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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDE PENDENT _________WAUKEQAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. -CXl.-NO. 10, 'N Il ~IIRT COURT GRANT$ PERPITUAL IN- JUNCTION AGAINOT 1Q-10 R ASEMENTS. PROPOSED NEW SONEDUL WILL NOT GO INTO EFFECT ON JAN. i. AS ORDERRO. Spmnofed. I, Novr. =-Insurgent membçmo0 te )Modem Woodmaen of Amenica today von a aveeplng viep tory over lteheai caos-viseu a pcr- petua iInJunchionagainat the. Ibreas. ai rate, v» grantd by Jofge Aber Shirley of the. anganm CircuIt court. The inJunetlon mffecla .ver-y mam- ber cf tie cider lu the. United Stas and Canada. Judge Shirley hli liat thie new rae*e adoptai by the. bea camp lu Chitcago let January woli he bur- deusome ho the members of thse soci- ety and excessive and unnecessary. lu addition ho findingahainsltishe ln- creased miente court retraIned lie t '5 F a, I~. UL Oit ~es Ul ueo. pj¶r r,,. t'v, lia. ii~ TWELVZ PAGES' LIBERTYVILLE LIAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRII)AY NVE1-1 9 12.l WAUKEGAN MIEN STLJUNG ON CIGARS PRENOMÏMAN WORKS OFF MANY CICARS ON WAUKEGANITES AT VARIED PRICES. If you hai purthased 300 cgarset c6I cneeach AND 'If YOU I.arned taIt a nearby nelgit- bor bad purchasci 200 of thenm ah 5 centasc*ceh AND THEN If non ioard that a nother man vica you mcv iii purchsaed tii. macu mofecilara et a centa eaci ,AND THEN SOMBOrCE TOLD TOU Thal entiet' fehiov net feran a imi purcisaei 100 of lhe smme Iind of cWM etaI2%6 cents .aCh WOVL.DN'T TOU TINK TOU HA4 BREN STUNO? Thala viat itappensi lin Wexkn duriag te Pet vesi! am" 70 rkh.V r "ockma sdW a - k1efa vitht$amaples cf cigares vielh Jbqz asmeomly icedei ontte prouve- tve purchases.isee Mmple. vene excellent imékea. 'Just lle uoe I bave for s.-" declared the follov vh i ft asimi 7 ocen.tslen 4 sud tien -ryhiing b. cold gel for tii. cigare vilcii h. soli lat lots cf 100. M0, 300 or 400 in various men. 1 The semplea tasteid no tout! hiat thie seller founi muany cuitomerg lu lthe c4y. He lot varions pricea-but beuded eut different kilda cf cigare wien be tnrned aven ho purchseri thie boxes wblcb ho sai conlalned cigare jmt like the $amples. But tbey werent. Tbey an, lie pooregt, cheapeat and vorat imelling cigare tuaI have ever beers telated ou local men by one of lhes. suooth tallkers. Tiiey're vorae titan cabiage. lu tact, caihage cigare, or lieue made trom corn sîi kare sai ho hste like lhavanes alougalide of theee cigare. 'rhe tllov vonii.d just about a half day sud lit ot'before bis cu*shomers bai &,chance o gel mb lb.heboxes vilsihe soulieuha-ho gave them enougi cf the gond samples te ikeep them feeling geai unlil h. ied clearei euh cf tovu. But, tic trange panoIt ilaluthat be nlpped no mauy od-tins. emokere, tel- lova wvie nov tobacco sud vie 'au tell a gocd cigar vheu tbey se. or imeli IL. They're al l rying to keep mum about belng caugiit, ýut the tact la liaI yen btter heltate If yen ses anybody lu lown bsuiing eut gener- oualy cîgans wjsch look very ic.. bear a unie lookilg vrappÇr, but have a tate ofthie most obnoxlous of Judge Shirley. C. W. Haves, th lu , ' n-remee- '-n o society's hear-d clk ad i f hem *lthont smoking themn "W. vIli bave tuli aivices tftm eurt -alvs counumel omorrov as ho tie terme of Among thie s-embue clamseeo!men thum decîsion. We viii.oftcourse".-«vicoare reportai le hava beau nipped spedl lie crier oethte cour- hville itare: romans ln tora, but thse cma. iiiho A b. er cae-,i.iheicourt of 1maInesrt, sud Ahinudertaker. t;r*hf #s»ouffl n uhto a deedsol A nevaîlaper man. ,ammninsJuds»shBinIeVa ceent tat A lavysi.c tiaI fie e olg y'ih-lew, citauglng th A e1OtiU ratas, vas adopted. regulanîr and by A docor. the. n.cesmrytvc.tilrds majonit>' and ta t tse ocist bai lie rigit te maie ADUNDANCE or sur necememy ejid reamauai*Aaivnce la rates b>' overruiing is îecision CABSAer h iS Y!ARt liaI lié advancea misde ver.unra' onablte guid unneceugnY." PRICES RANGE UPWARDS PROM ___________CENT A HEAD As COMPARSO TO 45 CENTS LAST VEAR TO Cft.!8RATE GOLDEN WEDDING L'-t y$ea ethbIstîme cabbage vas brlnglng anyviere tram 25 te 45 cents MR. AND aIRS. Wm. H. F4Y SOON a heai. Tuis- year ibisa brioging uaI TO CELEURATE GOLDEN WED visalaver lie man owhniI cals get - DING AN1ÙIVERSA^RY. for Ih. Atnd the price anges. anyvieme np- Mnr. and Mm. Hilvard B. Fa>' et St. vedw rmaa en ei-i e Lois liav-e Issued Invtationis for a pedentupn the customers desîme te reception troua i b 10 P. lm. on.n..t geltocited Up. Wednesday evening at Ihler homeaI Yes, caibage vilci a year ega vas, 5090 Cabame avenue lu honer of Mr. .80 scarce lesBo plealifulIbtis year liat Fays parents, Mn. and Mrs. William fermera are wonderiot bowthie>' l H. Fay. Itlel the-golden vedding au- gel mli o! 1. And, tie condition thua niversary of the latter couple who year le due 10 the big demand tiare veme mar-r-ed near Woodstock. Tbey vas for il last year. When farmers sient mat.v oethle earliir perao! efthle section sav visat prices ver-e themr maridlite ln Waiikegafl, viere Iobtsined last year, they ieclded this lie faudiy vas proluineflt and PoPuiar. year lu gel is ight bence everybody M. Fa3 vas for several years depîîty 5ev cabbage aoi the resuit le tiare pstmastar. He vas a brober efthlie le a-er a surplus. ita Mrs. John C. Haines. They re- LasaI vînter the Sun prnted as movei te St. Lous about hlrty years Item oneu day vian it vas Informed ago but have itept up licir acqiate lihat onewoman pai 45 cents a huai tance bers b>' yeariy viits. Titet for cabbage. Novthie Sui s I nformai vere bers a short ime &go on their oh a case vieru a north idse man laid vs>' home alter spendlug lie seassasln 100 huais of ise caibage et 1 cent t thetn summer- home further- north. a îeaui. They are wel and pieteautilyemem- Calihagu recentlîtsoli for $7 a ton, berei b>' heIr l frienis wvi e ae but lie oeLer day a man offenai a car- congratulatious spcntheir attatunins bai o! Ih at $3 s tes aui lien he had hiii muci pnlxed anniversry. Numer ta loit about ton a -îuyer. ous frienis ber. have recoieaiInvite' Tins, vithiet ieasl ana article sur- lionm. Thi s on, Edwani l'a>, vite piengly cieap. people C AN eal cab- - #_tves lie ecepticus la e prominaut bage es-en If meal, etc.. sîassUp higi. se -,miprooperdus butine»S mai iln t. Lgsl, .Mr. Conai then declarei liaI lien.l cm: RNED' AURILLA DAWSON 00r 641OHLAND PARK INSINUATES ACAINST JUSTICE PNILLIFS. PUYS FINE OR cois TO JAIL RATHER INTERESTINO CASE e- FORE lIIONLANO PARK JUS- TICE sATIJRDAY P. M. Recense $ho echan sJntice Georga PSilliîsa iihing p crook ani Mai. otier lginallons &$Uit lIn viie a Ca"eIlu vilci h.vaswuInterestei vas pending befor hile cour-t Aurilia Davson o! Hikhlani Park vas fined $5 for cotempt of court Saturiay af- ternoon. Papens vere titis afternoon banded to a coustable ta serve on ber and, provldllng mii. do.. otpay the $5, ah. vill ha commtted tu lie. county Jail. lie Justice hevlug mie . out the comumilment IbIs morning. Tiare ieemed ne lkelitoci Ibal ah,' vould prefer Jeu 10 paylng tiie fine. Batur4ay thtecase of James Bowden, againsl Mra. Dawson, a civil action, vas called itefore Justice Philllpe. 'The woman appearei before hMnmuid de- clared: qI vaut a change cf venue; 1 weuldnlt have a case betore yen nu- der any circumetances becauseeYou're crccked. 'Ton vouli first have 10 tnalghten oUt nome of te auto cases of lait aummer l inlibsuci crooked vomi vas doue before J vould consent te have a case before 70U." "«Very velI, Mrs. Davaon,. jon bave thie change of venue, but youi ne- manie vill cot you $6 for coulempt of court," asic the.Justice. Tii. vo- man protastul againat sncb treatment but the. Court expîind tthMbe di ual bave to stand for suci abuse f rom even a voman ad b.lnistei tie fine NUSOLEIITALS FOR LAKE FOREfT WILL SURPASB UN SEAUTY OF DE. SIGIN AND COST ANY bMAUSO- ONE TO EIGHT $' 50 ?PER YEAR i~N ADVANCJE mauelem lah iiisurasaInleft thein homes IuMlwvaukee lin.. stîll 1er-gem consolidation, the Public repnueetiug oveiflov. ' SPENS NIRT Anumsleur tht wil supas ays go.Service Corporation of Northers 1111- "'The meu'a Inimany vas bulli Aw bcauhy cf design ani cool euy maujo. my -nois. flty,it bis. sixly-five. The le~ LOOKINI FOR SISTER îeum ln thse United States la t ho bOMm. Insulias nexh big fiat etter org, lion'. normai aau l bu erected ln Lake Forest lu 1913. InIRE FIEND UN anîzîng tise North Shore compaur vas yeî Ils p cuan ay leabo 1,5 IIXTEEN VEAR OLD GIRL WAS This aluhement vas maie today by EIGtITU ATTEMP hoaulle lie Chicago Edison cempany MARRIED TO A MILWAUJKEE J.A enu.ts a ucag !___adteCmovsh lcrccm -T"lhe air vas bai la malg et t1l MAN FRIDAY AFTERNOON. li rclo fte maucleum on LARGE ICI HOUSE AT HIGHLAND pao>,domtni. Yi5ai t o~ -Ornd iavenue. PARK SMTil4S S4IGHT oew I GIRc" EFT MILWAUKEE EARLY MtTnatvl ustagdti DAMAGE. L!AVt ON A Bis - ln htiseit DplloS.I i oredioso! a mausoloum et Llberty- à i THURSDAY NIGIT-IN RACINE ville nxl yeum, and plais are liiewlee LOSSES HAVE RUN IOTOS- L TD tiONYM N thie faulty aragemns! t !ë FRIDAY EVENING. ulider "a>'fer lhe erecticu o! a meue- AND$ AS RESULT 0F UN- corridors and vindoa vwici.révOlX - lenm et Ileia Wis. KNOWN MISCREANT. MR. AND IlS FRANK BURKE cran@ clrculatias. là te in ter lW~ Ate n su ail lits.rcb et the. ho- Titi mansoleum ta bi erecei lita START OI TRi 0F T11IRTIETN a ruieini ~ V s IloJcf Wken for i 16 Ysern oh I-AIe Pureatl iii ilt of manIe, Highlasnd Park, Nov. 23.-T t ine ANNIVE*SAFÏIY 0F MARRIAGE. ceonditi misarDot 1v11lt t.JIieab t eioer who vas marriei Pnider aftei, a portion cf vildi iilU bc-Imported but again maie hie appearace tuis b. - . fl by Justice cf te Peec J. V.ftain Europe. Ag yet but teniatve mornlng about 2 o'cîock viienlire vas M. and n.PaiBnec I- Tecodn tlt ad a àâ%. A. Gioyek, of Milw-aukee, loft for planis ftneuew building have been again i iicoviei dlu lie Fred Flietremu yankee Rond bave loft fnn a trip It dîfficuit te mainaiu onde s', apcl. Uuihc*go te enliaI lie fet fprIvaI. de. omanged. Suffice ta say te building le beute, a building wvilcibai been Ibrongis varions pointa et intorest ln >' amoug lb. reahles, diatul cipo lectives ln lie searcit for- the Young vl$ihbeof lithe atsdesign, sud MlIll ruionce before and vilci va suaved Wisconsin. îucidentally îî mev b. sald ldents.» girl. . Met lb. retiirements Of lb. vealthy oui>' tirougi bard vomit by the lire- liaIt ti5y la thein thîrîleuis weddlng T'hronghontthe lenglit.Gîyi san a ldenta of Lake Forest. men. As attempt was made on Nov. 3 annlvereary and trieads asert thal DI!D AT RONDOUT finend îrampeî fromu one hotal hoa n To date nome ofthle uotei siliiun. te bouns liii same building. tiselr trip le ta be lu the nature o! a thier lu Wauicegau, searchlng for- the aines of the rIcis suburi have declamai The structure vas savei loday afler hesaymood. Wiethhr or- ual Mr. sud Samuel A. Miller, netîn aim Youg couple. thein Intention of pttrch.siug large a dIfficuit ighl, damage te about $400 Mrs. Burke 100k a boneymooo trip 30 and stQck rainer. iiei et bisehIletg, Weany o! his nlgh's vomit, Gloyek epartmenîs in the nev mauscieum. At being suatained. years ago vhen tisey ver, tirst wed- Warrenton et 8 o'isiock Monder n»Il. enterai the police station et 9 o'ciock the present trne Lake Foreto mcl- Tise Jobs Happ bars aise caughl ded, cannot be learned-perarlsenot, lsg. Sam Miller- vas lie oudest lhvtop-< and reported liaI le ed libes nsule- linaires are burying heIr dead lu tetire but was saved. Highland Park but at any rate tbey intend to tait. ose! pionger cf Lake cçunny a h ti t ceseful ln hii serci. He lett for cemeteries npar Evanston. 111. people are very machs wormad over nOv.îldet.B babeuansdt Chicgo s Ib 9:2 tain orl onIhe aukgasuait1ieniii Ihefreuent ires visicli are suruly of Mr. Burke conducts an ni> te date 0f hinois for Helgasy-oe@ ae Mysitr eony16yur ad S.le rapidl * nearing compîctlon. Thejiiiendiary enigin and uvery effort la farf on hie Nlllvaukee Roai and ln He vas beru in Chenles county, Vit. ba s noe nilte lS1 et arried. SBermarble setters ieached XVakegan last I lîrîingmade 10 lot-ate tiie calîrit vho a'i<itton bas a fine iairy. [lc doses ualginia, ln 1827. Four years later -i. ma ottrleiii. ani vat arrmedte*flnd Manday and todaslbey are setln etier tasueking revente onsmebetoîîg to the aid achool of harruers moved te Chicago. He vas e esidant mhe I WIll.agilend nshme kta ine out: their iuînt. Ihut a siali amieiiit tbody or else lias a mania for building las lits ideas a ailtaloiicg orprogrresusnive Bac Tbusdy sgil, ndI hvebue l- ef the marble bas besrecelved for tirs. Se fam no due la l nth e r.-ltn:'s.le betieves lu Inteusixe fata->Hawk van. ThrdyngtadIhv be utebu iildling. A big mportion of the unI hisus een o'talned deaiite igi 1111tit g and lsctentifii breeding. PISti, r3i bu oedtlk cinyh fome tatsie uet ilaymousii tbrte asciI has itsen InîPorted frin efforts of the tpolice. tial hîîms nour i ai tartud a sawan d grlî-t nitl, the tinel lu Racine, sai ber brotber. Erpe r. Tennn. drcts iii, iThiî.s ite eightb ire hoo ciur -icaç i '.in l ie o tln Illinois. [li e lutbe uflftî- Ohtah- A maiange license vas issuiethe aer-to ofte aisoeuT bre îp 1îiîiî th, te-a of hihdwere- tlo'î5 tItî litieIs flot satsid ithilibe me- mse frinitîe a er coulebya eplyclrk1trlayno. esenîs ane of lie largesl t uoe , ot$i.ltieushehub iî-e i-si i~las achieved up te the pres- Fabrîîary, 1857 hi inarnii Ptîoebe Th'e recordoail lie marriage book rends campantes lu America. Ilurng i.q lîî Iieto î Ctlla.uher Itruheis anidi cut tiniîe andi 1hptrili upon whtiiilie Buliock. lunIlt> bts allier cii Wau.- as -folleTs: stay iii Waukegan bu bas made thî Wini. iiltu vere deqtnoyed rospeci e-tuis stuirte tg la ho lemore thaîs a lion- kugan for California. Il. died the Joseph D. Treis, age 22, Miiwi'ukee. ,cqliiantance of lînudreis oh t1fe tîý on Amglit i5 andî Mu. Ct 01011 n ti--it. sta o le a postgradu-. saine year. Adelina Dloyek, Rea 18, Mllailau. wealitesl familles ln Lake couaI The last irevletus serlolîs fiue îsuuah>a course ln faruniiig. He Inte ids ta Mllter e,:iu4as .îulihnt alite rowe The Young couple vere marre i.R ta on Saturday nighî, Ni> 14th,lstsîdvýtihetlans outllned iy theex-as- hoot for mwitît earp, snd e-as prob-. 3 oclock iy Justice Bel. Later they Tie nee-a that Richard Lamson o! nies Goldbeng'a livery vas burned. ppenl;oeut stations ini'Madison sud li ah y Tcth 0 aonaOit settier- ta tok a train for Chicago. North Cihicago, a graduate e! the Waii - 1iiiasa Inspert saune ofthIe splendid Nrh-uitllsa i is !hs> kegan Ilighu sebool. bas bes marrieul Leuv A, Hundee, deputy county uerit, farme for e-bld Wisconsin le tamouis. death. Charles Cawfomd, for years a Wan- ta a Lake Zurich girl cornes as halte a ýs nov a abhriner.- ln dampsny vîit He viii retors villia s plendilifend utf kegan saloon keeper, isas pnrchied surprise ho big local friends. Onu Iing John Buiiock, Mortimer R. Miler ani informatIon wîlci he viii put luto use Ira Hickts bas tie tolloving to ff lie Nienahen saloon in leasant Prairie le cure, Dick it ii never have tahea Coiinty Judge Perry L. Pensons, Mm. ou hils famai A regular- Stormu per lanv.e mast seronsthie state Une. M. Crav- insu lu cae is vite lIo111tor ho le a Hendee vent ta RockMord, Ill., Friday lie 23d1 le 211h. Waîti yff tord han souushie nterests lu the Leg splendid coit andI hasekeepen. Whiie nigisl vieme lhe vas liihatei ase à .uctIon salenotices publiaici le romeher. This peici callé, fu Cabin saloon t Wauitegas. He viii eitending bîgli achool hems he took- aahsiner. Tise Wauitegan party eturn.-thI ndepeudent vin rach fer more lest autumual sarmm, IIIIIII laite poseasion o!fte saloon lu Wls. ful course lu iomeatic science, beltug ed te hheir ihomes lu Wauitegan Satur- rsie icreil syotier pape la thie and anov, tierce gs a "a. cousin Salunday morffinE. lie only maie Stodeuhto da Mcsa. day memfllg. wic ot>' he ti iclto; o o aetôivnv& offcers tromu cectrimng delluquent auy1 member ef uslng ho pay them. .iuige Sirley b.hd, final, liaI lief neceaeary Ivo-tisir-da vote tw ameni lié constitution provflng for the ln- ores&e" ratea vas securci et the bea camp lu Jmuuany, Re Ieli, bovever, liat Use nev tat«sproeposed Ven. iuniensome end uuuecouasansd liaI lie li rat" . van. sulcieul et liAs dîne taprovîde aumple tuais for lie payment cf lie deati dlaims lulthe organisation. if l la uecevsary Le sategusrdlug te rates lie court b.ld liaI lie iei camp coud Inrease the rates grai- ll. Case WlIII B.Appeamîs. Rock Island, lU., Nov. 22.-Tii. exe- eutive chunil cf tie lioder-n Wood- men et an adJourne meeting tomor- nov vîli cônîder the, course te h. followed lu dealUng ili tie decsleui 1-1 VOLJ14G POPILË MEET IN *AIJKEGAN ONE HUNDREO AND FIFTV PER- SNS.AJTEND MEETING IN METHOOT CHURCH. one hundred And fifty >Young people attended the uDion Meetin~g Of Younlg people'a soclidu eld ln the. Metho- dBat cburch Banâay evening and Il proved a vert interatng and profit, able meeding. ()ne ot the reula Of the meeting wiU b heUtaidfegorfmeetings ln the pail la the. tUY.é as Well as meet- Ilags nt te boWWiwbetipermission la .btsasmbi& 'lin meetings wlll be te«voUoeai*e"i ommitte.. will b. m.Iet,4 to ta»c charge or the varlour The. a Oq.gay evening was led by lir. Cu&+"onse the Baptiat cburch wbule tao.nov. lir. Dlckay led the de- votlonaL Jjr.'*pui gave a short and linterestine tIAJ* ,lis ,teo4m a" charge Of an- Donne glaaqfojthe Vork for lte ysIsr ma4 k Wsd 1 lier romarks liat oie ieaplaigei uint the plan for hold- ing devotioml la t1sa Janl. It wea * #»4aeded to hold the«i ý,nion dewotl.o se rvices every two moatha. tienoit ta be beld nt thc Congregatomai churci on Jan. 26. OlatriotLe0ague Meete À large atteÎdance was seen et the. euh-dIstrict Kpworth League Conven- tion hel(j Baturday alternoon and evenlng in the Waukegan methodist churcit, Il being the annuel sessiOn Ot lte Waukegsn district. N ew offiers were elected se foilows. Eva EdWands, Waltegan. presîdeut. lire. B. C. Harrison, zion City, vice president. Mie Eva Wllliamr, Libertville. sEcretary. mise Elule Laegier, Highwood, treasurer. Ruth Laesn. North Chicago, Jun- ior League superintendeut. Supper was eerved by the Secla Cincle &fier wblch an iateresting pro- gram vas beard. -Melvin ,lnyder, dis- 1trict mart vice president andi Misa -Mary 1l'remm, second vice president, gave short tejk, and tiiey elso beld confereflces ln the afierDOOn. Mr. Pimaton gave a sboi-t but lnterealna talk. iiiii INSIJLL T O MEAD fEIN( CHSIEH i QA BIG NM!RGER PIEI CHAE I I fCORRATIN NFIVE STATES SERVING 170 MUNICIPA LITIES TO BE UNDER ONE MEAD. RFEBox CAR C"o__'O n H A great combine of public utility coma nies, embraclug fiftY eiectric, TWO MILWAUKEE MEN CHARGE 0 sas and street rallway concerne ln Ili- REPORT 0F STATE BOARD TELLS, noie, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and WITH RIFLING A BOX CAR ON Iowa, ln one big corporation le the goal 0F TERRIBLE OVERCROWD- TRAKS. toward which Samuel ]il amudbie INGAT LOCAL ASYLUM. STr. PAUL RCS associaetes are worilur, mcording to well autiienllcated reporte ln La Selle- street. BOURD OVER TO GRAND JURY Megens of public service corprora- t,4Ml PATIENTS THEREIQ tin.wihMr. lusuil bas rut about aud groupei under four dîffer- IN COUNTV JAIL. AT WAUKEGAN eut holding companies are declarsi to MANY ARE REQIRAK TO IWAr'. b. &teps ln a gigautic plan vhlch cou- DOTNH MIN SAY TItAT THRY tomplates s Consolidation illmaely D105 IN CORRIDORS TItN of aIl tie so-ceiled Insu l concerna. R E O T D E L R S FOUND SEAt. BROKEN. The big fibal merger, embraeing RE IT CAR. - compenles having outatanding$1150-- 000,000 of stck ansd bond».an d oerl- Afler an ezclting chats.two Young lni 1,0 dfern& clessdU.as veaovpcnitosetth gl -mon giving theIn home as Mi1wa&Oec vlllPclude tha Publie Servtce Oorpot BBuate bospitai are derltncdI ntO]wr'ýbit mand nanea Walter Lambert sud P eoett O 1 Northemu Ilinlois. .whlob sud the long houreietfthieatte4P~ serves -Chicago subunha mand the Comn- aodtprvdb h tt br BanenSung, wvue arrsted >t elod e,,t Edison Company of ChiiaedsprvdbytesaeciIS ai charged witi ifliug aeboxcar n ai commission lu itsa anbl report l the St. Pam ainllnoed et tIsaI place, lfn. Insull han bees at.vonk com- 191.wblch vas tua v eek isauci iig, ou. etfthiefeliova vas nabbcd by 1binigpublic utîlities for eeyeral book-o. mon vito have beeu set ta vaîcb the yeanu, but bis greeteit progres. lu tuat Population showi Incneaba. cars viiich, of late have been lamper- hune bas been made daMrng the. pmst sînce the. Inspection ofthet199 Ugle ef wth rcqunhl. Te seondmanyear. Step by stpihe w on of &mal- State bospital on vhich lhe report i- e# IthfMQentY.Thesecnd angamation bas gene on until nov lu bis beeed, the. population Of tbe il5iit*utlU made geai bis escape for a tîme andifour holding companies nearly tifty1 bai 1ncnesod, but tii. Cottage d thie chas. creaîe<i more exctemeut different Corporations. formerly Inde-1 acutensane women boasrelierc O than Deerfild bas bai Lu many a day. pendent, arc combined. ofheoecodn.T e otal He was tinali>' mn dovo sud landed lu The glgautlc grouplng or public ser-1 ber of patients cofnteh ie iicepqk*j the village lockup. later- lu the night tece concerne may even ha extendei, wheu the Inspection vas mande Qi to lake ln the Chicago surface ant~451 o tl ,49 2 e being brougbt te Waukegan teto h.e e ,tric traction lices.1,T89.721evate<n coutyjal. ecri trctonUne. heeleatd'1 omen.- couuty Jail. lI~ý ns are airea*ly dominatedbyM. Reaigi.ovrrdugt The. car uhici tihe two men verseuI whbaste hf Matr l soptlti.rpr says: -a seeu ho enter, vas loaiied vithmerch- nuîîîughe our comheaies lufacrIi- eadngteo muse Th tvemendaimhba t1i **The Institution ia oveZcrovde& seal vas broken on the. car maid tiat caTrus aet.twasCoitea a degre thet ln almat ltlrabul tiiêy cravîcdinlute steel a ride and net CrTrust. n arer , i"t lap«ethc vords et lie merchandise.. rpî îosinbuilding durtsthe. night. la 10* àas eh.OPaltai ei Ailde from the Chicago atriaI rail- varda c.muetb.aenh Dees'fhld bave been robbed epeatedlY ways thie compsulea uamed as lukeY vay throegb tii. qorridors l a* cf late. Detectiven Rietz vas sent tot be lneluded la tie pendlng merger seeping patientse n tii. tiose. wacte theCar. He took two mou lt are as follovi: iioth aides of lthe boita., pat#M' hum. Both boys dlaim tbey vete enu Commonwealtht Edison. numbers are sleeping on route for Chicago viiere tbey cxpected Pulceni oNrterIIlo. on the. floone"Î te procure vor-k.Unted Ligiitand Railways, main5 *uiîlig Ovrew*êw They vill b. given a ieari betere Mddle West Utiltie. "Tiie truti la.the. main 1iMUgmom Justnce of the. Peace James G. w.Iecii Illinois Nortieru Utilîtici. originally contructai foi «0 laie Saturday afternoon. Staes At-Mr. Insuli mi.rted cut la bis Corset o »0 M aaide. -,2 tcrney Dady vill ask tiet boti b, cf unification or uhlIty compardes b dy th ore Vers u.i bound Over t thegrand Jury und.i bringiug about the. mergèn of a numnien IexLta urpusaet of vii160 nerew amal bonds. of subuniien comîlafiies in the Northbthe. overorovdlng of thuamaa 'len resîdents of Deerf lId partIci. Shore Elehuic compafly le 1902. Thîsitr, palpd in the ciase for on. of the boys,. Compsany, vblcb expauded its op4ïa-1 .,;«vomaa'a inflnmary vus Ms He rau into a wood lot, sud vas nais- te nî Itunasilgtaivrfr100 patienta. It bas11S hb.A i.,, s .men wh,. s'.w ,revolvessvte seventy-tvo tevs inluthe viciaiTyo lh, aunex vas butît for 150 on gê 1 Il 1 uea DY XWO Men Wno umw revulvuý r 1 w

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