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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Nov 1912, p. 5

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FRIDÂYÏ,NOVE»M15, 1912. Blir Demonstration Qf ~:;LCKE-RS ......... ........F O R Si tu 1rd -ay, Novemùber 16 Grahamm Crackers. I Oc package, 3 for...... ..... 25c Emoiall cradmkerc package, 6 for ............ 25c WtWuEer., 1Oc packae 3 for ............. 25c Chams Wafem 1 Oc package, 3 for ............. 25e Vanila Wufuurs.,1Oc pecksgr, 3 for............... 25Ç Coloial Tea 1Ocpake3 for.............. 25c; High Tea, TO10r kge 3for ................2c SnwFlake, 15Sc pca 2 for ........ -...... 2& £m Snap, 5c pckge. 6 for ....... -....... 25e wàsCresin,1IOc pcae 3 for.............. 25e Mello Sugar Wafer. reg. price 60c a IL., sae price 50e Du Bar, regular price 50c, sale price ........... 42c Direct from theiii a Xseon WWs the samo kinid we have ail- CORLETr & FREDRICICS phorne30 LHMTYHIXILLIS For Fire and Lufe Insurance SEE ,. Charles D. PrQctor, AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Company Michigan Mutual Lite Insurance Company UBERTYVILLE, ILL. [1'Tla noue tuoe euly to hegin th-iahing about Christmas it raw clnerevery day. Ve *d prp"gto met our requl-ctanud m reolviug dvaae S pmn- of Puratmnhe on« gwhicli yu WC mre o BMW <hase a@rude$ wbich wililappeal 10 you es the ts eleet for somi of the ame important preacata' TREPTOW & TAYLO, [3verybody Trying ta flud omre solution ta ithe Hard Coal shoriage and so.- thing ta take ita place. Gomp=Cd Eg Coal il the bet tbing va know of for Stoye sud Hot vaier planta Socilees, "aleu, Cliakerles and a good slow buralag fuel. Try il. Sod oply by LibertUvNIle L.uuIer Compay 1pisese47-fi.. 72 Do". bgls.6Old Deumt Te To eure publication ln the. indopon- dent. Go" muet b. ln the. office no later than Tuesday of mach week. Adver- W»sea. specilily. ase mked go taka particulaer natice tg lis a ffect. P. J. Doyle 01 Chicao, wa. a vistor la our clip Tussday. Ralph Spafford of Autiocb, w«a i butinosa visitor ln ou, cty Manda,. Idr. anu d ra. Charlie Trigge of Elgin, visitdoorS, uaday with relative@ boe. j New lettuce at the. Meredith groon. house. Try it c7-2 Mr. and Mme A. P. Whooier and famlly are ependiug a few days lu Chicago thl. woek. The. Prmbiyteriau Ladi.' Aid wili meet vith Mmr.. .Kern on Thursday, Nov. 21. Mr. andud re.. kidmore aud fa.nlly ai Ravesusvod, visited over Buadà- witii àdr. aud lire. Daniel L.e. (lotlpour ticket for "The. Bayds" Mon. day ev.ng at ibm tovu hall. B...,, meate at Dockr & Bod'. drug &tore. Ur.. M. R. GrkW ahm. aold her shaw et loueva sd hm . eu.ta make ber home wit bher danglis.r, M ru. C. H3. Wil. r. Bayd le a vsryclmvrimperunstar lu catume. Oo. md bave a iaagh. MmR. BJaum of0< aewaoad, vhatd ber sister. Mmo DaniLe., the, paot veel. 1SCiIOOL NOTES Harvey ldom spent Suuday ln Wauke. Kan. The. oaideuibrg. amily bave mnved ta Chicaga. Mr&. Anean Wbeeler vleited the. echoal Ier wee. Miss Mamie Jantas le a Dow pupil la MiessWebb'e roam. Miss Key@a af DeKalb viesed w;ith Mis@ William.@Iai veet. Miss Ma.. pent lthe veek end witii fr..4d.,at . nuwo. lt. MUontbÎy metlug af the Earneai *"na &X'%' -a'11 Warkar, Wadnesday, Nav. 20 at lire. Jeae Ma. bt hiei. atri let veel Nevsam'a. but had the. gaad fartune tatilnd ItL J. M. Fuller sud fauiiy of Wnucauda Helon Caeey veut tu, Chicagaolet speut Suumday wlth hie mîthor. 1fr.. Wodaeeday ta attend the. w.ddiug of ber C. Md. Fuller. aier. LuHoussena tram CiuiîîuatI, tObia, hirtrude Dan.. epent Saturday and apeut atowvdapowithblhe bruther, (Jeo Sunday at the home ai Vida Jamlean ai Heueeuand family. Miiburu. Gearge Chard of Austinî, III., ven Johngebieli ai th.. eveuth grade lkit ISuudyed at 1*ii. ocf hi, uncle, achool Frida'. Be ha. moved îvîth hie Fraul NIalsa, . parent@ ta Fiarida.' M--e I. E. Brown Goflormngtoil, Il., Claire Kinby, sehu vso lu the eîxtb le .ski.g .n .tended vj,ît with ber grade ber-..bhafilloîved ta Wîecon.iin au"t. Mr@. W . W igam. -iii bis parent. brother, John Roabertson, of hIorrocca, ba-ket bail game viti the. srute Friday lud.. cevenal daye tie veek. aiternoon. Tii. score va. ô ta 6. Alil extra diabe. vhbv ere lîftt tl aue M . B Pae i.caach of tii. bays' Tavn baU at., ibm M. E. laie. baguar, bsket bail team,. hurt hie shouider viii b. fouud aitise paueonage. Saturday vhie playlug vltb eome ai TNins Chapierof Westminecer Onild the. boysa viii m0et a% tise home ai Mime, Be.e Tii. saphamore giris piayod a basket Baud, Tuedaeaiigv. 9. h ail gaine itb tiie ireahmsu giria liou Mr. sud XDre uy lifMier und Miss day. Thesmere w e 8ta il lu lavor Jesuetté, of ChcagoyMsod aven Buadgy o the sopboqsorn. un. A. M. DOaey, vie. C. 1. casey ai d .b o o r.5g< W. B. Car. MinUeMs.Cserp aiteusdd e . ddiug Win. "rhmr sloeaiedtiste Hureuber. etla ies1d» Camy lu Chicago ti veel ger botel snd buSse ait Bail Day sud Wedseed.y. viii takle possession about the mlddis of Mr. 6sudMn. C., . H. ven» suad Mm. eob IL Wayne Colby sud sou John. kit MDr. aud Mm GaOo. A. Wright loft list Uosdey ulgis for Gotse Fis... vhbor. Pricday fer a tvo veeke' riait vlth th" 'viii spesd thee vluter. relative. sund frle « aiWtertavu sud Tise ladies of the Eplecopol church wyul PotMdatu.i-.y. isold tismir sunusibomm n smpper at M r. and Mni. Geoffs Clevoland care the the tovu hall lu thesa fte,.oou sudparents of a lîtttis sou baru un Fnlday, oveuug of Thursday. Die. 12. fiot*iuobea Stis. Tisat accounte ior -Tb Bopds" su entantaluiment for the(George's ami]@. cidren svelli sfor grovu upe. Lot The Bolds viii h. mi tire tow baill the. chldreucornme. The. admission fa Moudsaiguuh. Nov. lSth l-.rorybody ciîdreu hbFsen overed ta 25 oeuts, came snd se.tbern. The..public echual Fniday uigt anght) . vii t flie a got them ta came boe. grand bail aItiithe vu hall lai'e the Tii. ladies oi the Preeltiterian eburch beieiltç.i St. Jueeph's churci. Tiekets viii serve their amical cbuîken dinuer in viiite aidIonSOc er oupe. unc the chuncit parlots Tiur.day evenîiug, 15c extra.1 Dec. 55 th, inom 5i ta 8 o'clir k W@ are gaing to have entertalumeut Mr. aud Dr.. L. E. Whitiî.-î l4J; their ile you waitfor the real show chie cm Iti.Em u r uîgiits year. Came aud enjay yourseives o. for the winten, their rricîlýs n il i ird cant afford fa miss Il W..are gaiug ta o tScn tetsdYoî vne bar.. a fli baom, tac. %Ir@. Carnie Orumiffniteturued oun Io3 aur wf.î ont of sorts or lit temrper.d* Take ber fa hear The. Boyda Friday lnam Tyvan, Samk., Canada , Jt tii.town hall Mouday uight. hienerai alter a mouth'a vleit witi ber sou there. ladm.bu 3 et.nsr dsa, There va. caneidenabie ..uaw au th, cent,, eb 35dent, 25 ccii,edmaa ground the day ai ber departure. Dr.nM.,A. udrewe rrtîai)acens.us l'ou are hnvited tO caîl aI out store ounfrm. .A nrwerr,.h la e uadar Saturday. Nov. lOtb. sud eampie ltii mSpringfield, 4,hlisbefo î-elebrated Bremnen lira. tuit u. 0t.Fit i, ek' r'lnwa Fiebetter but wil b. iiîalu tiile v. cih, demanstratian on tits day ai lhe beet ha.pitai fiiere far au.... t iir(ýv week@. eiuansd crackr,.bak..d. i J. EU Titica,.1 1701 eau nov get yîur cold mêats Win. lBoody ofl Mankato, Minu.lahî eliced ta cuit Tour tat. ait Wm. vi.tiig elaivsuad fied lu ilsWao irauld'e market He ha@îuetinalled vî.iîii reativs rens a uew sud up-to-date adiuotahle .liclng county. Mfr. Boady, up ta thirty-five machine made by the &în@ricam *Slicing year. aga, made hie home in mmm ucileC.I eieinyoea f taweitew ee Hl Dysu ra-e îd lu Libertyville, lIving adjustable, 'iievIl cau te sei tua sie mnt ay ficînece A gaod place fa tale the nhlldren. UP ta one-haitfinch. They wili neyer farget ItL To the1 entetaiment ionay nght,"The1Aàdoit baaaâr villb. beld uItiti, eontrtalment onusaylainstu. eti..Woodmaa hall the eveiîîug oi Nov. 29, aud artiste lu cracking luke@and canotaiug112, tiem. ossenîug BudeSevlugy a iaugb.Ciraeisnlucanneccion rith Mr. File's H. J. Peilq sud R. B. Epken, tva local ci&", vin conduet a fsrîcy vork bootb. snctioneere, have farmed sa artnerabip Home msdrecaudy viii alto tle on ale ndr the camne iflPaile & Epkor. Bath aud au exhibition of antique doit are goad aucioneere, veil kuovu boe.. inishle iii ho.cucul ch..attractions. aboutaensu iiuid te aceonded a goedly Tie i.lmses are warklng lur the building portion ai the businesslu heir lin... fu th Ibmd. E. chnrch sud a v..ddlug Norman Ladd aifithe Palace Livery group Of doie@viili be swanded ta the has Instalied a bu@ îîvery service., meet- 1 ivo, toys or girl@, bhnuglng lu the. iug ailtC. M. & st. P. trains t and iron Irlrt amouct oai uiney for tht. pur- Chicago sud a. msny C. & M. Electrie Poie b9fore the cOnteet cia... at 9:45 car.mchaseduis vii permitî. Phone 58 1P. M. Na,. 29th. TiT.. graup consiste ai sud leave pou order. 10e tua ay point ab boudent» snd manly groom, su lu Village. e-5-4 exquiatgy beautilul bride sud the cuteet possible ring bearer sud Baver A tete mare s.aaan ticket@ for the igh girl. A tkket wyul bh i. ien for svery echool enterialumeut course. Get 00e dîme turueo ve to M r.Roms Tapor, befare neit Monday snd nat ouiy mare Who vUIlDe at the. @tore of Treptov & tunnel buttle aure ai a gaad ematifo, Taplrevery WeJuday afttrnoon sud maeh sud everi'ue ai tii.eutertalnimente. Saîurday monning teretoi,, the coiisc. Tbey sre golug ta tie good, von cau't lion. The. bridai gi oup are on exhubi. aDord a mia.ibm.ion st the abave place. The. bride sud Chariot Jarrett, for nome mouths pasi groom viii tie svarded la ithe ou@ proprietor ai Tii. Keysoae Pro.@, ha. urulng lu the larges& amouni sud ithe écicept.dl a position a. superluteudout of ring bearer sud Sa ver girl a. second the. priuiery aitBiieldon BçhoOI, staàrting prise ar the neat largmeu u collSetd. ai work lier. tantI douday moruing. The ftaney van taotb vili coiu Mr. Jarrettleisuan abitious sud pro- eonthuhg passible Iluhelie ne ofai suse- gruseve yonng man vît h a uharougis lIre Chrlima.pr.aeuta sud tt le op.d knovimdge ai the printing buieseasd vili ampiy repay f hee young people for kuovtng hlm a. ve do, v.eauoin bt tboir attionsueeffort. ta inrhe a geod E * 0 ulo f sa cu sé s l u ie o v c » . e . E Episcopal Services LIFE IN URANCE Servies eat tie Epiceapal cburcb every W. ve u m-poItIi q uýea aolio o: Chnreh mervicéee W* srela omptillcelwit dwth,10:30 s. M. sud Sunday sebooi et 11:80. , a .6. . .hrisa "A là ae ordialîr lnvitied to attend. Whn ema » svqe8se ý sE E fU ANi s. YNW~h Rey. Whie, R.eefar. To The Ladies BIS danonsttion of Bremsmr bWeulte et 1. 1Ui Trlgg.' Mstr. aturdep, Nov. 166bs. Tau are luvtud bla cali sd »Oupte iii... gods Plonama kYs unbn au dskasbyMIlr AMIde. l>ots't lorgot to came ta tise B" eutertluimsu of the Lyreum Course iveby ibe high sehool on àMondap evenlug, Nor. 181h, ai lis. lovu &IL Eesulciommas ticket sMlesfor the ootrtsnmni oure:P.l Hughes89. Frasece mith 26. Il& Havu 22. Blance Osisrn 16 sud Marjory Prie. 14. A good amy have been sold aitishe drug @tore. Boswick Selle Oui Tn.edsp a deuil va ciosed vbereby C. A. Besvick aold ta John Leeter lie fituren sud crack of hie uoveify store lu the Blnlley black on Milwaukee. avenu. fr. Beevick came ber, irom Anfiaeh about roue flarm agu sud opeued a phatagrapb gullervun the second iloor of tie pFume building vbicb lie bac con- ducfed ecer acnm,. Tbree year. ugo te leamed the lIrai flaur under his studio aud opeued a nurelty @tore vbicb heb.ha. aneceonfuliy conducted sine@ tbat time. Aebnrt time ago thie uppurtuuify preeenled lt...li for him ta secure a gouil phocugraphbhuqi- ne@@ ut Delavsîî, Wîe.. and un. at Elkhoa. 'flicfuture ai thea. twua erprise. iaoked ton promi@ing for hîm ta) pas@ by, à i ho drave s desi licneeby he purcba»pd the. tva, ollerinir for male aI the t chu b b cbhiesâtarsund galls-ry bere, Mr. Beswlek ie nov in iharge iof the studio at Lielavan sud lis i .v.tuit, Mis@ Mande Whitney, i8 oupîacîiîg thei one St Elkhuru. He le offering for @aie hir, recideuce <on Division etreet snu t eh cime a. he jc able ta dlean us hi, businees affaire here h. wiii remar, ta Delevan. W hile ve are .arry fa las.. Mr. ies vick ses citizen sud merchant, w.' leed chat ho i. ta b. caugratuiated upon hie aura..., which i. due aniy la bie untirîng efforts tavard that goal sud w.. wiahi ta elteud aur cincere viaes ior s cou. tinusuce ai lie pnoaperity bha. enjayed dnriug hi@ etay amaug us. Mn. Beewick plane ýta maintain the ctudio ber.. until alter Chrietmia., unie@, it le eold lu meautime. ait., wbîch h.. viii reoae ifta oDelevan. Ilfr. i Io ale local yauug man weli sud iavorably kuovu here.ayauîig masi of gond buein,.,shsailitv sud viicou. tiue the butines$sinng th. lame succeesuhliUnos adopted by Mn. Beovick. We wisi Ohm succeeinLu isnev under- taking "The 8Boyds'* Monday Nighh 1 Weil. the fi roi numier ai the ententaîn. meut cour.e. given tînder the manage- ment aifithe public sehools. will tale place ant te tovu hall, Monday evenlug et 8:15 o'Ciack. The sale aifseatou ticket@ vra. very gond sud lhe course promisee ta h. sg orreat succee lu everp vay. We get tise fient possibl.eudorsement ior the muter. taiumoul whicis i. ta comaeMondial ov..nlug. It le a Company viich iss been eutortaiuiug for »everai leurs sud they neyer ltago ive satîiseatton. Wh@ Bedpath Bureau osys "Tise Boyde le iou@ ai the. bee% attraction. vith tthe bureau.' The Boldo have cie advsutage ai baving mont ail ti.Iues ai entertalu- meut t atbhor dispuetisud houe. are l ableto givo au outeraalmoaît vii throuii the divertyt If matenial, neyer <cI. tàrosome. Tbey areexcellent musîcîsus <nag <t 'e5t ty0f lutru. rmente a. veli a. poseeSlng god rocai 1îslen. The cuiertalumeunt alto vii h cuppief vits a cor" Mount, of ai be comlc de veilla. muk Msd osaiug. Tb@ mntrtsuent i te w slah clae ib nil v ii profibf ! glg beedea pou vii a.. ailaupour fiads thorm. tha pree.ni maie sbovs thai vo ibave made arrnumnto for mxtra seatinu tOihmss vIin ho gSoodgete foai. Cou. sud en Ibo bout sat cocusmta, ho tovu sud at liheau, l im asisi ahe tlaiuton tisa le lumirueliu *9meMlronof our lova. Ail réservad auto vii-bu 50 ents. (feutrai admisson b ibm sat@ lu ibm baek of Un Wheu iii ho 135 mill, tises nais iii O etiehecie ela ou et ibm àbaiL Cildreu vIlI ho amitt.d la ibm.. mut Sur 0217925 c05ês. Look for ts euonuement. lu ihe store villdova sud la umiscection. ai 4h j'ii Our busmd. ».viu do ibm ruti Bank Your Surplus With The Lake County National Bn LIBERTYVLLE, ILL. Wbich combine. capita'. caufidence, eonoisteaey and caurtemy. The big man with the big roll and the lltle mma with the litho raill are alike welýomed. Our doors are open borrowers and depositors alike. Our purpaee in. b .mâk* oui bsnk a mutual benefit ta the community in geueral and ils patron& in particlular. We invite you la St a S heeki.g acaount with un. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profite, $90,OOO» Table Liniens for ThanksitM*nt Orneol r ngmecau rg iego for the hoidag seasoo wufl b. ew TABLiE UNEN. We have excellent values in tue une. P(TRE LINEN, fuil bi.sched, ltis tva yards wlde, lu a Mie varlty aipien.Pretty @tripe@ sud ail-over deelus, eevlhetadeep borderi. per yard $1......... HIALF 1ILEACHED SCOTCH LIN ENS, good hea, cloths lun eat pat- terne. Theo camneiu several vdth@ .........................................5k & 7 TOWELINGS too, pou'li need. We have the uubieacbod Roaicrash, a gaad heavy pure linen 1'~ D 9 1 . st............. ..........................J. 0c& 2j -2 A lon s,,m e ealt iniebed bieached crasah.bath plinusd ......5 with neat barder., per yard ............... . ....... Stamped fancy work is in big demnand. We have Pillow Tops. Table Runners, Center- pieces, Pillow Cases, Towels and many other articles. W. W. CARROfLL & SONS CO@ NORTH STORE PH094E 29 SOUTH 'STORE PHONE ai "I A One of the M.ay Stylss t. Select Feo.u We have just Reoeived a Oarload of t12%»alou Electric Welded, Ingot Iron GLOBEJC Stoves and Rbui s (IUARANTEED 25 YBARS Againat Destruction froan s st or Corrosion. 114PECT OUR 1114E BEIORE BUYING. Buying li large quautite eables un 10 »sIl at pria.. lover thau our competltors H. Be- EGER UBERTY VILLE - I l.iý,xRTYVlLLE >BB.IEFSI OCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THIE WEEK L ..i

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