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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 9

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LAKE CÔOJNTY INDEPÈNDENT, ________WAUKEGANWEEKLYSUIN_____ YOL XXL-No. 10. CORONER'S JURY INVEST16ÀTINQi THE CORONIER'$ JURY. Eolow are the men called te bold the inquet under Coroner lraylor, over the. refinery victime, the. plan belng for th.m te 51ev the. bodies today and thon lnvetigate the, boie affair, tai- ina ni the. hearing tormall y on Thura- Z;Ulliam Watroua, hardware merch- lat.1 Vred Buck, meat dealer, former 8. IL Arnold, marchant. Jo. Parker, retired. Th.o. Meyr, floriat and superv iser. AI Conrad. resi estate agent. - The jury vaas sorn lu at 11:18 by Coroner J. I£ Taylor. After vlewing the fI. 1bodies at the Cord & Hart morgue, tii, Jurera repaired te the. Potro.I>ius morgue vhere they vieved the sixt coerpus. The, jurora vent direct ta the Corn Products reflnery wbere tiiey vlewed the, ruina. Wilue the Jurors were at tiie plant, on. man vas at von piaying water on the, muine and three msen were vorkins î Dr Taylor aald: *I have been te -the plant and i certainly wîll cuduet a mont rigid ln- vetigation." Aftsr vloving the. bodie and *be1 ruina the, Jurors vere menitted to roturu te heir homes. The Investiga- tiOn wl» b. contlnued for a day or i tvo. Mr. Ebert ln Stataewnt. Sopi. Charles Ebert tuas moruing te tiie Sun stated that the. Corn Pro- doce company would no doubt take car. of the victima and thelr famile* but dmiitted It iigiit taie a lilule tîme t%0ast tMon aaiaped arouud. lie sid tbe hoapitai and doctars iiad been ln- sZtrutd te do ai) lu their power te aid the vctime and if ueedy familes ver. roported to the. company teps vouid b. taken ta heu> tiiem Juat as son as ho oould get authonl.zatlon. At 9 oclock today tMr. Ebert ssId that tare. mon had been killed ont- rlgbt, thrs. Iiad dled tu the hoapital snd thât vus ail the, inowu dead 90 far es ho knev. Re then said he vas voehiwuj tii liat o! men te deteran- fao th MI names. their addrese, -Md iie, amabeo f aembera of j 140w the Fin. Startad. Mr. Ehert atili la of the. belief that the. accident vas due ta apontaneous combustion lu the. dry tarch rmon ilia. lai that building starch soin.- vbat dryer than ln the other building la made aMd thesfore it la more hiable t. apostanoaoua combustion. ]Resaid tint he vas of the opinion etarch in the kilo caugbt rire and that1 the. exploaion folowed. The Iiln la a1 sort of allepwray about 30 inchea vide, 8 feet hlgh and 80 feet long. Under- neath it trucks beartng starch and mun mb tiithe tarch room viiere the steam1 'heat la turued on, eventuaiiy, a ter- ifie heat la obtained wltih vhich to dry the aiarcii. Mir. Ebert stated that 18 men were actually omployed lu thse building lu qugation. that others lucreasing the number te 30 vent there toeiieip load lup àtarch for ahîpmnt sud that thé easeluaiom la about 30 lu &Il ver. in th. building et the Urne o! the. el- ploslou. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., NOVEM B FH29, 191--. POUR PAGES Ruins of Wauke an- Refinery Wrecked by Blast Monday Afternoon and Men Ilunti ng for Bodies-Photos Taken Soon After -Explosion lu an ttempt t aemothen the. fine 1n hie bain." -My (lad, my God, gave me." lie ebouled: "le spolie I l -nish.' bers of Ca. 3, AS. & W.tCo. ruabe ta vithin seven feet af tie buildingl sud poured bundreds of gallons ot, vaten on the. hait crazed man." "My God, I could hear that fellow sboutlng for iielp ail nigbt. I cen hear bis t-ny this minute. I dont expect tbat 1 viii ever vitness uch a alght. eehka bila *nothenin-Law. 1 stood but flfty f set from tie mais Tom Mallcek, a brotbr-in-aw of whvb hned to deatb. 1 think tisat tise MsrtlaiMtcinio, one cf ijie muig. man vas cnemated. At iret v. could VoI f ute Jane MOtAIafer iioeptal hear hlm quit. distinctly. Then hie hep. imes Tuêsday, morning tu cries ver. desdued by the noise or fleiis for bis aiioers iiuaband. He ff 8iniO U ilcottapa vien he vent the itreunen. i dont thînk that tbey tê Wori. sald Mallcek. Th ii. msalg vili even fiud that mans boues." 111an0a iter laeli the "oid country." Tii. Asuencan Steel & Wine t-ain-I CarliAt.nbery, D. A. Hutton ars pany fîremen vere the tir-' tauitaurI OTarrl and A. Munson vere the. four Ulmn vio r.acued Martin Siater !rom vater into the buuning building AIl the0 ruIna. Aithougli tii. flsii vas five companles esponded ta the cal peeing from the. body, these four men for iislp. There vers fifty firemeni Placed SMater lu a hasket and carried fnom the vire mili et the. fine vithind iM toauanautomobile. Tii. f bubaaI boom burmed to a cris>. and large three minutes. The men ecaled the piOM oitf tfrof the boady as It vas be. board fonce tint sepanatea the. tva tacg carried tauithe automobile. Edward Plante, draggiug their base after tiiem. Ooiu'ad, 4eiauty coroner, lead th. The augar hanse firemen vero un- search for the. miaiug meu. John Moarov spent tvo Ivaurs Tues. abIe to avslat lu the vomi ta any great da0Y morning calecting beddtnig ta tai esxtent hecause of pon vater pressure.e to thse hospitai. He sont a arge quan- Tt taci six men ta halaI a A. 8. & W. titr.of beddlng froua hua owY home. compauy nomi. Cher Edvard Lainea and bis assistant, AI Brown, directed NEWSOAPER MEN HERE. tue van aet the. fire util the, arrisai CioaMuta nevapaper men vere ofPiMre Chie! O'Farreli and hiea men." sentte Wauisegan ta cover tho ex- 'The vire miii firemen ver. the PIOslon »tory. Abert F Baenlzlger tiret on the. Job, and tiiey iiad slix 09 the Chicago American, la the. "star" streams of vater pourlng Into the Meart man vho rimked hie lire a y.ar building ail th imre. Tiie Waaakegan NM viien ho rowed ta the four mile firemen dld valiait vomi. crib lu an open booLt during a north- 'O'Farrelle cool et ail times, and 0551er ta procur a pictume o! a humn- usem vanderful dîscreasian Ilu titng1 bu ecr11 for his pagol. . irs, iis assistant, D. A. Huttan, vas "aY L.ek la thse "R. W' star men. the. mont aiervy fireman on the. Job." Ne id recognlemaso». of the. mont 'This leatthe tarY Of an eye vituesa. dOdus reporters la the mddle vest. Anothor Eyo Wltneas' Version. lbe israd sent four reporters; the Otto Onisu. empioyed et the vire« TrfbuI* ment four, tii. Neya sent tvo, wvrkz office, and viia Ilvee an Marlon the «L .» .»gnt tire.. thie Examiner atreet. said that he iinppenpd ta be1 Ivo, the Anercsai thre. sand the okgtwadthrelryhnte !$OMmeon. Tris.World iad tva menlakgtosdtereuryvaits tis "b«Mail ioexplosion occurrod. He BSW tvo bod- ______________ ies iiurtIed out o! the vludov of the. Obssad Pari. Nov. 26.-Anothert if tii tory or the. plant.turning "anm- 1as ight at 10 o'ciockiniibarn mer-saulta" clear ta the. ground. Me ISqbolOning tu Alexander Scott seld that be rushed ta thoe cone sud MMS II Gi'oenBay R0,11tiB s aavcne o! tii, men stting on the. ~IllesSMW building buro.d. TIe. gronnd hia body avayiiig baci sud b" blard fght tu asSe dwilngs tiiereo. Cause unknovai. fortia. practically every stltch of is lMite police on the run, no ar- clotlalngiiaving boon uured or blavu mesa e t off. Tii, otiier man iiad bis arts brai- Clil. Ney, 26, 3 p. m.-Inquiry eu sud austaied oh,, serlous lu- -Me â* bii bk cS» tlmed today. No 4uJurien. 2 Ref Ineries Blown up in Samne iour New York, Nov. 25-Two plants of the Corn Products Refining Company, owned and controiled by Standard Oil interests, were destroyed by explosion and fire today. On. was in Brooklyn, one in Waulkegan, Ill., but the blasts that wreckel them rarne withln a single hour. Formai statements say that each plant was destroyed by an acci- dent. There is no knowledge of any labor trouble involv- ing the company. The Brooklyn plant was the Union Sulpher MM. That in Waukegan waa t he company's dry starch bouse. In the Waukegan explosion seven men men were kill- ed, four missing and twenty-f.ur lnjured. In the Brooklyn explosion fifteen men were crushed and burned, but luckily none lost their lives. 914 Markot atreet and Mike Bunch, 601 Manket Street. This makea a to- tal of NINE OEAD as admitted by the aupeninteudent. At thia hour, there are twoenty-four mon lu the hot- pitl. The seventh body waa taien fror the ruina et 3:00 o'clock. Searchers foud an erm about thnoo feet fnonm where the corps. was uuoanthed. The body was tennhbly charned, beonc neougnîzatlon. At 3:47 Mayor Bidinger, with Chief O'Farreli cf Waukegau and Chie! lier- menun ofKonoaha snd membena nf Waukegan sud Kenoaha fine dopant- meut& weut tu the rofineny bu non.. the seanch for tie dead. Superinten- dent Eberta uow admit. that there areat tieait two more men ln the ruina. The. searchera vont bu the ne- fincny anmed with picksansd shovel. Ebent bas given the Waukegan fine department permission bu aeanch the ruina. The lait body taken from the ruina was buned beyoud recognitiou. NIGHT SUPT. BLIND. Miartin Hyland, night superînlendent aI the sugan nefluery, bad both hiE eyes burned ont. He is blind. and Ihere la absoîutly no chance of hE ever recoverlng isis slght. Hyland entered the alarcb moam a few min lites befone the explosion. GIVE UP UTS OEAD?? Itlal doubtful wbether the bodies ni the three men wyul e'.er be fouud. Il ls feared that tbey bave been bumneÈ ta a cmlsp. The ruine viii neyer gis. Up it dead, nild one employee of tii refinery. Volunteers Iielp Hlospital Nurses When the new's of thec explosion first spread over th eitv the MeAlister liospital prepared to take charge of the PERILS OWN LIFE vi-is Miss Nfartha .J. Ihei, supesintendent of tlic hos- T pital, sent word to the oàicia1s at the plant, teîîing tîxeni to TO RESCIJE TJIREI rush the injîîrcd along. In the meantinie ais ernrgency ____ cail for tihe relief nurses of the city' xas senît out. Mrs. Harry Waite, a former nuîrse; Miss Juliet Su "-- Fritz Anderson, oeeof lhe vaiun der Mr. Jhn Iuîl, rs..Jhn lîsanMis w.1~lîIr. teer fbrernen wbo esponded on thi derMrs.Joh Hul, Mr. Jhn loban iMs. '. M l, iraI aiarm ls belng iieraided as a ber MNrs. Jamnes Hull and Mrs. Dav'id (è.liait hulriie(l to thie laday. Anderson, at the risk of hii isosital andi at once became assistants to Miss Ileil, voîk- Ite, msade tire. sepamate tripe lut, p L the iurning building and each ttns ing most ofthtie nigîat. returned with a bîeeding vit-tin oi This rnorning Miss fleil, of the hospital, appeaicdti h bis bock. On the founîh attempt .i young womeîs of flic city to get together and scw ban4a-ge(S! enter the building Anderson -ese r- in order to fîîrnish the hospital witls bandag-es w~ith i su ,pulse i iy a solid sbeel or flamne an, 1 ol ae re-entened the buildiný to care for the injured. Tisese wvoinn met at the honie oflance mana had nat coolen iieads nf Mrs. W. J. Smith, Cory avenue, ani sewedil the iti'nsrît e hi.As a euit cfhils ber. imm is nrnela being mnetioneg a ing and, as fast as the roils of bandages were made, onv ie of thse liet cf beros ta b. forwar- were hustled to thec hospital w'hcre tlie nurses IîSed thltiii1Iel as deserving ofi a C'arnegie meda freely on patients.e0 IIad not flic varionis volunteers worked so diligeîitlyv Lusvezeawl nw e the hospital pcople could not have aceomplished the goo(u eto'Wdrh id at her navn resuita they d&d.- Monday s.veni. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂNCI. REFINERY BLAST MOST HORRIBLE IN CITY'S H1STLJRY THE DEAD. BLATER, MARTIN-34 years old, resident of Peorla, Me, was studyil plant ai Waukegan preparatory to tak- ing char ge of company's plant at Pekin, ELI; lesavila wife and six children;baben Waukegan tbr.. months; died at hospital; body su badly burned that flesh was cooked. ZELANAK, JOSEPH-29 years old, reslded on PicadMfy Court, Waukegan; single; han father, mother and two sisters residing * Waukegan; diedlu hospital. STANLEY, _R K 2years old; laborer; body ideni- fied e ywife; lived on South Victoria street, N"rt ChIcàpo; leaves a 15-montha-old child. ADAMS,. JOHN-32 years old; laborer; 452 Oak stree% Waukgan sigle body burned to a crisp. DOUGeLA, P 36- years aid; labore; reulded in North Chicago; body identifled by wlfe; aloo leavu tbree children. GARALIN, JOHN-Died early. Wednesday mornlng. TOUATI8, CHARLCS-35 years aid; North hcago; died at hsia;bodyKbadly burned. UNKNOWN MA-ody taken from theruIna at 3.00 o'clock Tuesday; too badly burned for recogntion., OBLI ,E ALEX-Died at the hospital Wednesdy at 4 UNKNOWNV MAN-Body found Thursday morning at re. finery; burned beyond recognition. THE IMING. Bunch, MichaelMoay Louis Matachuk, Martin PerdkJsp THE INJURD.ý,Jsp BrdeicFrank Kalomaki J Chec:oÙl T. Kohler, *ils Debasiciais, John Matachuk, John Grahamn, Robert Monorlck, Mlchaél Goran, M., Or. cteFrski, 8. tGorman, M., Jr. Samn, Joseph Gobitz, Frank "~~ Charles Godonius, Joseph Sheyerski, J. 'robelch, F. Simonek, Joseph Hyland, Matthew Veach, a"r Jin, Michael Wetosky Tony. The. building that blew up wad tbree from te fTames. 9tonies high and 125 feet square. A 0"ne beaUttul younDg girl, ioa i two-tory fraise culin, urmounted korvi, became frantic vîtis grief, ag the. roof. trted repeatedly to th rov hersol!t lat * 1t "tood 'at the soutix end ut thiej the blazlng ruine. it vas finally *oMd * great plant. When the men employed uecessany ta carry ber avay by tfrg n I the starch bouse %vent ta dinner and place her lu the cars of & p»4>s. etlhère were 75,000 pounde of starch clan. dIs the structure. It vas shlpplng day Piremen ver, aummo.ed tien and tIsebregular force had been doub- North Chicago to aldInd laig00t led ta Iasten the filling of the. box flamea. Wori lua&Il departlu.ste « 'fcars. At 1: 26 oclock. viien the aft- the big factory was diacontnue« &.i *eroun a vork vas vell under vay. the 500 vorknsen Jolned In thes Nqq..; evsry cublc Inch of air In the. building work. Hundreda from tii.planLt of t4 i* blazed red. The brick building vas American Steel & Wlro conm i l lfted lunotheii air. led the atarcb. gave assistance. ebeen dyna mIte the destruction could Thse accommodations et tih bu"s -bave bee n little more disastrous. vere found to bo inadequ^te. b este Elther the starch became overheat- for the large nusuber of Injure&. 1bo ed or a srsark was struck lu the mat- furnture stores vers called on tai sep- lnery. The dry air, laden vitb parti- ply extra cote.,and familleaslivit iDM le ciel of starcb, la as explosive as guis by contributed blauketa. powder. As fast as the Injured arrlsod aItUw Tise roof vent up thse vaîls vent ou hospital they ver. taken to theii.oetat t-and dovu. crumpllng; the frelgbt cars lng room. viiere ther brh umsvoe ls wene blowu on their aides and then ev- dreased. Then thçy vere laid on the. deythlng burst Into flames. floar, to be mased to thelr cotea s se d Joseph Zalenak vas blovis from a fast as the. attendanta could car7 second story winiow, up over a bigla themn out. Cotea stood lu the. Corrs railroad embankment, across the. of the. bospîtal. and even bI the font. tracks and into tii. Oakvood cemetery office. >f 160 feet away. He rose to bis feet Tvelve o! the. lnjured Men vone Iand attenspted ta valk away but col- Lithuaniana. One vas a Groolr. aboti. rlapsed. He dled laten at the. boa- or a Tumk, and tisere so e éw te pital wltb a fractured akull. Ritusians and Amoricaus. Thoe s, Harry Veacb, a boy eigbteen, vas Michael Kruazaa. a Uthuanian Drim%, also at work on the second floor. miuistered ta the membera of bis "The lent thlug 1 remember vas uiiurch. Pather Gavîn. a cetjIME laugilng at sometbing one of thie men prient asermaned at tho boqita lsad sald,. h. tnld, later. at the bas- Msofa the afterqpon. oomfoa-tln lis pitl, "and thon, alain! 1 bit the. floon. sufferers. SWben I voke up I vas plsaned ho- Theetiret two men to ho ffl 4 U Iveen a beain and a bot pipe. 1 tried ver. fouiad by Lloyd White of the o tr twice ta get lons. but falled. 1 cf White & Tobin. Waniegi. Tbsy thought It vas aIl up vitb me. But 1 ver, dlscovoed cravlig lu the. eu. n- made a laat tmy and got ta a vindov. etery, anid It look the. combined offets le lirom theme 1 sllpped ta the ground.' of balf a dose n o s scuro Ieu. rO Vben lhe reacuers picked up Veacb jThe tvo menn ve rcased vîth pela ui bis clotbing vas afine.. and frigiit and lmaglued they Veto to Th ceabuth lzn erssilIth uigbulig mvas on. of hon-or. Wlth clothes A patiietlc enes occurrod vison lIe to aflame. men staggered out Into the air, firemen fouud Matt HylanO.ja hie. «. and collapsed, groaning, on the man. Hia ibody' vas badiy hrasi mai id ground. One man vandered about the. bis Meatures no hlackened vitis M .19 grounds, pltltuliy vavlng tise blaclten- that ho vas bardl>' recogailaeMI, Sed stump of hieai rm. vife, vbo lied been aaixlocaly USIIU0 '> veny automobile and cab lu Wau- In the. tbnong af vatchOra. o44ià as ,.kegan vas pessed into service ta laie forvmrd ta look aetthMisnlat a.the lujured to the Jane ticAllater bos- mens arms. 8.sioe m pital. Hîsterical vives motiiers sud vhen she recogntl hW ber Iul 1 cblîdren, alaruaed iiy t)be terrifie ex- Tiie plant of tIolftflalW s-Ploalon. ruaiied ta the:o. nesd t1stands close 10 tise lsae requilred the efforts eftih ontîre police force of the tovn Vo ieep tbem baci (cntlinu" M *14 ru~ ' 9 6 t t

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