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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 12

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k. ~ >U~4TT ~ ~IAI 55 - -- Joh Gaali Sucu bedFolowigJus' wbere the bodes are iocated but they are worklng on te thecry that I-trdI~î*I~~~rcjn. f'btey -.y b. located 1 tlu ot-es HardBatle- earcingof Duis part ofth11e building because several men are known to bave been working for BoisSt~ii UiiLEinues-MYAanyteewenteJat cu ti r ow i eg cetherew <ecwbenlFulam 0O<frs H . C aptain W. P lm cmadn Emplyes f Noth Sarch HoUSýuo the Naval Training Station, callod up Mayor Bidînger on Tuesday after* Alar ed, uit obs.noon and proffered hie services. lu speaking ta the Sun he sald: ________ I esit.ated at tIrot about offeriug my services because 1 did flot wish toi :i î!,.ugzI.l,1i:. \4<itshlN'eltI" 1t1-appear ln the ighting of buttlng ln o T 1 1 i l l ihod \- was li uîîd eal Tii ii i-tiuiing at oniethlng but as soon as 1 Iaarned ,lil*! . ilîîît' î, ~. î"î~~flti<îi.that assistauce was ueeded. 1 intorm-1 * , i. nf d Mayor Iidinger that 1 stood wilng thé *g' 12 bouge for ýthe lest tua »étions, legislative conditions, with thse chi. SICU ILIE It NOW e-eected. le Mr. 4SurtiiaWs sponsor. cage leaders and sait! donstate Deiw' ocrats teel !bolti nesay L"rLIA'Ilr fotormsfor sesiaor lu11)09 If oleaston. snator Ha ote fo Shrtief!for speaker and that the comiag lagltature elect ai 11LÀE S MOE mrf ekerL, lu'. greaJ part wouîtl " ote Eov aiated that the supporters of the tor- ~asa be recol'ded for Col. James H am- The member said that a nucleus oft L$*oui woe & adm bu Mon ewi fo thelon tere. twenty-flve Shurtief! votes amaug the Edws.rd D. j3hurtleff of Marengo, htotLwsfr11eln em ouseeItîub;icans would b. enough. WANTEO-Man ta Mlita caring for speaker of the lîltuois bouse ot repre Tiis member, however, dld fDot Bug- 1 What ha heard ln Chicago during ltaefrflrto ln.A rs aefitatlve.Vjk 1909, ta the latest Repuit-gest tltat an Irouclad Lewis-Shiirttcffiday couvInce l taIheewudfofitaonpat drs Lake Feor. tla tu ha nohd ee oAed (u deion ficulty for former -eit WaierCo.. ,Iake Tormmt Ilii. le.tebé soggeated as .a,,andldate cmialtihdbc frud peaker Shurtlefre friands ta round 'Wkîy lit for thse short term UTnted S'ates said Eteliî an endint, to the looming up that number te co-iperata with 11el senatérabli:. deadrock la a logical recuit. Ha Io une i)enocrats and elact Lewis and Short- A downmrtaie Democratie meinher ut of the men wha came up te dlsciss leff on joint ballot. Subscribe for the lud«peudent. I I Ob\011lie, I 1w n lit i Il" ii ~~to du auytbing in my power. If sur- ; gteous are ueedad, my staff are ai the .liîî( :iitlîi.'1î'tl~ iiitî> t 21h.tiO (glih it-fi listiosai orthte NMeAlster hopIl i t 1 lflI<t i'j1t -lion,1 ai 2::,,) fuis uIlltl iîgi, t' (,Auythiug else thatlen withiluMy>'paw l lS 1:1 114'itut h'ij'tllIfîtSuîî'îîtiî ft" 1 ri lil giadly do." 1 Nlayor Iidinger thaukad (Captu i i dIÀ1I t> I 44 the titi' 14)1 ttlît " H Hîn I iIIîî-.. ullam for his kind offer sud lformed lii lk)' ittl4-1itl'is 11lt jlii plt. 1'!hlm ibat he wonld Investigate and find ;;k a1114i.tlie t, ail bIl-%,,Il( 11itiilil ii i h îSid- wheibar or flot bis aid la naedad. Haj tel i\'trv "t4'1 1lIl4rY 14iii j(<i liltis ereni.îta Ied nformad hlm tbat bis otter us asp-1 t if 4: l'i;11141 p il tliuII.ogiî. 1 is *aîd îl>.ps \'i' 1iîe irccated uhether ih la accapied or id'î l,!Many PathetilcPoatures, I'itiI 111 (ea llIl 11'i 'e and ~,iil i tw oie.li' vehili Thera are mauy îîathetic teatureal lo 1w Ulli t o l 0 u'ilîls fI 41tt"St"l ititisilttstrt%iit utticluhave Jmat came talilgbt. One I1. -l\ and f 1ix1I SitiNItt1~ !theut occurrad shorti>' atter thea ex- V"îu! fi : ahIîî uIi(ie.l al :11W'lî'i(ax îîiuii0ll :T w ision. IMartinuHyland. toreman oft weliareheleenlUeali (1lat toLN. T' iiiiiithe dry starcithansue, uhose eyez were n 'ItaI' îo\itlg ie Wl'l Ii ' uiti li'ttî > 411 V 'lii ititiî Ipracticali>' burued oui andi uho vas il liti11fl1'(" tttiy î ii) nual~iî utuîha.> Ou il >401 njuredso sevarely thtiha may dia, Imua ilisu <a tîîlt ilI itIlliiil îciî II î:gt's \Ni iii St 11.!when being removed from the point oft 'Iîui,; '-a<lsed JIN."(lt':tl hio-0 lîlo)ts". danger, besougbi bis rescuerls ta lv Five Additional Nurses. Ilm alune aud retunu b the building 'lt:iii lillautt. E'niîUîîai . IS. \aýjj 'l'ailliitî JedtiBave Mtartin L. Slaier. assistant slàerinlendeut of the plant. He sali Stajît. ,'uî .' lîîsptaluîîî*ss bhie.Jaîe eAlste ho- hat Mr Saier vas Imprisoueti In the pil;iIi ast igh-lt. 'Th(-nîîî't i 11w hoS1 itaIl au'fiWagillg al building andi couldti iimake lis as- valiant tlitito sai- the -iiuî,juretl. cape uihout assistance.r The- dîîetîîî's fi'nîîli ' traîiiinîgstationt whîi tut tu thie ;NIr.Slater itatibeen ibore but thren 'iî>.!i ît1t ass î u'n 'u ii itî1 moutits and is famlly still raside In 'tots l1Pea. Ha hadl intendati to raturfi ta w eue: Dr. Ficuld', Dr- Stît sandc Dr. Koltes. Thev d(irott- is home t0 spefid Thankigiving with eîl the w-tuk of t1le ravv nirses and the latter also -îîîtalii-! big tamlly and to is trieuda aitheIt ed at the hoslital tî da . 'Vi' stationi deîîtist wvas onue ufil ant had coufideti that ho scarcely t1le lirstillîîl n î <a i ii s'ee 11 eîj(tl( Xti soiaîljî'îde'e couid wait for the lime ta arrive. tit' ;(ltoll iwofte iîîî< .i aMs.>Not Robulîi Plant. Men Letv; TheiriWork. Ii larumarati thai the torn'Products - Mo Leae Thir W rk.compan>' may flot rabuid tae dasroy- Tîlirtr i îik' a iîîîiiber of t-iiphîvî'es of thie "iupper cd tarcb plant. Several reasons; are - neutw i.tarihtuii eige tir po. )qsitîtnis riiesdav given fortihts. irorii'iî.. Tilsay Iuîighit wîîtteiizhýlt shIit e~rtdfoI'. u Inte tirst place te building itat w n'k. il~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was odiitît01 îtodd~î u ~ata- '~tesiroyeti was a portion of tite old suga, refluer>'. the parttai lthe wira t"lull<t' Vii>dagir"sad ot-f'îreg 1'r)uîex luîain mîli for a long tinte sought to pur lite pla.es of flue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l iiisîî il(f c(i'iii 1 ildi~tt hase fihbad been opertod recenti>' ~ lOi~l il'iiti'iIt. nireiy lu grlnd ont a certain kind of \layor J . . idinter has annouincedi for a urne considered tae plan or!ile product, which couiti fot ha madle lu Cît i lc' narch for Ciet ra rettaUtigI îalIing powertui searchlghtt or the thar daparimeuts of the plant ba- victiims ofthle ('oru irojne<,s tefin placing ot arc lights t variots pinsau tityereprdc.Tu s. igt was ;.tg corpany. explosion a.-d fire, wiii et vantage but finally gave np the lu iha natue reo an uxîi> plntv.t te continietiuntil tter bedI-es bau., mater as tmpracticabil. Hati ie beouIn e treofhand the comyp ant.hs - . . - - 1,-tu re<'overeti from te ruins, or un able 10 put the panulot executon l Othohebadhecmnyu tilil F stalillid tyod trque woldhav mde t pssbletocon,[beau anlarglng isi Palm plant andtihet number of 'YOkegan mon Who are i on of a doubt that titev eltiter are, iune the search ail ight..slncnmk h pea kdofsstigIti or A5c'oc starcit there. The destruction OfthibsTuesdsy nighti h. asketi Mayor Bilîin- iio, t' ccc or ihat their bdes are so TIte search for the vîctints la beint i l awybnesia ul e yafrlh l lhals L l tarrcd ltai î cancet ha locacd. malle lu a ver>' t1hrongh mauer.l deparîmert nn a î I hefl e e unsa i ihatn th The gang of men, Incnuding arn, Workmen starieti at bot ends oetihal operation ofthlie other tiaparimenta of mnt Smart bai brougiti io the refint of i- te 'o departinent as' wrcee building and began te raînove the plant itre andtIin ail probability ery. Ha was alê giTan a liai of theu 'l n, sone of tlb' local ttremen wl i oal ibe brick sud wreckage. bt or lntuu tneta nfirpmea uho assistei In the work. W wltReut i tarruplion. The, carpse of the lait man latokn I t 10 wfr . T.uc of the anctni, WtRmoeEeyilg EARCH RENEWEO TODPAY. - ' ut In ' 1wa oer ethi l ite f4 The plan In toirautove every portion' Ai daybresk Vîetnestiayte task of trom tita ruina uas packed Inlua imaît tIt b<i nteolv its ernnofe the wrackage If neceesar>' ln locat- searching thé ruina for tae daM was ioap box. Charred bayond recognition, antd the itarcet ahch wag disco4nlinu'u'it vasa a difficuit tank for the men ubo 1;,1lottiot darl<ness Tutsday nitht, ing h e de bodies. By siartlng at' renewed. Robert Smart and hlemenmon dtecrs oakl fmth :i ont <ued. eh ait I igured that te men can are assliting Assistant Supi. Dehari ot t opabik rn t work towardthie center aud tbereby'Inthlit work. Mayor Bidinjar went to rufia. Vgorous Searccl Made. itdiemleagety SofauliaitpunsvratesoaytnieQut. Anoter Thîna. 4 trNpoeit t iem attWbii tly ioe oetheoue plnt sieapytmontioa aonot Stjl o b tefinduî<g o t*? ibe and steel work are o beavy te prograSa matie. ail t m ~ ai 4 11o2h my ort> '<eot io<t î- orkers eonîintie<l tatomyh ucsar brl7 a ýRelatives et oua missing man vent lag» "Coma off! Ton neyer got upl f'orlo cntil darl.nss ma d i ha Ing englue here lu rmee tem. 10the retlnery today tai aaisi in the at 79lwyor îfe." "I dldn't say 1 got <t40-iiefe iim o onmneIon' ý Those who are directing Iba n work Ok up; 1 nid I vas up'-Bouton Itvenlal <r î<trtmtninîEber t ite Ial0 reme<ing tae bodiles have no bidencf tSnpt. Ebert la kaepiug a record of Transcrit. éhristmas wiII hbe bohforoYou (flow it-Do Vou 'r buying MNOM'! II'NChistius vainlta lst vl i - i141 so ve iw e il ai n tiii litltl .sittîlîl ilîig 11h41 i>e jaîied-t, nîIî'Ll.I az - *t a k. 1 lat 's 1(. 't ," atl'Io . l. tlit' eatl'lv siqi1e s1lgti Iîi 'i. etk. SNOW ISTHE TIME TO CASHIN ON a THAT PROP~OSITION vitll(hi\ . \t, eodieî %'ioli iîî of lIi toi- ot, tutti t pvil nil* giiîviî li lle îîîsiî atîi l dgüts iîeîe. ' V tIe il 11(ori oll ( lîristîtilis gui Ilat'ow (u(on iiisl.anid if'violi wvîl m'11iin imy Yv oîu (..Ill ave flrst !îîîîî- rî îuleîîtyof t'tite lhook aivivertliîg. Nfilerht'gi (t Cuaî'iîes 81) lîtîcli senîtiment itoli- feelinig of appiietia- t 14)1 as jtVi i'l. .-Nol. 15is itiSit l~ft i-lloi >se (x- pelwiiive ewe4 >*ud(igints. "lwieimpor ttanît t liniîî1, uîtki' î1'tpeî' ite<'t ionîs. Our')!ne offçrs yiiu the widet ,range ta select front of any in thia city. Ouir pricai. are, in nu caté. tigiter than eais wtîere &cdl in many in.ýtances.you wil ltindibhentmunit loiver. Every article in ouratock is abbolutely gnaianteed te bc jusi as repre eui.ed The .e1i no qual- ification lu ibis guaranti',. lita imply bay, if the goudasare out rlght. plesie return thein and wa will refund your muuey. We have ai e epert force of aespeople ubo ire rc&dd4o antd capable u sof gsin'ifsthot nuit ynnr - ets Md pocet k 13UGGESTIONS FOR PREBENTSl A Wateh, Ring, Loeket, Pendant Nscklmo, Brace- let, La Vallierre, Table Silver, CM-na, Out Glas or why not a Piano, Sewlng Machine, Edison Kinetoscope Please briîîg otur frieiids îîhînig anîd inspeet mair stock today or tonîîîrrowV, NwIffh-thie lnes are st ill funll and conjIetv , LOUIS J1. YEOAN 117 Genese. Street, Waukegan, Ill. SLocal Agenta for the South Bond Watches We ean save you twice as muc1h as your Car-Pare pay Car-Pare, you can save that m~uch more. ~]We arcea 1 ill BANGING' 2away at the high cot of living. and if you do not need to SP C A :Fancy Sugar Cured Hama, lb ........ 14e ___________Fancy Leg Canadiau Mutton;4 lb...... 9 BOUJT one trne out ut a billion a man can looee al I Ahis rnmey without loosinq most ): bis frlends Our competitors are kick!ng on the way we are gîving away gQods light in the- height of the season. It may hurt them but it dor't hurt you to save the profit, so take advantage of the opportunity anid buy now. WC had placed ozoers for mnany Fait goocis carlier in the season tbat are just arrivingi WC mâst aceept themn even though we must seil without profit. A lot of Wilson Bros. undcrwear carne ini this morning. Wc slaughter the $1.50 garments for ....... ........$.9 $ .ý25 aiiIk hie borne.................. $ .11 1.00 qualtv for ....................... .79 .15 borne............................'08 .M i , eced ................. .. ....... .32 20.00 suits and overcoats ............ .. 1495 .25 wool hose......... ............... .15 25.00 suits and overcoats ........ ..... 1925 - $ 12.00 suit s and overcoats............... $6.95 Phone 1352-M 119 Gene... St. OPEN EVENINGS F, C Seidel'da Ce "«The Iflouse e otteer Cluithe" BEF Native Beef Pot Roaat .....1c agd Oc Rump Roast....... -...........* 9ç Sirloin Steak ..........12% c Pancy Native Steer Rib Roa8t 8c & 1& Club Steak ...................10et Short Cut Porter House Steak .. . 12y2c Beef Stew .................... 6c Hamburgor -Steak, 3 Ibs ......... 25 Round Steak ..........121/2 c Corn Beef. ...........9cto 1& Beef Tongue .....,......15c SMOKED MEATSN, 0moked Spare Ribe ........10c Sugar Cured Picmc Hlfam ...122c Sugar Oured Boneless Hama..121gc Frankfurta ............. eo Polih Sausage ....vo Liver Sausage.................10ec Imported Sununer Sausage .....15c Belogna sausage .......... e SuarCuredBreakfast Bason .18e 1 nported Salami Saufage ........ lc Blood Sausage................. 9 Clikno, Home Dressed........ 15c LiTttePigs 40to O-Ibs......10c SPoR ibn,-short..ut..l.......... 12 Spora#uibshore......b.........1 00 PFres)iSsae...................100 Pork Re osat............. 12%,c Pok toast..ndered.L.r.........lc Preth Haa......ard.......... lo Prk THand...................2c Sweet Pickled Pork............. i LAMB Faney Leg Sprinq Lamb. ...... 121/c For~e Quarter Spring Lamb...... CI Lamb Stew ....................0a Lmamh Chopa .................. 110 Leg Mutton....................S9o Pore Quar..r................ g Eind Quarter ................ 12" Veal Stew.......... ....... k Veai Cbops ...............Yp Veal Kidney Roat ........... 12%t, Calf Brain .................... Calf Liver................... i Coun bU utteine..... I Sai w RU uttrin ........ PaeFour zain-&, 0 1

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