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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 5

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s This man is plsad smPly be turkey frorn J.liTriggs. 0f oc going to may that he mould not h POultrY morne pInce elee, but we do ALWAYS get it from' us. Éven a Woman CRU bit the. macte ond a once in a wlale, buti periqae te do il a&lUtt" tient. W. boy ouly the 1 Duckà aud G....and we know wbat je besi bac perinc.. lnthe butinaîs. J. ELI TRI PHONE 25-3 Juat roeived our wlnter v BUCKWHR Direct from the nuit a Win. the same kind wi ways carried., COPLETI & FRDRI Phone 30 LISERTY For Pire and Life Charles D. Proc AGENT FOR New IHampshire Fire Inîuran Michgan Mutual 111e rnsuran LIBERTYVILLE, IL RER£ 8HQULD BE NO in secting presents from as tis: I Parler Set& Bras* Beels Dresser.couches Rockers Ciffoniers Siaiwaisât Boxes SIeepy HcIIo Chsain Libt.sr Tables Dîning Tables Cia Cabinets Writing Dock. Hall Trucs Buffets USMIl! Orumestal ITREPTOW & 1 LU1 S E R T Y Vi1 Io th is LAKIOOtlTY ID ,FRmAY NOVEMBER 29, 1912. ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___SCIIOOLjNOTES LIBEUT YV ILLE BIBI E FS MineMGrew's ruather visited the .g Th-e ii,w enth and eighth grades LQOjL AND IJERSONAL MENTION POU THE WEE had a Tbauk@givlng day prograin Wed- nesday alternoou. The. senior cisa..got their ring@ Friday. Toinsu,', publication in thé Indepen- Tboe. Daide nof Wakgan. tou-Tbey ali)ahave 1913 lobs. dant, copy muet be in the office no later &Ctt.d huiess lu titis city Mtnday. ' Florence Spate specit thé veek snd ln than Tuesday of each weak. Adver- WE l)ecker lent Su ndîîv wlth bis Cbicago with bier misters. tisers, specially. ara esked ttu kelstig e lr. CaiuPre aî al t Lucian Ellsworth wam a hîgb schoot perticular notice to thia affect,.lt. scribe aud fiwlîy atie Tlanksgiviug vitar Friday.- 1 _ _ _ turkey wtb Mir. and lire F. Bals In Kite Carroll sport Snuday iu Chicago.ý W MUselho got 1115 J. Hl. bwan trausacted buiness lu Chcago. The saphomore dane was a good ourse, we tre not Chicego Tuesday. F. W. &clicker le! t Tucsday on a succees. A bout meventy.live people wr lave bought 9ood Jitdge W. E. Deavis was a Waukegau several days business trii, througb there sud ail had a splendid lignte. The To jii ho ~ buineese vistor Monday. central Wisconsin. hall vaas dtcorated in orpen and whitefim j^say thatli a Attorne.y C. V. Edwariis ai Waukegit Walter Achen of Fergzits FallI, Minu.,wbich are the dcame colore. vas a busjiness.. viitor lu aur viby is @pouding saûlésltic, -iiIti.g bi» Richard tteswick bas lt.t tht. Ji'th ijears Frîday. niather and @luter bers, grade. Ht. bas§nsoKd to Wi8consin dionsi i tai« Caro and~ Mr. . sud lire. E. H. Corlet pent The Land tihow at l'- Colieeunt, wilb bis parent@. béat Turiie7s, CbickSfls, Baturday and Suuday witb riendein, Chicaga, i.a atractiluget crowd@ Miss Webb vjsited ini Antî..'h Satur. cause cf or long ez- Chicago. 'iront aur littie clq daily. day aud tlunday. Mir. aud Mr@. 0. A . Newoam atttudd hFrank Appley. vit o bee couliued Theti lret grade gave a Tlanusgiving the Epworth Longue convention aitut the. boume for thée lamt two weeks Party ta thé. second grade. Wauksgau gaturd&Y. with an attack oi ilîces. , i reported ennsueth Wheelt.r moved ta Calilarnia Mir. and lMrs. R. C. Higgine visited be ag âot fi. vitb bis parents. L k G G S unday ai the homeeaoftMr. and lire. Thé. hidie aifthse Preoby terian vburt'h Thétotecher@ nregoiug to the iallowiug W.F. Zigler at Antoch. -111 serve thelr annual c1hickea dînner lu places ta @pend the Thankogi ving bhl- Tinsa Chapter oithe Wetminter Guild tiie eurcit parlaira Thur'sday evt.niug, days: Mise Cran ta Milwaukee, Miss wilI niset et tht hqpte of Miss Fnra 1 5,Z front 5 taS8 0'cwok. Webb ta Milwaukee. and Wauts.gan, Capital, Surp dtaples neit Tussday evenîng, Dec. a. Tuesday nigiti J. A. Trt.ptow. ir. Mise aWlWeY ta Sycamnore and Mise 9 - W. E. Deer partook of Thauksglviggg E. A. Cranes, W. a. studcr aud Paul William@ ta Ilockford. upply of turkey at a reunion oi the Dcer iacîîly Marris drove t0a lionquru uin .IL N. Tht. students of the bigh echool gave a a i té home of Attorney M. C. Docker ai Tajl(IoFs Chalmetsta attend thé lustitu- short pragtrain Weduedy aiternoon lor North Chicago. tMo ai a DlodIsti ftht. lagonic order Thacksgtving. ,: TYou canant aflord ta mis "~Human at Ihat place. Mr. J. 8. Hyatt aurves3rd aur atbietic fer,." aitlie Lyrie Theatre Baturday Mr. ad Mm. tC. B. Avenul and lira. grovndi and turniahad bine priat pro Tab. %AM ightt b. Itit. Etra spectl ftursat E. W. Calby ad aocreturned Ianuday Pâ1ar, talte pla n antlonsd iin laes T a l L usuel aoWprics of admission. faon Osons, Flashs, vhere thsy ad vsisue; thot oai mekingsan athIelle1 Thé reglear uontly busness meting gone abhout Ivo vesîs Previnus >Vii eld- Tii. Publice chooLle very ihsankin 4) nMee &U'- o te M. 9. Ld. Ai.t eociety vilii lu t% Intention 01 @pouding the vintar ta Mr. Hyati lfor i support sud thiaOne i boitd at th. home. ai Mrs. L. B. Bya t srs. Tii.cliat. aud wsather cdndl- substsntgli ntemsstlie shows IDla b, or on Tuesday atternoon, Dec. Srd. tlan, howvvat were injurgtiss10tieir adlaiteeiet oi aur sciool. W. n»asfor t "*Hunia Rearts," atvo réeligmetter-. ealthad lite>' vere larceel tu retuen. rut more help snd viii b. tratelul laT, The sitof l"ma vek Win. Walrand laDYana@vha10ii valunteer ta help us la IClS piece hé . mp at'lbe Lyric Tbeatrelaold tuAtto0rney B. EH. Muer a Sv* our under"ein. We .vant ta getleI fiaturday (to-marrov) nigitl. Tisis acre tract ai land on either aide a1 dame tis lait.Wel an .,OU OI iexitrasela u ousBidDtutlr@s creek on thé north ide of Lake Thé junior ciam.bha. agreed ta devot. UELNN YIL.., ILIOIS mis I. treet Jus$l vitlMr. Mller Intenda 0the, ir'pravseda tota he mpravs.meni 01a UREaINONateu Conductor Wm. Hill returned lissdo vitb the .property vs are unahie ta aur atblettc grounaoWfa] eals aet e week frrnm a tva veek's hueiilg aud $tisbut lté genéral supposition la lu novwltat Il viii bo a bligthIng for aur BALF BLIIACE tlsbiug trip in lteihé is iofmorhern viII use il for a sîrset Ieading le. his nev schaole. WhY cant vs have as gond terns. Thom wlcousia. He brougiti back vith hlm subdivision luthe lb. iYter tarin. thînga asn auy other ochools. lutereet le vîdtba...... I S rg" e as fine a spécimen of 3 aung doter a. YOu bTht. odaitht. trange canine shot ai the. bigb point sud suplport Js gond. 'INWlfa.iNGS ta ns r n e ever»5w aud a. a egit salo f ailbsyb> arsita1 Llmberry laet week tllait-a odhev fiende have during tht. pat fe daya iug the mad dog scare - a. tajen it, We rtaw have o an ,,d a nics stock ofea......... been ejoying venison rasis, etc- s.stur lustitute, rosugo, whieîs IL monuments and marters at aur shap an Aiea soins nsv se tor, lu Inlad vwee's Ilune vsad a a sîiued Ion gables. Later a Milwiantet. Ave. end invite ail]vito are vttua i relting th it-eperlences ai Martin Thelen repa'rt vas rsoeived by ,suthoritlen br.ns- 1 ed Oai anthing la aur lhue ta cala StnWe niCe Company ofaiRound Lake, vho vas arrnetd an ta te oed lb.thanimalita. rabld. Thie ad ses us.tr. Collneos. l lachare have Pi] n e om any charged ai drunk and disorderly and bsintg thé case, ovuers of doge hitten b>' a1 lb. business bors viii b. touud ati Mm ýLL lu Wakegan. ft dsvelaps vs vers valcit thoei tloseiy for the neit ev bY appointint.>9 miifre sta lb. identity of tht. days.. _______&________ Co *UMIIIIIIIIIIj party wihose aname le Martin Thalen aud Tht. second nuruber ou tht. publices e baose prt.st.t place oi regidence le s<hool entertaluiment course it.vi take Episcopsl Services W . W . Elgn. e wo o crettepaeu h onhl ot"gnea Servies ai lb. Episcopal church evsry 50 erogr aud rigbt tht. vrong doue Mir. svening, Dec. 4. at .'i:15 p. mi. Smth 10:30 a. m.. sud Sunday achoal at 11:30. ri 'FT-ee Dainron the Patter Cratsman, itho ha. Ail are cordialiy inviled ta attend. mlbrt rprtosaebli a wonderfil reputationt ail over tU.S. Rer. Whit, Retor. made far tht. Cbrist.mas doil shoit aud adurope, as an enttrtaitier, wili be sae cta take plaethis) Fridayafternoaii bers under tht. auspices of tht. public IL. EL (Jhuroh Services. sud eveniug ai tht. Woadruau hall. T' e schaols. Specral munie ha. been 2:00 P. m. Bible echool. Subjt.ct, "Tht. exhbiton s t b coduced y M@.arrauged for. Coint. sud bav, a goad Lunatit. Boy" Ho@@iTayor sud tirs. H. H. Fike ini tinte. 4tnd ta the matter ofressrvîttg 6:5 . m Ewrh eg.Subect, alt sore. Do lîeariy aud gel a gondeat. 7Wh0p.. Suhlsc ht. Poë-W.r ai casses. To tht. girl or persan raisiug Wiue ujc TePwro the. largeet snomai monby for tht. nev 'Mr. and lire. A. P. Wbeeit.r and iamily Tbougbt. Sunday scbool rooin on or hefore 9:4,5 lWt Saturday atternoan for LasAugeles. p. mi. at tht. exhibition thers vili b. Cal., viters ther exPect tu airek their NOTICE OF SALE given tht. doîl bride and groom that i@ future hante. Mir. and lMn&. Wbeslt.r Notice I@ heroby giveci that tht.Linder- now n ehibtio audto he ne avelvedin ibetyvile anyypaesIgned vili au the 14th day ai December, nov n ehibtio su tatht an hae lied u Lberyvlle an> yere.A. D. 1912 ai tht. baur ai 2:oo00 ock raising tht. second largeot amount wiii makinq iheir borne on tite aid Whseler p. M. aItte John R. Thompoon fara n b. given the atteudant@. Wide @prend homestesel ou Mlwaukee. avenue, aud ;tuyaukes avenue south of Lihertyville intereet ha. been inaien ini this effort tu have scores af rietnds bers@itho. wvieoils ae t puoiît.vendus ta tht. iheet aid tht. .i&prajet.Ctsud the. contestants regrettig their departure troin amane proer furtashitheît: wngdeci are aIl vortby oi pralse. Many doi as ne extend ta thora their test viabes for One chetiunt mars kaown as Scitool veli as iancy goode and raudy wiliib. Bimto ans sd prrrsperity lu their oser Girl sud 1 bay Alierton filley, 3 yrs aid, on sale and a general gond lignt.viiili e horne.tha rrtiar of Drc. B.CMors f UIT ~~enjoyed hi' ail. Tuessia,'evening of Ibis week tht. Tins hsale ic.fotbppseîlnrc ) TROUBLE Chaples ni tht. Westminster tiuild an agisotersa lieu eitlug under section n suh a istentertained ai a jurepnile c'ostume parti 3iofleha ter 82 ai the Revieed Btatutes a sucha lietLIE INSURA&J5CE tPabin]fMisHeen1 Illinoîs af 1909,tht.@sine belug lfot et te bgue01 imeHeln Wigh onthe care, tesping. vardiug and ieedlng Davenpcrts W. are in comaptiion wi igndath, sauth Mlàu4sîrs avenue. Tventy.cne (I the. above describ d borses, amounling Dr«ingTabes wio.e ageadies are numberl«e ande "eight-yeare'r]d.s vitb four white ta $70.00 sud tht. expense of sale, sud Mors airTals vne agents never slop cappeti nurses acre preset ad tu eay this sale i.. made itursusut tao authority the venig wa @pnt t ple,5 given under section i3 cf cbapter 141 ai Moisis arChate beseiu iC pn l lasnt said Revised Statutes ai Illinois oi 1909. Bo. Cas Cests y~ yetertalnmnent lm puttingit mildly Indeed. c10-3 JoHN R. Tsaîjpso-N. siBoCasds C E E * Uu S I "An ucheon of saudwtiches, animal Sitca a bine" ~- oakies, oranges sud cacas witb stick TATTOCINO Kitlin abnet ANfJ U O R N cId.avrtaparae e tfr Tattoolng removed, alsa tattaalng £atU!yaungsters. itsa srved at about eleven done. by the latest method hi'MM DitrctMaagr'eloct. which completed the eveulng s Pain'. HÂRRHy Hi, xs, LlbertyviIle. ehv i metNov, Young men, ai tht.e9t rA Y LO Olel alony Ueiasunce Co Paa resyterian church. it; in ,p ta yau ta în Tnn IrA Y LO R~' OMMavcs Ordcesros at bRayPano urnitursStas. L L E1 + I2verybody Trying o find soute solution ta îh.' I&rd Coal shortage andF bhing to take its place. Compressed Egg Coal s iýhe best thing w. know of foi btove and flot water1 Sootless, Ashiese, Clinkerless and a gond slow burnitij Sold only by LibertyjviIIe Lumber Compai Phone 47-Res. 72 Dovis by the Old some- plants gfuel. Depot 4'et J . S M IT H O A M R O N . a d d a s i p r a t l @ T E POTTER CRAPT MAN- ou. srleeri daws mprtat e J. BSmiit Dansropcardes vîit hlm i str tryii i lar ii.lectre n aI fahloud ~ Mr. Daturi gaive r"ne Of bi% lectures for s cturbei ayîng agiO bispottbef rp fourteen bhndred men at a Y. tu ert ic el.tukes s baldei cat ~dM. c. A. gatlitring lia Indianapolis and places ilup ht. te a bl, Ofel. viiantdseply ipr'vsd bis ilteners. Tht. lec- hs evolves wlbth pfot >' ies ihlure whiehh e gave there vas ont. par- ao readie Ht stanfontma, lie ml gOf Ilculariy appropniate for Sunday and af hlm adiennceormta, utfull ion.aîwhlch he entitles 'Tise Master Patter." o l@yauinc. a hie ail g ofThie Indianapolis Star ou Nov. 21 gave ptery, &as anenwclet art.isog UP sudt- early a colucin vniteuîi of Mn. Dam- to. rcas a aienartg. wùflWle andre-rouls lecture. Tht. Star ltaone aiflthe lthes lacoue ofaing iheitnhumo e bigipaliers ni tht. Unitedi States. Work dons b>' Mr. Alden. c4i.li REMNANT SALE In onder ta niave thiem quickîy ta mats room for neit and seasanablo goods, vs have marked avay dawn the fol. Io Ming Remnanta Worsqted Plaids,lO SePverai patterns ai Ipran (iinghamp ................ 5 c Shirt WaistinglO Table Cloth Remuants e Chilidren'e Ures Olugbains .......8c Remuants of Calico 3 JOHN LESTIER suffloser te C. A. BIESWICK Bsslkiey Black Lîbontyville, 111. A INVITE YOU' ,n the large number of individuels, end corporations who for man¶j have Iound their banking rela- with this bank to be both agree- able and profitable. County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, II. plus aid Undivided Profiti. $90,00.00 Jnens for. Tha I-sgvn of the menu .oMM"" dng me Woidal seasn wlNf be 00w 413LIE LINEN. have excellent value in WMs lis. full blmabed, clotha lwo yards@vide. la ab wu$ .Pretty t ie nd &il-over designa. xIra deep borer,. per yard.............. 1 0 ' ED fflOTCH LIN ENS. wacd beavejoin umPo pe i Il evpra' 15( oo. youi naeed. We bavelthenblsacbod Rumeë4b ry pureMniuî 0 21~ moit filnhed bleacbed crash. botlà plain Mad orders, per yard ........................... ....... d fancy work is in big denand. We liow Tops, Table Rumnns, Center- iliow Cases, Towela and many othe arbdces. CARROLL & SONSJQCO NORTH STORE PHOêE 20 SOUTH STORE PHOME Si Q One of the . my Stylas te Salant Fram ust Received a Carload of the. Famous :tric Welded, Ingot Iron -1 GLOB Stov es a.nd Rne GUARANTEED 25 YEARS Against Destruction f rom Rust or Corrosion. INSPECT OUR LIN! BEfORE BUYING. Buying in large quantities enables us to seli at pricea lower than our competitors Hl. B. EGER LIBERTY VILLE - - ILLINQI' se -K _ 'r 1 -ý . 1 a 1 Try it.

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