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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Feb 1913, p. 4

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i fieFe '.. _hou~e Number 1; Cty Editor RÏ4ie "Phone NuMbft 125-R. p, agqtred at th.~ Pomtothle est Litwl.eyile lit.. cu Second Ca. Mail Matter lsmnd weeklv. Adertieing Itates Made Known on Apiplication. SUBSRIPTION PRICE. $1.60 PER YEAR STRIOTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH-U........ ...................................... ................Eitor IF. G. SMITH.... ...........................1..................................... Manager «YV L. HUBBARD ....-..........................................1..........City Edtor JiRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1913. Anybody can be in style this winter by cutting Up a homse i blanket into a coat. The Postoff ice Department has deoided to paint tht par. 1,AAGE AI'tUUAO I^US jAT CONV£NttfOI4 TO SE M$ELD AT STERLiNO. IL. 1110 COIIT OP LiVING AMONO THIE IJECTS TO DE DIS. CUISED BY EXPERTS teenth annue l ltnoie state Parmera' instituts wil beiti b emsthmee ticys beginang Feb*. 13, snd plans have heen laid for .onp of the %mwt labo> rate eapoitlona ever ivan for the advcncemont 0< agricultural 'PUr suite. TPh.e etixuateti atteudauce wyul be above 100,OOU, lncwuiD4 farmers etock raiseela truck gariieners. dalri,- men. cnd mon and tuonea n med lu oeI post motors red, but the express companies' wagons wilI tar-i snd home parasite, flot oft, fren balluein o i 'but f rom ___________other statea ln the mii tag. We expected it--the anti-indpeiidents ai Zion of course .mpr"'O' lusadvaacig Inbae agrcu came out and declied that a cigaret thrown carelessly mb to ralIinternast titis mal aelgbor- shavings ai the old planing miii caused *the fire Of Sun a * îug tates. but becaumeof te par.- + ticular neeti of acieutifte educatian The absence of Dr. Cook from the reunion of Peary, A rn- l frlngctied maret sl fth. undensen and Shackleton in Philadeiphia is alarming. Per- 1913 exposition -andi edocatioual chu- haps he is discovering something again. seas'ii befar aheati of anything lixat bu been dnsby thlsatae tiepart. Protests of Elgin residents against a proposed whee) tax iebefo repeclgth oplo qrdinance in that. city has caused mne counicil there to abandonl maltaiulug saili ertty and 01 rais- the measure in a similar manner to ttuat taken by the Wauke- ing ive stock on Me larm, which, jan ounel ater pobst hadbeenraisd aginsti.tey se, s a valuahie aseet ta the ga ouci llrprstshd en ase gan+ t preservation of su fertillty. -, r *,Teachera of domestlc economy willU The fire at Zion Sunday emiplasîzeli ihe neea of auequaterue and tiemonsatioua f0<o fire pressure in ttýat city. TJhe city maintains no pressure Of, ing and other arts of the home wuil consequence, and', more than the average city, nieeds it be- be> given. TI'is tepartment Us expecteti cause the buildings are f rail and unable to withstand the very to attraci I--y wom-en sightest blaze. Prf. Il. A. McKeene. .ocretary-o ______the__ lstilute. Us lu charge o! heprep srations. Hia work as dîrectar of Ro jg. i in the throes of a Sunday motion picture stir. thîs organUsation hms attracted 'ide Ptlttns are being signed to have the question of permitting attcntion anuth ie buletins Issueti by 11W Mfovies to operate on the Sabbath day submitted to a vote the asttute have been copieti ,Mfthe people ai the com-irrg city election, These petitions3 muSt througLrout the United tats n ,bfiIed sixy days before the election. The movies are throwing Accondlug w the prospectus issueti notices on the screens asking ail those who favor Sunday ,- Prof. McKeene, the work o! the ioenng to sign the petition ai the box office. Opposition has housethtue f'viiite chooladthme.i deveioped among the churches 'against the Sunday shows. mamcI, ldlvldual lnutir conuecteti I * with the pursuits repreaeuted bi, the wsrel3rUsl SUJOCI wo wre ein kiled Amon tesubiecta ta ho treated ýmd»q_-d «Ameriu re8 inlMoeo now, Engj are -The Illnos ysem of Perma*- wmkU«dt»optieeat ou n d gi8 e jY thein pré-neut frertllty," -Improper Agric*altur. ~gop 1M -àA AAj8~J.1»l. iPromotion,""v tc uRrp Vu*, iWiat ho iit l 8alot of 11708bave 1308» mnd u-e Sock niL inIfs," Poultni, su hhate laed uualy &at iIrd dProhieum..z' "MelSedaanti Profits of ~*th l.mtimr in d" aftawù&. Howvermmci..Deiymen...""Vocational . . . .. .. . 1 uidance for Boya andi Girls," "Pamily lie mjwWUvc aveberiprotetdP'otiu*and "Domestic Science lu v . iar leisdth. 2ad aralle 1.9 Ii aonsl" wiii @pend Saturdailx, [The 74à anti 8h grade bail a Talon. TW&d grade aré îckmag leueuns lu b»ruhbdIàg. .M nve&aadmtuera lsiueti lu the hUh oehoali tnsday. 1 ba$vUe Carr anti jesse1Moe uer, ah0- meit Taesday morning. 4<1t"se Wtiliancd Roales bcd a Party, for the grades. ,a" la C...., ta Luteutfre on ~t o# tb w»sk u accourit ofi lim 'l'h. agood géado liati a prpgrcsn on Thumdtaff lin b.nn, of Waehîngton. Tte*bigla sebool basket bail teac. wWl Pay the Wlwortb boys ridaz nigbSt Tite 7tb sud Sîla grade. -arataking lrusat gupicu wita ,.Ujir hiutrv worll. brigg your wbol'. Ucmliv tu the anter. tainueunt Fsb. 28th. tlip the pubie Mrt)e Lue e ad Doris Frelericke z & utetrtlar in Chicago tith Mises Mciw. $i ot and 1115et 'ethhvetuOft o ahi- enagaarnd aw ie play *"The Daugbter of tilaven". The boy@ of the 8th and 7tb grades ara pancuta to organise c basket bail or baff.balilleacm. Lottip SUILîvi, 'ag Absent Weduea. dayi mati fluaday of let week iciesa t-eaag the zaees. The 'vas a Mother's meeting Tlaursdit.v ardam-out et the ahool nouatMis Riot sang aetion. Misi Webb sean;saturdeyaA,.dSum. day la Wauknkanad ies Ci 9ron oppot lhi» sday a Un Cicago.. slghest 2lacsetcrteluaeut wheh orercaMa tu ou r town-Vlisaal Faror- Insu, lob. IS ttua aotie ha £ Katiaryn aud Virginia . ItugaSoav4i lat the 2ad aud 3 ri grades andibave' mn iuti tlir paet to lulwaukee. Màarie Andrws 'vs, ver forgea-,l icsttweek ior ltt" 510 50tn o sr clam outi ab.out .,minutes tbete recitation 'vas unr.1 A fine Progran. 'va. given lu Mise. lia..' roui» a icr WdnmKday alternon Unbn-ou,IAbrabaiLncoiln. The an. tertalnaaost cosîted ni Piano payiog, eiaging. rmédin. rfecaing, and phoo- varph osecetions lUcny motbe,' vere pimv~etati th. even t ejoyed b! ait Severalofithte bigla lehool stintet cund usesioutsider. ejiyed c very pieemsl veeung s at ae Carol's homle Valenln.paraiFeb. 1 Spars tuwera mmd lanabandane Ch i ugbt for docora- tio».. prie. ati matchins of. pardev l'h gae .are'weplayeo A m- it l inei 'a.s erveti citer whlchaiU vent homle happi, a.larka. Ilile proUva. lu tii, bigi sbool lait Friday vrwae apeciaiaj Une une. It Pcoito... . stet:êo îh.sr Golo........ . .... Mais W, Md 1mANVWAVMI4 f.Jo> ý MEV TO WAUOS NA TO $111t' CI SAOUL OV~Ft SVEN HUNDROPUISONS *SAID VO HAVE WIYNRUSD EXOUTIN ILU £VENT&. Seanhunalred end fiftY POOPia braved the c ub mad wc±er et Wau- - mouda.Sanday,. atteruocu cmad watched the borne races wile theli stood iu an inch of water. The 10ul- as sacured tiienuelveu hy puttint a wagon betwees tihe le andi their te«t. Though the elemeuts boumto be, against a race two were palied off amid the euthusiastie cheers Of tihé erçwd. The Iret Wb$ ccPtUredh1, 1. 'm. Coureon', Wanhogan Boy In tbree etraigbt teate. with Ubrty girl owned hi, HamryPutaam. of UbOrtP ville, III., second andat.'Ray '"in- berlys Wucouda girl, wbichwus scbeduled ase o f ithe entriez WUa scratcbod at the luet moment hbot ýwùer. , No rason wua iven. The race whlcb wus a lme for all anti for a pures of $300 tuam startsd tit gotten untier way wlth eme. Wlauke gan Boy bcd bis rivai outclamsed trous start te ftieish.Not once n bbc threO hecta diti Ubarty Girl hoad the Wlau- iegan mn's borne. A large crowut of Waukefanitea. tubo traveiod down * b sea the races, cheered the via- uer. F The second race, a 2:40 special for three year aid@6 prooed interetlng. It tuas thought that thora vouiti ho hail a domen entriez for thfL~ race. andi bcd U lot teen for the weather condtitons there probabli, would bave been, but seu t was, thare Vers onu, twç borses autereti. Mari Menrrit, of Waukegan, belug oneancdt the other belouging to Wlnifred Schoeudorf. of Wcnconda. This -race, for a pursa of 1200 tuas captured by the Wancou- da borne lu three succaeU*Ijebhanta. He did flot howevar. have auch an eàsy tinu ofIUtase Wcukegcn boy bcd n the Airet race. From the crack of the platol, the Merrit pony kept ies rival on edge throughout lte race. jAil 'he heats tuere close. Wbeu the raoe 'as over. Mr,. Merrit 'vas cheerad as thougb he 'vers the tinuer inste« of the louer. The Judgas hati mucb difficalt I, n tlmiug tie firat raie. anidl(.d uot !'ai< mucIL of an ctempt ta keep tab on thte secondL For thte at beat of the firat rame lthe tuas gises out as 59 seconds. This hotuever la admit- ted 10 o 'a î ata"ko. The tino s 'for thte M«a two bea" wm 1: 08 bad 1: 01 remjaectively..1 Te Reduce Cfet of Living. Ori-n 1IS ___________....... *1w wopqaiof the state parole law m m »sto b a bout Th s logan Of th.e 1Utute Is: ....Marger, rPrImo The. Largest Magazine ile i.World ri- sngAtii.e~. ietui ~i To-tiai,'.lMgazine Ua tie lcrget sud ai la fer, It Je kuowu, a large mina t y; so, it.te bases of agriculture; Donation ..... ... ..--..Jem sNOMsPer 1 oditeti maaspet eI5hOsau J. tL. TA II CJICs.I ~. ~515 ut vle stokthemnsevro tii - l' hs weatther rils t0 ur itond aai ntudeels. Evei'y lady uho appre. B. -H. rduation, mnsgreauteet balper. 1 ainiîîî&ueslolae«a aRond magasine aboutitisenti fra g*tng ntopriawbat'S the "Home, the ancher et civîliseti ma; roundi modern. MWe vilii cartIver, free smple copi, cutipremium etelog. _g Mof a tuïai W miud thom tàffl bouachold i aUe, Uie balance tuheel sono tu rat 'eamniete arranuements Adreu Tooav's Inàoazîva, Canton, American liberty,." 'ini becagrest help te ount ochaul antia________ Uncleî IMtÀ U i*iaS a ix ot8 efa nlr redit tau or touin W, ople nce & maDNY LS auSlldo nOgne.ofoldhe pri-ncpal subecta 1di-have h hearti, euopratiuliof ail wtu Frdeyse lddrDa Abù gn odomy*iiwg nn t.it' cdusslon aund for educcîlonal entight- have oeilétren in acbo.i . Il einu P" o iiaat Baie ae.u -» "ab t s e s epruut parole planl. ennunt 'iii h.the cm tof living. te grade th. set. l Udttga agooti J. -s- ClasSes 'vU~~~~~i be heldte tade ainstrate tii'aiie vei. Then tu arrade tires Idpnin d-et i 500 The plan of Barrinigton village te enjoin persons from =o ,mcoomies cau bue affected la the cortU, »d eouth. tu put a cloutier race - _________- WulIng liquor under tK-,as6urnption that it is a public nuisance mhod cnmisl eta 'vUIl uCce the lot 'iiao gîod lenue. Wlil YOD i .. novel method of procedure, one which, if made Io stand h'ecosee d , yin eti badlf e &" r.a:,ntti>rt niis ~erenju::;,befollow Jd in o he ry errt:ry of the: t: te an d cosenes of the su b l tee v 0 e:: l iu » haveco -aub eb uin e doue.uytim e owuudP i evnnother sale, hs,th efirst case of the kind, w d eholter andbecause of th relation of a and l y-uceu d Fuesanieliam F ejblt 1rheMuýt- Faorie* ill ie t totun Fe iii lation of the dry-zone law, The Foremian family at Barrington bail Fradan eveuli«. Feb 28th. Tita seems 10 have gQt in had in the nmalter of selling iiuor, a factl API'EARED SuEV E IS iietscl i voin accouipani 1 u» osWlimo rdieeo emphasized by the necessity of reso rting to an injunction.as M, NEM RIEASD FREJ &iratoo"' In sil a mthioeucmpmrimachin.e beomes aun « -thé only means of preventing them seJin g. Fines and jail boas n-er lsiietu O v'sthebeihat nif indepcndent unit. sentences before seemed unavailing in their cases. NOTHING HEARD OF ADAM PLITZ *ni1 hy ifiavatied Pro- +SINCE'HE DSAPPEARED MYS- iaruîaîu'ni. lth solo ln u îîninatoini. ilTERIOUSLY PROM HERE. Taiey are ailirail gooàd. iiaîuloin, CHILO WELFARE DAY. BROTHER -etcMr &iuve leacllad the Tuesday was child wefare day in Amierica, FIE EIUN U un i ndse cuiscotdiig tu the f5ws It- pu.-Pose, as outlined by the National Congress of Moh- COURT UN WHICH Me SEEKS geoi ie2u>t d~esethé tbDame.Re i erswhih istiute it IsIoTO ADMNISTER EBTATE. a render cant éprponstutûlrare talent.l ers hic intiîued , ~ 10Thie bMuial Favorite@ vue have en.I Save the babies. cdre(l ulienner cati tua apect&Ili the Safeguard the boys and irls. Seven years ugo, Aam * t, om lipl hl 'i ii ioid. Wue have hati Giv t yuthhi-her Waukegau saloon keeper, diaap. -oîa <rua vels iquCimeand bave navet Giv l yut hghideals of mnarriage and homie-rmaking, peared front WauÏegan As my&terlous dh.aPixoanil .dnu of our audiencea set- Educate the falber. ]y, as If moher Earth hati openeti anti Couinsud Ms. Train the irolher. w, wd Johnaybs rthr brother la dciatle d "a Pettian l Surely a movemept of such vital importance to our na- county court in which heoesa tu HA$ A FINIE CA49E 0F 'SNAKCE$ tion will be held in the very higbest regard. haeohi ouae a dmiAMiESibE ENMUE SU Platz ince b. so mysteriouslY tilsap. MIMD LOOKESDOORS. WAUKEGAN MAN MIR?, ' lOmiar.ni oealîy anti thiougitout peaf ract h e. Rb brether MY$ s 1 he colint) I-He just receîvati tord af b. thinks bis brother ment bave Met Aler lociaing iaMbOlf it bis TOM~ Accortilng ta a saaemen? rmade Ibis. hi, iAulndfall a day or so cgosmati Iis wlth foui play, or ale died lnancame aIl Titursday ubgtI ant i fgtigof * norulng. a Waukaga mn uha ' al mon(i-niDg, called me. uP. anti ased Iif otier cti,.when he ra. no. kno giam , o u U1.u angt-hi1 unw les hitaacpart o! an elate îalued! i would tale charge o afil andtio that the fatt hi@ d«cfJeme pio Kukc h ie, a noblita aft $76,00.0.O.The tatement wa' 0go TN ew lYork at onca. i accepteti kuatn. If auci lba"iDot hemu t e »terble nlght 69a moeult Of w'v matie hiAttarney C. T. lieyi!erker..acutiSO 3yensep I have to hosti e tagel* besacys bis brother certaiul iepoiedci .aafuatseeleotzlemotors a»e dean The man la oue o!ftour beirs, accord avi" aabialttaylb hs iug tae3Mr. Heytiecker, Who s looklng Mr. leydeç ker 'voulu notat 11.juil fv ore this lim it hlog elati hef sia mornla and 9th o rs s -nihrso o aier th local nm as -uerest. Nr.hOw long he texPe-ted o hi. aaay, bat Plita couducteti a saloon lu WaakW lua àwiatou 1g làoigau el 50!Wp orIlevn Bydcker 'iii ieat-a for Nev, york l-id that lie did pot blcîeve lt t gaz fer eoMa little titeand Was Weil Of maionas. Thisi, t5cled\ bitÏ oim. City'tiis aflernoon lu the Interet o! jSOuld lie More than a week 5a ic hekn&w n md Ilked hareflcoi.re a lme aookthema ce he -un'lyr~ bis élient nMost. ~th 0ktéua atocntii "I cnuolheu ie nineo! ni, cl~ A atî-mîî wa maîc~ ~ un In~lg tueetty ,h disposed ih.se011110111 Thte uitortuaffl MIOV cpli * mmotelteDmofjtci-A tep aMaet idotpoet.Tilaonc of the Ibinguas thakos h"balusOu P w« O Ev est" said Mtr. Haytiecker, whina are. isho the man niglt bc, throngh 0db- that cauoss bIsbrother te thiak hoe&B ghtandmt Ise hoalso boa porter at 1ptuitefintiout Who th e aI sourcesî, lbut wiîioîîpusutbi, encloetu ho ougbt ta fuoquest thal is naue nt be glvau kaep is Identt a secret 1< a mystery dueîeruxlne bis tuhereagbouts but tIt- Plainateohatti ebdvBme kee l"teIS D T I OUI te the netuspaperaso 0 olase nleS6 il ls ihat lie Sears someone in ont avail, la Of tferti Ib.he magltrtfur In R , MIn bacndsea tieu, Hocever, mta s,. tte1ftPing tu Pay a ois on hlm. tbe couaty lau. OF IJNK5D5T r",M as I gel bsck, 1 'viii be chie e la Mr. }eysîecker wliii leave for Chic& iFloyd Wiibur la planning ta e » - aile y"u the nama.' go0 la catch the - O'clock afternoon back teo Wukegcafron Chicago 5 t? "he mun lives la Maukegani anti train for New York, wbes-e he ha§ resled faon jOcOYr&.- For uu aialant i Gont. court Proouned it 'onalu. George 141k7 e o Chage eft,*"k cdsued ber hbbd, Ufiwar Hu. ________ de, éa eerp.pzMr. for divore .on a oTttrnt charge oS eragky. "ede* fIved. a r r etu.W. aFr urâo Cr00 bi~WIIMk II h eao * ubtt Wj; dobi, Mr. Aidon. e-Il-t tory offesues anddeorUou.Chale' Dykè et ltoUid Lake wa namedaif12 %bi *U 7DBM In h~Iipedec.When You Opeén a- avmgsAcont Finaola indoee4ence lis the goal of 0every earnest, am- bitiosue mm or wouia. Nouey uneaist independence.It unlooke the doors to oppor- tiaitles th&% are forever cooed tu those wbo Iaek it. À savinge coocut ueans indepeudence f rompenury sud 11* woeu; from extravagance anditsi foliles. It' e au ln- entive to, thrift; se enemy 10 IdIemes. and wàâtefulnees. In the effort for inalependence and snpremaoy ini life the savingsa ccoounteouppllee the motive power. NuI Acmont begun todcy wilI make you happier tomorrow. Home Savings Banks Loaned Free l 01 0 oaumore wil .art a savlaga Ar- $ I ecount in Tale Bauk ehkh will esrn 3 Per Cent Iterest Comouded Senu.Ama.aIIg Fi RST NATIONAL BANK .OFFI CERS: B. H. MILLB1I J. L. TAYLOR J. S. GRIILEY 0. C.GRIDLÊY HARRY C. MEYEIR Preeldont Viee-Prouident - (ashier Aset. Cashier 1 Toiler ýDIRECTORS: AYLOR J. S. GRIDLBY MILLECR GEO. QUE~NTIN WALROND GERHARD SCHRIECK ALBERT SAUEfR r Supervision of the United States Governmnent. ower Points Economy-. With Electric iXotors you pay only for the power actuaiiy used to do your work. Safety- No unprotected boita, 'no boilers, and no lire rlsk for you Wo worry about. Reliabilty- pensve repafru rery Minute of the, Year VICE. 1CQM*P-ANY MMR IWàNCS 'I t

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