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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 4

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f <tCOU NT Y 1 ENfP!NUT wm 11II $i- liMULES ____________________________________CELEDRÂTE FOUNDINQ AND p AT WIARE woRKBc; UTCA R Offlce Telepbone No. 1.City Edîtor's Realdence Telephone No. 146-L. MoenWomno Oeiat ae Beti ntinea instead Of stem LITTI.P SALLOTP 010 MOT PROVE Libpryvelie Exchange Thlrtleth Annversury in Jsnuary. egun POPULAR015oii)U IL. Tjiat. what will soofl h soeuIn n LIMO(S RECENTLV. Fhtered at the Poot tII e et i err villieIll. as Second CI@@MIl Mater'- opMtlon tfor the exclusive motive 1P The Modern Woodmen of Amerea. lu hi , î~wrk ftî INAUILITV TO CET MAJORITY 0F îPPJ the largeit fraternal beneticiary aocie iypo àasteeprmn ut T017AL VOTE POR PRRSI- Foi Iu.jd Woolvç Adertiiflg Rite. Mide Knowu on Application. ty In the world, will be tblrty years complitici at the Waukegifl plant DENT KIL.LED THEM. the BUSOCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTIT IN ADVANCE old on Jan. 6. 91. hetirt oa proves as'succmsîful as the bulîdrs - camp or lodge o! the society wau or- h oo eiledi ewî i The publie $oîîcy quutions wore COU - anlzed on Jan. 5, 1883, at Lyons, 00woftemorebl ca Iwl e defeatid ace ording te the complote the Edito ~ î t- jand providing the , wlre works officials W. J. SIMITH .........................;............................................... trapart of Clinton, la., wth teny can mare a suitabie deal for their pure turne front the down sate vote I Ia P. G. SMITH .................................................................. Manager c'le charter membera. This camp, chane. Illnis, wbich Incîndes ever3'thing tait RYL UBR............................... ........................... Cty Editor -hc enmdPine apN. The electrie englnes are In reality xeîteCo onUct.WleS ffAYL.HUSAD1 i. still in existence, with 381 ruera- regular auto power planta andi while each qquîatloli receiveti i bigmajor- ceu _____________________________________________________bers. 'restricteti te use In hauling miteiit~ y et -it le necessary that thoy re- an 91. The latest memberBhip statement e~ t the works, tbey coulti, If Superin- ceive a majority o! the total vote Org FRIDA'Y, NOVEMBER2, sueti by the society discloses thattteenSladeide sdtakcat for ail candIdates for Preut ont rail ___________________________________________________bas'.a beneficial membership of 1.01, I a trip up town now and then-for they which lu this Btate eutaide o! Cook te 039, and 'a total, or unluaured mem- run ànywbere, nt being confînedtu 1 county won 716,857. 1 sa Unless Highland Park offciais are able te locate the bership of 24,510. The beneficial mem- tracks as la the rase w Ith te olti The questions and the vote tbey sn( tlend who is setting fires there, the future may flot be Sc bers carry Insurance aggvegating eteam engilles used for years in thel0~iecle en siw:t fortunate as the past few weeks. Borne life may be sacri- $1650937,500, and these members are cal plant as weîî as other plants of1 For lai reformi-Yes. 339,446; no, 1 fce t te ulrits iedih racics.Th ~affiliated wltb over 16,000 local campa, the company. 97,895. a moe satereti througbout te United Statea Have Rubber Tires. Reiso of prlmary act-Tee, coi far has.been great, but no lives bave beain sacrificed ta dlate. andi Canadian provinces. Imagine thei motive power et the 321,232; no, 76,243., but, there's no telling whêei that time iS coming. The original jur!.sdîction of the go plant belng I the nature o! auto ou- Provision for short ballot-Yeu,.mi rleiy was limiteti to the tates of 111- gines equipped i wth r-ubber-tired 308,964; Do- 81,890. ýf No Woodmen of the nation have a more keen'interest nols, Wlsc..nsin, Iowa, Minnesota, the witeels. That's witat the veicles ho That Wilson ran aboeti of Rouge- !al in te ruingof h t e Sure court by which the right tsociet le1andoiNgbusnska;nutite ybelng useti have. Andi, that's why yulvut Ite Tirnt election downstateb e 1-4~,emety aoas an Nbiea; ut vnthe t'y slip about' so uoiaelessly andi to.lu Ilinois won seen front official tu- of the head camp to change the rates is question, than the slate of thte United ti ates, witit the! any portion of thte big plant thal ît la tals whIcit RImer Hill,. flliug clerk of Lake Oounty Cam.ps. The Camps of Lake Oounty, froirn exception of twn, and In-four western 1 desired to haut a iteavy losd. tescear fIaes fie m th= îgnng of the rate agitation, *are of the belie! the provinces o! Canada. Supercodes Mules, Etc. pIlied today. Wilao's leaà la 53829. s4snu. ws fot necessary and fought the action hard. It To date te sQletl hati paîd $115,- The englues were designeti to tike The figures as compileti are: lm seun hat theSupreme ourt ha agned ith the 13,bene56icni-ochetsplacee of ftii- tetplaceengthn t.amthegTesftth Taft 7378,73 ilsWinon,274,346 10Wsomstbt heSuree out asag'~d it t e 1of86468lu eeis t ed obr umules and h analsta have Ctin. 12973; Debâ, 28,619; Riooee- Uk cutyW od e -ta the mncreae se 1 ot neces- average payaient of $1,769 for .eacithbein lu vogue for years. voit, 220,417; Relumr, 1,764. ary, etc. amf At presînt two suci eonei ar On tie ti"tt ticket tite vote on ail Local camps Oftue society lhrngit. beillg used et lte plant 50W. Andi Couniso iieat usd !Co THE REPDIE Y CATASTROPHE. out lte juisdlctlon are makiag ar. tey are 5t.d to*work pirtectly. gives Donne 64,741 piurality. andi le: 4rangements to celebrate thei society's Titiy are capable of itaulng a load lDonne, 2q4,632: Wàrvell, 12,038; Kien- S Wau!o-xgan in bowed In sorroiwtolIay u a r si fteanvraywttapoiaicr.o! about 7,M00pountis la one caei andi nidi, 27,159); Fnanci, 1,676; Punkt, IUjtshiRtIWof te amoules.ar 5 prpiaect.00 atioiî.Thyaespîei190,044. vorst catatoh nlt ù ý ols ,0 nteobr hyaesple Lieutenant Governor--OglCsby. 209,. < B., m bero4 r mot livos bave beon lest as a Te- OfficiaI noLice bas benu lssued to *Ili with tonEs batteries wbicb carry, ut- 848* OFlar #,8;Faki,10 m*ofa mI* wcim, acdent, whicb, nofar -a ismembelt or te modern woodmen o!fclncuetternte.arboti,277;Frkl.19. la Lot tmè.ab ete abody -la nazilar 1un Auqerica te trnanser te the ew Plans 12 . 0*r, ut about tite length oe!03 snd iti iteoreIan.1. 913.Men- 00 sh!t a tii plnt.Ail ether DemSecatc candidates ou bave yare i f hobrteasfer before an i1tat3 teo- The compiny bas always useti team titi stte ticket won out. - of 3"i grotja abéultof he er trbsfrr___________ imeob ~or b luj es te sme duar omm. Touaudalunthe Cîty tain citoice o! several plans effereti by'P" 'ng uimuesand men te baul thelr ~MOU ad i., w th liSud for thuM. the sociely at present attaluedl agis, car loads e! wine about te plant, TO EXAMINE ALI. SOIL. SBitte uhold not Waukegau do smémting more? andi vîitout medical examluatlon. A711 wbich necessitate tite use of rails anti Canudithe fmille o! t2oso lctIm bo aded b peo-otiters will be automallcally t te maintenance o! regular train crevaw ha ano osdee15 ftt oumd th failie ofthee vitim be idedby eo-ferreti on that dite te te whole life for tite steam equipmeul. Titese bave1 mont glganhicc limira ovin undertaken , Idg heCty tosomoe tent? rateunw been succuideti by the auto en- bY nny group o! agrIcultrs.i experts. wQiýwor e oteado âeM M trlovel rt pa.l nthe Interefft o e letilcfarming vomnwhor4le toth ad o to c.Aiser Titi beadci erls bus issueti Ovin la te compiling of aoei reports o!f' 1p.desrve mtich praiso for theïr efforts. Thov 800,000 blanko for transfer. upon ne- Tite chief argument for te auto en- îe ony nIîils o ne the labor of Ibm hospitai people very much. And, quisitions !rom camp clerks on upon gine being used ltere are that thiy>ey cunty m luI icin o Pudrofs %e * 0ue hopitil atte d" àt. Tb e" toiled bard in requeste roi n l vdual iiembers of th y can go any pace th y der aine c. o. he reti on 0 o f er J. H. e t. lOT tii. fil Ju e h 4date y meestl eir etiso Iety Tese g aer fte o!whlci ta t avel and hey removi thbtit sud Sept. J. H. Riihimer of tite hbu1tUieof âseP sud rut-the lnjured re- .u., tthne plans and rates. danger troin t ire wbh the.asteant en, College o! Agriculture o!flte Unîvet' adt-bev vers given it. Miss Hfei, gines have caused ail tititînte. 5ev. etv of llinnis. cral lires frointhlie sparks of *lte' Thie soli mansare use inb te and " dm ra :tood by the force a BIG !STrATE pRO8ATrDtstau englues have ieon riportetiet fort, f a hulleUàn for each cou ly. 1er et-tgt, néver thinking of t n mselves invroimsencelt1cmay a lla ixpectedt tecontinue ibis vomit emergncy hey ere oonfrontod vwith. Anid, INVENTORY 0F ESTATE 0F MRS. aîways itadth ie deaime te get awa>,until ail o! the couinties of thte state ~omw*ote liho t coccre. what would Wauke- MARGARET STEELE FILED traitem use viten possible. Accord- ifve doue lÉ9w no EcAflier hospital. IN COURT TODAY. lngly. itecause oftiteir practicability, hv insreii osig he oo, wme, ___re____i frliete electnic englues are titere te stay. aon to e e n, wshedoe bordg cr he dH C NETT, WILLIARD WIARD Building Clesning Room. au rigte koepliSuhead aom e arshaod AND < CHARE BETAP- The company lent now la overaul- someweeksago? NDCHARLf the5Waukegau plant, lu- mu bve blo oe i* osvit_____ PINEDAPRA ho.ueinqtheceuitdingplfa n lelua m-i, t K = 'th, bave been carod for? And atill the Cityan A.bue ncthplt sIato-l G1 andi A n ventory o! tite pnoperty o! MIrs. altate, making il vers ibord for lte _______________ 11 b hepital 'JusIas Uttie asthey can., Margaret A. Steele, deceaiseti. motter steam englues le gel about bence the, 0% X t ibis terrible camiaty open the eyes o! the o! Nelson A. Steele, presient of teue o!fte elecîrlo englnes maleIl " ,jabUàc. or the o»c" ansd everybody te the realisation that FirsI National hauk. vas file Inb te very itaudy anti thir full valuelsa:p.Net very many years &go lb.M epital is oue of Wauk@gWg geatest necessities? couuly court Mcnday momfllng Sy Elani preclaledth ie mome becauseofo teIlu- oensjsted cf founlen lhoure of 1? MUST 19 T BE PE T zi TO BE nvrPO'V- L. Clark, attorney. aility o!fte tiam pullers le gel tby ay Tdy îh lIns Stelu vs votitabout the plant as ltey have te reuT ai te lime o! hier deatit nueo l. t0 iL, and eight houms of weil di ., Tho vomen who labor lu Ils maintenance should flot Tite invenlory lista 12 unsecureti Th it 111e englues are very po*er. inl klcilbrj ehp b. f.rcod to continue te act iu the rois o! beggars with notes anti 41 notes anti accoute. fui. titey womit splîudidly ant Inltem',sin tme ues of werk, il matte au atitde s Iis: ploso omeandheIp, eut tne Principal among te saaes o tokgenural opinion o!flte men titis vill ,bosq wbother îbq vonken walke, hilti in Lake county corporation. etc., e<tIllely conte up 10 recomanendations - Iare: o!fteituilders andtlu;at titey wlll aI as nesulte ami obtaineid. Thew 1>qy ahould get Quit help voluntarily. 1151 1-4 ahanes lu titi FirsI National pool strongly 10 lte vire works et- înq for ife justirauce, for justat e Waùkegan and ake Couutty should rally te their S1.1P- hank, Waukegan. SiI uallt ln ! h op- etuigamn ovor what i port. 5 hares capital stock, Hart, nation. the far n d ef a twenty-yiar pe ______________________________________________Scitaffuer & Nlarx Co., e! Chicago. Othr Planta Aise? jlie duose netdii when ibas n Celery-600 buucbes. 100 shares Chicago Tille & Trust It !a gouerals fto ithe local mlii Telbilgn nosa PLANRATS l'OR INSAquarts.tatIf the englues work sallsfactoiIY n n em eb ] Cranbesria-0b qurei. 30 sbares Corn Exchtange Bank o! home, te compauy viinet ouly main- agente,no uiiOtLeav I&LABORATE PREPARATIONS SE. oiosS ii. Chicago. an tent bore, but viii adopt litnt lengîlu of his vorking day. It QINpFeRsGEAb Hoda. for temr other factorles. Thtis, thon. GING O Y SGREA TANK Tomates-150 gallons. would do away witit many englune GIVNODA SRED. Cidr-i-4 barrele. crewsa vici have alwsYs been main- CHIEFS WIL4. HAVE To O RK Beides te ahove enumemaieti pro- tîined at varions plants. Anti itre. DAYIAND NIGHT FOR visions thon wihU e about 200 quarts agaîn wonld be an Illustration fl !t&oe 6L THREE DAYS. o! milk anti manY'pountis of butter, Inroads anti changea brotigit by ilec- Phn 26L sugar anti coffue consumeti. Itricity. Plane for te Titanksglving day din- eealsAsado am BIG PLANS FOR STOCK SHOW hnHdeiac uier, the iggeit toast o!tlite year at Ail tie vigelubues taI vîlI appoar Jh og nac lte Elgin Stale itosptal. have heen on titi bill O! tare have bien raiseti Moneler Preparatiens for the 1912 In- eOmpleled hy Miss Nlle Knapp. tieo ite State italriar. tmalnlLv tc xoiî 0111 oalL bondticite! at te state Institutlo n. fer uer aylLv tc Xflmato11-92T lo bill o! tare le lo be as elaberate as a07 JASPER ROOGERS, OF HIGHLANDOne a.wit taI has euer iten i erveti aItit th ou- PARK, STARTS SUIT AGAINST Peaainl iu ai nase yae Piati. EECRI o epratîla, itOg aontiastealumen Oluner- Only Observance. EETI RAILWAY. pendons acale for the largest tIiplay 1911, usdeclieelaberaJe dnner W. 0. Jonson, ecelver o!fte, C. r% X oftiti incepîlono! ltat magnificint Baane- ThaThe artn la sntt eo- erprîse ta lbe ielti ît Chicago NOV. Blnet Tevintanksgivlng 15 001 1the oh.&Nil. E. lamade defendaut lu a suit 30t t0 Dec. 7tit. ne ianny O! mech#n- ,1 airveti i n ttnwya ieState 1broughîtoday by Jasper Rodgers, o!f mSkJi wOtcIles lean borsionteg mst-119 ite Ina uprevions yeana t bas u ,nd nue a hoo oe icnte iaonesagon itefh th e b"neusomay t hae cncetsd ur. 'Plant lasî sommer. ltodgena asks 0&@ ben marcbiirag bead tai ily ashow vilI hi prosentidth te tipeople 199 lite attennoon and evenIng, but!dm jluii u t,.o. ncr.Wtheaemr ris of te Northt Amilic ontinents. Il . . . . MW o!fte nature lo t0 be teîd tiis ant r' ui etstîlI r kigt-a thlresls o tnonecd rea. Mix outo! ic eas aapl n bhig work Itotgers claimes he vas tbiit«Ovr. îtvaeptî ~prwarrants îuch prefictiOUthetti1912JONHDEDsitM E5ltite osto h esta lncompelledt a valît ou s higit lattorm And osîlîl var etii béprIternational vill thrwIts .1,fOrinlin »eà by Mse nap, 81,2«1 lOnrcedaoelieblIr.Qe atter- alitiwlsbile- wicit leaater etrage, nera lu the sitidi, anti eaci th ieW okklcIlic thte titrue tele pepere the reg.-o ýnoc it e 'teppeti on -a rotten pank" Ily.on voult i 1k tu learu lusI tov as creiteti vith bavlng inankiti Wer U19 an "etmo tat iliaplaranti feii ftfeen feet. -lar tIse vaîci mîking art hs ci limax. D W- He wtrataklitaimeîln alîlear vînced, tis@ litho place lta coit nelaborate schisme e!of tsi1 e bllftanti e.î dicralon tasbie delguti ntipU0.1.MaIonc=4 ad obli mus tit.. 1>111 e o!tr E ver ohend Hi vas lbc aken ahoe ativa s yobiitteSdet teqctapatIaswill wonk overtîli iuinig thte tbO OrP5 ofBu ovegn týesll Oe r fte amllbu o pbiga m.,lv r@eh&bie tli caui hi sola next threi weeks carringIt it Ouittisr e.tilctceti e L enice o! visaitS or etEth4 - Laits14ionnty nii Pr« Laite,setel4. ' URT AtiON TAKEN ON THIE theco»gnty nain p&itlni. Il t h,'*ý CIiCAGO, PFOX ,t.( AND opnnctio Whateven viti thlie Waiit LAKE GENEVA$IAIA*OAD. p, Aockfo-d -M>gln Tnitku cu-. Ip.. l BEnd dor o! .pranin Park vas hithe i wic . i4.vu ppointeti necelver for lte Chicao oz Laite & Lakte ilewmea aiiroa4i anti OIPHYMERIA IN HOUSE e VliseosuiConstruction crePafty 0O OUNTV TREASUR11Rt yJutige Kavanigt ltu thi Supenios art yeatqrda. 'Titi applicntion toi' maion, the éldest daullitter, Of ào neciversailp vas madie 1,1'John Ccunty TreSmrser Carl Weetmnflel&i .arly, ilsq o! PranilePark. Who oh- came ossu vîitb dipitieýria lotir an ineti a jetigment for $865-56 u Inte as a recuit, titi countY tnesurndn uPerler court Tuîsduy. The ralfeel I hie vile aid four chhlten are la u e ntpany le, capîtilti aIt 12,000,000 anusn.. nd the coustructien CentPany w80 Titis norning &antoxin vwu admu ganize t tebultian eîectrir Street istene t teail mesnbers o et iifamIY ilroad freinlte western clts lIita and il la hopiti' tit. then wî ith oLakte Ounevi. About Nov. 1 lte escape tt e est&alment. lîroati contpany rail short of fonda Titi tle patient nov gice hasa ind ceaseti doiug busînesa, accerding. yet ehowunen indications etfitiving lte bibi o! Bals . vitlmigit Pe teruotiai minous ituil Titi charge vas titt te eficials andtinlutact, se fan, Il ipp9ara le hO sve tiLesipatedtheit funtis o! tite con- Sut a eilgit 0ne, "rnn titreugit stock sales. Tite prontoters rially neyer did de Brings aparkling gymo, meosy cheiks. mncit actumi construction wore, thei ruby lipa. Every girl anmd wvenl mforts moesty belig devoflsi o la,- sitouldti aite lti11lllàtîr's R. M. Tie& ig ent tite night o! vis, etc. Titis 'Peamcis Drug Sltore. STEWART STOVESI Base Bumers Steel #Anges mlot Blast Cast Ranges Perfeçtuon 011 ricaters A large stock to selec~t trom COME IN AND LOOK TIIEM OVER The price la RIght IF ITS FROM su Sdi ANCK'S GOODBR S 0DA Y'S WORK r -hard graft," kt boums be neaner ,jreciîd ipplica- aenougb. Andi ;es net te the ; or rune, se long work o! solicit- anoi, coumiota in wfli get back at unriod, provbding De business te. yit amnteg life ediscovered the t bas be'uyll doue for bim vas when bu vas iuduced te buy lifu insuance. And if yon as#k eue wbe car- iiee insuninue ou bis ove life ttell 1yen about il, ho vîll »y~: "So sud an, the lite insurancu man, by bard effort@ finally induced me te lin- sune, and iL bas proved 10 lbi the best day's did net no fnlly rializi il aI the tinte. Please note below tbe record o! ebat je oouidired in our business "«A Good Year's Wonk." We bave set lte mark st Thnei Hundred Seveuteen Thoâamnd-a îbousand for oach workiug day. Youns t.rly, JOHN HODGEI DISTRICT MANAGER count with The Old Michigan Muttial Life Ln&. Co. neut of new business .te bu Dr. Cr. ten dnring yean............... $100,000.00 ut vritten front Oct. 81, 1,et Nov. 1, 1912 ..........1 to be written betweeu Nov. D12, and Dec. 31. .i . . NONÊ fanges. Plis. 4vle m ncardng h.Michigan Muatual LUfe. giving Juil Yours trUly. Naine Addncsa A'

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