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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Nov 1912, p. 5

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LÂKJ OOtTNTY DPDIiPiINDINT, FRIIDAY, 140VPXM ~8,1912. CýO MI1N GIe Car of choice York State Apples Leave your orders now at J. ELI TRIGOCS PHONE 26-3 Don't Worry Over Coàl Shortage The shortage of Hard Coal with Winter fast approach- ing is caumg more or less aniiety in this vicinity. But-We are prepared ta relieice this feeling to smre citent. Did YOU ever stop ta conaider THAT if the FAMILY were warmly clothed they cciuld resist the cold.better? We are prepared to supply the MEN por- tion of the Famaily with these neccessîtîes. If YOU are from MISSOURI corne in and let US SHOW you. EN ERYTIIN. IFORtMEN JB, Morse & Co# PHONE 14 Libertyville, - - fMinois. CUPID'S TNIIJMPUI Wh.n th.a..dding betta art rîngîng. and as fou i aunes, lthe intereafing coremonies which taunch those in whomyu r intarssted on lif's journey together. ynu ai exparienco a feeling of satistacton if Vour prosent is a substantial and usu- fui ont, aei.cted fron, our stock of depandabie Furniture. YNothing keepate mcîem"of the ucilunos- grecs ,10 long as thle gîff whîc ta f a ite tile TRETOW& TAYLOR IL 1 B E R T Y VI1L L E IEverybody Trying to fiud nome solution to thi- liard t ual shortage and sanie- thing to take ils place.. Compmsed Iýgg Coal ie thbe bout t-ing we knoa of for St-ove and îlot water plant-e S"oiem, Ashie.., (liakeleuan sd a good mlow burnIug fuel. Try it. Sold ouly by Libertyville Lumber Companyp Phone 47-Rea. 7 2 Dean by thae0Diepot t il .-îî -tir ,Cîared ri, l u-trtaitut If1 I:,îomie lu be-thLe i,-ai mcnthInr L'n 2lii-vrorfi tthc,ienfiorse Tbeyîntcud M 'iiikndste tîtke n- firniîtii rd- idr esportsmen of-Illifnous- Itt-bat month toIii îue a gaulie Tbireilay autenoon. undît ululslter buggisîcaînd aute,îî,uîfîlî-ei tedai-ke wfiILe in fuI! flight andi the Tlîe pupilieo! the lutaer grades wîtb 1.I -ny ville ('aIit et W<o r k .eIlW r fluîîE-. -i'hoîii- 171;f iiaoflfor quai] snd prirnie cbf-kens tiiiir teaicrm pi bcpd 111) thfe t -iga sud it te ýIerlrI (lMian l 1Il beOpen. Quial nii-a L csoi fo îîad paliers onthe, tiuil groundesud Vit- t fe îl~ itri ne iil I r h i -t e acii t> nînedays. cîîtu t ii t g Nuvercm bad aah w tain fli-e Tticrdaï fîrîî,î J 1) Sz hluanîd faut"iffor Iliashi-r If. and prairt-ie, cicre ma"v fie Ifife-rt->vilîîvoee;u, iof il huitihitgfliY hot for ftve days, toînmencfng Novem- A Well-Eanned Promotion J -n1si-u- iiilîi- Mtr iiu leaieber f1". The fo)lowînicwaoIiîplw io n îîa rS-l. Ii inda i otit tei i ii.- a borneii at (thta. Iluinda oIc ireS-liel d iilbîdnen Anana Elletin get piiîeîîrîa l, ui.-Mries. Idaho,. laver ufl iei u toBritiweigaiirIîîn., t-i., e1e-d a dîvuf at t-eh ome iofNIr- JuIn Mat-t-iîcs Fk-1 Alfeman, Wh lisemfiai-a etatiotn îîîîutb or six weci ith reluti-m o'.ere bere, Miday niurni i&[It iuîiclocikatter agent fîîr th. C. M, & '. 8. Ralvuy liuiiiîgMn fciei. ahon ti,îîîantîau 5etortiluees. I iiia fi- Ni-cake prior i-umîîanY blieafor the ilset twî yeame, jirojiou e)ecruet a lweiii ng ouil t-o lier destb elhe sd lu-i n luthe eiipîiiy leaneas mon for Tacîîîra t-o tale charge rKc.-itIyniýtlutrcd irIruîurty in thesi<uthern o!f Samueil nunl. il, i,,apacityiof nurse îîf the st-stion lu that Cit-y. Mn, Alleman it-at.- We are, tritîn eorri li sectuîi to Samuel, Juniorn. lui a peroid of La. been ait-h t-be C M & P. S-. itiîîway K'but % e t i tlolaut rciia,î. a ,cian - hurtau eare. The ancIraI wauu bel eompauy for uîver taieîty ycaia, sud ieé sut eh tîîcîîî th- ,-efutimti l.e n .ueday .t11 tii-Lui k ut tie St. Joseeph apiîilntment- t-o su-b au illiiiurt-art place tfîein Lvhome Cathlo ureh ir t-rmant-inaseTac-oinslesa selfearîîed proimoîtion the I'athlic îi- i -a%- t iLake Forest. aud reward for fiiIthttil serviraLije Alànuuu cînicîentîsa1,f ut tlic inarn age IAm-ean exemptiticiti(IIîth e esteau n unuuailfng 7uluteey sud promplt- attention ut M-iese lt-ce t uian augihtcr oft Dr.I hi-h hobeaan elîf fu. i îîî lîtnuli mlly, to ut iinese lise tee uroifi ppreciated sud iir F P I.. Courier ut Milwauakee, ail work on the- tb,ý,retineviseameue- îuythe lîoe of St-. Maruee snd ahile hie Wi , t-o Mr. F. W.lriebard. sori o! pe dnriug the cnttri da 'y Tuesday. d -part-ure te generally regret-ted t-bey feai IL- H. Priubsrî]Lifurtyville, 11.ThThîe b.dow.i-.eoutrifuîiî-f muni t-be nouii t-bat- what i. t-heur Ioes ic nie gain, sud aeddiug took place Sau-iday. Nov. 2, green bouse aere manît-aîîd Lesut-ifui. tender imeiucerenOngrstuiatioue. The at- the home o! t-Le îride'ui pareilte Mie.f ponmn aeoimdaeefc n C(,anuen WSa.a Weiknowri belle if ht el$8000 per mont-lt tratgbt ealary sudaPot-etaacmieda eetsu exeufs, o meu wît-lî ng, tointrodue e m o as IheIr househuid gîîîde are City. Mr. Prinfard bacsruade bie boirne Oui- Poulîmi- fenuediýes Itou't-ansaer packed fom eipmeut, Mm. Alieman snd Lare part- of the tlime, but I-Çunt-uLie nunes you measîî fu1iee. EUIiEK !amiy wili leave for thaî ebr ne hîiii-n mimerons frkinuîfeauîong t-he cpiiîoyeels PouLT,-y FoorîM>-(. Coi (Iucorporated, ) Taconuras of t-ha Chicago, SMilwaukee IL st. Paul East-lSt-, Louis, fil. C-6l-5 ________ rallroad, Who unît-e in wîabiug t-heraa St. Josoph'a Sazaan vary happy married Iile. Mr. Prichaid FREE ON STREETS The people of Sit, Joseph's parieh are ha.boeau a treman on t-hie road foî prof. W. (). Iilar. shois appeartng at making preparait-ons for a Lazasr t-o ha saveraj jYear. sud axpectas oont-o taile t-be L"eot-hastr. Mondai, Tuaeday and gîven a& t-bevoan ball next- aeek coin- a posit-on an angineai-, They ahli reide Wedue.day alî requauut- a commit-tee of mencing Tueeday. Nov. it-h sud niosing I n Milwaukee at-86(l' Wanbington @tretlwo uo t-otakpa alady 'e ring and bld. Frlday, Nor, 15t-L. sud ahi hoat-home after Noir. 15kh. t-lu auy part of t-ha Ci-t-r. Beoai t-len Thars ailha fourbuo:t-hs, t-be Fi.r,'star -- obiid foldad sud jing t-ha ring, t-banu bth,itu chrge of t-b, C. 0. F. ladis LIFE INSURANCE retnmn it-tu t-be iady ut fingei fronti ibcbasd gentlemen; t-be Par"a bout-b, In It- as. orlginsiiy taken. Seo fhlm st charge of t-be ladies o! t-be psrish; t-he *Don't belrnve the wortil owesu. a0 4:30 lu front o! t-be Lyrfi- theatre FRBE. obld renn bout-b, Iunt-hsrge of t-be chldrvu Binia. 'Nie wa dowe yeuna oeing. î _______0___o!the Psrieb: a notion Loot-itasd a We e ii.Piano Work lunch couniter aacb cveulng. The iraI evening of t-he a aar ahli haunsbaied lu Aidona Piano Shop a Wankegsn le un der t-be auspice@ofIt-be Young ladies, SE EU S h place to baie your ,piano sent- for Who w ili give a farce called ' Tha t3n _Q%- pare - -"Wsiu, caaction, etc. @tors.Conventio.," I iliîî Thay oil eautL huua i.ansd Sciuls piano. 114 Nuit-h Sherdan Hoad, Wauhogau. 5-tf K1DNEY 1'LUSB For Kidney sud Bladder Disaea. For Pire and Lite Insurance SEE Chartes D. Proctor, AMENT FOR New Ilampshire Fire Insurance Company Michigan MutuaiLUic Insurance Company 1BERT YVILLE ILL. enjoyabfle esyculuand aHIihbcaieiî aurlt aileat-teudlug. Admieon t-bat aveu- las aIl ha 25ceuta for adulesud ebldren 15 cent-. Tbureay ai ha Foraitar day. Tha Lady Foreatern aill giva a catti party and ilunch Thureday ptfteruoau at 2:10 P. ni., gasersi admis dIon Thnreday alteroou alîl ha 25 cents. Tb@ evenins ailha meu Foreater'. nigitt. Tbea ll waui hagfven Fnlday at ahlch aIl hWc-vedila lunch, whch ahIl ha 15 cent-t-r plate Ad. uielon n ail aveaul PexeprTueday ahli ho free. Il you wab tu .uloy a pniasetevenlug ai procure a nulM souvenir doo'$ flau toatteud lthebasas,. lied Comh Pouitry faed l I. t-lua favorite sud gela lita aggs Tituu.sd of sat.fad customer.. Sold ouly hy IÀBRaTYviLLE LumBEri Co. 43-2 Piano Tuning Leave urdere aIDaY'@ Fumultutre store.i Work doue hI tr. Aldon. 5-t! Bank Your Surplus With Tbe Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Whiî-h combine, uspltal. oontidenoe, eonaist-eney and îvuurtes:u. '[ha big mni it-h t-be big roll antdt-ho lile man ait-h t-he lit-île ol! are aiike welî-omed, Our door, are open te borroanre suit deposii.ores aite. (Our pttrpofe is tla 'make ou lîaîk a mut-ual hans-lit- ote heommunity in goberaI snd ia pst-mun@; un partucular. IVe invite you t-o etart- a ehoekiug ainiount- it-h t-a. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits, $90,OO.0e Blanke ts It will b. wekome news to zmany that, whiAe coal and many other conunoditie. wIIIho higher thi winter, they Ca» st&Riboy bhak.i. as cheaply as ever. They cm» frein us Md we have proven in winters p"a that our BLANKET VALUES are the bet offered in Lake County. Dimunt- t î-ton inka 557 upratty £ye"tasslu, 7 uicely inlshad, pair. ...... ......... ..............7 Itover Blankots-We've alwayo sold t" emsd tbej'rs hstar t-bau evar timevçar. Sise 00z71, pairn-------------........ Knox Bitankt--7f()80, au exraazgoto#My cottou bîsain î urpinion t-beme le----------------............. $ .3 New Outing Flannela, Flannelettes, etc. W. W. CARNRL & SONS CO@ NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PI-tON! Si SCiIOOL NOTES Obituary. 'brotherm and a large cirele of roi&U~ RothaEB . ia aer voon. che ighth grade .nrwe ýugimta Iwo,,daughter of Ai nd frand 1 t I E T V I L IE Fria foronCailisLéander vîîîted thi-c woa*M'The fnral was held at th. horne IL bonikîtn [ce sud (icireew t .cWi htrbrother, Daniel [Lise. a, Libe'1'~ M las Boot rthe lourîli grade teai-ber hr tnrtc, ?-ne c to<rk, n ,'undav, ov. :3, 1912, lie et n- -sPeut Sit'rd., sud Sunday ln Chi-ag.. Setiber 143,und fdied at Mr y Whipple, tiastor of the Methodiet ochuj LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK IMamie 1sfapke ibas beau oblfiger] tu .top hoepîto'l' 1lsvpnplot I ,wa, (n Fridaottriating.9 _______________________________________________November 1,lp) 12 ,,alter a.lig,,av, The familv wîehi to tbank th@ . slmr ______________________________________________ edooj thi8 year on accountof ber haalthr."laleo the W.C. T. tU. sud friande fforte Thetidadfut gaeppl o llni eof ttiirteen viarp. the l1.t eight floral rontributioos. To inure publication in the Indapen-1 Mies Etta, Dow of Niepone Neb.. laeer fWihhd engittwti dent, copy muet hbain Iheoffice no leter villitlug Mr. L. B. R&y.a Hallowe'en party Frlday aiternoun te oies s of hhie r)ittiantwhfn W ae t fttl i Ooka& ln tha fourth grade room, dled. mîght Le Weil to me. tht.s ad Il soa thon Tuesday of each week. Adver- Nwlttc t the Mermdittlîgreen. Rpr ad eogvnotMndy hnut on h ow whiîtathe getting sud the eo.J éÏ thilerri,, *pecially, areasaked otarebouse. try il c72 Thepjor cae eregaven the dnduy. ;Wihauuteyouug th d.eceaeedi united good , 1,1iFrvlryîE LruwsaaV particuler notice ta Ihis effact. Mr. and Mrsl. 0. F. Mamotu vIeted Friday avening aud everyouo presusdner atfath aen dlurci h otmlaehvn a Btraand Sunday with relatives inbarhasvary good une thndrteer log yaitr. n uffrtg te I o nepaebv Chicago. Te eba raie hi lis hrenln er fsfeig' thie .f51aie H f WJ. Poilesd 1Mrs. George llartray moved iset aeek iLat mearake jour sale fTeif - t oga"ize'th-r Mlus be leava. tcimouru her deatb tour ternishein re tom pltingransg"**- -Tuesdeva aternuon atter ai-boul. Thoir__________________________________ t-o lFvautou. tarta ille, ht B. J. Poui -i eaolcesae hreahabraipe- Jean fRay @pont -iuurla.v and Siuday 1 trietgli. det, AiaeiCaresvire braiînt, hrir with Warren Boys. aet K-noaa Fran k Masou bas reiigni-i 1-foition dntSm a iak iepeio hitn Mine Elvîrà Mundep se at stirdy ase bookkoeper for tj,- \ îît t Shore Slth., eoîrtary and trpamurer. and Suuday a th rlativea ini Chi-agi Coueolidated Ceas Cc,. ut Highland Park. Kat@ Carroll gave a IjallIoae en bard Tue W. C. T vf a il hîîd iera guli Mies Mecrew. aaitant irînîlpal lu G O M . Ieniiz u be homte. Tho, erening %a n miît lit _________play._____________________ nie tiug witlî tirm. Julia Kolle nilour bigb mcyool, vifilted ovi ii,-iurilay lgcaloen0aieadtMlîgghN Tîieds, ov .~ udtiudayStlie hoe 1< îîii gtoria.. Evoryoue waelree...din lard Appies direct fromn the growrer ta the Mfr and lmoi. Iri. Kellogg aud V. A. Theltairy Farmee' Protîteî,o ' toue lothe.ansd they ail had a very o u eraaprc miu temdd- Muir of Loe Aniglee, California. waction ivili in«eet att-ble town htari. iitîrrow gu ii.cnu ea rc iu h ide gileeits hie tirât of the week ofNMr. and (iSaturdiîk j iglit Ail ii et-are! odt-î.man's profit Mra. F. iW Juet urgëd to attend. lîpun (tlndîîrf . %hi.ba]i hielegz broken abouit a ntti ugo lm ,, k ini SNOW APPLES, BALDWIN APPLES, KINO W. .1. Mundee Saturday uniîved lits We bave lotse ofrosi rimtito i.-kidm. It chool again.A P E , S I PL S T !' ! famity into their uew humea recently înlght ha well Vo Pee Ibis asildKt M-t e A P ISmeE P LS. S EUSR rit) aW Wile thbe gttiug sud tl..,-o i Elmer itee-k with ha tareti MamieAihadpc dan athepcea piîrchmsed o! Colby & Austluinin ibeir ioiod LuittpaTv ViaLd LiMtheî, lu, Ha Woo 1,di1lFioVVofLtbe WhaelemfCr, j3ike5 fplat. Basune o! the pianolete of9 a bdvi'in f h W@eerfaci 2 tlie bigh sehuol. Per arlPrBne Charles Kiddle is to have auoni-tion Mr. sud Mm,. Sehuijer Appt-i retumuaed Thetrât aud second grade pupilo had$2 0 sale@ Frldaylît-oday t on the Bard Cbard Friday froui a two moPlvatcue Hllîweupary riryaleroo l t$2oce. Phoer 1a78J fan aeî! tLis lac. H pmoiise V Coorado sud Nebrasha. Mr, Alplay the @ecoud grade oonu. The second KE DIH SebKi. tratbu aIl tuo a gond lunch et noon. eysbhaeswi oue woif but dîdiit get a grade pupihi dmeeed UP â@ ghoatansd Car -ill ho in Libertyvil. Ibhis coniU WM& Botter plan ta go. ehot at it. thuwu - oeo -ao-a om The. front o! Treptow & Taylor'.@ lonHnonasebogh o en ud rtt Od O op te tcaero firuitir. ee&bllhmeuî la repieu3deut Tue*day attemunon atter halng conficuad The high uchool girls haae tamled- aIt-h à »Wa aigu. It I. doue la gold leill lu the Jase lcAliater hustitai Ibrea practieclig ha-bat baila.tbyutd D). A. Young in the art-lat, sud adds mont-b. Ho soetalaed srjous tnînry B ahaegaebt aie they nior su materialy t-uthe appearance oorthh@theghavelapi1t1,00,samployadtthese.iorniord 5101,. iThe manager of lte Lyri theatre TIi. senior Cam. bave sent for CIa.. lied Comb Poultry feed le euho annestato Xaa ngt rf lavorite sud gil.t-he e ag. Thcusud aW.o0.camil" t- uoedoa Suigtr of. W &gf UO@e -doui, y h ihâho aegbci o ak Sprat would lat no muat IDRTYVILLE LL'MSEIICO. 6.2 three alobta. Gliblg'p«ehologicai slevaral miagazineatouOse a. refèeco Mr. and 1fr.. C. F. Wright totlaIt- ,demoutratlons lu conuection wit-b the boollorou cornent @veuts. If snj o iswf oldctn oe for ilve Ciy, Nw lelic. w@re beyregniar proffrani ai motion pii turait Ms wtt-hud t omot for81,c CtyNei axco.abr.tbj.no advaclI ies.peo-ple Of ttilde COMMUuity have auj exett «edamnmaiiig ler-gezi-ne i au aducatlouai characui Uïke eonpct VWo s as mouau t vi*Oos i . meirNormati Laddof the jilJýýLivery lu complote sets Wbfrh tbeyhave no U Icss rney absotutely ke fuo u Wi l, ia. ea er am t-mmebas iustalled s buesflvary sorvi(e., [ueat- furtber use for, WAaiesould ha giad 10 T improvpd ! ing ail C. l.Mt. P oadfotrflvthm hûvryuhv n- T e came fo Corlett & Freedeks Store 4 sep On he VarPatb" aripr 1Chicago aud a. mauy C. & M. Elect-ric t-ing o!t-his kfiud. pIes.. jet auj of t-he Se.-On te Ws Psth. a ri nitg' i-are . cheule hI par-rit Phone 5M high echool Pniijknow Sud the books two-reai 101 Bâtson pîcture depietîng sundItasve you ordar. 1t lit-,, ly point will Le icollet] for gladly. Sierre battles betweau t-he Apache sud lin village. 1 i ieLdMestceeBkra l~»~3 551~ QuinajIndiana sua t-be Iîiited tate oebe treduiMihr i -M-i br ee cd Miucet Bke Ia Novmbr tate o il iiilya3ibrwke[dgeê, lbne30LIBERTYVILLE, ILN troîî1î, at the Lv uriesîopare Saturd&y ' areer Frltjay witb suoi, flakes aîtd a le hooaAanofte -m Io itoniîrrowl nip!btî I eîal uni-ce o! îorth-weet- wlnd that- aent the nier > admisionil, re,,ilsac oilllced ti at-po1,uil for the, i tir>in thermomet-era down to t-he Il a astbrei- ilare agii let Frîdu, rree/îng point Lefore mtdntch t .Tbe presnt- on si-uourit of dutîe t home. _______________________________________- morîi t IarhIbal Hnnie i.iuileer v si,iiiic fh was Bo ligli i fiat it vanl- M-EiaBee1Lk uih a w a e ta l .u n i i lit a î ta rm c t in i t ît is h iil a lm u t a s q u ic k l %It s i t a p p e a r - i ui id it h , t- ird g r a d e .- i Set -oeLoi- Ilfukin ii ilisîîgci, ss -L B rt tthe i-a-on bThecuior andurnon girle bad practica an iiiiittlîl uerdi-irii wîî-f ui- l ilu k ltîntere are ut'orting afe uhaillgame- Miiday and Tueaday iitte l x sheriff i ittîn ol VaukogarI lrds but the îrricial fliglit wîîî not nfeno.T e scor ort-le tiret gaine h9cd.A l esl i h I, dn l,(iit utlth pmirautýdopscos ia 1tI2infvo fIlvuno gr@ "-L-

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