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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1913, p. 9

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--t~~'~yf t- -~ i. AKE J)UNTY" 1N1*.)EPE NDENT WVA .UKL(,..AN WEEKLY SUN VOL XXI.-No. PART TWO. 1 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., JAXUARY 17, 1913. BIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YZAR IN ABVAI r *,~ iT,?IEACI sTO SPEOAL OUESTS GATHEA IN AN loo««NN TABERNACLE TO M4A IAN COMINO HERIE REVIVAS PROVE SUCCESS umADw#40la TO CONOUCT MÉgI'-, imd it INWAUKEOAN IeNOW AT CAUDNV N. S Décan»e thé Rev Henry Otrom I. théefman seletéd to Conuat the ré- vivat meetings ln Waukegan cîthîn thé mat fév montha, thé tlégrania * betovlefrei thée isat w here lie la nov Ç cOdUCtug meétings, wiIl bc read altIt p local latérest, vig Waukelgan an Ide ofbow thé évangelat la bélng -t- reeiva.4 in thée satérn ecIle: The évaugeltatlé meetinga in thé Tabrpch. ehurch maua igbtLwaowéJ atteded mil Evangéllat Hennyi-O. twe ditYéi-éd a powerfui Meésage te thé Young people, speclal gueula o! thé oecoi. Théns vert groupéd ia theécesSyal blocks of peva and even the choir, oompoééd I$Méli of thé YOangva.Issal"gned to bés ailuthe body, of thé bousé. Thi aubject ef the mUret. Va 'What jào Wé LIv# yl- l'it Walstâted that lme .lp l#ould hé ulleweite, 4eave port vîthout a dotISIli destination. 'bea ~thé Young 00ONg w.até MhaI "Whu tdo you lIv *9. Whiéeare i-ou @saingi"' «bout lve fer physlcal appetîtéý F-ou are nietéli-an anIsa ',buff AupretenIg that w» *11- butdivinéetne fes Iboé 11* tbhnuthât AU* rp éOod-handd. Tour f4JePL ea0.4 M", théeauh ~~WOM.;Wu b"hmd fo e owo ««él irai- At the ~ 11s~~a uie v.or.clotbés have a a bp iaI of lire, f' tagoda asecond bét gifîtou y« eucan't rush- work unies. p~la il- . vrt, Anhop. m. Braîth a~e Onl rv -a soft saap.' Thé Werpty rIci g ilIes upoi véslth and 1* Op évétybody'a var. Bile can't play «solé eoek glov. la ome end or thé hdluMe on the piano et thé otltpr *ed of thé bomeé. Thé Pig ivé. e.ott (Cemtluma on Page DIve.) nUTOe ET SAIS §AN 15 AILE TO WOIK BUT WON'T BAU CNARGES 0F GOODONI& AS-COMINO PROM A DOT- BER 111AND DISOROANIZER wHMAT GOODONIS CLAIMU SAY* COMPANY 18 NO? LIVING UP TO -TERMS OF 7THE LIA- WLITY STATUTE. À twuééaua tiv !Thé Blin od&Y w» i"sdto ylsit the home of Joéeph COOOMI 1 104 Plocaffilli- court, onéet thé e 'IwWM in the rtlcéfltexplo- sienou e tuéWankegan plant oi the = CamRétinlng cosay. Mr. =Ma ho got a chabhy deC%ý a 1Imle vas kopt lanthé bus- i8t.fl~ré véké aMd thonivas du Iacuréd, hein# todt!e ogo té a Bemye futther that a- ocempani- agrééd 10 "stand '.ibi groclerle. etc., whi.e hi le d ihé .ought crédit éâ a St-, tbat filéofficIai. or haye poativeli- réfusei te agreement. A. % réiunt lié and hi. <amilii, cou- Sthé diront »"e and hé what théy triasons te 0w . tiÙt If lver* une for'thé 114> h 508 ocmaoaahy roin hlm f $i Ue t hirether w.uldail11 -'usae. to 've;rt. é a as lt*puav~ Whésthé au j'mIt $1,50 PP#OPRIATION FOR IlAMR REPORTEDTO CONURESS; FOR MAIN1'EN= ANÀ NCE 0F LOCIAL JIARBOR NI . West Says That Deepenlng of Harbor Is -*erPt bq t $ ý4Tk_ Breakwtvr Aise Sboud MEm~ned . Shft in.to K~&é4TIà Ui Vlftl glà. Thé fiet pork barrer" appropria- ber of viibic yards 0f aand whicb tien bill 0f the prresent asesIon of would jhave- te be rt-moved. Congréais al! Washington vas report- -In gly opinion the biggest need of éd te the House on Moriday wheu the thé, local harbor at the présent Ui rivera and harbors committee brouglit liq the' extendlag of the breakwater te lu lts annual apipropriation bill pro- the shore lune se that the nortb winds vldlng 140,80t . 00 for the Improve- and the nftural lake cuprents wil lot mnent 0f rivera and bai-bora throîigh- carry lte sand lnto the harbor and oui the United States. The commit- foi ni a bar there every year. I beiie'.e zee agreed on the meaaure atter a this would havýe béen- a bhet ter plan strmy session tb.at Iated severai. than extending the north tuer and l' bourg. The bill containéd among oth- ain convinceid that theéUime a not faný ers, Ilte folovlng item: "Foar thé dlistant when this preraution milt have Waukegan 4111.) babor, 118,b40. 'te hé takeii.i Acoerdlng te F. Ili. Wejt. man ager -4o fan as deepening the harbor tel 0f thé Western Coal and Dock com- a dopth 0f 21 feet ie conerned, tIti.t pnwy ln Waukégan, a man who la probabiy yull not corne for a few yeart; thoro'ighly conversant with ûondItions yet, although Illai.very badiy needed et the barber, this appropriation le as there are mnny bosto which c<an-- Dlot for the mut--ieeded deeplng of flot enter bers becatujieof the instiffi- the barbor, but ta merely for main- Ment delth. In the nîtantinié. vs tenancé porposés. yul have te go on, inaking just the "This1 appropriation provîdea for béat kiud of a showing vse au undér thé removlng of a possible ud-bar, the cirçuifltaflees so that vs can dem- the rspalrlng of the plers or the onstraté tllat thé deepefllng of the bar- biekwater and fer' dong anything bon vould hé a vIse move." whlo may hé nécesaary toe miutaîn Thii~s tétémént fr0. Mr. West vîlI ~bhég11." >Mr. Pé, u!0. '*go f ar'cata. somre dlsapiinmét. ass mani- ai ièi"allhg tR fthé harbor tu con- 'hame Uiougbt the appropriation would cermed t would requirea Iuib lai-g- be uséd for deépenlng th~e harbor, flot or' appopalatli o ut bow large 1 coutld reallalng thé treméodous ceor 0<aflc hltamy nWîl I b.d flgurLt.09bnumin- anullh1tovmént. NIANNA 1 iA IN ELECTED PRSIDENT 0f NEW y .C.A. WAUIE4iAN - 1 MERCIIANT WED- DED TUESDAY DMNUAL MEETING 0F DIMECTORS CHARLES MORRISON 0F GLOBÉ OF 7THE Y. M. C. A. MÉLO ON UNITED IN MARRIAGE WITM TIJÉBDAY EVENINO. MISS ANNA JAFFE. STIIER COMMITTEES NAMED LEAVE ON LONG HONEYMOON NAMES 0F WOMEN'S AUXILIARY COUPLE TO BE GONE FOR EIGHT ARE IVEN OUT-TO SET IN WEEKS SOUTH AND ÉAST, THE PLEDOEO MONÉY. RETURN ^BOUT MARCH Thé ;nnual meeting of thé diréctora of thé Waukégsn Y. thi. C. A. wus eld Tueaday evénlng lu Présidenit L. P. Hanna's Office and thé foloving of- Oicen, vêeeIl re-eléctéti: Presdet-L. P. Banna. Vice Préaldent-B. A,.%junson. Recording Serretany---evI0 I Buahniell. Tréant-én-Louls J. Yagér. Drectors-L. P. Hauna, C- W. Dlv' et, litéd W. Cook. &E B. Yagér Plnancé Cornmtee-Joba E. lHall. George Carbart. L. J. Yagér, C. W. Dîner. This commiltés vil at once stat tthé vronegtbîng lu théet-e- mamier et thé pledgesauasquiclcti-as possible. lieus. Commlttee--B.A. Muson, U J. Yagér. John B. Hall. Rates Commltteé--< W.- Diver, E. B. Tagét, S. A. Hathot-né. Lédléa' AuxUlary-Meadanéé W- C. Bonbon, L -P anna, George Carbant. John E Hall, C. J. Just. C. P. Bîscit- 'mer- Thé latter commttee la eépédiaiîy ittrested lun tb. furniablne fund. Woft on thé building la progt-esilng rapitili. Thé beating plant wîlI hé completédt Ibs vei. vhlchyl per- -mt î'umhlngthéeplaatetn d uithe rer malade? et thé inaide voTIt Thé atluaI.ail lu placé, thé gym- asalu in laprscticalli- douésud thé avinseung bool la completuti. 1Tt. vue ,ne changés In lte ofI- cérs éloéti. INCORPORATED TUESDAY 1011" LrriurLaumber compmarT Chicage: caPItal 100.0; général mmbér bidhesu lmprIm-", Wil-i Iat lKmý'lnrWlliam loStmer, Jr., laouffl I 1lmér. Tuesdai- évening at 5 Ocheit aIthé bonis of ber wurients, 5309 Prairie ave- nus, Chlcago, ,,enrred tée marnIagé of Miss Anna Jaffe to Chanles Morrilscn, onelo 0fthé piopnîtors 0f the Globe depai-Imétt store. Theé védding éérernony vas pér- formt'd hy Dr. Uddelsou ln thé pres- suce of about 25 pensons, aIt of vhom were relatives o! thé couplé. excépt- Ing Mn. andi Mrs. Jantes Gréénburg of Waukegan vho are penaunai frîenda of tée couple. Mn. Greénnung stfod up vllh Mn. Mon-mson andi thé bridéas father gavé ber avay. Thé couplé tocit their stau nd ite panlon surrounded hi- a houer of flou- ers, an orchestra hidén hi- rosés, playing the weddîug mat-ch. Thé orchestra dîspenaed music during thé evéung as Weil. 1 Thé bridé vas attlréd Iu a gava of lacé Over white satin and cariled a bouquet of bridai roses and lUtiles of thé valléy. FollowIng thé c-e«monhl a védding dînnér vas sénvi by calérérsansd at 8:30 the couple Ieft on a boneymoon trip whieh le tanat about élghI vééeks, Thé> fîrtst vnt to Fréncuick Inad., aud tromntheré théy udlgo te, Ilorida aud thén Hast. Mn. Morrison ts one of thé clt-'é béat inovu and met progressive business men. Wlth Messra.Roblin, 15 yéara suc, hé éétabllsedthé Globe *tOre, whlch latér bécame thé Globe departmént store, a corpor-ation et vbich hé la thé be«dL Mr Morrtaon, la au aggmemivé s»d hu.tllug met-chant, one Whoboas thé confidence of Wauitégaufuture vlcilan ccesawr>rtebrlng about suc- <ColtInué'on Pag" Plé) HORSE STOLEN? N09 DIS OWNER MlERELY TOOK À SLEIfiURIDE GEORGE BAIRSTOW 7001< MORSE FOR A DRIVE AND BROTHER THOUCMT IT STOtLEN. TH1E POLICE ARE NOTIFIEDI COUNTY, 84 SCOURED, MEAN- Wl-ILE mOftg .Wui OCKED IN BARN AI£ THEt TIME If a man vanté to go oleigit nidiitg wlth is own borseund tutti-r, lis o ulgrt W be allOved tu do t, utloul being tAken for a horsethltéi- 1 At lt-amt thiS la te opinioni of lCeurge tBalrtitow a Weil lunown W 'aikeganl )se,, tr contracter. e On 1'uettdsy évening, Georgu-'ti botl t-r, liaymond. vent out for a litie druleand left lté lhorse tIed ou Norîth (lenes-eF stréét in froÔnt of the <'luth knoorna nuaintained by the tbi LFIti! 1fraternity. A lutil- laler George camne along aud seeing bis borse standing thu-re de- cided it would hé casIer tu druýe titan walk to blé detination lie got in the 1cutter aecordiingly anid drove away. SmTe 15 minutés later Raymuonîd ani - downBtairs and fonnd thé liorà, sas gone. His tii-st thought vas thal the, ani- mal bad beén .toléu and lie Pnoceeded te notîfy thé policé. The' latter lot noa time ln calllug Up police in cities along the norlb sbore and tirrough- Out the county. Charles Baliste,, anothen brother, was Iaotltléd amd juICpDInuto bié au- to hé dmrveouth, OulrlIUg about, bath and forth through élvér- tuiad here it vould havé béen.,possibriefor théenp- posed borae thiéf lb havé fléd, Raymond Bairste, aseéo got luusy, aud, borrowiug Charlea Stééles auto- Mobile, to0k a cîrcuitoua routé throîîgh the nonîbéru and wéstern parts of thu conDtY, golug as fair as Autiocb It Ra, about 1 o'clock befor., thet' two automobiles retuiroed. The brotheras ere somevItlat de- Jected bécanse Ihéy had flot ,icceed- éd In géttlng trace os thée toe borse.Théin surprise vas gréat viien tbéY learned the animal aîready had beén found. 'And It ail bappened thls vay: Policeman Clarence Wehbb appén- éd te se George Bairsta, about I0: 30 0'clock and remarked to hlm that bie bîak borae badl been atolena. "I gués. hée hasn't béén tahen very tar--I just Iockéd hlm np lu thé bai-n batik cf our coal office," Mr-. Batrgtow réPlléd. And tbexi thé facto came5 out and ltée séancli for thé "horse thief', vag ahandoned. The séarch demonstrated one fart bowveé-lf thé horst ei-alIY bail béen stelen th t ilef souldnoct bavé bail tliméte gel very far betoné hé vould havé beén ovenlaken. Thé local po- lice vîit thé aid of thé Policé ln thé country- lowns have perfeted a mys- lent vbhhov makes it veni- diffi cuit for a horset- la héstolén vithotitt thé thiéf helng appréhended. WED'S. WEATHER RESEMBLED SPRING The "breajaup--" un véathér 'ted. day made thé valits sud crosasnga véu.y luah'. Thé meneury jumpedt 1 48 at noon and thé day as a uholé ré- sent-bled an Idéal épring day. Accord- lagli- slelghlng bas "gene up" andi Il Inait as If siriug lad madie a ris- laite snd srrlved today. That ail thinge point ltaI vay la shovu hi- thé tact thtat boys St thé varions sehoole Ioday wvête séen pIay- ing "nîba." vbich lé alvas taitén as a sure sigu. Thé véathen overhea.d Ioda>' vas béantiful. but 'undernéat h" lb vas éxtreéinl- bsd. AGED M&N DROPS DEAD IN CHICAGO ýWaukegan people today récelved venrd that Géorge Stackpolé, aSanifl5l0 76 éara, droppétidemdlinChicago st bis honté this morulug. Mr. Btwkipolé vas volkuova lu Waakéga, hanlng mini- persoual frlends héré s. véil as a fév distant ta"laLns ULJu TE SI TYRRELL SAYS HIE Ethel llùugh, 14 year old farmer, COULD CLEAN CHI- west o0f Zion disappeared anid CA6 IN MO fiS.ents, feured foi4 ayunitil nm showed.ohe ýhad elpedw WELL. KNOWN LOCAL POLICE O hirhcd mani and marrled Ini Tet FICER TELLS HO1W ME WOULD --- ___ WORKS WEL'L IN WAUEGANICLAIM MAN Si - WOULD HAVE BRIDEWELL REACH' ING PROM CHICAGO TO WAU- KtGAN IF'NECESSARY Titoinaâ Tyrreli. assiélant. uit-f of Police in %Wautktgan atd net'ognized as eît a the t-t' er,-t atd tutost effirient tItef <at-bers Inthe tIraiet, declared today that the crime waCsvewilch is sweeping over Chicago and which ta WITDOUT LICENSE; HE IS FINEIR $151 CHARGEO WITH SELLING WITH-1 OUT LICEN&SE»E R* CRANIE WAB ARRESTED TOOAY rPlet el y batfllIng t léepolice de part n.. ustj éSa ufit U WA in 1 menétt of ltat dl-, could hé stogrped In - igturne If te proper iiaaures vert CRANE HAD OPENED 8H01 SAM- ltkrn. ayi î loaig PLE ROOMB uN WASHBURN but 1 amn firmnly coi icied Ibat If I1 OE NWUEA vers piacei in charge of thé Chicagoi police department thalta six monthi tume or legs I couid reniove evéry ve- E. St Crane représentung thé Ro- tige of vice In thé gt-,' hé said. 'Iu senbach Company- ef 0blq«goWau a5tî-. MY- Opinion thé Chicago policé offI- réatéd this morning on a rkargé ot Clain are flot proceeding propérl>'. Wh>y sellîng without a licénse. Héliaitl wi'tb thé faclîls at is command opéuéd a simnple room i lathéeHflpl the headl of the C'hicago police de- WVashbu-n wheré hé Iutnidéd lin tAite Pertmnent ougitt to havéeflot thé lilgbt- ortiers for Shoea whlcb véré te "hé est trouble in elimrnating thé deplor- deiveredfroinChicago. Thé wsrrant able conditions Ibat nov exiat. 1 foF bis anneat vas svorn out hy Hart-y1 "Inth. irs pac, i 1wee fskd'D. Wigglns, a shoé salésman for L.1 to tait charge of thé situtionî 1 wGuld J. Yager. John Iaeson. s shoe salén-1 sePt- hat 'lot a lIuer vas alloved o nman for Carnny & Gootihout, accom-1 lte street. If& a nt cotîld not gise panled Wlggiu, and witnesaed the a zood accoutnt o!fhîisoelf 1 volltîttransaction Afttr beanlng thé évi-1 havé l'lin clamîued lotothé Bridéveli dence, Policeé Magistrats Waltes Tgy-i with Instrtions flot toff~td hbuetou ]on fined trane $25 sud conta. Hé veil. If inecssaar-, I would bave a s-lu apffiss thé case.1 Bridewili big éflOlgh te reach fromt nI. Wulgns explaînéti hé vent t10 Chicago to Waulîsgan, but I voulti thé sample roonis tItis mrnnung sud set-lxo il Ibat tbAse suspiclous chanse- seélected a pair of ehoéé for bis vIfe, t-na wsrs kept off thé stPeets. Afler paYing Crans $250 for thora and ne- tbey Itad senvedl one or tvo ternie lu ceivlug a recélpt. Thé alloés, hée saîd, thé Bridevell I thiuk they vould ti ae vene 10bé sent hère front Chicago to- up theln minds that Chicago was flot moro, by Pancela pont. a vsry healtiîy Placé for tbsm andt ley InI Crane vho was répressnted hi- would move oit to somé otber cîti-. Attorney W. A. Deané, contended that "It it vent 'lot for thé tact that a Inasmucli as thé sboeé hid not héen contan viilIo ainaied i Wu-delînéned, that thé sale bad nfot beéui kegatu itî wOuld flotlhe posstble tu cempléted and that tliéréfone bcehindi keeiu dovu ho a mnimumi thé number flot vîolaléd the citi- ordinaucé vilcb of crimtes. As soon as vs ses asu pt-ovidés for a lIcenséfée. Hé declar-1 piciotua chanacter on the' streels vo d liéeItad rnttedth Ie sanulîle rooumi,t mitae Iititîtgîve an accouit of blinseif placed advertismeîîts in thé lot-aI pa on he 1ta stantéti oit4thé ay ont of pers and liit dendeavoréd 10 contact tOwI Il a t tits fct ad nthi bléi busines slong tesaulne as any tovîr Iat Waal tits at sno hing tther tuerritant woîuld do. cxceptîthat. cnituue-. W@ do flot Kiv'e thbese votilti- hé menely bt ot- ders for lte shofs. be rimnal tite o bvom fimiy Mr. Iteant, mode a gIroflE plea lut eslusl nuutîal tint e 0 e êt-o te i- s-hh leasked that bté clent hé dis- on Iluein vai Ottof tîor ir e ttni mîstdon the ground'thatlhé bad ait>f a selitîsuce In thé coqunty jaIl. Chi- luted no ondijiancé. Hel alsoa sougbt 10 cago b tty f ung a intîlar plan IniPUgn thé motives vblch Causedj would bave littis diflhulty litiredite- Wigaius to arnesî lite merrhaît lie Ing lt vice condition 10 a mliimum.. ie' alsttacked Wisgins vénacity Sud ____________'r__...cniedhlm of having Perjunét im- sel f. I NIERITANCE TAX Mîaglsînaîs Taylor Itsld that.despite W AS PAID TODAy thé act ltaI Wiggins haI insiated 1 that Crans e-eive payment for thé bhons, tbat thé salé bail been complot-t Thé luherîtancé tax In thé ésîté é .d inasmuchas Crane bad givén a ns- of thé laIe ?,ls. Margaret Stéele, vas celipt for lte money vbich hé heldtu t Pald ovén te County Tréasuren Wes- lie equiv-alettfor lte ahoes tenlielti today. It amounts 10 $12.- Sevenul local shoe mendi .ants are 825.51. Prom tis amoîlut ai-s taken laid to bavé entered a complaint, thé aPPrasers fée, thé connty clerka' tee and the county treasuners fée. CConUnnoed on Page F'lve.) This' la In accerdance villi the pro- vIsions rof thé abats. Thé balancé la! c. M.I - - - " &-r thon forusrded 10 lte tate ut Surin, 'ALE UOF KUAU field. tat S S AS[DEý Thene arceniany vho conténdti SET Inasrnuch as théentonéy vas éarned1 1. a certain count>'ltatItilla onlyf Jutige L*ndissitting li thé United fair that tée Inhenîlance tax should Statés District court, 'Ttésdéi- enter--ý go to thé countYi- istead of thé staté. éd a décree settiuig slde thé sale of Sorné béliéve thé tinté la flot ver- fat- thé Iliînois division of thé Chicago &, distant vben sucb a lav will hé Milwatukee Eectric railroadti t thé ne- passéti. orgauization cûmmuitte of vhitcb 0. NÉ .Reynolds la chainnian. Attorneys Rtobert B. Wit' of tItis eli- aud a for thé commnittee St once tot anu p-- senior at Co ruelI UnlversitYt aise a péal le the United States Circuit Court memitér of thé football tean and 'bis of Appeais. Thé coul-t rendereti a de- nepbév Jessîs Whyté, appeSrtuia Icîsion snme daya & gotaI tIbise bad 1film aI thé LynIc theatér Mondaly been suppressed andi that thé put-cbas evénuîug In thé film. FMootball Days atI pflce, $1,600,000, waa helov thé brisé Coet-nemivalue cf thé rossI, Teni daya ago ahen 'iMr. and ljru. 4~i~iWho îîumlhaàéd thé ont- wt of Zion (City, vent tuAO ZIn I for the day, they toit thélr 14 raM 10 daugitten, Ethel et borné. Wheuî they returted, they baund Ob hîtd diapeure4spd a bited jp haj ht-en on thé place for aion Itbu also va mlsing froua the plame Singe that lImé until Tuesta-, luarenîs voodéred and vorWihé M their daugItter*â abence mni JiV feared for a tîns t-hat moin ?0 S'g 1 hapueééd 10 ber. They made a iisï thnoug i Zon andnearby, tovng, obtaliid 1u0cicew ftu hér"Ilreaho neither could tbéy go setracé-C hi-éd mnt. Léttér TeNs ef Mauviagé. - Howevér, Tuélda- aété éiU 5 thé Hougha frntm Tennéaéela théir daugbteir bld thé. ilt 0 be i-un avay vitb thé hiréd ma» auwW, thé- badl soo ta10Téneemd" thésy hs4 !eizmaju, Tegirl je but 14 yeffla hi Ver- largo fer ler ag&W the sd t -~lithé uehbed O ber fro. Illinois te anothér cou'diug te ZMon Peopl, boUM - as an offense aniser thé Na"i' élavé" bill, a casé idmlui te wblcb Jack Johumon, thé nagre' flgh#er, la nov a déenedant Si cage, the charge agaiuét h" that hé brougbt a vouas ti'0 diane.and put, ber mo uhteý Ila sald théeofensé for girl of 14 yéara f.. . uatlés t Othér la éven more sértosi thý& other and the exact statuéet man marries a girl usudér tbééé' tuons ia not knowu hère. WVhothor thé Parents vîli too action to havé thélr daughter' nlagé Snnull6d or whéthért téîm éouetteé themsolveà to thé t"n shé la lawfully wéddéd, la n«~ but t u akiadtbey are 0ce morne action bécausé hé* c111 Yong. In snch a _a» na- hé charged and Itlel that chargé may hé mÏadés man desptt4 the ftkt that a lias heenpoi-fornuéd. -- Thé absence of thé girle muh concero In thé dîatrlt tion ant ilb, arents ere é1 frantit bt-tort' the lettét dUCar» nutw, ut boreliasnliot servéd an a lien for titeni. DIES IN Ben Westerhoff, ('BigDe),t ntonnirg réceîvéd vord tbhiaeuh Theodoré Wéstérboff. diéd at 4 <low tbis mornlng at bshie haine f Mladi son, la. Héevan 85 éars d4 white ho resu- had navet béém e* hia life. somé tdîéeage héout*5 an apof>Ietlc fsîroke and mince ts' bas been faiîîug. Mn. Wtsterhoff lived vlth hie Hie son Ben tift titis noon for lova clty tn attend thé funeral I. è held -tiene. SEEKS AD VICE OF,* STATE EXPMI Conimiseloner E. V. Orna - alatéd that hé plana te appeaj stalé départméut ta0 senta&as Waukegan tW atudi- thé- lé, vhîeb confronts thé aty' tant. Hé '»Il; itvll oc« that thé advloa mma- pian and valuahle,ees1.0th îlot fellov ontilmdtol b iTbé departmuéut salmtWbÊ ibis work sud citlés am'.94, 5$k for aid.

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