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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jan 1913, p. 9

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I s u WAUKEGANW.E1EkYsr LIBERTY VILLE, ILL., JAN1JARY 3,1913. --- %* '~ ~ ~ ~. 'W: - - - - W.c. - ... AMI ,,"1 tA I3lT 10 -ova HAVE. 01KM *, OCECIVIL WAR CIVENAL DAY Ar'a To e NM ILL At4OIJfECUSo. vOI ar, cilci ban beau lu pro U tbh M luit weeh btw.n boys m tii. bah aide and îboe 9*9--i' tbi-cot aid. ermne t40a ~ Mdila MOS&dalaterne»on i. a boy living on the. twibé Z Ouhott'a tiie ore by à cOdbabahair gunam a reuait of * 'l *u U hedb.Winilmuet»i e-t ijred menubel. Tis M tnt Cbief of Police Tyr- tii. nembera of tiie n . t ruent avery boy lus ,adwth . air, 2. 1 STbeso u inciihai b.lMd, ad if necweariy vIli buplafflan *1. kind of play muet îtoP bOa laid. $141boys baye liea engago hI ~ W T'YoIaDWvr litart SwR bai a mach W mwcI' sur. AeOrilwt1tii. 0m f t. bv. VMc .~boys emauici a cart -6 ueuth aide yoangstl. la short oier and eM laUIizg tii. rivai armies T mlcCan am sof licCana. vas gem ~ide amy and Jobn y- éôçue led lb. l'h. mcvii. aw the -All b&U b.lgOMUa. tht i osi sat rot ;l U<SShe 1wr ey lgbl la mas< WUIS lbd tru t&Margans l9 - i S le 150 b arnilea, ~i7afllifoon a large nul! itf» soa aide army bad b, 4pi 1m a boira but ber. tiiey ti 6"d &.d their sarguns fi the. racks and througb belle. Il cas lu 1h15 man Yeuug pelilman of the .ectam reçcved bis iujury. Time ei reidéatsliing lu Iis dcIl ,pme complainteanaditime & b«ss but oUmle.tbey ueturned tomiowticir iistties. As Il resuil lIwe-.tt#ade e# 1zkea by thlb"u ya aadipsi*tuent servira]roi edms lddaddlmtd tbat the car bufflbi'ontff editely. SPMAERS ARE. ANNOLJNCI -Tic colored POOpe Ofeothe ctY ithe-orti uhore ciilboiti their Ems Patin eeleraton lu the. Parit hb -eFS:Vuia nglsîof Ibis veek. ~imwkmwa" u-etoe: IBo . IF. Le. A. M. E. cbvi UNs r. ýLJ. - Omy. Chicago; Prof N. ews preident ef Lake ]I ;~i~ judge P. L. Persous Tic.albera of tbe . A. P. *SWr clvii h ave beii accorded cii, sell et lonor and iclii attel Mipdy. ll clii b.ialsed iij . 4b'imqpr-t*e. Aulmiaion la j -. - A FleFur Deys. Dies WbMn.Don. 31.-Orece C ib ic10 four ikys, ~vemmlionla. despile ail et ea ber. did. * : ~: leilc ltiding Dclrci IUne& ~ibtn. iI.. Dpec S.31Te .i 'trI ccl -ibutiling, vhicb hc tivi cndmn. WiIread se*ks t to ~A"Mim 0110S .PolliMtae ief Pritgot Spslna.d. fli, Dee..-'Tii. Cii- ugo. Dueriington md Quia" Iailtoai eéWany lied i pettion foi the circit *u.fe fr au iajumetoito' retrata SiîOt*ry ef Sl*t. Uoyie trom tara- logito tii.ata .treasr? $i10.ssI .*Plect. ate su ciel tii. compaun, amb.d for a contioa*teor 0fita peewa motr. Iticmoaey cas peld suder Dr~ uimà trou -sg gloto tii. treumy tahei' i.courtbau ied d lait »0 spamet Pay tii.amouatider < ow df-ti state. Tii. mouhi' *as sauaeil ilibtii. un.rtiaga tha tii. maiter woold b. tabin loto là* .oorts for fluai s.ttlreaet E. 1. DUNNE JR. MIMES FEAeT amu air Ooveraov-Elect U,,abWîta"f-] teri Fratîrnty *a.qu<4ij fI=*, Ir., of C 00a11.11. gmernorelet ofllioi.muid sPt lie preéeat ailtii.teuthbanauki libuWt et *0e Phi KappiPal fraternliIt tcb et. )Jiecioasboul. Rwst l iand ta estuShhs Vu. pirusn. Wic la s frtelitg pembr. cmi %av@ e £ Pek. ba . sMt lae ftheb day that ho eicauimet iýi tic cly, sud tîlemrphed bIs Faeroe. péecrlaCausClub UloilI. Paella. III.. Dec. se.-At 4Imi u 1 t.mdl si era re elaed fbr te é- N w n:vice commomdor e.ii. h*u:Porter, Gilbert fl.imwep& diute red Pt.ti. « 0mvD"c. qug Uiler sud KI . rei«e. Ïdpmts siiowed a meumbul to I ~ I LI4iDO-T PNALTY IS 61IVEN WOEAN WHIO AIDED SOLDiERS lrs. Adale Lawrence Who Helped Soidieru Eeupa. Win. Leni. eflcy of Court. DIRAWS A FINE, OF $25ý Judge Warne Mer Tot Crime Would Have ne@" 'Srlous l' In 11,0f. Aldlug ber lover and three other mie» to fucape ro thie guardhouse ut Port Sheridan ix monthe &90 ciused prosecution et' MmA~ doee cec.745 Briar Place. Chcago. yt.fderal authoritiîs, but th WOOlli5 eaiOlpla of love and lg- ndriace of the, enormit of ber act won clemency lu Weera Judge Car- peillr'. court on Mouday. Aler. calliug attentlou to tbe seri- oui nature or ber act, Judg. Carpen- ;or moessedl a fiue of $25 lad Cota and lpcuad & seuteuce of tblrty dayî taD the. county jail. tiihe utence to b. au.mended uPon payment Of le fiue. Wblc te case cas belng beard lu, chabers lhe voman. gocuod lu iack #ppearod penitet ad 1mrble. Out- $id@ la the. corridor a corn friend #aed back ad forth carryus tbe de- fodantI baby girl ln ber arma. "la tirne of car." Judge Carpen ter sai. before fixiug ber Pui,1nb BlUt, "your aet could have called forth puashuent wcilch you probablyl do Dot roailie. Yeu could bave been Mira. Lawrence pieaded thal ah .-as la love di Thomai HIndman, Wh. witb tbrleotiier maw-Mrank New- lin, Harold Smith andi Charles H. Un-l dewood-cere conftned In the. Fort Sherian guartibouse for Infractions- o! rnlltary discipline. SO 'PlAWK IULLS MANIU GIRL HORS nEF IN COUSTi Delares Hunarveemer te st«Ii ,hea simal. Chicago, Dec. gle.,-Dorothy 13-amen. who halls from Williams, Arineu. lid to b. the iliat voman to bel ebarged wltb b"r stealtng ln Chi- ugo lu many yesr5, vas arraignedInl the muniipal eout for having tairae the. animai trou QilcMgo to DwIBbt, fil. TIi. boraeltu1Me ProPerty ofthtei Tiret Cavalry Ridi« academny. "Hunger drove iB, botake tb@ lor@*." mii. »Id. -141.. Beaslon l a prefesional rider lad caMe.to dieu,-k go to seek Upioyilt dih a CI en . .1 vas cdown te 1MY maI fiftycnt. ho. sld. 'I cent lotothe, ridia aeademy. ired the beat-inoMUg borae antd thon staeted for ft. Louis.. 1 Sot an far gai lgt chen 1 vas ar- rested." ENTIRE POLICE BOARD QUITSp Kilt St. L.ule Mayor In Trouble *11k IKSTRUCTION lN PIRCELS PFOST -IS GIVEN EMPLOYES EMPLOVES 0F LOCAL OFFICE AIED OTI-EERS ON NORTH4 SHORÉ MET' ON MON@AY NIONT. THE LAW WAS DISCUSSED poSTMASTER . WATROIJS TELLS MOW LOCAL PROPLE CAN OIT MAPII. A achool of Instruction ta get ali postal employes thoroughly acquaint- qd citb the corklage o! the. nec Par- cela Post law. cblcb becomes opera- tive tornorroc rnornlug, cas beld lu the. Waukegan poatoffIce Monday eve. -t-e- Thit.-ven were a,,..*ths COT OF 14 CAPTURES TiffllE Poruses urgiar I-lfI!Mlle Aumei IUIL S vlth Soge i Kansass City, Mo.. Dec. 31-George i E8reyfegle, fnurteen years old. son oi a dputy oieriff, !oud a burglar le- hl e s igun and ooeti Ailes a biî mile sun they haltedth le minubOT A anti marcieti ibm b a canstable. vin DEVICIS Di Tiie houle iiad beeii ratiiaclied. but thé. arrival of the boys preventèdlhe burgiar from takting the olt. urt~ Ulmnt 51. Loufs, Me., nec. i1.-WDCu ay- 7 D9.*flttl bve er P« '- ui hiag.Dec. 31.-Tii. exprees cou.e ~' ~ 'S~~ M ~ut Ut. iubio, al tiie regalar cierksanld hiao Louis rturued ro. usi cty ibe carrierasoftbe lochi office, al the u-pae ou usna aCîaobv Lene rtured ron Kbs"atitutes. etc., and postmaîl.ers and s- anoned rate* cbich ii cidea IL reelved a regiate*re letter ë'.n aliltent postrnantet'5 from the naval blov aItiihe parcel Pest. Tii.exn ing tiie joint resiguation 0f ail t 0 station. North Chicago, Higbwood, pros compaulea propose reducîom members of the board 0f police Aud Hgblaud Park, etc. lu rates, cutting the. ilgultei below the ire comminsaouers. effective et once. No one attemptedte t be general l- sehedule of the nec parcela pool lac Tic document vas critten at & secrt struetor but eacb voucbsafed the tu- wbîci becomes effective Wedu.sdal. meeting et the ruildoee of Prenideut formation cicb be kue about tbe e il oeet ysueto AL . G. clueter. Tiie othera are M. lac. Hundreds of questions cere Tii.resi foreaîl y tenalorf J. Bnckley aud ifsrry allen. asbed aud choever lappued to know; tie situation vi etttemi r Mayor lmbrt ia 1911 bae trouble the. anscera gave them. It developed der bouses aud otiier concerne patron- choua fomerboar pr~iUid J htat norne cere very veil posted ou'Saint the transportation compaDu whena fomer oar Droigté Joh lth subjeel and as a resul aller a cl nt bu led te &Dy greater use of Barow te a Police Tb*tna$r two heur' meetiug al became more faalb.eamalle than at preseut. mayor vanted asou Payneasd pro, mllar gtith the. qew law. Tii. ment- For a radius of 150 miles frein Chi- teeted go strougly that lieriow re. ing proved a mutuel beneftt. stgued sud Payne vas *piioited. 1Tiie cindova of lhe local postoi- caga for packages up tasix-poenée. Tien tie uayor removed Comnmission. ficeeviii close tomorrow moruiug Ai the table of rates by parcels pontl yul orJoi J Gan ad osei9 10 o'ciock. Up te tbst tine informe- b. maleriaiiy lover by couparisol, ren ,,ohn J.Main D ad e rea ie in about thé. parcels pont lac cili Ibut for packages over liat veight the CriesaddMatinD. akr rgigedbu given sud atampa te b. affixei express companlea elier a coasider- on packages that corne under the lac l aly lover rate. livery of mail as usuel. _________ Postmaster Watu-ous atated tuis TAXE morulng that he bas recelved nyi POLICE TO TAiE Tiies frein pople wo areal5 Sde.i AIR EiUNS FRO~ ilhe mid. by vrîtîng to tii cîiîef clark lue-,r'711 et lOUR >oStf îice-.departuent ai. Wael 5iIDE - ~ ~ . a ai mtou. 'l'O tauodes pumbhae falle AýLL SWEb UMl Waukegsnphyliclam ns m 1 evenuctn vte""edon, of. tirs t.restlag Ismotratioms h bq ever snien outhey cW"lie corl of Ico rival artahdiil tor nwmaci. .oae 09- bm'4 pulmotor whih the NoutW*0 compeny reenly puciq1 cas -the Pob lag matuI- onatratlob of -tb. fémr.a'-, $odei r. i. eulci.U. teoîegscouaytm ral T. e Fowlar.bI DrIc. PiU#la deo" el but etrem lu iatory hae ue * wbotoh- hou- i.moms talii t f Dr.n jJSIS pWho hvImm é 01 te. l<la ..ac éruiùmt. lItbuii go »vins te o rpesle * orarIim sla' l~Ia a tmaul # plk LdThuous %LOeO"Wite Over One WIU W51ff.l*W ftl 4 guIdeS l ustevisei.-A e ih.U RNED SINS L DIuU. I.. Dec. *11.-Cbtr'l«sWel. ____- IFO IN CO R tut tfe.. Ifty retro cniforueriy o!etj MStmA 1,f CLOSIli. was led snd a Snce Christmas Nuaierou Withdepsb oiLU.rIfTIL' LflUNuOF itF10YBR 5V1'!Ri fumespersona ver. sertouuly burnei. HavemSen Rilie- Mme I.LAtAeSN 0 HiOI.hi 8 it tg .MA& S E sc ritO viensaImali boy thirec a baIlinu' C.nvrsPrne~ .p n:r N wC m AO Fu UIIRZS bga eb ftr LING UURNED mà cire serais overiuesd liv. cires. ILI V U ILINo SUIT FOR 010000 DAMAQES. t lii. lobne cire conaected a bigii&I ________ # Md lelIion vire carryiug 7,000 voits di * h* sa"n lgaësr by tice Olt INDIAN SUIT IS BURIME OFF iepiolie sud realdence iii, YRL NSRCS MN Wr Ail ý1illmC1* UIUW( VS. HIGHLAND PARK JUSTICE lot. vu ites. Wlcome vas kilied as hf ____ 5 FTeLu *Bd luracti on s igbt lu bisihorne. The uam 'hu-=Dsm-9 hou SOYa PLAYIMO NEAR FIK WI4EN ------- ___Members of DprinntOrdered 10 NVW u 0 if III5iUuhMr-. Pocer tli m'M «M ACCIOENT MAPPNEO; SAVBED NcCutrfi 501 DsoeConfisoate Air au- SUIT WHICi4 IO. A, MA6SON ILL toI - tic tman UV O@y UICK ACTION. Wsigo. A 3.Adneos^rote te 10Follow. ('hîcagoI Dec. 30 -Republican cs-a STAIT PROMISES INTINIST' clareti la tic ftnI inl iber sn ourfi D etfc1- aserdosstore bave agreeti upan a progra.t of INO DIVELOPMIYNTS.' chine ibac.d l un ________aoc coalerfit BScerlifcate.laid-progressive" measures vbicb tbey ________ o leof Norebk.vI tokbc tiiemont remarkabie Imitation M'bat Thos. T>rel. Aa't. chit!f i viiiatiocate st the coming session oftthpresalit ics* ledl u rrom Fred Yager, seveu-year-oidsce ie h aos"no ed Ib0plie hns ftepretwop e e giBlalure. Thie senators met et Attorney George A. Mason etf181gb. fensor Pasllh.niid aiet the Mu-. sud Mss. Fred Yager vOItetide note cas auppreased lu 1898. bas beu aented the baby boy wtb an air rifle H eu onPopiar sîrset near Eticarda atreet. discovereti by lie UnIled Stal« e. s-for a Xmasa preent vould not blhok -ImiltOn club. neariy aIl lb. the wealand park baa heen retained by UMieprocecidiislb cthet Bide fIer bati a ratier close escape from b&e-ct service. chici seultvsu-nlng good lu print. ty-five Repulcan members bains ro !thtcî~l tatcuefldeieo i ,&flg uudtedab nMn i ter- tireughoul the country!. ince Christmas Deek Sergeant prenant. Arliawsno hc iyt a s podrevai byoln te 11 Join Maynard, congenlal as on, usw- Teput edr odt b pl suit idthle circuit court of Lake cous-li clc cifnsi iflr co ce.ubi cohiu ca<bIs- aIy flutis blmn, as apentabilg. pou. ion that lie messures contaîneti la ty for $10.000 againal Justieote f4li. ir Fecer almso ld oethfe nng- !romn a bonfu-e near wcbb bad TURKS DEVASTATE EPIRUS ltion ni bls lime recording compiaintB tih. puoram mapped out are go thor' peace, George A. Pbillps e! Higbian lilau liabhave b"I. saW a" hua playlng. An Indiean suit cbicb ai persons wbo have hati Windows Ougbiy progressive tilt lhe tco Pro- pr.rC5iiratloV.- Il 09h a ealgvsprcia buned 1(111 WOiiiifand Chirel ..d Sur. brohen by boys wtb air ritles. pýk Tuesday1ehie! Tyaeil inesructedibis gesaive party memnber vin iold the The damnage case lu lh. recuit o it il si smnaItaàgiamoe mun- off bis body. 1Hie lega ver. blistereul AIl CIlihe. mn taconflacate ail air rifles founti balance o! power caunot do otier 1hauPbllcahivueiedMs aco bn WcasMuce* Bière cli omewhal. sud .be &utained a tew Alieus. Greece. Dec. il-An officiai lu the banda oi ernailiboys. loin viti tie Republicauis lu organ- sud coste for contempt o! court andi pou»ebapcldt cther borna but they are flot regardeil dispatcii ueceived heu-e states thal ontited 1 pu ylzn iàeae.Iraelgt su e ep11nls !larn thé fbsptaul 1as serions, baud under the. Turkiaii ebieflain. enlire limse cbasing up boys Who bave i'revious to the. meetingi o! &Iilie li.muin 5la f Tii. lad ci Charles Walace, nîne- Bekir Aga, bas devastaled tbe Zapori braken Windovs. The acuer oi lhe seustors eleven viWho lliovthe leader- ah. pald. Mie jiai under protestand su macinele katW year-oid son of Mr. and %ua. Chartes district ln EPirna, mausacrng leirktglahnss@ htli aage ahîp of Seustora Charles Fl. lîuburght. uov bas authioriedtihle sult perator la tins &hie.ta eo ED E Walaca oe 220 e! 2 ute0reCbeamenandhhstreeandturncg heen anaird, cdlîdr mannaanetia HburS.inaillhie oga HarInpheiredasonaMmed9that9, metostsuUaI dpeppl.a1 wr lyalntelte os aktrip ta the home of lie boy vitb lie HgiS aiIaiLgnHyl i ui aen o.ch gcime ulleiepi.h cer payugluli lttr oy bckchurciel. Tic refugees. who fled la air gun." Progressive group met lu a camcus. Si arresteti on a trivial compa nd t thie pnirnotor viea lie o yard. bu-. Wallace bad throu-a Ostar yuIfrmstrato la exiiauuted lie opeuu nome oid magaine, sud lie boys, 0& i o-rta- dlgfo saihoi Inthie fututre Mr. Tyrreli plans tu vas announcedtihiat elgieenof the vas cien sie asIeti for a change o! agaînat ILI" uniesi i. ia à and curianome matches. set lire ta theai- aud coid. canae the arreat or the par-ent vhose tweuty-flve Republicana bld slgued au venue anti made certain renuabrLtaeta bandi.-'Tii. oxygen laiq lmci- Tieu they lft hem fer a ville and ~I. latidd-t laI Tiinkisb regulara boy hati destroyed puoperty vitibils agreemnent ta coi-k di lb.heHurinu-gi- Pîllîlpa thal beoacidher for eomisupî,lumucii lie lame nmanse bo.. chen tli. autrned thireOu-vmd bmmcd tie bistortec conpeut oi Deuil' air pin. hma.V alirrvovr agliiilay faction. - tus c* *n a rbdeclceot tahvecnsmd h bos a o ak ann."Give te 2elbrrvle. The program of Igiaiatiou. as ablopt- lira. Dawson aoc ianl t~gircaciueWitmat-h The. Te ae o s u led bos a s uLk Jnn.Let them shoot up Ith ectiw.en give ed by aIllie seustora In lie general cas admînisteret *biule court was net 11luat as long a Ti Ygr o suatd ou ea ___________ hemn a spanking and aend them to the amoulderlng subers and beotoe be." Tial's vial a lot o! parents Meeting. lncluded Ove constItutieual lu session andti laI lie justice bilth e initiailcoolof! u-cb; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fo b.t. tasakht pie o a thie time you neeti a thorough o! Waukegan voulti do If tie police aednns i.snlr îi d-tte rlgb t e luen bertfone Lims eaI0fcariheak w.fs-lug ou bis Indien suit. M re uhî iIaecsl er nlm h ranou~ W.p Hrebi u-ee cf cleanalug. purifylng remnedy. HolUs1- vouid teave Waukegan for a day or cide later on cilciio! lhe Ove vili b. nila ti utcecslI2ce9i l eaaa u1Bý tero.leWlac otrs R. M. Teg llu anpenb. tco," said John Maynard. given procedeuce ai thisi. on. case cas calleti. oiflt*lu"ima Wit èaid, grabbed Up a broon MW began» ieOv aiedmutecr: ten bfs 1cheabs. t.o beauout licef"mes. Helaefforts - An ameudment provldlag for grcat, Sonde lard fic.. .arrangedILin euh ia vs preventigilscompanien fioubelai Ih u 1etv .u , rlatitude lu lhe amendenot he er daim t usther l tiat lie vas lete,1 tlhiie11181 i and mooe srouaiy bmmci. The. tact tiat Wftegan H asa vvuiaaiips-nant constitution,. go tiat at toast jdeeplyiumillateti cien Phillill, lu- air.',or azy d«&« 1 . ft0 ope. the Yasar boy cou-e heay, cioîlng un-.'. lree articles uay bc. meinded eta%*I e teati o! sendiug a Hghlad Park cou-. Tm&eluolioterftenea-.l ai l ~ ls ndia sut l sai la4ve f~U.'r i ~ us.- saable te ber-borne ta serve tic papers, by tie puluotor. o i bd r eaiosouit.la salnetmoreag- l iac m îae t ) I A m ncdet rvdni -~ seul la Laie Feuest fou- lie celos-eti e o f pisoia conî th&eroghensayawabroatenere serta un c ulretaiI fie. _____________ abolition ofthle sYstenu o! mlaositY ber anti cWh, segaysieace e ta as cI i ifis dertMdaLuLu rePresmtalBIon tlice leeliOn f o!sesm.Ltk. ber ta joli. bldt maniiedt tir toi a ~. ss a br fthe.bouma.phiuilipasya e Oued Mra. lDacson and ti atle clse. iyc odo.t SIX RESOLUTIONS .-cace Uand rroperty of vvaukseganîoes uuardeu A m nd me poligfor tcpoei nigiyatihli.e ao w xitcIn iu fo i ' ' hA f yaFm le IIS o ar C p Initiative ami refereaduni. course., figt lie case. He la the$ son las atrom n r fate 1 be-t a FASScD W11 Svo Mury" s.p rAn amenduent provliing forIiMer. ci Cropley phbllips, bead o! theetcaIe er àà coupalredt h vision et te aii gsyte.bajuof aighlandi Park. smm' p t ""' With the Brass Buttons"; May be Auamen iug symbu i i- __for___a_ orda mien ttiiey 1 T h enB ondao feocalpro vidini is u ns c m elon b i c i au l Ti. M " ir Bo ar f L o ltion fol;She 15 His Advlsor. $iotter baloet. foatuucs of the. mfs. r.çada~ nlgt paiseu resclulone b li as r muenied liaI tiissss-aesa-a - al addltiimal bat««u n'oi-Bverai lunirovements as follocI: logislaure give eme consideration WCKR IM KKRIE or . dosece'mt- Doué$&. ossavnue tain ht lu otiuatent; Waukegan bas§ a s-gai cmau PO- pauetlon, IL tigit bo sali tial the eta c helier thi.esel .nl iST SATURDAY cet 0 e iiig Waer main anti seer lu Mclrome ..coman, and. IL la ual a copper dmaMyeung lady stands guard chen Mr'. poelmmefrduritistate e ittlelypfacorsb avonctru utllc sre t eaitn ufemie attire. Cep entera tho patruil box te report 9i. the question o! caillasg a continu- lracla wWi secouai. Beer iu Laurel avenue trou Batrik If, iy chance, you .bouid bappen ta beadquerteu5. Tlie Cep ta be sure.,hoien] ooventiost. atteram n4 ordm *~,Wmt; B u erl B cWod iava-. t ansesal.'big cap' ant iebIsdy lu cae of danger, couiti be more Tieameuduent te thie federBI con- lu Chicago ou Satuu-tdi. a ylm M30.el fsou ,Wahigtn treet 1te irselove travelIng a nostiiaide 'beatl'ai-niapt t ilpltybMskil andiproceca sîllution providias for the direcet @ac- occusret the mawki- I. tM a.1 il> missy liil Il ie Mlywahiaide. klaiistroim. of Womstuý. te «r- datiSIc e' Iagg avene. Wtermain lan-'tdelit lu -am, dounl tu-tetch tby nec#i n- afiit u Iil Hie Ha tor cfilutedate s lce e lai. retz, assistant drum m elt --*" MW- Aveuq trou AhSIL reet;tla hestut mbier. fou- It. areported liaIthc-ar. bus Ico tg gusr-Tie peaco andi cas favorei aa Tanu tain ra ste gl-cabout to îe mars-led, propeuty o! Wàuk5giane, ant is - JrirlgaltoUellgdt A. . iavaeTrlals SaltieuGrant ie*l~ - 701tfl5lady love. thretn&0ud"19 it "g metl teth a-O hé «I* ________"Haa-dsome- 'as.he la Inoca;hy ggd<alidugil 1me1tic. Bemuaurarg. fouiloge distinct aubjeceu, VcAiais.nagse coreuoy lie neclyceda d. A-. ___bils pa is Ite 'Beau Ni-ammel' et tiie ssci of ltheilo" fOrCe9,aid - hiclady recohiucaict. lourue ta 10 ln ailCa fl hr »a bd iê agehmum &,maieisuru :ta -lcjqug ap aIlitn etOVfe' ets , alandi Park fclb. er uti-eY . la th. e swb utu biaa e i eom - ÎltàêwM.- .. ie - a s-Eauaobtno %ff -mi hia cita buliure. LO tiFa -- X ban cOd heei ic le orf l CDP. 1citt abanmmn om Mr. Md Mmb. J-~e*iIli*PaT.W «ak oi c lnum o t'be wdli, «»ciowu '00 t ré""ceOUS t, .-. 0*'" - J- 1 1 11 1 el» InM YFAS IN ADY" roua MOIS PART TWO.

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