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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Dec 1912, p. 14

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QUITED 'A LU fe d kr #+à.& N. â. Thé putesm of thW 60 er west aide tract by loal nmen indlease thir 1,01liifthefuturie of jhappe4Jenýor the City. It Wsho eno«wopg EXPECT ML EiAlN 0E if 1 ABLE MOT FOR POUBLICATIOli"N " M l d a Oqney IS Transferred to Companys filCla a$ t **r 'an'eh "ied"',e I""" ie 18 IMA NDOTE NW VRY 01411[1101 TO BELIEIVE LETTERS Wiki,0 TN † R E Giv.LekaKnehf itneth be 0e1sr iwhts AmTnged!to Look After Needs of Itïtts eed *T g g l g TM t4 M T wi"aEXIST EN TO "GÔOoDELLO>WSo*OP the fans themselves and the prmje isthlf#i 9slipi Workmen-Under the Law, njured are O in a tlTR H8VCNT.Promsot9esby theirtfal te totake caeteof presai uca@ M, fNow Under Half Pay on Pay Roll. '*mnbf, h, .,. ,nd ., nAve asbn,0 The COroner's inquest into the fact& *Nee, a rebe im nte During the past few days hundreds countets trying ta psek utaàuitabisXmas gnt fer him wif. Jisit, Tuedayaftrno th Su tunedexlosonarenetd«ttut asa ea dinlg UP to the death of Arthur histerg lotW, il âkga lke much Of SantaClaus letters have been re - aried, ho fllows An easiep opurs. He hand" hmsWbllsa bho"ls; Or t e eCorn Proactaun tuned exsuion r ntd ue ae editeElnCiy yugnanwh asban4p arcattyi Wneaait$a teWakga otofcey "la e o n byyorefaCritaspesn," A cenpany the $1,682 which had been compensation law provides tht, with ie ufnled mogs s4 & hs Ne.Chp Ulsssm0"od-0lo""tp frge eh"that a sman deosnt ru after a Mtee Al ater## ebted for the relief fundt for the in eight days after a person ls in- after hiW arm hbee& vd t tami eled *=Mni m i and peo, arand offers teo ofiate as "Santa",Iftt a nc etre iao n phseme e t ato ca trug alakofindea o u é fgi- an t d fllàtIrP MIedChy a to jra m o, "Kelly" pool caused a slal elestien In the vitge of .&Iend. ys *MMnt kown as "The RefineY Relief roll At halfpay. Ta s famncl attention and à blotnd t ' npiv. 9019erto liste 'the oedItioÏ of sagou over to-the ded letter offne. the villags$asent 8o MuMhof thirtlti e tryn§ teo*0in etatelytt 1sad," and it will be used for the pur hadl 'beentearning 1110 a month, hig tue Power for deliverainds, will be re- the _p00r lan 4besty. la Chicago several promintent bout-.they wereunflIt for work and tWštelrm etu voted yeelerday, Mg te 4 sl Isobe of aiding those ln need who were name, under the law, ts entered for sumed in the Conr-ad & lir ndra- åaW peole who never before bave neSs men have agreed to take one hun. ilpeclal eiestion, to abtish every g aie ehan vnu «bowlag erop liW# d affected by the refinery explosion. $30 a month until he has recovered i gons la for charity are aCivly engtg- dred Santa Claus letters, and -toanw. ln the village. The rattle of the iltti bel it inhe ed leather batte le t It~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~n sreaedta th cmpn, Tutemnnurdntha-ngrobomttomorrow afternon att 8 ad i la ieving the poor people this or the prayers of the writer. In Wan. 81t0p)immediately. Kelly pool i lay cnadraPln&akea ad someday ag, trouh te Sn, ail cidnt re nde haf py snceDecO clock, when neW witnsses who are wistèr 04d therecould be but one r-kegan prevailing conditions are quite might beuwell for this ety to foi"e xml fLln ed back checks te the donors to the 3d last and draw those checks just expected to throw new iligh en the slt-the pOW4people are being cared different. No one has offered to be a fand, au arrangement having beent like other employes. tragedy, Witt be placed oni th@ stand. for as they ger bave been before. Oo)d-fellow' and as a recult hun- islde whereby the Company IV» to This Plan thug gives them nome'justïFrho these witnlesses are hau not ' 'he terrible eploslon at the Orn dreds t of schiktren will not enjoy OBITUARY OF« •," el. oo sek ferte eie ode itia i-rèzedy tiy n the plan of Uir. Ëb- been mad' publie but they have been mnyn AsWaa WfllT ER1- 011Minetae eun good people g Wautegan. of the Sun--of giving no cash out of Miss Vera s as wehatOf the things that aroused people to chair, throw his feet over the radiator that weighs 24111 pounde, »d lto Throgh rs iarelland thes, he und it ein reaind fr th pu- te yung man hsesimo at g K ersyMW asint the Poor. Never and light a "ten-center" shouldtstop william B. Polmeteer was born ln inches hidh, and frena luighs since the, the Cormpany hu anoghât to pose of furnishing food, clothing, etc the inquest on Monday night ¢reated ha a ela fnd met with such a sue. for oeeMoment andconidler the su.u kear-,Sp.1, 81 n ied1.9 tnches la width. I" Jw 4"1 take Care of those in need, Mm. Bar- The relief fond thonslis really being a gensation, wil l o CMssAs th* ose btated by the Sua for ferings of the poor ehildren of Wauke- aresobrevrfound,&Mr§$ 14 reliagrein todo he orkuntl te mintine bythe ompny1n1te sandby he oroe . thecloeeothe familles of the men Who Lost their ga. There are hundreds of children ln Wukegan Dec. 16, 1912. Wheu but, poredto bvha âcW by its en ggayarrangedl plans for definitely sane plan that the Sun tarted It e- the laquent on Monday night when It lives and were severely burned ln the ln Waukegan who have net tasted one a smnall boy he moved with bis pa. pice e p by a Turk l thkaa caring for them'itself. cepting that Its, own representatives was thought that all of the evidence explosion.a piece of candy for monthe, there are rents to the town of Warren, where U4«asOurm«. Brai. Its clorid o, Plans New Dont. are looking after it Instead jetf&a ille.hadtbean preentedailessIoman as- Mrs. 3. W. Barwell has dobeaMuch others who have not sufficient cloth. the mont of. hie life was spent. on greenish blu, and It lsa bWGlutel* e Those plans are now completed, en' committee However, Mr. Ebert sorted that she had not told several to arouse InLterest In charitable work. Ing 4o keep their little bodies Warn, Dec 12 1887, he waa married to Mise fronl imparitiesIiet I anted tha Sept. Ebert having arrsqed with two ls very positive ln isstatemnent that Important faute because abhebhad not As chatirman O*(the committee to dis-And et that kt la not their fault rhCahfWTl bisne erysta wil t fum at leg or three women to take up applica- no peson affected by the explosion, bean questioned long this lin& She Pense the ad to refinery victim, she They are the victims of circumstanee.Sawrehree bobren of arreno iTh 200f,000 carat» of jewels fgr IOn tibus and lnvestigate them whereupon will suffer as a result of the accident ase gave the nases of the witnesses hau visited homes of needy allover Mr Watrous has guarante4d to turn union: Rayaonldrs abelAlor titi«fl a0% WIll be given. If their wants are made known. Who, shtesa0, would corroýborter the City and sheaays the was stunned Over to the Sun Santa Claus letters If uain Haymn, alli hmwith his wifHsVdsi Mr Ebert explained that any per- It la interesting to note that the etory. lit was decided hastily to ad- t* know that »e many cases of poverty the Son will guarantee to place the anurvive hDim;alof his stp-igathe i 0 N b son& affected by the explosion who are amount turned over by the Sua to the journ the linquest toe riay i re xit1r Se nitdtieado ters ntheeadsofstn howlil C Frvench, o urnee 1 Tre, sia-m d a là need, will be amply provided for If coniP»aI ntact, noCheck ever hay. that Miss Inman may be pat back en other women andlit now asesi prob- at least attempt to answer the pray- tr r ui euho ak they will apply to the comp any and lng been drawn aginst it, the illsin-ù the stand and the other witnesses able that the movement under way at er of the writer Mr Watrous Ca an; Mrsir. Julen titah, of Gun égplai the satus o the ituatin currd by te womn's comitteecalled Justwhat tey Wil be abe to he preent tie willneverbe dropedhgie tthe uetter uoutffrrpublcationtirn. Are Not Destitute. hiave been turnedl over to Supt lbr eli o nonbti srpre but will be taken up each winter and Mmud.eadietvolto oCh ostratayorW aukegan, and a M C>Ontry to the belst Of tome, form who will take carOetof 1hemn out of the that they will tell of unfulfilled re- conducted ln a erstemtatie manner, Postal laws, yet he can ive them to Chicag bo Fe r dwn M r ieteerf**4M or mployes viho were injured ln the relief fond money later. queuta of Reed to be taken to a hon. Then tono thora are the people who some responsible party. Wt i ieadc e ntdwt a g g are anxious to, assist in givinag Christ. In the history of every man, wo- wth Yoks Hos e this chilrn u rcwihM ogfl A TI -Mi»s Inmen, Who proved to be the mat presents to poor children who man and child Santa Claus as a char- where they still hold their Inember- mOut important..witess for the state, would have a mighty dismal Christmac aeter has always played a prominent abip. In 1910 the moved tosute- ww diseofered by th3e au». The fact w"r itsnot for the thoughtulineïs of part. Eeycldstagtob-gawchassne been thIroe tha se ol svealthigstoth Sn hee cartaly inliedpeople. Ileve ln Santa. During hWs weeks or sicknes pain which she didnot tell on the standThrisoeeygodsnints he renewed it faith ln God and died has cmaud some to Wonder whether Cþnaman giving and charitable work Finsi nAvriy loving and trusting him. CITY TIS AR T LA EPLMNT o n -e-sam«ad-o-- re-r--- of it.e. a he.y e. la0............l 4 leIlI I 3 idate her, ThAt Coroner Taylor thought doing so0 from a sheer desire to aid MM*dMMmorsacrd by adverstyles thbIslikely wasindicated ¥y theet an=#gre seeking to wçrk an quietly seaiPieon Descended Chiffny. e'rett J..Levatte(micago .........à$ 00001D0 SHOW THAT NUMBER INCREASE IN BUSINESS NEES that he askett MiIman Y anyone possible. One rem asni their modesty mh«a rsdentl the Lffls Helen L.,Robinson, Lýake Bluff .....3n or CASES la8#MDCH LOWERt TATE$ CHANGE ON PLANT b adl soâght th prevent her from testi- in aesiding notoriety and the other Oomod4hat Centradictory. Mtainr reuatl, he found p>0 h00 On Anaph Mich Wa t......I THA I Ot'ERYE#8.DUIN YAR492. fying. le, that they do not wish to humilite la A-9 a Ys the imi u the top Mrf0 the ûille asdees, ,,.. White Mis" Inman was Sitting with tho0eWho ÔAre be»nftd. EverytbhinW ore5unl itah n ien ho6"»trs. o man, Ch= ......3 othe witesse me o 4indstes that the poor people of the works, upon the ave , for abo i4. ,tt EmaGiMec, ....4 the ~ Wlneu, cm of4bé ity will have the 1mont .cheeéring bari ",« àch , abrieküayer, an$ has Sot. r.Glatsel was grp te" a im" 0ARANTINE 18 ENFORCED MANY MAMMOTH - ORDERS ves s«'t proha c h nMd C&ristmas aMd the mn.t comfortaba d O hebos that d làio 9 arlwn mhr ubn nth ohdre 7a.M in.tmatdm x @ ý winter in ayyervrhpun i. 40tq wudgt gi g osthe pigeon made its toe&e, ptember, 1910, on a cruelty andoues "18 18 BELIEVIED TO BIE THIE FURNISH MATEntAL To PAVIE M hy "gn nt, MOBT IMPORTANT REAOON KROE 1E SitET, 4CHICAGO. adte ild vrtigi hi FOR THIS CONDITION. OTHIER OROERIS RUEEVED. With the month a little over half The Increase ln tne extent of bui- will be made toesee th acshe isne 1 o a bé it 8 dJIélm 011,ten eada of contagion have De@,£ for the year 1913 over that of dissuadeýd bin her Intention of mak- bcreborted to the health author, 1911, Winl necessitate the erection of Igm mciui wa UT ftoLThere'are Six sus ofrscarlet new buildings and the intaaio At the clouseto this inquet, the in-ON 7e Wr hec pheréu# me eau ore ry ay t the WanauZ n Met hesaé,math orCospnd. Treagng orlate = ttom, i v Sinibut* it je hot e. w Vu reeet an d4 uies aofl hal 191loi. oDayi tea o eumedto deop à y sauesations f ra s ur one adiGarnes Hal 'ts Stem to be scatterd consider- DOring the Past t fe¢onthse the het Reedgase, . l",the I woin ybI no that they can not be said to busines of the local Plant hau I. erty- "ve been caused from conta c reaed twofold. Orders are piliugnopFR TB RV O o NnMPAred with other years the nam- eAch dey, and the local plant ham been -1head Ofca4ttle,ý 8 cows, 3 hed z4 ber of cases of Contagion this year is In operation day and night for many MAUSOLEUM ;m; 6 "w milt.ra with calt b, sIdé- mmt irrymuh oer I ohr eas tweeks. The plailt sldom closes down2 cows, boen milking about 3 monthe; si i bus been very common to have as over Sunday.••"2toyaidhfe;1ca, s MAhY as twenty or twenty-five cases Recently the mnanager of the local The funeral of the lats Andrew Lar. mOnths old; 1 sarrel horse, 9 year pcaurlet lever or measies during Plant received Ran order for ci'eosote son Of BeaChiUted Witt be held su. Old, weight about 1,400 pounuds; 1 be • SulriCred a a 6 ........1 foe month. There were also many bocsto Pave Kedzie Street, Chi- dammeho ltog thsno enmrabu 2yasold, weight aboué mnore cases of diphtherIa. Cag. Twenty-eve thousand square definitely deeided Whether it wll beo 1,100 pounds; 8 fat botte, weight abu Fancy L.g Caknadias* Mutiton, Ill ......9 taihe number o a is attribut.pay dwith the produet of te uke rltiei Wnof36 hod JIýP.w;1wlick lw;1to 1 k d totesrchqaatnoulsta a plan.âb lced in the new Waalkegan man. Steel drag; 1 two-horse cultivritor; ' IE FPrkCh ........... havebee enorcd byCit Phsican Stniar rdes hae ben ecevedsoleum on Grand avenue and will be cet of bob sleghe; I walking eùitIvat 0 OS d60gg C. 14Oey and hW 'precautions tosee from all Parts of the world. Eulsh daythfrt body to be placed there. The or; 1 single cutter; 1 Iligt wagoes........... ......... cut hildre Nsuffering from contag. Orders are sent Out to the east sud annoncement of Mrf i arson deth 1 tron wheel truck wagon; 1 miit oudiseases are kept out of schools. wet 'bu came as a surprise to Wankegn PO. wagOn; 1 single bugg; 1 gravel boîtý, eM- .......... Whp trsh ac in Waukegan onilylast 1 double wagon box;'l milk. tant and -t ... -...... may ersp th ut aaerteto1 dwthh Friday and appeared to be in good 1 corn sheller; 1 grndstO; 1 ut S tm B u Iedie gS an« d often Beveral cee&of ah àShltPhscebilu-dbehm , con- did not intend to manufacture &apoh åaitdhamhough his hysician ad .n- doule..arnes;.1.D..r.n...owinci #W ave developed in the schools duct for paving streets. The omdhmta ecul o iemcie key hy rke;1 plver gOf0 OM Ou ..1 1 they were discovered. Then, maInufactured a creosote ti for rail- more than a year, be hy rakg;1 wheel.1....... 10,4121AM al ywas nt alwayshen made. Hundrei thousangistes IP. Wells hassold to e phCdh' oewo;16pae tand"many tim e hildren 111 of the railroftasOf the middle West eaCh Vtracnoes ndi.scton.9ad...n.eprto.....nyg.l. - - lever or meaIseswere allowed year Vro. h oniea tnsve n eburCoit;1twent-gallob stowïar 13;0 0 ÏàPly in the streets with other chil. Just how much money willbu, spent As nmia. heeiscosdeabete.n.toeja...b..es90g 4pf.thereby communicating the dis for new madhinery and for additkiona lti uato rt 91te adlaIM baskets »Meed corn ............... 110uisl a thing of the attm, bn11 elh nwoae purig t tmth a;1 oJlfla .a . . .. .. . . .. .. .00 Lo spcor Cramond, acting un- Company Promise many iprl m enfurditure, including a 1ugew te an.. .. . .12V but fo r.J . ly la n Waukegan. The Chicago... T........ Wfdtat the strietest quarantine 1M~4ec Lumber Treating cmany 4o1 t saoes t. ayohratce t,04%abigm In no cases han quar %âmetwe"" enat hei panttA&1 bendropped untdl the children extra gang of men ia employed derca.. •o 114 migetely reoovered. quently tosujet ln the work of u>-ornd nader cash..Over..$...0... ..C to D MeysÄdic oa ding cargoes of ties sent t i by.n......p..a r1M o oat nocéte a-Jt6rhak aan N.on nt f .....

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