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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Nov 1912, p. 9

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IN IEE D N WVAUKEGAN ,,WEEKLY SUN 4 PART TWO. I»MEBTYVILLE, ILL., ]»OVEBER 22, 1912. EIGUT PAGES $1.50 PER YEAL$ IN ADVY 71486 lé THE REPI.Y TO TUE SUN PRom 114UMUT ENCI. j urs O*icEt. 1 r shw àMd, vs*0 >4« eat ho ieg tnd bmoks 'uitr er the muai Mlvauke.. WIs, Nov, il., il2 1ýom Lilut Col. Oea. A. Zinu, corpe of ninleor. 11 Tour W J. Mhb, Udtor, Waukegsu a. Wtokem luI. BubJet:I4e of lad aI Waulte- 1. Tour lettsr of Nov. 18, relative ta m iosaf goverumet lanai lu ths Cli, o WedUO6. la iseelvel. 2. 11% tusse a« 1i1ad belang te lie Uaited altae thLe Ciltyor Weksgsa s roeee on ftptember 8. 1& for a Pet& e!S eais. 1T1s Immsela reroqubtieahviiib> the ISec- rtBai>'of War.UIlaI.presummi l IaI Y«eau "Bd la s cp>orf liiss«o la the propertyl eolie At Wauksgaa, &1i eu givo you no Informastion as llow ubter tlie cl>' of Waukega cmaaIOOUt ae ae, for sSe es pensi t or »LIL tvouli bu entireiy I tm te th ie governutent siionid theotF iela» ioe igof heie rms o!lils louas i voul renier the Issue iabi1e te vevacation, .4. The questions ralsed b, o simli NPsoprlg leensbailteaiteoa lav., Fer as lie, ors sssentlaily legl'Iu Iler sad la absee of Iet. Cal. S1- J. A . aTOMPKINR, Tie ou& UWds>'maie It sapont ta eaul»a» lie lisse lithe Cil>' St- «« ailt, vii I. governont o ephstiies4UIl Thesla » pmliS t tI te 8e 1W*-pa V yrl>rnai of 0»s doltgolu ý 04. goemaent but assise e a r eswievrt e Ea li porMel;tha'l". cty met ftep the 44 u o juml.ho tait- mse to e 40wM* «Me o4s.tbhA.-6a q* ýea5 lupetAdvai "Thre over IS» t m #md"d il» tui n J LANSSFTO fEEA LJPI MRIES *MEAT C~Pf#i VJt~~I~II&DLE IS NOT AT AN END AIE F P CLENE RSTEAK lHA$ OOPPED EIGIiT .ENTS A POUNDO N LESi TIIAil COMPAN Y .IN WAUKFlAINl A WEE~ELR EO CROPI ASX RESPGNSISLE Federal Jude, Upon ticaring of the Bld Tend-' LOCAL DIALUIMS EXPECT FURTH. ered Mouthy Auctioueer et Waukeoan De- ElqR EDUtCIIO OMSi clincs te Amcpt 8111b-Final Meeting of FOEWITq 0OVR Cre.to s ildp November 23. j A general nlaUiton ln lie prloe of ail gra4as o! uSaI. ringiîîg ecilce Tihe Sun leàins that Judge -tandis bu rstused 10 cauirm tie remet re- ceivee sai, et the Perfeg Cleaner Company, Wstsr treet, Waukiegan, lu lbe Chlec a nu uo bd ld,150 ter the. assola of thie coupany. Thi aleI vas te one vbere tii. seeloneer veemed tobeb.seeklng Ivoubie viii tie mes gatiersita bld ou the. properîr sud filsll acepteai a bld of$15 for the asuesla ster Il b.d bean ulilapereai lato bis ear b>' a Chicago- su viosen me b. refused lu dlvulge1 ens. te tie tockboldors proseul vbo asked wuliaIl vas tbat bld ln the prop- sly. Sbun Carnîe Ostaîlste court, The, Suu viole up lu detuil lbe na- tur, of the sais, sholag hou the, suc- lioaer baactedl. boybbe ad accspt- ed ws perea i bd. ete.. anda, mailked copy of the. psper vwu iorvarded ta Judg. tandis. 1Wbetber vbst the. Sun contalneai > cm" the. Juda@ge lurelus. tea attir 1lte "5 or ne ,le nt kDOvn, bul no daubt Iît bal sou.tlug to do vith tOpenlng lbe courts oezote; ubat vas .a ratier quetonabi. praceduro In 1mafter af s publicesmle. > Tva ekbolderu of lb. Pensar POUIa URtTO"EWR H Quesion TEA & «EN Be ause repae ntia b eft>' dock for a têtes et ten geais bas atloasa $nb a generai discussion, the *e rete as etele, luthe berai of the "fps of iglneeias tatloned t lii-1 auhmes. lag ldaIbe suboit bis epinlon et 18e setter. ie maya lit w uoml be lImtesia40 lthe gort.. Peut uhelietor Simel lbtyduaacua- ed a tom gai lus, despite tii. tac thaIt the govemo«t lgries but a tive ~ r Issue to 415de.t>' vUewifit klii. later vrilLai by 'is auaxaMd foloulng Il ltherepi>' Ira lb. enlaser Nov.il, 1912. "Ilft la 10 ait off orotument wark, ilwaukee sud Cilcago. S* e cty of Waukega for sou. 7m" u eajinitrous lmi. ayvsniem lad m-th la, front m ber.l Isu imnhlutr0M 7mW lu eai. TIrb i3.l la turu, 15usd uslemusdtalel,. prt OU!,Il, te a %09 eca o upang. JusI vb' pwr #M,, la le 57by wl lmCiy Poatsewunirew esa for lie smg or as,.do* wpgil> li ouM5~tiUW fl e onthe laiesa lIe. k»Su toi.ou 15 Ui= 8 Imlfefr a ton I«W ,,l S '*tag lit lbu but a u~Sr lssa<rm tii oera- tg t t4bIfle cli did make sncb a bqoi&, weaU lbe Wterial lu the U1wabom a4olit mi « I i.ly rstad un oder o! Mailg sg ienlie lomme, eêIidus & resait et mrn inad e a opb4am .fer tesg0. on a portiôn ef the land ovasi b>' 1e goveflimeut. TUDAILI SUN. Comipany' vent tc, Chcago thii. eek steaks aud ceps back 10 a prie te, Inqure mb- lie slatus oft tii. d0i vere the>' uay appar now and theu paays affaire Snd there tb.v vers lu lbe average vage Parners bome., tald liat Juaige tandis refusai ta cou- vas announoM i b, W Watukegan meat ti-m lhe sale becaufe of tbe loy bld market auner Weduesdav momDimg. Wfoeied oin IL. jTii. reductlon, be cdaims, bas been Il vas aiolearfl.Ô hhat lbe mea giainsi for the paut wyod vi. lually bld $1,150 for lb.asasets, jpterboiýs. t aks that brougit 33 bai miade an afer of $1.200 bo the cents a ueek silo are now afferedai a recelver prenlous to comlng lu, Wauke- 25 cents a poMa. SIrloin steak thal gasate, attend lhe sale but liaI lb. brougut 28 çents a week ago I. nov raceirer, aller looklug oyer the asseta, refoseai 10 accept lhe ofler, declaring sel1ig for 22 cents a polnil lie>' ucre Worth more. The pies of ail grades 0f meat Accordingi>', tuis fact, togetiier vltb vent up Ivo veel<s ago. At f 151 a lbe others, serred la cause thi. court botîofa on. or two Cents vas ai la look Inlo lthe malter carefully uben nouticci. A ebortage f ai cMte vas ho beard of Ilhe $1.150 bld being pie bama seuleld ndcllused lb. court lu decline bamd bg tbe uholesalers. The finmI>'ta allov the bld 10 stand. prlces kepI toarlng untîl lhey resch- A meeti ngaof ail ciidllors of lbe ed lhe ighet mark ln 50 years. oMuapang bas been caliel for Noember Cbickeli5, considered a luxury oni man>' 251h at vbicb lime It viii be decided tables, c-lI be bought for 15 and 16 luit *bat course »hail bu puiiued. It: edots a pound leus. han the cholce coit la unloratood tiiat sueor lie olof a beef and tbey look the place af stockholders are af the beitlia lthbe>'steaks. shoulai gel togetier andi purcias e eRecord ci-ops lu the. West sud norti. assoIs sud go ahead ithithe. ompanY , est brouiht reduet loi n lie@poei.s eo wblch bad soci goOd prospects sud grain. Wthb Il camen a big drap lu lie whicb ad offers forthbousanais ai dol. violeeprice. ofbeef. Iteet vas off lars vorli of ad belote te trou- about t a iiundred lu Chicago IlasI ble came upon IL. - eek. __________________________ Tie retlbiers vho bave compiaineai of a big falllng off ln tbiI traie since R tjie pince etmeal ofd eue DISC VER PA ER hbeir pnies as so as tbey sav liaI ,WgCgSnorSCjTy ,"lte oulido s. vithout a In w W ni~ SfOWS 411 or tirs. cents a potind were taken olff of beefsteak, the sanie off thie beef REPAIRED BRIDOFi rouate. .1 do flot expect a boal ui lb. pri-Ie of muat untîl next aprI-lg.,"sai oue local deaier Wednesday niarnlng. "In- stead of btgher prices. 1 look for an- olier reduction withîn lie uext fev dasys. The vinlesale mar-ket lu Chi- cago nia>' lieoff one va>' or another trou dey t10 day. but Il viiionet efet the local nmarkiet. 1 am hure liaI ussj viii b. cheaper ail vlnter than Il won Ibis sumnier." lie said. LIBERTY VILLE MIN FREED'AFTER IIis WIFE'S Pý LEA MARRY HICKS 0F LISERTYVILLE, "SEES WO VIHES OF HI$ SCHILOREN IN COURT. JUBOE 18 LENIENT AND SENDS BOY RIDER la ARRE8TID ANOI PLACRO UNDER 61A» SOND; CASE la CONTINURD. MmraElizabeth Hollstoin. $2 goars ol&l or 716 Southb tiica atreet suataîn. .4 a tractured collar bons and possible Internai Injurieszviien abe waa run doua b>' a blcyclilt Who vas rldlug ou the old.valk. The accident occurred, OIU soutb Ues astreet belveen sento ad Ravine avenues, about à oclock Tueeda>' evenlng. The. rider, Meyer KIla y uu aid or 319 1-2 Southi avenu., vas arrested b>' tbepouice tIti. Miuong snd vas Piaeed undér bonds of $1,000. The hbnrins vas con- tinuel 10 dais pending theo .tome of the. accident. Mrs. iloteln la la qulte £iciticaicondition, Usdel vors. bg ber advauced as. According lu the story 1014 Ibis iaorulng by Klau, be vas ruinE &long on Iýie, sldeuaik Xltb a sceau boy slttlng on the cross bar of'-bls ubesi, 'hen the.accident bagp."d 'l MaW the. voua 1 front o9me sud 1 taured my bicycle e.310 i aa (Contlnued on Page Pq4gr.) FUVE SWITCII- ENGWNES INCITY, The f relgit business', et ýWg jouet & Uaatiut hi 1b", #M ed 10 pert oM tu.lie »,Et*i0mue$% rive dulteli un à$ss ara t pRla etr asmi wu~e i& êS CITY la NOW IN A POSITION TO ANSWER DEFINITELV ABOUT TH£ OWNERSHIP. Soue lttie ime ago Vhentihie ques- lion of paving the. street car portion ai lie Geneseo treet bridge vas braugt up. andi liere vas lhe point tial the streel car coupait>'mligt~ rais. sirenuous abjection on th. argu- ment liat the raliradaicampait> ad notthe cty bad pal for the street car portion ai lie bridge sud liaI thero- fore th ii.cI> bai uothlng lu say about l, the majaril>' vere in doubt as lu vielier orual lie ralîroad coupany vere rlgbt Ilu liu cIla. R, j. Smth, a Civil englneer said.- "'" 'K UIBETY Iug on South Sheridan Roaaibas pro- VLEWT I IE dluceai concusive prOof ltat lie rail-,____ road coupan>' vas ual rlgbl said liaI Mlltyauk"ee.Win., NOV. 1.-Because le >As te Cil>' vilcipaid tor lie big vite la depeuleul upon hlm Iar vork. HIe bas loatel auang bis Paii.1Support, Harry Hicks, a cabinet inaker ers a cop>' of lb. ProposaI i hi vas of LibertyilIle, Ill., vas ilaced upon9 uubmltted la lb. cil>' tar the 0out 0f probiatîinfor twa years'b>'Julgeà the luproniement. AtItheOlime Mr. Dukus tha morilng. Smith *as lie Cil>' angliteer andl b5i Wien lie case lnvalnlng a alatutor>' charge ofthle wvan. Accoupanylua offense, vas c&ileai, tva vomen aI te proposai lathli 18 0 edtf1. 1canait stature steppeai forvard. Eacb lIons, ahovina lie nmne>' O! Il ,beld a baby luahbirarma., Eteka vas beamm, ee, necesssary ta o ~ lth th. fatbei oi bath Inants. Ou. aI lb. truitie under lie street Car cm tsvonten vas bilgvifs,wvile th. oierj portion ai lie bridge..-vas CGitruie Macheel, Duvet Dam.x This proort laI bas been promseil dWle b>' Mr. Smith settléealie qussgus o* iAcrîal b etmag l ail lime and It etiies a mol'. illlort.1 conducled a cancessRIosl an amuse- exitlD ina eo sb tb ie t4ts FImr ent Park bers dUilng tie sommer oi oompany S g euos l1gb hoM IS ". g III111. Ho bumale tac<liil*i ttiMiss àsait aid vioc lie eciipvY ce4 t e- iMache1, It wvas plaiWb"iiab*ie sitel tbei r ,szb tir ilbe park. 1 -Q#e4à ' Mttham ut dere.loft 185 Court -rpotwgeow M5vIle Mmse Usebue set, t.1 MRS* DURKIN ÂSKED TO COAL BOGAT BRi 1 WITIIle M,8*T MAKE UP SIIORTA(E 1N COULFOR àRJ KIRBBNK SCANDAL;NOT CERTAIN AS TO COURSE Mother of Young Woman Who Mas Been Prin. cipal Figure ln Case Declares She had Re. tained Ifopes she Could Heip , ik'e Matters out soFaras PoorFoiks W<et - * BULLETINThe cold. enigisatical amlle vont hy BULLTINM rs. Nargaret l<lrby, wIl nithe prea l f~l5î.frls 9. The Ru*) dent of lhe defunct Klnby Savings l Chicago, Nov.ý 20.'-^t IclOo eclck bank, durlng the lengh of tbe hear- I court adjourned and thé, iCîbi' cas Ing of ber case before Pederal JudeV was lof1 over ta, Monday at 10:301 Landis broke Tuesday. o'ciock, .ludge Lundi& flot havlng git(eI The vomansa mother, Mrs. Mary i decsîen as te, what ho wlIl do v11h Durkin , vas placed o ithe stand and Mra. Kirti> in the cotOmPt CA". whlcl' relusod tu gave ber tram poulible pull-a ho hou been considering. labinent b>' mailng good the. 331.000 _____ e uthe ban's deposltors at tlei. Chicago, Nov. 20-Lively tilts hbelt lite af fgllure. Wben thes mother re,- tween Judge tandis and Attorney fusqd ta gîve thus aid Mrs. Kirby sud-t Rosenthai niarked .lte hiiarlng of tii. deuly îeaued forward ln ber seut aud Kirby bauk case today. 71cied. 0 Atrne K rby osenbis representlng Tisdraniatlc change came au tii.t Mrs.Kiry, bganbisappeai fur bis fmai evîdence akaînst lira. Kirby snd client. Judge Landîs resPonded vîli li er husbanidr William T. Klrbg, searcblng questions as tu lhe standing vas introd.ce1. of certain attorneys who have tlgUred Ue h eiinrnee i h in te cse.federaî contempt case resta lbexpuy- *l la not the pour depositors wbometoamrlobiton »u d are hounding Dr. Kirtv end bis vlfe," nient 0f amorloliain aue saldAtorney Rilasnthal. *it la the1 >i iidge rknin.ilre rbi ul rlch deposlors. such as lhe Stock- sJudigte taionyulorecne ii.leit i mian's Trust and Savings bank and the i lectainfo onep, t1 glavic-Amerlcan bank, owned by Jos believed, today. lu case Ibis rulitg eph Triska. Tbeae vealtby deosi Is tuagalast Mrs. Klnbg and the motteri m> I1rmaIns a ioderai one, tiieu ber attor bave ltstigatea tlke arresl fth ir-1îe>'5 announce, Mrs. Durbin VIII not * tldge tandis iiterrupîed te, say: li 1fulflli an.offer c ah.lusaid lu bave undrstnilia tIi aryJ. urimmle tupay ' pour deposîtors of tllé lira. Krbys moîher. bas a note lot = n.' It eveul lhe dectlona fanais Mms -MContlnued on Page Four.) TAX COLLECTOR -1 IS CIIAR4ED WITlIý KEEPINfi BfiFUNDS FRED SCHAEFER 0F DEERFI ELD MADE DEFENDANT 1IN TREE DAMAGE SUITS. (Continued on Pfge Pour.> LIBERTYVILLE IS Tb BE SITE 0F« A 2ND MAUSOLEItI J. A. TENNANT ANNOUNCES TI4AT LARGE MAUSOLEUN WILL BE ER ECTED AT ONCE. DAMAGES ASIC FOR $6000 II.ARGER TRAM WAUKEGANI UCHARFER OFFICIATED AS TAX COLLECTOR FOR 3 YEARS- 13ONPSMEN DEPENDANTS Fred Pchaefer. colleclor of tbe Tovn of Deortited, vas mde defen- dant t tie e suiaefiled Tueda>' ulghl by Attorneys Codke. Pope & Pope. Schaefer las cbarged viti bavlug kept 5 per cent of the collections. [oner Sud ahane bis salary wbici la $1,500. Damiages inthtei.suni o! $2.000 WORK T OSTART WIT#IÇÉ 30 DAVS OF OLD CEMETERY. Lbrtyville, thie lovu selecleai lu tb. first Place for the firat publie niausoleuni lu Lake coîînly but aband- oued viien lie village conseIl soute his back pasuel au cadimance pro- hbibtiugtlite erotion of sueb sîru.- tures inside lhe côrporate limite, Is taý Tiie la, Inm of Cooke, Pope & Pope, l la sai, vere eniployea b>' a moum- may tart on its construction Insd. ber ofthle Lake couuty board of super. OI 30 dayS. visai hto bing suit agsinst Pi-d J. A. Teunaut, lie ian lu charge CSchaefer. Tii. auite vere entereai ta of the erectitip of lie mauseoemr on1 reconer lie mauey for tbe low#u. JohntIGi-aud avenue, Waukegen, annaunces D. Pope allegeai liaI Scbaefer la froip thua veek that hoe bas ciosel a desi $1,500 ta $2.000 liehîn n ie bs ocounts. for the purciaue of about 100 square1 A number of Waukegau men are on feet of land lu lb.riurv tract of lantai Scineferas bond. just piircbased b>' the allbertyillie1 The. defendaula lunlbheliii-..suite cenieter>' assaciationi aud liaI lie Ub. are: Frred Scisefer, T. Scisefer. Aie,- erlyvillie ausaleum viii bue erected1 ander Rlobertson. Lillilan Robei-tson, rlgtin lutlb ceneter>'. This plaitbasq John P. Kine, Fred W. Schiisucier, been made possible as a resait th li Thomias Morton. F. W. Cushing a nilae council havîIng rescludel Ils Wni. Mai-ker. Ail are reidenla ai pienlous ordinance. lie promoters tbus1 Hgland Park. beitg given lie ri-gbt tui pioceed viti A few yeare ago Eluor V. Oi-viu of plans. W'aukeganthreateiedtellesue 'Wauke- Tiiepiouatera planneai lie Lberty- gans tax coleelor for taklug moue>' ville structure before couina lu Wan- over and abone lie 1.00 alloveai hlm kegas. but, vien the andnancevas b>' lav. This eevas neyer Irleai passed, tbeg droppea maltera mud do before a Judge lu Lake counl>'.and I id Ued to ereelthe Wankeum me - la doubtful If I1 '111 ho. liai-. Reildonte of Highblandi Park have The prouolei!s bu oslU«dbuèI a been avare ot the fart thal suit wus dea&loth le putdltauotc a site à1rect- ta lie enlerel asinst Sebsefer. 1>' acru th e sreet Irau5 lisUberty- ______________ ville cemeter>' vherepo thecocuncil Look Ibrougi your purs. and @su Il 100k action PrOleudst thleucarrylua you haro, a $10 Unied States gl outtbliu plans. coutificalu amial No. B 18890323. Il A omiiîle. Of Liberlyville resia- >'ou UnI o»e Il u>'lbe couatlerteit. ent& nlatmd tie Win*eaanbuIldin fsasi o! tiseebogus at-lS1ii lane apfearo a uChicago- (CotInndoL onrage 7our.> STR. WINNIPEG ARRIVED AT Il A. M. WEONE$DAY-50 1Wff JUNCTION BSERVED. LAST BOAT 0F THE1 NEIT1HER GOURLEY NON WUI lERN COMPANY WILL AMi CEliVE^N'Y MORqE BOAT& Despîte rumors tiiat Comuluieic Elmer V. Ois Inendei luoe John Ooturîey trou unlo&dlng 05 hie dock, the steamsiîp WlIUIý made port at 7:45 Wedusudag si Ing sud by noam 25 mon veto otne valosdi"Uko18, ig AAiSo The Winnipeg brougbt a Ce1rgi 1,800 tons of bard cold. 11101,7* the 1,800 tons --a-eggPc*sqrleiq~ sunce lu rangue Coal. Jobn Gouree> aInâ tiial eeffli or coal b.obshmn lu beisdsiibe li for Waukegan 5*4 IUs popW. tbougb b. bas reeed ohMMS food lots- troun coail dealers lu * lng Citie, ez. b au retisalu In, @W# ton. etcoai ont of Waiik.gm i. nlo* hi$ about 3.00 lts o! eM bie dock. The eteamablp Henry 8. IL, IIM unloadîng a 6,00 ton car.. eWt coal et the Western CeaI & Doe&10i pany dock. TiIs la tlut551bout Western Col Dock coepm5, recelve tus fait. il wus Wedneeday moraltairt b.é Coal Company bldmots '0sb1i theur books titan tdm.vomiS wb.* It vasusPorwed-etgqp Coielsueler Orna liltelliieitoi for au Inluhîlim eluilIp 3.* ley front unkxoedkg lte su nlpeg. Mir. ooqîrie>"s attorea w"d4 John Gourley mIns ie S 8kg aivanee the. prie. of coal AM long sabla sumpal lss lu soIil Il tathte.Prime ov»w S Waukegan. CoMmmssIonCà Orl i I 1 can Purcbste cwa at Rocktotd, cheap, as thbsi'cold ber ltla lion. Judge Smile>' of the ceuatg'. ' itocktord, Ili., lli a nmpust lie psu ilfty cents more for a tom vas cbarged at Waukegan. The. Wlnulpeg yl ebç w" lialuMadan sd wili reterata " N. Y., for lte ululer. I"à,e.eMi loft Buflalq naeook 'go MsIe " but vas coî4peiled te la>'ktaTii Bay tua day. for weatis. John llcrley edatIm. h. viiile te uupply is dealers w'11k oel wihter. H. bas -piscel an edo coal, andi o:pects te recelro isaq ln canloai lots every daY. P.&YROLLS AIRIE CtIECKED MONTH The Civil Service Comuulat City.o aIukegan met Mondal, lng for lb. purpos o0fciclbo. uantiily pSy roues. il msg notie eraîl>' itovu thit lie Ciy peu are ebeekeai b>'the. civil ev5 mission oaci mautb before lia>' lovel. The aomrusulouets of th* cent>' adopleai a mev imtol ing moneg to th ityl o bereafler tiere viii be roalsteslad of monli>' is The cclvii serieo05Uulalg,, the tollavîng ainonnîsfer 18e depextments: Foi lb. e partunt o! Public Heaihi and Safly-.....$1,007.41i PVr tii.Depsilment oI Streets sud Iinprovsuonts--------.47. Foi lie 1)epartment aI Pulio Alwars-----------------..... Far the.Depailment ai Ao. countsamsudinansces ........5S Vor the llepartnient o! Public Picperly and Parks ... SMALL FIRE AT WIRSt af lie raliu lin!Mst 185 Amnerlefi Ssel and tiortiy butons 8, dola »« mt cfi;= flamou 3 tu' 9. ieD wOMAN Rio ,N DDWN ANDINUE IY BICYCLE RIDERI SIJSTAINED BROKEN COLLAR ENGJNEER R. J. SMITH4 MAKES' BON£ AND POSSISLY INTERN. ISCOVERY THAT 18 QUITE le ^f, INJURIES AS RESULT. PORTANT FOR THE CITY. CONDITION QUITE CRITICAL OLO RECORDS REVEAL FACIS

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