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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Jan 1913, p. 9

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--t LARE COU-NTY INI)EPENDENT. WAuKEGAN WEEKLY SUN _ VOL. XXI.-No. ~ PARtT TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., JANUARY, 31, 191-1. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YE&R IN AJ)Vk n PuCE -0f SUEia flPS 25 CEN~TS ON EÀCMDOLLAR OURPAIISINO DROP WITMIN PAST 48 Noua*%)$ AEPOZTD MSY LOCAL DEALERS. 20> PDUNUM F0R $1 SOON WILL 00 LOWIR ACCOROSM TO *oui DEALEIft~Oo pop IN THRII WEiKS.' sugar nbleb aet iffeslat yeaa bld m-aigltasa 12 pounds for a dollar i malillasDov At s0 poucidm for a dollar A" viii go lover, grocala aMy. Witb- la the lit turea veeks the price of msar, vbofêmul.a bu 4doppei 35 cenu on the buadr'àd.. Ya.tamy thor Vos a 15 cent MuIaanon.ed mil It V»a follovad up'today vltii a 10 cent ffsducton- Tht. lteat roductIon will ouat thealb local Mrket befure net NosMY. as m-mldoaersa tock;ed ip wfttb saarvblci tbey bouht per- bal,,à.awve ago. The retaileru riIt »WOv rltaa a nia "hegoals." The. prie of ua la VWukfaa latalY hb eau àbout 6 cents a pouâd or 17 pouafd. for a dollar ' tiagabout thoir emis lt.heÇ = ore aiwit eompelad a WfoW -M" tba tY laid. If lb.>' bougla t ularge quanfuaa. The. drop of 25 eta au tbe hum- 4,4riedpera glace et" mersamum. exPlain. Tiar attribute Ita10usillsi amng ithe rainera. "Bvrynov mii thm.," uald a butr. "ta... fliowa saiflter asciiothar fer,» »tu -on »W# v8e W r ma uwftb 984", ne acanangspaos-la lbars." &è- ,mis.-titia 4P la Prim, *te a toueoffl Oan omo- th.pio o m'r op ta o pt.pem-tS )mlmatithe b. co anal .m mt«mmii..Its olcios on t. b ug- Br cian lofle»e b. tari. Tha r- tm mtlud te provo ta thib4wlitsir Vtdo.lhts that teUsK iaw t *uppï aid dae"mal taamlnoi tii prl>d a e gr l the impost marn ea Mmor.baieea. OUM tim fndcosmuméeam'ra ne mOudo d a" in h. pime Th"at liS PiicopmalaametiUburty- villeamaraplanning te Mltke eiteusive tmaprovausatm aon<hat buro pepaty sh aowa b>' lhe fat at:liabsifeipVi 1 Mummiiai ens circulatd amc»U the Maenda of the Partas euntinaa'tua "We. thea un<bimgu reuaidentm at liapanih of et. Lavraisce IlPia»oa ýerebhvaiy aubeerfe be ia ufuu et mor ne>et OPPoafte Our repacçie aMmes ovard a foand for th. Purcha Mud rerodaliig o! the cburch propeat>'1 heratotora ovn.d b>'tha tnuitie.of1 tba Ubaet>'vlUe (Imni-eli aiosL sunmid1 occusiei b>' nid St lAvrano. ciurchi » temStuU.1 ( -Wu e aei> agee ta psy lhe amount4 CI oui anbsecl-tion t he ia- saidtram- <muc or bafore.................»1 Tii. truste.« of Imbe ebumcisare W.l Atna., H.ELC. Burridia, J. C. Connafl, C W Eetrot, W. Wainond. ENESTO TE£ BIPMUNS TOOOUNTY ISeala vi.t lb.elmoasIndependeiit uspe. bout Oi'erseer Voliva: - Ou - mutuai friand Volîva bAS COat eU, - t" payera of lae Conu> a goGit Sinhl a ! msby bshi& alm la hi. City'. l w ,uld lie lateremtnt to tabulaI. lia $W..O. 0f poliein. dayPu>police- nom: proe, istlng attorneys a"' liv. jçi7a uad grand jury-. netc,. »De b11W fo>' everayeaIs y hal teiiua sa ou city. 0f CouinaIt. "mu ait be jlst t charge the ful %iasm.à giaul Voiva for -lie l co5M» by m pbleoeio up du Wftbhlm dioins.. juqa flisies of man>' go onmaýthtie mua viiettW rw, araeod or iad la Ucs 43M*. An yet il i te cunb rnpcb eu,"i va Ib tat tiema custodmus - ba, p u* -".air-saa, u osta-o ~ume L»o--3> epami.ý tmratea a lamsa ims ey tine. NIAI NOTWO FOR NuzW TEU County Judge Parsoni todfty orer- rulad the motion for a nov trial in the cae of Dowen Vsa<reggs and an- tenud judgmaet for 1360 afld conta; sabl, action ila Cama of rb Ts. Brown. K. V. Orvis sad Erb would appeul. Judment for $16 for patnting a bot nadl been given against him. Sgturday mornnt vilhaebei.id tisa motions for nov trials lalie'Cas.aof the i. D Cit yYoung maonvbqWholtuW. *edtie eidera. It la comoronly 109011 a tbt m» ver>' dtermIned 584i illI bq made, but tat they Wttl be wllling ta '*tA tuair medicine." FAM ASA Ir u Di -GENTI1E OL3? RECTOR 0F EPISCOPAL PAR>SI4 SEElS ARM IN ENTEPI- TAIN MENTS. -be 'li mial l-, "Wl>' donat. tbrce-fqurths of our amergift 10 sharka?" h ic 8L. Tien fitcontinues: "Reporta submtted iutt he M mueeting Thuimia> nîglît aboyai MOut the membera of tisa clurcb mii Çlur frtuudm, lq patronlzlng qva aaWlu-. monta la th. laitt hrea years p cold cii $3.608-58, for the~ of maiing a flt profit ofbosf "Tha romaintut 75.6 pur ca tht troe. raceipti vent ote Riep$tlo tue hall mai and the piintel'. tue elsurci oui>' ecived thea begàily pit, tance of 23.4 per cent, - "Cmmorcilaed ln a olferaust vu?., It vas largal>' a propo4lm iou6t urative M. A. ezebamstng f1140-61 «Or 800.64. viti Mr B.-* hioily si> S"ale transaction for l4r. B.,* but fin- anUOlI>bazardous for Mr. A." Iminates ReMoors Beugla@. One of tis a vantagel of t4pe apv plan lnsela; forth au folIcri: "l'h. nev plan avois theise ecstil of lt.eBlinda>'after Siuda>' beptils appeals b>' the rerton. Tieae- sppeula unquemllonabl>' cbaapen the, p$y15a To mmm>' lie>'actuall>' qmr les >ffly. Te <bmene'iesritual lepborn tostta11 a maeltrom oofeousarciin Another nav plan la iýelngt toed w> the. mambena of tua Cbnvci of %le-** vent ln rawamsmon.>' vii vlboIeh 0 erect a »wv oiurch building. 'lii l tue Wmusme o emrWaibondi foi *$06 «aCh. iSate"i of the Placing 0f14 vma- gaga. Tbe Citurcisetftha Airent 5- 7 1orgazilaed, battit onu>' a aisaloli s -rqmatI>. - *t- praielt ltw-usertl0~ ila la buiilaala lbe, rms, uý bu p r p e rt y oau L og " a l eTp W 4, p 1' . tire vhtcb Ultimatel>' vîll serre O COMMLEE CARRIER DELIYERY ORDERED FOR III@UWOOD tPOSTAL DEPARTrMENT HAS DECID- ED THAT VILLAGE CAN H4AVE FREE DELIVERY. JOLET VO'rER8 AGAINBT CON. FORMi Joliet, Illi, Jans. 26-JolIet refused to accept commission forrn of govern- ument ly lM votes loday, despire tbe fact Ihlat a montha public demonatra- lion aîîpeared favorable. Only about on,-third of the rogular vote watc poil- ed 'lwo yarea MO thse issue ual b> WELL KNOWN raZUrLE DIE A MOW HAS HALF DELIVERY Word reacbod Waukegan today of WIRE MILLS ARE Overseer of Zion City Makes St ,tho deatb tu Harrtsonville, 9io.,of K. C. HIGHLAND PAR.K CARRIERS NOW 1 liamoon, for years a reident of w--au*E IN i g ta e e t h t e W l e DELIVER TO rH£ EAST IDE kegan and a poner merchant, who Pe mtNn t e a e t e T 0F THE VILLAGE. whlle a member of the fIrîn of DeaconPe m tr n h r Ca e o tS T _______ & Rw, vai one of thse ieading citi- TH I3IRER N W -. a ' .. - zena. H-e vus 80 years of sge and his Before ou t uufh,6- W~~iuu. llighv dilate Lava compîlote fre>- store was Woated on Wamîington ~rsm . . di-livry minf. reet. UNUSUAL ACTIVIT'? AT WAUKE.i m and Investigation of Dady's Pol Ths1 k ordera carne trous Wash Ing o n lntnucing lihe authurîties îh.-re !and Mia akn waf Sheridan oa and GAN STEEL PLANT FOR THIS icy in Assault Cases.: andMia aikar0fShriisuruits1 j TIME OF THE VEAR. te 5>e that ail the bouses on the w e't word-amie 10tb.-m or im dern Ise[_________ .ide 0fIeo vllage are nrsbared 11 liri whi hpparentl>'vans rariser id(deu» - order that fredelvery usa>' haextend- as 1n0 word lmmd corne t ha ewa Th ifi ting uofaptasîsKA_.&,Walke r l'raisathemot senhatioul- &W art tere. Irk.ICOMPANY'S YEAR ENDS WELL 0011suad conte, by Judga Perry 1,..Feýr- thlie I.sIhat has ever beau- ut For soeimne the cent aide bas hsd NMr. fleacon. foiiow!ng Diasrurchaaej _ _-dons in eounty court Tueaa nt] sant a Lake couflly juilet and carrier delivar> ai a rami? 0of an ar iof the intereeti of is partner, Mr-cag o saitaiia,-ryn ti habelt iwlihv ann a ranemnltirdewbreb hleHigl-iîwran the business for noarn yearaî REPORT 0F S'EEL CORPORATIO alsïton 0f _.ivlùRilouchhbas rouaed the, ceen nov. Whether Judge perW tour! Park carriersa have taion Ihlu aloxie and moved from Watkegan cornej SHOWS THAT AN EXCEPT- ire of Overseer WNilisîîtr Glenn Voliva v iii considar l as an affront or wvi vkbthirfothroueslullgban 15 Yaara ago to Mts0ouri. IONAL YEARS WAS MAO. of Zion Ch y for tu The Sun today lha. Ar ha wili Ignore it, romains ta #4 ad nv erplan h tbring dethe Iimaueil tilaattrnent. lu wblch hileS-' sean. fitla not helieved timat hoa tii bose wl bI e a er ioncuine.-ng MeNrs. Loulme M. Taylor, motiler -f verely arraigna Judge Persona and. tike fi aa a contempt of 09ourtO homa il b tple h nc. William Taylor of N'auiegan, died ou, Accordiug te ona of thie haad mnen! States Attornay Dady.1 ment bacaume It vag not made lu 00 The. free dellvei-y nov vorkis out of Suuday mornlng et 6:30 celock ai ber et the Waukegau vira worka. the milI!cut u umaemrl eal HihadPak u 0I anw the plan, norne lu Lake lForent, aged 7 pr.rgtnwl h uie ehsee i Ovaraear Noliva cild, followiug wordpcourbuma ad eemaprlytoaid urrbain nov lousileahuaientele hi e o h iý)stO r at 'l viin te ouma re umhra, ito Pneumoniea vaithe causa of lher de- known it te be. Thea plut la far bebInd i l 0 h dnsctino lp.W l p aper a ad eappr e have Il ail worl<ed out of a subs-ation onodr n eeyoyt rgn Ia 0r 4caca: -îyawy. nihich versandiiry be a locatadt 1 halunveHigbwoperitdny Il la further tnderstood that.W$ wbih wllbe octedIn igwoo. Ira. Taylor vas one of tIse hait orders ha rnsbed throîîgi. As a resuit i shn rave> 1aIn ermtd ny ancase la passed]oison a a vai i kuownuand oideal realdents of the comn.lIse dapartmants are runîng to capa-1cs lincl tm narm. o uhhla instance, thsa 3udg's cMaý L"19 VXLLIAS unity. Iavtng litsd lu Lake Forest city and foramen ara balug urged! ta ln which any of my peopleairt ln- lona with it cas and MMat$@ - WOODEN INBTALL o over "0ldeY-i.lamgai matarlal oui aa fast as possible. teratd, ta ba trled before Judge about decisioni ara net po *ý LI______She lreave. tisa hlr:Wiia The demand la go great that raw ma. Permona; i *hall lwaya smak a conternpt action, ne malter hov w INTERESTING GATHERINGO0F TH4E 0f Waukegan, Mi-s. Graca Jackman, terial la aiso baing raceivadj very tard.- chinge of venue; and 1 propose lhey msy be. WOODMEN AND ROYAL Lakes Forant; and Mary E. a roelitar uy, viuicb meana tIsat te finiahed deand from a higher authorit>', Mr. Voliva bas made aillil a NEIGHUORS AT Lit. VILLA Iu Holyoke collage, Mass. producta ara delayed greatly al the a thorough investgation of Buates entes te Mr. Dady and tise p _____Punerai Tuesday afternoon with bur- lime. Attornmey Raiph J. . Ody's cQnduot bai aiwayas ignorad thoa.. Ibut 1-iW- Lake Villa, Jan. 29.->Woodsmm and Wlun Lake Forest cemeter>'. VearaLEd@ Wall. in refuaing 10 prosoeute Sulivan, caie Il lauuual> mae. la 1wm RoWalNeigibors hetd a bitg cebratlan Becanae of lits condition ln Wau- Graffmand Vogler for ilassèting bore Clam Throgis. 4iteî eveniug, the occaiion belasg tIsa -..Word carne 10 Waukegan ioday that kegan. lhe foitowing telegram inter- wth a demdly wempon Eider Frgnk Thal Voliva vas& mata ctrstia ip$>llattoi of officere of tisa tvo or- George Naatz, for mmsmy yeira a rosest aitaI Watikegan peoplea sa veIl: Robinson. (tison the jury finding wben be madea <ha atài*MrnttW~ dors. %*any vere'presant and a fine dent of Waukegan, via dead lun(Chi- New,-York, Jan,. it-Tile filanclal Graf mad Vogler guilt>' of assaalt Sun vai dlearly appui-et. He fl# evena i ai proviiied for ail, a gond cago. statemenl of lIse United States Steel and battery upen Eider Hnrwood, i'npL Wlker had beanu uJmtly 1% pnlgm peceing he venng'sw I . %r Nantz louves a son, Edviard of corporation for the fourth quarter of SIes Attorney Dady dlaminsed claimlng that the. captaîn lad S fIo prograiu lnciuded: Wauliagan, I-lia ife died bore a lit- 1912 shows total eariruga of $3t5,185,- the casa agaînsi îhem vutb Roi- ed bis vif. fromn insuit or YOUiSlm 4ddress te Royal Nalgibora-Nirs. le over a yaar ago. 557, and net inrome of $25,764,826, mInen as complaînant in flue vithh io lev mmoke hte.lber ta" '" C*Ilatrom. Tire Nantz famly formerly lilvd rnakiug thhaa total@ for thé Yser, re- bla staternent previoualy madie. she vas enroute te a relitriogu uO Ajldresho Woodnîai-C(. T. HaY bath of the puîblie lihrary. For years speclively, $108,178,307 sud $77080,100 ihat, If he obtainad a conviction logt. That lhe ovaraaer wil a»M pai declier. Nanti vise sn intermittetanl ojourner Thasa figfuras compare vilub $104,305,- ont the ona rolnt, he voîmld net bis personai attendant, Capt,. .% Recitations-Edthb Ray, lRacle iu-lt In Waukagan wbteh vas raally hie 465 and $84,466,367 iu 1911 sud $141,- lmai thtie Other.) te go te laiand board out tie *4 anj. horne. Ha wouîd go tirai teone apart (04,764 aud $116,738,157 lu 1910. "1 shahllustrucI lii>'attornemys ver>' evIdent frinmbis étrMtUM Vocal Solo-Mr. Lantzen. of tha country sud reail for a time Total earulngs for thie tant quarter ta aPPeai 1the cime ln which Capt- te appeal the came at once. itecitation-Ntildred - and thon would relnrn te Waukegan of 1912 are $5.122.045 lu excesa ofrlthe &in Waiker wus fined by Judge Voi] lva Ima he la betng persii Drii-By tie Royal Neighbor team. viere he rernmed for a short lima quarter tmusedtately preceding, wihite Persona and mimli carry it ta the. cri lu Lake count>', tiat h.e casnel À aupper vound op tihe evenînga@ en- after wicih ha violld again take is net eanininga are grenter b>' $4,987,461, highest court. Mn. Dmdy wa. flot a "square deai" elther th lb. C terttment. daparture sud neiaitvould he beard Corparad vlth the tourthb quarter of *froid t0 @penld the &tete'@ money or Circukt courts, that fle "*$>il The. offirera insalled îbYý thé lwo freim lu Calîfornia or nome other dis 1911, thie correspondtng parlod of 1912 prosecuting Votiveanmd hus people orney. l, againat him aid autm* Iedges; tant pint, shows total and net gains, recpectlvely but h. lu &froid to use tl to prose- bis atttude, tharefone ho pla"usý M. W. A. No. 1348. of $12,080,442, and $5,786,406. cut. criminals. pealing ail the, camas flint a, ea fin C.W. aiOt- C G OBEADM TSTIse corporation bac made no appro- "If thîl la tIse klnd of work Lake aiong in a inanner whlch ha belli 0. B. Hamlln-W. A. - priationa for accounit of erpeuditureu, rounty 1epeedra.vi>tiehl infaîr te hlm and bis people. Prani M HamîlnE. B. -AUV>ERTI$ING PAYS sucb as nevi plants or addilioual prois- ktud 0f buiness tbtIa crates anarcil' Jmg Proavi nevea G P Naner-Clri, Baiespritig n ecelet pot art>' sinre thie test quarter of 1910, sud destroya ail respect o m nd garding Volivas statameatul G. . Mnze-Cerk Beide pluing n ecelen phtowhen $5,00,00 wasnet midefor this erdar.' cliued te comment on il, msa, RL.Murrie-EacoSrl. of A. M. Rublu, manager of lime Globe purpoce, with an additioual $1,000.000 Sensallonai Staterneut. 110 voasd continua te do muI H.Duedenfeld-Watchmau. deparîmnent store, "The Houae Furuish- boeravaced mining royalltlea. The ahatement of b ovreri the oveamab adI iepa> H.Pta - anaer. tng Review Ibas tise following te say Rgular quarteri>' dividends on lthe j Jainea Atval-Miiir lu Ils current Issue of the big Wau- rfre u omnsarsu WTTT wr Ti A1Y I vvav a Dr C_ WT&I&t-Pvýslianprefrre andcommnisaresof IY4 z'ju. (fl T',reJa.mA TT 9 LPrAJ.a FA1151111111 .88bq Cadur Lke Camp No. 460. R. N. Elle Talbott-Oracle. Katla Potier-Vice Oracle. Maiel Wad--Chancelor. Ola Barnetabe-Recorder. Marie Hamit-Recetvrr blMamie Kapple-Maruhal. .Weî Barnabl.-lnner etnl jýUtI Van Patten--Ouher Sentinel. Ifar>' tllrymple-Manager. Dr. Talbott-Pbyatclan. IISERFIELO LOBES CHAMPION- B I P. Noimg eut Deerlleld b>' oue point, Lexington his soiool von the Inde poedet bigi achool baiketball tourne. mnte taged il> the Joliet tovnship hîgin achool. Thse score vas 24 10 23. Dearfield vii lise favorite. lIn h eans-funala Deereld won frous .Jolet, 38 to 18; Lexington from Thoraton, 32 ho 21; and Jolet frous Mornie, 49 to 16. . Thene ara 48 ratîroada lu lie state of Ilinuois vlh a cemblned mloage of IM07 miles. The Illinois Central la &Wl vith 14g norlh and eouth tran.- qUe of 2,047 miles. The linea nf tbe flurlinyton In Illinoisalotale 1,686 miles Tii. Nortlivemtern and the Chicago & *Iton coma neit, tie Si-t vith 751 'and tia second vihh 744. Tiie Bit I'ouVmid tise Wabaii are aIso nearly - t1.4, isirlng 692 aid 668 reapectîret>'.1 l'ie Cicagoanad EasternuIllinois tn gevpW.h viti 670 miles, Thuom la 10 bu a -meeting oftleie en atm n0. A. R. hall tomorrov aftt à et 1 o'clock. E,. 1. Plliova of t1saao vUiiaddrema <hem. TieY vili dgtaeea mater. Usat are t(u be brogit up et tie tmlit daalars' uetins te b. kegan depai-Imeut store: "That advertlaiug pays vhen doue~ at the rîgili tirne and through the pr per media la atieuted b>' the tucreaie of tIsa Globe dapartment store huai-j ness. Dtring the holtdays tIse Gtobe departmenh store carired a page adj verttaemeutlnluThle Daiiy Sun adpar tîculari>' featured tIsei- Iouse frih iug deparîment. and ibis attempt ah apeciOLlzatlion visa exefflting1Y Pro- ductive of resuitt. Tii.>' daim tIsat 1912 via one of thIaI-mosl sucresaful yeara in boune furniaitgg and toys and tuai lIse holiday salea exceeded that of pracading years. TIse Globe departuseni store doem nt believa lu spasmodin adverllaing and tieli- belief la val foundad.' Mr-. Robin haa vititen a number et articlea for thie magazine lu queston, whîch la oua of tIsa biggeott mdiuma cateing le tIse furnîtune I-nde. BILL CARRYING SUN FOR CITY PASSES RIVER-HARBOR BILL, WITH ITEM 0F $18,500 FOR WAUKEGAN, PASSES HOUSE. Washington, Jan. 28-The river andti harbor appropriation bilîle, crrying1 $40.800,000, pasaed lie House toda>'.1 A motion b>' Represantative Callavay 1 t. recommît thie bill t.thie commîllea vîthiInstructions 10 lîmîl tie expendl- lune. foor tise Atlantic lntercaital can- ai prolect, vai vûted dovu, 82 10 160. "Thifs meaeurs.' saad Mr. Calloway>i beforu lia veto on the, bill "tsa abolti sciema te, raid the troamun>'of lie United States. If 1h. people mev o! il tha>' vouid kick tisa men regpoumt- bleM o t ti"i oum,' 1 .dt. par ahraetve>.ir e ANOTHERS DOXCL NOT YET SIIGNE» 8W The@ statamentinl delail shows beahl A RONDOUT CASE MAY BE IN raFEW Wim aarul nga for October. viltila usaried 1 Tc-ces"ion In November and aomeasligt il TWO MEN ARRESTED FOR SHOOT- DEAL FOR Tif LTER er racover>' lu December. ING AT 0,WNER 0F S44ANTY GIN ESEE STREET SEOW LMO ('bairman Ga r rfErehtIex WHEN H-E APPEARS. LIICE CERTAINTY. hbit ai "remarkabiy good," and spoke bopefuli>' of thie outlook, aayiug ordero or specllcatlona are moil satiifactory, viihh favi rancalattons. He ndded tint tIsa maller of thie goverumeut dissolu- tion suit vas nol diacussed b>'thie dl- rectora. No changea in tise board of finance cornillea viere anuouncad, ai- thougil It la uuderstood souse are lm. pending. EPIDEUUO 0F NEABLES EXISTS AT WIN- THROP HARBORI HEALTIl COMMISSIONER M'SHANE GETS FACTO IN REGARD TO WINTHROP HARBOR Wiuthrop Harbuor iaau epîdamît of mealesansd bot acarlai fevar as Isad been reportd toe be haiti officama of Kenoaba, but Dr. McSbane, viho le aI thie iead of tise deparîmeulta plan- uiug ho taka stningeut meaurea to pravent mesiea being broîsgbt from Wtuthrop Har-bor 10 Kenoaba. Tia healtb officar he« been adviaed tuai tiare ara aithle present tîme soe 25 cases of measies lu the vilage and lia echols tIer, have beaen closedl ou account efthtie previleuce ofthie diisease. A fev Winthrop Harbor chIsl- drien have been attending tue publie soilool lu Kenoaba, but It ta declared liai non.etliaeechildi-en ara tram home@ vhici bave beu quaranhined. -Konoaha WL) New&. This moruing Ofilcer Nichola of lie localE. J. & E. and S1ll gu C. Meyer, brougottwio Young men ho VJa,îkegnas heres tsie nTaylor. The tlling Ioda>' b> Albent T.1S la>', contrachor, of a $2,000 ibid C(t1h>'e5 Marsall«lemndScgem -- au - - --u JU- y- -tue e (l explaiued ln Satugrda>" Hlned each 110 anti coula for diserder- wherahy lhe YeouanFrriy4q ]y condîrci caid diaerdarl>' condurt sontb of lie eiectric iglit comaî concishlug of sboollng Up a saat>' office la ho b. sold te Mn. Watw owned hy James E. McGuire. vilo '.aone or the BIjou theaar ovnis workiug for the 'J ai Rondoui. dîrates that the &demi vi TIse mon finad viee: Hareldi Swan- through, provldlrng tiat tha thréej sou sud Otto HecIsI. Thure vere Ivo ai-s of the mropertyfinail>' si"n <I more men sougbî but tIsa>'have aul para. far eludati armait. TIse> are: Thlomas Thea papers are nov bWng pro Morrsonaud 'Imu Hnse.Vil eîbut no signature. bindlng lia ficems are rovi aeeing them and ilie> hav-e yet beau umade. The pLPaIs wili hcargad viltisthelaniae of- fi-at go to George R, Lyon teN fense, before everything cm bu loeua0q& Weamnaday nîgit vihen McGuIre r '-'ile considération la la iej iurned to is niant>', liese u lbt ane vlleWatanman bhm li lucide, lia savi four men thare. Ha Yeoman admit* thai tue iafl j no 9eonersaav lieus han tIsa>" S'canuet bu signai for att esat gan ehoollng and McOulre ln u hu, weeica, alsé began ahoetIlg Inte iant i a ' ,lThe bond for the prait #9 1 TIsaI nobody vai bitlmta a urpie tu 1lte variet>' thoater viicî Ut ail, la planning, la furniab.d lia «90 At au>' rate, uch te -lie cime, but 'b> lie Améric"a Suret'y .i wilel thie uotler nilgit have beau Baltimore. Thse prait la to lwu dropped. lthe 'J offiiels beard ot it ai Ioda>' b>'Maie. EtatUsqw M and ordered lie arreet of lie attend. Ion Bradley' état« aitu -*1w ers. The nwn made ltme défense thut the ùf iat ma«ulai cf , tIe>' viera userai>'etaheshant>' fortia tarting t t. mmsa, A pîmipose of acarnug frcCuira but thehveared i. AW latter dtd net take the malter as a tieaher whlbciWmtws Jlike. Tise defendanta pid heirfine. log on NertiG- C a --Z2, 'f Tiiey aIl lIve at Rondont aid are n'all ta bu derota ed rAlvfo I inova Qoem., 1~e Sm Beause et the plmans foîlovai b>' vairioue Wamulagn ,hurchW li0 raieg qmon.>' throuqla verm kindg of churphatftfme th@ article below refeMre le h plams et à Cicago miellte »P &round thmt course, Ia tim@J>' 4 itrating, ahowlng se il 4«M h.w b>' traquent *nt#rUllnmopb chuarch puopleamrt cilled Up1u te -coatrbuta more timan lia>' WugI Sljve Sf 1h.>' gmve outigit sud *9 $Church do** net benlMneary l s.uha It wuld by th. IiW .&Pion. A Chicago paper gays: Hodp'andI "calcbponnay soWçfpm arq thse va>' tht cburch eneDigll menta are deacrihed ln a cime4ltt tssued b>' the Churcb «t4he &qwut, Ïpticpai. oft vih t ev. Au1Il Imommas Young la pastor. In Ili. us, circuler an. given soiqe itstei#I8 falti cossoering "*BaL" ube. a"e aaId t. live thnough tbe prousollro «c )vhrirm diflfor riaioz N"10 support ebbue. The. Chureh 0f the Adtont, wvlpla »rOcaie t Logan bouievprd aa)ql Francisco avenue, sla pdeaw4 tg diii a aubatitute fer echcba4gp4f Imisa. tiplans tW abqlsh to qlm. tirely and Inatead of aa#Ing tit,09, bers. of the cburch 10 tgcrom" W io1 pet cent the amount of monay W4tIl. they pige, for contta"et qpettffl of tb. cbare . Pladga carde have blos ment ont>w ich reid: " *t bereby agrua t. Increapa 'm7 pialgu, aispropoud. hbat cou2«Joft «apasesma> bu mat witboist fl« tzmçt 10ctcbouain cheipeu a114 ##M f" isof cisurch boIdu 1 ~o$ tops' ....... wel'.rpI iui<e, tmarvpig tie prtvllao là& or decrulng ti. aMoie ~u flotte.aaiclom taid.May palie seProfit tg I¶rkm." The neamon ebuirci pslptat t bave been abîandon« 14 «axplp18 lanl aeoompsylng ctrcnl>r, sisa$ ti> Wiliam ialliy, samoovar4mpî- I& mer C. Jinsen, junior vpdMen, à« tha veatrymén. ni- - L w -4- <z

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