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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Feb 1913, p. 2

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JM aIr.a"P WOR QOLLiraim SWIUT PADB. WX114L BLAugmT. ~Ie4Iarness HÂR1M S OAP. HmNUUS POLISH.L BRU8EB& Repairinq and O01kg danc without detage Shoe Repairing a Speciatg. Get gari work(]in early. IIARN[3SS SIIOP CKEIELLER ILLINOIS 193*4It? UOP CONDITION 0P TIE CI lIZENS9 BANK 9OCK!fLLER, ILL., At i*" os0fbusiea. Pebruary 4, 1913. aEnOUB.CES 1LIABILITIES Md DleoUnt, - -- - M53 h id tu...............o i' uirtres .......... 43229 tldlded Poflt.......... . L Mal................... i*6i4 w Total -................ . 544. Igag . Pyas omhie cfiheoree namel Bank, do solentafy &Wear tSi ci Us"ptmiytaIe=.d r ei f01e bra of0 rnknowedge d beltet. tii.R PANE (huber. u %aid ms wora ta bSe rtis CtSMSday of tehna7 A. D. 1913. EDWAR 0 PYNE.Notari Public. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: H.F ou»s. Irvng E. Paya làJ. I..Taylor, a S.Grdl.y.7 v -. uid Lavercr.blo ate y..hethyboest Ita. od tains, cbanging $mes and winter stormia. I j your child is weasr sehen 1 o-ltcks eegy and au. m-bas nio appetite or ibly sallow skin or a plnched i-lit is for vent of tital body- trishment; this growing kd demands special, con- Ug~e easily digested food bodydeveopmen-menti in-pbysical changes. huM'. Emul i ihe POsbady-builder knout-lt Jter--.ithaat alcohol or imdt-m*aa ey elisi »SMiman, Or.,. oraed home emb » a veek'a euh twth relative@ ahWaakegauanmd Highlad gfiveMS Murphy, who recently Ma auopOration10- an abSoea a rçws hospital. la Chicago la e"4joag alcy aanSvilii ioon b. ro ~sutShome. ~Ilmmb vas numbered vith 9*1. veit. piwdy of Chicago, le the guet of 1ý hiabytiaeek. né ie abie to b out agala of I» gippe. frisndao f Clarence NMmrtin r o learm maihe la eriouly m ta Mon. mont. Itisodof alilutI Nontmy L D., wh.re h.ehbu accepted 151 lb Rumley Mf. Co., of DLdottaveliuggsaismn. aà .oncs la bis nev telS of tbi a ie ryhfM for ibi i. teporW tbitter as lbe >14 L J. sciaer of Ucers, 5ivisitea aaay. Mr.aï Mm H oumeu nthe. lai lat ,.l.ascrovd to tove. -» vus not vsry v wÀ0 Lulnllg s"-ly 8 àubegaIsmit. Hovever Mas tà £ M wms Ibuc toe llaie moroit butbre WM al nia ýàM kom a 300 p-.rai.méan do* déarp. la I. pdnaly eciet>ng vilage nov beina g v l of lova. Gai. Batu end veumt dova on. daylaiut 511. tise dliorbutln l" labt.-va*y. J. K. ouvia Ioouurgflngtii tock- mmddte eomple tblaisd coit u a. 19. M"àle m'ifrth uimii v lavuutory "aeberas m 84qs bho xteuded for ivo. vu"@ Imoma ."torvd"eveainiuMawh1.ê cbo.ta cote. fui&.54, nswarss odife. aboi, mand varlà foowr Jadis.' »d ciiudru' pt,e ita mdifata Thleisatbe Lb tvmt 01 un tby araasiag dvaits .' f m neyery 1afe . vrboyl nvidteaiu tiish. bruaft. vl. cuani a. L. Prebm mMad* a bimainanitrip ta WakmuiigsTamesay. Ni u. £malFranik and tanguer Aun» ver.eChirago viltore Taeeday mnd Wadcsida. The Kalcierboci« erls Ca.. ha astS6 checi of $25 ta lb vlllags tra"Miofor mutlag th eeda on ltle U George Foreman mado a visit tu, Daringion lest Mondai. ix bita for bulldS the.uov acool boume vers rmsvadt i atueday. Ernest Bradlag via sard", lb. coutract. hie bld of 078M0.29 beitgthei lovust. Thse directors are nov cstlng rtepe to have the. preuni location changed on amcuni t ofhlon oealoist lbe tairoade. E. A. Fleke, made a trip 10 Chieago Mondmy. "Ber Ladyshipa Nlece". a comedy la four acta viii 'b. given ai Lake 8Biore pavillon, L.ake Zursth, Batmrday evenlait, Feb. 22, under the aspices oSf be Ladies* Lacoume Club. A dance viili be oie atr the show. Blascimi train vii leave Paatine mi 7:30 p.uxq adretaru at 1 a. nM. Ticket@s15e, 250cand 850. Atari, ait bP. uM. iharp. Notice John Havwe, tax colýctOr for Ela towcebhip, nti b.et Enil Frank@' store, Laike Zurich, TuaeaYi. nd Sai ardma; A.G.lchwerma's, (ilmer, Moud&Y niniaga; aer Bro,, Long Grove. Wednesdusy morimlg ta recive YOur taxe@.. >214 L_..DIAMQrMD LA"E NMr,» m ra o. (Mitchell and Mr. Wm. Lesaer spst Sunday ai Paltin.. Oa ."an md Lloyd @peut FM"Sa m Libertyville. Tis Lýadisi id vill te sitb Mre. R. LîITiturea& afieooon. Feb. 20. Mr. mud Mm. Frank Johnaon visitpS. at lbé DerIletboue #ndW. misa olg fm aî mSnmsfcorycedby a MWv Chicago risodeagont Bunday as Mr. md-Uni. F. C. Tovuer visjld Laie Forst frtendé rmtàly. Uta. Andrews of Lai0 Forest, atted eS lbé neaser asaeing a% Mns..Kano'b Tbardar. Vi.usi Pet2:flt stBadav vib br misSer Mru. WmisLemker. Frui Tsçs and Vines 1 am nov taking ordita for frit tiese imcd vine for onO of tue bst narseris la Umlgntmi&bout hall prise of oaa- va IL. .Smi..Phone 131 Wl j~ c. a. Artbatratlos bisoe #0~s~~ . [day viiibis ust, SMs Ushal frièe. Mai.Mar4oief r Mysat, Thuraday nigit rI~udays itb bis waad»areute tK bmmer.' m& la id Mr&o. lb oo.lm l gr ud Un01ig. s.ud.Mmii., sre l as tbsir boc" la Libstyvllle Mouday, .We m agorot tia Hmis.Tho. nomi l BnngWbermlh Alter sbe orsemi thtoo h bb il,.rePoti Ose dey lant vet a autle, filov via vrateiagbis gesadmohetmate a hasch off oktp&. Isle tttison uianae atrifi@toc lamiuimntano bwgraadmoubet "d hlm to mtma tam cte table or ah. would'baie the skia oU of bia.,' Tbi yoanmtsrrepllad: *'KaýL,1 guets GoS viii Itve me more." Bertigwvanud familv of Libertyville, @peut Saday vltb Ura. Mary Avwan. Louial.»H Ppe ba bien apedlng a fov day. of th= wve t ii 'sativewand f riendsbere. Mir. and Mir@. A. 0. Schwerman and1 Mi« 1 . Sdebverman Viaied viti Monday. Nm..E. J. Madoie. viii, v.. oufiof bore ham bien very dcii but la ricovsring. C~N. Thonapeot n d daughler Eimas vers lnvitoui for suppr Wedneday Misses Marie L. Pepper and %lra Sbwermen @peut Suaadsy vlilma Emmna Fiais. * Mise Anna Paulson attended th. bsuiebee meting saturdar alterooon. F. C. Sochmacher la bavingtme 1Int«r of his hooma. vdebratsd, eiffnuiarmvlg, esb. leE IlàMs m.rvicesi vii bhitéelC ;C tlt .Z w Uir. and Mun. Bd U.*dimtok havil î>tbidtii.Wilia M ors fsrNM ai tsêetbof bore.e WaQta r mail isltedsd lbrother tui Mlsne.ota wiesaly. The. svenq-fthb anivrsary of the. Otuslmtlon of the. COngrffltono ceh t ioas v iii b. bld eit th foturmnmbs anmd ail Inter..ted Ms corMOyiovW4tb. pveanl.Meetng WW bb a 10 a. &M.ad continu la the alternooa. Lanebeon vhl b. serve ât the. chureb ai noua. Notice I il ii h at A. L. Dorftets.ta Ivanhos.. Batdayý'i and WIII a0 alor ckbillr., Z iiantsrooam o01 t!bvekuntil Match 10. 19U8. 't> bcllettaxes fcr th tovu cniuPemacut. Il1. . C. Pâlua.Cpuuchetm VIEW a. Holtýeg* à ded th. aato«Mpbll wsek Tbugosa. Mnir. Earvey Co on ernd bomne 90n- à'fre a two voeku salaiaà> iMiv. Holmvorth of Naerillo. DiI., Aill vinet to Chlengo lhe latter purstfeta wv uid iook lui the.pl"y -Top o'Thé lloralng. "St iih# Olynmpiceatatr,Ua Ut. as ubte. Bmisob of Noitiffoît, ývisteS s the hme ofNtMatsudrs.M.W. q Jby Rlteutlialer b.a ibe mlomfcto ta bri a borne la the baet of bis foot coulsin, Bmnr Ker. A MiesMynsRtiePchade t f hiago. vie. tlot ber parent».Mr. lad lMrs. 'A. C. ,Riciarde, ovar Aunday. 0 The Ladies' Aid accets mot viits r. -Tracy on Thureda y. Uack Nason bad hiesarmsaffIreI wreachet b>' the gmamWme oasiu. EUSSDLL Buaday ichool va% vers vel attendeS liai Saady. Mr. Nichole vieit Uni.Mm ,A.i fohe one day lani veek. c0 The ice mon bava been tablas advmi. 82 tau@ of the cold t ehitlling thdr: tg lm bouse. -- . J. B. Ctrrim atdW. J. Melville wvit19' .8 Chicago Fîlday. ~ Mr. atd ire, W. Johameon calleon- fmesrecently.- Divît M aSnd niecaDotS. ipomé BU#Amyv wth Mra. Johan*ar -Ailce aud Uidre Olier @pu N"turdq et Wsavworib. Or L. IWM MaUlville entram0orrle' * mr Kaoaba isiteonos Stuldq mpe o n Mlit t 4 411 foret ii hé: Abidl0 t&9ayGenu iKutgeO J.Kugkg Wou evalte 5iae 0ç$ Eerbm otebat lt1 'bt raa !Ir. ad md M. ,..Nwton Pspt Sa #ew», a Vied#. e vire ia for. PJ.to 4tim sbmusleMlad itu*r OUI UWP~5Mbble ta b. e am sudf S. lmIis fth. Ladis AUd. 'Ileyq~i Sitmihebavlumeid 5* sov~e .f Mis RmaiV.Eemna unet lRam ay. -,Iwohear ibis lon %blm rd icter fhilare aholleric' aotboyr 5 traais lagobbllit' p toledu.Nov, Idon't know rnncb about Ibft tma., ibut If they're hallfm 1 greed msne ome ai.my th.-be..lid mii lu4s a Mêechange ia the opillà' 'o' iii. usasobm &animais." t M ri.B. Nordmeler launader the dotgr'a Caro.. ire. Frank A@" e- epet@ tto me homle from uhebuplual batuwdaY. . f Uts . A.B. P*ddock la vieiiint Me.n. Winule lieaMujaffl otByron mi prisent.0 HarolS Plots. son of Chas. Fiote, van badl oaldit rfoetiy. I Ut.. Clark le vie4iug relative. ln Car. peuterville. Uir. and lMue. lurlienams viit Ward Nicholas let Tuceidy for Uihoarui Beaeci, otda W. L.RlcieaM dMis Mldff have UpU. Ubytiefftias. Nilboure., Prof, se. randidllys *rm.lvid Ved- Dor SpkW .mm e, oui., adMAi de , ý@ w ïa ..oi**o a - ,bMoi10KMr. 04«M fa eoai fço$*ab- ur. ad Rom r m tl4Uw* qieus viii ~ ~ î lmmbtl hijlm la ihe CHIIC^A0, lVE&BTSATION W&L. gxTSlND INTro LAI E KON Or LAKE GO, TI a im. Cbcg, iL. é-a.btmm burninga la Iincis an4 'Muuila rtcent ymer v.rmamde lte enlIsai 0f &mri laqulry to be.#.t9ýM ierq-la tise iavn'.gtoof Ibmthe'rea va un. Ausltntstate Atiormey Jobuiton malt h. va n Inpoalasimor cf forma tion that icehouse ires bat bien ar- ranud . for by the -mua uPlotter' besdqamrter la tiltisai0. -mr hir ave bia mal, kIcbogmm .W la Laie oqu âtbe Io Wtbe bsUIe 'bt hla noui1MneolU Seat intoLaie ooany Md s tSi 8rn of lue mymerloas Iame vale bav botitre thte Cionrslaibs; section id mioovw te lusWoeisr bK ine vilii PAIJi.MACCKOIsN. Alcesinint Lw tleCQUm? oureÎ i oaw oms itaiD~. 19M mS oiuv Mmaoi¶Camm A 0.1918 r, av -.4ijp t.:.u.m ,se ns nml*~acUlLimi. - Lava 1>. tops, flulmois KM~wwiN. J. ~-gt4ds4tlme~ bhe immassulla lii gmiestoî * Si. ~~a~sumy, Mii. ~wisee onl~I di~pit~ g aI rime I>êi~mas muse oS Uts P. ~1êsu, ~ibersejtaI#. o bb"l. sa sbilurvu. oremmtn r o. ruv le;ba . ebi pmeurs for n. isedàveisl$gSai. 1MAL. B. or IbCàIC~ v ft g n lmtllarted - tem on MUuie s ta b. adeaitlno Mfi is1~rms4ui*or .11 of th.oeflus lItaulvea fpr tbe h.nellioS ihebulid. lng mmd aI Ieebchrab, ameadisaci abudbt .asuret sch speasiier.. Th.proqeedi alibi enidbr clansplay, vota PM10but am lbe espense@ lortth production voe mi, bemvy.moly $150 vras cléarad wvicitsas vi h.devoted tu lb pritiug of lbheniecor anale. Mies U Man Crafg. Winitrsd Buppie, Bimimise DaNsy, Latb ietbelt, Neilla Eoagi, flB"eaieCroiaand Battuisit- deldattended btati. k£couity teacher'. ometing et Lake Bluff Baiusrday. Oasetfmdvod ammobers viaiteS ibm 1)ffr lielki-kbhleideabtgh luol Prmday rto wit. awu ihe performance "Tic iemeiàn. om maue oS bariven bv tho amembers of tbi dramaic club. lolovlag bei e- dentsnretitsd te the @ymnaom ifor m luit onai (eMM. vie va epewronot bY mo010e'Of tbe moinweanad tkuacl,. vbuis thse Psmst-Tp.het assocation huard A. Bl. Wilty of Racine, superviser of luaumtrill doacilon. aJamk oln Vocat- tiritimiGuidanue. .fr.ehuemam vef !erveS luithe ii.iail hour vhicb folloted. Tb ovl la'srfgukWr meing-vaa lasidas 9lbhome of % I"ab e eeitel SasrdyM Sddr.eatvon ils. ag.lata lsmm Plas ver lis fur t e time Party of neat Utiliryïlise oS 11ew Yori, la tht gnusb çf ber altier ait. Croit. Xt*b&da '. beld lu Auderopui'i boit ?b»doabout tblrty utarried scample lod .éuaebi. m»n ot Ur. sud Nia. IR, t.un M di lmd Mildred Loave. daugiet of t rutts4m . . .Love vot inomte aCimago datattas.. Ulm Rutbh wulbun 8moof mis %u. J"h Thbueh of Laie Foteat, Tuesday. Tii. USae M a nmd Maruard l. I4 tomipala uvuca. MamieR wiIrie. UcCormis, Grass sd Lorita ('"4in Maram e smiard, Mary Pen maut of Chicago, mmd Nié. Jesse gDo cf Gisivsvve. fuat. of IMis jaunie Karch via avaapariysuBaday lu hooar ofnI Mcormisi vho baas jaat toreSme from ber boneyquon. 19 C. Bols raturne o tpwegsiaa affet aeding thse holiday. wih isi moîber, reL. C. Boie. V. .11 UAdgervood vas the guest p; hie brother. M. Lldgsrvooe of icago. 130LY WIEBK go BAR iRISN T.AY seST FI TERPEtR WITIl USUAL 13 Bt.crtci's day l mvii. Ton may eeieiitcbms&tassais Mmmcli (ate17 be au à RgotM17 lyWeIMI rf y7" bave rung vourt mais, b. calm, Ton have of'erbooxed itheBook of Armait imacrlbet in- the. yesl 708. "8c Bock of. Avuagi, te c14. ,«t, and mo&ti authontle lita of Et. P'atuick, gveoauthority (or a Hiiy. ~IVIe celebratlon la the year 1913 A.. eyti t, parici baye uth book on pagel 4j~17, lae Mmtiltotfour 'honora." Thei bon of lirai bomor rotera tobubl say. ths 55. mta~ etsntof Math.1 Thuron.thouga itfil Ilie moly Weeltamit "abmisi n. de ha coobratet cording to ever'y gond s.minlm hmer exoopi fieeh." Andl mn for Saab, oor J K, Pieldig Poaoui, tbm lalal" it it .vien ne eS a'rome, ban nido beraiti ddispeuësilon. oven titougi Jet.at i:èr Of k'E day f.ll on a Prldmy. la tbo ' lte Làrgest Magazine la thm Worit< -l.a~nIIm<lne s latise largeai and *,ehmt. mtaalmepalebed i Sc' *-.~..p*~eerPif'Cente pat caps etai ai ID~ sesdamefe Uv"y ady wbo arem 1 eu- taes a d ugnis bol e»sÇ or& &%iefr» msuipîs op, and prpnii 1- cat*logý. b~ tre ToPAav'mMAG&SNnîi Canàton,' ;; .Ohio. 21-tf m Île, ulbtmV IL M Tokm-elorsthe 1asa~ t~mgtialiànwuI be ealtb ~is~ laatac. Pawm'aDrag Ifts __ 0fR. Lai Pob M. ud Pvt .' ,, -'. only thboasêitvotmonu&ê Wbqo ym>wmat la' vutomau4Iy£01oifùt utaS o puls id O"tor e Invmisis t.pftmnm tt Ugiliroi soip 468111 ilf bi ot outa bidrms 0f1wettlug idm.b.d. 1 tu. té1lenca a bit bote dauas&rou aiom....Thé. C. H. Lova.u tag 0Co,.bepI. lm8. Chfsgo, ID.. bve'llsovevad a Mill* barMbiserse.dy for obi@ dlaîre.bg diss. gad to siake kBoIF01%@ Usais. tmey vii sud a 80o pekam e suaiy vrrapvedland pmmiad Absolmitagir Fre to miay- tadr of The INDSieuDituNT. Tbis reoisdy &W) eucr.. friqumnt din r i rn;te and Inabllty te oontr'tl nainsdurlaqiha nlMhî or daila oid or Young. Tii. C. H3. Rovao Droff Co. jean 016 Refimble Homme; write to them to.day for tii. trie s ik,. Cure tii. mIillcted iembers of your famlly, ilion tell your felghbori and friends about this rmedy. 2-4 ý,GRO- 00ERE s Sufar, with gracery order of 41 or more (f1our, butter and meDot ln- oluded> 2011.. for.....r ' ' *8. 19 flouri Aok' PifbU ry ... .....61.25 HatndpioM Navy Beanh, 6 lb.. for..- .29 Ble, u. s b. fac aw y o .. ....38 TouMAN1o1s, reçue lar 1 CUIsa f o. 8 W.~ibnà Pw WStsreeg-200 pkg .14L ne Usas -WIIEN V-OU BUV A., i- ~EWlýNO a~ 'ftEEMAN P01t<M TO CONmID Tii. quaiy c of ek fà wâli dethe ca» wf& whic Sone machines have one cf these'quiie highl developed, a few have twô, aud when - you find ee ith ail thteeyo have found Many men of m4ny mincis have engaged in sewing machine manufactre inc its , ýncep- tiort and it j' by the ,study cf thieir succeuse and. mistakes and. by the -adoption. of ,oas with the avoidance of the otliýr that THE FREE ha been mado the, iet fm~iy aewing ma ai. sale today. We have a number of rmodels on. display andwould lîkee 10 have you corne in andi prove to yourself "ht our' dlaims are well foundeti. lllERAY, FUI 1TURg ANDI PIfNT ORJ rC Are Prepared For You.i Th prI Re Hi 1 b*d Ko. Clm ' dat for FieJ Ira b s a On *Ko by; Ait AiU d#4 H. Wh P. tu rot est the moq the. hi Fi La Ld, Iil em wi ne ID, dou th ka of en

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