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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1913, p. 13

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~ÀKtObtlftymnmm~z~,: RIDAY, JANLTARY 17. 1913. %1~sS IT ONE OR.O'ANIILS DiSCOVERS A DE- ftËer IN MCt~-TBTHAT. He DOESNT OWN IT. ¼DEMUSTRATION AT N. PARK DOCM BAND OTHERS &Et DEM- ONSTRATION 0F PULMOTOR AND THE LUNOMOTOR. P'ony resîdenta of Higgbland Parki --lueludlag doctora. dettta.fireffl., policement and citizen#, witnesa m d.Moesrtion of [b, PUIntO[LOrsnd F. T. Powlersa luagmotor at HlglDll Park Ttsday evening sud atter it sast conctuded [lie guesasail felt [bat Mr.1 Fosiers machine habanaasy advan- tages over [lie pulmotor.-1 Dr. Danlela sas sent dowu hy thlu gas company to demonstrate [be puli- motor. %r, Fowter asksid permissionu îoatos bw is macýhIne alonumde the oth b er snd i wass .ranted. r 1 Dr. Daulels explallied fieli îuiîtOr, fler which I r. Foster gave a taik about hie. lungioor. -The consensai 0f opinion when te dermopatatioti vas contplated.' sald Dr. Danlela,. 'Sas [bat .wr. Fosiera machine le fuly as efficient as [the puimotor and bans sane adv&pff.les [the latter machine dopa nqt pumenes. There 11s 0f ly one ob- jections shîcli 1 could offer 10 Mr- Fowlers mschiuc and that la. that 1! do not ovinIf,' said the dovfor ln coti clusion. Evrywhere the Fosier machine la denonstrat@d betore dotorsanad otber profrllOfana men il atapeais to [hem aý betng on.e of lie mont souderful dis- * overlea of thie age sud everybody ls of [he opinion [bat NMr. Fowier ban à fortune l infi and su tbrlng fame [0 bieU ifand [o shatever clty iala - vomd witb it2 manufacture. RU, OSTROM IN E AST, PREACIES TO YOUNO PEOPLE rtMluud Fru Page Ou*-) H allova ln it. en[e [bat kinsl ifo nd maless01117 [bat kifld of flsah. live & motI anap, sud you easily- stee shre Yeu oiasaify. A Christian la fnt con. ho vears his religion an a badge on earth ând aspects to enter heaiven by mens of [bat badge. Chr1a- tiabity la lie lu normal existence an.] ail other waysaiae [lie alinormai ops. Cbultigulty basn[lie mnopOlY ou bow to .mkatif.tssucceed." At tlie close Of the service manY Young people publily expressed s de- sire [0 lead a more sincere and ef- fective lfe. and a number stood fa. Christ for the ie lt sf me. The meet- Jlia are a auccesa lu every way atnd large reaulta yl conte before [leisec- les endsenoujanuary 20. AT WOODSURY, N. J. I Woodbury, N. J., lau. 7.-Henry OntiomthIe Quaker craugelilt. ot Greeucastle. mnd. abo aI[lie presefît lime la conductlng a great union r" vival meeting lu Nor[h ('amdcu churches. bas been engaged by repre- seutativea a! [he varioum Protestant churchea lu this cty ta couduct a stum I. liar seres of meetings liere begnn ou Tburaday. .anuary 23. A commit- tee of two members front cd churcb ail)lie appolutcd as au ciecutive cati- I uttte [o have charge of tlie meetines. Ail of [the nîglit niectîraga ailho led in 'Xe.mble M. E. churcli. becatîme of lts ýgea[ apacity. The day meetings viii ho beld lun[lie variotta churches. SUPT. EBERT SAVU. tc-anttaue.d front PageOne) explosion occurred [lie shodkta lres M t th le floor and Injured my !tead réeeely [bat f amt afraid îny raîîî w46ffected.[îy bandes ere litrn- ed&tooeverely [bat J4lhave lbtth[le U # et[hem. A tes daya ago ntY alfe vIt to [lie sîtgar refluery and aaked f gassitance anîd [bey sauted [o bher $17 [o square everything ni, 14 ah sald ahe sould flot talte IL. 1 g4s [ey figure thia hi the extent 0 oeir complensation under the lia- bUAty- set, igurlng one-haif oftuîy W. 90 centm a day, tis [o start af[- r. et he olgtb day iva. ln [the hoapi- Mi. Ebert'& Stctement, Mr. UIbert. imperntendent et the Cn Protlnots-plant, vas anbed for a hOoipaa l a sieg,' a ditur- éier Blg ta1aIt" bo msaut. H in the ouÏÏ mani out et those lnjured Who ta dsatieried. Au fer as hibts D RCL R E D chargea are concerned they are tala.- boode' r an show eroi my boFoksIJI3ANT wi wil Indicate vr i nyta R N A K A T gave ordera [o butchera. gro-ers, an d CT fST O I " da[ristahave hm and theoath- .i0STLOI they n.eed. This was up to [l. ie r that our comps.ny physicien profloutlc- TRAIL OF TWO MEN, ACCUSEO UVJ ed hlm able to restime woyt. Now thebe 44AN BIINA, LEADS FROM trouble wtbhlm la tht he wants ta WAUKEQAN TO ST. LOUIS. safy atilhomle Iow and do nothing wttlle ail bis grocerlesansd MeW bllas are proffdèd for. Aa far as hie sigle- mnt tbat lie waa offered $17 as hlm $200 BRIBE OFFER FAILS comnpensation, It in a matakre. It bap-1 pefla that at th@ tInte of the accidenWtN" SET HTlrR be had tbat mucli money comîng 'oa TESABET HT FR hl. and we have been ready to payj EIGNER TRIEO TO PAV HlM It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T [oN hl a ay hle Tc mott - S"- of bis compeusattlo I la fixed by a @tale _____ las whicl Iol very strict and se couli flot deviate fronft i f vw" deslred. ThIne ,,».I.,.I for thé mniîrerer4 of Awlc compeation wbicb lie cutiget la in Aldowis, sho sas iaiti anid hlmisody addition to [he moeiey lie haild o'oReut up lu bis coItee-bouse on Hl- te blm a i saiary. i oltered tosidrf CcaoletSna.wk peay Goodonis' reut. ltartîiafroin t[lae trt hcg.Ia udy a tinte ofr[the aveldentand 1 sas senît a ePxtefIded yesterday [o Gary, Wauke- bill for reit startini; Nov t5-[>es iet gala, Argu and St. Louis. Joi as If li a snlcere? There La The trail libi Cartal Steliben no effort on our patta deuY (Jood K. Ilealey and bis men arc fb iowliug ouhi. anythlng but lie la almPIv ntuk- Iiit aeffort [oal<wate t[eIiilerpeirator,. lng àaemisdtand pisy, o [iat lie arn of tiue grewsome tragedy leit from [he nol ave o Sn, iud rti ave v. , sd[alld iiamlr ut 466 North fi lased [bingftîîruisbed hini. Iols 101wfa 4afi Wnkg. ad in'l foir a 'soft IsuaP,' ;4S1. ,LosWitl, the graduaitiînraveI - . fît of the. mystcry twn new nismeq have bceii added to tbat uf lassari u51151 ASta, ciio ai firsf sah [bought ta bave WAUREGAN CO ni l, tith[e deail alone. fata l), aD~ snad (lilamel tmer, lntimatesv quaialiances of ina.. are belle-jedb M ER IIA W i e police to bave been Implicaf cd lJ, -UEO TUESDAYI h w d weeb&gtIt eclear himseif lun[tie eyes of Capta[nu iContlflUsi from Page DO.) f iv, sho questloued lhlm during ftbe [day, assertcd [bat thcy hll done t[l cesla 4ny buinegs. mîrder, NMr. Morrson ls Otte ai acquaint Daniel A. Roai., a ltiticlier -o 922 ed ln Waukegaii, tlirotigb havlng visif (rand avenue. coufronfed Sîna it the ed hor frsqusutly and bavlllg attenàij es Chicago avenue police sitation ed a ium b er f soi al fu rtif lo n Stis as d identlllcd blm , as thb" m ati w bo la a talented youtig wuian whose fhadliîorrowed the sas aith wlicb flic comiug to theliectY wai Le an eventi body of the vlctlm bad he-en dismem- bered. As Rai accuaed Bina thie lat- ter edged cloae [o hlm and lu a hoarse whisper exclaimed "l'Il give YOD $200 if you'IlI sy no-teif [hem that 1 dld flot get any sas front ynu." "I do flot want any money from you.- repliaid Rail hotiy, -you are the mati sho came ta my »hop snd asked me [o ]et you takle tlie saw. 1 gave 4 -Il It o YOD and you neyer came bacta - wltli Il. That l nysaw [bat the Jpoliceman tound lu your cottee bouse.ý 4 You borrowed tlie saw. The body luna found lu yotir bouse. Il wasa al blood, No, t1siil ot laie your mouey.. butcher trausiated tlie couversationi to thli police. A basket fllld aith cliarred bonen CH4ARLES MORRISO0N. ýwhicli bad been [allen from tlie stove One ofthe hnd mo of th Glob ude- ite colYeitouse and s chair apai- partment store, who Tuesday aveu- tW ihbod nwihteda ing lu Chicago wasmamrrled [o Mis' 'nilit ie ssmure d, o ae ouglilth Anna Jaffe. They have goue Sout, ef'drdwr ruh and Est onun eiht weka fah flicthe olice station. This and thli and saon a ihtw s'hn-coullictîng storles told by Bina bave cymoon. iiracfiealiy catinced [lie police ot hie Ot IlUPOrtance fa [Mr. Nlorrleoîn*i saltl guilt. circlc of fictds. .Mr.and lIra Morrlaau, foiioalng tiîeir boucyaun, ail corne to WOau- OFFICIAL MOST REAL kegan and go to their liane oitCi] - ESTATE TEBSYEBA. lett e aventue, fornterly flic Crockett PFurnisIod hy lilave. it bas lng becîî furnlabcd for Lak*e Co. Tille & Trust Co. itepir aceontfioittioiîdîtringtg he paatI Absîracte of Titis. Tlis Guaranteed. icw aceks. Masoulc Temp lîdge. Phions 4. K ENOSHA LED THIE lisdt osletaE. Mareabal, part F IGIIT VS. CHICAGO .sueldi5iOuio! ilhbock a56, Ida M. yoîigtig J.1H. isain, lin-. It watt Kenosba, Dot Butfalo.t,.1iiiv ided one- hait lots 13 and 14, bock land, Detroit or Milwaukee ihiat lia> 17. Waaliitru Springs, Watiibgan. W. kuocked out Chicago request for nmore't1) $10. Sater for Its drainiage canal. The! I lataycette Simuler iÏy. L. Slusser, Kenosha Newsagays a, seo il ntuet lie luI tu village o! Liliertyville. W. D. so. The News says: Si$1 'The proteat of Kenoalia, badked b3 I.G A aelluind ite ta B. E. Sny- 22 other Grsa[ Lakes porta, iucltîding der, lot 17, Atali's subdivision sec- Dulutli, Toledo, Cleveland and But- ti.,ti 31, Atif loch t>wnihili. W. D. taio, lias heen succesaful ln 1revetit 2lffl. lug Chicago front ecring a permit,{iharles Bock and site ta Marie fromntlery L. Stillaon, secretary W! Loekheaeï, fots [l and 12, block 1, war, for a flow of 10,000 cnfie feet of _________________ LakeMiîchigani sater per aecaui--______ tlirougl its drainage canai.* IVaukegan Rebekali dcgcee staf goem [o Lier[yville Prlday even iug the 17th, to Initiate a large nuntheri of candidates and elahocate prepara-_ [ions are beiug made at Libertyville fer [bol' visit. The Waukegan teant go«. out ilu a speclal car. leavlng Ber- ryas corner at 6:30 o'clock and [bey are [o [abs [heir ful equpent aiong o Make the ork asa effective as po- ible, Many from tlie Wauxegan lodge pbtn.'accopazaying [ho test. Husgues yon up. cloes thsle beal, you tom diseret ail ovr-it'a ltoIliI, teMI.M.IL sa. l'est for howels tas GAN BIC UID AT MOM- Unatgbtly pimpless sczsa spdl al askin eruptiOns are moot relieved iy simply applying. ex-' ternally [so qr [lise tintesg day, CRAIN'B PIMPLE RESIIO. A, cean, liquid, mnqn-gi'eBa preparation [bat gsou rigtattbe, sent of troubles, as noao *BB salve, [bat clogp [bthepomg4i cm.11. sale ani suit. »8 istosui meditie[o ruwot th 1$S2eM ~AW G.s.s.. St. apralgues oubdtvition Prairte Vies. Q. IL O D IL Frankl Burrsanafd sift o J. A. Rad-1 gection 1à, lbertyvlie township, . A. J. Austin and wife to Mielluda iloyes, 3.67 acres aouth of coiinty farmn at libertyvîlle. W. D. $1000. Margaret Siomer and husband [o S. C. Arthur, lot 60, Corys addition to Waukegan. W. D. $1. AIea Odet[ to John Whiteway, 1 acrp at Druce Lake. W. i. $4(0 Johuson, 40 1-2 acres ln subdivisl,.ion I aud 12, Cuba township. %V' D,$3,.- 108 .37. P. Clritensen and wite- to F. G. Fuller, east 1-2 lot 12, block 6, War-f renis addition Waukegan, W. D. $3, 000. 14,4ate or John Woodbrilgf. decpas- ed. to P. W <'ook, lots 36 f0 :29, blocki 14, Washburn Park, North, ('hicago Deedâ $1 AUTO CASE IS ON IN COIJXTATTRÀCTS MUClI INTEREST CASE WHERIE CHICAGO YOUTH *SFEKS DAMAGES FROM LAKtE CO. MAN ENDS TODAY. The case of Louis Dort against Afi- drew Whi[e, lu Circuit court la at- tracting mucli Intereet. This la the caseesbee-a Chlcago-iad sue a Grays lakts man for $4,000 dantge on the charge [bat h. (Dort) sw u unover by White'a machine lu Chicago and had hlm rn broken as a reaui[. An IntereuUng idelîglit came [bis mornlug vheu a (Chicago uewalioy. Erie IHansen, sho said lie sa.9s aliugi papers at tlie corner wlien fthe acci- I denît occurred, aloo claimed lie sas run dosu b7 [lie aame machinue.and lad! is aliuder burt. Previous to this, . .NIr, Whi[eeliai nver heard anybody; but Dorf dlaIm to bave been in thel way of [lhe Machine. Dr. DeWitz, [the physician wbo at- tendaid Dort and who did flot bear [the evîdecce of Tuesday. sent ou the ait- noce stand and told how lie bai [et- porarily put a split on oct', artn and IIbathle boy sent home. He ttended hlm [lie nex[ dal, aeting [lie boue. Tii. plaintifs a ad clalmed previousiy that the boy sas unconseclons[lre. daya. The defense aima brouglit out [bat lie at[orney front Chicago wbo ap- dipsataler [lie acoident, had qulzzed hlmn concernlng tlie accident and Han- men alao adnttted ho bai been visited by [be attorney. The nessboy ad- Itt[ed lie sas a frlend [o Dort. The evîdence sas ail finislied Ibisi atternoon aud [lie attorficys tarted on their argumients about 3 oclock. Il sas expectcd a verdict wouid lhe oh- tainod Ibefore Surt asjourned thie evenlng. Xvery achool îîupil in Evanston must show on or befoce Jan. 17 à certificats of vaccination agaiuat smallpox witli In [lie laat steven years. Pallitig [o prodtice auclicertificts th le puffl' musat sumit at once ta vaccination ori be excluded [rom acbool. The neA order resui[cd train [lie discovery on yeterday [bat Misa Portta Hase. a tcacher, sas ii i ah amallo, afetr liaviug expo-ed many pîtpilm. For yotr vi uniacha salle. cleansi yotr boacîs aand liter aiibholitrs R. M. Tea, kPeePs>ou wsdi. makes yaii weller. 35c. -Onlv BLAMELESS FOR DEATiI 0F CLILD CORON ERS INQUEST IN JOHN COSTINI CASE MÉLO THIS AFTERNOON IN CITY. MANY WITNESSES TESTIFY FROM ALL INDICATIONS THE] COMPANY DID ALL POSSI13LE TO PREVENT ACCIDENT. OPEN E!VNINGS IaJte ountig lnbepeubUd Uauhcgan lueekIp %un Zionites better be very careful of how they tr" lace works people, for, with that institution out of M the town would be "dead as a door nail." +I Kenosha officiais are deterxnined to force erop owners in Kenosha to clear walks of snow, and te " man of the street and alley conunfttee of the coMM , council has ordered the arreat of ail delinqueuts la Ul matter. If this rule prevailed in Waukegan, the city w have to, borrow the arxnory to house the defeudants In. Voliva says the earth stands stili-tbat the Sui movlng. We're glad to hear that the overser admit# I Sun in on the move for, lately the general overseer bu!f causpany fron, blamne sas rturned made, but, admitting it's on the move, it's an ad"i [has aftcrnoon lun[lie case of John thal h. knows the Sun la a live one instead of a "dead 01 Costini. [lie boy sho saR struck bly_______ a fast train at the Waer atreet cross- ing on Nouday, wag rot urned lîy the Aller ail, the Libertyville man against whom Ji coroners jury f hi- . f*,ernü.,o ment for $150 was given iu the Circuit court, got off - The lnuiest sas set fou lOis ait- because th. jury, by its verdict, held il believed it M takng o:m. ew ew:éti mI~who used the frying panon lhe complaitunt'à noue DlO tboa. relaf cd ln The StuiOnf on tiday ing two niMal boues.. $150 for Ivo nasala- b 'oni e. evnlg.are broughlt i cheap because boues of that sort are scarce and cSmi Ttîcodore [itkanip,.flic gai*,man af duplicated handily. [lie crossiiuîg also was plai'ed ou th-._____ .1 chidrentutolic arefil aut irossitît hle tracks aben traînas ere coîîîlng. lis afory was praetically the saute aa told lni The Sun Monday evcuiug, 9o far as could lic seen the. raiirosd c'omfpauY seemed to bebiamefeas as [lie gates were dowu shen fihe aerci dent bappiened, ftle boys -bavlng dart- ed under flic gates an nt th le path of [the train. C'orouer Taylor pot various sItues - ses on [lie stand and f rom ail the facto it seemed [bat everythlug possible liad been doue ta prevent [lie accident. lien sho bappened [o al[neaa [the ac cident told boa [lie yotfnga[ers darted out from belilnd on@ train Into tlie îiatb of another. Tiîcy tes[illed [bat the gates sere down ath[le tInte and tbat tlie boys crawled under [hem. It sas [bouglit [bat [lie[so matli boys, cousina of [lie victim and wa were wl[b hlm aith[le tinte of [lie se- chdent, miglitlie piaced on [lie stand. but it sas decided [bat [bey sere ton, maita o [ell a coherent story. It was ahown [bat the gateman. Mr. Bot- Ikantp. always lias been very caret a dtrlng [lie ntny years lieha s erved as gatentan ai thîs crossiug. CLAIN MAN SOLD WITlIOUT LICENSE; HiE IS FINED $25 t Continuted frontrage one)I against the Rouen bacli comaiafly t- Iug orders for shoes bore on lhe grounîl that local merchan[.a alould lie gît-en tlie proeereucc rather f han Itincrant merchants abho are **bore o day sud gone tomorros'" LAGE FOREST STAR INJUREO Bliai. iis., Jan. 14.-Beloit son the firat gante of "littIe five" confereucel cliedttie hure touiglit front Lake For- est by a eoore of 20 [a 17 lu a liard. "01191 îtcouteat. Osborne, thle aCrap littie guard of [lie L.ake Forest teant iîurled lilaît ito a radiator lin[lie seiond hait and smashed is kîîce. giviîîg placee la Gray. Winlers germa and iînpurl[les are i n your system--Hollister's R. M. Tea sili drive [hem out; [cy il. s One large office-store building in Waukegan May h a new heating appara.lus-neirt summer. The coittr"c the plant wua let tbree months ago. EncorgUm held out to, the tenants because nome of the datq rived yesterday even thcugh nothlng "ehe bas esud as y et. Bo, you see there'is a real chaînneof! getrég -atIt before June-and theywo-4NO glumnbing work is'more slack at that llme-aad 1he pli befî aren't supposed to hurry or keep toc busy. This is the kind of weather when the mm in iU who in wealthy enough to uay to himseif: "W.ll, guol take a trip to Plorida (or CaMiornia,) for a wuk or ta and accordingly starts off withoiit a cars ithe0W- However, umually the mail wfth unllrnited MOU. kind in abadoff a he felow who annt M è * declaration andcarrit out. In 11. cef 1th* aq cannol afford to go because he hau't th1e rnouqit of the other, h. cannot leave blp MOR67 malters go1 denly and therefore, As a ruie, the lwo are on a par u long run. 2Weeks More in which to F, C Se ide l tÇ 1> I have moved my offices to Room 207, second .floor of Schwartz Building, corner of Genesce and Washington Sta. over Security Tille and Trust GO. 1 wMl engage in the gencral, practice of law and give specwa attention to examnination Of Abstracts and Real Estate Tiles and to the business of Exec- utors, Administators and Guardiàns. 1). L. Jones' buy goods at Less Than Cost Prices- We must dispose of every garment ln this big store during the next 2 weeks Our last day s Saturday, January 25th Dont Wat-Buy Now-you wII neyer get as good a chance again 25c 511k Lisle Hose' i 15c 1.00 Shls,69c or 3for.2.00 7.00.Sweater Coatsa 5.45 50c TUes, 39c or 3 for 1.00 640Sweater Coats . 4.45 25.00 SultsorO'Coatsl5%5 5.00 Ail Wooi Union Suits 2.75115.00 SuIts or O'Coats9.US Comme Wbile lihe Cominen Is Deel =Umm 11 1 1 0 e ,-- i

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