pS*ecial Sale Ëvént inii ? iln ep&tmntshave Contributed Generously a. VICIERS kapublican Candidate for Representative D the Votera of thie Elghth Senatortai nitrict: nuIlngthe ehort tinte I have had e* pleainre of servig you as one ra7m representatiesaietSpringfietd bas been my alM te Serie you f aith- eW1, honeutty and honorabiy. I eut- NÉ thie prmarielulat Aprlt wth thei isige to abide by that prlmary whetb- r 1 wu. noinated or defeated. 1Ie alved the. nomination and nov trust kat'titi votera wbo partlcipated ln Utl primary iii not overlookthet .fact Mtl they are honor bound tu hep elect >0 ticket thcy helped to nomiinatc. 1 ,celved the. endoreemetit of the Leg- jative Votera' Ljeague. a non-partisan Womdlution whlch 1 hope and tieleve »=u more weight with the. votera ùM dees the opinions or a few seif- " Mouodledr who are endeavor- us t. a.t meforno other purpose MMS to furtiier their own perional âUeviiS tht the experlence 1 have ýSuiB4durlng the finst term ha. fit- Ï* 10 oserve yon mueh better the *bl*[ se»saon, 1 humtly aek your kf&POf et the. poie Friday. Nov. 5. Reapectfllyyoure, JAMES H. VICItERS. Wky It lily 259-4t *OjUODICATýON NOTICE Publie Notice ls,*hercby given that %» 13ubscriber Ex utrix of the. Laat 'IVudTestament cf F'rcd Kropp, so4sed Wilitattend thec cuntY 1 w _044a o Laite.Couiity, t a terne there- 4 abe bolMen ait he Court Houae ln 11aukegan, lu sald County. on the fint .ýoud8y o! January next. 1913, wheu 1 M wbere Il pereous havlng deamis Watùt sid 9Estate are notiied sand :s,éqpeted to preseutthc sente lo sald Ooilt for adjudication. BERTHA KRUGER, tei"tiiiof the Lat Wll and Tests- 1n !Fred Kropp, deceased. ~neaOctober 28 1912. C. T. Heydecker and Son, Attorneys , ieOC Illinos, Couty of Late,s:. Cheoit Court of Laite CouutY, De- ScOnboe Term A. D ' 1912. Y ,.IL Hansen, vs. â1zebeth T. "UukflowU heirs or Devimse »*#bi* T. Cottrett, Doessaed," kwnomners of Lot 9 in IA Highlnd ?ark, Luit.County, h uChaacry. No. 60P7. .qiite affidavit baillis been lte office cf the. Cler of said " 'b tloeull therefore hereby gien te ladaboie named and unknown t"tt the aboie nsmieý poni t eretofore fiteit bis Bll of plin l sid'Court, on the Chan- deie thereof. aud that a suninfs , Z U iSued out or said -Court -,,,;tthe aboie named defendalits, ~lrie on the firt day of the terni , « th Circuit Court of Laite County, le4beld et the Court Roeuge ln Weu- la op sai lAite County, on the. U'W1 oday cf Deceenher A. D. 1912, t1 le by law requireci. and which suit 4la eUll pending. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clent. Waukegai, Illnois, <ctober 29th, A. li., 1912. LAeLCIARKE. Compleiuaete Solcitor,. ï-wiIy t A Sffe-al tMÎ1uàey âf et ..For the purpotie of creating additiona1 b48inessfor 84t- /l Urday, Nve have made uLp a special çrollectioli oL trimined '~ jjhats whieh )we ohialf offer at '/a ridiculously l0W figure. '/ V.lvet and feit shapes trùxi- LmLd 'Aith ftuîîev feathu -s, aites, i<'hoice(. WOOI Ngp Ela4ets $1.98 M lWOÏI BLuai&-Fiiil --4 I)v 76 iucl heavy size woo)l blankets, fine. lîazkts ith>lonig soft tsoft quality, plaids anti wool rial), wihite, gray aud silid eulors, prîced sptw- tait. exeeptional .9 ial for- toîîîorrow à3 valuies at , pair. at air...........r CRIS COMFORTERS - lFied COMF9RTERS AI $.II-ftli1 wlth cotton beltini and covered mlce conforters. 511.4 wiith a bigh- wth figured ilîkolîle, juil. the grade of cotwon anS cavei'ed wtb, gifor a crub op.go-car;t , C fan,Ilkoline, plain dia- .1.98 speclal......... . 2 mondcenpr ..... MISSION PQRTABLE LAMP- .ELLY MAOLOS-Made et drawn Ga elci ric with large Xre@ steel, round or ovai Snet ofOS. n re beautifui airi2p ~threfor ri 8I) lal prlce, .-ý2 9 suT CSE--Slidletlir sit NIVES AND FORKIkS-RbS0'5* iSU iraSdeSild la ier a ntsud Brai eacy lîver pared pary, Selr d5l,00,ra ndnea, desticus, *et of six 6 -hlr; tonold.recle irte5, eacij for 2,.. 67 't3o69 WALL PAPER -Tae your aick COKSHELF t tlalsie of.any of our 7c-mail pepes f4, cl-el' "ele If. flnlhcd lii dxli oak 4ic a roi]; dark and light pal or Friigls lehcilai]6 ee, suitable for ail 'c .. 6 ()c ontsi, e roll.... TI~ ~priii c.~àer ~meses t. Cbili'êf'B hôeaThe sys .~3S -Boys' Walton shoe is withoîît buiton $.),tauflhlV i.a nsmadle ofaUrabic al auî equll'e 1 tv of box caf leather, to servie. These are gg n a r a nt e e d colid higli eut styles, lbox calf tliro4gho4t, canisot be leather, size~ 5 to 85/ eqt4a1ed f4ýr the mouey, at $1.25; sizes 9 to 111/ sizçs 9 tO1/½ at $175; a .W sizes 12 to 21/>.sixes 1 to2 at f2.00;1 at $175; sizes 3.25, szes to 2 '7 Woinen's Tan Shos-Tis eiaia Ainerican Gentlemàn 8h00- A iîold,b Lady iuake-will tudd graee tg tlhe situe f or dressy mn, mxade fruit the foot aud give uîîequailed servie; fiîiest gr-ade tif velour <alf leathel', inade frorn the hest'grade of tan calf flexblesole, air...nvisible 4%n leather, heavy flexible flex ilesole , irt ........ l l sole, paîî ..........I... ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Blt&t aofIllinoi, County of Laite, s: lu pw. Circuit Court o! Lakte County, Otober Terni. A. D. 1912. Amande E. Clark, Administratril Of te eitate or James 1, Clark, deceaeed, va. William H. Clark, Ruth Hawkins, Xdniond J. Clark, Mary Gordon, Eff i. Cam~pbell, Elizabeth Bradbury, Irelle J.tell. Lydia Clark, Ed Hlawkins, Na- than Gordon, Case>r C. Campelel, Har- ry Bradlbury, Clerenice Jerreli. Amende M Clark, aîed tIhe uuinowuihelre et law o! .1auers I.Clark, deceaed. Public totii v hert'bu given thet lu punenance o! the order and deecee of thi. irrîiî ( ourt of the Cnunty of 2gke. in te Stat, of llinoie, eîtered en flic Tweety ithiti île, of October.I A. n.1ID12 in the al,îsvee cntled cause, L lb. eundersigned. Ainanda E. 'irk.j .Admnistratrix of!th.eîste of Jame Le Clark. dereabeei.'ltl on 1ueday t1pThird day o! Ik-cuîber, A te 1912 t ~he itour of on. o*clo'1 i ti' alter- or sid day, ai the Fast itoor of >$Coutt Rouge iunte 1li1iof \',aîîkc la the tOnntY of LakU and Siati' plain, offer for sale ait puie 'gieto the blîheat end best biddcr *wub &(Ub Il of the followi deûribed pMj e*t&te, ituatedin luthe (Qouit1, ut laXe and Stte Of Illinos, tO-eu Lot Twenty four (24) lu Blocke six- ty ome 61), lu section T-euls one (21), andI Lot geli<(7) lu Blocit Sev- enty fic 4-,à) lu Section TwentYty io (2Z), lu Zion City, Laite Coint>. Ilii Dated thi, 10h day of october, A. D.1912. AMANDA E. CLARK, Adaileltratrilxo thceiltete to! Jem.e ~.Vsk.Deeeaid. lIy 4t ARousis»84 Fetvalf or Satudrday Made of god quaîity News from, our Children's DePt. fla nel tte in the E m - pireý style, attractive PeirhIap* you have heard us sjay befQre that our new e-hil4rcn's de- patterns and cojar- .paxtmnett wus by far thelargest departînent pi jts kind ini Wauke- sugs, self trnmmed, gail. It's no boast, but an aetual fact and you will realize it when $1.00 values 9 yoii corne to buy a new garment for your child. Our' showing is of at........ tevietpsible variety and our prices are decidedIv reasonable !lanrn.'iite &owai Ohldrenls Coati $3.9-Stumaingly mnade of w o m*tina g o n he4vy.wool cheviutus inbrownnavy aud rd, made of stripedout- plain, large collar and cuifs, ages 4 3 5 ing flaipiel, od de- to 14, low priced at.................1&9 pendable qua ity, eut fulîl, tomor- CHILORENS8 COATS 1.9"-well new asiei lu nov,'.......'I~ 3Oietii aud plain fbla O. Plain tailored styles, Childronle Trimmed Hats- mdç of ýîood qu.aity ,.'Smart Little shapes f velvet white linon, others and fel-t, îitibrowu, navy, red. eînbroidered, a sam.: tan gnd white, trinuned witii pic kut,', ineiudiog s tiek-up featherg ad. rilb- $150 values, as l. Lbon, exeeptiolial val- à% ehoice. . ... e t. . .. . . . Sweater Cosati $4.98 Wonen 's heavy shak- er coats in wvhite and mye'Sut3*5. 'oeats 3.95 all eolors, knit froin the puîre wool A speeial offer of ho.% s * Stylislî wintet e uats ini yaru, new Il Norfolk anîd double breaît ages 3 to 17 vears. nmccl' Alaskan eollai4D9, l ed suits. ('onie in etassi tailored ouf fani" îîuxtureq, Short gimmass ;9c ineres, orsteds antdain iecitons and ht i le ots inI tade of Peirsiaîî flan- blue serges, exî'eptionallî grav~, hrown aînd blIte, con- jielette anîd perc-ale inu ,N-ell tailored, ages '3 tt 17, vertible anid Ruesian 0.01- dnyîk eoloî's, regularly spee(ially priced 395 lare, spec jal prieed3 sedi foi' 5Oc, c at ........3"this sale .......39 special pricee _______________ A Varier -corset wal 5atidf Tou yoîî frequently hear sonanv worneu îuînark liow ili- at-ease they feel when dressed up. The vaue 1.1 easilv tra(cd-thev are w'earitlg a eoriet hîxit with littie olr1no regardi it telproportionIs f the hmaiIII 6flatoiny. It is unweildv and does ijot taper or (-on 11/ forin to the lnes of the figure. Waraer CoTstuae a Real PlaMIAVO te Wear lesîd suppcsrt tu thec tigm'e and art a real î'înifort. Warner,Corsets are mtade in a large varietY <f nodel, whi'lsiîînsures a perfect fit to îe'ery 'evui, wvhetler sie is stout, mîed tuni or slight. We eîiuploy a speciai coî'setier e wlho is traîîîed i thte scieutifie, fitting utf Corsets. Wai'sîtr et s t oua mîineoutil. and batistewith attqehe4 sup- piorters and are prieed at ..... $imex tev~tweetu v. .*.L -* ai m~D7.J J Tius beautiful Stewvart tove 'etill lessen yotxir fuel bill titis winter at least 25% and voeur hone. will alwaY's be wai nd eomfortable. t is large size with a 1iÀ3.2ineh fi re pu)t, double flue <oit'c tion, eicgautly îîiekeied, a haîrgainat 4y b12 1~~s1 uiBeautif iug.sinu tor iiigb louwp weave, ai and )Wîental pat- lolywoven, floral terns, long soft nap, stuc~~~~ by~ î~,pl p Iw~ uîdy. . ~Jprice ... D"y Goods ai Low Prices Rand 5og 96-A, special pur.- î'Iil$ cof haîd bags, iî1ludi»g val- ies whiehi usually sell for $1150; mîade of goat-seal leathe - i pnipular shapei, (1hoive . . 95 Women's Union Suite- Ribbofl-peeial sale of Woneu's fille cotto» rnb- fine pure silk riblions, in- lied. union suits, fleette eluditig Dresdeus, plaids linied, high neekç, long, an plain taffetas, 4½/. slettvgs, ankit and 5 inehes wvade. length, ý1 v alue. . 79C 25e qu y ar. 7 FRILLiNG-A BU, -Bseitk o f -DR. GNAVp5 TOOTI4 POWDER -ReigulatIob et e, fr118 lucam.wwhite ecru ad û& ........ ...... 9 chiffon______a ___ COLGATES TALC POWDER- * luS, OThe 25c site lcyaM 2 25e tgà. nd'Nfor ............ .. ....... lic SIhpets, Cases -and Towels SHEETS AT eS-7S by 90 inch bleacheit shebo, pige otfIie4Vy.roýnd thread slieet- lng, sott finish, 80c itîne LU at . .. . .. . .. .... ... .... PILLOtW fN&E-42 ba 36 Inçh vil- lo w e4 ui-H -MmeSlae o! extra beavy roUn4 th1 9d abe. BATH 1'OW£L-'Unbia8ghei Turkish bath toiels, red striped border...4 ~rinu~i 10 kl~l$or ........... Savings on Women's Apparel' _.àIcýOorduroy Dreusesai 59-T e strong de- niaîid for' cordsu'oy dressesniakets this specipl olici' une of iiinusutal inteî'est. They are nobby stvles and made of a reinarkably .good quaIÂýy ifi ordurov with a lustrous finish; CQJ1ýrs' are i , Obrown and navv with white cuifs and.Robes- if pierre collar; 'highi waisted, short belted effects, specially c pr lced at.. a.....g ..e ..t . ..t et can do. Te r lackored iIMexclent VMan-td tlsOn uersofpla k h ad elt-oth, I- Robesptluierre, carc112.5o jlusest. -1 borded aedaes iu<re th - werl mk ow ,1dr i we clat o.t he r tob ailorSu inan exellet5mn ~xu'.,tontuî lie fr twblaks rebtoae look nicand oveltitieplaiSotat>oret anti tt-aw' brst de$00d__ ed.s alies - -. -iw -vo f hel 1 =9 1 ' - 1