul t rain thte s ew -1alwheà Mmi.. Wtod arruved tua theQat $Z_________________ anmqqljy. Wtb 3.f6e0O-* *b 1 hllgtinh#.sîguptsu tl Cenu' at $uj1OS88S t-M mÎÜ, I11rtalfok sec.,,_ The astuit coati adue, a' boy or Tie vompn wloliîait charge of tIc, __ id.sem t esl.Im a gh't'is a mulilication table." banquet liait tinsfornied the hall intu1 CONVENTION DRAWS CROWO. that style and intrinsic value styles________tetek$_thefond 11M second ring represents cÀ>-opSra- a torer of iaveliness, atitupa oluagu hi fiW1sei- iao tien. , apsi leavea s Uais w Il a llowe'en fav-iThe iForty second nntual Suttday found in thi fal.8 that relo!% "Wr alloeie.A S o~n 'Iowbln sa cet. ie cho ontentIOn o! lAie untity ' a i *e alel wbipeords are catch glae fini wtla lbook. T'e msdesi'od efeet. 'flse tago Wr"svers 4l mt yesteaiay andi îmiay Wtail at$25 and qe would be nUsh g sein can catch thousaOdL' O!tlalLcàly arraaped with theSe col-NsrliIhiaaoe ii.7l . - - the luidlhgfàriMIs a t theso TheO thîrd ring rePrÇgents conîuust. ors and on oaci ofthue four tables, ai 4:30 and tep deegates deitartesi for pleased to hav yu compare rcs "'?bo best ime isatsar. Ripe ansd rere burning cantdies un<ir preity heur hottueu ln vartout. paris of thse pries rq. Deati là aur lest job. Il sansesonthe effect as s choie wvi .0~lunty. thent with $e vlues fond _At_$15.00_W@_bave___________ shoaJ lie put off as long as tPossile semy entranelng. T______________W&»___________une___ Ati $15,00 ws h d a oehng Thls Je the day of promise. Tic me& The banquet wa sos ntlfieyin114'0f the atout successI l it years atnd elsewhere. sur4 0 f age ilaIts bc useful. Tice busl- and eseryhody liîd sturds of prase form scuueof te ttatestpaera connected _______________Suite.___ neâ lte Is te lie young as long as lie ladies. wtallored Suit..ok i te sat postilie. ittlie armiez Ilve but con- quostA scWibWmUhWinban db LYE IT ATN wemre uattt andi dilvered açqreuff. c....,- A se en PL, E IHM-og;Thea langent audience raue~ harýIsiU. U<1i0sU vICUOB with Our' Yesterday aflernoos fihe younibu« , glo n ighe > beh mcouyid is t aI task Irmrconquest." of Hairy Denman wr des - ,'là ? tend tWSUI<iertn iae.Thcssl a ic Thfourtli ring eprents con- and Victoria mirent canin ay ient thte n aiayll cerame.dhe mgig b lilgttlltuieajeynaai Ciollorhsr ni ignmi Brassieres of extra fine Women's heavy fiannel Women's long flannej- Corseta in a numl ..et penp4 cil Pnfblg aalybrnd wle Playing lie chorus ras iighiy apWwicated e "~upn»l ea.se ~ ~slf vUmatches. t', a iylg' w tt usMigporm ne n aterial, 19c' und.rskirts, '.ette kimonia 09% good.sy-le«, T.Îm -qdvu 1. 'à; #o h .br Ai dtn ll mtise violtorsarva iy eW'e ,orth 75c at. . étl u rworth $ WO.. .. .. delope~ pn t. prÏeohr. but Lake they ha innosa maniter gallon bolsi rogssered and ai guies their sttippiug ~1. yosr orn h*ad 4îs weark," , *. qwùt, Qtm*tches rj>s rh ~ar n ifgOegalmaatwomefl's v ?El erçmî. ,and e t i 1 pprira tribusoto y5*1 f let1ic. desi ore aEked ta register. ette,, gown ,Worth $150 W me's Frlh .kd W mn nd hire' a ba o. ne b : tta vot ,'FT",n O àùu hàpbed t teloki: cnt el ti econviVon Iot i ,Ohtd by lié . tiimmed Igo ,al colors, ; sokings, Worth 'a~ pecial the 5ditar rIliavold blue iManday." mndar Juslas lb, cida c'llîcuu lu on agu one ani c..tl..td...Ibi..> 89sC ~~----~ at ...... Tt.0 first ring repmaetts conseema- came ignitesi. Young Densotît. ttoi utit tlan. .Ing frightened, saated la rutué i l ...n-ý -t)g neua simpty tak do but mal ras nith consîderable diffic'lty lit POPULAR MARCHES BARRED. wori~ for tle master. lLove for Codl tIr. Hansen mas al t 10 ertakc hiri sud love for souls. Leicou, clu any and Bmther the dames. St. Paul. humn., Oct. 2-"0 Proule sou], but Cod cannt une unlean vos- He ise carriesi ta Dr. .otey's office Is Me- aud otiter sotugu poîtular aIutmw SW EATERS sels. Dmas ýu'r scIla by muelît , a short distance amay. mIera lais lu- 1rtshratrwl ebre liy , l endlnens, ansi wien yen gek mas humnesi off la places and has Iitnutiarta Whereatter viii lieWQm baarredy eay th4t~, U « s tftse »p t C ta rs. bsen f or the, LMely i grvelon t ait Uomn (atiolic yeddltngw o e i olait rJ~i Qv ev Fa~'mi!ua 55.ChrIý ill nIl ts. tuis ee at#dedt6 . côllgle "t*DnneapOils dtocée, l-bcs- x iack, and blug, refancy gweaters, ailcol- Gq4 mst la tI u ii tuae's ?4r. Ham rs>e wooid have heg nue ldth a leter issuA by Archîbsi"rt r, ot- W.edoMnot s'*mi. ip sbmms W@ax ~eliIl ,ttn. ',~lp re]nd andi heir ors, numn- t $ 149 aur iiMs aou od flrs. Fred 4IRe sand siugite; . 84s.4e .04gprescriiuee' L mu ctants at... ...* m"à;,ejiSsutios uttIihcarep 'OloradO. M. Difst hlein l i i f4lUng *se 'MAueîîlisobn mud î r' .aa£ýU~~ii ti*'4~' ~ Ys V b4 # Çsl." ~go yesterday aft.enaon. tWagnermv eddlng tuStee.r