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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jan 1913, p. 12

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AND ACT QIJICKLY WE CHALLENSE OWETTIU SWe have been planning this Sale. for Monýhs ...driving-'., Iower inorder to effect a complete clearace ofora, n for, as every womaui in Waukegan and vicinity remembers our January 1#1~ expect the event this year to go down into commercial history as everyonwtM much Iower prices than can be found anywhere in the country. Our PoIIc early to prepare for Spring,as our stocks are extra large and a reduction sýpI portance to those who buy, for it means goods of the highest characterat pi gest baruain event of the Season. CLEARANCE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE' CLEARANCE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE Ladie'OFlanel Chxl esFa of Ladies' $5.00 of Women's $5.00 of $1.50 full f$ of $2.00 Women's o 20 hl Lais lanl CidrnsFa- f$.0and Minses' c 2001 of 35c oe OPEN UDR e Felt Ail Wool length fianneletteHOS dren's and Childrep'g- 9:00 A. M. SKIRTS DRESSES HATS SWEATERS KIMONOS KID GLOVES SLIPPziRS SWEATERS ROSE _____AY 29c 29c 1.89 1089 79c 89C 98C 89C 21C CLEARANCE of 50e IVORY NOVELTUW 15C CLEARANCE of aul 75c AIRONS 35c CLEARANCE of 50c TEA APRONS 15C CLERACE of 5Wc Boys' ail woo' GRAY BLOUSES 3 7c CLECARANCE' of Women'e $1.00 UNION SUITS 85C CLEARANCE of Women's $150 Fine Wool VRSTS AND PARTS 1.18 CLEARANCE, of 75e Boys' Knee PANTS 37c Clearance of Waists AIl $350 .1ik àund lace waiste, clealra "Il"9 Priml .. 9 All $7tî nd $6.00 Silkç, (if- ton and Novel- ty wafiats, clear-2. ance price..248 $5.00 Coney Throws for Clearance .......... $2.00 $7.00 Marmot Throws for Clearance........... $3.50 $1000 Mink and Coney Throws for Clearance .......$5.00 $7.00 Caracul and Goat Mufle for Clearance .......... $3.00 $10.00 Plush Mu.ffs for Clearance.................... $4.50 Clearance ail Boy's and Overcoats Boys' $4.00 heavy cheviot and cassimere Suite, ' norfolk and plain styles. Clearance 19 Sale price .....................19 Boys' extra heavy and extra good mixture and serge Suits, worth $8.00 and $10.00, ail 39 suxes. Clearance prie ............ Boys' Overcoats in a half dozen different materials, specially priced for this clearance at $2.98 and ...................49 Cle arance ail Girl's Coats Children's new sample Coats, caracul and bear- skin, white and colors, button trinuned, ..14 2 to 6years ............... ......... 4 Girls' corduroy, cheviot, chinchilla and other heavy material Coate, norfolk and plain effects .9 AUl sizes. $6.00 coats .......*'*»«*.29 Girls fancy plush, velour, kersey and chinchilla Coats, ail sizes, $8.00 to $10.00 Coate 48. Clearance price ...........34 Valems--Low Prices --- Made us Faio CLEARANCE of $2 Cldr&en's Heavy DRESSES 79c And These Prices Will Surely Tempt You To Purchase. $12.00 Coney, Wolf Ma rmot, Lynx and Persian Lamb Muifs $5.00 $ 10.00 Sable Coney Sets for Clearance.................$4.98 $1500 French Lynx and Marmot Sets for Clearance.... $7.98 $10.00 Caracul and Goat Sets for Clearance ....... $498 $15.00 Persian Lamb and Wolf Sets for Clearance..... $9.50 $2500 Black and Biue Wolf and Fox Sets for Clearance ..$1275 $3500 Racoon and Oppossumn Sets for Clearance..... $17.50 $50.00 Beaver and Mink Sets for Clearance ...... $32.50 Children's $3.00 Caracul, Bear-skin, Muskrat, Coney and Martin Sets in white and colore. Clearance sale price .. 98c and $1.50 RUSSIAN PONY FUR COATS-Beautiful $5000 full length, moire skins, handsomely marked ................... $32.50 SURtS CLEARANCE of $3 Chllden 'e SERGE DRESSES 1.49 CLEARANCE of $1.00 Flannel- ette DRESSING SACQUES 35C CLEARANCE of $200 Heavy HO0USE DRESSES 59C DOORS OPEN 9 A. M. THURSDAY. CLEARANCE of ail 5Oc COMBS, BARETTES, PINS, ETC. 19C PE PUUCES--- COWSIDERING VALUE down on everything in the Store until they can possibly go no Zk as quickly as possible. This is the. great event you ail have been waiting irance Sale, which kept the big store crowded during the entire month. We patronizes this sale this year will find larger stocks and far better values at iands dlean stocks at the beginning of each season. We are beginning this' this nature on such high class goods as we selI should be of the greatest im- far below ordlnary. COME! COME! prepar ed to buy freely as it-is the big- MRANCE 'Leather 4BAGS CLEARANCE of $2.00 Chil cdren's BONNETS 69c 1.69 CLEARANCE of $500 Black or W hite FRENCUI PLUMES ci of LEARANCE $1.50 ail kinds CORSETS 79c ~EVALE3V NT v LÂS J.ONG In's Greatest of Ail Clearance Sale, of lligh Grade Suits &OUR CHOICE 0F ANY 0F OUR HIGH PIGED SUITS SIl5.00 - Ynine reserved--every suit in ek lncludel, whethcr the price LOO,- $3.500 or even those that were bd $50.00, ail must go at one price o n Tii. best serge, whipcords, broacd- irduroy, ide wales, diagowdis and biixtures. Many cf them are copies ________ ted modelz. Ah cof the best woolen ,el colors, aIl sizes. Plain tailorci,- mmed modiels. Your choie ... p. CLEARANCE cf $5.00 Human HAIR SWITCHES 1.98 _________________ n - -- .1 CLEARANC]m a Of $2-00 Lace-lé'nd of Embroidered .Sil WHITE PETTICOATS ¶ 98C ï CLEARANCE of 1.50 Children's orWomen's Flàn- nel NIGHT GOWNS 79c 39c 19c lOc 29c 79c CLEARAI of ahl $1.00 NECKWE NME 'AR CLEARANCE of ail SOc ?4UCKWEAR CLEARANCE of 50e Children's Flannelette PETTICOATS More Suit B argairs that will crete lively selling at HEIN'S. $15.00 Sulis $4.98 Mannish Serge Women's and Misses' Suits, in black, navy, brown, aiso fancy mixture Suits in a bigy. variety cf pat- terns. Clea rance price ......... 4.98 $25.00 Suits $9.98 Extra fine French serge, heavy cheviot, fancy worsted and no- velty Suits. Over 200 Suite in this lot. The most wonder- S fui values ever. Clear- 99 ance price ..........9 8 "The Progres sive Store." Satu rdî CLEARANCE of 50C HOCKEY CAPS & TOQUES ..Zf' Clearance, Wahâts Shirt \ and. s ill\NhIit#, \\ittal kîi-.8 ( llIr1Ie 5cw CLEARANCE -of $1.50 Ladies' and Girls' POLAR CAPS x A When You Can Oct Ihe Best Coats for These Prices Our Supreme Coat Offer---$30 Coats for $15 A most magnificent, lot of ail new coate in Women'e and Mismes' suzes. They con- sist of Rich Seal 511k Plush Coats, Imitation Persian Lamnb in new styles, Astra- kan, those beautiful Boucle materials, rich Caracul and Zibeline Coats, also rniany mannish Cheviot and Blanket Cloth Coats, to- gether with a nice showing in Baby Lamb cloth Coats. Each and every one of these Coats are either Skinner or Peau-de-Cyne satin lmned,.0 mostly ail fii11 length, a few three-quarter length. They are made up in xnany different styles with _______ three way velvet collars, frog ornamental, fancy buttons. Clearance Sale price at ................... . . . . . . . . . . - - i. i -I. - _______________________________________________________ tANCE pri-cees c1*pii- CLEAR ANCE of $5.00 BATH ROBES 2.98 12e 33c 88e 98c 69e Been En~a~ed. .. _________________ ________________ - .1 _________________ r -- SERVICE CLEARANCE of 50c Ladies' Muslin DRAWERS CLEARANCE of $1 Brassieres and CORSET CO VERS CLEARANCE cf 75e Women's Wool PANTS AND VESTS CLEARANCE of $300 MESH BAGS CLEARANCE of ail Ribbon, Flowers and FEATHERS 9Sco Ou ci of !LEARANGE $1.50 INFANTS' SHROES CL of$ and - IEARANCEý $1.00 Ladies' 1Chikireri's RUBBERS 100 $3.00 WASH DRESSES $1.00. EXTRA Sales Ladies have ~mbr--Ths igClearance Sale wiII 'St&rt SaturclayJanisary. iue- until end,-of the month. Corne early- while the choos' W." Clearance of Al Skirts A big selection of ail wool serge and other heavy niaterial skirts in Woenen's and Misses' sizes. Our $500 Skirts at Clearance Price 2,948 Heavy wool serge, diagonxal cloth, whipcord and novelty mixture material Skirts. $600 and $7.00 value. Clearance'Price 3e48 Ail $8.00 and $10 French serge, Bedford cord, voile and best nov- elty cloth Skirts. Clearance Sale Price 3,e98 Clearance of ail SURtS Clearance of Ail Shoes1 Women's and Misses' finest patent colt, patent kid, vIil kid, duil mat kid or cravenette cloth top but- 1ii ton shoes. Ail $3.00 shoes. Clearance Sale price I1.>74., Women's and Misses' gunmetal and extra fine patent, îiitest toes, short vamp, 15 button, small perforation. Posîtively a $400 shoe.. Clearance 26 price . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .2 6 -3 Women's and Misses' higli top -3 button boot, tan and patent, posi- E -a tively a $6.00 shoe. 3.50 Me4 Clearance price .... 3 eý» Chlldren 's Shoes in patent colt and kid, 2to il à% e) ~~year .......... Children's heavy caîf and patent shoes. 4 to il years .............. 1.29 Children's hghboots, $4.00 shoes ......2» CLE of $1 mi PET CLX of $5.C PET CLE. of WC nu"e IE P 4 CLII of Chi WO4 CLIC o! $2A Colon> NU PE'T CL! of $5 Deep Trinul NIGE Clearance of A Dresses THEY MUST GO--NO MATTER WHAT PRICE. Choice of 150 heavy winter dresses in serge and pop- lin. Ail sizes for Women and Msses. Each and every one perfect in fit and finish. A very desirable $5.00 garment. Clearance Sale price ... 2.79 . Choice of about 300 serge, broidcloth and, corduroy dresses, long sleeve. I -. Robespierre collars, $12.50 Dresses '~ Coie f 4.89 Cocofabout 100 beautiful dancing and party dresses. Chiffon, fancy net, Sdelicate shade. Made with new drape skirts, lace bodies, beadings, etc. 9,098 Clearance of ail Coats At a Great Sacrific 4PfLflfl M.11-uW fnuatap 4&9 O Nice long black and color Coats in mixture ma- terial. 'Very newestsf ets with deep collars and cuifs. Clearance Sale price at ..........................09 $15.00 New Coats $6.98 Handsome Coats for Women' Misses and Jun- iors. Cheviots, chinchillas, melton eloth coats, etc. Ail colors. Clearance Sale price .................... 6.98 IN $20.00 New Coats, $9.98 Your choice of about 150 coate in chinchilla, caracul, broadcloth, zibeline, double faced ma- terial and fancy weave coats. Ail very stylish models for dress wear. Clearance 99 Sale price....................... 9 1 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 1 ce M

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