Trlggs' Iiome-Made, Sausage. J, ELI'TRIOGOS PItON! 25-8 ;s t,,;us ý - is'IbA 3,Weeks Of You lbooj it atwas so - W vpi goulyo~ ut~Io k5thloi lim -40 tth feot thet c* bài. lau stoc k y cOMPlet NtCKTIES mmIATP ~!S H 5 GARTMR RiAD tIAogmicir»s MUVVLIRS SUStfteU~ GLOVm mitm~s And iu fo t a ytbîag in ont lice the mm & p- preolat.sMd deire for Xinas Presmits, andi thie bauty of lit in that ev.ry' articl e là usef . snd apprepriste. We invita tbe Lgrdim es ehe .Men oeil and loover Our toOk. Our priopuelare nght and satis faction guarantetd. XVERYTHINO'FO1t MEN jB, Morse &Co. "PHONE 14 L~z~ Ir~ A Christmas liînt D)EALLY snch thinges honiti b. kept SECRET, rather than 5kPIJBLICLY DISCUSSED, but so loue eam ce promise Xot to divulge the idetlty of ont Xmas gif t PURCITASERS « the. ufortunate RECIPIENTS of thuse gif te, uo harini en b.doxie; but ce dgres- CeuI .THEHRIUT! aeigo er ~lle5slittn enuilacoesfm u be R" teof high.du ~PEDAlA URITURPTM"skIl ovea Everybody Trying tsunome solution to the lIard Coal ehortage and eorne- Stblng tu take its place Compressed EgÉg Coal ia the best thing we know of for Stove aud Hot cater plants Sootieos, Aohlees, Clinkerles and a good Plow buruîng fuel. Try it. Sold only by .~Libéétyvilie Lumber Compmany Phone 47-Res. 72 Docn by te Old Dept To est. ublcaiOnluthe Ind*eeu deat. oopy muet bi ha i.onfce noltor ' tan tuandai *of «aCh wealc. Advd- el fleuse«f sally. Ire esked Io take el partlculsi notIce to thia ffect. H3omos fiattdr,&peut tSaturdai and B sunda: st hie homne here. Tb@. W. C, T. U. wili meet wtb MarChunrchill opn Tueaday, Dec. 10. F The Ladies' Aid ofthtie Preebyterlan b church wll umnisetwlb tMr@. George Wi'iaht o.Thnreay, Dec. 12. t j. B. Muhollalld lh- reuted the el iMcormick cottage on tiechapie OGrove roed. tekins PoUfeli nlest week. ,Jobn Couverse or Columbus, Mont.,e foemerly of Fox Lake, madtie tY a a' builifle viait gaturday andi Monday. ' C. A. Besck ILlest eeel movt ahi )houmbolti effeté to l)elevanu, Wl-,, cherS th.y wlll mmii. their future borne. Mir. and Utrs. C. P. Wrght returneti borne aturda»iigbt ten a viit witb thelt su William st 811,cr Clty. Newca The Adro Cub daaogvlOst tii. toca hait Tbaesvtfl aigu ca- atteedt byem largs erowd MAut- ou sjoyable timms cas bad. % LyfesIL.BSd arrivedinl lbsrVillls 1ej moat., le" st e. ne Win m a" !tie.Oston stapisea * ua* 8., li neneb*kmsw in REP lire. Caro. cas Vanlu Liber llqtor ln Our City Iionday.chite att mi". Pearl Eoclsy reénucti Suntiaysusf veung trou, Sycarsom ,Ill., wbere Se. red pgeut Tbanksgving cliii ber parente. raeîroad Chartes Johunson haîs moved front tiie rght of Alice Loctehoune on La&e Street to tiie lje anti i. C. okesen bonseoathie eau e treet. tîmately Mir. anti Ur. Thom. Coriett and tMr, ltafte and tre. Audrec BBEtif att&'nded the and dtrer Fat Stock Show leést Moudey returning Tiie de borne Tueesy. 1 Include: Lesle Warren bas reeigncd hIe posi- onf the.0 ion au clenk et Docker & Bonid' drng k o aven store aud le uow smployed lu that rond fer eapaeity sat the Weymndrug dimpeneary ing trom in autegan. and tiie. Details of the annuel &MrleuItur&I ti ldsel aesociation uieeting in Libertyvilte Wedneâday eppear ln part twio o tus Teula isue. It we an important meeting deai i altiiough apparenti, e Most ordinary ralroati One. pune. The Dairy Farùmr' Protuevtive As-tiiet ti rociation cili oidti teir aunual meeting rt te ,d smoker atet b.Lbeelville tocu Butler t hail on flaturday ulght. Deeem ver 14, toC Cou.ty. wiich ai ntarested luaithe cause are ,...,.et The. peleones la tii.-Lake connty bastU. coe .. rve.! a Tbaiksgivlug Day diluner liaI lir clii eyer forget. The. menu: Cickt, .uaset potatos, squash, ceJle raabomftes, ples., ulnc. pie, pl.,.s bread anut. butter. #j t lurpari ef luti cnt dii SCHOOL NOTES msrnother, tir. Mary Broca, bers. As tii. Lyrie Theatre Saturdow elgit Elai. Carroillcent to Chicago Tbanks- ~r Rbetoaclipresnt,'Pdlal Love. glvtng, day. Oh. mw tie play *'A or~~~ ~~ ew bld elêe"siorosi battî. IIIoL by nelar usenat pries ot admision. Hervey Mousenst Innday eveniug lu pla tu attendi.Wueg. *Do.i't foret the. Epiecopat bis~ t d Tbe saiors bai aeclam meeting Mon- supper st the. tocu hall on the afferoon day to plan for a senior Play. ýdoarng. etc.2n es te. u e o. Tii.sophomores iiad ubeir grecn anti dolie 8,25 cet. on)ien . SPe cfO hite colors ffyioog <ail, over the echool 5 t 8,25 nta Da Du 0C.P-1- bonam for a lec dea, but the other Friay lgb (onliit a ti Lyicclasse got tosetirsud li ookthomn. Fierecî ithbehc"'b<oualanlt t.eLridown Ilouday noon. Everybotiy Lut e otmedy byeobo r a@ni "Tooun the eopliouior.5 guit apteee ofthat flair. a egedy y Nsborsud'«You» ii. Boot visitai luChicago over th@ Foroe t p,," a drame by IMP. It Ilatas lke agood@ how. COmor ot antiThsu»slvlng day. Me. Frank Altofer te a nec Pupil lu tic Antinow it late eFat Stock Shoc. tonrtb grade. The. Landi Shoc attrected i Lberty- UmW OU cent to Grand Opera lu viltimanat ceek anud thla csek they Chicago Thw'etiay. --e making tripe to Chicago 10 citnses Farl Kaier ceuttClcuico Batnday. tii, Fat stock show. Hiave jon-bseun Margaret Better lcft echool tue ceet. docu? If pot ijou bad, better juSte CeusdEm hmelipn arrangemuents to go. Sunday la thee test CarkulsingdammaChagrlainiu day. relative. Tuestiar etternoon, Wile plsying in the echool yard, littie Wilson Olentiorf Report cardu e e given onut Montiay. metwit a erypanfu acidet wenNo deportunent bas been martedti met isib eryud pl aînful acide iaumon th ln the high ecool on account o! h. Ëe ippei im fel tuhe a maue sthe improvement due to plan of sel- c-ame point cher. it cas broke befor.. governuent.. [t ie the belle!tiei former f racture cas Pesi Rugt- @ pent from Thuredey noteutiraly healeti anti this h.lug teuni Snaytuun case th. lseat litho cwrench mgtht a"e Lotti. Bnhttz opent lest Tliureday et esus eti .inînry. Grayala. Tis eet Frank IL Just purciie&Wt of Joe Altof., starteti echool ber.. He Decayne Young 1h. Iatter'e Mlwaukee le lu th. sevsntii grade. avenu, uroperty on chicbinl locatoti a Veu, Gelhocey bas been absent the paint @hop sud otftira.Nîlle KimbiIpst nkeek cliti tonleîmtîe, but bas a lot 501270 tronting ou Mechauilta recovrered anti la back et echool agan,. Grave Bondi. Tbe properlies abutt lu Tii. senior Germn e loge ars ta start the rer affordlng tir. Jual an opporlu- r-ding.< oWaie die Kîrche."1 nitr to efect a biuilding 49xl50 test on Milwaukee avcue;l chch la, ce undet- Lyte Trlpp cas abenut Wedneeday ou artdt. b. usetforgarsgepirpoiê. A aco'nt OfIlluese. large machine sbop i le lso be -ereteti LaMoilti. taff ord epraiueti her anti. on 1h. propsrty cttii a paint .bop ou Tbauktvlzg diy. secound fluor cieh la to lbe reacetbed, Leslie Warren, a graduate of last year an elevet6t 0f enEclanut CSpaclty tla 9it la ocesuployeti asclerk in Weyman', a large automobile. Wm. LAyenck le drus store in Weukegan. interqoted wliti r. Juet lu the deal. sudMie Kate Carroit f,,l off ber borselet wdl remo,, hi@ equlpuent to th. new Saiturday alternoon but was not burt. élite a soon Athe. machine @hop le Ti obmrebv ie hl resdy for occupancy. We are Informidrne one p0i. tnd forveSxvn pti Mir. Leycock ciioelisi.present see c @Y ool therundso fxn u h anti building ta Chicago parties cho are olcuae . t carry, on a llgbt munturîng Mis" Scots, cho cas the elniitb grae builasse. A. J. Austin negotiatedth tii echer her.lest jear cas lu bdw deslé.Tueeday. 0-________________ Wilson Otendor! brote bis Icg chile unM INpJRANCE Plarlngast reces ti me at âchoolTuced: A mam d"I a% ml Io ioca t. "saechool begmu. ea d0IIà, Ia ha cm etel b.sassadollar lin______ hll he distance., - Ws Dow bave on band a niceetocktni E E U SY monuments and arkers et aur @hiop or E E MEMilwaukiee Ave, anti Invite ail cio a -AN I.> O R N ntises. tir. Colline, cholin uciiarg of tebusinessber. ciilh. fontiat ti DistrIct Msegn &bop every Satu rday or eny otiier da Oid Coay Life. seame Company 1by eappolulment. L-9-4 Offisla as OficeCOLLENS & DoAr4E Ca, e ee nf en Ire ge ho 'For PFire and Life Insuranoe SEE CharlesD. Proctor, AGENT FOR ,Niw ilampshir e iteInurarice Company Michigan Mutual lite Insurance Company LIBERTYVILLE, lILL. rr on(»IU "ILE Tu IT 0F BIG te£ IMOUS£ y le attaciied tu tire land demie eyvilIe durlng the. c.ek andi I connecteti cithItildeclar. Ignor- what la back 09 th.m, I: la re-ý about town that the. St. PeMI compauy boaquietîr acquiroti a way trom its traeke to ButW dthat a large Ile.,houe. cll ii-t ybe erected on the. bank of the wr It bam been prop.rly cleareti Igot. eals reterred to anti consurnuat.d :20 acres soid by B. l. 3Miller Ild Wheeler tarm ceet of Milyau. ue;5 acres from the Wm. Wal. rua narrow @trip of land leati- nthe. Miller property to the, làk. m. acros the laite 47 acres off D)rmond plae, owned by Frank ry Drvmoud. lad .11li Dsin a direct line andi Mon bas connectedth i.ehwols h a rigbt of way pIcn of the. i for, up to the promeit date, the. er le flot known. Tiie repoi t la mSt. Paul plans building a @pur lke foi the. purpose of putting lak, into the les field of Lake ,lack of ralroati facltiet havlng td lie use for that purpose la tii. Eplscopal Services Service st et Epleopel chureh ,very Suuday as filowe: Cbereh servâie ai 16:110.. We1~sh" eta11110. ý= " t ksd.,1 NOTICE 1 clu t 9. W. Pankbrt's store Bturday, Dec. 7, 14 and Il. 11 coileet esssate' for tiie Mill mu"l Inerance Gompeur. p-i t-I jous B. BALLA.. Piano Work Aldena Piano Shop at WauengSil the. place ta bave your piao sent for repaira. rellnlebtng, nec aption, ,tc. They owIllthe. Shounner vnno sud Plehutupiano. 114 Northi3Sierîdan Rosti, WanI.egan. -l-t NOTICE 0F SALE Notic, leahereb ives that the under- signad icliulie 4tb day of D.einber, A. D. 1912 et the baur o1 2:00 o'clack p.u. et the John IL Thompeon farm on 1l caukes avenue south eofI..iirtyvit, oeil at puolic vendue tothe1h bie bitider for cssb the folîochig descrhbet property to-cit: One cenut mare tun a Ms eool Girl asti 1 bey Allerton filly, S yre olI,ý the property of Dr. R. C. Morris o Hartlord,tih. Tie sale la for the purpoee of eutorcing 3 ot ehater 82 of the ReviSet Statuts. otIlnl f1909, thi. same lfelg for the cars, kesing. varting anti teeding or the. abovedecrîbed borme, amounti>g to $ -0.00 andthei ex penne of sale, aud ths sale lemme ati. uant 10 autbority given under sectiou S of ciiepter 141 af seit Revisai tatutes of! liinois of 1909.ý t,10-8 JouN H. TeompsoN. TATTOOING Tattoolng remaveti, aise tattooiug doue by th. latest metiiot by Pnop. Hàay iege~, Libertyville. e.9-tf Piano Tuntng Lesve orders et liaY'a FurntureStars. Wort doue by Mar. Alden. c-9-ti SPMCAL 0OITER TO IMARMERS Thr.ugh apecisl cubbing arrange- menus made cith The. Prairie Femer. a farmn magazine oft he h1gltet order, published twlce a menth ln Chicago, we ars enabled to offer to the. fermera of Lake and adjoinlng countile ths INOLPENDIENT and Prairie Farmner both one for the prit.eof on.. $1.50. This apples toe i l s ub- scribers paying up &il arreursanmd on. yer ln ativance andt o new subscrhbers. Botter lte advantage of il noue, for Be don't knou hec long we wdli b. able lu maks hia offer. Ooni delay. DO IT NOWI Sti>rc and sec our new stock of Christmas Goods A large aigortment of Dolla. AUl kinde and pVloom RAG DOLIS CHINA DOLL& TEDDY BÊLR DOLLS. LARGE KMD BODY JOINT- BD DOUAE PIANOS. BOOKS AND GAMESM. TOYS AND RBÂIYL JOHN LESTER sufcesefte C. A.' BESWICK Bulkley Block Llberiyville, lit. WE INVITE YOU To join the large number ol individuels. Oirrs and corporations who for mang qears have fond their banking rela- tions with this bank to be both agree. able and protitable. Lake County National Bankj I LIBERTYVILLE, ILLI CaiaSurpls and Undivided Profite, $90,00.00 LADI$' OUTINO je FLANNELGOWNS i1' SOME PARTICULARLY GOOfl VALUES IN COLD WEATIIER SLEEPING UGARMENTS Welleda Gocua of outlng Ulnnel,' pink or bi ne stripe. wtth collera, uest breiti trimmrnng.acii.................................. Squae nek stlesn Gocus of gondi hevv @tripe outing. 75,.................. :........... . ............7 c Gocus imade witiiout coilars, neck sud front trlmmed wlth "tlk".e brad. Thems ae our icest gonds andi the materlal le o' the et. £aeh ....... .............-.. ............ L lAdies kuttted Petticosatiieeftcote lu Pr etty gmm1s cth 4%. coloreti stripeti bordera. A caru, museini eet for ouly .. W. W. CARRILL & SAONS CO@ NORTHl STORE PHIONE 29 SOU5TH STORE PHtONE 31 mast reooivod Our wlntoe supply 01 i BUCK WHEAT -le, Direct from the Mnl at Mutn Wis. tel me kiud we have. au1- Wî6yScarried.L CORLETT & FREDRICKS Iphone 30 I * v UBERTYVILLE, ILLINOS Ha ve Vou Confidetce? iii Everybody?ý What Do You Know About Jwelry? Don't take any chances of beng overclarged. or of having an article xnisrepreseuted to you- ?by people'you dcn't know.«? I amn here to make good on everythlng 1 n»U ? ry succese dependB on matntalnlng lthe repu- ~ tation 1 have tstablished ln this comrnunlty. MAKE YOLJR X-MAS SELECTIONS NOW. ? My stock of WATOHES, CLOCKS, &IL.- ? VER WARE and JEWELRY of ail kinds la $Jght in style and right ln price. YOIJ ARE SURE OF A SQUARE DUMMlE! JEWELER LIBE]RTYVILLE . . ILLIOIS pliSC!T ! 16 U I * ~ .."rVt er, IJOM 1 1 pmvenw a 1 u