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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Nov 1912, p. 4

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"Xlà,5 tlrgIo a sOne NO. 1. City Edflr tceslmdeiOe Telepsoise No. 145-. DEVaLOPMEI'UIN TIt I USADI td r0S5t S LlbertvlllrEchlegeTo STAMP 011?T NS WNITE, un -l* taeebeB PuAGit i 114W^aID<OAN. dbltdW4 oliovinle V !qP ~$tie'Patofie t .bertyvllle, Ill., an Second Casmeliabtte? flgst eaini 1. 1OOO fRed Gres, hretmfatueclaiC AdrtalsgBaesMae uoa u ppllctil.Os.anis have beau ordèred.& eu ins .ry 'tex tn IOVION PRlCE, 81.50 PER YEAR STRIOTL.Y IN ADVAJ40E L tD cr. baS f Lat Fanai p.704)qej sàcusi , nte 0hlna o"" on~cies you boy Ntl bu . ........ . ............. . ........... .... Edtor & ft5 elV tctb repart si.wltu s t4 a flltgb =Saton in 7007 comâ, MH............... ................ Manager aumbet cf deatle front the dsaee, Multy. 11 Ni.:.ussARD........................Cit use 4 dtaela *Ilpfiu atsriei - Beciont OUlo skan pie b, IL Te enlat .W4 cf d e.oi ohldren atma4 ulCompmlgN 'i FRIDAI, NOViEMBER, 22, 1912 in oeslllflgthese le. Anu atiqý campla mlrdy bas bs.mq~ uWmkegz4 th.e Oser flfty par *ent or thse deithI sfotarbbeli< miS'paiTsursday. Thé 0 wisate boeome of Rev. lThomas Qumyle ImelYt HO lian't been hourd fr011tubuces in uLake Coisisy du bondear", iet, Ilke la e Breae eUl oi la& long time. ts &bout time for somthing big ta drap from lIs quai' lug theise er 1914, oucurrei lis Wi tarlum vlidevêaeon. daY seh ek, lekegmo-naarly on.4ial tse li.tsthe ls1tag tae *OMO$ listis e Oti i - ~~cases ofth ise me ln tisa otntY dur-] wber4 tubedu"uexitste, obtbal»ig Lae County merhanta recogiire but one real weekly papor ln this fait thes anes POd.&eulsted la Wou- data as tu, w4ether thea famillem or% y*-4he LAKtE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. Why? sau.I ies r8-0gn h.etcsaecntlsilslsnei0 i5iTstnesdgvn -***Iton ln Lakte County-GREATER TItAN ALL OTHER WEEKLIES a tateinent ent 10 Dr'. WattarMon. lnstruesctloum 1.1w beat ta take tise pýIN&ED,-ismt tisir ressent bad of tise L" Breese sutariuui., Open air tet*,tand ta etartisel 4. ~by tise Illinois State peieratlOu oaf' tsygeilc ca la lutise boine. lr Dr. William T. Klrby, president of an Instituitioni which Illnoi prmltt@d sWonie'atclantheswcitel, plage strd buIo1W.aqjbias sbvlntheoy i am.t i &el«e bank," mmy or may nt be insane, but the ment chartable thî ite d isateti gal thtie vsitels ln utientaboUlgrt & S e u isthe pi- il Yq saiof X aete wicisailaws nyone no dearlng ta label a rat isole a "bank" tei aisi by resantiartie etatletla lu ternt tm . -Maures atliqt. lursd & thmIl t futla unage-riunt. f -awaiseis thea gansai public ta, aamai- famisllenla k Weieaitht mai* Lakte counby ministerm are ta organize in order ta carry an their work letto fmr hnpsieItr-rileýUflo bsnwdPr u eue .ystematically and enorgeticallY. Weil, judglng tram the attendance ln ese eotr.le aoatstdr Ïtehet lhors now-a-days. aomething af the ort muet b. dons and tIlimI mghty FINr- osititl enierto eep POPregoig toChUeh hanlt a t flt tOm ackIng 1911 tisere vere seveti'-two living mu« Ils haarocegtu ftahee e ait.l ucsthnl eje hm caes ofth iseae is Laie cout- 1lDCNITN U~ s~ ocega oI f l. abtf!tis anumber forty-tisewree v foi. Waukegsn. Tisera were tortY-biree Report c or cagl p inspecter@ and TEE [O8PITAL. deatisatraoni tise dlaégeelatise cotY. -Healtis Doctes begaprding o t.e. Wbtat would Lh#e do withoub bhe McAIBter tveisty-alx af tieo takiBlmpaela .Andabili ~hti~u.ct, ur bue ool2nty di_ WantegismL lisaddition Wtase mthle 1HealtI c«no~ se oe - neL ~ ~ -'e-- ~-..'o le- ere ton ca"e5cf Obt forms ettuber- lauai thls s i4i -ttemmut negad tb City éaa Is-pt le- L OR 'OB'IY Y,"calo ls neastiitabol0iI5 Orthse log thisla5t»ý o ails so* b t coàé y]U, d<e it, "Bba'ail. Trie, span, tmacis. stc.-'elght or timone %ailon, tfe à hlait;eigh-eu i. ub t a1~ of $800 on whlch he u U- ca snexlmdlu, Waukoilsa. et luvestoç aeb lset CI~ i~w ~ ppr IpetbII& rï1040fr l-bub, to, t No report vas recl'e' train rataIaà àbe of4m mas',li h ltl ua avefo vl e ertyviiiO and a test otiser towum la tise etté"dgiy-ls 'tr."» -t~ftrO~tYa Sn 'e wbcSm cun nuuy. Laie Fbrest bâi aevara1 eîgity-ab 4 111111)mlii produclu fermas * , coà hS.Uld hand EICOn-deatisa but tise nuaier wu lis the ceurq ad sa eek. fortY-aevea R. aam* C ti'" sn c to u WWaukamau. I <47) tcili w » arlgsaik la LakeBlÙffa yOSr-aIld'for Tise otiier cases miig up tisa total of 1Wa"ap. Mm thoseffpbti lie mpevlai~are .l& beo Sedltfor bile-orphaun- sevety-tva living cases aid fOTtY-. the b arn, Ï e telna awretcelidly a- l. Bt, houdn' bil ilaplal lsohave a lit- tireedeatits."vesacatterai about tbe bai condiilke .wh1 blldsMmay iargely aiIf tuat l!>titutlon were clOad-for a time, cur ty. 1 belt ala I v itd erb cr lsînofthelbb? e ol4ti city and'coui'ty realize iba impcortance 2 Dr. Wattersonan saqutonâi tu- Ilineana expiainsail eftishe conidlois. 'V. ~dey, dcc'sarcd tisat au orier bai been sndfi las up tW Ie fermer tb baSIn lis 11hgod womez w~ho work to, mainta" the hompibal, gven for aise handred tlossmuiRed cir4lIt tu find a way out alot is dit- S*ubt gebbîu a ceoit'a pay for their services, were to give Crass Crstmas soseivîci are ax-1 ficulty. becaume tins o muet b. 'wor anthe ibyor ounb shuldhavete akepected to arrive sortlY. FUIT7pounids provîded vitis a sult" soutrace ta *ori; l fi ciy o contyshold aveto ake isiavertlîlng mater arrivai yester- tise brIsslsnearly aitl Intanc etsy btai would b. seau that lb would COSt Up- dey. hase promosai W remeiy tis detect CW&lst Juat te get people Who WOUld ManU- Dr., M. Olive Rosi af Lake Furent Msny improimeuts bave beau mae *0place vilereus now thie women do it vithout ».iY ias beau appoInti ta tise cisairMan. by fermer@ ebîppbg z tbWiuiegan, Adôooueg, ubould they really b. 13400d in bthe po- ahlp ut Lake cousity suni ilil bave1 but tisera ls a U tile Ldoue ta brrgt. of having to beg sup~port? - PW y iy o"-Id they? Is it charge af thse sale of seiuleu thie ail op tu bise standard o! prenant re- U.au' any more bilan it'Ys your or the, clby's or the county tbis yaar. Dr. Reed vas cisair- qalrementm. gmin af tise sale ln Lakte Forast lait 1111k baumfe si n moudlate noces- yeer. As a reaut Laie Forast bai sîty sud lbelapeCtots Muet Inelit en t w'TjSY l eut o>! xoaiU Y u O tie greatest percapia af solesOfa i an eaiy Improvement tils rspect. are TB Y dotu ~~l? or Y U FO M e lty lis tbe state sud racelvei tiret A wuter tank la tise sen user th@ 0 F1 T ECOUNTY. laize wviîci vas a bassisome saistit'iweilla I.nat affliluut mai tbeY iMuet- '>2m, looiba nvr wIlbe lcted.If ius woendrinklug fauntaîn. Tise effilclencY be-cin, fres and ieep enongist. V»,b piU nérerfl b çuisdabwn by Dr. ReeaInlis irectlug tise caver tise deptis af tise miiilu tise * 14b. forced to abandon b1rW i efforts, the cty or bile sales InLalaeF'orest lait year was cane. Lîglt sud ventilation le defîclent ~yt XUSTtakea Up: 0ewort. Then salaries Mill have aise of tise ressons vb mie vas ai>lp syisacs iiml-.rm pala4tie genrd up-keepwill b.greater. There- pointai ta tise important position of edîed.i.îs ix nocessary for tise h nhyfot bdl te while tiiey're exert'. tiemsives? ciaîn i of tise cosintY. iieaîtis aitise cowesuma muet bava me trne a~ the hoaital eople starte a fund to be "FvrblooIrks very brlglit," Dr. mare serions attention tba ais ea u Oop fi- Thenthe exp, se in Watterton sai. "Laut yaar va dia- gîven ta coma vitin tise reqsslru., fou anaddtio-to bile boa he -l5 pse of elgity tisusani seulu Lakte nints Tise rentersa r la tise vont more tuan bie roeipts ufibi il e women n0W are couny sud va aspect ta seil mais? condiltion as a raie. Wa appreclate loto that building fupd te keep their hesds above mors tbil year. W. bave net qute tise dtflculty of bavlng to make patin. Shotald t1illa be ueesl7? lb aeems tee, badl, does- maie ap aUr minis luit l;ov tiseCa- .avent Improvements ce auatisei The xpesesrl~t n<w w runln mor bian ilePalais vîli ha caniuctei but Ilb 12 veri property bl on a sort a«e or 04 Th orn e rn e pot utmd pbI.Cno prababe tisat tise plan adoptai laitaise tisat la uearly expIrai, but tissea accrdngto ee tsjui mdèpubie O m- year a! eniltng beaId af tise scisool Improvemeuta nmuet le maie If thi ý,-t2ot the COUflay, uioip bilinstliuionin f a dflrC chilirem nlu eiliiig staup ispu vIlma s mippers aspect tu, dobutanss la Won- W$, on.whicil will lessen the-work of thos. womeu who lia folavai Ibisl year." kagan or anyvisere aet. 1Cant tis0, ;,o1 «ving bhefr lives ttelework ln order tilat bier. May soaie Art Very Prett. avisera aid raters gel bogeiser OUI 1 .laete care for you and yoiur loved onea when they Thse Rei Cross osasatis year are tise subiect of iscessary adi lame Uts~~~~vr irle?--sr'pretty. listise center le s pîtare ate Impravements? Home fermers are of Sants Caus. About lb la tisa lnsclp- under bisa taisen ipressiontbisetftler T? D ES BEN 8! btin: l"Anialean lRai Cross, 1912."may mais butter sud cseaeftMai san _______________________________________________ Sprlga af bolly are arrsisgei verY Doeaveu If îbey are flot la s Poul. tia.rlgit ltiste cîrcle vssaetli-d- --bast înat15'sîpn l prir t alctin.Tis in Iwrong, tis arore'tond lavi DÀNULIR? ARDLY F. S. Munrao!fHighliandiPark, is avrtie rmîe v1eatia. r - vwas ilsiset lagisîntiva candidate Ln duets are maie and the lava yl b laiAYEN MENSER 0F LEGISLA- ibis, tise lgistisdistrict, voli lie tisean!ookei.t an MPOO - YOE CONTENDS 24 PROGRES- Oly man affectai tsy sucus a point,Webiarrdl lYIprv IVES ILLEGALI.Y ELECTED. but, iseie otisens. lent orrylut . mua luCommtlissietnu« rl datet _____ muci about tie mater. etiComsIsrFoe55.u "142 OECLARES THAT THEi CROSS Tise point la, tisat, If visat la cou- * tateinptInovbnSmd bystainapgectoreViii b.mde ON CIRCLE AT HEAD 0F TICK- leuded aboya La corect iMtis rferauca tistaugisout Laie cint? rageriles,01 ET MisANT NOTHING. thie Progressives, visy iaesnt Iltsalpctumi.bCokOiil appiy ta lbheatiser tickets ai vali snd . olcalspts. - C,(omplications continue ta pila up lstisai bit thse Repablîcan or Dama- 'isisecino es auby tIi ~eliglaltive situtovîi uprt!crattel lgltiva candidates bliraugis- Mat@ Mlowl tise agitation » IU5stl5 as fljority in tise lower brancis. Tise outtise otnte? fitlooksaie a dis- Im ieIfitl a~7I pas 4*0&ot la a report tisatisae 24 pragres-1 gruntiai mai'$ Opinion, *a ietnroiby *»~w party members-elect af tise Ga neeThemtsofappoInt Rai O.. îl May bave ta defeni tisir tîtie Wmtor ýAiberI J.apio Iuia inRo0.Tespe pcbt'5 visite Laie couso sets A defeaied mamisaiof af s s natr tu, flil tise Lorimer flak lg .r4 iam eenbtarboeiib 00OS rtassembly banenghged vacaiscy, It le reportei, lu tise avent t e dairans tradqe fbe u -ta, formahate a content on tisa L Y. Sharmian dosnonat au,1taie 19se.beenmarchîie m a tndiY 1 etI5sB5 tht votes vere countad for iaviîri aIt tis pont pending tise out- or years. Wetche have mars brute part cadidaes her the COe ofhiscas ln he egisatue, er sd $iltpointo tbi akiaaeknto.iaj Columbus,. 0h10, Nol. 1.LOpt peat? cnteswsea te sicam e i aelu ti sa lelalate or thonaver. 1. s entatives or tise laInsuent ChItol tise ix yer tem ta uccedSenato ti liitisas ara gîttlug iseper aucea lise 45,000 uahTs -of tw »oIl at e sue relates ta tisa Culom. ali tiswbiI-vbIcb la ratber etrsuge. Moiema Woodmen o e rt&e,1I I te bst vas given tise uev Il jaui oaid lîke t esa tjust bhou Colum5busatoday ta ganlat vwitb tIl tIl. offici abllot. DIED AT INOLESIDE. fer te vatbcis ang art hie ad- ________vauced. tisI a s lie place ta COme 10. Ustlmate intention ef tbiaLttem S tueid a cross ln tise circle Ilb yon vîis t anSd out hou alisep depo e ts prefent nabiol .01 SalLi uSMaI vote for tisa graup Frank J. Rutat 1Inaieside. 111., bsa eroalli reiliaisi valaiscas hi oIS Wile tise "isurnga*e em vopl lectorsanduhtiaItishe band of Sophia Rth, nae Schveb, and isuit tfi. s@tOrs. parts af thse state ver% s esalql coongrosslanal, legisial- faIller of!'%ra. William Umbrcît. Mru. Our vatci stock Scails ALL bLaIr latlug otiser 0 tats oS*éfl *o erope eofcsiiidates vere Walter Aylwari. !%Ire. Christ Genla. liet tise art ai vaislmaklug bu- o amneabliaa ln anu ecOSq t U,ll t*. Thseisue contemplsted mark, George F., Clarence M., and Sr ovmu.Tise revot laisal ~-gI a1ut voa. .-t -vi_ r1isr.Ai-. vii 1-gy -pl*e1ar b 11i uolîvhI ol . iislisS 1 Misr 'vR<aa -*l s a4Fini x .J1 dge ts bnla u 0.paa4te,=,arr I wiée, 1 igmeait«tty mm th isiubO P ltoimtwen t - aliaeo aili v: i Féalsults tise1prbôtilà lilansu l Wh"n l v«a. et ta' plmp l olsa ia l bacema a dope Seau, lince tisail We & Ia*qVg i ta mut MI bahlt lu grialim . Fiasse aise me .a» som m baace rî ni aveWaaieaa aianc sver sMDp fot lis lie PIalaeavaluý" TFeW a eret Reoat? af Chf- ego , arr u ibgt on a drunk1 Eilierty vag ilbu'ti. Before isa lft tise poli"e itation MPolteeChiot iu i lina a atisarlr, bau se w-, *ver bodiani aWaukegai. -~Youwre cta b" teiow. lau are, Pirfecliy bàilea. l'au ane leuir ian veut eamy. Cut tise boas. Ydi, &»e not, straSS anougisteo isapsbe. yon «arteIily siouli kuov b! byti Uise biset you muet live aP t thie lave otf theseqcuatry. and rua sains tW si,* cou ana ahance.Gel an tise liait Ial and go to'-your sistar in Chicaga." eali Ciet TYrri. Tise têe rmasdean tisa YOM*g el-, lowsà cieela. -Ton, doalt iiow 10*ý 1 appreclata this favor. rm gs t e li lesi & botter lIte. 7005 cl lil. Tvo y7«~Mgo» "UerW$ bmaie vas111e4-h Uledve îéeif d tl e efvtaeni %bed e tes1ab e vasMletlb. Pe- taotbrù MaVIe ta th euen Chie! TYnSi gave tiofllnov sMr fbu CA OrFTMANiCS Idaire tO etai.by heist tisaks t10fteus vWeU er, O 90144, doring ay recsatber*seint la bise mtcEe m«I A"dealisoreMy 1h Ie . s for tisa beautlful floral'trfbntee sani aiso to tie. Who fnuilmed MuodkcM lbe occamoti, 2?2-it.dly lt-wl!r. urinalsmperkolgue.70%rcsY cebam thouui take lb-Hliites R. M. Teaj et, Dbob 4 Wod Aeat1 le' souldmot an tsa 2mlrs biLd beau la attessimnea or elit- ot ev brotbers madý4lmm satahe ______ wu et UU ,ýo.O«i U »tUd pth Last wiek,14me Annsa Kitsg rces c odîsba1h8tfdlpe. id aciifO .Cbtcago oser thse t" ?P01T4 Mmd* 17 comvliUbaslto ..1", wir,. tise amoeut of uomweytise, *entdur- "les yor uitèr taiklt. 1J ust tag thse rffcemt c=*AWIýatnshow tisat eIae4 Ib"d sIma"d brotisr iiCisiiA en dorge iiMdu oms eh, rat 10 5pUi" mt $2,040. or the 20 risare. Tise nest' du 'Mlmm lng came ove durantise Abat thrft show- to wmU1.h. Am[mtthebC 1187 w~Itbed bai edspeut More tI U. VPOU. mies Ai»aian moaa 0Wauke o-rrressieS 07cOUU STEWM%,T STOVES BaWeBmr #lot Biost Sttd Rans Cs Rne Prfctln 011 rieters lare~ stock ýto select f rei .CQJMÉL IN ÀNt LOOK Tàtg: OVER i*,pitce la R'ght IFO IIROS ~her th Uo~auyMake Milions" -The CJompany la ahead when a man' lapses bis pollcy." le the general beilef. But ths l, not so. igvery lapse la a Ione b the coinpany. The Uiberal cash -ialutta, paid-up values and eontinued Insurance provisions after the third yer are so liberal that the insured eau settle ini snch a way that he Ie prac. tically not out a dollar. Tf.e millions of assets held by 1fe' companles are not enormous profits tobeb divided among the officers; every dollar les scnring the. inenrance In force-the. ahutters at the Home Office inay hi' pnlled down, new businesS- ref used, and the Company can go on and pay off every dollar of oblga- * bkn. What wonld yon thixik of a company, adding only ton per cent to the innual premulm which la necessary to çarry out the. guarantees-ten per cent to pay the runniug of the compa.ny, then retorning ..U left over by adding saine to the. surplus thoreby giving a larger. guarantee "nder a hon-partlclpating policyl The. emafler oompanies are writlng the. bnlk of -the. business during the last severai years. Ulard-headed business meon, after a careful study of business and the companles are buying thig protection An the Old Michigan Matual, * where theg get what they pay for, satlslied that they have the best assuirance of a contr*et fnlfilled. If yon 'ire interested in a.ny way-and 'who le not-for this business la "more far-réaching than any' other; 1111 ont the squakre below and mail to my ,address, Rockefeller, 111., when sme wiil recelve attention. Younstruly'. JOHN HOOG£o Phone 264Ll 101*1HODG. MDirctMat««u, Mev) blatedemriptre a DI' Doi I-Flems god t.my aa (gésv ow) gemPtc0 wht voMr ompeay blmt.o u fr tuy AUnnel Iubataton Y> m *

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