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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Dec 1912, p. 10

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KSY DEFNSE 6AINS NEW DELAY CASE OVER TO TIIURSe NEW WITNESSES INTRODUCRO IN .COIJRT FQR DCFUNOT PRI- VATE BANK( OWNER. WILL OPEN DEPOSIT BU #AS. KIRBV TESTIFIES ALL IT ~AWft 10 lt HIFAMILYS8 biLVEIIWARE. jull. Lsaiitayesterday granted at- twbm*àfSB. .Kiry outiltomrrov mormng tb gahhr addiltonal evidene laeam effort bu boster up the tory of ti z n~ ofte e Whvio. Dr. X~p unâ i Magaret L. Klrby BOy, mlang funda o 'n. eétions aise vaatime ln wbl*ii te make au examinatlon la tiie presseet a resro0entaTevof tthe re- Màethe ti Central Trust comPe*17 Of iIpqjýet theg clfft of ?rI, tls sôlsfy debest box t the VirIl Nation. ab *@Wet iflglewood. lMis. Klvhy galiii aal teh. ln h u tiloxhmre ftoiny sllvervare. 18vWU fora esOdfense. it vlm understood the cas vlrtuafly w W*i liShhdbut Attorney Patrick . <?fflmjellappeares! la court vitit e nimler of uev vllaeefor the. de- gqn" sud, 4adge Landîs ganted a r.- tMi.'to bospone tiie entarlag et a rulu laiheconternt ctation agalusi th4 tvo reepondenunt Dil Il addi- tig"aIevidence la ln. Xms Pearl Decoverly of 1710 Michi- gos avcenueiiere Dr. Klrby aili bo placci 800M on a hrs.rTa" s*4 lust $ tM thfo e.rentes! a parler et Gie teta manho sald hietBtns va. lOng" The. stl51t80, ah. sai tcl# ber h. vantes! the rou for a feu boÇrp euh day bu vork la secret on aé it l Ivention. .ý-Hw*ebesec leetlf I.. Roser 1!.oovesty.ber busimeasai. 310lm1udI bmont a "80 paymo - f#ýou i.Deeverl's darbooke. 'PlUWj. O'H&u*, odeotlve, tent floaitha porion r.«reeeote by a p»s _80e! lntreiuoed Ln evidnav 40W0,4tetb* plic.ema OOMMiet mma# tiai hie rosi -mue wuva.Joue oueuiio. li Hoii«W ne e*bro*og bt*1ro Boston to Cbago. -Dr. Kirb ioM « Wlitice oog~rsg mor the pic * 4 be ia is, oho mai, la tii m a hsainhihm. Twi - ef theo pnin, ltt thCe,>oeOfrvAl eauséd by tire vhlch iiad t. origîn ln on. or the. couvepe. te.T .ato inapector s cpta Mr. IEbert% the. ory of the tire, but attempteil to show that a rnore modern eystern of duet collection could have iis.n Instalhd. The inspactore. t la learned, have tlaIIcd a nWlair of @stitaiplbti ln Illinois durlng the put ev dae, »d before theii.nquet coees they vill atteUlpt to provo that tâM-Bhitf could have beau Intalled liai would have prevented the exploiloU Tbey Inalsted tht Sung. Ebert &ive his tbeory, and! It la Smerally boUevei that tboy vili attempt bu prove th"t the. tIre ln the cofveyor conîsi bave beeu preventeil. W'ether they vil! gucceed lnhinltrodntlig auch proof leaa question. Supt. Ebert mi contenis that thora vas lio lrge quleulity ot itarch dut~ on tIe flors t the. building. Mv. Ehert talked te thie Point at a&l timea. answered every question put by coroner or inspecore, and! gave one of tb. beet taikg on stafth manuacture ever hearsi lnU 1*1county. t Thu. con be no question but tiaI C~harles Ebert knows viiereof h8 Lepuel. He cm on te exact dimen- ausios f every plece of machlnery Ln tbe building; con gIve coMvhibeg rea- sons vhy the. rachinery at the local e oIt w&4 more etffiient tit achmein- *ry in otiier plants, ans! con relate ov- ery stop In the procus of tarb menu- ifacture. He haa offlclted as super- Intéident of the lo4al Plant for four Ycsa. is aow ti. .duliesion of revory roor n lthle plant, the.style and maki or eocb pleCe of rnachlnery, and! a wien each place of rnachlnêrY vos lu. -stalles!. Wthout rofarence be can gîve i- an lnventory of lia stock on houdans! a the tumber of men vorhlng under bis 4L irection. *oim JOn tstimmens, a stata Inspector, palsi Mr. Ebert a mma glovlng tribute, «H j1e Si ithout qquestion the butn av#rmdt starch manufacture, lu Amer- ia ealdwil tzasmmons. ko .y1 st ITW Toffla rou !» 0 &Mt formai the. hpper lli e cupelu. Mr. Zbertvas lbe uuly vllnes ho tOM thé vit»"i stand WedudiO moeiu -e, Tho taril, accrdlug bu Mr. Riet entera the "starcit roam"ilaàa ilqui mture.It a iret ftlteres! lien place StseMu' plaes! a itia t fs tIo 7 tlS e , tm ram lie bUlaIla imapesinlto a happer, frout vhlch P*»ea Si n via th le m"llby mAsua et a o ov . Thesa in Voe!i te dut , an! aIlfoarelgo mati ezlrsète by menas of mignota ans! erasas.Ator t hagreuns!te a dat t la Carries by a conveyor bu lie top et ticeibiIilng vir. t la stores! lu loige hOpxers. Daiuslnthle millng pro- c«0O ua tarcit duit la Iluer&te. Il. froc starcii duetlalearreetes!iy op&- cm i evicos ahi la ogalu sent lirug tië MUlig procees. Mr. Mbort admI. taïàmaa niqumtty aifelarh dýt oicaed frorn lic mscilnor7dur- in ie mlling procce. Spoli de- vhhi snck as suectind force taus,, 24É hien installai bu erroent ieeiatrci dut. Mr. Ebrt dla that ail lie *MO laStdevicea MdniInventions ta keep tk redut 0àe of the sharch dust bai b" Ined leiaI lhitaplant. nHa daims bgc*resatle .yseen usas! b u.ar t iii aÈbbdunt t the.Wauhcegan plant ~ et liemaile.In use aI the world'ig W1 ëtphat t Argo. Ill. «à té% the Jurons liaI the standh boues ba.i bem shul dovu the 11h aî et Nsvtuhmer. homme et a sbrtage of «8SI& T4 Ieplan va rtai np om eorsiseut tIeti1h say o! November, Ti. m5ihlitO57in.the etarcihbouse wpo oveaualMandautle vall .and fiom vout ea viiontlieplant va 91*L dovU. Ret 1.14of lie maey sde rIpk"e b«bai iseen Insalles! to colleec ffl 7tkmml. a stme ltupectol *81W Mr. Ebrti f bi.bis! not hin bxA ctlom clooang systout coul isqaIaIaita collot ticestach dua aima utoms!te lessea explaclona alor smilor la lie ont th& *ËZ dembhi tu fourlfeon luit weel V~~ptsaji h4t b. di nettWau tiaIti&~UBéM aiIn lie bondin b4 ai!ii Va, The comPaflY's chit echeuitatilI be lie ftt vitu o bu aie the stand fWni- day motOng. Representotlvesofo the barIeisurance compasesver.lirs- nt tirongh tiie beart"g Wednesday. Mr. Ebert brought Plans vblcb gaveO lie exact locato o!flthe machluory lu the building. HS maie disgMmAist illutrato is lal of Starck manutact- ure. The. lestlmony vas taken dove by tvo short-band reporters. On Tueay morning lait M. Jacba of thc Keaceha departnlt pcies! op a lare cap nier tbe ruina. Tbe cap lo*eai lb a largre dynamite cap. Il vue &bout lirequartars o! an inchilu dlânster. jamube carne to, Wauhagan tu napect thcrure IvtItCilat lsei'- maan oftir th euosia dihsettment. Tlu tir.. eat. lispéecors vho aie problng the blait liai brougt deti tu tourtecau, ans! Injres!22 ohierl. ame nt th. plant at tiSa timo. The tira. men. t te Invitation et Bupt. gliset. vont te, lie plant directlr aller dIn- uer. And lIneodthlie uplsor Starck bouec. lMr. art clame tht lte upfcr imiiilover plant ver. -of a omeviiol sbmllhr naue. EXPERTS SOON TO TO CONDUCT TESTS quit. a hum or excîternent and rna»Y Commenta havée mheurS. One busl. nous Mon expreaed lt a4 his opinion that tiioe ray b. aomethlng bt there- port timat the.co-pufy bopée by ke.p- iii dciathc qualty of the. ga& to be 4bI. to eil more fixtures. The. nov arc Ilgbt bellmg eald by the compay ln «Ml to praduce a- mui botter liaht tanthon e la nu be"r«.tla @sid tie canpanY bqfl o u nu s rorna tihe uev plant that tiere s"Eernt e b. more air lualie mains ans! tiere le at ontant blovlng noti viii. ogost lûht la iurning. Bth *tlorney Rdvmrtla ans! coi- miasSoner OrvIs. the. Ive mon eaItho boas! o! the. movement to lover lie gos pice delare thaltiiey have hâd many compWalts liat lie gu olb" flrulabos! aI presnulnov la of anhIter- lr qualty but thsi Il blockena ans! destroya mantles very oulckly. 7«tt. d beté* w igAsW f aoue egtg4 t àto MWmbISa (tu bu s Rw ie shum htz la tbo. daork m'O* Dai «.,ie THE iRAWIPEt!R MISS CATHEIRINE KELLIY 0F CI-l CAGO WAS IMPORTANT WIT- NE&$ HEARO TODAY. GRAND JURY N NOT TUBI MAItINQ TI4OROUGII INVÉStioA- TION AND NO TLUNO WIIEN TiNI lLi. FINISH. LATER:-Tho grandjury dis! Dot Ilca Dr. Rinbger. Ite report tins shovlng the. jury fait hlm Innocent ut Casing bis vlfea death. Catholne Kelley. alleiged "atfnity" nu tise Risînger cae, came bu WaUle- tan Imm tChîcago Ibis aflirwoa ta teatlfy at the. caseans! bu reveai any- tbing aea mar know about the. matier and if Possible char uDtlie Wt*1y. Sie vau admîttes! te the grand JUry room 1ýbout 1:30 ocelocl ans! t la ex- pactes! liaI she vill prove to be one outh ti.rost Important vltnoe ln the viiole c.a. 15 bas! been expactes! thot the grand 4ury vould be-ab4le te finish uP lis ,,t rk gome ltn'. todOy but tiios-le hnp tel ng no* ce rl.en the. wlr"uLl bi cornpletei.tzid Itla p~i~that 1, wili flot lie sr.il corne titre tomoi- me, betor3 lhey ! be raady te ake~h Oni r repir; Ail attention selins te o he oteroj ou the Rislnger case ans!the. grand jury Is determîne! to get ta the bot tom and seurs ail pacuublo ewiiMtce before tisey mole tbelr dclalon. Toolc Up Rîsinger Case Agein. While the. grand Jury va. supPosed but finish Its von 50 se a treport te- day and It Vas generalîr fait t!147 weni do no, thcftctnlathait the Dr. g.loSnger casa vas prMan0l]Y r-OPen- ad when a numbar of nov vltaoeso vere summones! to uiv.testlmoitY. Tii. new vllnases Bsumlites!lait nîgit ans! i.ae aefflthl* mornng lncluded Rilnger's brathelma."ds 1rm. Fugua ans!Wha. Tii.?. ItlmS eald, ver. calles! marely te explinU meveral points ini clearing tho Jurys minds. George Fiels!, Wauitgofl. vonii vîtb Marcua Eoton o! Chticago. in 100k, Ing after Rieingersà cage a. far asilt possible bofere the, jrY froita. Mr .ilottes! tisainl cmsu cl a thing occurre4 tbs.t tise grand Jan sauld rore uan Jhictmnent agalasi Dr. Rlalager (ans! ho dld not for s minute think tbey voulidode 0). hl vos positive lhe deulltiov ould At onci appear beforo lthe 5111. and face &10 charge that mighl b. maie masina hlm ratier thon seek te evode service tIIOSNITALASSNO lIAÀS IMAD AÀ'PLEA O ASSISTANCE commIttie ans! leer ththelioy.ieau.-I time iuviag lt"i amti etoc 0.to. tis.y yl gSiva au nterwamemt este tho irton of Mr. Roger, Who la vrel banvu and lila! aatlte atire nortit siar. *Wbr u i a dëficlt lu bompi- tal oznde c. accufli of th. viti- imaval of support frueincty ans! cae 17. ve fool tt ncmity of comins betore lie publie and! tranting 1t e li geaerosmlto b icp isae cgud thliekii qit la the casting Y.ear Mnd u* liai I àai bopeavea théiimuti epticil tisai omr homXpita a n uoeset t h ei pour me voiX ise r tase nu; Bai me the hespîtàl betid la von ivre tbat thoër *ceunts met b. egt u%, t appUr bi n the onîr vsy vi cou mmcpmb tise vork le by making tie appeal tn the publc. Lebo e LîeemSucIdi 0" MluneaPOll. Mina., Dec. 4.-Wbal Ise police beliove la a suicide e =m M*doaod viem Ji"t U =ll Sf, bie iesao&, ce'5amè 0%1and si lre. je"slaa» Vi. lamd lna aroomiat boea w en."0 lesturnes!9n. Enicksea vu. des and! lire. RsaIen Sa iin HeO-Vib -MMet * mot lm Il yeu VBre et? Bbc-VoS lialia bfdog'mga1 MW lbçr* 0"y it W4 the lead toaso s NOUTÉ BêG IMSS. WACNTEB INTRRTAiNS Tui MiNe.Ls TRlouP Theic mb.sug <tic , WO $6~Smt liUsle .c as!oeeiq ea ïlth m4 ete.,.tneikt *V octly fo«Jie betefit of tlo lhbrV ,lere roAIy entertaSned ,)at eV, nînlu ie0cbapter by Mr«, C Wecbter, the. prouîdent of the. North 'Me ré§D t.th invitt~g aion@ mai dancing Vemthe ti.prograin nid re. frcabmnenti ve .serves!. TboU wbuattisid vite ange t. corne dree..4 to reproent »eoW eII kuovu book 8*4 Mani ibu. rooUp sentatlii vetoused. Borne of thrn w" e" .i"btte, gumu and a o des! of ameecuent vas derivod. LA6OSRS ABIVIE FOR FINS OftPT. The. oxt@iiffloê sdetorderéé by tie city concil Cor thse SmredePartrnent arrivel today atter a delay of domo Wth thec hudera thé iepitftlt W11llb ii f 1h1 6 ,aib the bgiut wIn- dows l he ityll. Wth, the 014 equlp. ment the. boys bai bird voil te cr00 the moes! for loger ladi voauvery apparent bu the eity Oitai. Bouc aet Sogli b b0~ 9factol? bulldlnga'aré vt*outt «y are «emee and thec«es olgbappen that the employees voqîs!b. caught on the. thîrd 80cr vth no means o! escape na tUaltichIgideis ay b. the. .0.55 of savina mUVaylies. ROYAL NIUORS ELECT. The oayal Noagbors met lant ove- Ang eim r tte eamp tuired out and! the electlon veut1 off very, emootbly. Thc folloing late1 vos votei ou te seryp for tiie coming Jear: Orcle-Misl H. O. Thboupson. Vice Oracle-Mm. Win. Waters. Puit (Oscl1 A. V. Allen. R"ei-lau 1. W. Cok. Chancllr-Mîs. George Philipe. Marsball-MW VaMry Derue. luner SBenlel-lire. 3. Conwoy. Outer geanlel-Mrs. George. Helm- camp. )naour-Wm. Waters. The. oficet c chancallor and record- or ver. Iles!br ie peut Incumbents, Mns. Cook. and lire. Philipo.ans! lie office 0f manager t 11 thediavacancy caused by thse expiration of Dr. Jolley's term. CITY IANMiER IS PLAU 15 TO BE iIVMIA TIIAL Progrem tavard lbterCity govemu- ment la biag.»MMbl MBSuinter, B. C.. a City of about 1111,0 population ans! muder comMis tls*. threOugh airer- tlinai for a «*lty amonamc" vho la bu "have complote admlnltrotivecentral of lthelety, subj oth e board of titres electei coawslBloeolU" Thi ons amuel liê ticmmcii dIscussei advertlaceet of Germa citles foi mayore.se t btory la tic effete Fatiorlani belng that a elLy's businie i farm ouabt to be managesi hy tii. boit mon Who con hÏo toesfortàti van, rogalea eofviither hoeua contraIl the votes of lthe moel douittu ,ward la anueMention. Buutter ennounoes thaï: "lier. vil bo no polticoS ite-jb; lie vork vIl lio perely tht ét du lotim* .An en8 Imme -et eIoMhg au&amliy iii Me »Mfet&'"TSiioban lit E« Ihelite iteat nies!of xlmtit theli aiiMhdlon of Anirilftàiltie où à M« iboicmd ibuts. %mal oteu- icutla àiust WbéllYet e buonénae *"Wa'. Wi b10piOUBitt 5«I1 ho sue- OMM à" ami Wsi O iea ailaipit- 4pla le otW scA imii tios gai ta,"*. ^&Kt SIX MONIIS LUAVE OF AU. Sê.NQ& ON ACCOUNT OP SÈCK- NES8 IN TIHE FAMILY. MUST PAY 1'FR TWTIGN ALL. NON.RlgBIOSNT SUET MUST PAY tUITION- OCHOOL BOAiAD NEWt. On account of mlcllien llte faiully. Miha Mary Hutcldah. o tischin lu le caetihI icboo. 5>ittloieé lheBoutM i tducatlon for a Six rnth le&vO O! abence. Her Potition VosU ltai sas! UmHarbourna. of Ypeolaatl, Mii,. eplaYed la ber ateai foS the balance of the ecboi »Or. Prof, BL 13. L'aIts!.o! the. Michigan State Normu- ai school, ,recomlieade! Min fine- Diogmne bu tembera et thce chool boardl. A 1eW MbtuLu mgoSMin utuhi. jus, father feui. ljuring hhlm up. Mise Hutchins Vl probably returu bu ber deïk ai the. Central school ln Septern. ber, 1918. ; me M orton AaelMet UmsNorton, a a cher ai the. Waah Ilam eisool, banus bomappointai as- aitant principal or tticCentral seiiol. Ths aoppolulmnent Wvoamas!. et the suggestion osf Bupt. Oliver Thompeon. Mies Norton Vue grantesi o $6 a month icreol. Sa salony. May Net Retuin. mien Âlma;Mloer. th isaHgI echool teachor Who eufter@4 an attack of aS-, pcndlcitla vile au route far ber home for Th-nksiedi" ba i vrtt« u Spt. lCuaelk liat mii. viII net be able te r. turu bu Wauleglafor many v-ka, Supt. Knoelk hb. boeu sovered ta *utploy enother toe.cr 10 amult la lha vork etthe sehOOL MimBlater la lu a boopilal et Appieton, Wle. Ail Muet Foy Tulione. Tii. membe or f lice lsool board bave decides! teo orpel ailà na-rtmi dent minients et the eity and iaI ocheola te psi tultion in accerdAnce vith the ruko ans!regulatioU sadopted by tiiemubeal bouadYeu@s egu. Weuîd Ratites "Firc." Binc. the opening oethle Higb school year, tirft juniors aud one eAo 1cr have left, eccoOl. The. abr vho d lof sciool le nov tlning a locomotive qa lb. Elgin, Joliet & FMier.rail Sccretary Jobn ue&rdws reported that the. samage by llgbtnlng bu liej ýNorti. echool durns the aummer mont ut v . 854. oMdlitii.S at4Ç- ginca CMipeAy bai mal luma dccli ooverlng thec iamac. The large brick ,chimnery on thoe chool building vas @truck iiy .lghtnlug lait Beplombar. - *T weew ka»ctiom. The. clty echocls vîlI cloue on the- ehtI day of Decambar ans! vîli r.- *&Wl eloed iuntil lie Oth. dsycfJas- gary, allowlng tic studenta tva ymack vacation. * Expense » MNloh. Recently i i v" eatthle jýnilor uit the ii. IiqI ae« wvuarecet, ex- leqmlvcves. The.mehas eari"d e- 49ffl to aliuv bluta statsà segliy, »d As sy a eig £mmge agemewafimi. ~ve.Orlait mni t% h agav- "* u »Qit. MAqOlis lat thse iplic. ia l. joltor'. ep el lm malerisiy redms! iraDeu=i- Mi iicoob-Roperl for Octobef. biaI Tnie To. Pct. At- $Irçt yosr .. 31 6o 91 97-8 16u oajer. 37 46 83 98,0 rdoe.33 46 78 9v> g JO~ , ae- . - v- MOU lao hemp veytvudd' da 4 Iqà ftIh Thé propomed Iaw to abll tlb. gýOWm uhlp oovmunha 24 auer a a b ave 0 eh w~~g.- lUnia l ioMue Iml - m ar bn t alites ~ ~ ~ fa ;=de mwo lgwy mroeui ffs ple who would look féîa4 w ith i4 W they rs e omtth@ v .lct ns, mr HW ààé â eim ttmSdJuat nÔ# fèr théb* tSo f Lake couty Mua:s09r'et Caeo ubMot. In IM onwotlom Vsare a hier ",ia Ibou am i I ,tht be, inag.alt' oqM pu*lummt" laIl h ç s W.U, Lucile C&maiout tai wit ir, b" au red .Ta*obimon,tbe noca*pion7adtegrest fumthe pbcmaeover te pr* W.' .mn1Ap«W@ UU @31 the v.1I-tbAzkg p#blic pt fouitNI ip1ci Vbe Il-- sostnceiu.' hmnoli <rob« Mj 11 o wbola onudoed m imudwby the nhrois, Pourth year. 33 se 69 98.8 . unW"mi otal ... 14 87 321 94. ev Report for November. Moale Vernale pokAtt. ~ _ FIrst year .... 32 fit91 bet 1 imat U> M *c vE8 Second yeftr ... 36 46 98.2 Thîrd year .... 30 45 97.9 Fourth year ... 32 36 97.0 Fiè ?fjaiumit I ?UW' - - AUB8W gl*br W M MB Total... 130 186 97.9 O0?UéM d. orbs K C BigPowderisàguaratee absolutely pure and who1ltibe. Ilire isnot.ochelle imts, le bua--f lUr 1 1 è Ift m* thefood~ thtiskaved with KC. Even ths nicêtdhlcmteuanethm bu" draiusdwi x c wdKudigi*u aiSed bread Î mo agv»s with y«. VR , 5. . wv W ewil bêPlèasýd to "ýSlbo Weth Yu Purchase orNo 203 GenéeMSret Pome 2 .. j Aseopim.Im iftrle Ywpri.me 119 O.evéW.Sf. - aon~., -ea..Ceet Whvo o 1 esk for ln moi *b ripe lwet of Iri bon liAs. nd apml wUor t mâiorni tis i a" eam te the tvetb 3*4m f on DMc Deci DON. Lithul ro lh 9 1 tg d tý b

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