oems~ 11~ ~ J.- EU TRIOGOS q M 0. A. YRUDUEC 42 CO^nRLETT & FREDERICKS 4CY eod STAPLE GROCERI ES FRESII end SAIT MEATS Oustews lin Sea4ôon LIEUETYVU~ flJ~ kmthea lving oomn-tb roma tu ih au ulember of the. fai»ly- gatder ltu th long e, hoerW and ouy. fflaps tt n0dw tue lot only one or t'Vo more artwola of towe* make it comploes or it may need h ~evnt. uu ni b. ampiy repidd for expeudture wh»n yoinote the Arn- vgait. YouwUfi fnd vot mneeded h«r% L at the right prioer. REPTOW & TAYLOft LImBERA T Y VAIL $L.. Everybody Trying ladý oine solution t. ti .HJ <osl shortage and smre- tmg to take lb. plaoe. Compressed Egg Coal lb. boat thing w. kDow of for Stove aud Hot water plante alloe, Ables, Cliukerleis and a good slow burning fuel. ty It.SoId oniy by î-,jbertqville Lumbeu' Company Down by lb. Old Deota rPire* and- Life Iflrance ch~ ý proc*ort, FOR Wiurancç Co»ffpmny ~iurance Comjmny 4e lu -' Min' LusUtoda,---c>ie F I 24 1912. as 4.MO oefloek antheboee LII IJhe brkes' patente, M. and Mis .T. Mmon, on Buributt Court, occred iii.. mriage of their daughter, Mi.,, Berthe MIEI '- -t -4' EK I limon. - to NI ., f. r. NiCIIOI8S O- I -. I IàAutin, Ili. Dt. Thom&@e of the First IBaptlet church, Austin, ufflcisted, uidag Te lems publcationi lat te pesi.The ittie oells ho p"avtaed la the the. mpressîve ring ceremouy. 'deuil, O" r muU* ho.l *n m oUno 1W«er ntsrtlalnmuî scirea4med their part 1Mime10Adah L. Nichoise, couln of the 0" 1 j*egdsy ofetlh weet. Advsi. la a a WBfr ?whlcbrmeuW grest credit ro scauebidsmdvheFak *t.repsIly. cre aiked tateteks Upon Ibo litti. cme Ud thome wvb o *io, ibdM bride$ broth eFr cank parlcular notice te ibis ff.ci. drllled bm.. as Uio, thebrd'@ac.e oblo The. Lyule Retaurat#0 the name oi a Immeiisely alter the ceremony the Cbldrdee'leggns etct i. Butoas & new enterpim .Llbeepvle vilii b.abl, happy cuuPle lait ou a ehort honey moon Wiuoi. toba'"t0m@r4y sflte trat Of. ih$mttip tu the bomte of Ibe groom'@ parents Wueou. t Jbo T.tUBbortgo te genial pro, at David, Je. Alter January tiret they Androur Bonger W&@ la Chicago on prietor of lb.Lyril healrs. bhmlesed wut vib. at hume to blair mauy triends ét butue.pe ModaS. Of E. W. Proctor lMe roorulu thes851 N. Prairie avenus, Austin, 111. 1Dr. ifari C. ùymiond of DemMoine»..l6., Proctor block nov "iped br Po@tr The wetdlag Bras a very quiet sifair, le pendlna the boudays wltb the home monter Taylor Mud Witt begin )OratioDs only the tollowing gueusu besîdes ýthe folte ln titisCity. toward lntallnra Ortelam.ul)-to-date Immediate familly bains present: Mir. John BeberteOn of Moo-o, lad., retaurant therein as amoi am vaîlIt suad Mie. George B. Chard of Austin, vielteut over gnnda.y witb big brother, by the present tenant. ad M. ana Mri. Adolpb ('bard sud J, T. Rlobertson and lamill beré. 0 ving to a ccalr<,vercy ankong ment family of Chicago. j. S. MeL.augblin lait lait rhur@day ber, cf Erceloior Camp I. N A.. a secona We vigsitutouiite with thé m..nY ftàr'Billags aud Columbus on a business election of offlicew»ambluait their hall f riende of the yonog couple lu extending trip, returning Taemday morang. lant Wednesday atternoot, the followlug hbearty congratnlations and sîncere 1Mark Ellsworth le home from, th Uni- hélasng eted to serve tor the comIug vlsbos for a happy and prosperoue -terslty ot Chicago to @pend bis holiday year.: FlorsEesr, Oracle; NeIlle Ray, vedded flte. vacation vlth ble Dermi&s Vice Oracle; Edith Berrici, bancelloré Mies Armilda lroe. vho le "D Anale Suydam, flecordpiPý Emily bugh, Ladies' snd ChUdrene underwear at W s econdut eaithe e gab 'ormal iveer; Auguse sBoecktbnn, Clarehal; ost. Gallnos & Wu.son. echool, 1inmpndlag the holidày.boe. Aile Davis, Imuer aBdilc; Eveliaj There Biut bu spetlal New Tear mutine, HorIon, Ontet' Bentinsli: Dora Young DADY NOT TAKIPI4G et tihe Lyrle Theatre Nw Year's day. aud Kathericie Berry, M&àg.-r«. AMY CHUANCES * Firsl show at 2:80. Umual prien of Ladies' ad chlldreu'a »eatýrratcosî. admissrion. Uuom & WILBON. - STATE'5 ATTORNEY -EIEE Mir. and Mmre A. J. Austin and îamilY Tb liasI Cvo iesues of the Allegan DtSCRETION 18 A NIOMTV §peut ('briatmas vltb -Mr». Austmn'@ (Mlch ) Newe contala elSiturate clonies GO OD TTMS parente. Mr. and Mmr. Plurumer in ofthIe fiuding of oil ou tend n'-ar that 000WRATIES Chicago. ~~~~totn. Two strong veinm uerp struckWMN AT "UC.RD E Chiocamo.re about 1300 test below tieia,rfae of the WEc UloaNTO AKREI A HE George Bulkley sud Otto Bem oegrounî. The lanut la queeu inîeadjolild CHOPU T TO R EMTIIB AND et omefru, te tikveritY01 incn-property owued by Wm. Vode of UTOibiHEBLZE minuaitliadison, Ic epend the holidays lv a .iae ytoNrhr 1 1 ittndfhlautheir Nrtër O States Attorney Dady lea abrave wi tbi amnilee. sud Gas@(Co. of Kalimamo,. Mnr.de man vb.n it corne, te prosecuting a Treptov & Taylor bave eecured tb, delarce Le will lemushi property tOca iia nCrutcor riyn h services of Obert Su»sted of Minneapolis, a«Y reltable Party ta b. uved for the caise lu ircuitgancour ry. ut sa Mina., tussetl t eir turniture e«me purpoe 0Ou lequllo-a unndant i lu ase foea u ant'uttbie axls ali establimbuneni bore. h t .Im hera vhnseucautmobif, exloéions. Pro asi rs.V.W. aris C Sn- Posmater~.imminent, Le's a *"Piker"' aud ho PrOLandMm . W BurislettBou PotmaterBouM. Ta-ylor, hnvlng doeejVt deny it--perbapi yen voulut dey, mornlng for Platvllle, Wl , vbers recieva notIce frout 9. W. Proctor te ho mat 1k. hlm ndter smilar eircu.. vi'ý tl]spenduthe holiday vacation vacste tbe rmont noit oecpid by hlm stanem. one neyer cen tell u=lt ho wi' lthei.protemor'a Parna.,!la the Protor bloek, vili move Cthé tacs, It 9 --Roertn Wright., vho la attending pootofficeuthees part 'of net %week Fniday evening Mr. Dsîly accout- elg at Beloi, Wl,., le spending hiesarrosa.e te ot Ito thetu rniture moris PanutdHaroldt Onfflu te Zion CitY te hiiy aation vith i. parente hemr. of Trptow & Taylor. go viliitiiop a force a vitueme te appeat aIt te mole Bs sture Cc Beloit on Tliurada Jan. 2 lrout on thé -fortil aide of the minis Inqust lu Waukogan. They drove op lhs Ai[ciClub gave aS"« er t u; bsie bre b.uvii) b.locatelà ouly outl mchinlaGrimfnas small touring car and,. met popoW an ecing pardti the bmtovn.tint li-W ebn5leeeblock et the as they veritabout te satrhome vite WlkfllwedY«tneIndi e -rnorut hlivakesavenue sudit-ti h Ornatarteut bis auto, te englue W "W a pasenst ime vW" mjoyeut . - vreet ide aipiaiul and mrsdy fer*bck-fresud. h. amline Igutel The LUtartp villa shoola u, eoylng a coePaay, Vlan oB.ruiiilocate par-florn p ait about Cliicrý Iwo vesSe Vacation durintthbcol. nmmell n1aofhet bstore morne of Tb@ m ic of het usvarionsrou»am tbCat builing. h le ihougbt lth ev ' ormnle cent. épatant ng li Ciet 1 Coir rmeietve butioling viiihi ouiplautdby Jane Brut MM am i aioe4bc coo niai. andi nerv-SUd the tatea attoeme 'Pi hlb sheo dneaaI b. ev Laies su elldes' hoe 0,e8a Pair shoiret hie$ no auto £a., at Ilent vii. ban ~.si ,-'--vitiaizettue & Waixo. U5otiet f*toBuieoMchlie la ac. bà k sdr vaeug tout.wtta& (Hoelia us»blussîfor il t 1 sisedlli gun po~eejols de rom hbedod&y Tribus a Bol hlif ha dlfe i 1 m" segouti Mm attendoins tpon slocbh2 vsclip the fllovlig: A beragici At say-tbslte blaze vhclt rose op tieucions. 1in s apeeily vatebsutfor un dpSoC. ail about the car caused te %stals' iThe Ciimn'asBanddtortu give a vatecli utr torcouta!annre Ccîta the ms of attorney ta think ltat It veuid hIe, Party saut bieuesnlatiem Ccvnhbal Nv Thomas Proctor, 4UIgNntthWincbesr up. Antd, seeing visions Pt the, cugar Ysa rE, Dm, 81, 1912. Tickete 75e- avenua, . CIcago, Tbured&y aiterneon rsftnery victime, etc., befors hlmt. ho Ladies feS. 'Plan ta attend. A god îadt mielisth iiplunder valusu t a Idecided t hat b'd rather be a liv. tints le ameru. $400. Mm. Mary Proctor haut loft ber covard titan a daad itero-e-o he "hoat Mr. audlMss. W. Y. Wlls andutie dMeth frnts trait pealsd -tse Reotb hahokpgin« sén Uapaiu, of Elgin. Ili., are brefuiru ecmoIdAfto a m ufstudsihi Rep ort iasIllac ekepRt, ol spsadlpg beboldysweithhsirpas- a latOemMfrnAtese eam- yfhmt a o r.dfra .t, ndll Mr. snd Ms,. B. Wlhe steuuilgth laber àueman fem iteahescr" t rua ioi tctns ni eI O.>emwatou l b. gmofe thé s'5suîcae 8sd l jhgoat hat, for, lhe made ond uthis et, Otrliiae gthsr5< evsry, shv.wvuransd lotbing. Twore * At Cbar tst regular .metiag llaat! in m t fclaus e es akea, two W tbea. Griffin, bevever, reclisng vitat bd tb.lr Wal "&Y a veSilg. Dmc. 20, the 1.0 diamonut rWvgand soutesllvervare. bappmes, kue ho voulut bave le do local biehilodge eleolsi ithe tlla,. Mus. Proctor f10usd the boume hat han sorniiing, me, cbovlng isi.bondtlibt M ln ffiem for lb.e euulyeu-liMm.r.ahu snd notifieu thteipolice. Mus.titrougithde biaze, lie " cledth*li Delis Cberiâelal.lobe Grand; Mialel. Preoor fiaalelsr cf James aut Edgar cbto.ff on me e solme tn lt nlse Cais , ViseGrand; 1uiità Wm . Sa e ft Ciia. e losuu the aVolve, tuaus snmovg ecàw; Thom»e MofflisLt , ee wm1 W<tiedy atu oon vhllW dans«r et su explosion »oovltdibng Bs saiir5aîy mit ManaerRohurfleon&«",lg GorgE A manu shuut crcor orZneu dextlqgnlsi thCe flase btlare*6 tea lfl r e tl a heLyrIcTb-- aO kilplace on Muvantes aveuas sentit ut vitele car vce console&. He ltg spiclal mts1slt tIis, a amody lova, Garr, [rnls, ageut861 ysam, met sterteti la cnd soon biut lte tirs .% draina hy So"g entitieut. 'bohll Da"" iit sa vouy pslntsl accidentlie B s ebut neltoutili Cie curtains aud1morne u. oB eu f lobrtmilo pPU .0s esth. " .4 lmla if ine treind'obredder 'd'en the body>'bLtd beaubarud tibcdly. 51WpelU~* l. uie. ai ; fa&ameie an*Wsrgbt ]Bond bscarna By Ci, ttlu fr.Mu.~ Y .110a11 co @boom tplau e attend. usntpri 01e ofaugitî beleasithe relier 01 Cbe hat tb. danger vas psutand hobe iv admiss ion iiiprivai. machine, complutely utasilngit e £agereturned t te iecene. 't Fred Trigsa ftLuas Park, lovansd part of h. lbumh. Dme. Churchill visielm& estek Frldal aI the home cf and Taylor wve, ummoneut sud dreeweut Bad Crletsnd athér relatives hec@ Ch. vonnd, glvlug the ageut gentleman TESTED ANI) PROVED Bie le onsetfsagranit of titrltudeute sncb relief ce vas vithin thelu paver. freinIowa Cllage, Aiee.lowa, ikho Ovlag te 4bls advanced ago, howvvr, There ai c HecP ef Bolace in Bains amcmp»eld. by Cire profesore, are recovery in .1ev and h lea Cboughî il Able le Depenut Upon a Wall- maiting as Inspection leur cf tb. mer o b. uc uy wamputa> th.eibondt arueut Replalalon fectozis. ofnortheru IlIliiots. ## the wrietMr. isele bh au anmu- Fo oCalowNcTral W. alareeip cfa llte tam ? iloi , M~ Atau fr té pat onhave sema the constant expression of Gi. ThousOriten ut North Bend. Neb., yeer. aud ieli knovu thrcuglsouît th pralme for Doanse Kidaey Pilleaund resut lu viib b. states ibsi Anure Thomt, a o0oty. about the gondt verk theoybave dous brotbor, uisu ut Amarillo, Texse, on lu 1i this lccaiiy. Wit other remeuty December 19, of tubeiculoie lof the loags M s. erer produceut sncb couvlucing proof cf amt idsjsStth gaetfotyor reDI AND S!f merit? ' adkey u tou oh. « sva01 10r$7-0OW» lim. C.8. Flous, Oreltard St.,,Lib.rty- R PI GS G OW ville, Ili , smye: Altboaob i bav, never yees asndcfourmTot .e bi pac e I usa akidney medicîno Inyseil. 1I tan dotnt on f W. homof h[@plae.recommenut Doan', Xldrny Fille itighIti. Laet Fridal afternoon appropriate We guauateu rice meal ta b. n121 lOne Of uty amily vue affilct vitit prograuts vers rendereu ln tbe verions protalg, 12% fat The protein ruas 141,0'lumaoadte damvrsvu woes o te lvergrdesof arpublié" sud fat geueral> well over 120%O.autinactive. Doan's Kléuey Pilloe e romof' h o rieuad re ery ouiDigeotiblacarboby cirate@ areparticularly usai and t bey brougbi relief." oebol.'Chrstmâ, rouver tmilydedalin lufeed Ibis time cf Ch. ysar lire. Hoag le auly eue et msnY ueconteut ithbholiday orusmeilte and ad wu sepeclalît ail your attention ta Libertyville people vbo have grateful, hanglagfull'of danty gitte for PuPile .ib.ilrSassof fat whieL igareut ou eudor@edLoa' Kidaey Pilla. If Jour aut teucher@ eve Important festurns, a bastle cf Ivo sud hailtimes gives te bock aehe-lt yýour kidneys bother.you, equlvaloa 80', digeetible carbohydrate. donlt siutpiy 55k frs kidaey remedy- This *Dptervltb the ethuer extrett uirdlstinctly for Doan'a Kldaev Pille. lthesd, moaes Il vsuy blgit theesaue that liro. Ho" bad-tbe - LrE i INSURANCEte faj. remtedy backed by homo tesiimonY. 50c l'h.poolSali sieR itulai,, ~ Ths protein conlent Of rireViteal la ail gtorem, Foet.r-Mllbnrn Co.. lrt. The pfl ttice&bou lab ahnIostequlraleuî 10 ehipuluff. whlle it Buffalo, N. Y. "Whpn Y,"tr lt-(k la ty te man.» Wlial about mass ii.. le vori lt tree lime. se Mach au sîip Lm-lmmarteNu.' 1 mmaly ta vomta-he amfis l.ai--11 rtitofat value. W@ bave sever sured plu.-.l ev of Ibis matât but irbat il ha, - gIs-.., ecellent satsaction. . a ~,Eisoa ervices u S Y usedl etlenelveiy for slop feediag y .ung Servie, t the E.Ll teOOal 'rch every eseci ýus1 protabiy la îLhesI tfood la Sunday as tollowdl Churci servie,(u t E__JE_-B__the vorlut for fat cattlo, Loue asaut aock 10:80 a. ut. sud Sanday scbool et 11 :30. vbers It la desirabie Cc increase vslght. Ail are cordially lavîted tolaattend. It le usai lnaail mixtures of ib R1ev. Wiite, Rector. b ANO R N protiea bouts. leoespeclally recommoudeti 1 . sad It givee partlcuarly piea.lng mesaîts .oliister's R. M. Ta cloarslte ý1 Distoei aigo b.n ueed vitb atherh bl canbuefor sto-utalu---l sdkliey;r 1 WE INVITE YOU Tro loin the large number of individuels, frms and corporations who ir amnu qeaS have round their banking rele. tions with this bank te be both agree. able and profitable. Lake County National Bank, LIBERMVLLE. IL. Capital, Surplup and.Undivided ProfiW $90,00.00 New. Jear's Orteting. We desie to extend to one enaMal heartg wishes for a HIAPPY AND PROSP 'EROUS, NIEW VIEAR. We bheeau tpui.rd a UtirWÇrse m u abefavered i wIh oeI 0.um à £sbedii.g 1913. a 8ssi 1.a W W. CARRj~LL&~ NOUTII STOSE PI0N~ US IPVT ye ou, w i lltCheforeas gni the Jmnsae 1913,ssmi for CASH" and CASH Sly. 'or- acdoptag tue systsmn we feel confident that we wll' bc'- able to oEfer you BETTER merchandise for LESS MQweý' wh" i# c wour MUTUAL bensfit wb cb WIII<I*G of our accounts Stil VImiJuC january I5th, 1913. wili be placed iseba"dsof au attorney for coileÉtion. Anyone knowing themaefv« e- s be indebted to us will confer a favor on us 'if tliy w15 cailan smettde before this date, or maltestoe auaticeo9' arrangement to do mo in the IMMEDIATE FUTURE Thanking ail who bave extended us terpabWou- age in the past and trusting that the public in genera may see the advantage of dealing with us in the future for casb, we are. Yours for a.SQUARF, DEM., J B, Morse & Co, Everything For Men X X M X Phone 14 LIBERTYVLLE - - - - ILbI PLASTERING CONTRACTOR ALL KINDSO'-, PLASTERIG WORKLMIN fLAD ORNAMTL Estimrttes FPurnshçd on Eequest 1 empioy the biggest force of plags in sluco;inty Let me figure on your work John M. Détipe Waukfflu 120 Washl.gton Stre*1 Pheme 214 9 72