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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jan 1913, p. 11

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LAKI COUNTV' INDEPENDEIiT, YRIDAY, JANUAR-Y 24, 1913. .1 -À '-- i Yl, COL. M. P. DAVIOSON, FOR VEARS ONE 0F PROMINENT MEN IN LAICI COUNTV DIES. DIES AFIER AN AUTO IDE, WAS& THE FOUNPER AND OWNER OF HIGHLAND PARK MILI- TARY ACADEMY. Coi. Hsran Page Iiavldon. for ovî-r 20 years bead of fthe Northwe-sterit Itlitary arademy -a Hilghland Park, died yesterday In Avon Park, I'¶a, aft- àl be hd taken an automobile rie on bis pitation. The e'oiciel fur the lut few years buas speutthe Uic Iti-rs en bits southeru plantation,lilîyiurst. UL was rellorted lie had met wtb fthe àctdestwbîile attending ta bis dotiez abot tàe tarin, but It is decJared ho df@d of natural1 cauases,.%J rs. Davieun AUDITOR STARTS c FO~R $800 GETS PÂtENT WORK ON CO. BOOKS 'ka-Tnrd*br LAW O Audîtor Slme, who lias the cantrailt W. H. GREGG OEI'ENDANT IN CASE 1According fa word recel for audting the'bouillît of county offi' BROUGHT IN COUNTY COURT day, Noah Harter. luvento cers, bas arriveil, t the court bouse A .BWN.iiîirwliclî was,re-cnt1l sud lit now get i iltals ln shape for d.sirîid lu Tle Sui.as bia asitants tu go ahead wltl. the. i%'nttr to sevî'i'aIl-r work. HIGLEY STOCK WAS TRAOED îîe,.ùt' ranted a jîat.'it o Tuie wirk wili o'-ctîîy anme weeks 1 tus for i orîîig ahnd liii but a suflient force wilI be kepf at CASE 18 0F INTEREST BECAUSE 1pîra lits riglifs are It Io ensile the cotnpany to get Uhec T ItJVOLVED DISPOSITION ilis- Anîî-,rii-an Seel and W report flilahd if possible by the tîrne 0 F EiIG STORE. of Viauliegall lie li ili the supervisors convene tuu Mardýi.lab.r Laver. .ijoIi ii. real i'îiîrîîj l i h- rita, FINDS $1%00 1OlRE n îiuunîy b curt tisIay wlî-reln A. C ALL OLD OFFICO HAD ýOVUSOOK.UDIN Ioowe . it"ang W. IL U(rpgg. of r0, 0F BATTERY" PRIM OF BUBINESS .vri: th,'iterfo tr $O,lli comisioniliiI WERE N]E-E« CHARLES CAPE TAKES UP CERTI Y is oW Il ligh . atl-mi ANNUAL MEETING C FIED CHÊCKS ON FILE HERE hie dc:îl Iiîig luIl h ar'nfatii COMPANY WAS HEI frontu ri'gg of the farn for li eliHi FOR OVER THREE YRS. ley Hst-of dry goods. DAY EVE. UN ARP .Attortii'y Beaulîlsu api'urcd for 'i lii annîjal meetintg of NEYER EVEN MISSED MONEY (ri-gg, Mr. Pope for owpu. thllter (' r',î ck ompauy stoîlili havirig conte hlere froni Kansas1 t'-l rl lors wassheld lasIta DE VICE clard litre tu- Ir ot a steani 1 iý , omiçlefeîy is W.l1 as Ltuac rc celias iu aii atilarhi' ai la tiy ioi4 a a rcaf ,EUS LECTED IF STOCK< LO MON- MORY. If l aifery illl5and (Il- IfU îig i!n the ,an sM*> 3arrluutom ho actowu r bore' la cently te. trb.d la te j*i-ý'lu ent). tis led by as. isSus and the Ume t autorno- ame boing s, but' et Jr minded 1 iutaorno cam lime q , thit h ill* sided ln glvins oblup are Sthe blah. 0f waY. turlas on hlgh.ilved u-n ta h. ihold be, ot band.# expeet to >nsibie if ýoper pre- la just as 'ans and aobie ? recles ehi es-ory aber, aud for the e conier- The iaws ltion are )rOtectlon mroblis , e& And o thter as pedes- P*RBECUTED MORE TEÂN PROSECUTED, M" I18 RELEASED Throngî tIc defermnud efforts of Attorney Benjaminu Parmalee, V. W. Rund qulsf. fIe Calforula youag ian wh ose arreef liere s fcw dsyîst-go on a fugitive 'warrant tram fIat state causeit surprise amont-hile trlccds. fa- day ivas reteased froins eus tody, fie 11,000 bonds hil brthers sigued belut- droped whec advlce came fram fie chef ot police Inuflic Western stafe orderingt faf lie le dlsclart-ed. Rundquîst 's arroît followed theflet- Sanne of a wvarcant lu Calitorola ou Ibebaif o a jeweiry ficm for wbom oli varked, and wio, if essais, bad ne- sorted f0 fhe fugitive warrant plan as a meaus af safi5fyiuut-wlisf appeared -ta.lhe a bil, rafluer flan a crimînal offense. ) Rundiqulst explalued thaf le ivas traVelilng fortfi rm; tlist lie went "brail t.hfe 'rcad' sud fiat lie liait nised sarne af the firme mouev fa muet %XPO5ie; thaf lho seuf back tflr e- 1fourths cf ftue funda ani t ad theun fiaf 'i, bad used fie renialuden lbutfliat lie WOld fOrWard Iltanl'lcm as sooti. M - ne' 2*Ibià bisl heof>ers luinh kegn. meiaS"id,d iPg -M buttl II«t»ý&rrffl nd b rrmt'Ïùîîw- Trouble With liigh School System is Told in Pamphlet by Educator REAL PURPOSE SHOULO SE TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY, RE- SOURCES AND ENDURANCE 0F INDIVIDUAL AND NOT TO PRE- PARE BOYS AND GIRLS TO WIN OUT IN STRUGGLES. WITH EACH OTHER, SAVS BENJAMIN C. GRUENBERG 0F NEW YORK< COM- MERCIAL INSTITUTION. What fs fhe matter wiiflour li-h1 "If we go back a liffle in fleicIs- scisoats?' Takîngt fIe as Ils themc.j tory ot our school sys3tens," sys Mn. Benjamin C. Gnueobert-, clairman of Groeulerg, 'iveesl Sud fIat flic thie llology deparfieuf ot the Co i li-I clool Is a hytirit pnoducf. merdai 1Hgb clool of New Yarkt, lu "If embodies flic response fa fie a redeuf pamphlef pontg ontt flaftIh demande of tic collet-es ounflic une fuutdhusestah trouble wlth fie public band and of flic uudscrlîlnatlng pnb- lilgI schools lu fiat fhey are fao large- lic on tire otier. The collages bad a ly dalniueted by fie ides fIhat fbey rafler deflite Ides of culture, andt tie, exist slmpiy f0 prepare tudeufs tonrliait sdehlnife vonkto aperform n l cailega. conuectlon wtli prepaclut- youug mn 0f osery 100 boys snd tiris ivi ton proteseioual sud public service. enfer hîgli scluool, onfy live go fa lufa Our eariest collet-es borroweit troni fie collet-es. 'fle llve are gwteà a pro- Englaud theîr concepts of "culture' paratory education fiat meanresnip and 'gentlenaen,' sud, they equipped in collagelatluudardo, an educg Ian tbat tlefixshVeB as bekftlihey coutl fos' fite fions- 'bcontinue thiîn svliatng manufacturîngt iese productsInlu flu lh bîlher 'lnitbttos.libre 95 Wbao ouiltrY. Futfose odgtIè vIsa cld do nof go lato cllege, boireler. Iîeebd.to tralI8 fliir sons for the pro.- given thse saune treatunent lunfthe hlu fessious or indeplendeuf lejure tise stiboal ah are thé Ils-e. They are 0pre- collages vwoes 55CWr~tty. SIlIce OSa ilrit Ïsoi'o"Ies, w là b qe vill democracy W eiollude none fom tnjU t pssiang itteil W tise Ili 0, Ig4k g~is #4 ivniand 1bow te" o! paffltaaoor poue47,îrthe1 asd.. ,seu5wth.sMuatmo. Tb«ul s mre mbttflua .ba ed .at lit TWO DEATHS AT THE HOSPITAL JohnrDIm ,cd 74 years, of flue Nînîford fI. , id u-jTesday morno lni; at t13ri u'lock af flue Jane Mc- Alisier liosptial from pncunornila. Mc. Dunnint- ua..a wel kuoso fan-c. living wcsî uit toivu snd uad leen eeiouciy II iii.epaf wcct Oui-sis- fer, Mnc. \NN i ttanker of Ns-w York, survives lire .Thc fuunri wil le hait Frlday uîwiuuuoou af 2 octaci froni fie Baptîst ,th rrr. lîriiat iii NIe Spaufdiug seîîîefery. This attenron af .1 omclckaI tire Jane McAlislcn hospfsl occam-j flic deafli or jis oephi Cîddik of Six- teenfl street and Parka-i-nue, if le au unusual tact fief hec hitsbanoi passed awsy ou Noverniter 19. TfheY leave severai clilîdrn. lnCnddik was promîoeuutly connected vîfithfie NorthliChicat-o Hardware Fouodry coin 'Jany. Tiey ivece promiocut resldenfa of NorthbChicago. Wm. D. Vandivono of Druces lake. wboce big- blet Iroperf y was sold af uilaster'a sale. Jautuary 20, 1912, fouiay lu tise recordera office, ilraugthe fi master's offie. rcdeemed flic iuopcrfY sund Ia pan 1s; b resumne ol*,ration of the bafei uext suinîer. TIc place ms tise largeet ofifRe kîud af Drnce'e Ceo» of thtie voli known reocota te oony. F. C, Willur o! Grays- m1ý4'$ 11 t ypetyams CRARLEBE£VERTS MAN NAMED FUOR TOLD TO STÂY AWAY APLAESA FROM HIS FAMILY APPELAT= lSAT iiatiêknàno ho bmed kna tatil .ail îmepoj INTERESTING CASE IN COUNTY hîgi.i'iIl] , l îoîiiiletcsand to the sponge. the b<ead wlid = COURT WHEN WIFE EXPLOITS siatt!,riîî19rriîri-a lit t-tatirdtys juidi- asquicicly. lnthisrecipepotaoldl HUSBAND'S FAULTS. dut frînar a o i.itr .a.aney in the totamake dougbnuts tbat wifl reMah Siiifii-îlit 'c~iii îîa i i îrîîl theli anid resh for &eV" days. l îent], ùr îî l,.. a îK Wili giausi K C will be found to have dkIds PLlYEU POKER IN SA iONSi ly. Il, 11,wîiiCIf vantages coser any otjier Bakin0 PLYE PKE I SLONS lor doughnut. K C làas = lI" tii nuiîlt - i , aiidatljl itlî the liakingjioyder wih whicb aJWgsi INTERESTI NG ACCUSATIONS ARE'regniar lfîpîlîiîî tirî nd gr-siedoughnuts may lie mlxed and friedâ HURLED BACK AND FORTH tiî'keti. -Woirney KI".iailir if iEl a time. The last MllIn bas liglit a BEFORE JUOGE. gin ullî'arqIo 1., , noin zl ~ ..l he first. jue. Noîn,.oif hi.' fileîK C Potato Do.sb Tlwi' lîîl f iOii lîl iîi, 19 iiiIi i ifinria and'ei aie i .'a ha ý,By Mcs. Mes-aa igg, -è! liaisi 111 i.1wî' i ilî -iîsI' Of Mrl t ý, l. ii . h.01fanie» t'iulii I~ va~ ait)qt lie r lîiliid-3à upjlour 2 egos;1 ýf\1 .*î ad, i W TEWILLNG TO KCBk-uPwd:àtw' riî.sîinluto irr i tIatieIhllid icdPERNUT PIRAYERB BUT 8sjioof& al(; J 1 card. -i iuilf ip~slith nodîrulit 'WANflE DOCTOR po -it'jitp , mlk 11,1 uî':îaIn kî'nl i, local saloons s . if cu1ed. Eserfs allaethie charge' and EvOrts"1Ieéal huiar ht fWl adiuu lad it ivas trop., aIîîlouiglî ie said kI ii, ftl'w liei fo r rtie ie o'as aîi j it was lîifreqiiî-îfwlil le Illiiltf6d a,:iîîg a., agent for tfliC . & Mf. Hiec- if ivai a treqliefit ririîr trie ai Zioîî ('ity. was telephonlng lie Th'iîs case- was criîiained liiidetallI îîin'diincliaiothler instrumentf waniaynilf i idiis iîiîi ud th inlie station ant i nnpleted a *'c- Suft the 'tlai tie flu', sie court romniaa lltd lis nonlg -,aîîume(j u jcî 111volts orf dcc b.king Powder. Béat eqgsMIo whee l. h s icalli-il. TheIiî' iîilil, ,'. l 1.5, tî,iiltl,>bdy beater, tien gell initg oi? uo«0I iiiatfiii i w as tli:t lie hll iltîlrl liii lit îîî l . uigh,' n ody. ually sdd sugar, lieu work la tbe . iii th li' l-liiitiii'iiVoflh4 isiilîlnt , .- - ~iii.I tsysdpotsso wiîli a upoon and aixstu* failng o s ppot iiei I . .. . iail., Il, tu icav43 the 55 arli ur mixture. Makeasl fasiî Gt iIfort Ilas Vaudev il3ie.1 Il) ha j< d-c>orattend Maîi, into a a het, eut jta rounds:, p ,,I As God asVaudvill. i îîî'î a Oloivr otvalIa fhe dener wihhe fli leefa ry 11- twn fýl(ywýrof olvacame e 'llîî-îaac jroveil as enid si iaia' ', el. : i -ei,îeing Wliyte's ln- Fat for frying should nât te bot iý ilevillu' ait andIlîle otiilie 'as la II ;, l te ifbrown tlie doughout until it h*'er Jiidg, Peions tld Eerts u tenaiti e (Wbyte) be- 'Nlien the doughaiut ill dropped lioo't .lidgcl'i -nustod llveîsliiil itli i cîy of prayer. lle h drils ta the bottoni. As, tomos tai9 awiîy froi iii tiiînlil tIie'AprIl-rii i iriSe Iiliit1ray'r al right, Tt chouldwhieime ond huma sa of courtiî1lieiil I,.asiild itililire' tir , ~ t1tc Zlilfu' ýasked If Ilie climit s, thle c do unot akehie flir iîtni li- a.. le id lii a i ril il if hetrajedilfor bilmna nea- s»d sill stay moisi for' dUX?'. Nrs, Everis lait told blini ait- ad t lthe li f orai- hyte dld flot refuse. famil i ol i gt alting iitlit is ita-P' AiikiîinuIJig tlicre lunfliestation 1& a lN G eT1Mi liort go long as hî-r cidesi son reoaisn the Ziontie praycd that Wbyte's bandse ILÂ ed al home. bc heaied. Atter lic iad finlshed tflic ià% Im The cas'M'as i. arked iîy tirs. Ev- Zionite, whcîî lie saw Wliyte pnttlug AJ'5L l eris calllng bhi- lishaid au habiil]on lis hat ierparatory fo leavIig, aol-, drunkard and e iiti tam calliig lier a cd if h tli !iutended golng fo a duc, 1WILL COMPLETE 2000 MiLie hian as well as otîuîr "pet' naines. Ev-I ter. WHEN HE hFtAC1498 erta rîfcrrcd tevannaus tersons lu flic Von i)er -Jzuefas tuiîck as i tan.' MILWAUK<EE. couit ruentl wlo ciîîld vorielifor lm, andl Wlyfe "lent if" fowards a doctor'Vr aîîîng tiien benig Ilcfiity Sheniff who asuimnistcrcd a lotion whirlî re- W. Il. Clialman of Denvo Berry. Nîrs Everts rarne liack wlth, moved tlh aln sud lter héalcd fthe wlîa Is walklng on a wagoe g Yeif Nr. Berry muId enumerate tuantsas. f15wIl net hlm one 4duIinV1WI flic iumber «of ilaiera s li as served V.'yte. wlio leaves fli c ompanys for 20,0(1 miles, arnlvedl la 1l", on us compelting us Io10ger oat Of arr cmtilo3' oi Feli lot, doesnt lîke flue thîs affernoon on the lait î1êiw Iouses. it woiitl fîrthcr show iow lie job aii- more thonan ny of bis prede- Joiii'iey. whldh ends when ho IEers bas crau ipportcîh is" cesors. liecaîîse of the fartt flaf there l Inla'1,aukee. Everts alan referred f0 Atrorncy E. is tortn muel tersonal argumnt liapman stsfted out tl'ôrn V. tOrais.The latter Irnti tcstlmony. iîî thirsi une and flien anoîher. The lun compatiy with liglit othsra C^ lînwî'îcrl siaîed lîat Mra Ea'rfs lisdj Voilvaites arilie agalcul flic "sntis' 31. l911, f0 travel a distanc* «J seairal flmcs stanied divorce proceed. saud thi- "antis" argue agraînsf the vo-Imiles in twenfy monflis. Tbj11 Ings, e-adi lIme halting ilium ilsî as 'liviles-auj thc innocent station agent uP ou Fehmuary 28. 1913. 'It& tliev were about ready t0 go featrie -affillafcd wlfhlieuîliher lias feaaIt seen, giies hlm pîlenty of>tlm;ýi souîrts. op antiîal~iltitîsI. eaud it sn't luman lis destination. Ho ls thei. l Tho .-]'de-rson bld ie court fliat hils înature' it itigel into ai) argumeinf. of tf lcglif men who lias aMM futlîî'ndraîîk ilnuliard anid filt fliat N'Iîi'lias hlldnu neal troîule tic jauni. He cdaIms iâf lie isa-W wasu tlie whl i roille Nies. Evtrts I iuiah-lie IRan husky ulîsl ivlOnufi'the flicherate of front 35 tf0 N îii~iig-dli gîiilî c f l îînîe aay. ioletddiii t se-ilo iilemil îîin ni-rai la day. Far ftm hla; -ig' lgl ibi 'fîis lh lîa ti . ci li'work. lie sitys lie rathereso il ii Ille ti. niîsin sliiîti lite' ie1 113er odif41 " ii. iir r 'yIt 'vrlis reinainitue away AFFAIRS 0F RO.AD t., t' i -h. 1 r.Mrtn tru watrî'iî -iiîîIlgMileiireallsaIitw 4eAt NDTL5. i Iu,îtWalI.lic iitifiemp lrîîîliiii :tccleivf- îd slse TO B TS AN I 1I lia ncy liikey it iihs ranch anei,' an tdi tlo aimai tli,'couirt tIIai Ertr FOR OVE~R AYEAR'enn, wi-- "' ey li;Bay. t witai iii iui io eeaI li- n ing$ a it Fort l'hefafit liai i i- mei ln f uir-1lis.î-iifollowiig blliilunana Shurid.1 n lai l rjehi«ilrtnoniiBouc leI~ti'l 'liii agi> & Nli liaiik'- Cl"t i'uuîîî jiine a Ii uîiîîîdanI. aiiig usvocitrie raîlroarlai lilie sale &%eral se% s 'ti' reijîli'u't.s are snob filliland li' iot I l"aisiiisirîiieg ~iti11Waîkcga il, liai.' fledti' aie t'îiapnian reuit f ravel on 10, 1:1risO iia îî-tilai' r asc ' îiai lu fthe'Sulîrcîie icourt ias a reniLt lro disance. If lie fravel5o oa' nloue and repo t ba k to huit in A rls of Inîlge Lndis' dei<sion se ttig aside ' fur a y reussac.lie d es nOt *«ý Theî aoruiii lt nf tai' k tIi i iirnII le sale, iinea thlat ni lii ng il tue for il. tIe snys lie toesa~ lus iii ilv si iii.- Oui nel ot 1s 1roved I cçonlilisifI n thbiel.'niai ier i'r fta setl tcîslu as lie .1Id, whlen liho i iii irda liit.Il i aM'i fi'said itif s lii' tieei itfuttIie' ioui fau's a atii n i- 111e arrdes Ic fers whîch a"i sali ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sd ofuil tcuur e.rliuea- ah. i lt a a ar.lie lis vlslfed large cîfies la i1 ii oobeii a -nîîîalati-rt s cîed fal. li ase flie jidgii desni'e s > aI ttlicîoutfry, bis e a i îw le, n i nîîîîs i uî's ad .1î 1 i'uîuil--aîîiidiany' îîedl-ft ivwiii tue liIng suîfic lenitae satlsfy 5on iliS-icîl f i n Ille- i -- îîgaiiizat luiti roîîîuîlf et' i-iclai-il flicsignature sud -Iaellit iJaIl aton aud a hlai. %%,ill ake hlîorî thflicruad ouitle batia I Real uof taiukcgu n ram cily 'lhe-maialaIrelatiuns nffleicîîr liai nf the Billsal iiiltflic cmpafiy's at5r lnce.Iu.eiilus. sil-nil hit frolilesofuiilfor 10 ycars w Ili Lelai ughtefneîd ouf. liiti-aset'lie________________ andu tiîiinlh ley have- beei-lucourt -- - ~deelslin is iphlid. tiîeu a ni-w sale wwlll gad bér daugliter lica liate been wili CONTRACTOR DISCOVERS IN LOOKI1 look lifter bis case. Arnnocy, on Norfith îîîity trîet. M l ibe colonel. Ilila son. NMaJOr Royiîi ING THROUGH BOOKS THAT 'I1t1W tif î-csting lIat tf lieevcallece,-- îta' s -t-îfi îici.a IÈ' ta'v1dsai. ict Ifliainihl flirAvoni MONEY 18 HERE. ass(hiat fregg, ln is ti-itifiouia. li-'iss lic other it 's identlira Park. . li h te r he Co.j wslun ltNwlli id. fiat inlu rs'lnfor lis trani îîrcuu~drco a iiiliiîiwssDitn!iiNew %outi-ver glu tIrroali lîtheki-i--lof msi-Iacrens. vaiicd at $1i--iau acr'., lil't-r,' iito.f oelffîcen uni IvHlmait r ll if 5.lie l sgradttîated utf a~ilod oi (.1 ille4-s uIra1it il biij i .. %a s'ivil'cailIof tith iigl s ati t 'nu'a ideiif-M. Il i. a' trolaNorwichi uiui'sty lu 1869 and 5cm luna lonig fiait.-alaj iîd a -liii' ut hc h ue sl nWah i c rsde u Immdis beanlit! u aochl pt'tlit yu hlltucëd wa an ut- io rrcct. lic sta(ed trial. Mnr ticreîary-E B. Vagi-r. teacher. In 1111W, lie licituay nia ember -ueo,liy forgutt(iî'i?Il-i îdiodilifueaitiiii "asrcTh dn'li ' et the. faclty cf flic Morgan Park Picabtauit sei-8tiii,santt ' tonil ai $10i000,tbutriri allehr h' liii. tons ---M. Il. lIn u'r t tf B.Va MUlta.ry adlerîi 3asd two yeans4 'Jslar -ii t thile Ifi4ii g ioii'3,- voirlytîob- g4flt riulis satbr i f il (i]luitjfilil r-uvo îî A. V. Suli gatabilseo he lcNonfeli iriN lIa>Iahl i naiirleiîil) yoîî ratilf. uijt rlo uiore t list$4,000ilîitair Iîe Th- ti niastrers nf11 iYor hîu -iltflic aca.demy af Highland Park. The bodyj If YOUi(-ver 'i rîtt' ilis 1iitu1lî-y itr. linen clainicd Il I.le, eîcîîuîtan o 0be lua. sera i-i îu'tcolii viii~~~~~~~~ li ett luuy'le .ru o îci.rai.-X ix ulu--n, yoîu are Inn 1h- 5a aile f0 makt 'the deal li-t acco'ndîirtion. the rettats rutinrire.-liait Colere. podouoi lcpatfw1fsiion u te prl-tir.eînd 1mw a man Nhi-sarg.Gregg sud Illgley, l. sasi an teInt-langer tfl a ut .111 iius Col Dvisoiunilth piat il wîld 1er-I ahi, fourra11d1000,tiir le xcritilul faIlscoomltssines, wlilei tnil ' tefnsve Iniîiroi.tui'tr to thef yeti hdbenvr ponnetl lr-laet lo 1iciIi ii- ad î(lttefongt uGtrcggneyer tiaid. Thene s.as a $3.500 Arttrory have becru îmale îrîg l. hIbllon înces 0 lak co niy lIen for oier tlree yesrs. monîgage on flue tari wîîuuliceturncdii.pâirt iar, sucb a-, painftig tbe roof tact, for yeans, lie wasafhecchie! siok Charles (SficeutfRacine. shu lias lit uner to Mn. ilii'v.Nrr u. iligi urîand-tengtlenlng fie walla. Ia thse masemenf here.le was Jais ont,îceaslangi smouîfuf of lnuîrovcliltuîtt ~ fi lrgg"li aei saliiufallgF1 tX' a forer edtor 0f tflic unnfY, laving work lu Waukegan. lias jîlsihluil eInceri'stlng lecaie,.e'hi. sioik tof dry for lis services fI lihedont;îuny Mas Z4dlttad an oe flHgile dPrkpessl îerec.gonds rcferrcd fui That îof one of tiaacd. as seil as a resolutiiîit furfa ~<w-Lterfr os.fni.And it aillluqîed titi ay: itie rii3's otdc'it .. liai monnîlietd iitiacdistockhoider wîtlîasu itemui-d Wlien a dotractor monpletes alfor si-raîy NNW1 stîîiteuet of fie finariicialcondtioîln of G3il TM'ARTUR :iuiirpail iuinoverncnt lic is oblildte c goi f licwats va IpEopLEB iyt' ,city 10 luit iii s "maintenane" Is aa LUA ES EO LE' bîudru ovr aîîrlo 0ftw ers, FORJ(±R RESIDENT idîscussed 55 flic meeting and ail pres- »B»K APT R 12 'YEAR su tbfaI If it la faufil durin tut ua inie 0F CI "Y DIED IN 'eut agreed tbaf flic builldinrg tais n ANTHR HAGEMADE KNOWN th ie wnrk ivas nof pritîin properly i GEI5ES, CAL. stfronger flan If was wlisn Ir flrst was ANTHR tAhEéi elia lias a "(mec harI." on hlm. Mn.' iili. Thc Sun a few eveninga ago TODAY WMEN RESIGNATION ICt'ijii-afltarenfiy. docault think muidl toid lu detail flic nature of these lai- 18 ANNOUNCED. 0f tils *'mainteunance' bond Idea for.' A inçia of a Les Angelest'Il nes-- rocet. f aanuudtda înguead b lsuv-ys bls deposlfdd rcer- i alaprj i5t ri'ide'd n '.'akiiligau, itls fhat tic Arunony la mors' popular than &MY GO TO OTHER BANK tlheclies ifI fe lcerk of rIelof heicdeafl in lu s Angeles on Du'-ieVer I1ftiaiengagements are belug board uf local impravemenîs of W'au cent-r titi.1912 utfhira Olive NM dtl, sp verY raoliy.Dnnng flic _______- kegau Thîs le a rnuuuh more exien- jTamner, a formier prurminent ceaIdent aIîi- i irvmnaieiupo Oraf firAflirforfui P ýt 1save wsy 0f lroiectingtheficciry. as ilt Waikegan anrd 'ubrüd liy pract'filgrasif s-as rrcressary toaiutesoie of yearrs cofiuocfed wivfltflicPeuples brtnk neuei-a.uy for ttc tCaire f0 keî't. on catiyer -y utd 'iluTof tIe rsiuity. tr teolirhtsIficia.Tcio lu thî cltdy le flic cm iyutfle di-tf outiliuiistilv filîî lt(-batk an-NI rs. Turfs-r al a n asor agi- SIciuonIens ohftic re onîtnyshow Itîsme the bank Mousy ecenie foîlgiIt-lis amnorintcf mnîny sîjYiffliit fueir' was thuesite etfi. - Sf1- iadge John, lia taliii ffi xuitu u 'r.IgnAlfendlnt sfoie ayfu-tIr e crtllcd cheiks.b.Tur nter, whaiiovter 25 ypars MasSyean t ie fart fIat If was troftgl Mn. eAnhunsfîllus or h~ ftturu- 1 î1fitlt'e lisns-ui tîuî-A . .Roger. thlee oiur-iyjudge ut ,sf.- ucoutilî Il nt mirie t-t-r of he iiirovii.iit oar, Iaq JdélTurerj utuintIeri- rny as s-heduled. but lti Mdr. McArtliur looIk a poistionîi li tIc iul, giegar'fut$1)Ii.uî srtIl f-iitor O r auîiand ilioruli àit. r liai lis iifg reluirsa a u.-a lys l'store ftil'-ioilIi i bais: wen il s'as lsttiuht'd 12 3 cars i, uileîceks fron NiMr iCale,'l'tIi.'anddtuagler. Niss Aîi- 'l'uit oî-show us ufititis-n. sio and lias Irovi>i Ioii. of tir li iuuoi aitfi' tsime ;.ioil ouisou.u. ,iftii ire n I u os ;Anugelesi Mllu s-nei l -have èouscientioius elipulot es aul Int iiii tu IiiOn i fuiuiisfr s-u ii a liant ofitheflic lad -nir sitei . lIns Tuirnu-r h-unesAN T E C SE0 ln fliceIltylias i-ver lusîl Itiafaitt i SI-ekrý si-n'dcpositedt.'vuc'ht s cull.-iAit lire u iA NOHDOCOR OF N juiueasinlutheli 1sitiür or fuir l i' uuiuiy ntts at-o and flue mh'rks cuîlaI us i iN'V. C.IDandy; aso itle fol lui ig grand- OD C RN yearsinakeau eti-n tiai, lie- 5ilt tii.-en ake'runi)uari ai lunei. ThomIinit N n i.asli, ?Irans li MEDICINiE FOR SICK selon lie ideuli ii- ilWl i lutirin InIeresti. l'liie i l i-t- i ii ito f uiilu l e tri- auu it i.ks' aitiJojuint 'lhuuu s. lu a position uf i uliortncani.sîd u'lplil s-s' ccd f0 laýei.' il et ilcnufrac r i ut' Tiinul.-r faill i reaidî'd li n'tt-i Ai vat-ni ..of a ilatirli Zîuuioi i sibilify uhî,rr', mimd aund, ut sas nl, util s dYi kutauufor a ici-at iuiauiy yars sud avIsru' ii)ri'itieanitd no dortor ila, Goes With Other Bank? un A-o agu tt t îliin kilig tlroîîgliJudugî' Ttiruîî'r'c îpositilonî rouigltIflm &llidl iitu Ilil.'aai' was reportt'd la flus hooks lie disamui .'nid til.aith llai!inuont u au-i Nlir lu ii ;(i,llv 13evecy iept 3I 'uli -i.r iC'nirad titisla nunni Report lias Jf 111sft ecse O af rau $llIt ofli Vaii keg'tau liecat ted resiiet o ii r( T ui iift y.Il,- wa ,anc Ofanîl lutie-rIItiI iii uest fla.- l i deliarfune 0f C. 1Il hianiiTarîd 'il- I I.Rgr nMna lo ieils oua uîtstr o-t 'lc oy lardWland fromntti'. IlatNational drp IfNir haut-crs o Nîuîdy udtoclet e l dtruas Iinitur Juriste mouîufy ireOt'iii OSy Afe G.Smt . baril.sud Ieeaiuse cf chanuges fn the 11-2s'I uehWor-f n 0cil-fiac iila.ifu c.ucllyi u-fir It TI -aIl, i a t re cItîr -(i' o Securly Sslng fian tatty. in 1ft--~hiifirek. Tie fie iriat ie 1uld fite' l e l'd otu i, .,u iauiny ylIf i i., tîIi -- lcit i. l nuayle all-ilto ap~îiiluu1un onmy fied ul. for lsud a long Otre, ' ilis it,' as a'. i tllked lu3 attl] hin iuuofia blii10ai iad hlslcosluf AnrthrmyI ahdtaprlol dîinut.si-m f0 ltirrlitai ail. kîîew lieran r suul turuhali. c,,,ry ,lttion fu o nlu- as. one af those Instlitutiotns. A fetIliowevcr t'aat ruakî's fhe In-lr4sudcit frite' dry hume r hegsafa lie tieil Itou 15' u i o'lodk iaiing Mcr.NieArfîuir. altîniigli -aliîitedj l at he auî fo 13yeas. ad eencident stl more lunusis, le IlMr Mnluiilarîy tNoir ier h e nuu is c eic sIc.nrîtIi -arîiorla funr10 days. ai he ati fr, -1 eas, ad eel fape ls saidtfo have msney tied tufi) j se- waunî'ilthefIle dcly wuman fluring ihat ni' li'1usdlnt have lie gisen no officîil fpoiit i lflnuiglihi-ibis s'ay lu severat udifférent riflesflir ad hbelulitî (lie f-ers loice con- dIraI ldanduni iiiltors aud Officilas actsil ocuîued ti 1uclfoiuut e-kcows lii' rau get tle'nýntoney wlien- taitidIn flic,- Nngilea l'iii, Itll.of the 'tolii i f liion prayed over Ihuuuu istauit cashs-r. cicr île wants IL suit dasut iv i! ,119 of lien deafi. iearly a uionti fl tf. r eoîîfluînuîuly. 'I'lic verdict wasfIal e He ceIdes un Northi sienne and lias asuofler thouglut. The chcks ewilI be Ir occurned. sacquîile a sîiock ru t11cm. lied frntn 11uniplloui auj pcî-uuuîun helln a esîderiî f thfe lty for maniy turned aven ta flie contrartor imime- Tiey are17 exPectilit- moreencomplets de- nia coniliutii Murra.ylelwa il--itudir jIsitrer diately. taillaei la tter from fthc dangliten. SmifIth a walfe lutno clil- at Wauliegau.drn fluat alcu uil l aki' socle fîîue. Vinus, fleic ndIrat louisanc tht it R tll tue frOto cule ta twu 3 iara hefore flhc comny's affaIre MIII hi- fakeui out fothflic auds of a reti-Iven. In flic meaufîme, the oalI willi cniiue la dcteu'lonafe ln ifs geni-ral ulikecti for.under fthc ce- cciveîîhiu. teli-ptcy hasbfiinuta malte n ci-faira tir luiprovOnluI'uts exceît- lut- wlua are alusolîtely nucucsary sud uiuavoiulali. Thise uciseIsnit vcry encouraginu, f0 pleople off ui.' ou'hushore wlio lad itoped foc a'speedy adJustmenf follOw- lute flesale. mEs. JWIN AUSTIN DIES 1 WUBT PROM CANCZ:RÔUB GROWTH Wornd readlied Mn,. Charles Malng-us tuday of fthe deafhln l Kallspet. filnt. of lins. Joino Austin, wiî fa a former s'eih kcowu resldent of Waukcgan sud Gunue. Mr. Atistîn for ycas rau the cnesmery af Gurneeansd lafer, for soins years, the 0f d ?Mcferniof fsa- loon on Wa#,iIngtac streef. Sic ivas 45 years old and was a sîster ta Cliarles Stndley, a weli known lu'ai yaung mn. Nrs. Austin sîfithlier buslîand came back tefaWaukegan latsftali shere sIc underweuif a fpartial operaf Ion fon cauf- ven, lut s-len she was openafed ou if was foucd Ithe troufaie lad reacied sud(, a stage hlathîe penalaon wse aadnui'iandustuc wass akoui tant W,,'qt s-lenethficfanully lad localeul f- fer teuuviuîg Waultuegal. Mne. Autinhowass ieil knoivu lu fie clfy aud count). and, whilhe it.it bObLa known aile conld aot long surVtYu. seY- ertiieless, ber death is y ÇUl ase soIe BUOTu1Zxl TRIP THoI mIs [,ouile Chambert of D aStneet leases fadny for Ouw*ý sIc joins lien brother Edw8g' iarpow stan e on a EWO 'U tîrongluichasEt. 5h. lACd46 Washilngton, New York aud Queatuor, Canada. -- MIls ilChambeurs I',lib. te-s lier brother. Whio la thsett4 t-en for flie AtchsnTt e- Fc suithflichcances.arethéey thc tip n lplfr. Chambers' ini whucrlihlietravelsoser Ilowevcr, aIe la nat certa"b D ditails of the trip, miss l= une otflue ivelI knawn nuîiele ors ln tfl i lY. .ludge Hughes »a' Shortly atter Goveraor- New York was electel fIie, alter bitter dam frai New York came to vals fohd 10 0gftbCth sien ln Albaniy. Ttflien the lawyer bsd aver bs cial resîdeuce ot Novr and, atter Hughes eas the visîfor sald. "«T«i sanie place bure." "t4 pled; "but 1 had a thse landlord ta s 't SRatnrday EventPOsp tak in letaIeb thouglit hic so.-fo.a bw « ûle tfl Mo*,s s lilo ithe' sif.' eliaims stIti 5a lovint- si, ani :iiiind îuhen ie s4nt drInk-ý WOMAN FOUNO INSANE. Scihatfuairî agcd 34, was fonnd liiuamand sIai-it te ElIgîn. She was a piatient iai l)iii uniiig four n 3ars st-o. ,Mrs. lifugahni ilate wounuwlise rase hba lurued uni-of theflic ot fus- r luitl t hiailiasi-ne btucore local au- thorit les Itu aîlong finie. lehon lnld ls now iu tIie counfy jail servînt- a six monthli' usenitence for luînt- druuk sud flic six dhituren are f0tu e ilaced lu ft- Lake itiuff orpilanage. The 3ounut est le luit t 'mnothesold. Tliig- la tht- family who, at Chrstmas floue waî hurîpeul geueronsly by Wau- ket-su iomen wlio luard of thoîr sîfu- rtfion. Thceniother lias huen insane ut different fîmes lietore. The huis- boand lias nover slown s desîre to loot affer lier or bis cîhîdren. Thue faîl- ly lias, accordlngly, liait a most dîifl- cuIt fic gefflut alont-. TIecase of A. C. Boiven st-ainsI Gregg came up before a jury abolit ooon, a suIfit ienelo an effotfJe nmade te coltocf comission ou a ceaI est ais deaI. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES FAIL. Auroas.Ill., Jan. 2h G1raduafes of Aurora hîglu sclootui havetselieu "lu- dlrtpd" as Ilion aîîîllî'ri;tandl t-langet Milh higniornuceoftgeograpluy anud aritlime.ic hy t'osiiiish-r b.A. t'on- ofîuntluîc iMore ftuui 10 havuai aet eftsmnatioti for positions l Illie poatolIlce lu 12 yh-arsansd auly fîrci bave passed. Posfmaster Coiiaiaiutluie1 asserts there la soiefiig wrotig wbhen à higli scho-bl rauiate doe 119f lso..thcan .,tt.i uof LtUO

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