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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jan 1913, p. 4

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LiIenLvviiic Exchanoge ' ASSISTANT CHIEF OF WAUK<EGAN i Cever detoltv. wrk on the panI Ascdaifi' 'seofi,. itlibarvvll.Ii. s ecndCaMiiM >tr~ TEL.LS WHY VICE CONTIN- aGSirlfMm r een and Chiet et klm _ _-_ -- -_ _ __ ___- _- _UES IN CHICAGO. Policq 'Jjlbo tkegt andt Policeman suit Weakr.leIrtiiiz Rates Made' Knowu on Application- George Wing #f tii Highland PIck ~8RIPTI0N PRICE, $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN D NE STATEMENT HE COULO STOP police etre. "Wednesdayo!.ac.dup AOAC~ VICE IN SIX MONTHU CAUS- the ttoit e1 $50) worti of Jewela Pro m ES SENSATION, Ia su fbego ihadPr ' r . SMITHM ............. .. ................ ... .. ........... .................... Editor Assisant C ae te OMy nberg et hendbars k3.SMITH ......... ............... .......... 1............................. Manger bieftaftPolice Thoma and mrd h£ety n e hd bebars UP the. vice conditions ln Chicago ln- ut $500 Mthei aleged robbery. Jo- FRI I AY JANUARY 24, 1913. side of six onthIif lhe were placed seph VMit, a barber employod ln the __________________________________________________ i__Ut the bead of the department. lias eis esibre ipI b Caregi ba a itie par chngeatoccasloned no endt ot comment. Chi- basemnt hi th.e Irikin bank at Hl.h * at Mr. Crei still hualtl pmcÀg cago novîapiefsfhils morntng eemdl.- 'land'Park, li amde a campieta con- SO mad is shown by bis wIlllngness to contribute one tioneal 'nuit, a lengthy eatement Of feaclon ta tii. tliett Up to tii. lime ieCost of the. new Organ for the L1berty>Viile M. E. the local ciiefs assertions. suspicion pellilsi te hlm the. circani- L And Andrew is a Scotcbman at that. "i dont kmow iiow klndly the Chi- stantiai evidence agaimat the colored caut police wil tare my starsin a asYr tog .&ndnow r. OtbostheutntOtt la htruc, nevertlles," Mr. Tyr-,', ftoy 01 the Case. Aàdno Mr Ot, f he urt Ot--grm ae .roll declared today. "I wouid alve Tih tori0f the. case foilows: 26into the. front flot as a lecturer but as an inventor of a Uiem sncb a shake-up that lier. would o sma efrnniaaOld umncoop. We knew he would win out ini hie poUltry not bai a vfstlge ot gratt lait. berg, a wie5tbj sAMinfluential Htgli'- forhe' soperîstn h e t h tbas to get there. "Tii. trouble u5ti fie police de- î,dPr ocat n l iete ____________________ artemtot hlcgo t he peset atran for Cblcago te couat a phy-i 4time la tliaî there iftomach poli- icimu. Un. (loldberg left ber baud- S"<Xayor Rossbach" wouldn't soumd bad and Vic de- tics baci etof. My tiret step Woald hag on a seat Ili the Highlandt Parka W«U sgoing out after thie Evanston job in earnest. Ife -~ - depot land ddiiot miseaiti untIl sha ie i campaign mostly onthe fight he made against wai n atlir ray te Chicago. ArrIvsd mWe.nsive filtration plant which others advocated in l~. n Chicago &ho tel.xraî,hed. tck te . tzîIlilard Park, but the handpag con- _____ '< aling amoug etiier thînge a cosud- erable amaent of jcrelry. coiihd not ZA ,the meantime, tate's Atlýorney Dady and other bcfaunti. The bsg contained the fol- r91et he aste will continue to draw their $5,000 O in~fg artîies: and il the 0upreme court should agree with Mr. SevcîÙteen dollars and flfty-flve cents in' casdi. that the. new law ià illegal, why of*eourse, they'll One set of paartearings. teexcess -<Maybe.) one set ai goldsearinga. Tbnte pins set wttipearis. os ]Buf[alo Qrove residents Whose loyalty to, the ir ,O"-ealmn ratpn in uSig ' h Ms note s1etc., and Who betftyed O ne gold ai viand miichai n ffly, hanve right to feel that eveni for one ts Tiieatira, amaunte was valued eti ?ole obould not affix their names to notes. It t-60. Mr. Oodberg at once offered a d offênime th caes heredir reult re-d0f *5W for th, returnu aithe p~y id ftenlme tii caes weredireresitshaudiag. On Momday nigit, Anderson -aeit worae for those who need help anfd are ton1- Johnsion, ajanitor lu the, Erakine iank - builaing and a former porter ln Wau- THM i ~rE kegan. vislf.ed thlic (bed.rg home and o ees the Powler lung motor féeeI that Waukegapg Aciiotant Che« nf.pollisc :8.imed fie rewand. H.e au h.oliad 68 eaidprelctinz re ade iia E~ Who eas'.Me could Ciesa Up vice round the. handbag lu tb, batemert of ageandpreictozzaremad tht P 1 n Chicago Inside of Six Menthe thei bank building. Mr. Godbrg toad a bi foruneouto it, Maly b-rte jewoIî missiog snd demanuded that l&i 0McYU M 1.Puinietor adthat de- b. lae5se that tua case.n'as elîmi- the negro tomn tiemever. -'Thisa 1h. la sp'td oaed.Poliiics la sentethîng that negro coulai Dt do aithi.»a plaoed à -t later, heunu mt enter ht thei police de- und>'r arreét andt broualit te Waikegao latrpartaiet fay clty. 1Tassday wli.re, .mter aà beartug la ns- "Tiien tee, ln my opinion the cîhy et tic, court ho vu- Loneit ver te thec Chicago la aaaking a oiatakre by layimqgrE'aid jrla abonds of $500. 5 off many of lits Policera« ndmiuthîns He ankeit reffltealy.that ho be ai- ~Kdown the. aariee ofot ehers. Thei.o- leait 1 o ninUte W si, a eleua lice departunent la a hait place thobe-s- oanlia Cmsgo, bçt haw.. aelt 1 lue. y ~~agin te ent doe~rxpoumnsedsaiyou attdtoIti eaffliVag4hb- ,0b ,gtô 5get Ihe rper gu -'evai! 0 , k A4i 1VIipi-eu i Biency eut et policemen yheonarne-lte W kiio T Mtr Tyrreil pints withipride ta the ri le n 0Ûiiiiicatéd it nt .JMaiaiuui w.; condittions that prevali ua Wankegan- Mr. Gldbilransoi unte '*1mentÏ Sveg wben Chicagio and otli.r cli~ti 11r,-totb et them te go thi Chinagoon on the. North cshore are aiounding lu Wednesay sothat -ihey coulai vîii 1~p1Ic o!aIlflluol ot.>fcrime bo han been able ta keep It et! Ibis Iroman and tlnd If .b. knaw amy- i i~b d~.da Minimum and amy criminel or ans- 1tuasg about the case. Twe lHighland b» 'bXpicions character rie passes througi i Park poli. off icei~ls oar.lcd the train SOf ta L 1>b- bis bandei ratsins a feeling of te iii he igaune tîme as Mn. Goldbeg ait mtch~ ~o~1dm~iute vIOOlats greateat respect anad far 0f hlm. they thou et having suapilons fiet I»r*t louffl .uly. Où lthe otiier hand there During thie 30 years lhe han beem Violît miglit b, the guilti- Party. Tiiey for jaw on IbCl te Police force* i. ibas galmd ealdbho bad reaigned bis position a for aW Ol h5a nids knowledge of crooki and tuis barber, havlng werkcd tiers but a few doétheir cttl-eVe11 in stands hlminli good baud. For thii', weeke. 'lie seemed to be very nerveus 1.OÇO-. *M.y.t UOne tilg Wbat an Tesson rien ha emys he coutliclemu m-d aPPared amîloua t, -0 away-..A c llou ayor àày noôt tolerate. up vice conditions ln Chicago ln 1sixHghlandt Park offîcer mail neen placeal 4 - mntis hi.itaheent e ac ondo u gard so that h. IViolît> could not ~Il ue uSpCt t lie 00k mploes t ,,,,et consuderation. 3Unceeed ln maklng bia "ÀJtanay.- Mri. dufae r0f totheerm C lof h o la ites een said at once tiat It looked vecy St«ehe eemeeatingso tieironltW LIEA IO machnasIft!hLbman noeeithe gulity theïr.dalv'a'rayer metng ocfy. on o Oookfacoryit uaI . uid tat he Zonies G TS:N IINOR Ho dii mot tae.amy cliances, hon'- ý'0ok fctoy, i mut b sad tht te Zonies G TS»N M NOR ever, sud rent ta the Centrai police tq pray there if thsy wish. Nobody would AWARDED THE ROLL 0F MONOR iemd(lumrters lu Chicago rliere ho emsfotg Wlth a meeting in a chu.rch, i-n a taber- BADGE FOR GETTING MOST a5ked tiat an effort h. made ta sec ra.bencthe fuctthat the Voiva meetings are con-. NEW MEMBERS IN 'R. that the, gem. were not-sold lu auy M h e tiopen, doesn't change the complexion-for T.Wuegntoa eu ola'of ithe Chicago pawnaopi. Tâe aukganitoai Lagu loge, Tien ho ard Goidbecg returnd to on Voliva's land and bave a right to hold theila u wotiriof oo :~ê eu ihadPr n i neakdt The. thing for the Cook People to do is to walk t fui t rarned. for obtin'aunlnc rac new Violit bc piaceal undor aarest aludtta- ghering, entirely ignoring eprene o the me,erai iuiring 1912 than any other ken t the0 Police station. This ras . Bu, thy hae n rigt toatt ctem on the igdeu i a:- ýorder otisde 91 Chicago. dune. Butthe hae n riht t atackthe on the C 1 a ,C orthy fart tbat iiie %Vau- i At firet the barber denled amy kuow- thtteyre being intliidated. The. Volivaites, keuau o-won the samip diïtiiitioii iedge o! the affair, but he etrlpped hm- inIl jodjudgment or not, bave a right to hold their in l191.self Up several timasi and mter a tire. on the particular lot just as much as they would leiiilcthe -rol of honora beauti- boucs 'eweatiug coutoeed fiat he -thold tbem in the tabernacle, and, without inter. f l i qi , 4 encan fisg and L s lentimer bad takon the bag and sai that if id r1,lm' 1\aedition t1111I-'nih i lik, Godberg Wnuld accompauy hlm tîuat It's aggravating e-nough for the Cook people to iootînir.-r bas .iusî s 'e': pcc.euted h. mouid show where the gaula hod. crUsaders in front of them dafly, but, property t'le iorhe '), Sujreme Are-hon Bnct-on heen hidiien. H. dii mot nu f0t ho and freedom of speech prevents them from hav- Wl iau Cd tokain outhe esateem lu I seen golng through the. etreots nli eglright to forcibly relsent what they consider an 'l ; i emberi a!oft. local arda>rthe, Police. Hie niaili nas granted by are b.'d, tii.tro Higiland'Park police officens The indivduai prise, a solid goldi and Sheriai Green tliored along mot badge of itanor fen eecaning tie great- vory. tac bebinit no tuat if le tellor - WHO CAN NAME THE FIGURE? est numbher of membere, goes fe Wil- made an httemPt te escape they cauhl Yow ~'rk jur wreda crea$,OOdmFs lmt. Brecheleen, Ancien or tihc frustraI, bls efforts. He made no sncb l OfWaukegam iodge. aihempt boreVer and led tlb.s hobiis Io fai eyelid in a railway accident. ?.,bn fti oa Mtmtr erigloa.".gsalehi aaoajur awarded a boy $7,000 for the loas of aîîY teasi cansderabi, elatîon at a -bluden lu the batiroem. oitii a trin. rg wnm uch a distnction. Thi, lo- nt make a comploe confusion until *jur gave a brakeman $10,000 for tie bs of stallation. cf offtceca t&k.5s places on mter ha baa! beau strippeit te ase. that Febcuaity 6. The ew offlaers to ho ho bad mt eoncemled con,. of thie by h e vrdits:Installod Lieu art: Jewela about is Porson, bythsevrdct:Arcilo-Williaa F. Brecholsen. Ù6 ras brougttt h o m ke county valuotio would the. jury place on the life of a V'lce-archon-Harry L. Howe. Jeu WNeduesitmy evenioq aind ll b. abafeed to industrial greed? Orator-'-Lelaind 0. Peiton. given a heariag. The nègre nl b.. dàâm V da jury award for the. blighted Past acion-Alex A. Mrrie. a gib is lberty eteonce. Flreice Loreli lne m botwitth a oi. 'ianwhlt'b tlmy reprapeu,.al o ef caried )drus 8rrioa ha. heen quitie Il thic Pest -ouff tii ir lng oer tii.lvreeventae. tuea ihie h4b.i bool pplIs Myrtie Bocken nemI ta Waukqgsr Thradaynlgt ain ai . coMuu ftu . Monitay. frua bte oebou o au . tllena: Bailli iNeSTiTUTE JOINs -TAX HEwfORM IN ogEàmAo POR lETTER BEy- ENIJE AOT 1 IN lgiNOIS, Monday. 1 masrsis.; Phul PmUn., callt; Fort; rtY a ihlsrl fsrc mf M attie Lgbtbody voent ti> Wank Sm Rithl. clown; Kat@ Corrol, Matba êt * lhIsrl tsrc afr dalrdsy.Washington;, Hearie. ar.,hAbjg g1vf; mityjla the. taratlop of &a iknde af Alarry prte dogface of char;cter ba Mv. Burievis hatsiiei. heconsent P.lasitrail wbtckinaia'l haal t" Mao wIi bpropet eadls 1ciaatrla Baturdtay. y oihsr; Lois Au,.tlm And Doris Pmedsesbu voic.d by exporte la other states Harve.y Mo.isti lnt ithe wa'ken.d inwatoitur Ime aprons end -dust cai».. .i îlo Bention Harbor, MILLi. arvey s. mtoal oattend.d but watt Dat neaswl a uIlios Bento ilaisorMkb."Thog attempt tu totai li ppety Mrw., Roers called Münda.v un the. by a nifitom ruie resuis in the Pise- six th sied tiventh grade. ObitUary. tla o buritens of taxation upon reai Tiie irebm&n lan aé res nuwaitstifll< Johin Wuolidgae b orssn oeewall. ýùwt*te,' unysAllen IR. Foote ot Colum- tiieir tiret tUett tlio btanly. nIC ud. u Joury12. 1,47 . I lbus, 0hio, for many Yea's premid«mt Tiie junior cia.. bave athâousetarted 1851. as ithe «si of tour vents, ho.oft he National Tai Association. "AU their hal[seanester insrit un algjebra. .anlgrated tl utowrité'a w,îhhibe palot- wlieare lntelllgently endeaverlngft The stteudamc. Ilu tecond ogs*a . tanmd sastitlua Freiont township smars iuroYe the tex systeme ts fthe estverai bettere. te' r 11 w n u IvAmbe. Uon April 4. 19469. 4swuastcation are concentrating their efforts Girosie iMordlo'îttu15back to »ehool In umieltalutbhoIoy bansdèsut nmatrimonialaupon securing constltutional aqned- the. second grade mter a two weoakcto Mis Attelles Bitia, uvosdepartsdib tis monte that will permit a classification obunoe. lUfe filA pril 18i95. Tu titis unliun wore of1he, subjects et taxation and tbue FrantettéBlijoo ol et tii. lth àr habuotbnss sonts. ltdward R., QCharL. t rutoyva the obstacles te tai relevta tient %cli Chicago Satmrdartuo ut i. md Reajuaian F. always presenteil by th. unitorounol. 5h.s *a* -Our Wlvaa." Whocosnitng tP hi* msjoît.v lhe ofthe generai prop.rty faxs. Mr&. Mordiiorit v1oolied thi ecpaon tgAa.dlai tb. tarin tuapeums ussis... Whoever classification la permit- gradoTua.ldaj. UlmuaWebbwsuffiweleowa' andl ianil@se r 1880 liae ramaîvsa go test, and a veen lots rate placed silon ail visitor.téfiof rutonst., Libertyville *W@e abu.a'iared te.grllelo ItansIble property, the, revenue fronsi LeMone lStafford of the MspiiOIiirO lunbor auîd hardware buoinss wli b is cource.là lnvarlahly lnereaséd clae lava.. t bic weeik wlt b lier pareiltha Valh Wright »sea patiner, whlih voaca. enovmouely."I f0i .apanalthe test nofithe wlnta'r loia Tza-. (don hlacfallostraI uuisi tiee Jar 1891, Gr'eat Maus ofProporty Escape.. The weeklv prouram laut Frla»y 'wl>..>hao iuncleiaadmbic rh measetate Harrison B. Piley, of the. Illinois altta'iinnn ecolâtea l (1piano -.'Io, FoauenaK"i; carrent eventa.. 1' or.sse oaulf buolait', l01109109this outil Speclal Tsx Commoloson says of the Sptedeath alainie.qJ hu on Sund"ia, Jauuary flood for the, tai amensdment ta the, Min'. Fl.é*'a.ma pale j. doisig cdet Ii. 19r3i. consUfaution: "Tii. falng syotem tof Wa>rk lii os *rtae evpaifh amdi alltii. Ois J.uly 13, 1899. lie swaa nzakrlcq tu Ilinois la antiquateu. unequal, in- prfaalr tu taking np the ttecebiriz, lle@('ala Ha Orda.t-fHon.! Cîsel, %Wi. equltable and unentorcable except as prat.aB@a w matto' aitfthe. chasrtètr snt-ntlarofaagalnst real estate and flx.d persoAI s'orne irothe. gils uofthe aluinni wla irés aat.aîaa a hrcl itaRockt- property. The land, cattie and nia- foriaaerly playaad on tunr tba.ka' bail ta'asnai (ipi n mrlaacb tn..nberslalîa ne ciantinaied chinery of the fanmer are roach.d and .4,a10 r.,ua'0 ofirranginig a gaun'. voasl tla IsL. U. S. jliri. 1.40 lcaula'd W thei, 'iiuciîtrnnpiinat. taied as In the. tursaiturte or thesamait @- leu.(.iiýo toblsch cbaihava'. lie ' c a.aa k.f hes.tigih..i wth 1iouneWhtter,' but the gtuîtiles.cf é- nloi b he e4y pTaétu a i ,,y tifliteadveaance gruatu .f Lllrr3viiloli ad!personal propery whoily escapes tac- tIra'.'1-4fla'thaillgaiue.Theefsnis au!Iohi. aaiâirlaag a'.eriy tana leal.ction ation owing to the. tact fiat the ton- lave. rahen the. matter sonder aivias- Lataarî veilla' ui ue> ut brprosperity. stltutlan and laws of the clae. make nient. iHe i.astoi tu uourn hic deu)aîle attresuit Irevitabl,." The P,»nior. lied a ciscs meeting -ne w .titre«a sons. tan wradchildren. Tiie Oregon Tax Commissions re- day lu,î week ta> decde toiataavîîag a one @iiata'r.uhre lirotheri and malal ot(95)ri Ti Ivsia o gradaion epsah-r. A cununitte- Atiil1prt(95)sll:"h Ivsigto appoiutied taul-ifr witb1Mr. flueras aitaor reoistives mini Irieude. I o!of thereports of Lthe èommissloiis of silon the mintter. 1The. fun-rai ovale eld ai the ouescallier states clearly shows that the. tl.~l Tritap andl Rimer Ree5tivlî a1 Wa'dnaadsv at 12-00 o'cloek wltbhlter- placing ofthfle bundens of taxation up- making si eulualctive lburmoe siwsuaetitnt ii vaiuboe. li"r. J. 8c.tt C(.r on reai yroperty. And tfiat la trutteIna for paii pie. . . .spéitthieilAe. nerlant :,t'naciefalh'r l'tingragationabl ron ths state. Under Lis operation the %I'rlda afertîooin mctfileI. Iwikeinitii éup .i,îicisted [tai folle. largely silon visible persona] oaping the Iran faorlit. 1d propes'ty, adtimat.fto, In the. bande Marclail Waldo unaies a very pra'tv Ifyou bave a bais humeriar mmd an% of those fiat may pay the fax en real uittle Fr. Av."h5.t leh. 1001d very iweet.tlis bautthlng fur lient try Kapa" rpety4. UcokeeScrtay faut fi rid«Ya stoaoon suhea hlieappmtr , Illintoiis. s'lth PeInsaituts. l in mm.ammbly romn,.ld lu MaosLITTL.EASH. Cstelkm.. BIaiby ilnl amn'lslne ilIssebask@$ bailwsuit He ad hatheen L5SVVL5Luiss Co. e-17-2 5raa4hV lntie'.'bdo it It lt'yih.r-t ,of- obéi bahsî.êiais .I &-iu'bLisili Caad of Thanks P cs r R 1 i M ~Kd N NdYW u iab u tat iisk t be s g lbo rs a d w.w= g@e" mueop i glrDssia uvti.sescsaeiat>uio .si et *g. loi h it We ufl PiolltfPeur theli> idmad d" oflorai aand~ coM,, w aft Msisr e " ort- aui ior.i~. os YOU SICK? 1~ForFoisom Blood dëýBl»#Osleases 'the Liver, - Sgwemgiienthe Neuves. S.g'#fIe. - 'P«'Caearrh. Ues HUMOeM Ulcela, V=n MdPthe Fi2M, Hendache, id d Ced t imz= I anouse ~j~rorChl& &Feover 08 odtifio ÇCh4 Malade anmd Agu. j».'<CHILLAX iste cwond's grct. Absolute!y mmr, -mie. sud harmiess to wkmg î trit t.yet 80e Xtremcly fatal to dte mal. Se 'domtinmosî cases le dres the.poison moundy otet iuqsm iu 3 deys. A Mid FemilyULxafîve r;

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