If. you're ias good Iooking as this voung fellow, or better looking, yoti pan try on one of thoffe suits here, and .tht's the way youl'l look in it. Tryviiig it ou won 't rost you aniy xnoncy, nor uiîueli tiîne;wearing it home won't eost inucli; saits like fhat-2 hutton, lonig irol apelA, siîîart high-cut waisteoats, swaggviî trousers, inimauy fine weaves anîd patterns-$1.O(> and up. n ar aafnr ji r ' ýhave made for us and for our cus- tomners the moe fashionable, etylish lot of suits we've lever seen. The fabries are selected from the bef foreign and American looms -- 1Sc-otch and English weaves, in many shades of gray,. tan, brown, b4lue, and ail sorts of combinations. Youn~ men tuhe notice The dominant idea in lothez this faMlla the. yoing idea; even older mn want styles that are a littie more extreme than FAYEI-TE S. MON RO. ls great-grandfather wag one of the tlflPd In securing the servi e f 900d ,early seiers of New York ate, etizens for publie office. He bas been formerly; and some of* the real youx Abvejeshw a lilkness of lbIoudd i oc r(amillus in the a member of the Highantd Park school m Séw repesentnde luthe sUitelegfuboard for four years and bas been al »« rpretratie inestrit 2. gIr Mnr year 17901 lie served several termis keen advocate or dlean Politicn. models are pretty onappy. iààgr frOhsi d st ict.andMrk an in the New York legsiature, and wasý Mr. Nlunro made a campalgu baAed. *Ïeilv lu Waukegan widely as a resuit! a nienîber of the sesion that votedi entirely upon lis personal abillty and OibMYlag been attorney for the C. & for the constructiont of the Erie canal. personal integrîty. In public tpech-' Better have an arlv look at the 4 IL durlug NMr. Frosta regime. H( Nir -NMnros grandfather, David A. es hie denouneed Lorimerlsm «Ib jack-n 111ted the race for the logllature a, Ntunro, sas one cf the Lýaiug organ: pot, and exposed to the public the rec- n w v e n s is a d o ec as l4 gatu0w, or "dark horse" and that izers of the Republican party and had, oui of Edward hrlf.lesad ». *otfled the blggest ,vote of ail the honor of being a pereonal friend six fpet two, la of temperate habi!t'sag e tlto u f n tsh r %#» %USdates la something remark. of Abrahbam Làncoln. and an effective speaker.g itsa re lto !fu ;an i' h e #1- k i acnierdta - e r Munro went thrOugh the public Mri. Munro made a very active cam- ýýtW n ite dnstiee t b nti s co ('f amillus atnd la a gradue paigu througbout thte district, epeakîng lfor your benefit; ours cornes after ,iiC@UîPw'ed to the other men. Gf ('oliege and Law Srhools. lie mov- lu 19 districts, Inciudlng cîties of Bel- ~Mt.Mro wus born on a farm: cd t0Illinois in 1899, anti bas siliC0 videre. Harvard, Mlarengo: Woodistock, yours. 184 aih Camillus, N. Y. Mr. iracticed lhis profession in botb t'ook Xakegan, Zion City and Highland ý il a ancestry, bath parental and i andi Lake counities. lu 1900 lig mar- Pare. I~tu.dates back tu the first set-, rieti Miss Victoria Lowe, of Logats- lie hati-no pald workers lu the cam- 1i%l great-groatgrandfatber bie port, ilans, and Lt the father of paigut andi epent fnlo ey eXceping àkatlrinteRvltoayfour boys.te ne<(essisry travelitig expenies, munt 5 j'J a. le oierl teReitlnr T'hc candidate, bas always heen iden- or halls antd cîrculars. ISuits $1.00'. and up t0 $30.00 - ISTAIRPB 8SHOW FROSPERIT. Proclus Attr:bUte. Off theWIM Overcoats $15.00 and up $30.00 ;= gtn,-Nov. 4-Raply lu-t "Wby are diamondeBo bighly val- Ov.ertor-'Number, please'" Bobý sriber-"I vas taiklng mt my bus-i 1 Sliang prosperlty tbroughout the ued?' "I suppose." roplict bndudi dntherhi n CotUy le Indicated by Postmaster Groucher. its because they are moe u u o f on'her hm of! fiuB.flI Htcbcocks statemeut todayl made of carbon, wblch la the equi eva'mre. Youwmue oNes.e l f it thse postage stamp issues for th, et1 fcal n at the same tOn. uouncth et October show an Increase ofi look like lce." ,l WE cent avec the Issues of October Poetry et thBttm ts ug vire lssued lent montb, an increase of "Oh please do away wîtis that <Efg.) constable of a defendant, "if 1 *Miot 2000,000 over the correspond- bock!" vas the remark of a men t tobu knows thore le a pint of beer et the 2-2 .G D seS.W u e a 139 Month of as yoar. Mr. lliteb- the bench, viten te conviction book end of the job." This muet bave12 13N.G n seS.W u ga COCk Wots Out that theinitsal rate vas produced to show that It wus hie been vory much the sort of thing Of bunsase la only 7 1-2 per cent a: lftysixth appearance in court. Tennyson bad in mind vien h. wrotel Ail Ladies Te&il1or Made Suit [>~I At just onewhalf their value? Lverything markied in plain figures, and just as advertised OyerCloaK ndSutCo, IAdvertlsers of' Ycts.* LAKE OOU~!Y '4 r ..,L I -' il .. ,'0