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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Nov 1912, p. 14

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Ssix. LSON 18 ELEOTED Osei Pînsident of nIed Statess STIC LANDSLIDE1 rSweps Country ln Bat. fis of tme Malots. IstIUT is STIL SOUIO *Velt Ruis Second Cou ntry Over, WIttÎ Taft Third. WYork, Nov. O.-Woodrov Wii. uhos elperience lu active Poittien 1$' a littie more than tvo years oUI ho the neit prusident af the IO tates. 1i ý urred thirty-eigbt 0f the. forty- Statua. Ho vili have a vote'o! « t o!1 ln the electoral coliege, ÏÏR* than enaugh to oilect, and briO, of 298 ovor aIl bis competi- ~popular majority n the atesc 111.4 la Indicated ta be 2,149,090. erlty ovor th. pluralIties of1 p4Roosevelt lu 1,182,000. .c -oosvelt i-n second, and ~weindicatu that ho viii have Ppteivotes. The sari, rc- n*Ue~ov that ho carried six ~.Dula. Pennsylvsnie, Iowa, ~.South Dakota and Waahing- ldioe ted edoctoral vote la trom four sato-New Pis.Rhode Iland, Utah and tfri ude sab orlty 1 bet oral M. 4mI ï0for tBwuma Corne loully. di rom «Ya th. bbc etr rm wbich any aecuat. no- Ta WIO ,flflTY PflEPUEN IN'P W .YflV lM&BM & M2,91 ernor. Congresman Borland safeiy eiected. Nebraska - Apparently carried by Wilson. Wisoonsin-LaLrge pluraitty for Wil- son le Indicated. Verniont-Gtvee Its electorai vote tu Roosevelt. Minnesota-Ciaimed for Wilson by 39,000. INDIANA IS DEMOCRATIC Wilson Looms up Strong In 1Hoosier State Ballotlng. Runnina Mate'* Home State Givet New .Jersey Candidats Olp Lead Over Opponenta. Indianapolis, Ind. Nov. 6. - Wood. rov Wilson showed remrkable strength at the poln ho i. the home state of bis runnlng mate, Governor Marshall. Witb returns receivcd tram 517 et the 3.172 precincte ln Indiana. Wilson vas far ln the lead, vih Roosevelt failoving and Taft trailing lest. The figures then stoofi as follavs: Wilson, 64,157: Roosevelt, 36,340; Taft, 31,691. Tho rotures are ln contr-at ta the close contest between Taft and Eryan ln 1908. when the Republican candi- date polied 76,170 and the Democrat, 75,003. The eleotton of S. M. RaIston for governor Io aima claimed by the Dem- Derai. WILSON I.EADS IN WISCONSIN Trait Running Second and Colonel Third-Karel Probably Governor Mlwaukee, .Win., Nov. 6.,- Incom- plete rturus frqnl fifty-six precincta outaide of Miwaukee county give Wilson a emali lead ovor Taft, vh Roosevelt third. Desuitory returna trotm scattering precincts, wbile glv- ing Wilson a substantiai lead. do not Indicate the strengtb of the Repub Ilian vote. Govereor Motovern did not show the expected trength no fer, thirty- two ot o 146 preincta ln the ety glvtng him third -place, vith Karel, Demofflt, ln a tva to one iead over Thoun, Sociaiist. Sooint strengti la expected from th. western part of the state, tbougb Ktarel le maintainlng' a lead, whleh vitb the normali tate vote vould meem to assure bis election. Milwaun- ke CoUnty Io apparen2tly ging for Karel. WOODkOW' WILSON. 1W À SN' T TUÂT S 0M E ha obtalnedoihov thestatea GEORGAA ALL DEMOCRATIC bias andi beyond h. Rockoies (G'D&WI.DEIMCJTIC>TI£M':" »d foi- preuldont and vce Wilson Carries St te-Sato OffoescafaINFR NTO are exceptioneliy sBlowUY U iand uiai Md. The ballot' machines of sdLogllature asm* PalOh. Ohae.eel qisttéTHE SUN OFFICE? taica wrih tbem hy h. aplit- Augusta, Os., Nov. 6-Georga bas ftlets andi a legai question returueotail of ber Democratlc con-_____ M asu t vether votes put reaumen. Th'e stais houseofficiais a &ier9 oclok, he ourforhav'e ail been eiected andi &Te Donso- Antlolpatlng that the Gazette vould ku pois, are legai votes. ai. The legiolature la str'etiy totiay make the bout that it bail the ixico, vhich the Progressives Demnemtitk not a Repcblican or Pro- ,Iargent crovd" In front cflits bulletin ta sre or ooseeit bMgrosaîve being returned. yu suenfcri-leed lon. Wilson carnies the state by, tvo to boards; that It "receiveil the firet eiec- ly u mf el orWRo se on . utone majorlty. 7enth congreshonsal dis. tion returns,' and varions other àite sa hicorbRtevDelt, but trtct vent for Wilson by saven to on. dlaims, the Sun last evening kept tab nu salefor Wi son, sn o 070 il otber candidates. The Social- mast tu mare sure o!lits groundu. os aiefo Ilen lut tOte througbout the st. la practlc- Sure enougb. the Gazette says: ly divided betweon Ta!ft and aîy nooling. "T7h. iargest crovd that ever turu- I La stoaMjoty Rcomevelt received more poIjular ed out ta sec an election bulletin fis plcte slovnesof y. .vot»s than Preident Taft, due to the goeoia s aet uligat aptLthe ln nd moutan nfluo-ace cf Tom Watsons, vho 'esort- gtoe tteGztebidn n m e lan n muti eq Wlson two veeko go, chargitie v atcheti every return corne ln until the vest, here iseeme.Oo bc tism Wilson bail Joined the Kulgis t fer nidtnigist andi cheered at every thit Woodruv Wilson. vlt)- of Columbus. Watson's foltowing as bulletin as it was flasheil un the soutb and tise solid sent, or thiovu nto Uthe Progressive columu by lai-go curtain hung from the Gazette e solld censt, boind hlm, viii thia meaus ad causeti the Repuibticn 1bulding. As uoual, the Gazette re- bave a piurallty of h. POP"' vote given I Tft tour Iycars go 141. coivcd h. returna tiret." but w'fiq bave a malority In 092) tu b. cut nieurinlhubal. And br. are the facto: »rai college. e lnthesevmi sate &MThe Suns firet bulletin came fi-cm n tis sellvei SAtS MICHIGAN FOR ROOSEVELT Bouton second, about 5:20, a flash on ork--Carrled by Wilson wiîh preaidont. It vas posteil fuity five 150,000 and 2W,00o0 pluraiity. Incomplets Raturne Show Colonel minutes aheail of the Gazettes tirst maan William Suîzer defeated Racelved H-euvy Vote, bulletin. Andi no on with the other r- id Hetiges for governor. burnes! -~Roosevelt la victorions hy Detroit, Mich., Nov. 86-ScatterinS st h rvswihtrne of 100000. Edvad Y. Donne and Incomplots returns !rom through- st h rwswihtrne t) is eected guvernor over out the state Indicate that Rtoosevelt about h, two local novepaper of . Deueeu. pret incumbent. la leading by a good piurality. fices it vol be sn!ficient to, bave Il a-Claimed for Wilson and Muselman. Republican, sud Fui-rin, 10 the thousands vho were down town. (for governor.) Dumocrat, candidates for governor. But, tise tact ls, the Sun just vatctled 8lves electorai vote te Roose- are runnlng very cose, the mtter ]est evening t0 get the fig. 1makes Clarke (Repnblican) Complte rturns wviiihb.]iet on ui-es. r.account of the comisicated ballot. Here tbey are: lan-incoxnplete rturnes mdi- On. hundred and ton precîncta ln 9 'lock-atreet blockaded in front tei sathdiy for Roasevelt. Michigan outeide of Detéaît give Taft of Sun office; about 160 persoas about i'usetta-Gives Wilson 80,000 10.622, Wilson 17,343, Roosevelt 20j- tihe Gazette. and re-elects Governor Fons 114. 4. 15 o'clnck-etreet blockaded sat Sun fîvania-Conceded ta Roose- fluprosentstîve McKinley Wlns. office; fhfteen persoa (by aituai Champalan, Ill., Nov. 6.-Meager i-e count) ho front of tbe Gazette. Msl-Car-led hî Rooseelt. toi-ns tram the NIneteenth congres- 10:45 o'cock-%vaike lined but not iphii-Ten electorial votes atonal district indicate the ro-electhan congestoi ln front o! Sun office; juet On by large maorlty, ut Congressman William B. McKinley tuv. porions (actuel cotant) ln front cf I-Wilson gets ali six eler- by a greatly reduced piuraitY, In- Gazette. lie of state. complets returno fi-cm Champaigu 1-0o'îccîioo or esn 1Caruina-Demorrats ilrdct unty Inaicate a pluraiiiy of 800 for 11 'll-5 rmr esn 01t andi congreasional dele I McKinley. lu front cf the Sun; lest one peroi-0 Md &ive Wilson ati ast 20,- ln front of the Gazette-and ho va, a Il-lOy. Roosevelt indor-ued by Oyster Bel Chinaman whe couldn't rread figures CmoUn-Foi- Wilson byR Oyster Bay, N. Y. Nov. 6-Coicuel but vbo enJoYed the pictures. ffl- Rosevelt Carrieti Oyster Bay, bis It la amazing to think of any paper, b-Wlea carries state, party homne tovo. iiy a plui-lity of 292 over exoepting the Gazette, msking such ag lguored in Oie lug. Wilson. tbe vote standing: Roose- boaetful misrepresontationa about aise- [-Btrong for Wilson. State vlt. 510; Wilson, 218; Taf t, 87. Ulon night, especially vhen that name ind leglsîmor il Democrats. ea-Wilsou carriles sftate by Deaware Goes for Wilson. paper muet knov that the people gruater thon that o! Brymu Phiiadelî,bla. Nov. 6.-Wilson car- wbich vere dovn town themseives ries Delavare by & substantiel ma- knov vhere they congregatod. m-Wilson carries the state joiity. vih Brai-ksun. Democrat, for Tue Sun oad a flash light picturo oonmgremau liemucrats vili con- taken of tise crowd at 10 oclock but are--Gives substantil ima- trol the iegislature. the haste vitb vhicb it vas taken vr ilsn. egilatre a Dnt- Wilson COU aNevada. preventeti the picture sboving na vel AY-Congreasiouai delegailoe tano, Ney., Nov. .-Nevada voted I 0500g to bave a eut madie, vbich isoti of nine iJemocrats. oQuel ltron«. Everir Indication is tisat Wi- vas Our plan. The pictnre vas pOt. con andl one Prograue,.ej'son viii rry tic itute. P&rty lieue mi lu theSunvidow today an et MIsl-Swept by Wilona i eIin$ meti. Tise Count viii bu vcry tractuti much Internestandi coisi"vely candI -Uda"s for soir 1slow, empiis the above ftcu. STARIS UPON 110N4YMOON A tva years' boneymoon _o! atven- STENOIRAPIIER 15 WITNI3SS INTE *1 ~z:'d'at i ; ELECTKK R.R. SUIT Sunday nlgbt, when Paul _________r son cf a former Methodist minister bei-o and a foi-mer reshdent of Wau- Ma-e, Joseph 1. Markiey, a stenog- kegan, but at preeent a Miwaukee at- rapher, figureti as the principal vit- torney, living at 1539 Kinnckinnlc nesln tise Chicago & Milvaukee avenue. andi bis bride o! tove tiys le! t Eiectnic ratiruail controversy butore Milwaukee for San Francisco, froin Federal .udge Landis Monday aithOe where they wiii sali for the prient. resumption of the litîgation over the Mr.LinBadno ssGi-ove. confirmation cf sale o! the 111111013 Mio., met ber husbanti several years1division. &go. Mir. i..nebarger has boe practic- 1 Nrs. Markey at one time vas ena- Ing law rice bis' return frram thelployeti as a stenographer for tise law Philippines ie 19V,. In the Philippines, firm of Maies, Roseuthai & Kennedy. he served s a U'nited States inilge, hi s Joseph W. Mosnes of that firm la thght- appointmeait being aht.aineil atter 10 ing tieseamie consummathon. Sie vas years of law practice in Chicago. The questioneas durlng tise morning by At- marniage toaok pl ace lP'iday night. torney t.evy Mayor. regarding a report wbicb bail been mail. for vthecommit- Màade Hi le Bloing RetUOc tee and vhlch the caunSel for h. cons- TIt. father o! & famnly Who liait mtte tgtrying te prove vas Orneti bous. strvlag te, bring up bd chiltirenoverta Atorney Moues isy Theodore lu tIo vay hcy sabouldi goycsv .ry07 Krushage, s Miwaukee iawyer, vhie Match nnoysd at his song uncot telteia mloe ytero habit of helping binssel! te a fov bit.. e atte vs mlaebobdtye.eog butor. gre as. batibn saîti. T nztinbd' sterlotypeti foi-m called for: "A blesa- KronsBage since bas joineil the op- ing on visat w. are about ta cMt," position anti a consplracy 10 "boid up" but on. occasion being particularly the committo by upholdlng the confir- euaperatlug, h. astoundudti h. youug mation of gaie in ciai-geti. -a- by addlng le bi@ Pétition. "an"__________ on that vbîcb ha* alreatiy been esatan" Accantusting Plant Chaiase . it bas beeu fouud that umder il Relhb Who Desea-ve Silpu. lght (flgt tii-ornatru§las.>Plait becorne more robat thaela aMr otl Blgisomen who deserve tai be or They a». beco» sseoaPro elép#ed ou the tacs: Hoeviso despiscu noucei ln théir echiam idatBOu-tho a màn or lpower; ho vbo enterda &leaiy plant bucOmua Bore lusty, a11 huM usninvituti and unvelcome; ha abade. clgirea besoinseMort Pr* vbo icivos ai-dors In a bouse mot lis naunffl the sesitive plant More ovn.; ha wbo takes a seat abO bsnitive and ail la .ery vway bsaern poaition; ho vbo speaks to one viso hlghly opecllist. dom ot lstent, ai.,, nw o , triades on the conversation of otiseri;. ho visa seeks favori tram titeiuOgOBl- eraus; anti h. vho expectsa love trou %Is enemle.-From a Pers"an S.yln. Homeneiappineus Probabiy uhneteen-twentletbs 'ohe bapptnesu you viii ove- have, Tou viii gst at home. The Independoe that cornue te a man vbou bis vork iu over,i andt he feeling that bu bas i-un ont of the storm, loto tise quiet barbet o! borne, vhere h. eau i-eut lu puace hat vitis bis faml>', ha somubhtug real. Thse aOsestWom.à Wba vas or la the grestas* và ha &li bltoey? Tv. hUudtd&" tuo ber am5erea the que 5 Viti ltbls dun4çIr-fc vho ma". tiis "orl: c Idaule tiha Guidirig SOir. Idealsanare 1111stala; von viSuone ouoeeti las ouchins thom VU r om bauds. But, M11 the b.aiarblg mut ou demerOs of vatur, pý omboo lthon as your amids, andi fUolling Umm. reach your tiestiny.-Cari fichuis se Caisfu lai.ope"oh conalder boh ouw ou s vizM li affet thune ho vlsom hey are apokd-4t Vs wouidt ry to ea haiOoavith the& mur and cousitier hev hhsy aocpt lanOlcir hbrts, here would not bb muaipâle sotaor lunsdvîmetispeçoh: esrtaia- .11 ieNvogti t a btia wo tdoI 'or ivii embItterehy Uts votes 02 Our Uu-W. G. Bord"., 'J Il T~A% S. U~MI~4LLJI uaL I I.ctod Vce PrcsIUce Wilson WiII Have, 208Party Mon Baok of Hlm. SERATE IS STE.L Il 00011f Oesturne Indicate Dx« ,Will ce 0& Gain$ MostIY Ma&e Emat of Waabiogton, Nov. O.-Reports hIdi. cite thalt Prentdant-giect Woodrow Wiu Viii bave a Demecratic cu put witb vblcb to Inaugurale biwu pelieies. Prom incocnplet. retuýtflM the nexO bouge Of repretciaattvow vili b. composed of 283 Deiaoerstu5, 1U8 Republicansand ithlrtu'en Pro» pensives. sonate Willi Sa Clos. Thc sonate willl b. lou. and,15 15 doubt. Tbe present motnbarslsp lu made up of fifty Republicans, frV thige Democrats and tbrefa v&Canle. illimois Idaho and Colorado. Tis Iindications are that the Doe. erats viii bave flfty-one senators and _________ die Republicans and Progressives for, A, ' Cooaoappeara to bave elected a T~ I comole Democratie loglature. wbicbl vi lMci twe United Ointes ' AT senators. Mauebusetta apparcatîrST T han elected a D.mocratelc usiture. whicb wlil choose a suoccosor to Ben- ator Murray Cran@. la Delaware the iefisiaturo la ln doubt; In Nebraska Progressives Carry Commnon- early rotures Indicate a Dumocratto landaildu and tht. may cans eie a.wealth by 100,000. Unset0 a Democratic senator trou tbat statc. ia OsNe Jesy Losaudet. MeDONNE WINS FOR BOVEM Wlsaon'.s home, a United Statua son-____ ator viii sien hoe ettd. Montana siso elects a United States senator, Frank H1. Funk,. Progressive Candi. and as tho rosult tiero ls la doubt date, Makuus urprticngly Strong Senator Dlion may loge hie seat. un emctc Chinn Conservative estimatea vouldid m- u-eortcCamn cate that the nuxt United States aen- Concedes Sitato te Colonel. nie wlii undoubtodly bu Democratic. This viilgive %Ir. 'Wilson a vorkingý mjority ln bath bouses of conues. Thc greatest gains mode b7 thea Deinocrats vore la the states east ofr the Mississippi. lu the Wilson iand-t slide bis party Vicked up congruasion-E ai e«tor InMasachusetts, NewYonk,, Penusylvania, New Jersey and Dola-c ware. Iu the central veut thé Demo- crata maay have aise gained om. or Ovo seatis ha Ohio. one ln Indiana, wo tunIlilinois and one ln Missouri. Wbat has happened on bhc cornst la bard tocforecaat trou the lncompietc returnesat baud. These voul mdi- rate, bowever, that the Democratu may have invadeti the so-caiied Roosevelt strongbold and taken a fev congregamen. Sbrength of Progressives. The Progreuslve atrengtbl of OirtecuL as indlcated by tia returtis, does net really show the fighting Paver that they vill have ia the next congrens. Many of the so-cailed Repulcan con- grosamen ln the northvest on the conat and ln the centrai voit, openiY eapoused the ceuse ot M r. Roosevelt and yl b. found tIneti up vlth the Progressive forces. TAFT HEARS THE NEWS Rtecuives intullisgc of aDem@crabic Victory et *rotherq Hote. Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 6. - Prevident Taft recolved neya of his defeat at the homea of bis brother. C. P. Taft, on Pis setreet, sbortiy heforo dinner. A telegrapb office vas set up in one of the roolus of the mnansion and an eoon as the vires vere apened at 6 o'clock bouetins teiiing of Governor Wilson's olectton and the Democratte iandsiide bugan pourins over the vires la rapid succession. Wti the presidunt ver. bis bratb. cr, C. P. Taft, and Mrs. C. P. Taft, Ni-s. Loulse Taft, Major Thomas L. Rhodes, the prenident'a military &Id, andevers] persometfriends. CHAMP CLARK RE.ELECTED speaker of Homue cota to Wsshnton for Nlntli Term. Montgomery, Mo., Nov. 6.-Beyond a donbt Champ Clark. speaker of theo bouse of reprosentativ os, bas heen re- elected te congres. f rom this district for the niutb ime. Rie opponent, W. L. Cole, prosc- r ctlng attorney of Franklin countY. made an active csnvass. but hoe vas unable i decresse Ciarks majorty. Kentuoky Congrassme Mxsd. 1 Louteville, Ky., Nov. 6. - Éerkley,1 Stanley, Jobson,, Shirley, Bouge, Caa- titUa"d Fiida ln the. Cret nul. con- puessional districtà respecths'ely (ail Democratà) bave reeived sale major- ities Laaaley, Republia. in thé Tenth district, la vithout offlsItion. "nver. Progessive, hi the Blcventb districtl s cdins and appears in bo the vinner. Formear Spcakur. Cannon O.tCd." et.> rSieflot obsdae Danvîlie, Ill., Nov. 6.-The vote Iu ie ior naoxmPw Uuguldoua e amore than 0v. t. ont, tor b»Mo a mmbo. eveit overM 1Wilhon andi Taft. i'h vtmdIde ta lem Wa MWmeialeatlous are that ]ersnsl- Speaker g, àwnic iuew *'ju m oa'.. UnisJoec a mion elat do 5l e. .! :-_, ;,-ý'--0 L Chicago, Nov, 6.-Colouei Theodore Roosevelt carried Illinois by au esti- mated majority of 100,000, accordlg te the figures cf his manager glouerai, Benator Joseph M. Dizon. Chairman MeCombe cf the Den- cratic national commlttcu lu Nev EDWARIO F. OUNNL- York hsadqiîarters conceded that Roaseveilt hati cariled Iliînois. Governor Deneen appmrentiy ls de- feated for gavernor by bis Deinoci-atie rivai. Etivard Y. Donone, wbo rau liii, vîlti ln Chicago. lie carrited Cook caunty by 60,000. Frank H. Funk, Progressive entrant agalnst Deneen. rau surprisingty strong and dhsap- polnted the Deneen managers ln this. Dumnocratlc Senators Probable. Ilinois may sont tvo Democr*Uc senatcratou Washington next yeai-' The Demecrats have captured con- troi cf the hanse of repi-esentatives of the Illinois leghlatiire, il la thought, andi bave Increaseti their roi- reseatation bin he aonate. Coutrl o! the latter chamber atil islu l doubt, but h. big iead hn the bouse gi-e as- suranco that OhemPrty>' iii have a pluralhty or the joint ballot or tise Ovo bouses anti be able to dicte he cholce of h- tva TUnited States se»u. tors tc, be electet InhoJaury. James Hamilton Lewis la tbe DersO- crailc candidate te, succeed Senator Shelby M. Cuilom, Mr. Levis havtus receiveti the Indorsement of bis Par- Oty for the chaievithout opposition at the Apr I prima,>'. lu filling the vacaney cause t%@ i e«Pulshon Of Wlliam Loimuer trou the sonate the iegislatsre vili bu froc to make Its own seloctIon, laasmuch as tise voters have had no opportunity Oc, express tbemselves lu the matter of a primai-y election. Congv-esavnan Rodenis.,g Leadé, East St. Louis, Ill., Nov. 6.-m Othm cil>', Wilson leadb, fer presldeht; Roouevelt la ronnhng tisird, but la poil- lng more votes Oban anttciDstd. as Taft heat hlm batin lutise prlmary et' Elast St. Louis. Cougrsmn Rotienbes-g, Republicaln. leads for oun- gi-enusln EasatSt. Louis. Roosvelt Oets V@rmsnt 5Aone"ll. 15 st., -5L~* -il ME

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