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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Dec 1912, p. 15

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Immur MwPoaof Wd. *tfbpoernit faai 60 .a liiftel idlauolLcDec. 1.-'Pollicians W~iqttaManti.'eidec.1l3I tgid iebtma.n labor unionsud i4 cfth* *O11101d «cthth* tIc esgit mre blamnealfar lie Me- ri iBtd aitIc Tunhiai ddSse.. Nsmùi,'ynamlte plots athtus utseb »Qu ff tia»- 01 * overpmenta argument ta the l? .ttheial of the !orty accusc *D"WIspitters." Pranauncint lie Thé 0 mââ 111-14 0 s im fexplosions icattereal air dwi ola*1.the ualny a àcuuPlraey "Moro dau- taan idirdlanal mare îbreatening ta 3- CWY ,thIol.crime of s-i individumi," VA» erom *Vl"e. James W. NoeI. specia assistant dis- V@ep e D é. 3-A guef blinI attorney, toiltiithejurors lley l a Tu m. 11b ose.ire edimi sport to resder verdicts in wm murAntaé mSmi- lb. muet important triai in reoent tbw*in telutis tO*0 0r4ýnlscd crime bubalrs ppeared liai th05 M te0 iug sdegre.," eld ?4r. Noul. iii ma wuafci. " and IL vascarrical ou snd il grsm. mimerons rites bccus l almiy thsem-art tithLam OtddIilîîofi quiffmant marc talleal, lial local utuaniies doue ~d I~y~e Tenu' blt dtf Ibis conaplracy coulal ual bave ateuma. but Il appears that poil- A WPSlIVN tiabma, for obvions resons, staod b. iMéen labor union* sud criminels vud s» loc 10isal courts." Ilstg déendant» in the dynamiute - reie WSt!c triai fant ealt prpspect - ProM1e h ý*41MLPcases maulal le tu the bande e théodm lu"y by Fniday af nei'weeci 44 beu 58IT.Etier, vice Presideat of thc 100 ba UPe- g~~Wcrkeras International unula., r 100w aller defetidats are la Détahre andl thc prosecutlag - ~' h la idmea four days for àrang- Pleat Siavoal.o*» e Wjr Motb. Inlfirarit t. 1 uy boterFO hR E FORE COM MTEE 1000 ~ In#lifOtitiW. . Hearst conflit @aat0 u jdthe &reha:d L+tcrs for $P4wDO et là» «Wf110eun- WahingtonDec..bC-Prormcr Gen- Mualoi . . , lrket ppiacci a stale- t. W mlan. ~i et béOre lte aqbte eamnpslgn USI fl ~lie ~ecpcnatues c ivestlgalng Commit- ira iAc lf b-Tti qAj~, humi*ed h GlcIniat tavgt, W. Wlukfl.ld a!f1cmw lui-. 4~P ~~,~Cales Glump t ta he- lotcèr su»iodfien pt ts A iecsative o! William 9. Mliei fer 15- ic ustte taivbue sua ii IHearat salal titt bu aid mot huait iov tbe letton mweeupranure'd,* 15.reml. Oiei'thti former sonator. "Sncb a ieallatos sprepocIjarous stery as tiat you mîgîl tes ia. iosarýte-loth~e mal-lues. but ta no ane &adal blizu0 ualsalqi M. aker declareal i..at n veeli Mlp lup badt! ni. Stewart go ta Chlia- 11~fniV~OtU bas a fit,90. iere Winkfield wat--vanklug as Qa t, àsr- ffa Iet a aWabash avenue aduireas, 0<O~Nit u- a se miourtalt Wlat lie kna.. jpon ______________the Interview. b. salal, Stewart tad ~VC AN£ILEDbaseq bis repart. ~h c ~ut m OF" TIN PIJPILS' BAITT& O..fie 3.-Mc itIlTomer Injuriai White Taylngîo t bf'ile0 Crais.- quiet Turbuent levdeuts. maU recorded làise. Ulinha., Kén., Dee. 19,-SP'oo- 1e4l' kt ga icbýte boea itwmeui lb.cou- 1 nlbtloo i aa.t sudtlie Atiae il cbool,Prfpa .. a fng fnâSippU -ofaithe Atehison sdicol mws strB i 't~s. émeyly moundeal lu a llgbt among tuer. ydsîpula a i te train as thic Altlsn vsa tuéCar Wma. 10I$ yeie prepariug toloubve. solli train.. *pcpmere -tbtamn Ibraugit car miadoits.Pnfessoi Siepard. lrying v SuaitlaVire. te reetare ordef. mais trudlq# th.#~ ~s. r.s J'.éW Cosdttiff W t vsl r or. aaptrof ,~ s~l 1* ~Éà Io 0"MAd or< n.il WSitAgtn. Deb â19 - s «S ZOO» l *hthI u.mplt me- t",iala rumnb vot I~UTIESIl FEW 098O tutiens That Cesitrol va« wsalth Are Naînd. Washington. Dic. 19,-3. Pierpatt Morgan appeared on the vitness stand bifor. the roney trait Investi- gatiig committee of the bouge. The examination or Mr. Morgan lad net flose beyond a fou, général que Un0e.s ad a short iscuission of the poIicy of privaI. bunkers mecepUins deposita airinterstate corporations, vitmn adjaurnment vas taken. Vag Powor I4ed by Fsu. The power of ailied interests, pria. cipaly lain ew Yai, ovs? the iOnan- cial, transportation, Insurance. public utiility mmd industriel activitlea of lb. eouattry e 'ineans ef lnteriockiug 4di. rectorates, vas uovu luIncharte pre- sente té tiie bouse muey trust Iu- vestigatinh commttee. The firn membera and directors vbos, affliations vîtI the Mortan, Standard 0O1 and fientlly inanclal groupe are titus abmw number 180. la the agregate titey bld 748 director. lps ln 134 corporations bavlng total resOurces or caPltalization of $25,325, 000,000, as follova: Directorshlps, nunberlns 388 lin sfortY-oue banks andl trust comnpaules 1baving tota resourceis of 83,882.000.- ,000 aud total deposits of $2,834,00o, t0»0. 1 Fiftti drectorthlps in eleven Insur- ac. companes bovins total asacta o1 $2,644.000,000. Dlrsctorshlpe numb.rlng 155in thlrty-one railroad systeme baving 9 total capitalisation of $ and a total mileage of 163,200. Six dlrectorslinlutwo expressi co.nues and four directorsllps ln 1on@ steauiabip coupany vitI a tom- l ined capital of 1245.000.000 sud 51055 iscoute o!f17.,0. 1 Ninety-elit iiî rsctorablps In tven- ty4lSht produclng and trading corpor- étions bavlng a total capitalisation of 138611S.00OAOO andl total grogs annuai earuings in e«cess of Il.146,O00.000. Fortyeiglt directorsllps tu aine- tien public oUtity corporations a- flâg a total capitalisation oi 82,826,.: 000 adtotalgrin anual ei sainl excesg of $428.000.06t). inetltieI n Central. Control ef the voit Interesta le el- oeiscithreagi elgîteen Uaumçwia n- atltutlons, as iollovs: J.« P. Morge* & Co., New York. Viral NAtional Banik. New York. Ouarmut1 Trust compeay, Ntew Toit. flanke. Truit comp"y~, 1New York. National City Bani,.Ne* Yor-k.« Kubain, LouI & Ca~. New Tart. National Bank of (bimmerce. 1New Toft. lienover Notloaol Banik. New Tork. Chase National Banik, New York. AU«orTrust oompany,1New York. New York trust eompaity, New York. Blair & Co.. New York. OZ, er & Co. New York. teln %.sd Comniercial Na- cr aiwcsait o. ao Mli" OsTIps a" savisia Boni. Kiý,Pembody & Co.. Boston and r New Tonk. Lee. Hlgg!naou A Co.. Boston and tNew York. SOGO PACKAGE STOLEN Slecret Servie. Mon Look Up Theftt Nswcomerstown, O. Donaion. 0., Dec. 19. - Wben @e- cret service men arrlved ber. it ha- came kuowu tliat $6.000 lu bisl con- s@Wnod trüm tle subetresury lu New Tor-k 10 a baook lu atietta. O., lad been etoleu frétalteexpress offinl Nevcomerstavn, near bers. The rooney vau takes te Newconi- ansftown on lihe. rennèylka&nla railroad to b. tranafînred ta the CleveMd and Marletta raliroa. LITE1IACY BILL 1$ PASSCD Msasur. = ql Pr Immigrante Ove.- le 'y asbd Uaa>l¶to Read. l Wahilngton, Die. 19. - Thte lotta r asseal the Burneît'lilterary test lut- i grption itfl 178 te 52. 'rbe mesure, a iubstltute for the. senate DIllInghasn 1MlIIý wuld bar ipailte over sa teen yeurs 014 un. aIle tg Sal. e tt idue 'brovuba to b.,e eiuratte e bcl rélpI 1912. iâ vîmîcu.' W"5ie ih lA * ILY louis l IC SO Pfhat Disappointed Ambiti Mmd Pteaensd Ma0.4aine That G. O. P. la Rni Progressve Party. Cllcs.g. Dec. 19.-"DtsaPpol0ed ambition" vas the motive tjovernor Dene. ssigned lintthe moote art leaders. The state «exuve, vbo vus th* big central figuré antte tt. Repul licou coterence la the Hotal Laga1le lit bard lu bis re.ly te te nev Partim cause. He made thte main sp eech. rated asume af the nMost visorous lbe ever dellvered. t1 vas cbaMracels MA Of tle "barbed vire" varlety. Rep- resentatlve Repuiblican leaders tram the entire star@ ptened vith enthusi- asin tbe rally Ilaiie start ai the figit to rsbabilltate the. olal Party. Cali* Piaifai" Atertbought. "TsPlatiorm, vas .au siter- thouglit." deçlai ti he statèe leecutive, WIen he got 1ta tii.met Of bis ne- arks. "Titeir Plan was ta under- mine tle Party leaders sud destro, Publie confidence la the party organi- gation. Tley ourtued the plilcy vicI.titrougbout tle partys bis-' tory. lad besa itlloweal by leaders ponted. "Tt vas dlsapboltlted ambition mt're tihan Patriolic fervor tat raieed lte cry agaeinst InUCOIn lu 1864. vhicit de. clared tiie var a failure andal tnt le president lad talled lu bis difflcuitf ta!k. TIt vaudisappoluteal ambition ratier than Principle taI led te ltel aLttack On General Grant ln 1872." Governor Deneen lu atudhed wordsv gave lis MdenOf te revoit againstl tle nomniasLon of Preaident Tait lu tic Chicago convention. "Ttlah Plainthiat te pollcy aiflte leaders, lu tic finI Instance," le ssld. "vaU 10 croate dissensionfinatte Re-1 publican party a-but vaulal tend tb the deteat af President Tait. If pom-1 iuatld. sud slterwardi tion lest ct lte struggle. realizîug tint the kinal of Camitln tbey mer. mèaingould Inivalve their ovu political tutu, u-rý plans ver. liangeal go "stu Involie as Weil lte Party sud lilsleadership iu a commoa ruin.", novies G . o. P. 0çsds The stitp executlve nevielved the achLeyements of te Repubticali Party, etartllg vith te ClyiliWar 80 Jtre- Br*e tle Dallon. and declarpd tiai Pgrtr Iwoqpd continuq to uie 4t.use- fui ite. *lIllunois. b. salal, undgg le ppuçajinue baad been one of the MM iiPragreurive stateu in the union. "Ba titrs la tlis." lie deelgfed. "tliat the plattorut of th~e :-qalled lores- sive prt, vas litîle âcre tion an enuuýeratlon aifte Ilîngamîlibave alreAdr bIs >accomplialed lty thbite- piblldaparty lu titims .1mb or o! viat vaU la course of accomdplsimet" 1 overnor Deneen cama outIM fo!apr, of gCppaortianij do eeeiusin la Rupublcan ntinl1.2 a s . asue. 1 lte charge of ,ao' 'stoen POU46iSlo." Hie al »M cdt ttre&absiuli leoUsa*" ri th actusi votings tre&utý eft ii party, tuète7 cutllug down ie *butbern status. lu tbe second place the fitatel executive urged @tates gemefaly te follam the example of Ilinoisla Inthe adoption Of direct pntianies. 1 Hede- clared tic tendencY to 4lyect pri- maries mde l lookprobable ail lte status vill bave dupted sucb lavs by tue Dext national Convention. Celle Oid Party Proqrtea. "Tt las never been necdssmry ta use the mord progressive lu reference ta Repullican lavsandsud sinfitration. Ieccause il bas been superfliî," vas mucher climax te bovernlor used lIn lis speech. la mDIforty uten ver. seatea a i te speakers- table. Tite btl count eiamed 640 guesta aitheb luncbean. William B. McKinley, via mansged the Tsf t campalgu. vas eat h. sPeak- ens' table, lu the. ezecutîve session tle psrty leaders gat dovu ta precincl organization. viitt a viem tabulding up thte party forces. Çidwatd Wrtgitt af lteIlîlinois Federtitin aofLeban .spoke for the employet and Citarles Pies of thteIlîlinois lunbM4uirur' as- sociatIon taîkeal fron thelitewepçnt gr lte employer. B. A. Eckhart made i al of1 a "lape andl enou«agSment," L. Y. Shterman preferred liot ta moie a speecht, le salal. lTE WEAT9' ;ndina-Plr t"dea! i *South. ~ialein norl ~o uaorrom; wadte vAulable maibecs.înis tb ro;moderato ld Dg ObutllJ Dis84 cal va t 1 toot. &bit Jade.y Pirty 0f Vlndlut$hs.t DOcrats Tbrm Goui by CalA Vouer: Sit Cerlllins Uprnngfil4. Ilii.. nie. 9 -Leavs, ta 211ls Pitlie .for vnlts ai maudamus te compbel thé' *taie canvassing board ta 184«46 certificates oai slection tb George È. Bruce, Democraîle candi- date for &taie reprigentailve in lte Twmntr.Trdditrict, andl Janmes il. Frelts. s crtic candidate in thte nPleL4 district, vas gtven ity thi.asu Dreme court mact before it adjaurued. The mrits are returnable the tiret day af tle next tarzn. The gaoeocM_ vissât board, l. mlc lle, uposed o! P ROPublleau aficabaldera. l la allageal. dirbduèý d the tttu rnaalocaleau. vasi oëirds ft raigcrilae ta e 0«40 Mile.à"d k.Ià. irk. patSki; te Reghubllcim ppèntentc ]trucestadFehA. 1'Tie Wsitinert ~ oateud lte &taie board lad Da rglt te go lad aif the returni. ThIe boards pcetion reducea tiré Democrsttc memiierslip 0f tiie bouse tram 75 ta 73, sud Incrageal the R. publIcan tram 49 te si. MICHIGAN POET IS DEAD ANL AYM RU GS -~--.--- WilCarletoPasswyiEast. iitloip upreme Court flulés C.ertain Y I Nf Ai.I PassesAway l !aat- Ceomion An.eliegal. ai~î~,as s eru Home of Pueumouls. Cicago, Doc. 1.-Tlausads ! l 01ib b New York, I>ec. 19.-WilI Carleton, Chicago couples nwst renmrry if tbel o JyVU RI I videly imuawu an the auttor of many vant titeir union recagnlida as legal. balinds ut farta and city lite, dled ainatter the. decision îy lteIlîlinois su-' R A IF R J R bis hame, 444 tjreen avenue. Brook- prme court. Tiie court ruled whienà lyn, after a the. daysE lîneso! persan viates the Illinois staute'_____ branchtial pneumonie. prbibting remarriage vithija one' 1 e itnd compiaineal 0f 111 bealtit fori y1esy star divorce thc eeremony lal.wesP ai ..sqw about a meek, but bils daethvas very net legai sven if performea taintis mTm, unexpecýed. state. Netîber bau on. PartiiY aY' cistesupon bc.tt 0 u ler. I ss ThD e ecildrea resulingtfrant iliagAi M AN HI~W HI marrtages are vitlaut moral protte, ýi MAN THOVO T Mion sud bave no standing la a i MAT STLL BE aVE thousandof Iflinolsans hav NEXImoCeiV s 131 TUE mithin legs titan a year mter the 1111- Dam ki pt fj~ M t ~ . nais divoce.gros W grke nw O lilal charied .-sM Agîate Shhoyam, s' ARPENTER PROOOTED Hafqd ve stiZ.e, Ch cago Jude *Nom inst é l i theu A i tir ~l4 q f pu e cuit Court of AMeaIs iige. udfr Ot. Biteboygau Wla., Dec. 19.-A strange Wasington. Dac, 19.-Uaited Slates lniia5apoiil9l . 11.-.-Afbet Judasl tale tbat treds Iarate, mitose itank District Jualge George A. Cafpeater A. B. *Adtrsnnbas pregentea l»à ~ mas faunalta b. short many tbnaus et cfChicago vas nomintal ior n p -struetlo 6é thieléwy pm fer ~ * aheu thte banker la suppased ta bave motion te lte circuit court Of appll idae e nlAbeiltbot i min*u dical lait sPring, l is e living aud mas sud, Probate Jualge Clari«s S. Cutlng the fad*oma dntmite case. MIlg 4 lu Germany lire. eecis agn. alîbougb W55nominated for bilsuicesecor on the jury lis bady wans supposeal la bave bien lte district bencI by Presideut TMTbit* Ihet ofi a alptiredef= ~t laidta rsi i a ocalcemeery,~ The appolulments vereSsent ta the Inlate Uited States court ý iét laid te rest~eute st in lioa cmtr, 3sn te ltlnheaternoan, Whether »«% t~aides 1rq9Ms41; &:0.~es euOd agltating titis clty. tle nominations vilI b. conflrined afterpagît. The source oftheitreport la veileal îy tesntIoee.l obtl lgreA lgaI0s In mysteny. Added mystsry corni es iDémocrate ame dispassal teiPr,@-'Tvéitm 0S421recJeo a XMII~ trmarpr1ia iit0 i. vent confirmation of muy ludicial or sey, Sobeck.wvi a maiaise supposeal 10 aller lite appointisento lunafaler liaI Rok lfdf' 41éM<faétf laye died sud bienburleal. mas là President Wllaoha# k"bave the filllug not ls ueîttWîiia.buorf~ reality lu Germsny lun searel 0f the.oaisnchb va&uincea*R v itimbbers of d.AImd aid bunker. bIsaprnty. lie vouI4uouIkAè t iohA fa Tite undertaker mita careal for lte mi"_____of_ b iodies aifte tanker sud police chiot!oisuae 'r.a i c h lléow Insista Ibat Ibere vas no alsoalitgn tut DUNR EANP SENEEN DINE .John T. SuUSl - , di 00mai. interments. Mr. lIarite, Whoowvas807- ..;oideT.m Bteltai c- ý lo v enly yeart aid, 'entered bie batik as bgvgrue-RIglà sth Ouest Of theP-iilef <l niltoa ii nsnni May 15 lait carrying A laie Illis..ia xeutlve. stuon pi Dru* bw > = turit2e. bnde ai mail h. ad received aItb Gynfed I. e.1-oenr oia.tsla s ua gàeld. lAstI, mo19t-Govirior- As the q . poetoffice. in a tua- moments le vu elect Edward P. Dutine ai Chicago fcielal iot M, Yuk j 'atrickeu mt npopiexy. lingerlng un- speulticheday lu Spingleil. He a51- Ryag unea te~5 i~ mt, tii May 20. uI l thettitntimttI msteuded lteeeharliabie Institution cou- -fgana discovereal hiat the tank lad bat frec, dinealmuboflcers o!ftitheinutlitean.aL o, 6c-Bf$t greal Borne. state oficialillsIeld 0sGv- exposlnla Z lm mva tisé n;A U «MrugoDecn, stmnpealhlis *ppraal gale THE MARKETS untépa A lsacîn o atter IeatSd'*tipI le han e Ohiess Cash0.-il ~.aga... 1 l5. aind urusi ati aiette tour .qa.eom ta eb o ethe wç*i, Whst-No. 2 rad. NO00.0% i. The asvercar-eleetlied breakfast "f in sa *Oak' »MS 0» of t45a No. 8 red, $1.040101. No. $ l141min- vilà 4amitu iâ*hera F 9 Dick - explosions ho osi,~b.Ued. oq ter, 88089c; Na. 8 bard inter. 860 gm n sd et noon ho mas a guait ef learuad l!ttIinsik j IwugI h-44iWUpSv 87c: No. 1 uortitern s»prilag. 88t 0 vernor Denten aI ltncleoi, pr, n. te h 88%4c: No. 2 northeru sprlug, 87@8c; ________t__hers d tucW ubé wvia c-ib e No. 3 aprlng, 84086C., Cern-No, 8,mteeoruviolnce II., r w. cueill 45%@4614c; No, 3wvitle, 46%è FINEI) FOR BOGIE SUTTON msorevin te ce,..fn o e v a ea 46%c; No. 3 yeliom, 45%646%kc. ce utccîen ftcuIn Oats-No. 2 white, 35@36%~c-,No. 8P-s9 élv ucealAppiens Oe- la co»neU«ea mtii suexplosion lm whtite, 334/034c; sandard, 34034%c. fore Ncpubiicou Jualgo. tc qli aprq~ilngs9a1, GsBug" Chicago Live Stock. Jollet. Ill., Dec. 1.-Because John ld a5. p ayant 91, Dutljar 3., Hoga Receipta 30.000. QuotatioansPulstnlck more a Bull Moard butinaccYusng af mesît'au. ier'dicla rauged ut 17.20@7.25 hteavy atlppîng. wmig en w narraigurd before Jualge' iat 5f ostnsu lenofiIl 17,1007.20 ligitt sbippng. $7.0007.15 J. L. lucCullocit, clargeal mit disor- Ignorent 6ft Oynsmrtlp.' itezvy pacilug, and $61006,85 gaod ta don, tic Jualge. s staucl Republlcsu, Butler 6 lentifieal lettisW mritlcn cbotce pîga. fincal hlm $5. bmt fNtàï bb " X Cattle--Recelpts so18.00 Quotaulons "Five sud coius fon voaring IbI hat edta MeNInAàni Abztotl à on*u e 1angedai St$9.76010.10 prime steers, bulton," mer. tte yards ofthle Judas boitterta oê jfr&pro $6.00C7.00 citolce ta primpe ted itou! mien bis cyes lit upan lte eliblem 01o! thhao 0y" vanfo alm Ili cama, *6.9007.50 sulected feeders, the Progressive pavty.muits ler, iidnt horeuto pg.10 15.2506.50 fair te god stacbers, $9.50 _1__the____ rflt Pt àBu monraBc reicar1e t 010.25 goad te chlIe.veal calv».esrOoatr u e. elitb m ur ala t Bufala clazg Sheep-Receipts 25,000. Quoatîus 0furreI..-,Opento,-Ps2y0Rtlas.' teunvonl i urdtlu P tlaiinn .imm raugeal at f7.66@8.00 citaîce ta prime Arn.II e.1.tii.B 2.000rton1.-taus unordne.it rvd iî iame, 8,1@6.0 gcaltaecieh graph aperatons on ie tingo ludfrdaee.- yanils. $005 .600god ta citat. airoàd.mitoakeal an lncvease lu î"Di i sy of tbase letters roter ta yearlens4.00,40 tai taodchoie@ psy, have beon offaredal u appropria-;,lte use aidynaniter' Butler vas wehee,$3904u0arte. god, inofai$40.000 ity tic rmlrakd mati- amcal. Butig r tern.al wlr t:agement, ta e b canui n gl+lng ad- I Absolut.ty na.» =or Creamery, cxtra, 34035e: extra firste, vaýnne t@ lts.lieospsybole e QDirou no litMc4ms 33e; firata. l30022t; atorage. ext!a, etilé a n ueiens ecadyami tuna nion vs ega- lec. pnice te roîsîl deaiers: tubs, lgl yaulgcmagA 86a pnns 7Choscu ou U. of I. Board. ad ti ot. Live PaultPy. Clampairi, fil., Dac. ID.-oh . -bn ai0y., S-atin fa TurkeYs. per iib., 16c; citinkens, IrDrnan Of CîleOgo vas aeclea pis- I MoNmeamui vas gulty?A.W esa invîs, li4,c; roosters, Se; eprings. ident sud Peter P. Sdiafer af Chant - edsdguyn.O tan t& 10%c;: ducis, 14c: geese, 12c. paugn secret"ryoif te dvisoty loard Q-ainmvo n ets' Potstes. i ti Unlvrait a! ilinas Cobeg a u our caroor as au.acog a Poioas n te«.4 ofrbu lli th eUnTv esryofIulnoiuv erarkf viiere dynamite or chU 3'MteOe wiscnsan, 304ç Pa bu àlchi Law Tw YO1 8Of uiveliywOr ý;carried on a passent«iltrain' fer 6%,, gin, 41080e; Minnesota, 45@480. os a re<urentcnt tor entranCes, U ,vu upse .ld o tuastBuffalo Liv. 0ukt. recoamnded. Vaf1prOe À dnt Dunniug & Stcvens. Live Stock Comt- mission Mrhants, Easaltijadt.N. T., pommer iodu. Sentenced. AÀ ma~ cuate as foîbova: Caltis-*t.ees .aIb I. e.1.B-cmyCu a iic u "I*thae afflspta ig wbf MS Srvi aet sa Zn A& sdpg£MË MAT m -'l 1 An

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