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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Nov 1912, p. 10

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Two. * TIRONGiS AWAIT ELECTION VOTE, (Coktinued frouî l'agi- One.) =1Ra bot froin the cireanad flasbedl -00 tise large streen on the AI Seiori buildng opposite tle Sun office. This ihe île fini nte lnuteîie îeur y ofthîe MiY tuat a Wauka-gan îîcwcîîaîer lever $tsullai m privale It-tagrapi wira- lu la OtffIce. Tic onty cther plare lu ticl cKty vhere a pris aie wlra- vas lntalled Taaeday nigit vas letlhellks' club *ad thsa Eike have foloaied this plani tor thelst severai Years. Tic fart that tle Sun vas the oily"local piper ta bave i private vire lit eufficient, tleo .10 vy île Sun received se maîîy1 usteretius and recreved ileni ni-ar- )y halt an loun aicad ofile contempl- ,Tha poverful tereoptîcra arinel Iý~qIvilaphysicen who waa re- IblefOner of the caunty without ésesut Tuesday's eluction. lia êEWâd afflua auversi terme ns ldsas and hard-werftlugf off iciel. e te he retumuisapan tie, owneel and opsrated by -'atothe pianeer moving pie; lrln the cty. MIr. Wae bexpertale tuIlacde laetii opu'vasrta bl La plce tîle ru n"tise ocreen le sncb a dis m"er. Tessa bulletins cou« a blrs ock. iFrank T. Fowl ~* tedhe Sue farce by printtai opaa05 tthildes aidd bis tii so ditinct Ibat Iliey calied K*u *commndation. Neuw Rturna Came l. Z-ia a word about low thse ru- ussaeu le. Tic Sun lad placed ~d&represaetative lu eacl of the 4p~aïata la Waukegan as well as aIoe oîle precincîs tirougli F;ýj« caunty. lit5seliappensd that 001MNo. 1 vas tle irai precinet beald froin. The returns trom bMntcame te ai mt 5:20 gy avcame ine mt a tev moments throligl their pile ft ballots)b a t'e- O E LA oe rartabis short imue eonelderlug the fart that the ballets were se large and D T were scratrhed lu suri unusual and 1WAS RÀTER U I T;ý About maily of the precincts In tiera R TOREÀ%' wi' rouethîe judges walted teo mate their officiai rouet hefore eending In tîl resuite and tbls necessarlly .ade th.. rather late lui getting tirough. It wae <Coitimued Frou Page One.) owîng te thie fartt uat corne of the s'a- and the rosi of tie candidates In the turns did flt corne ln Tueeday nîgît. sm oun To haveo bulietined the national re- tomr n t he Sun window wouid have Flashes on the Electlon. been Impossible becauce there were sol It wase't a case of putting glue on many returue that t woitd have been. the sidewaîts; yen fellows lived up Impjossible for tiundreds to ee tem. 10 your conîract, and as a result, Wau- ,ikcwise the simple fiaehing of re- k'eg.n.reIdents gathered In thousands turne from lihe enty and district, around your bulletin bard. Personal- would fnt baie tien eatisfartory bie- ]y 1 want ta tbank you." eald one poil- cauce minurpeople aisied to check tian ta a Sun voilier Tuesday night. them over. For tii reason the -Sun "I toid you so." sald one man on the not onir fiaeied lie returne f rome the corner 7luesday mnriug. I ountv and dictri on th~ eren but -I dan't care. ve beat Roosevet," aleo îlared themn on a permanent saad a Republîcau. bulletin lu the, wudow. Thils plani "The party la bre. Four years (a!led forth mtirh cormendatI0fl. frein ioday, a Progresve wulli e The Tetephoile Service. prasidefit of the. United States," sald The hicao Teephoe copanyone Bull Monner. Hes dopuy! Tic 'hirgo Tlephne cnipaiy We did out part, If tle otler statea deeervee mucli credît for the splenid lad doue as vi, 11. would have beec service It maintalnad ail during theladfeeteoy"si nte o time the returus vere comlng In. The donnert so'si nîe u opertorsat te eciane woked "And If Roosevelt had only remalned swlftly and surely and aided the Suni lu Africa, aald a god Id RepublIcan, greatly in receing and givlng out thec we wouid net nov face four years of raturas. Democratîer mIe." There were our telephoue lu the Cavatndtfofuryrs Sun offre ta ereivesud se d ont i ee ie man and another replIed: returus. A Sun represeetatîve vaslIn We'îî have to-guess can." jcharge of esdi of these 'phones and Local Democrate figure that, vhille the work vas airange4t Iu such a a Progressive rougreesman may leinl jsystemnati maneer that there vad, ne chage cfthis district, that the Dama- l confusion, Itltssaete g ay tht net a cai aÔiyc l as, v persan who <tliSd lDp 1theSun fre make hlm Incous4ueous and ameaile turnesvas dtsappolnted despîte the te the deires of the flemocratic preel.- tact that the four telephanes were dent-aund thats vhy they're already rnging amet const.antly. doping ouI au the postaffice mattar In Thbis excellent service was maintaie. Waukegan. Howevet', perliaps Wood- ed until after 1 oclock Inl the m'orning rav Wilson tsn'l the klnd wha viii up te whlchli me the crowd, despte mneddle let sud .malters. ________________________ it was luit 9:05 vlan the Demo- e crats In Waulcegan began te celabrata. Horne and drums appered at tiàt Urne In front of the Sun office. WHO WILL BE POSTMASTER? If (Cantinuad frain Page One.) lhe job, lie tan bava h.' eaid anc Deni. ocrai. 1' I I. i s s t n o s Mci4enry caunty man vIa vas re- eieoted a» on* of the thrisucstte logis. istors fraie this dstr'ict. Us vIa 10w man in the succesafui candidates sud beat Thcu. Grsham of Lake county by a ormait voie. tle nain, bad remained ta gel tle laI- et returue. By tue ltime tiare vas no langer auy question about lthe presidenliai or gulemeatoriaî issues. Indfbtud to Helpars. TIe Suan le deelhl, îudebted la tle 4any persans vIa aidai us lu gttiug tle retures ut Tuesday's eledîbon. Tihis eppliles to lie juaiges and clerlis ot thec ouety via frein tlIi virions pre. cincta. despie iucauvenilences ta thern- selves, flasîci ine tle retiamne. Others via alded the Sun lu gettlng 1-curns. lu Waukegan and lu vbain va and thc public le indelted for prompt services. lucluded: George Skenea A. Allen, A. J. Bilion, Morris Stupey, tonradi lolîstein, Haubert Rocs, G(ýîorge Ireen, John Kessiler. liandlng thie returus as they raine 1-loy many ckauges ln île pustoff ice staff wilii l made as a rosut of the bitg Demoratlc vlclary te flot kuova. Z4nsty-ive par cent ai the emplayee of tise office are under civil service ad vil bld theur positions. Wm. L. - rmer, asistalit posîmaitar, la an ,*ppolntee ai George Edmond Fosa aed ýWin. H. Tafti, 'lhe saine condition confronte the Ilamocrats of Nort Chicago. John S aie, a stiOfici Republican, la eld dove lIai pont ince Veider retlred. Carence W. Dîver vas the only Waukegan Demacrat vIa attended the Demoratir national convention ln Baltimore, Md. Dîrîng lis stay lu Bal- timore, le lad tic opporîueity to *make tic acquainuance of nu »mail number of Demnocratic celebrities. "I ted higlly gratifiai as la the result. I vould ual care la 1w quotedl an the postiailer pr'oposition. I bave" abolît ailli tai i an take cane of to- day, sud lIais vlhat le botlerIng me," Raid e .. Ve.. ftIetd Président of United MOST OF THE LOCAL INTER98T CENTEREO ON LEGISLATURE. (Contlnued fi-oi Page Que. ectty ieres4.d ln the national andý ý -k 'ý, ýý -z- NEW YORK SIATE- Plurallty Is Somewhere Over 1SOMO FAV 1OREO BY CGUNÎTRY AIl) CITY Demaocratie Nomînees Cornu Down ta Hasrlem Rive,' vith Large Ma- Jority for Firet Tîrne ln Many Yeats. New Yorlc. Nov . Wlsnand Miarhalli hase carricd New Yor-k slaie by a îuurallty of anyw lere frein 150000 10 20b,000. It le impossible ta 9gIve Cloaefilgures to tedicale the Dem- aCratic fresidentlal sweep of the Istate. For the flrst lime in years, à Dem-, ocratic prealdentiai candidats@bam couse dovo ta the lHsrkem river 'Vith a pluraltty ta add le bis own pluralit? ia thée greater city cf New York. Wit- seoi and Mashall seem ta h ave oni- run bath IRoosevelt and Taft linlise RepublIcan strangbcîdi Leyond the northern barrlers aof1the Democratie clty of New York.1 * Suizer Win@s Governorthlp. But the Demeocrats Ibis year bave seemced to stop ai nthIng. Congres&- man William Sulzer lias knocked the spots aut ar bath Oscar Siraus, lis PragrMoive aPPoent. and job Hedges, the Republîran standard 1h...... 1M, Suqlzer hlas a elurality of stae fglî, alilIe oca lîeret vs ometing lite 140,000. Wilson bias manifested, no. bowever, uniii the re- probabiy carried the greater city ly suIt for saIs aud national tickets not far tram 125,000. Werepraciraiy knwn.New York, lui addition La cheasni werepracicaly knwn.Democraîlc candidates lu tle staIe The national malter vas most ab and nation, las put tls Daniocrals ln eorblng ofall and, vian it vas seeu power. apparentiy, ln botl branches1 that Wilson was wlnlng then Laike ar the state legslature. rounty voers began ta turn their gaie- It look% as If the Nev York stete ou Lake caunty and district matiers. senate vould stand thirty-thre ernam- The stata, legishature matter seeieed gresaives and Socialise if the Pro- evenmar paamont tan le on.graessives and Socilises.If tle Pro- essi orealma, £0feras Ohacou.d gressives and Sociailstehave eiectad grenionl mtter noferas oe culdaey meinlers cf Ilie state senate. The Judge by lnterest dlsplayed. The tirei laver braudcf île uiate legîioatura retureBshslaed Thos. lGrahamn oc fir viii lie aimositva 10teone Democratic. aii-tiiof Shurtleft lIai ht was felithlai Indications are that the laver hae wouid vin ln île total. Muera, liranch oethîe legisiature vouid stand Progressive candidate lu Lake rounîy, 100 Deinocraîs ta fity Repuhlceis. for theleiglaturç gradually vorke sud any aller parties lIai may bave ittu iret tiace and hld ýt La th eld asmliymeu. finish. Graham, vian McHenry and Boone retirus came ln, drapped backý COLONEL HAS PENNSYLVANIA ta third place sud tien ta tourili, t Shuriieff finalv beatiug hlmi. Sîste l Beliuved ta iHave Givun Race for Congres$. 1 Roosevel t Msjority of 40,000. The rase for couvres, vas veryj Philadelphie, Fa.. Nov. 6.-Roose- close sud ail during île eveulng it was veit la believed ta have won lu ibis a Iras-up via vauld vin, Faos, Tbomp- stale by s majority of 40000. sonu r Fovier. Borne persons even The vate ln Me is dulàsvery close. dlaim the officiai totale may change 1lbut the retureis train P!ttsliurg and thinge ln Ihis regard. ailier af the largar ecies are giî lng Senaor Osonof MHeny ~ .the calanel enough votes. il id psed ltyWm. sond but em did o- Ilougli, te offset île vote boe. hoaetauy f imt un i, ndsutesmd'od Senator PFnor esaid! that, Irreae- baea it fon pecbandetemotc tive af tise Keystane @taie vate, ho iarying btfwpeint vrtedtd not believe Raosevelt could vin populiar seelatir. ln tle fiuai count. The Prohibition. Socialios and île! Social Labor ticketsdid nual"cult mci Omasa ImMnet. figure" in Lake county, tle Socialistesl New Tank. Nov. G. t'lairxnsn Mc- bel ug h i get lu most precinris of th 1 Combe of the Demorralir national thre t1eetsmentoned a commiltee recei'.ed a telegrani frnm 1Fred p. LyncDli limorratic national The men wlo reeied easily att lay cnmimtleenien troi NlMîrnesota, ln TîUesday were LI. OBlrockway, fRaiphij viin tle latter cdaine Minnesota IDady, torah-r Taylor and lias. E. lor Wilson by 39.000. "If you vere offered lha office vouid Russell. Tiey vere practically unoli- _____ yon adi-cpi h?" queried a Sun report- poeed sud did flot even baller to take! Wilson swueps Missouri. ceJown the- figures on thoim vote. Kausase CllY. MO., Nov. 6-iodlc R- "Idu' nv iterIvul rtiens sue ilat Wilson and Major (fer *11 on* knw wethe 1 oul orgovernori have swopl tie state. le not. 1 daul came ta lic quoled lu tle lolimters hR. M-Tamakes yoîl eat Kan~ss ity and jacrksoncttnty naller,". vas lie reply. lîke a lion, sIca-p like a bhi, grec ERnoseveit si-ime bo have rue si-rondl "Dan Grady yul auccoeed Watrous, stroeg. a inarvecolîs recouetrurtor. al Borland IDemacrat for congreBesl- tiaI's a cluci bei," aid anoîler j Iorough tonic. Pearces Ding Store.! apparently eiected by a sase pluraliiy, "Dan <rady las watted for tbis posi- tion for years, le hie takeus an active partInlueaeh rampaige, "la IO*0tly ai liehonni'.' saud ancetofGradysa pareoalmifriands. George .laksa la likevîse epaken of as an aspirant to tise position ai 3!Mnery couaty iman who v&s re- t the BSun office. yard Misa Graes poalmaster. NM. Jackson ls employai 0811I111111 .ta the atte ueate et TUet- hlmchuer. Mise Addle JenkInson anid as a butcher at the Buck Market. le daàP'W«teiou. iHé a* jUbI fiui110111Nrs, W. .1. Smithi. These young vo- maneged Thios. H. MoCanes campaign hil-itta terni wiich ha, beau marked men eau vît I headreicelvere on durlng a fev years aga. by Unusual aggressveneai and puithe elire cveulng, giving and necelv- Arl McAthur. nlputy colectar af 4e cama ta le ane af tiheeders ail ne hilereturns. custonms, May loue hie officela a ru- *MefWield in tie lait sesoion and la _____-suit ol île Deun'oca' itcvetary. I*Kddas anecouthe c trongest sun- Egh Who D«erve Sispe. Oue aller Waukegan man, Robert % htmnWh eev s uîl tte. lie wae unop- tnn vsadsnatO e hi(onnoily. deputy Illinois Fine Marchai, on the Progressive ticket butt cIppai an tle face: 1a vha dasphmuastands a good chance of Iasing an uf- -à Dernocralic opponent. Wm. Des- s mm-anor paver;bulise ouetera l ie, as a eut ai Ils dafuat of Chas. of Mcilenry, wîo îurmerly wa5 sason untnvlted and unvalcomsed; bs B Daneen for govaruor. Dunu'is vîct- gfled ftom McHcnry ~ouitY. viso gIves orders In a bouse not hie r wl na teapitaeto 1ove: ho Who tailas a $s above hic r îIma lsapîiata taoe frm ît ~ '~-position; l hosa Pealista ana Wbo Demacrat la thal office. 91o' Wrm h iiih\atti lcdoes na;t sten ta iii'.; ho vho ln- ,tL Otier lrerinrtetetati trudes un tise conver-sailon of allure; SOCIETY LADIES ATTEND. inaWrpily and ever»ting i, le wIa aesisfavor i tra hetsaungen-____ ea* oouty shawed a big igr- tc sus;andille vIo exfeels love ran iOonlinuid Front Puge One.) 1 paocevehî aliiongh ti ibi ad hiesnenils.-prom a lierailnstya._______________ beau cotdded. le the gra 0Of tienl arç tle iMot rohIilSui go- iltyof the. paecincts lie Jtidgi-. STEALS FROM THIE cîeîy leaders li tle clty. The condi- wfacuntd the votasforres n!_ f. ~T T? tion la ana tInt la tfad lui vai te' fjXst.thon the votas for gav*er ý D" ESTAI tWseluiIbe -contry butel:ilshows ifi<ec., as tiese ivoie theluto big lb vat dan lie dons vlen a cousclen- Mms ea 1 tsr rcet ue le1 ' ~ Cage lhtious mud lard varklng organisation tofIulIsstartei at île lead ot thc e ,ii-oti-oh i ganmg oft ileves vIa sncb ai île Sasama club lue shove #cat and vent ail the wiy dovn e laresmo-al itig evervîtimiig niovaîle tisait ta lie, can do vlan they decise lgqtaitg Iat tisey rouid gale ile by no ;aruld 1ti ia- nivei-nt tiiiiinr lame lae tkllea baud. -*iM Tii s-cauntaifon tise fart o fIhelet eAicaiider l)wie. ('huis _____ ____ o na eunufs on rresideet and ugoy- Fourier -f ut cu ou se eraitieti "Ev(1rtn.. doe l,'ee eaie la Mul s ooaem lisine fore jusielle lulml tiilleed Jrni; il yuwthvm ! ~~wards thian lui otîra. bil la do gL uilt inlitg a liiuahîillî off ed PIle vîailit evrlade you vila aergy-- :*asucIt fficIaIs Suti ce, it mut ted bas Ixturcs. liv i ewgiven iii Hoilster's R. M. Tes- 36c. Pearce'iu li te jndges and cienka lI day» la .151. Drug Store. ÛAVE TRE RETURNS Tg s&u8S9IIR R.pr.ent&tlv., in Congruss for i8 1Years Who ha# met defeat at hands 3f Aid. Chas. Thompson of Chicago ln the lOth dîstit, ýOOI U T RMà ESTATE TEANSFER gumisisuiby 1 Iak. 00.. Titi. à Trm tCo., Abetavo«ts #t#f It ft . Suiuateed Masonie Temple Mde. Pisse 4- sNhlffMBPR SI 92. TIRE ILEN40eWiNl1 TELEPHONE PArlOW&. S ERVICE W AS COlâPLET TI4OUfAmNS TMAJO A? N0E*Ne GOT COMPLETS ASt IUNS 0Fr ENTIRE ELECTION. For lih. people vho di uDot cire 10 go dopa tove and still vished La keeP posted on tiha retuiruisf eett letian, tise Chîcaga Telephone compaaUY fUra- lahai Waukgaa patrons,.muid la tscS patrons li every cily on tise North Shore for a wide raina aio miles fu' Chicago, WUi excellent roturas. This vas sent out from lhe Chicago office. An unimpoded vire via main. R. D. Ainos andwviete 10H. C Âmestie n iCia.Amnvi 80 acres ln N. B. 1-4 Sec. 15 Newport a clear, bell huae volce of great carry. twp. W. D. MOOO. ing paver, vas slationed ln Ile Chii. M. 0. Malman and vifa ta Emuma cago aoffice o fihe compati. As tast. Delbaye N. 50 fi. E. 1-2 laI 7 block 39 as the bulletins came lu lie road Ilim Highland Farig W. D. $1,300. ùver the talepbcoaaand th.y vuv J, V. Norcroseafiid vile La R. A. huard distlnctly bY Waukegaa pUions Bard lot 7 Bush. of iots à and 6 block 3i4 vho merd 10 lift up their teluphona Highland Park W. D. $1.relvers ed aak centrai for cuva of 9. A:' Cummîngs and vle ta R, P. eleOtbon. Austin lot 207 Cummlflgi & Co.'s lImedlataly they vers placad la North avenue Add. Waukugan W. D. connacttian wtt huhe main vire and 1325. cauld lialen La raturas as oug M tbey Emil Rudoiph and vifs ta Agnes H. ated tc. Meay p»elistes." for Buts Wily 26 fi lot S hiocli 72 High- loure ad could foiiov lhe rasuits vsry land Park W. D. $1. claaely. E. A. Cummegsanmd vile tLa Frank Wlen the Western Union waa bey- H. Butler lot 44 Ciiminlnhs & Co"s Ing dltticully viii Ils viras the tels- Norh avenue Add. WaukBi5I W. D. phone service vas perfect and hou- $375. sRude ot advaatage of tise opportun- 1- t,. Uvary novr sd &aintaosmnendivid- ual trisai totalluneWbyWe Ae, and What We Are, and Nov We Kaov Why We Are,,and Nov We Are What W. lCnow, and Wisît W. Wou Be if We Weren't. mnd Wba.t Precise iy, Araes s.meaoWereuaas, ad. Why We Arou't What We lrnghtn't B1e".Bae if We Wereéni, asi other simple and - entranclut face& &uc* an IndIvtdum fil cillai a philoaopher. -lnletin. sidney. Not Noeead. -Nov they are lryiag ta mais. the cactus., udubie." "I dan't thilnl irea need a vegutableabahd.--W»asina Iieraid. Touag Widov-'1>ld you bave Mr~ tronble.gettlng Jacks La proposer Girl rlaad-eNo. deax; 1I l im i yau vere atter hIms'-Bo«StolTeinS cript. STOLEN TICKETrS TRACEO. It ia dSulttel If a stltiia plan ever listereas iaeau csrrladout bare and local patrons af the compeay are louai lu tîsîr pruaîse. Many vIa vere conu- palied ta icave tle Son bulletin acree an accaunt af the ain, vent ta heur homes acd received tle Test of tisera- lurai ver tle vire. il vas almait tise same as platlag a privale vire la every hou« e thle retrnus couuid ual have been mare complete byl, Ici.. grapî troin ail partsiaitltee ounlrY. JACOR rNTWMýAM Jlacob Newman. ganerel eannsei for' the boadisoiders' comnttteO of thse Chicago & MilwaîkS VUectrle rait road, yester*ay danlsd en tle vitausu stand In Faderai Judge Landia caurt lIai le lad made an D.Iteet.nent not ta put lu a bld on the praperties. Ife laid of hie relations vilI Albert El- linger. eresident oftheicBadizer MNL&U- Gnb , Ter t ofic Ott."eýlreet set aide lisereeelvers ss aoftheIn- .W have o i, nde-r -uc. clanre at, terurban ralind. Mi. Newmnan said precent, that Rilinger isad sked hlm tauose bit 'lhle books, seven in nuinher, veeInfluence ta, bring about th1e appoint- sltien on jast Thursday evenlng and a nuimber of the tickets were torn out ment of Ellinger on the reorganizltion and disposedl to members of the banti rommlttee and taha said NMr. CI. aI the Naval station. The twa band linger thet lie did tiot consider hlm boys vere relaaaed vhen the oine froni itdfrtepae whom they lad procured iîret dfo the place.-, rofild hi- located. The present suspect le aiso a member of the band and lic livans you up. chases dîhessa away, wam relu-ased outl furiher noil!c(. Onkue makes you happy as a milîtonaf re, nt the officers at the station gave aefeMa mpmist3sR.. hie word for the returfi of the sailorcr-fe .ata -NlstrR.. when wanted. Tps. Pearce's Drug Store. THIEPEPt ~GS tRWET WHERE Yil"B, I Eawm amrs AT THE LOWE$TPX Ut4 North Gose.Street. 1003 Marin Street 1743 8Wate Stoet, 7$o#hÇà- g YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. ÏlîoiàsAL E PRICES TO ALL Y ou ce "BVE go#~~ $'P'ciaIs fo aSttrv .z, N t 5itur Native Rib Roat ..... lOc-12e Choice IRoast Veal ......Oç-U2c Choïm, Lamb Chopea......IIç- N&&~veSt.w P% Rosa 8c-1~ O~ic~~a1B .. .....89A.lO LegMlfo. . * tO caiwIee E4upiwat ....... o Siaf tlout Pig, 30-40 Iba., l(c-12e-qPKDMET Chaice.Bief OI . ......6c-8c Smft'àPork Loin ..............AT nuive (joug eef .. ..lOc-120 Ir.hoa..... .... 15e a cuwd E[m ....... B ou eesu lum p O orn'd B eef lU e 12c 1 r « e n'x m . . . . .L c i m a e . . . m - Choice portef sEüïéeSteak...... t vio %,ga'1 .0 ... 20 Choice Sjr1Iù1I S..... Choice Bundl. 5gk ..1lP#it tek IOc Chlee t'Lod10 ft~ qutiter Ven .........10e fntre 0I1..........u... 1 HIRd QÜaéter Vesal..........13c -Choicee la m ........Bý P ew 5e ....... Un Tibpmitgoods are of the well-mow CiidhY1 tween-pu~.ke-aXI oomurber. I* " pay Yo« tO' A -hoce- e fHome Dremid ed Iik« at WhO Stores open 8!un a M3A~7WShav* ,mmintedev.«y experine b.- m"Ms MIy urEtnaam. slfrb7tla. m. 1 . . ý ý i .- UL -1117 . ..........

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