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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Jan 1913, p. 11

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WÂtC~L Iliola. Jan. 29.- T, Ws qgaia *a Who bave ai, 4"Mla m - *wbdb 1«rseth. eoay bi4xou "08 C WÂfO.sB Eoth are tfcog thi. otys best "i ulslftble ibraier th.wsgh ýe4 I~4boea great »Dniyears 4#d ala ipi * alpans ta jew£ vyesrs 6110, tihe other, Mr. Huteitlnsoo, by bis Ions service lu the. court bouse Mit MObuit va. 4oila Wiltshire 0U nsIlai.Jau: 28, 182r, soi Oblie tu Wankffln la 1864. iivng U'ibei-e evor 4*uco l a iuja>4b 'Ur. Morclant ltsfa4 ~comprises boibe of t 4.yieknOwu i-euh- Otto, bis »oO 4*14 Ja0es. Job àa en àlib"meof Wflke)ga ansd Thoma e à8tinphm. Tenu. Ni-M. Mrchant lafDot nOv in buai- Illètebut for àa Segt amyyefoire h Wou a moichigt lt4 l tu tbctjr. 1 1e4 lia pitureeque lookîni l man, *ltIu longgray boul and tabeac àieon litsret 1 Inte affaire 0f tbe cty and jpbusiness of. hisson%1 jemes belng uO f the gracerire fr1tia Job*ansd biàm ains a uleat deael. Tb ai. ider Moicant reauhe Wanko. ba n1854, anding troshlbogt li the old plor at tbe fot 0f WatOr lIrant. Nr. Marchants$Mter, atOll liv., at the aId haaesteadin uEngLan.i. Where bth ver, bai-n. h. la aver go Pare old. The bomneed bau beau 18I the fsmlly for ovni- 200 years. GEORGE MITCII4N. dore Huthluna. lovi clerk ai Zbkgan andi for 1M yelra .mployed la the recorder,#s aUbie 0f Lakte coun- ty Passeal i '5th brtbday anniver- mrai-t hM deak au osual. Ho declin- a ta discute bis natal day, explaailng tiat h0 didn't mînd ainslo 76 yes, aId any more tuai If ho vere 85. Mr,. Ilutebînson lIe olient office-bolier la Itke coânty ad the court bouge ecold e LB n ui$hlar place if ho re Dot there. Ut bas beeu rolettvn cerk ou Miny yeas tmlppoutlol t ta le WoolfOie».eIed3y sti-inge tu bavre amy canilato e"aIhâtethe.lieud ï- tocunaî hlm. Wcê ta uc au apimat. Hutchunson 1#6i-coring dent for ItCisîCerk Dsockéy $ver ice ho hein In aMes ail Oued sîililar r iont undei- juvios circuit alerta pWrecordera. Mr. Ilutohunsonhb àbrge Of satei-Iag 99VMfafiledt here Ior offeIaI record 5.1 là credited ithh bavîns a moi-e âiliar knovledge af sattain bitorical recordis tbaa any- Woy iu tii. onplay of lie eounty. Mri. Hulhnan #eepf -"bchhall' tu the lover of the court bouse. hav- SE a flney Oued out, romou chaieh Wuonds hls leisure Ume. but takes bis deasindqvu tavn. Hela s ewdol Iaa train hie doita «aid nit ofa MivIe in thi. recorderas office bas been the mai-vl « im court boum. Hai- Hihljou vas born ln Oene sgo. N Y., la 1838. and came byi cana] ~thtraugh theia lacIs, tuenc by cZ . aniorse1t Clevoai. 'and 1*1.1 Ianded et SailliJI .(nov Ice bceha) i sile. o ig ç%;Wuieeau the $U@maiu er sud bpâ lion an ent- ploye of tb, court bouse oMei llance I82. l 1411h05 ho 40 yoatu cf con- linnous service la tbke cout homse on Apil let, Me vas fi-mt lStced town elerIt ln Wauksgan townshiplp n 1873, therefore tliAs ear wvin ho le re-electi ed aglal, ho iyl bhave hel the tovi .loCishlp for 87 yers. *Tovn Clont Gorge Hutchinson, v base lk4a birlIi4 ' "av.rsry vas reacheal today. wvaswsamped Wth posi tal carde Ialay hWfri-eids ibe bai i- memboeW it vas Mba natal day. UV tu 2 o'cltsctho AslaiMdin bave recei. ed 91 pçelo ofaivArions kjuda. vartous shApe. , Ipivarilous slnmiauce. DeiiIbIs, hie heoud lova Clar- foguti a'huadaaaiibouqut ot cirna tons on bis 4e4anad, whie Geai-ge trisal lu atutlauan equîlhhi-ulil wvriy ap rent that 40 vaa qul %fse ~,aer the attention pald TI.eW MM asmby at Sping illeid lected T'. B. Rya offilu. Chai-le "tte orscadmeranal auditle.xpne guru 4As tho recet "InsurgeC aI'c memy lOcIe natrop N~eu8~ fit» ach et the shato- cqiem= hictse. IL vWaouo lb. pue erposeo0f ô0.9hz ,9preanutlaee ap t the next na m.j~ l rnèetln of the ai-dot-. C.T vY~dee"aIfcéMet ilad 1h15 dintrict AITAIN* 01RTI-IDAYS ÈTUES. j 1 lw 'J FORCE 0F MEN MAKING UNDER- GROUND PASSAGE UNDER MCORMICK HOME. PLAN WILI. MAKE IT EASY TO REACM THE FINE BATHING BRAC14 TO a£ MADE. I Worklng day and igbt in eigbl iourt ablftz. many foot underground andtunu-G der a pressure cf Ove itaunis ta the square itacb, a foi-ce ofvoi-ktnen are ruahing toi complotion a tunnel thai wben cosnpleted will extend frian the top of the. bluff at Lake t'ai-est ta the edge cf the beach. Itlaleloctedillner the palatial $2,0000W0 sutîmaer botuel wlch Haold IlofomIck la buildingi snd vbhie vîwli not be entireîy corn t GEORà&t 40?CUTNh0N. pleted uantl 1915.j Who Today Atuineli 7» BiSrlh- When thebohnse as panned thervl day. Me hâs'Workîd lu 1h. Court vas a question as la boy thebeieac'h Mouai, for Over Forty YVOUs ani hua wa-< ta be reached as the bluff id îei-y Been Town Clerk tor Almost thi steep at this point. Finally tl vus d-- Same Perlio. clded ta alik a shaft bunte gi-untar i-_________________ der the bouse, Afler it touches the - level of the lakre it s il atek a sailr COUXTY Oe~T!ox turfiand ivlI l on lapon the beach. An POBS1IIIIYIN la elevator vîli convoy people rit, amoi C A ?VinS davu the shaft- The tunnel itsehIf ira- a0 te o 100 test lu leugth. 14 foot Ii i ELIEF TMAT "DRY" ADVOCATE heigt and tolue sanc -iîslf feet widc-. WILL DE ELECTED AND IT The lnterlor of Iie ili bes support- MEANS COuNTY OPI0N. t ed hy re-enforced concrets aver w hieh vîlI be placed the niait exponaîve unar hIe liat coulai hopurchssed In h aly.1la lIlinois la have county option" Exrperts frinu taly vîli ho broughî(ira the usai- future? bors ta sel Il. There vîli ho a recep A blief prai..ls In Weukegara thai,a lIon rmuaithle fot cf the safliaitad ia case Legsator Rapp la eioctod au hundre4 of electiric lighta vîlI maire speaker of te bouse aud ihoy prediet lb. unne asllgb as ay.h.- will be, that a counhy option bill1 The vark of iigging the tunnel ms eaI l ssthe ieaslature. startÎSd fi-ont the outside. Ater tire' Rapt) s sali obeh a "dry" sud ho mon bld burroved lu sartie distance faur-s ti e î'otîny option lav. the enter end was sealed nia sud coin luIncsec- cocîîîy option shouid prevail pressei airta a ressue ol 'Iseli thi, tate, that la. giving resaideuts pouinis vas turnc-d oi.Tuhismas dlonc of a coiniiy(tie right to vota as in tu eop the dlirtfi-onu cachig iaai lic ,1h4r Io)wisb their particulai- ime a prevent vater fruli gatiîeritîg .i'citr-Y o iicome "dry" or not. the budile. lthe pressure bolde Lis ii I quesîti a btatiibppnI ëfbect. l il very difflcttt for r mert LaI.e cou 1113' - oit under thîs Preast'Ite iiuiii the> 3 Woiid Lake oiity goidy hocomo iccustomed o it. To slîcak in W ihue strong dry sentiment allers y te tunnel las mlostliihcfoiible owii s 1idiaZioti andin buthe nartb shore tul the pressure or air atîd oe Ia tos ias suith of Waukegan, the feeling labout luaOtiirs §ear and l a sunuis Preiails tbal ch vouldbtihoa Ivo-to-cue lk. a WhIiptor w a voice far ira the lahot that the county vouli vote ta a.Misirac". The plan of entering aud bec-anti as *'ilry" as a ior-nail. e 1avlnî lhe tunnel le similar to thatý Unite ln ZIan Cltyl 1adopted In lai-go calssons uncier watt-r Il id celared that thîs isonue Issue Oli11e stops ta a rooni vhere ite pros. mli hIltice various factions In Zion City -auto in turnei on. Then ho steps into Wouid tiuite an -caunty option. that ip y-1 rit a 9- e Ii M- l- T. let agi li., etV the âel reni vhere the pressure le' le. tiev souid vote prohibition bu case tbe aime sod the outor doci- le clos-'tue Issue couli egaiiy ho put up ta oti. tlhe cotithy people to decîdo. Waute- Altbough a large force ut vnrknuon gati, nu iuubt, vouui vote for the have beeu emupioyea nigbl and day for voLes' as it bas in the past but the a long ime the vont 0f erectîng the argumntmitl made that Its majoiity bouse and ail the sui-ioundlng buili anouhi nuL avorcome the "dry" senti in5s Is yet incompleto. At te pi-es- tuent shliî 1Zuin mani tbe north shoir ont Ime au enormous garage Io being towiis couli produce. bait. A lai-go Wall that lasta, surrouni Theretore, the eection of a speaker the villa vîli ho complèted fter the ah SpiIngieldIsla amater of vital Im- athor voit le doue. Wben compleleai portance. If, as ls deciarei, Il means tbe sommner bomo yl hbo one of the the settiement as ha viiether the coun- mot lmagnîficent In te vorld. ty uoption 1mw stands a chance of go Another dbti eature afrfte place yl 106 tbrougb. b. iii. spiondîl bathbng and hoating beach. l'h. tunnel vilI open upon tbis Petîtions containbng 915 ommes vere and Il la probable tuaI hudreis of uic-i Saturday lu Janesvbîbe, WIs., ask- guMSta yl take advaillkge of it sheti ing the recaîl of lRoy C'iimlngs, one te enlîre vork la coifipieted. ofthte three local commssioners. an the grouds cf loelticîency. A epecial Geai-go H. Cui-iiei,-,"vb bas -a rosi- e-c-ion wili ho cailed vîthîn 60 dmys. douce lu[Lglilmn Park aodwali a lesvi le bas been uttdsm commission bond of the. George H. Currier Pb oof governuient for more than a Ilîehing cotnPauy. vili have To continue yesr. Petions reell!iug the ather to pay hie formaer vite 4îsoooa year tucofficias ailho lied i thin a fev 4no ,eOeOO4l a adecision ia ' en hy JtldseeKavanatgh in the -uiper- la. OWa*gO, JIOida. I Seltenthor Md Grahtamnvas thse star shooter on lilWîs hoii ir. P'ranceo Cttri-ir vas Saturday lu, he regular Situiiay hrntd divorce Croam the publiuimir, events at the Chicago Gan Cubt liapo gi-asntmo uoanarenett a t Kenisington. Pour avants vere con- boer s $, 010 aAiagnuiontta testOîJ and ln eaci Giabani flulbeai b.i $5000a yur limny.fi-s.' t wo 50tv a rget shoots halu. Vota neoi a tioro%qb cleanalng rom. ed lu marks of 47 soi 46 reupectiveiy, edy nov; take Halls<terle R. M. Tea,ifiniai witb mjtlifect scoreo in a 25- p yau'Il f001 'botter al thr6ugh. Mec. W. bIrd ovent sandaibother perfect cari 1W. Pbarce. 01In a 16-bird i event. Demnocratte o «mdldèstfor postof- fiée w.,.edeàrUsd by.the -holesale at a meeting 0f the democratic coun- Ly centré# ooouaifttfl* hetdinlAWOike. gan Mood*y aftwpw.0. If you don-tl believe it, look dith" lMt of endorse' ment& for the varicua Lake CoLlnty postmastershIps: Waukegan-William Ward. Antioch-J. C. James, Jr. North Chicago-AI. Gohi. Highwood-John Watson. That there were flot further in dorsemrents was due ta the tact that. likeIy no democrat.e o the variotil communities knew what was in the wind, and no doubt, had they known It, the Ilst would have been larger. 'The meeting was held ln <hA hall over Frank MeDWMOttB floon and 12 menibert of the county comniitte were In atiendance. The wholes-ale endorsemnonft îneltd- lus that of Mr-. W&MrtIla Waukegan, waa Ilke a bouabehell lu the ranks of local deinocretU vho voie taken by such surpriae by the lactlon that they haven't recovered yet ft-ar the sliock. Mr. Ward la secretary ef the coun. ty central caiuntue and for me time, has been worklng his wires to aid his, andldacy for the biggeot îulumt ln WâUikeganý Frank J. WhltntS o f OrayaLake le chafrnnan of the SeirtySnuMtitee. .The action ofthtii comnnittee came' as a ig surrise ta othor aspirants for the Job. especially Daoniel A. Grady! and Clarence M fflvr, Iwo other avowecd candhialeS for Mir. Watrouwi poultion.1 ~Epecilik 10 Mr. Orady dld the ac-1 flan caonte as a alsocà&, bocause Mr. Grady bas bon-n worbieg bard among deMocratu and bavlng been oounty I maîrînman for nffliy years pireviouis te lîr. Whitmn*'s *lncton. it wasý fait by reinublicana, at leust that be, SWould get the cogmtt.We endorme- nient In case 0oeevote obtainabie. Mr. Diver, on the athas' bond. has uaL beea ioiling aniong the ommiitee- MOn. rsing on ather Influences for any ald ho may soek tu land the lu. crative Job. Both Mr-. Diver and Xi. Grady ad- mit they are candIdAteu for the p9at-~ mastership. Mr. Ward la an engineer at the, NVre works, baving run the B"Inl locomotive ln the colnpany's yards for many yosnm. Ho nover took an active part In polItls wtI when be i-an for onindsgcuesr two years ago and later was edecedf secrotary 0f the oounty corninigen Opponents to the endoimements of the conmlJttee point otut that the domiocratic comimnttteo'a Influence wIll fot carr-y tuuch woight bocause of the tact that lui the i-écent carn- Paino the conimittee dld practicalwy nothlng toward.9 odvancing the denau> cratie partys Intereste In Lake caun- I4. ow It Was Dons. The moinhers presont at the meet- ing wý&re: Obalrmaji Wltrnian, Orayuiake. Pecretary Wai'd. Waukegan. Maetber, Prairie View Hardy. Lake Porent. Voglor. Vernon. Jamnes, Antlocb. Watson and O'Keefe, Ilighland Park. ~beec ~bree men ~ee4~ i~%~auhc~an ~OBtma~tCt8btp Above are thown the likonesses ot three avowed candidat.. for the Waukegan postmsdtershlp, al af whom are worklng thelr strings ta gain iInfluence necesaary 10 land the office. Ward sn the man whom the Demnocratic county central comcnltee ou Monday endoreed for the position, sai efldoisement creating a furiore among berna- crats ut Waukegan aud Lake caun- hy. The committee alsa endaracid Peter htlcDomott Waukogau. candîdacies ot three ather aspir- D. A. flnady W'%iiîkegan. ante in different tocons, NortChii- Thomas MoCanu. W'uaukegan. cago, Highwood and Antioch. The George Jacksoln, Waikegan. meeting wu@ held lu a hait on The mou vie canme ta tue meeting Washington st-Cet, Waukegan. seekilg tendorusenents of the. coini-_______________ mittee fur poslsnastershIp. bi lined up seven miembers of the conuzittee, WALTERS OFFERS DATE bence as one outside uember sitated: WITH FERNS IN KENOSMA. 'Tbey camne prepareil ho endorse oach other aid hhey di so for they ba'i Chicago, Jaît, 27-Nat Lewis of ibis seven men lioed up for sucha a zove.' cit3,- ho i-i iiow the Kenosha match- Eactu aspir-antakeil the conutit- maker, ast îiglît siredi Wildat' tee to eladorso hlm uaîd one af the ~eusaiaf' ame ihy'Vle- othor aspIranits veudmoithle uma- elsalofrtnitBlyWle tion anti It crried iiy a rie of 7 lu the Wiscotnsin arena ancd boites toi ta 5 8ech tîmo. a fat urable refly. Waltei-s aîcplied The mon vho veefat In on th e for hie dlschaîge front the navy buJ, endor»enents, inchiîilng (lrad Ys0vas refusei. lie se ta agttîn aîtenuît t2 frienie. Protented at he!bi Lie but procure Lt as le desires ta devute hiU they di not bave etîoîgh valehenceetreîîetobsincrer the other plan pret alled. Thie op -_____Uietu ____ing_____r panient. Inistai te course vas im- Pi-oPr for a buncb off commnktenen Buitte'r îsales.oniihue Elgin board at 10 meot togther tu enalorme hhem- traie Nloiila.N, uceruged a rate ut 33 "Ilves for a position butt neve fthelee cents a pîocuid, ai incr-ase of t cent Ieg for th-fe cmnt luugb ari,»«W-ncago ccaihîilas' ini the purebase of noIng or li onlttee« . In oait butter was ciîarged hy cieaiferymenê Wlsou lie meetinug cas calledai and iresoltîtiatîs sert' uffered for the PUrPOSe vas not ieshgnatei but after establishmeucnt ot lie\% gracies for lbe the Inembero got togother lil vas seen product. vhatîihhe ohject was. The oppontents - and f1ellOwers of ther candidates nouliced ttuai lie' l;a.a candcidate far scon sav what wassin the wlnd but the otice, -of îo-tiast ou-lici Watike- hhey hai not been forewarned lience iii not have sulficbent votio tu pro- gn v-nt lhe stops hoîng taken. -lie atclttittoite ivasit5getitît lia- NO resalutlons vere Paasd-they titàîiitcei taiI torc circulation, i. - voreInerelymottotns. In each case.,îIlri-ssu-i 1 -l \tet-t \'Il Ison, the candidaies for iutogOc* In te Ma-intg fui-)ils îlsitluus'it icasea va-bus tois maie a oho#t talkit al o q ta îîsIc iciWalimlegliiis of *àcb ho asked the cunàWtteeon- fl'ii dOrsemnetand ho obtaîneti It forh- Dr i« Perce hiwtilerieiof tifhe BHo Vihh 'Ti andiclsihil(lis lîrot lic-t las hle iie itt M - inia Jr.tDr. l-î- hneyai [PDr. Perd-ml Pomme, brother ut for. ias cîîla tîîtîlcifl,'. ti- hica s moi- 5'0i-o W. W. Peai-ce. laiay an- in -law off AttorneCy IHomor Cooke. ceugt lxtoetelm Ideal. Smie Et VAAI. ida 1585551 ,Thint vas foliowed 6f otha, "lobas 18 G NUaÂIIYE~ZOTetèa>ylùg albtaw .d t thé ral- SOME TALK 0F OUILOtNd AN AD. funds were draine& und the nrtne DITIN BU NOTOIQ OR ion the homeg feu di*!, and*4 wen the DITIN WJ NOTI*fd FO agsd fôsfor ather *ont ta the Cdok NEW BUIL*~NQ. cmpany ta coflleet lio found that they OWed hlm nothing; that the 'notes' AND, IF IT WEAE DUPLICATE e turned to im hy the girl wore for- TODAY. iT 18 SAIO IT WOULD 1rre n that ho waa a iuned mian. COST OVER $200,O0. Thé policé voie calied Jitheii case and tii.>' ld him to bave a warrant Disctjsion ig heard among certain lasued for thie girl. Niot undoratand- sources as tu the advisabiity of a stop. lng what thus mentt t ber, ho did thtis, being started townrdg the eoction of itaerheglvsarntdh a nov court blouse, or eai ist, ca nd- îeftd tIhe i-igir wuarted o log out the suggestion mattde son ieOh kept lunjahi. Now ho la seeklig for tinte back by certain Rupervisors that bondsmen ta actore ber riense but un addition ta the prosent court bouse without hope as ho l6 ponieés and wais necessary because the Pissent hoi ias no frlend wbo viliu a bond quaitors are Xistting tac, crowded for for- $2000, the necesnary amatunt. the forces wb 1Ich have ta lho main- The yonng girl in In jati; the brokren tained. hearted fester father &ad tonter moth- Hlowver, wliile the addition foature or do not vant lier puilied anld yOî may eventuaîly bo cariled through, are hlpiese; the. pal"o. earch for Judgng front expressions thore is' the, two clairvoyants la as yet fruit- a chance that any sanie porson i l" lent;. The gins i ife la ruined, the. ,teek ta fuither a mvemtunt te tée home ta broken, tWa aId people are down the pissent coOttt houae, a" penntile, vblle psosiujably tho tva orect a new one. clairvoyants are enjaylng the. fruits of The preietructure, when l was thelr lil-gottan gains. batlh, pont $40.000 fer the buIlding, _________ furnîshingg, etc. lTo dapliate lt ta-S>ElA O .A t day, lust the buldingalo0ne. it O ldBox£ FBT IT mterbal and labor lncreeged ainco the buldling vas erected. INTERESTING MEETING WITM OP- County officors admait that lhey are PO*ING VIEWS MELO SV THE crowdod at certain t1mes of the year BRYANT FOLOWULRS. but noue of thoin advacate thoecroc- tion of a nov building. The Bryant foliowors Of Zion CitY. The natter was informaliy laid be held a meeting Nlonday evening for fore the supervisera sam ime irsag Lho purpa.. of creating sentiment but nothlug definite vas ever doute In agaisat smoking iZion Cilty but t tli matter of building ant addItion. hurlîed out that it vae tnot a tînai- The pi-sent btuildng las eli put tw mous meeting along the Ilhes design- and Khove no signe of decaylng fnad, anY Part-the OUlY tblng ls that., oc A man named Brandley spoke In fa- casalnally sanie offiies are congeteltveror f smoking; aztother man put an. Supervisor King of Lake OFia t Oi . K. an liqior. errilalning that et one seenis to ho anxlaus to have sameting time ho tOok lit With sucCesWhou dono about a novx building or an ad. uudergolug an opération. Howover, dîtltin sd, arcording ta reports, ie ex-Aldenan Humphrey came baek theory le that bonde mlght ho lsmued atthlbutter by *xplainullig that be iu the connty vltb wblcit ta bnlld tilt vont through an opération one and nov structure or eniarge the preseni wbon ho tbld the iocti-s that ho did aine. it i9 said ho may brlng the case not drink thoy reinarked titat ho could up before thie noxt supervisers, meet. net have Émfe tlireuah the ordesi nuc. lng. oegftllY tu case ho voas a lîquor user. ______________The.meeting wu@ ireeedby van.- ous other persoasvho advoctqd tbe CROOKED FAKER8 aibereuco to the ordînance in zion LIAD YOUNG 4IL City whlch pretblta smoking. TO OG3 î___ MAKtp NEw RULUS Plot l Soecurs Money UCleved ta C ]FIN.PAUIM POST Back of Forgerles That Leave Her1ee i Fote, Parents Pennilessanad The INVOICE IA Uf £NCLOSEZ 1IN Girl In Jail WhiIe the ReaIly Gulity P>*CMQgRS SENT QtIT UV Escape the CoAeequences. THE MAfILIL In the Kano ceunty mail a girl 18 The raies of tiie parcel post are Years of age and Innocent of face and cbanglng aimost dalW t r eset exlg. demoanor avaîts the action of the. ail-enclns arilling. thorties under chargea of forgery and Âfter rnuch dIscussIn the postal swlndinug of ber fomer father out oi authorttes bave de&ldq that a bill ai $3,860. la an Elgin hote, atricen ladlng, involce or bil ýa- ho enclos- wlth the calamity of the gir*@ predi- ad In a ýpackage 0f mOebshdlmo chmentil mt aged i1red Lenike and hlé Poittiieter WktrOuB" Witte, maurnlng for the chili vWhoue It la pI»lltiuible le enclose vitb forgories have lot t tlsan ponnîlama. parcel pont mail anulavao sbowing, Somewhe in Elgin or lamorne noîghllla writung or printing, the Damne andi borlng city. two 'fortune toiler..' or address of the sonder and of the. ad- clairvoyants, are enjoying the proceed- dressoo; the namos andi quantitlon of luge of the robiiorlos committed by the articles lnclOsed. together wilb the In- girl. duped hy theni loto shame. It ap- scriptions, lndlcating 'for purpose. of poars ibat thits young girl Imagîneti description,' the prlce. style, stockr, berseif ln lOve, atnd to straighten out nuinher, ase a&" qmalty of the arti- sonie tangle lit ber affair of the beart clos; the ordor or file number, rate $he went tu a fortune toiler. The cral- of order and date an m uer of shlp- i-voyaut lnformed lber that there vasment; th11e littalierst smeof the salon. 'btiden vealth" itnlber bomne. mlan, or of the poesnn by whom the The girl searcbed and found sanie articles voe packed or ebecked. oid mting -stocks af no value. Oihe When It ia desire tu la Bnd me-- tOOk thonu ta the clairvoyant, who, chandîse as lirsIOelas aistter, undoir. repallzlng the Innocent mni credullous ariinary Posage ftatupe. the.. iacksao nature of thie chili, la sald te hava sbould ho sealedtu t avold canhefsonlu l sent ber ta another 'clairvoyant,' Who the mals,,tas ta proper classification." ,%muuid"teIt ber ail.' This second clairvoyant la sai to bave etarted th.e ecou et Love. *girl en ber careor of forgery, duping nu% Mioi" 161111111111111Ol nUbhOM *ber Into helleving that If she vauld se- Cvouma 38mu 01.8 ml'&. et' cure rney for use she could blint l a w8alth to berself and ta ber tester r Paentta.These suits e r. lileal lnCircuit - parnts.court todai: August Schwerinan vu. No one believes that the chld en- William Hoffmoyer, suit to quiet tItIs; Ivolved tbe Intricate scheme by nueans Walter Stickels va. Engoeo lckels. 0f whilcb slto robbed ber foster ptarents foroclosure. 0f practically evcrything they bai. __________ Frei Lenuke trustod bis loster daugh- ter lmpllctily and viien sho came ta Drives out the. gertma0f vIoler, hlm and told hini that ber employer., clears the bliaud, regulates theoutm Yi the D. tC. (look Pulishing compsny, aeh, livenis you up, It's Hollister'a R. I3 wouli borrow $300 of hlm at 6 per M. Tea. W. W. Peai-ce. r ni You ecmatways gde qmK Cnotoo battr is afitde thin, K C wtaise it Ight and feteyadàw be al the bctt.. JunLdie etove or turnîn the. paa amunci m.hes nouoer- enCe-K C »"aauthe L utai baked. ~ ~Wen thcea a biriy or wc$ng i 4e' ta bake, or refreshmatfat recçpfio k.paay to Pm"ud, tmée né cliames- Use KC JAM ES M7f"tP -, SR. Who Today RoaOtUd Hie 0h Ulrthdoy -Mes Lived Merse Rer Since 1854. à 1 - . . ffl '..

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