t- LE JÉ. ELI TRIGOGS IL COOL9. G. IL BEEICR CORLETT & FREDERICKS &ANCY aod STAPLE GROCERIES IFRSII und SAIT M!ATS Opster. jinSea L1BWYYiLLý& i.J ,Iuv- r Nqj . 469 ME ebove headirg ia not designed ta convey an adequate ide& cf dealgue in Funiture Io be found hom,- but t e rmi nd ycaa cf the ~ eore important fact of the DEPENOABLE characten of ofargoode. Our store is fild witfi up-to-date ard relieble Furniture, and que go" orward te transferring sorne of itf rom if s lempoery home wtb us te a plrmnanent home wih cou, ai no distant date. WE ARE WELL PREPARED TO SERVE YOU TREPTOW & TAYLO L 19 RT YV RIL -NEW EAR'S GREETIN( W.'h to thank you for the patron- age o the past year and respectfuily solicit i continuance of the. ane doring the « ing year, trusting aur services have musatisfaçtory. Wishing you pros rity thrbughout the. year. Liber ville Lasmber Companyp Phone 47-Rt 7 2 D...hy tire Old De,. 3. Dlo rF e and Life Insurance SES- arles D. Ptçctor, ACsgNTFOR~ re InsuàpY I54 Aobf tM E PTEWEEKI %Mse.~bflagomi fblnepei- Mir. E.O0. Wluon mnd littie son of Mmii, ipvWstb. atheffOs iOltatMlwaukee.&, njIilngrelativesboe.. !rfTlIaM% s ~ Of«hi W»4 Mrei U. and Mr& IL A. Grandy are the ~.s..a~pilsiy, risad t« taice happy parçate of,& Orne baby boy boui wl u nuhViUItt thw ewft. Buaday. wekMise Anna Molet of Chicago, @Dent Wger Wefl e 1, p.nln" ibisChrstmas wltb Mr. and LMr@. Paul gkhIg ebdsetlanmater. WWl. Macuffln. UminViola Purnell of Wet Chicago, la i Mie le eBond l. vntertaing a qemdiugsometlme wltb Mi.. Blanche friand, Mie Waner of lnwns, [il., ii boe. during the holiayvacatlon. ,Mise Mary Brown of Ulalago, @peut E. F. Swan spenf several day. laet Nweras.day wltb Milas Bila StaPle. week at Fond du Lac, Wl., on a cota- aI ber borne bers. bined businesm andl pleseure trip. lins. Mary Brown entertained bersmon, Mrn. and gjr@. Hart Wlnehel of Craw. Clayton Staples and wiue of Westofl. fordeville, lad., are spending a iew dais over New Years. rab Mr. andl Mr@. 0. A .New ,om at Ulm I. Ail.. ai&le01f enoa, Ili., in et thair l'ore ne uBrainard Court. the home of ber slter, iro. Id. A. Sorna twenty baket@ of them fine Promon, euflsrlag from a &legs 0f illiifl&Mchigan Baldwin apple et >85 cent. George W. lifesse movad 1a week about ton baskets of mlied apple. et 1rmi the O. L. Butibard hanse to the 75 Cenem MeOregor bouse at corner of Miwaukee avenue mand Broad way. Mr. andl Mr*. Roy Chamberlain enter- tel ned Mtr. andl Lr@ . R.P. llcbnaebele,c Mr. and Mir@. J. L. Chamberlain and e family et a Chriatmadinner. Howard Wilson anad friend Mir. LieNeil of Wlnnepeg, Manitoba. are apesding thebolldays wtb LMr. Wilson'@ parente, Mrt. andalira. Joseph Wlfeon andl othar7 relativesboie..f it Barman bas reaigneal se bar tender at the Uheartyville EHotel% and aScpteal a position lu tbeanime eapacîtyc nt Bow'. bufet, Re 'wili move lotot u»e liai ove? the salooh.8 After the. ri f the yearthe a 1mw ofies. of Benij. H. Milet and Ly*l1 H. Morris vin hl Ieamtehe iLace bfockt on thi.eecnd tou vi auIch imeau ii tiw Virei National Sale Depoelt Co. bildila soniplets. Dobt. Bp.Ilmaa, for tis ,paet two jeant amploed aie bW tender ut the Hure eamboouî mt Bocàdeer. bae s lWmpd Id aceptiedaàpoelion at th laltyVllle Hlofel, Ill « gth.e vemcncycauseil hi the f redegaato f At tmmar Lira. George Clevelandl and ltte eau Rubent, resurned lu ber horne in Çblcego Tusdmy mlter spminles&bout fOve munthe Wcitti ber parente, Mr. amm re IL C. Hlglua lare. Ur. and Mm. il Higuine accompenlmi ber tu spenal New Yeai'. Mise Helen Wright eetertaim.d a namber of friend. et ber home on Milaiwukee avenue New Yeere Ev. la bonor of ber brother Rlobert, rbo te @peuding bi. holiday vacation from9 duiee ai Blot Collage et home. "Pi. needlaeeta eay e very pleasant trne cras enjoyed hy ail preeent. 0 vrer $50.000.00 ras eeved lest year hy Chrstmae Savingo Club'membere ati Joliet. There in Dow tallitof étarig tihe clui, et Wankeam. The club ba@s lied e branch et tbe lraiNational Baenk In Lbertyville for the pasit to years.1 It bas pafl 31, intereet sSi made smving easy for e large numbar of members. ht le no w etarting !te tbird yeer. Aetne Camp. No. 176, M. W. A. viii g1v vaanotharof theirpopular masquerade belle eit the Libertuville t.own bal on Friday nfgbt, Jen. 17, 1913. Ereryone 19 saere of the goid tuaes to ho lied t the« annuel lunctione and it la needies to elaborete on tbf. ate.v. A good costumer nIl bo there nlthcostumes for &IL. Bemember the date eand mate arrangementouattend. A. T. Lu. of Clumus,. Mont., erriveal in Libertyvflie Monday i nglt. being elled liera on businees canuacteal wfth th- landal syndicate witb whlch he la affiieteal in Montana. He reports cr005 exceptlonelly good iliere thf, yaar, but priceâ rather modest due tu ovantocked maretst. The Porteona andl Heatb families he reporte as prospevfng whicb newo soundo good to us. M"ey tiri pro@perty continue dnring tlie year 1913:. Elton Hanson, wi'o wam ert-ouai>- injureal et the gravel pit of ithae1akt Conty Gravai Compeny on the 3th of July lest andl conflnealtutahie UcAflter hosptalini Weukezan for mtny, eeke, le conipelleal tu rturn to the boepial. He trasn diachargeal about a month ga pranoneal cureal, but upon con.ulting a physicien recoeuty he va, bold It roulal ha necessry.lot hlm ta velumn and bave the fractureal boue lu hie 11mb re-set anal re-Infarceal wltb slver splilte It le a vary pafnful opration but deciareal ta b. the ouly ray to effect a permanent cure. LIFE INSURANCE Ilthey Le&mm di.t"s ree& msni mm ser odwMa, rou mm eu sve a cet for tiasr fàmmdlleeDe jeu se, the SE E flUSY Mao J. E. MEREITII, Cook A va, The dance given et the to wn hall lest, Frida>- evening b>- the Eplecopae chi choir ras largely stiud atnd greet>-l enjojeal b>-ail. Hapke'. Orestra fonuiecal music. The Ladies' Aid godet>- of the IM. E. ehurch wil meet et the home of Lire-. B. B. Eger Tnesday afternoon, Jenuer- 7. PL-a"a rememer to, brinq reneipte for the uaw couic book.ý Mr. anal lie. &.P. 8nrueele, eau Austin anal daughter, LMre. Roy .. Chamberlain took an auto trirto-Pa- tise 8unda- anal cailealon iLrs. Obhnebole's pavan Mr.tanal Lra. Jacob Win. &ft lrbas cakres possession of ch. bloMi mdbafft eaitllDay orma liy 8. T. Pootle cf the$ place aud uil bis death, hmvlng beseoperateal b> John Hormaege. r.. Ut. ler bas for some time pasc hbae oployd* as bar tender ai Bmoru'. bus labre. resfdinatintire flat ovier ch.esloon. IHi. toal f rlnds bore, bie .o"ryto havei reiaiaove frInmafonge, *Miaitlm suceass in bie MW viejnre. ObitUaaY. lira. Blanche f litue>- (oitello died Dec. 28, 1912, asclit. Ana'% bospical Chicago, of seritoulis. Blanche Wbitney wue hors la lAlden, Iowa. May 5, 1890, wbere the fiveal outil 1908 rhen saemoai te Liberty- ville. malklag ti planes ber home oatil May 5. 1910. rhea ah. vas w»mariled tu Mr-. LounCaetelio af Chicago, the yonngt couple making ihelr home et 418 N. 509à Court, where tbey li-ad outil the Angel of Datb swareteal tbdm. In Mardi 1911, thaimbome ras bleasea b>- the birth of e son, IKenneth Paul who, with the father is teit to mouru the untimel>- demise of a kind and rindulgent mothar aud e loving anal devoteal nife. Beoldee these the dec.Smed leaves ta mora e mothar, LMa@. Grâce Whitney ran(aebrotherKonenth, of.41don, Iova, a lather, L. El. Whitney and one eleter, Mis Mande %'.hine>- anal[a brother Lee, oi Lihartyvilla, anal a boat of oclier relatives and friand.. Lire. Costello vrais well kuown in Llhertyvllle beving made ber homne bara seven jears end atteyded the local achoole, during whlch time eh. made man>- rm friande wbo unite lu rextendiug beartfeir e§yrnpatby tw the bereeveal fenil>-. 'Pro months prier 10 ber death aie proclaimeal ber- faith in the Câthofic ct-ced uniting riti tlie chunoh in rhich penlsb ehe reaideal, Thloueraicas heldal t tic church Monday aet 10:00 o' 'clock following e short service et the home, inta.rmeut bolng in Hullide eeaetory. lu diocouraing on blit@hI the pricet rho officiateal spoke very hlghly of Mf rs. Coatelin dretling et leugtli oa.the sterling qualities of ber chatacter. tihe ras e prrrnouuced favorite ritfl the ptleet, heing oua of the lirai couverts to ha conflnmed b>- hini in that paniali. Epiacopal Services Servicesaiet the Episcopal chut-ch every Su day sfolo ce: Clurch aamvieës aet 10?.80a. nm. andSunday echoo eit 1 1:3î ). Ail are cordially initeal ta attend. Bey. White, Itector. Notice The eigbth fustlimeut of Speciel Ameeement No. 1, the oeventhI fnstaîl- ment of tipeciail Ase-sameut No. 2, and b e third Instaliment o! Spactel Assese- muent No. 3, are nar due anal payable et ni> office ý@ thre second fluor of the Luce bidg. c-lt r A. R. BCHNAEBELE, Village C1liector. ANNOUNCEMENT Tire Meredith Flover and Vagetabi. (t C4,- ij pleaseal to ennounce thet tlrey ut'-secureal the. service aIfLire. Ida [Lucher. hvbo la boitthîrcy yeta iexpieinlufl)ral wcrk. Lire. Latsba lviiihave fillcharge of our caie .anal libervoum, we assure aur Prarons the 0« al f deoralwork and cordial set. t.. mLeaw vWI b 11lèdteqipeet asr nan> petrôse anal mliii &Bt1ima e, plemsa essiamit you J.E.Mumanu.Pr«s. "'BUY IT AT HomE' T fMPIY~fN T' f Ca I ii-r-o. I IT0B4fiAPtT0flRl~'I~. IAPf'1.61t<ltf1It..,-.--a-w..-Q TeAT Ou~*iT WE INVITE YOL To jIda the large amber of wwImdrdl. tirime aid rporations who for mamg qear have Iouid their hao&ng rda-ý tiom wth ths bank tobe both aWree able and profltabe. Lake County i National Banl LIBERTYVILI-14 ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undlvided Profit#. . $905000." j' Tl f~g We desire to eutead te or m ad heatg wlmm 1« il.a AND we have hememewsa~jr op dua Mg sPOUt mg be aed wltba-à <x- dit mamnedurlg1913. s a s wi -w. ÇAQROU NOwTH STomg PI4ONX se Watch This Sw Week For Cash iPr' NOTICE. VING DECIDED that it wM Imb to conduct a Cash businus in th. hIgil< inthe end that it ". be MUCH you. we Winl thereftirebeni 1913, îeil for CASHÎ, and adoptig tis rytem we feel confident that we- alte ta off er you BETTER iclaliefe which will be to our MUTUAL benefit * Accordingly ail of our accounts stili unpe. ' January l5th. 1913, will be placed in the hn~I attorney for collection. Anyone knowing ei.ve be indcbted to us will confer a favor on usl if I.'. oeil and setle bef are this date, or rnake orne mts.i arrangement to do so in the IMMEDIATE FFUE 1Thanking ail who have extended us serPaOU« age in the past and trusting that the public in geS« rnay see the advantage of'dealing with us mi the futi for cash. we are, Yours for a SQUARE DEAL, J,.BMorse 8& Coo, Everytblng For Men X X X X Phama 14 LIBERTYVULR PLASTERING COTR ALL KINDS OF PWATERM WOMI AND ORNAMNA Eatumates Purn"ehd on Beqw 1 etnploy the. bigsst force of pMstsp Lot me fan»reon YOMrwU John MG. 120 Waahlmutse kymet . Ersili