S DEAI AT PIE tu mIsmuhIMs h UMI O F 1THE *NTRCTIC WdWM, Saitiem South on pacifie toe Mccl Nusband Ater Long Absence, K esu Nethin@ of bisester and Car.> *et Leste of Il msfto."te Rachos New Zealànd. L»eou, es, Fol1.-CaptllnRobert V. pott BriLtih explorer and veter- au of Ivo Anurctlc capeditions, te- $@théer ith tour momiters Of 1b18 par- ty. di" s Lte>' erVête relumnîna rom ep~sq4il pole. .8q>LI reobed lhe 6* 3&uia. 18, 191t. Ho Oed on Match h, 156 ites tromi the base or "»l« e t Cap. Evans. '1 blizard ovrlook te part>' fresit (rom hlt U m-sce$$. and leIntIS rip Mer, perisieud. eesldes Captate Scot (bs. are te mon tat ied1: Dr. Ed- lv*rd Wilson, Lieutenant Hl. R. Bow- ait. Caitilfb L 1. 0. Oatea, Peti>' 0*. S14T .ar.veu$. lm@ ttifile itova came t ti City', 1«,»@ a raI launuconirmed' rumora tonc thé seultland and thon la a ce- biegrash rou Camamo., N. Z. rTe outbli station ter. reporteS tbat te *Terr Nova, te vesel vitici t Ioi menu and bis expedition sentit. iad * pe &aI5 mbAelartc terus to bMthe ti explorers bsclt, baS sent thte uéàt aewa b>'ber vîreless. Bhe aft- Wleueed ber oarly reture "itecana. et a grave caismlty le the Scott expedi- tio,." titen told te feu fadas of te Muater. eand pruceedpd la lite-port *et Lyttleton. viiere site la ezpecled ea "Thureda>' of ttls wveki. Captain Scott's party rcached te exact spot whemc Roald Amundsen Splanted the Norwegian flag at te fou nu there the tint con- ~ trdètd and leir behiuud bv Amued- ,sefita part>'. These facts wcre recordeul ie the documents tounul on te bodiet of the *.ded explorera uhen the>' vere recov- lira. Scott Saifiie Southt. Sin Francisco. Feb. 1.M.Rob- t*1 Scott nov t~raically te widow of tBritishatearctic explaer, thougbh 6i Io eYet probabi>' una-are ci his ide luesiled trom tiis cit>' Feit. 5 for New Zeaiand, expectinif l e mcc ber ltgsbaad ltoe, lest before iter de- alto hesaid tn an interview Ihel la hd not iteard from him jneigtl- ~ e moettsbul vas éonfidebt he - <W1 roaci Nov Zeatand safel>'. Mn. Seoîtsaaled on te Aoranoi, wlq' f1eeiraI port ef catli s Papeete, 'labuti. As ibere la ne caitie te Ihat Spolit.and as te îhip viii ol bouc = apyCable point unlil il reacites te C ~ tcic. ilt 6 improbable tat Mrs. SScott vill Icaru otfhberituabanda imt !bc5uîl s rcaches New Zeeland, t lboiàu.bekorts are beîqg made to Ï'TuerieS tbc Aoranti b>' vureleas. Loaëdn Gela News. 'tiLindbu, Feit. Il. - rTe. deatit ot SCaiiùae Robert F. Scotcnd thte **oa..,4f bis, Party. who t00k part je '(b. oult polsr cxpcdilion, is report- ta ld [o, sous axeer, dispaîcit received 5We froffe New Zeland. Tic disater came as ae cIter sur- ~Pr%à b Londoit ee8 cat a gloom Sce Ie communit, wiich bas been -f1egqaaed ince te deet tf King P'Evaim 1twb.1 L0* Fr * ~ and lue CeqtyEvl'lb Iê Lake Coui, lelt AU i; I Caumpalgmto be the Dlggesl ani Ment Farreaclblg lUue lits 10 0f1 h. Counly viimeet tontorrowv evening at the IVAIKE(IAN FACTORYI home of .Mss Irnca Bruns, Z510 Ash RAY ESTABLISII 1Street. , FOSS PARK PAVtION BKANUI, N. CHICA60U THREATENED BnvRE Tiie- lîr il, aituieiiti %vas celeS eut A ruor s rirrnt i Noth hi.at 5::t0 o'clork lest evening te holp Aff ruiner ust corr e n fortit <Ii'etugih a gracs ire in Pose park wc epoda lt ja l lVatenfrer>'j itui tre.,t,-îîei( the ig.dauîce pavil- cioteul a deai for etabititng a brandli Ion and oblier luuldtutvs ou Ilbie park Ile Northt lhkago atnd tt an tcs are grounds, cli Made te carry ont the iPlane. The acumulationu of mates tirugit- When itîcrvuemed abot leuttu nit-.out te giotu umade t,, ire a ver>' ter, a tnt-cuiter of tht lfirm 4uutbd t10' isk oneiuu, .nd votlllhave meant a Say tait teru.%%as ui<)hitig definiteserels 0teer cdtnten about bhe natl.er, udding that tey taen relu t la Prkhlnt etbe itau been dickeriîîg but bcd conuim- ae nhnl nated no delails >Mayor Sheiuiii atdtid t terebted cit i The repuort latalt u usiole fector>' uould otovu' lu, Northb<luhiago btt lte officiai lauglucil atsurît a report, sayieg taI, if Ibeir tlans uary il vili lie mercIs for a iranci of efliir plant, te uIljî rt of hi( it sill al- vays reniaui Inu aVu eguîîî lecauue the>' have tsurit a big inve',,itcnt liere and are uoiutg suinl a big bustines haro cow. TWO MEN INJUREO IN FIGHT ON îsLill hoped bore that te dis-.NDV did nt iprolve l etofte Scott A tîiiîlay ltII î-u'it cîga 7 1,J fsixiý-gix. bei probabi>' oni>' bunci o! Austrlauîe oit Llui(uulnstr,e SëMtImsejt anSdte four others se- tlgh h 1 'lct« ts b Insfor the final das Ite .ye8ter,la f,'u,,îlîtihl elu pelu& rthes. are enppoae o le bDr. lice dun'oi lu' lit anul ululie tfl E, ~A 'AIleechie! o! thc scientifir the uiuiulîlussr,' tri ,'telitltui ta atmfV; Captain L. E. G. Oatesofethlie ken 1< te îsîîirc suaition Imldfinndragoons; Lieutenant H. T,.o0f ttc itert. lut,- Nilur utîîli l'e" lovers oethtie Royal Indian Marine, er Saricli. lîtul t, te l akuit lut Il,, tbe"ueOtMsur efficer, anS PolI>' O4%cer E. Evans, o fllte Britishi royal IleyH office ili ave. Iliir iniurieil Davy. aI teedeul b. 1Tuiei euts reitir utl y Divided lmb Pour Groupe. hurt aboiutitheii,- laloaitulweru- iiiraI- CaptaintScotîs unai ta'-ing upar- t coe ieul il h ilu,i ty' uasa te cecettotf tieteren ebe. Tellt ' tii i u... sr,-i ai t-lu uthe ,, i il ,uildea hitiseif. whic groip s of tourofSrc u sxwe iesay0 jaco each vere te rettiin aI diffeent tSr'ttu i ,r utaasu stages of the ioîurît-y. Ieauung Scotit close tht- woiiis on mllie'î"s ti-al. and four othems'îto comptete tihe finial Beter botlic.s, ianîîtiinunîny ollitur *dai 10 te pole. buîîuîy liecea or Loies, - uruiabngs 'Mse expedition under Capta je Scott iî iat u'î,uî t( i ,' i iil suisureii seil in vas the best rouuiped that had ever thi, fraitas hmec gathered togettier for surh an, advjesture. Il,ic, oujirli-tiu a ii- iu.leud OU ' 1 luy a tri'il. $2.7'- i i. slile te 'seeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeea.e.. h i il ul]inîtî itl Sev,-iaumore. aie POINGSOFCGNG ESS lelng au glîlb>tuhelit, loli,'as iiarlici :litis inuthti- l'iody lhtl. SENATE. : 1 u' lt "1111,i ý, i li.wi'uîîi,,, si.tî' Pit asseS VWebb bilt le torritIni 'il lii. utii. ,uI i i,,itltiiutfor cis, » *vitcitilCaentsfron hni'. as e irul, r tandulitiliic 11ïleii. i"g seel. * Ol5Stltute for Renyon bill egu : ai îuîuî i t',;i ' 1,îî, 'tut ta( as cole *lsting letersatoeblhpnient cf la- in'ilr ibat, iii o tîka g lîquors. Campaige funde inSetgating «m.eamlttee reurnd ItHt tqulr>',: EXCITING RUNAWAY TODAY. eoudesvoring tb trace Arciholde Standard 011 letterz. A tutei iif u1.u.. i b%-IluNi,'k I4OUSE. :e1 laîhelruk i ,u i uru o ui utilu'ii * C u-n-lcoliuulueraliuun îof 5- :iiliiî i Iru ial iiitult,( r¶ctttlsursî aplumprtaiuln 1111. luis ifluulýi uuiuiii, ,uuî i t. tu - t- ~esednumber of his etoi en4xuiulifi iii '% essimousîotullent" caietîdur. e ' ý.i.V tiésong tbon ee îuuebihtieg in a Leing-th( itt i ut 'ý old '::i hin.rîq le i stuarict l uf 0 uil b .îuhkuu' tii',l ÇWmbhuiia 0f wcitbs and biaclit Martui pîti e On" or ii"h, hrse t.suis. * MAa, Mongoliauens.c- . - : ts in jutrie.- iniioîtuiesli et4t grici'tlturai aluprîuitri. I re anu wui li av l, ui,- 1 hll nu ..eeeeeeeeaaaeeecaas.. mli Luthitrauu litiitu.hu oî cuku.gen gras. utuomi i it- as ilion othat there Woiid lie nou [lit uic(langer, .%. Ailitlle>r cad uounlatuy îoday an- eottntcd thut tbey ihave. clo-d c Seai Wiuereiuy hee are lfi open a brancit et tlir usralîlue. faclory un Northt Chi- e-aupo anthlie ' ar4, rulsiing mabtere lit theyy(-ail teuiaklîug drussei, by Non- day utexut! i ossihle - The,. oinpctly btas ]i-sa«ul tura per- Soi1 of y-art Ili,!' itetl UIý,ate 'i uet io,iipltn y st urt'ou Sai.stree, nlu Ill Fiiu :,îlleitllsi revu ulilol auti Ioula> Daîinoti T Altltulg-t- vas tItit'hicago puircitaiuîg lî- ite ýIlinuus nucesary te i lie li tutti, plan t FOREIGNER DRAWS KNIFE ON MIS FOREMAN. Voltil m1tîrI lului- cl 'iulce aftrneon lItere was " uouneit)ing iolcg' witcuua lTokii empiuy cilou i le Mora uer Pd, wtiit on the warual. Vthte tai, -oreirenucee the coin- l'et>Iîuiids iacki cie day's pcy sde mtsifail other ceecereut and thie Turk rusenleu titis caul lhrnclened lttrov r Ir. Nlalon4-ybte fereman. leto the semer tifulilul îlot got cli tttwva ulule fue. lie Itit-lu rew a iitîte cnd vas le il, tut of attckieg Malone>' ubon a filutl'ruuiltoploitf lte Imnale llirev a tu t i te'iumk, isuing hlm b>' at b3uitl i nargin. ,rhe eîglicer, wtto le at brother o! Nlalone-y, camne te the rt-aduleand the Tîîrk "lit ont" acrosbte prairie, tak- tîtg reuuge lenbte barber sitop ot Joe ,uid rit- wiere lie abtempied te pro- cuire at razor andl coulul have succeed- e- cdal ot the liarber's vite glreu %arnhitg le tinis. Ile vas tutken troun the sllop and iiutidloIîle îuprebîy rougit shape b>'lthe1 bsn lnu'censu-îl Maloun>'brotiters. lulz1,gu. crowd congregatied le ses u 11,t ite bitthetrouble. .. 'lit" barbuer ant i lis botter haif vers gii ii uîuaî<. e sure, as bte>' Louglft it1' liI.ii i.%vas gotiug te i>e vrece Il' Utr eteîuograliher slows Up OU 114,r wonl and goescarelesa. glye lier iiollisler Il R M. Tee; lbt vili.itop lier 'iactive, full of 0nergy. W. W. Peaice. AJL ON DEvELOPO T$4AT I ClAN NAD PRESJ FOR SOMIE SHOULO HAVE1 FIRST EFFORÎTS TO TPR FUTILE BUl AMTS ECOME The. janitor did ItI It wa alk hi* faut-- Thte matry ef tie and foot found on the the berbor Tuesday an ed sucb a vensatiqu am of te city and people wre uflable te sceaul ence, was aelved by Tb ernoon. viion &fter di: deterumîno viere the al have cerne f rom, elb. uneartbed. And, au usual. te Mi fault, for anduly diatua brum of te doctors, chants and others. It was very evîdent ie the city bad prIvate ttâitae , tl ut. ba tu thelanw LA~IT euce the "mYstery of t e iW 2 JAN11?g on thringion The diecovery monde>' evening on the daamp north t ithhrbor 9f a Most L.OCL PIYS.)bn*Mèl îportion of te bowet part IgIVlp Lgg JOF a PeOnà 11mb, Including a porfeot- PONT14S, 'Y 1fed, althogh n bormal foot, - biint-w.p a m ,whleh The Sion toda>' galnOd knowlede 0ff end th. so. BURIII) ITluton of which likoly wiIl nover b. BORNES I Ooeknown. The diaeôvery of the portion of te D 8OLVE humnan bodY wrspped le a thick bundle , OLEMAT- ot oldeepapers. Wua mcdo e lte JT FINALLY tiraI Place by VIl*dssciow Lavandow. KNOWN. 'ski. whO lives On CD'eieevdeeitit ave. eue, necr Thîrteentit streut, Nortit Chicago. He wOrkBa aIthle ceaI dock. Mufnday ovenIng afler uork, le look -as uauali I a walk up le lhe duxnp to »e0 wbat oe abeormal log he could tied, Ie iookleg about, hi, e flats nortit of oye rfe u ontit.isPackage and. pokirix ed whlch create It open, he wvasastoundod to see lte ueegl phY*icýan8 most abeormai portion of a humait à senetally vio 11mb he bsd e'fOr sean. He carefuily ni for Il&, pres- bid thte package andi thon. titis monti. he Sun titis art- ieg ledueed Viclor Vicent, a neigo. Ugent inquiry to ber, te accompaey hlm tete fiats. beormIty mlght They secured te package ublei bad reci facto vere réaaaned uedt8turbed and~ brougit lit UP toun e tIlTe Sue office whero a %»tor ueo al at feu prlvileged one& were permitted [rbleg lte equill- to look upon what surely wa& a bht- lauvycra, tuer- Man defermIty, which muaI auroly have proved ieteresting to scientiosa thst ne doctor andt physiclens. tely eperated ont Not Physiciane' Case. such a cuesand cAreleOuli tltrove the roomber away; vaa ciaocertain thai no snch an operatieu bad beau ruerormmod aithlocal hoaital for, lu amputatIons titey alvaya bure lte am.- putatnd incuber. So. uhak vas the ce- lntien Uoctors ver. intorvîowod 'by The Sun; undertakera ver.esed &bout It le an effort te fieS ont lte tacts bo- canae it vas suggeoted b> norne that peritape the. person trom wham the member vas remeved, baSd diS trom biood-poiooning lnt cae a turson wltb- ont a knowiodge ef surgery hiad per- formed thie Joi-none knew anytblng about 1. Ail ver. more tihan mystified ROcent Owner la Found. At ilut te Sues Investigation pi-ev- ed fruittul. Il& reporter found te surgeon vito coutld ced didsoive "the myster>' of the foot. Hoe erplaincd thte facts le substance as foilova: "Same six monti a aDo1Ierformed such an oporatten on aun unit snd, b&e cause te amputatod 11mb wvasusch an unusual formatio of a tumor, 1 piaeed Itin leacaooaund lteserved it for the ime iteleg. k proveS an le. terosting tilug o siaS>'. Howevor, at last 1 tired eofitavlng IL ai-omiS and tolfi lbe janitor of the. buildint 10bure up a certain packa&W wvitcit 1 handed hlm and vitlic olained the.le«. 01v.. t aoGrb"e.Man. "The janitar, Ifeaaorf iurelng Il se 1 bcd requested, titrev It Imb the gat-bageeu sud the, acavenger took it te thte laite ahore togetiior vitit otit. or refuse. ThatS ibou tho ieg tap- Pened le be teund Sucre. Thatsa ail thora la te IL. snd yS Ise, the, lanitor uas, as usual, at fanit" Titus. te "myrtery" ubicit for 24 bours bas etîrred m»dica sud othors. la cleared and te man viteorlgieslly ,owned the. 3mb sand lte' dcter whio renloved i itsre nabuastly itle tusacd up over vitaLttey conaider a niait grievous mistalve viticithei.jatitor le question mode viten ho did sot compi>' wnîthte requet te BS, IT. Turn.d 0v.,- ta Undorlaker lTe ebeormit>' ie question ublcit -as irst seen b>' a Sue reprosonta- tire Tueeae> after te (vo foroigners bad broughtL iL up (ove trom the fiats, uas urned Over 10 a local doctor b>' the men after 'nte Sun man baS ex- amlned It and raterred tem ta te Ie- cal physIcen. Theo abuoritly (bus re- mained. ln his private odce ait de>' Tuesday and the mou returned eit nigitt to ose wbat abould bho dons vith il. ln the tiret place titey hed tried to get The SUs "te purciase the leg.' but the reporta er to viewed Li could net see vit aroi us.eihe could m9eo of i, so ha dactined te beuy. Thte mon, thon, la te ovenlng vote told to take It to Conrad & Hart., undortakcrs, and (bore tbey aloo ught te get pay fer Lt, asklng $10 trons Mr. Conrad. rTe undertaier InsisteSil l usof nô value Le hilesnd aven lutImated the Police vnlgbL ho looktng for te men if tbey "dida'tloo0k out." The>' fuInll>'reod to Jeave iL ukb hiii.uperlulw4uo at Quce.placed Ih la elociol. UHvever, tis.wu anet th@. les Sret afpcitolic hath, for iL -later wu a erneSb>' rTe Sun that iL baS beeau roserveil for sorne montits baoale tekng lte ride Le the flats le the gartff.WBDOfl. Raturne6 te DeOor. Thte phâysician lu question ubeo oil. nal>' oporated oua Ue 11mb, 54d ol beau vitL bd beopuIec09I 11511reuOs Ing the article in -Tii, S1un '05548>'. 09 wli.n intervIe*eS toSae'abot tbe materlue wua (ad the let use et Courad à: BarI A t ionce h.-bou IV' tate morgu vie>"b. d ladam toe ii.1mb sud ecaileS It %av». Tt ite saiS ho persan&il>' valthedIL bolti rTe goneral opinion of Ibese Who vas t uas ltaI the portion ef Lbe limb, bcd net corne (o the fIels as% rosult o! an OPeration b>' an>' local physiclan, tom, baS an>' docter op«rsi- 0<1 on aucit a case, accordfusg te con- teetions et doctors Whit aulte relie, lte llraIthleg they uouid bave doue weuid have iteen to place lte portio le alcooiol for preservation andsuclen- tigec stud>'. Houever, that (bis vas net done. taI the Ilmb vas tti-ove &ay on te dump lise te lte conclusion or sus- picion titat SomDebod>' ultiteut mod]- cal keeuledge amPutated lite 11mb vhich ited Proved e dofommity en loins One lntitis cominunit>' tenature of wblit bhaS net bee knowe geuteraîl>'. Whal Il WaLike. Imtagine a -perf etl> forned foot, aboutilIve tachtes long, perfecti>' pois- cd at the base of a bunan lesg vicb measnred 14 tacheos le circumterenc. thte mauremeet frein lte foot te vba( appecrs la b he Utsle joint ho. Ing about aiuesInçites. rTe portion of the litui apparenti>' uas severed et lte knee joint uhicit thua. vita n i Is original position vould bave itroagiti (he foot up chou- On A evloai lit (b.eitnee of te other 11mb wvItch itmghtharoeieen normal. Lal Sdotre vito scu il deciared Lliat Ile l ti nS.nophymician baS operated ln aucita casa becau.set0 the IngluaI nature o eflite1mb, lte Piftservatlen of ubIcit vw.uld havo proyeu most lntorostlng tor local medi- cos to consider. Thug, ltae question levite. oulsîde o! the medicel fraternit>' veuld par- foru an operatian siich as vas noces- sary tu produce tite deferinod portion la question aeul vlo, helng afflicted 10 sucit an extent, would subtalt te such an operatien vithout the presence o! a surgeon? Again. vit>' as te ab- nermit>' cammled tebte durnpnrth o! thte itacîsr and vito carrled It lter.' Il la furtiier polnd outilu> oers vite examineS 1th abeormît>' and dis- cussbd Lbemalter, that hba spiysi- clan operated le the case, he surely vould net have permitted lte portion Of Lb. 11mb te ho (brave aaa>'promis- eual>'.as vas dane le Ibis cas. aven thongit ho diS net cars ta preserve lb ln eicohoi. Again, baS ho omuered lb titrove sa>'. Il vould have heen plac- oS ln a preper recopIas-le anul. imua litel>'hureed. Wrapped in Papera. te Ibis case, hovover. lte ied vas urapped le old nevapapors. severai in thblkneos, inost of tentbelng Chli- cego papers et a moent date. Not Decosnposed. Witi liteextremel>' coid veabter voulul have itau te lendeecy te pre- serve Lbe pince etfituînanît>', il seouns quite evideel litat iL itad ubt licou on -the, dueup om>' long, bdcauae of bta condition, oni>' one spot sbovieg se>' sigue of decomposttion. ii. genemit appearatîce of lte relic Indîcaled pool- tîvol>' that It vas net frmr a chilu but rouait adtit. DorIen, ubo oxLrnined Il veme un- &ble Le determine for certain vitetier it tookeul like a phiYicRn'a oprallon. or vitethel, it migitt JUsL bave "been olioppeil off." OrdinarUl>'Il wauld net b. te course te operate sucit a mouo- bier right et te Joint sseoma la haro been dons le Ibis cae. At an>' rate, jusLt>' u hoovor bai anytiing te do viittlte affair abould lie.cent te plece o!fituianit>'- ta te filsL tue dump itep. cannaI ho tigured out. Wity diS lte>' et bure or bur>' t? Thitvitle afair la one e!funyorl- Oua nature. te solution of vhlchlik101> neyer *,lil be arrivod at, Pit>siciana vite aew te tiing de- cicred that ne sueit oporalben vasPer- No other bakàÊg powder wifi raite nicer, Iighter bis- cuits, cakes a nd pastiy, none'la more pure anc1 whoksomrp ThenWhyPay More?, in"- et fomSlethe hou pitai or every doctor la the city wouid bave haît bis atlon. Ilout calied to it because of its unusual nature. AUCTION SALE. The underalgned, havleg aoid lbis tarin,vilii ocii at public auction on the. promises at "Rooccrana" an Tueaday, Fobruar>' 25, 1913 Commiecnelet 10 o'clock a. mn, the tollowlng properl>': 12 gond mîlcit coua; chestaut driv- log mare, wgt. 1100; grcy coachi mare utg. 1250; gond vork marc, ugt. 1200; yearllng marc colt; trotIin.g brcd atai- liou. VieWtorg, 2 yrs. n1id; 160 S. C. White Logitora bons and roosters. 8 tous lear alflfat hay; 2 tons mil- let bey; 1 etaCk. about 5 tous,,fiec aiterm.at.behay; 80 sitooka corn; 300 huaboe cta; 100 ituaheaCarmeNo. 3 -PJ".1 MécComlok corn bînder; ha.> raits. sulky cultivs.au'; asilecuiîvaar; 3 section wood beam lever draga; 14 lnch stubbio ploya; 14 Incht 05 ut stui>ble plow; 14 Incht breaklng wlo; Case dise cern planter; 40 rode check wire; triple geared sweep feM Mmlii; puiverizer; farrn truck wagon; double wagon box; lwikber wagon; bey rack; light milk wagon; top buggy; road cart; bob sîsiglus; buggy polo; viteel- barrow; band cart; oeddlc and bruIde; 2 setu double tarin itarnesa; 2 single bharneas; 20 mllk cana; galvanlsod mllk tank; tank beatur; grindatpeo; grass seeder; scales; 50 acasoned white oak posas; blaekeunith forge; bammer, tonge. chiSis, wrenciteo, bota. etc. quaety of aId iron; 2 etleg etoves-, forks.,altoveis. becs. crowbarso. ava and man>' other arti- cles. Usuaelreu. JABLES G. WELCII. Prolu. E. M. Au... Auctioneer. w .. tsQue FOR RENT-14) acre farm ait nov 'buildings outaide. stable bolds 54 huad cibttle, 8 borses; Iocs.ted on %Milwaukee Rd., end of WastiJngton St. Addroes Geo 1, Wilder. 177 N Victory SL. Xaukegaîî, MI., or phioae 168 Wauke- FOR SALE OR RENT--60 acre farci 1-2 mtile west of Gunîe. lnuire R. citrnee, fl. ufr.y-t Bell MICTION SALE. listing rentad euy fa rta oie-Siait mile Southitof Zion Clîy anS four mlle# itortit of Weukegan on Sheridan rondi. 1 yl aIle t public auctian co*tmonc. log et .10 o'clack Wedn@ay, Feb. 10, 1913, Thte foliowing descrlheti propertf. lovit: i pair loy trou truckts. i veedor; Pair 4-lIrlu trucks; I1lîciverlzer; 2 bey racta. 1 he akie; 2 Wagon boffly 1 boy leader, 1 ide dSliver>' bey rabo; i enS gale eedar; 1 ceeder; 1 utteel. berrow asteor; 1 surmey; 1 mut vwa- Ken; 1 'menur, aspreader; 3 valking Plous; j gang pieu; 1 roller; 2 cubi- vatara; 1 mover; 1 cura binder; 1 greaiInlder; 1 est drags; I1coud ws- gon, 3 s&ts double itarnesa; 1 pair -aaJo; 3 sets single barness; 1 (an- nlug Mil; 6 mitit Caa; 1 vood rack; 1 gesoine engin., 10 hr p.; 1 lîgit ?- ceaIeS bobt Bled; i bear>' 2-scated bob Bled; 1 &et gravel planks; 1 caldron kOttie; 1 corn sier; 1 cern grieder; i 13-fL goar vinS twill ith poct and DumIP Jack; 1 grlud atone; 1imlik sel,. aratar; 1 large ooolng pan for snîlk. 2 Eabcock tester»,. nov; i foat; i driviu&, cari; 1i tank heater; 2 butter voilrkas; iciture; l20 Cooicy lises- 1 sait corn; 1 alack t arav; 15 huait- ela aeed cern, quantit>' skreulded ted- der; hay, eats, corn; Rhtode Island Roda chlckens; guinoas: wilul duckz. Cows and Morses. 1 yeartilg Holstein bulli lus>'. i yrs. old drivlng mare. vgt. 1L200i]bu.; 1 gray voring homme: 15ý cous, six beavy apringera; i Durham bell. 2 yrs. 01<1; 9 sitoats: and ether articles too numerous te mention. Pyree lunch eL nom. nal tanna eftsaise.' H. W. FIRRY. Propieftor. HeeUr> Sine, Aleioneem. HB.Holîiegavaath, Clerk. s-ky .1 it CAN SE iJftEDè ATmon. Uneigbtly pimples. ecrema. 4nd ail akItIIIerDPtons are "on reileved by aimply apptying. ex_ terualiY two or three limes a day. CRAIN'S PIMPLE AEMFDy. tA dean. iiquld. non-greasy lirepareuion that gels rightaîîko Seat of troubie4 as no greasy salve. ltat cloga up the poré, catn. Mild. saie and sure. No internai medicines te ruin the tumach. Bond 50 renis for a fuil Bsze bOttie orf MAIN'S PIMPLE REMEDY todai Ev"ery bottle guarantoeed or your unowg se*undad. Bond eow te (MAIN 4 DFLUG Ce.. Chicago îleights, lu. System Your Propo*itIon has menit.- You h ave faithin it. An -earnest. straight-' forward telephone talk wiII put à~ through. It is flot necessar, nor is it always advi. able to disturb a busy man of affairs by a cal1 in crsoi You may bc able to obtain bis t1omt conctiltrlýtcd arttenion by iý' biief, 'poiiied tlbu ô.r ths 14 pýMxne. Go direcdy ta thé 1'brian8g of the byui- 0et;"th îbe vi togt eftewhich weighe, and decides. TIle Log Distance Telephone is a most couït."â and eff.cdv. met.hod of snpproach. A. IR.A1~W ,ÀA te l birs. teuopi orali A it ports ver,- c Ev, recoi limes .tstagp *rebelu vearl flerro