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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jan 1913, p. 10

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Two - - ENqDENT, JNJRY4.9 4ELLS OW DOWIE WSOPPOSED TO ORDINARY MULE JOi4N RFDDING WHO SOLO LAND TO DOWIE, WAS ASKED TO DISPOSE OF MULES. ¶ 1LILS ANSWER HE MADE INCIDEUT SHOWS THAT DOWIE WAB ECCENTRIC ABOUT A 1.. NUMR 0F TI4INGS. Vf hn Eetiding 0f 779 Grand avenue, a valthy retireti farmer, tels a story ehkWic shows what a strong aversion l"- IÈ John Alexander Dowie. the anm Who fountiati Zon City, lhat ainst mules ln addition to the niar Other thînge for wicb Zion lias be- comenioteti. Mr. Radting ovauti a large farni on * tbe site of what la aoc ZVoniant ILi vas onaet the tracts of land pur-j t*bseid by Dr. Dowie. The latter, boy- , vas wunet quite as. prompt as be migbt have beun ln paying for the O ne day Dr. Dovies prIvaI.' sacre tary caileti on Mr. Reddlng. «I menun le Offense, Mr. Redtilng.' ble said. "but 1 have calidsimply te wa ot iether or net you owa any mcules. If you do, won'L you peaie dispose of tbem t once as yon lknow ~1 Dwebas a strong aversion te juat rua back andi tell Dr. )POwb.that vbea be cores acrosa thj Ie,1$17.000 hie atilI oves me on 'pe roperty hiePlirchajet that wc disCuâs the mule situaion la more Mr. Redding anavereti. ~ Be st fimie Mr. Redding met Dr. the ~ el.latter emileti rather know. t maide no funiber reference ~4WdhB.Mr. Ratding received is f«r the landi la due course or time 16 Incident serves te show mer.- I ILDovie vas accantrlc about is fe fr eter thinga besîdes, oys- Pork, tobacco, saoons, droit Srdoctors, etc., etc. He vas dip- ci, however, andtid tinet press Mblikee toc strenuousîy untd! be a PrettY troag "conme baek.' INMES -' (('Ontinuct i'rom Pal,,.')ne.) mev te persans wbo bave kelît la to.ich 'W Mitb tbe vater vorkq systeni -but it ý"ýÏ' Ù8mlY andtihlby imiportant jili M Vîbén tis vatur qulestion la up liuegan ltHelf legiîinîateîy cannai ýX Witbiliia million gallons a! vater 'day 0f what It bas lîeeu lumiiît lâ bï hePut year. therefore, the vblÏwhcb taxpayera are payiîîg for, <IWIM«Iig SOiifWHEItE a plaîce as yul y:; 'amaiyreti by officiais. Pumping Much More. Qisnclng at the reports o!thie caler _.)Ua ne flutis that the <ity lias .,beespunupingtbrea quarters of a milý S gallons per day more than It dd ,&,YÀ«r.,ago. The average ofbiste, or, èwA, tafer a lonîg tima pasi, bas beau *Slot tIrae andi ana-ha ta thrae and Vàtf.*'tOeurtht million galions par day. 4 elciY the. aIse af Waukegan abojîlt lggitimately constiume about twa anti a Wfi millions per day. _Therefare, wbere's the surplus going te? ". Andtinl the meantîmne, the taxpayars ýS-$&yth.e fregIi! 4f tIi cl la ging ta furnlah f ree ga',,ter te anybody, laI's bave It known mate It a donation anti know W eliug Moue If the city eau con. ýÏftM4t et a million galions of vater OvaY dalY iy hecîut dtermlnng ~. v~k 15golng, vhy couid't It con- 'b"m iMtybave liermitteti the churches 110 nue .few buadreti galions per 'USOl ultbent <rIlt, Inteati of making t~qmn necesery? TA& wIiy not? OW0LY ONE PETiTION FI LED. q 5K tllnUed from PageOne) dffle te vhlch he aspireti, Ordi- 'dketed candidates dont vielti laecRies, witb the powers that lafluéee witb a Presîdent or 1- et. t le generally heliavei tbat r (tbis le net Frank T. Pow- r 0 «Waukeàgaa) voulti nat enter ln- pQituuastersbIp ccatroversy bers 09 the tact that lie wasn't tt inners anti no vonîtint .$Malte bnseif look offeleus s9acb a raquait Wben lie U*M tihaotrous defeat at tle. i511Marter viii lm get the job after iêr. Watroug' retire. ment-anti his name l-j-? n'e names of the. othar men maen. tioned as Possible candidates have not heen advanced by themgelvee, but ihey havu-mereiy bean mantloaed as m ren wbo would be wiling t acacept h.. place. iWbo vouint? Wiie ihe name of Comnissloîîer Dl. ver la mentioneti as on1e of the possi- hie sîîccessors to the job liare, It la declareti by ail mea who know poli- tics tint If ha got It. iL wouid not, It voud lut be tbrough the intarmedi- alioii of a defeatati candidate for Con- gres huiwouid carne tirougil thei.a fInenc.' of soniebody nov la one.office or anoîber. OFFICIAL LIST REAL ESTÂTE TEaNànxs?. PrillÈbeti by Lajce Co. Titie & Trust lCo. Abstracto cf 'Titis. Tltles Guaraniteed. Masenlo Temple itige. Pbcn. 4. Jan. 21.-F. NI. Neaubausen anti wifa te A. P. WirtIi ant i vie, lots 18 ta 2, block 16, Denleld1 Park. 'W. W. $1. A. L. Fry ant ifît.>t J. E. liolcmb slrlp of landi uorlh anti atjoinn,- lot 9, lolconbas additioni, Rockefeller Q W. B. Wairatîî ant i vfe to iilan E. Parka, lot 200, Shavas subdivision a! West Aitloch township. W. D. $200. Atielu Bond et a] taeB. S. Ke.>iey, ? acres west anti adjoining village of Li ertyvilie. W. D. $600. W . .Blows anti vif, 10 Mary-E. Biovafi part lot 3, block 3,.North West addition, WAukegan. Q. C. $1. Jan. 20.-Josapb Deikdge ant i vie ta Abert Stratford. soutb part lot 19, Paess subdivision, HIghvood. Q. C Fred Selig ant i vie ta Donald But- ier, tract ot lanti la sections 19 and~i 30 Deerfielti tovsBhIli. W. D. $10,. F. P. Dyrnonti ant i vie et ai ta C. F. Brumm, 32 lots la Dymonti & Ans- tlnas lirai: addition Libertyvillla. W. D. $2.500. George Ptister ant i vie te, Fred Se'- 119, lots 18 ta 21, block 4. Deenfielti Park. W'. D. $e,400. John Kaott hy guardian ta T. R. Allen. lots 3, 4, 10 to 13, block 3. Clouas additlion ta Lake Bluff anti lots 33 anti 34, block 3, Lake Bluff. Deati $700. Jahn 0OLeary ant i vfe ta(Catherine 0-Leary, nortVi 15 faut Bouth 100 feet, lot 327 Lakte Forest. W. D. $10. J. E. Fagan anti vife ta R. 'Mi Pagan oaa-bal! acre la lot 14, section 16, Dear- laiti townshipî. W. D. $1.t Allonce B. DeChampagne et al tau.J D. Vant Wood, tract o! land lnla ruces Lakte. Deetia $2. Master la Chaiicery ta Fred IMeyer, 40 acres in nortb cuit ona-tourth sac- tioti M, Ela townshipî. Weed $1.320.t Master la Cbaticeny ta Anguat Poli- mati, tract of landi ta sections 5 aiil Eis tonuship. fleuti $12300. GRINDING 90,000 B<JSHELS A DAY' (iovaruneuit officiais have.> onipletudl tîîalr investigatioun into tbe affaira of Lb" Corn. Produets Refîîîing conipany*@ Piantsanuit booksinl New York City andi aren.>uovln New Orleana ton Lb. purpose o! ds.iving ihua Uha affaira of tise molasses branch 0f the company. l'lie Corn Producta Refiaiig <coin- Pany la grniîg alLb.' rate a! appro xiiiately 90.000 busiiels o! <rnpur day. Earuilngs show very IlilLe change and tje.>anal report wiii lie similatt ta tijat of precedlng years lii 80 fan as 11Kome a iconcerneti. WILL RECOGNIZE FIINEInn Prebidenl.Elect Dees Net Tl.Ink 01. fices Are for Spolgmon. Trenten]. N. J., Jan. 22.-"It Mea are te kaov Ibat a mure change of ad. mînistratîi is la tuempty anutofie.nD aler ba lbe boîtier may have deservedtu hobc reappointeti. there Ilà flot anYthinig o! Justice on publie nlgbt left.- la, lies.' sortis Piesidual-Eleet Wil- son liK ilbu knowa that Justice anti consieration for the publie servIce are tu govera bis aýpponînuente anti Ibat la considerîag aay man ton a place bu la boun teLarecogaîze bIlsfil- nesa- [le alan Indirateti that ha mlgbt lD lis slîîoutmientit bue epectedti t ticpart rom île leaten path. vhlch, la bis opnilonî. lcatis 'lascocpiag every offie.11 GOPHER PASTOR ATTACKED 1 Mause Set Afire andtiq.ltr Knock. ed on Head by Unknown. Madisoi n .. in22. -cointy of- ficiais an. mnvi:stugt ng aéulvtenlous altack matei. ltha Lie fanti propl, c'rty Oe!hlbiîe%.. E"Eleland i a!Lake Shore township Ila hi, roîinty. ishenI 'he vast braln anîlis halsas. sd haro burnilti Wir Ix iiîiilt,i th ef-Nr. ItCkela bas l"'Ptî ni-iilvibg Ibreaten-. log literi.1 Onaeuughh j( Ima'liA ahi-a in<olitbI lousu lfiliO o okie. tiil r ns iii lb. baiL 'duor. ho nî,ceiv',id furom nta n- sean. 9aalsaa lîlua îîPîîn bis heati vb M îucl tIhlm. 1,Itrcuvereilnla lime, la eule the' tutu.s antiInoTe.- Pfl ,teJbraee anti <uv la theburn.j PROSCUTO~ isTO wlth *ork anti matie Ine arn tbeir le.» PROSCU-ORis o ibeyare learning that btii.r counîles adOther citiez are provding verlc Au ~M4J~E IJaUis lera andttat Lhe prilouere are NTY etting fever. in mset lae*tances ll'ey MN KANE COUNY are kept husy no the rmadesor la pra- STATES ATTORNEY WILL TELLI . h Ih BUPERVIBORS Wi-4v JAtL SVSTEM FAILS. IE 'CUILl) LÀSO WOULD WORK PRISONERS DAY, IS JAN. 27 EiTHER LABOS ON ROAO OR BCi400aL w N OL.QS0F-w!v UtUIUUaV WORK ON QUAflRIEB TU DAY WITH EXERCISIES. BE ADVIBED. Every president o! a collage or uni- The finaL officiai step te establish a VeraitY. anti 1,500 sceel principal& la work bonse la, Kana .>onty viii ha large cillas hroughout the country taken at the naît nmeeting et tha bava just bean asked by the. national board o! suparvîsors. ehilci labon commîttue tu observe The office o! tata's attorney la Mo1 y anr 7 scît ao praparlng a atatemeat showin:, Ibat Mna.Jnay2,a bl ao lIane caunty actually tuaintaîns. ln its day la achoola anti collages. This la eoanty Jail, a place o! tedt for corth- a faw feature thia year e! the chilti legsa men. labor day wbieh for saTan years past Ta Offer Solution. bai bc-en vitiely obsarvati y clergy- This tatemeni. vil> offer as a solu- tion a! the affair thuetablishment af Imen of ail tienaminations. 7he na- a wor boue ortional chfId labor comimtte baliaves a or bosortha crFatlon orfta er i ba erlrspn t iaw wbicb will compel the sharlff 1.tua iih gnrirepne1 make lts charges labor. Ibtis appeai ta the aducalors o! the It la uxpactati that at the next 1ne4 t-cauntry, sînce it Is cemina tobeh uni- lngo! b.boad ormi ctin iiihaversally racogîuizati not oaly that takan toward estahlishiag a work chîlti labor intentera vlLb education. bouse. Some of the supervlsou-s are consldening Lb. enclosure a! a t;tcie but that Lhe attitude o! the chiltiren quarry near Batavia anti using 'bis Lbemalvee la a iuatilng factor la theit as a vork bouse, the tone ta bcu rseti chîlti labor problem. on the counity roatis. 0 f the 6,*000 clergymen ta vbom Others are favarlng amployia., theth bliaordyaplvsse. Prisoners lu "chaîn gangs" on thl e cidl Idy pelw et blgbvays sasls nov balng donc lanmre than 300 bave responeatiei tb Rock Islandi cccnty. parsonal lattera assurins their aupport OffiiaI ticlae tat L. etabfsh ta!eb.plan. To aach o! the 6,000 a ment of a vark bouse vouid cut tha pamphlet o! tacts and ti aistici v as aumber o! prisaners ta legs than a sent, anti the cornmltteeSîlders ItL thîrd the preseat number, as nearly significaut 0f theIa Ireaslug Intelli- ail vba are sent ta -Jail go tbere ha- gant latereat a! the public in Chili la- causa they deteat anti abun vork. bor, that Bo many as 300 have saketi Speciic Cae Citd. 1for.more hdetaileti Information about SpecficCes Cieti. lav luthar ovn states Theru la one man vbo <ails Elgin.1 lia borna but vbo bas been an lamaI. o! the ceuaty jaili36 menthe out ofj tua lasI 48. Another bas put la moreI than bal! of bis lime turing Lb. paL-t Ibree years la Lb. county jal. These are not Lb. only ones wkýbo hava been feti anti clotheti. hathet ani given nacassary matilcal attention at the expeae of Lb. county. 'Plane are more lumatas of Lb. county jaîl tram Aurons as a ride than tharu are froni Elgin. Tii, average nunben of jail birds ln the cohiity ia about 30 anti o! theme there are iraaty an average o! 15 cho are thure ton general worthblas- reasa anti hucause tbey are nuisances il the communiatîes lhuy claire ta bha lonug ta. Theati îips heahi. botijatimeni ara kupt lanileuics. ln due ta the con- dition that bas axialti sinci e heoua- ly vas organiruti; thaf nS ri ôk la pro. vitiet for them. Mot ofa!tem are contunteti ta bu ln Lb. Jal andi they do net tiemur te long sentences anti they usitaliy geL Ibam as tua police ara pleaseti ta ba frnee tram thelr an- uoyaaces andtheb inhabtants are wyul- Ing that tbey abouti tue futi If tbey are kapt off the streets. Phillipe Disousses Situation. "*Slovly bul sonaly thle onty auth- ariLles are avakenîng ta the tact thiat thcy bava been makîng a mîstake ail tOus. yeara, saîd IRoy R. Phillipa ibis moraing, "andti Iat Lb. men vho ira lnithe eounty jail gbould be provtititi Bell Trie, ia Munder-whie Pamlly. deapcid:acy 0., ian. 22.-In a nt cf despodency Richard MeCsrty,a boqkbjeeper. abolatnsd klleti bis vite. attempte t lashoot bIs Ivo Youîng sons anti bati iutentians o! cammitting sui- cida, but va laercepleti by bis fatber. Against 8i9 MeservoIr. Washingtoni, Jan. 22-hnfavorablâ, repart froun lhe anmy enginacera, ou a $20.000,006 lnpoundlng neslervein project for tbu heativaters ofthLe Ohio. Nonnaheia ad Allegheny rivera, vas sent tic the bonne. Fire Ruina Csnadian Tîuwn. Edmonton, Aibunia, Jan. 22. - Th, business ecîlun of Fort Sask;ibrbu- van. Alberta, tbirty miles !rom bre. vas wipet oîut by tir. .'l ha lias neaches $2,l.OUO. Boston Motel Cuete Roabeti. Boeton. Jana 22-Tv., turglarips la ipartmetsa(aItlb.Coffluy Ia,.i bolel. Invorlving thehebuts of l lir.'asti $1.614 casa.. vere regiorieticc helb. v lice. Norris Electeti Nebraka Senales, Lîscoîr, S'eb , Jan. 22. -- ourese't man Ccu e W. Norrls l'ýogressive Republicitas ei lPedti Ut-rt Sigls;s seuseur ~teNebrauka Ipt!ilature. Wlter la hardest on coaatipabsei P-oPle: dont fret or vorry. Hllisterg R. M, Tua regulates the bovals, cleans< the stomtacb. 36c, W. W. pearce. 1 System Aqi~euy.e*pMe, an instant and. individuel iht«ëcha4ge, of ideà1s by. woo f tmOuth,.is ilhe goal of the hustling, hurrying men of today. This purpôse fiay Inow be accomplished without amee ing ace to flce. Scarcely a day pe", in a busy office, wilthout 'an order given to-"Cà*& ». UB" v t* tané., mcaàinýg tÏiat cfiiciency, economy4 d expeduuion are to be> brought to bear in t1hc'tâbition of soine buiffnda probleum, throuih the. agency of the Bel Long D,~c~Ln~ For 9 jae *8.11psIpoW&4un Lmg tp o.' PAR. AND MR6.'AL.RED GOULUO0F CHICAGO, WELL KNOWN HERE ARE TO CELEURATE WERE BORN IN ENGLANO) PARENTS 0F MINE CHILOREN AND TWENTY.FOUR GRAND- CHILOREN: ARE HEALTHY Watikegan andi lAkA cotinty friends of Nir. and M'ra. Alfredi Gaulti of CbI- cago, have recelved anîîooecements that On Frlday Janîîary 24 they are to celebrate their lftleth weddlng annl- veraary. Mir. and Mn. (ould were garet chîîrch, Rochestier, EnglanLI, andi tendent of public property. led a bandi cftfae10toilla coiîntry il, 1868. going W of six deîîuty sherllfs ln dispnstse Chicago ln 1875, wh.'re they have r)> WtbaesE.'keres rcedtit sîdeti ever aine. Tijeir golden w4îd ebot axnekerna dor. roe- t ding anniversary wiil lie celebrated ln chp, onded wlth a idcofr itu re es the forin Of a receî.tion antd dance. min receiveti a decp cut ou the arm %lra. GoUid was bonii ln Kent voua- anti Injuries to bis hanti. lieWall ty, Engiani, NMay ->q, 184:1, andi ?Mr. taken ta a bospital for trealnenl,i Gouldlin Staffordahire county England. whlle the deputies contlnuedti lbbat- OCL 9, 1837. %Ir. andi Nîrs. Gould. wiiose marital relations have always Ekera beld hi& cwn, heating 11e of. been of the bapplest, are In the beit ficers off with lmlrç,ised clubs anti of hiaith. Imissiles. Meanwisile Ebern'a lawyer, preparet Their haIepy wetilock bas brougbt for tbe occurrence, rusheieiIn, court tbem a famnily o!f ine chil4ren of andi galineti an InJunction. The service wbom elght are now living ant i al of Ibis Injunction stoppeti the battli marrieti. Tliera are 24 grandcbildren, -vlîh Ekera istill iln possession of the youngest six inontbs olti anti the bis offIte. eldest 23 years. The coupîle will have the Well wish- BAIL AGAIN REJECTIED es of thaîr maîîy frienis ln the coun. .s uectaSeodT,, un ty on ibis Important date. U 8DPosen*odSclonwoke rne C'hicago, Jan. 22.-&'or the second ILime bonda subnillted for the releases IV ATER ~froin the A&venworth prison ofFrn bl. RyI.. presîdent of the internation Ilranworkers' union; R. Il.Houliban A FFE T HE LTIIand WZiliaim Shupc, ail of Chicago. eonvicted dtynamnite conspirators. were rejecteti ln the faderai circuit court of appeale. District Attorney (Charles AUROARA PH'YBICIAN DECLARESI W. Mlier of lIdinapolis pensonsily CHANGESi 0P TEMPERATURE rejectedthe(bubonide. lia liati corne i0 NOT CAUSE 0F ICKNES8. Chicago from Indianapolis to iiuspect the new secuirily ofereti. Proî,erty to the veluep of 13000flta The belle! that 'a change of weath- retiairati 10 fîîrnlsh bonde fer the er la conductive to sickness la rot," Ibrte tmua. liyaiva bond ls $70i.000. said a lirominent Aurora pbysician to-, iIoulihns $30.000. and Siuiet-'q$10, day. 000. The pratwrîy scbetiîled reacbed '*1It a't the 'change of waather that *.ly the figure o i.ofi1 be tdistrict pramotes alictiefs.fiL la the nietlind attorney rounid. of dressing. A aîidden change lu teul- Perature troin zero 10 50 tiegréss . Symboei. ahOve zero need nîot cause sickiiess. B îls leinail nIgbt If the thing If the wealher Ila£-old mie should flou bave (o say lis liet Worth saytag dreas îiccordingly aid if th.'wether i anEath warnis aiîddenly.liîghier clolluiiîg -________ sboulti be worn, otherwlse a le-vsou I illakheads. , inuiffis. r,'d ai.ts 0on susritiliiê't£) a c'oid. foilowed byltii.> face. do'libeill a via' ay--1101 gril) and then îîo4siii> înc',mooii. lis(ers ltILNI. Tea wilii clî'îr the' coin. -'Keep the fet dry and iWear ai ulexion. W. %V. Pearce ......... . . . shoe heavy enougb to vithotaiid the sioppy walks andi streets. It veulti LAIE COUNT! e% b. ativIsable to wear rubbers." 'OU 4F CAP1T IÂs EDITOW O F SARNINOTOCN PAPiR Je" li-- F 'M POINTS TO DEIIMO F ,lY SOI 0 8 beForLIN CIRCeUIT e«U*T. Altbough ehainif la not an aiuto. Mladîson, Wis.. Jan. 22.-One mnan fan, Editor Lanuey of the Blarinito la la a hioapital and six deî.uty sheriffa ltevieev *vidently beileves Lb. atowu a baitle wlth lierinsu. h. Ekern, aitate insurance camtinisaluner. et iluat or. dliais ofilce lit I..Me ewtale capiînl building. likern won tbe lîghîl. Ekero b.d been standing Blege, re- lusing ta, gîte up bis office for sever- a) eeks, followlng his dismissai by Covernar Francis E. Mct3nvern. The Insurance eounilaner ol bis menin on bis tiesk sud aleptinlathe oMie. laiv oa........'asu o à.e *pdL oat .... 10,c and 6c Fancy NMive Steer Rib ]oIle -àsé$o Out-perter HouBe t*eak i ?*. 2e 49»I W ... .... . .... Hamburar Steak, 3 lbs ........M itou ct K k- ...............14c tbMi ......................lue %ugar Curod Hiao ........ »Mar ýQumdPahf.Rst a..... M ............atsa......10 gho.w................ ................... M*ai.. . . ........ laI entitie t t fair play. for bore' la what ho Says editortally receatîy r. gartiing a liarrington casege ti d Waukegan: The.dtieage verdict oft Le jîe-ý'III the caseaiatWaukegan reMUeatul vhich on. local mmn vas oued by ae- Other because bis leam bemeft MO&t enati at the formers automnieWs and ran avay, la evîdeno. that ltheLime la lieawben the rigbte o!atome- biles on country blgbvayo are beinx racagnizuti. A few yeani elleItla hfmO uînilkely that tuaeflaIftif veislti bave been avarded damirages, but et lb. present day, no Jury o! fair mlSded men vfll devitia against au liutoma. bile awaer or driver la a case iflte this unlesa il ca b shova thit b.q tiK riving a uunreaienable pe Or vas vllfuliy negligent la alvins j arnug o! bis approach anti e»lms ln îîia ibtte teali. Automobllea are nov almoat as mimerons On tLeb.1gb- vays as are barne dtirv vehicles andi sureîY bave an eQual i rgbt O vay, ceaeequently Lbthe en vebturlng on tbe roatis vltb a Young or hîgI-lveti borae. or one tht la knova Lo ha frigbtena. t tautomaobilee, sbonidbu, vory sure tbat b. le capable o! band.#' Ilng tbe animal. Ha cannot expect tu boidtihLb.automobllist responslbia if Lhe latter ls obeerving ail proper pre- cautions. An unruly hore la juat as liront a menace lu pedestrians anti other vebicfes aa la tiýa automobile. Tbis la not a pies, for those recilees automobile drivers, a! vbicb every commnunity bas a certain number. anti vho are responsible - bttea fer the 'black aIe" given other more ceuser- vative anti careful drivers. Th. lave ln regard to apeeti andi caution are strIngent anti are an ample protection againaî Ibis clans ' o! automobiliste If they are praparly enforce4. Andi Ihey shoult ie aenforcedti 10the latter everyvbare for Lb. beuuelt cf other automobile ovnors, as veil as poilez- triasanti drivers o! boftes. Min Littleet. Litle Eleanor. vbo w«vaery cf chicllena, Stooti aven a desti roopte. Tlînkng tisat semetbing gooti ebt tub le siti, ah, remai-led letveen le ache: "He vas always no glati uNe. one of the bons laid an sggi" Fan constipation, indigestion, 1011 vunt aomethlng tu work site anti sure; Iny Hlliters R. M. Teaboutstas yat. W. W.Peu-ce. The Store WIthl Sucdi 6"4 eammàIs en licn4c EU=ne, imali aud ean ......1k lrektst Bicn ........... o Pork Lti . .. . . . .. . . . Sar'tE28M, short qut, ~ ....d ar........i2 IPO* a .u1 ...............i Pb* iffleroin........ - x .Kut.................I 'E y ..... ....... ~ey Roast..... ... chicigo w, c de lai ha Ai on au gto et 1 1

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