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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Dec 1912, p. 11

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Y. DF4JFIM~ER 13, *912. Bs .. 04.TH"A 70 nacuvslye*,p.heit 1t adrà' $q1M. ica Py- t in stsle-rs l iee J,~m~~ ~i a ~ TaeyApqu-ir. Ti. Soa PIII.v-Unr. A. IL N*. î LE . .Guerlu. Facî as !pl uJla. ci ~I$-.KLion y et yWauksai tq*OU.u-oKC ~S~ e Wia ba.iav Id.. SOrné Tovel. Two làdmib #-%! P L'.a 1L flW. Ro uer, 4 3ssyOk. Tts , cturem, Tire.ponmro. A.Deolch. aU tuer. lpikv-4a" h equuna.1191Eo-IM4U AaU p". olm MmKm$- Tvo Has$ PuIate Ptew-ie MukwIllW. W. carroli. Bicifli 's.I '.'S nny VRIVOel 10--Mis. V. oaa mm lm nIo Her--Mr@. L 1A ceteriuc-Mrs. (ncurte, MIV.... omust-4Jum.si& (oodhou. W.'z- oil.-Mrs. Lente, MlvAuke. kbw. . .brooedr rmt--lm EsRtio. CaP--Carney & Gootihout. Wanke-3= .WlaUkm amIaPeoaiPjte-Mus'pttD>- Ulev-Ourile xMvps Olpe, Cbineuo bourtea Dume-*faipov Pw Hand Pautod pruit fiom-las. N. tOI7. Devina. Chscag. MsndkerhiQI-mr. d. MTati. . ubfutterué Ptiow llpo.-Mrm.Dwu Metiuolck. Pnes' Hoder and aBroon-Anna AI 1111 eOle, iIuwr imons-Mns. Rover. IàmMuat 6c"oAPL ,gacrod Heart ti ct"-4t f !uh " Pws-Mre.Gotti. Mtei. qqp.- amds9. !WShrt WastBo-lUs. Qthbou.. *~t4ur!-liU.N.0. Divine. R~ple gt os~ iu <m. Orcat C.trpiuee-r. (ot- kbef-GertrOde Neveu. tL swto Barfi-mm. Neos aoiure-waunaeaCCoMfWtu-Mss. nnleus'Uertag. Swaote, Tht.. Boxe@ et Crayong. rimery Apo-Kti. WU. oyen. no ga men as. ThIseaimail iim*dhiélet Biox a"àdAarà-liN. Ds, I' lvé louas Bi...lae C. H"i. BO-. 8U§W-Mre. wb. loiln *t-lin. WIbE. Cruooz--Dmui1e Linern. *MM fUrmbohsr-n.s. Suft of ai eptier Daer-Mrs. 0. c.ami. - .-. - o ard ienes-is - I 'Nue gar Ridvers Tusjw tn Ubrl..edfalls rowtomunwowam rwl nh Vwm Villes. hs.bome a eaCai. not hier Pager Bukhel. A~.Iu .lw te s.Wre Both. es h-ise-.fuba. ~M. VEe-Cmn. ierle Sa h 4orw mm. tUTel St-4Nendel Bshe.,.Chi. eturu ceWhte HOUseImma.Wm.. * .~iei landkoers bet-Mns. Woad- iwNUsà. Ibo--Joe Mahaua, Cabcago. UWUPloe-« Nab"is. Chicam fli Lmv-ir. ReSert sit. 4*m.Db a-VuntNo. 77. W. C O~ M.Sethaipantd-.--f Suflhi omt M. ut La.kmeiboht - ~U4i pllv Slips - MN:. dwaw 146" mU ait. i. mar- *U~-Ml M. Nlrley. Mlvaùhei. 1uà~ >ltlSIakie. UaS5-MIus M. Phelait, MII- Apron-Miai M Pi~B. Mil. idhurohI~t ~e-~Ml*m G. htliwaiake( -. hW-~5~ak-Msh.I Wgsd. Handkechle Bad atiOne Pair uin Cuuhl.-Mnm. $.pester. D" u Oth-JO. Hinur. ouHait DosenCM1."adt auce- Miss 'E. Meaer, CilaUki. on@ Pair Tawédé-:.m H. Lue.j Cinohet Bg-uMN. m. lbeul a it Sýalad fiaitandi Plate-UB. PtaaB kUye yard@ Drqs Goots-Mr lot- &rd Murphy. 10.5.1eadiey. g.shrolidéTl'oui- RatieW. Grham, Muko*e.. Tahel Sctr-4Irs. Raffl, Daeli. Hund Pinted PIt-Ir. John rwo .Çp!p. Ul ',1 aud ftucorsandi Plme-m*4t ivip. sofa Pli-iNn. Peuha.. 11110v ca"e--m . 1P. ClIUb. On. 1Palr ToeL4-mi-. Donselîs. AprO-Mré. Dolnelly. Hanti palaetiilte-4lIrstHenry grlstlan, wqU40esan. L* Dresser * Scart-Mr& iM. Luds'. lAsMPAis*-. B.Win.g ttircl.-- Ume in"awUe'olui. Mr& L14M*e77~4. mm 0.ng ca~$ lbýMIatda maito'wels donated hi ii 1 Cblsugo. Hait dosun Oliver sPOOna dOnatet hy Icaw as affl. Go>i ateb d-n* brMr. Frank Rloue. Ais.mlnum teapot àonatai by H. B. Box of etg"r donutoti by Mr. Dob- flusbrodsret table marner donateti byUl Mi Min ion. *Pont card album donateti by Ms. IF. Gibbons. PMi cari album donateti bs Emils' Bush. Pont card album donateti by Wsa- del, Waukegmn. China dish, donsted by VAU. Wal- rond. ag dant by PaulIRay'. Sanitars' popuftoweb a nd cups do atei b>' gHi u v~ppe V. Duet cap donati by )ir. PL Pritch- Vive pouca box <orcandi donateti by rd Sabim, Wtukus tomalugbag 66"66 hi MIs» clr donstud bi M. A Mhid..0 Electrin Iran donatat by M. A. Se&- Order fer e111f 0f$4.00 shoes danal- ed hy E. W. F*e4rIiit. Twenti -four'Ut "MIcImes AlSianace doumm b »Vas' »4M 0 P'oMts-twp ui1u4 býe tpictppdo- nawudbs' Énîîy flu". Tva lmfl à"s.4 J ii*ik*boum dost- ed b>' MW. lhf B11k shirt tionsted hy W. W. Carroll. lx wblmp. donat.od by Mm. M. J. Blter. Tir". halturé donted b>' MN. M.1 J.Ratter. Thm. brusheasud combe donateti hi Mns. M. J. late. One carrngE henten donateti by MN. M. J. Rafter. Oaa wool dustar danateti hy Mrs. J. C. Rels. One wool duster donateti by Emils' flash. .1 CNu'a tre.. donateti hi Mm.Joe Býqrsu Meadtdoqateti us'MieseRuby Cygghqt *guest towel 4onated b>' Mins. E.Moore.' 1 pair epihiqlderçd pillow casesa do- nated 'b; brs. L144d" ktieI+ e COpair kait ilippes dafatetiby mn. La Madellneq. rouniain pen donated by Mtr. A. l'air gants $2.00 glovea danateti b>' Jai ltofse. fi79 bl u nt chiltis cape donateti bs' xins. W ao. C1ifÏ;tr*lstplmer, dockatet by Un. Oep ran donateti by North Shiore Oaa Ca. Seven boxes oi stationarydnet by F P. Lov "d atiCa.-,y oa Dravu vork Ilnch cîotb tionaltd hi Mrs. 0Gi.s.111* »mWbý»erqd It doxlate4i by Mine An Akofar. ]sa l sdouatetihy Mrs. D. J. itlter. Gertrudeu (»bbo#, 4Grpa »Wt WI. Co., ~akgn 0ý f cigaru donated i hi jt Pet imea s ue 9 k **t#4 t 'N*iP 49"gnsLaw- i* of Mir5o.sdonatltd by t. $100 d"etiy Pred ('roker. gpxqf ipoludPugted by Lux & frg 4. ot;làu'&ted b, Mr.m Bd. fb azErs 4onated by~Ie? Prlntlag for ur donated by the hî.a doa4.d~ pr.Taylor. Ru oaûe& N~ orn Furniture Co. Wankegaa. Mang adi.a'!qal1red suit, StîbarI, 1181 Noth BtWtMtet. Chicago. Pxoery donü by Mrs. M. J. Rat- ter. Ladies nechic donated by M. J. jCeater plece domated hy %Ira. B. J. Mrs. 1 . latter-l *I4rsIe- mi" Loua petgee-1. Mie h imrPV- Me Pg« lotrese-. loemb.rgWaukgan--1. MNUr. John' fncutter-1 rockint JUIeTi"P,-4 rock** gchir. The 0064Weukagan-l Morri cuir. C. gaglli-1 Vpdeetal. Mnr. le. Reeley-1 les. ou oker. Het ul aaflt tel# sutdooatuti h Utt. JudIes, mated hiOyer Olusii (:. W*Ubmn Cet glas spoos.traî douated by Hant gaited Plat donatuti by Urs. Pestisar tter d.onated hi tirs. M. J. £mfer. SChna t«a st dougiai by Mrs. Tock- W)f. J. KINSELLA. 210() E. '2nd St. Chicago, Ill., Telolihone Flyde Park 50 Vinen Ouni$Mi Kenasha... 35 làlnbIfh OhOi.ikKenosha . 3 GoUlob I4ug Ahi, Milwaukee .... 2l, Hellen igdvaukee ........2o Chrit« u"miuivaukée...19ý I4ouîa HfgglIÎÎ tIîwaukeo... 1 Herhert R. Bsthreick, Mlansfildti Win. ........................ 2 Klsa Behethe, Mansfield, Wls.... 2 Bernard Do&*, Hubitard Wods .. .26 lilaah.tIi.Ulh. Hubbard Wqtis ..3 zàk. 00. Iwleo à tS go W. DECEMBER 10, 1912. Stella IL Kraft andi huabandti t W. y. iasa N W corner Wsuhlagon andi But" m Ua. Waukegaa W D ý5,026. M. shumway W Samuel Bob- warts814 feet W 33 tuai M 40 t..t lot 7 hlock 17 orIginal Wauiiqga W V 3 verte Wrenn andi vif. W A. C. Olp N M0 @We lot 2 block 2 Wrenn'a add.i Hilgliaud Park W 1) $750. It la belleveti that 1Mies A. .IommUed- b-hae ti.Zioli ty WormaiiWho vW" broutt to the local hospItai when Il w»a beilevedti he wu 11, illiibe sent te tien. At preset t he lu in the couqity laIl and ber hearins ln CountY Ct2QW1I ntake Placé àhoet'Y - Jaa c' f dUo c-jg Pwe' bd ym 0i r II iOta amc Boi4sii St lrotu..es tbe n ièiénut b JÉ V tryidgta collect blstortoal relicu fqr S weesesy steps< od V-ýà * AR~E~T ~ T ; sehool, 1the groateaitrouble en«S- msabtii8à %be OVesaeuu ib' k M scountereti ln ail efforts waa ta get one oxen yoke wlilch 4uld ho don".t ~m the otd-faahioned hoop-skirto. the Lake cousty Socety hence teà ofLaecIS yt rcI'tht*Yn wHia remark eaused Supt. Simpon dîtton tothe 11.1 of relies wiii h. mii 010 Il éI3lDo Lace oWuk a roe d ltaIrnkirn INVT ithat when lhe Lakte County Hîstorîcai blrt Sponberg ut Guruee bas a OI Isoclety was getting ils collection ta- u ueetn oIttkieh-4w gether, the one îhlug they couldti oitersigpei-nf Hi9rIgood Womaun OongtesOen Yok. g ot t a noo yleadaon dispiay ln Larsen &1a4~ TollwnStyTod by T. A. BImP' .' 1 dow. In the case la a minaEturs otf< $On1. Deapîte the tact tMat 1., years be- ery tool u9ed In section wonk ou ýafi fore, iundretis pf thetu were owued road. Mr. Sponhreg for yeara viàu lu the course of nis atidresa belote ibron haut the county and, as one man aetn aea u ~nwIl. - said: I'CoulC aimott be seen haugiug .. the Lake eounty teachers Baturday at lovr hefoncesnoue oould be locat- big royalty tram a patent ha fflo Üighland Park, Pr-)!. '-age of lte e t1no i ou an appliance belng uset by ri Kalb Normal scbOol, stated that wheul However, after bis remark, Francis iruades. $1.00 donatai iiy lîrs. 1F. Dengas, Elgin, 111. Mtatute scred leirt donateti by De- Prato. gam donuta b.rCilcago Market. 5 onuet cofte donateti by WlIlI ".tqs.' *y bat dosateti b> A. »1109K a* Oê- Tva epons dinatetiby Nm. sulilI- Van. Plilow douatad hy bMms Sullivan. 1 ton of bad acal donateti by Llh- ertyville Lumhlt Co. l ton of bard coei donateti by Home Lumbeni Compia?. 1 Is it W se t" soccasion te thank thte publie for 16' generous aupport and kwd exrsiO Ig0outi viita- wards me. Ladies' Sweaters-Coiîîe i"I. gray, red, white anîd tan, plain and fancy weave, 4a satisfying gift, priçved at frorn $2.6975( ta ............. 75 juif thUi4 50é fb Carrnage Robue-Madtv of sheep %vooI, lined with gQo iais, h<ad sliî>oyer ahd foot sbield, special at ....... ÂpreOzS- Maie <of fine batiste, trirîiîîed with vel.y prIetty lave, faney V ik and bMue îubbon ow8, a plcamiîug gift nt froni ffle up 4 to ...........14 rsauititry' ÂPronh-,Made of au extra 9-* 0odjir grý4c of dotted swiss, hia 4e ~~ Me c>ket og the side, a -#9~~J tving gitft at the sînalll su - ikek and long siceves, Coins in veryý eh cotors, -D ;ora fue lace insertion, pack- ed very neatiy uit holy 1b-xes, at ,- 0111% ........... 2.9 Corset Oovers-Made of fine htt minslhn, neat eînbroideî x tiitped and ribbon draw~n, pi ced 6a9c j pca Ifa n ....e.ters .... sudnt ideai gift for the sinall Eàrthe S child is a niec warm ies' sit sweater, therie have neat tk I 0 pateh porets, prieed .re 't at from ~ 2 4 md h down and beaonb iiu holly bQxe AI at f roi$2.98-to Night GUowll- M4dcof Prty ajil. bliie f'-iepe, ail siges, auiea at the very siiiall suin of ..................... Mesaine Silk Walsta Auto Bood-Lined auto% -Comene-i navy, hrow-ti hood&, knltted of gobd' hetvy wool, eorne I and gray, shiadtsw laee white, navy,.c ardinal, triîîî. buttons to îuateh. and tan, raliging-~ puit- in holly cefroi boxes, $3.98 ta. 5 Q o ......ta lnImalu Wl. Verv neat andi usful. prety b» m Iticreti 4s'aips linderneîit, ipolally prlced ai trouam 8.5 i otiier andI fie I 37 If in doubt atout what. to give, just cox)sult Qrg clerks on the second f loor, thte fg~ y I~y ideal gifts that are practical aàs'weI setsy Ohihfe~u Slo~ig apu-You will.Qs41 Ol- deo aureily please the person wltO is go- « 4iýÏie e14rs are p~ .ng to achool every day, coina in gray. le aodre4 r~ne Ite and combination of col- , <~1Ip-oreftt, ors, priced from 29c up to... eIL ' Ohldrsn'aBathrobes -Mzde (f ~ a..y . pretty colored eldordown, &ome witb z~@~ eute littie Teddybear desigits, ages ty gerpaintine -crepe, empl* I 2to 14 years, will gurelv please: the pretty ésatin trimuean t at reiient, priced Mfim ïqtrS8MieWani1 o44 $1.98 ta.............J. Fç r ineda 81I~~A Petc i- Malde of gobd ser- 81 1l~aYune é o viceable messline silk, 'ccr n, allyfglrfoa 44epL changeable andi solld colors, f* yoliýQ z or) siâter; we am'et sister you could not choos e ' &. asaeca gleal è_I >l anything better, special at ney kirâonas, valùest. 1 1 vj 'Set, this

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