UDEITVII!LYCUI oeMSE A FEAST 0F 0000 THINOS THAT WILL NOT ONLY ENTIEATAIN BUT INSTAUCT AND INSPIRE Imw i roft goci itugo in eeutma tim*ie uo le t4 Indéirn i b.le z umê4 m bal f0 Chcago, UMoab tht vii noamouiiy Utiftuii, bU pIpuiqtb Iutbuffce.Iaoevist stlNhaU l @ <,, lIstinct and Inspire, hàbas aharisagtel 'ofTvo*w f dsc wok. ate. oir rcoÎuanutitis essoon. Tbe C f c oc s uss ea tAsr Lycoses ~course la becombtg Umfo i g.aums. seso. . iti .«~. depoiy0ofuMinIL W., nlled on dodetov and t îy. l v bem. &Md".. nom .commul>i«ee wblbhave bati Sa& 0*. 0f AittIoeb.wsetbo5luea OS..t*Vcourse.for # Wedoêid:yeePt a et vaiitolia, vas a.bantustn lm@Uolle"sse fnltovas of elmilar sine bon»IýIu f lntstak lt, d.8lMal.IeaaaeIicu ica bbave nt Iir«md »Mr. o. A . o. svisaitd m" Batntsugr. Wh.obcin teacblg aff mndamr. Miyu u e 1iýsdwttbhMr. and Mr@. L.e genou th r t a Naffllle, 111. viited over tiamai probionés, uow considered para- tVoe.sondaj s amontos e..faitt. veretiret prosented lai a fori- Mr. sud Mrts. Harvey Reit a th Misses 61m " gas" a emal party bis manner to the Amerean people -part e of a fâne girl baby, born las$iBaturdey eves*Lala bonor of t ram tie Lyvceum und C('buotu uqua L 15199h1platforms a.iticlh ueo hau been due to LS eyS & m n w tbirtbday of lire. Sait V. Me».ellete usulnui flic ettertainer*m art Buya n. utohoc fr 2 ~ Tii. rein ine o JLRbei.strom dwere front these î'itttau; meand to attolisitior Ouia nts utobod, or 5 ctteatMouday exhumai Mndt eioveit to decrease the rtendance tapota nwiore eiigge& Wilson'*..Ail culotte tu ladies' Boseili cemel for iotermen t. and questluuuî ic e sows. mi F l 1~If~'A Y!L amich' lie. . A Ts'towsai moter Mm The course of entertaînumeuts whieh WU ~ U U i~~iW lre.LOUS Catelo sd litre.au J . OA. pon * i d &>th M are te appetau bere titils»ensut ls fboukei laetpn b. lattear part of lasi visiting relativs et IouiCty, Iowa. tbogtb tlpiLcenIura, PHON- 2-3 omé,withreltiff lire.the oldeztsnd iai lrgeat liceuum Inthe w.e wib rlaive beu.Mr.sud irp. C. Y. Wvlght vie.,ed frona vorld. The <ourse viii consiit ofthté Mr.s»d lMme.Bd McCoreick moved 8 turdai'until ema« y ith their son followlng attractions: JaM ..-week tu SI Charlewber, lMr. Rcoetila i le tidinq college at M~alkbsa ocelonla tuetas. « eoit, . S IIOLMO! * Mie Muguette Upoor le gogedl ' rLyI. Aamre w m tailust at urday' ~ lasCrolsiMrat rc î»MWeek at Mulvaue. Wl... aiter fromg pid li .w$"ee hobad beent ai tr vter et ithe @boldos, Bboal iriei he viiireisi.ta erhome u hI thtedush i isbrotber Iri, w boni b.Monday. lai t eoewbei b~te. Mh.'...sti. M. M Slgos__ Ire.MeN.Oora b o bs beco liait. Entertainoiet courit tckt@ ar.gig 'Mbw*.* m sute, Mms.Ruth Woolf, log wftàhWbr is, i Butterfieli p" a s ns a. ffl* e 46 Sntr.k u smla.p f- sas.t4mn. piay and Satur. Mlots ePries md Bisuhe Oebarme. "Y t WLàon;s Ul. se thein for a tieftet. h. os WtryOve :zas ra: e C. 0 Meles cat v. roisit~ Mr. Durits wua sChicago vista, on aâ c, .i A or le"si &wi«u in " A. C. Boomsud* pourtour laU.. spo a ut o utt ii. i, Mibe rtebrf.u.h W il cho etaài iW 'rabattu Umareforwillira ometnoue au-eêre. some ilrato ranimve ibsfeeliffl ta wtm.a atatspe i qilentDW OU «« opta o nuiderTIAT if the 5 T.Whbuhopurelasesi iC àioeds edassday evul«b Ocube 3:ootball uines ro beiulay trW 406W- sAnyaee vlobie of tirebsmomhgatràomgtp. ,tul.,kba. FAMILY wem 'wrmlycloqtIie Iiy coudm §W t he st eu.ve ordres@4 at rondrs. p5-cibra» isltig&. uksu is hr codbet«? W. amepes psppyii E o- IL Waye tllby tbkwevSk strt.d Mie. ison .«àber utothler, Mars. Asusme, B. 8. tdeute tram site.eontiy c i L . r. . .. .Z . w i ii ~e x einv a t o n fo r a fi n e v e w b n g lo w t o e iri m e ' a v e o e s d a b l d re n 'e sh o p i a h a v e , a aab a a r ra g e m e n st )e t t y Ia tion ofthev asi, isj es Sc .buersected ibis f.s on the usw Caby & I as sor@ formualy oacupled bymisetountfor ttei, vietur. if YOU are fwcr MISSOURI comn in and let US Austin subdiîrelon of the aid Wbe.ler raser. Opési ?au.Thursday andmi o Caler bast taben tal the vocation taro gatrda avatage 01architecture for a short trne. SHOW yu omn ado hebSLvry R.N.Satual, acerl ied.anaerfo poru card tinte ylsoon te bore a- Nom ai ttePio ley R .Mu.gmlletmngrfrgin. îepurtmeuî villappearchia timre. FVERYTIIINt4 FOR MEN baesaleid a bus lvery ieîulceea, muet- tho Western rm"Compn.v of Chicago,.R las &IL C. M. & St. P. train« toansd frinou llu Litit I tj, Tuesdav aollciling ]ILE. Church Services Chicago sudt&* many C. & M. Elfttr'.c Prospstsfor alaa"deeers ex, urein ou 2:00 D. Bilàescbool. Sub.'Wamder. I j B eassc»beduie vili permuit.- Phone 58 the Lower Rio GracidlValley or Texastotu luai ibDcapolis." * ~ If* ~ R <~Oand leurs yoD order. 10<t-auany point h"ve Ci."g ,,, oemfo-,, nu11 :45 p.aus. Epavortb Lague. Suit m ortoye - C o ,an village. c-5-.4 reports very gratgtoag re@u11,. Peijis or Drunkenoest." J 7;30 p. mi. Proachiug. (tub. "Foulles ai P H O N E 14== A Large Ilepublicau rally vas beld at Pbillp Litherer tbe firat , f thc week the Wls," second Teit. the towo bail lest Frtdsy evecung, th purcbaéed i Colby & Auîsu:uintth, bouse T. h YtV1.i, * - Iiluols. seatîog caparlty of the ball bcbg;sit su acres ut groanil ituated on their Tbere wil tesdance at the townhall crodedta he talast saanystadla sbdivision of the Wheeler fartai eet of every Saturitay night. Munie byHapke's cr detothes *nd i a stn ding JMlwaukee:avenue. r.lutbererwill orchestra. _________________________________________juii 1i " r.Piano Turing Ciago), a former Lake couuty boy, Pattersion andit le und,r,,to d intende Leave oriter ut Raya FurnitureStore. Who at uns time taugbt echuool t ~ru h ipiy Work douc by Mi. Alden. 5t itockefellci. vas tbe principal speaker Libertyville Eutertalnulent Courte.: eaaey~r aefrru M dai ielivereit su addresugoudod I;id 700 851 hwauldnfot go 'Wcl, yoD t e aet l. at ao e , R.pubiiciaism twblcb called forth round totter look se ibe plat. There are soir. Llbcrtyvrlle, 11i. alter round of bearty applauee. Circuit goodomset.leit. Attend to, ettiralyours_____ Clerk L. 0. Brockvmy aud States nova. The sa" bas lren exeptionally Attorney Ralpb J. Dady gave shbort tincal. lteeertainlyrz,,ricta bagood tafias valie Attoiney Daid J. Jackson. c,u%e. Examine onI,. ai the lyceum Uf Leke Foest, dWsusd t lengtb thelHueriedmse f oi yourecil. Take questionof tariSf reilgiou. Coougressmau adwitàff ftagite few gond secte lcft. George Eimait a os. surpriseit bis Cali au Docker & Bond'm tarserve ilium. S I>E C ] v ifriende by bis pruensce et tiheameetig Cildre'aritbbed echool stockingo twa 55and na. the coneludlng speaker gave ue. of is hartieriticllyIneretin takepaire for 25 cents ait Grigga & Wileman's vbich made a very itting ending for au Mr. m»d Mrs. John H-. Lyoai cecbrmted sathuaimstic Bepublican raily. thrroli <0165.edding anniveisary et ___ __________________________thei boume ber@ lent sunday, Ost. 20. A1À maetPlussenst tume wattmienet by tho t fl imwsnce. «U t wers, wella f fslyof invin cuildreuu wtb tbe eotep. WU bc e lIdi nuie nlIL t, er. mi g vrisdm» tioli 0* io don@, ipaac A. Lyon o qeiély" Wmkags, and John A. Lyon ai - ~~~Chieso. timides other guetits. Tirte. JR I G O graaij obldierer e ,anong the &<neets.N SO At"s opportune timtutey ail bgpopeM nSut taen aflba~esdnsae . eee em" mye for tbtli rspective boumes, teuderlng ides ~ussveee iuaj.su seetus avegatealis vieti> AN ' R N haipy olhcouple wistee for anamy happy ai *0 tout.r. soltiday. Pbotogropb@rC.A. "Slsl Sm " ~ in y » w.yW& f anid* Be'lkettnva umnonet andi s phioto. VU0l' asi lbtheBUSINMESS giefhh cf iiiDitrctN"".xq 090faoully group Wgv atomn, ismt q.eeeeea. <>id Caiey iM lamwa Compan i wl las a iansore of mmy bappy Y.. sa sa~ sssiely md cllîhiyevey maW c.bIn0e 0*sancetiou n esis0 cme.The New G(bbc Mot Biast y" eaius «"mi»pussei*bss ad hib$ave i h.artaicleeiois illiOfu de,~Ily t.g ~h.The construction la snasttel oue force ithe cl air tu, enter thé, Hot For -ire and nsuBiet sit ter, Iicoursi e 5thon ï, or Pie n L -t I s rance dlrecteud back sud aroanitihiough the air ebainberesai;u abotre the "t-f ltF ro . :ý' T A LO Rbase of the etoire, t1sm up uhuou<b LIN1 B fiT'Y V 1 . L ET0I N4ew flampshitt tirt IWWmnce Company, Michigan M" leJMÏhÎOnce Company It, Don't tYou Waut Zn ry~t Jack Sprat would eat no meat, -mis wiIe would êca h t n more, ý'fhy came from C«Wet &fredericks Store The air in iraversing tbrougb ibheot flues lae pvAdtsd &Bd whou jetisi iloto the lacces la prccatvhtatcmU c As e fi feedei. Tbe satire cool sflcdanyle turmeit loto bout, ibisbetin la tro le radiatsd loto tii roon. lu boin ml ~kind a ofl gum aue poduued wblch ais omibutlble pokntg a ificIien quaetlty of .zleemsl bot air le mlxed vlth these ass etmtbs proePint0.. =z _ "Teach ecowoy. That in omduftb. &M -&çà higheît vfrtues. it bofins with @avivgfa !Y!' -k L 9 à". Can you afford to disregard the ezanple of ont of TISE GREATEST MEN tlua country can ever produce5 If you are wise, you wiII think this over aind conclude that Abrahoam Lincoln knew what h. waa talking about. Corne in and Deposit Wielh Us Lake County National Banik LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital Surplus and Undivid.d Profite, $9%0OOO.00 le v1lib. weklcom .0 ,te maay thet wW10, Meaiandm auy other couu.oldsvi hlgev uswinter. "cm a00lIb" a ehspl«ase. lhey cm fffie us we haft provesin winters paietia&M u UmmNCETVALUS are "h. but off«"é in Lake County. Delinout côtton Blauketse-55x72. ln pretty ps soan U~ nieuiy fiabeit, par.......................................7 i)over Biaukets-We've aivayse old these and tbey're botter ain' than @ver thim ycar. Bize 60:76, pair .....................qW M Kniox Blukete-7Oz80, au extra largb, soft iie effloton *~ IdaDhet; our price un these is......... . ........... New Outing Flannels, Flaanl4stes, etc. W. W. CARROLI & SONS Co, NORTH4 STORE PH4ONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE Si IAL EXHIBIT rHE NEW HOT BLAI at Libertyville, November 2, 1912 M FT COAL WITIIOUT SMOKE FRE! A bko. 510 New Globe Bot Blésé wIl ho1 g ivan hmre thelb. oler ai tii. dt Ilrswn on iho dne of eibIbli. - Se. The Stove Dispiajeitlu Our Wlmov ticketsAmFe Aok for tb.. Tam ui la NMtG. The New Globe leilet ea ncniiated t mot ~5 oir volume a1 ibqi* gis bppli ai coeffléolo ïî», o bewbot rea soe è * ou *.etoveabt Win- bsrseadi: la the ose cas-' miut iumkv d* oomun Mi 4em eSinohi p.enig oni ai *ovee me mmeus saoke? UB~TY~ IUJNO0 - '. 'n me Be E me 30 .1