R)aue4~a LUE il foi tpet V"e W td lutte ùal I~Wtis rplie bu hougthe ~a carlieuter, vbo vas found la an un- Îbut tha ho vasUnuable ta amY bist. vit is noon. Ho le »novtMeM- qWiet Vais. f et muidenentia. AUlter houpital. stiliuunemcious. Ne ï,Staenaid sitee, vrsimore ie believod te have ewall .oved nome lisa tbat Wville hie ézperience Poison contslned lu vhlskiou aleçM lovg eletters ffin. mun 10te bave beau purchased lunaalaloon tXIateuid0d brides vasrtierIlimi- at 712 lMrket strest. ,,X« h. thougi tli. lttoe unsu. iCanu l'tuer S.ttenpied suicide1 1or .@lue the vhlskey vas polaoued bo- bo vitnes. v»aasked vhther or for. h. bougbt it, ccrdlng to neigh-1 , b tbuonst t vas a mYmpVtom o! boe. He lied noe ninies, they Ba>. iW4ieàuta If a mmn, 90 yersetr An atteInpt te learu ofet su>'e Uab@uigive a vo=nu Whom beo vhy h. ebould coult suicide me ýj.wa but a short time and o! vuîh faiure. Accordiug te Prauk Peot- ses knew uothing but wiiat the kosvek, vho keea a saloon St'718 >ër uIp«he am od 116hlm, notes Market treet, Kaucnick bas beau voi, 4db 1hatpunts left lu blaukr. kini al vInter for is brotber. at Vil ÇroI5paker aLlUted that sucii lard. Wisconsin. Lut yea1r he vas Wàivould show a syiuptom o!ase- employed liy the Northveetern rail. S!yss enlY a snrnl Part of thé Kaucnlck, who lives lu the rear o! lewpradueod t the. trial Mr. 706 Mlarket street, ha@ lwo cildron. IM5 daughter mnlntaliied ber tati- s boy, four yeare nid, and a girl, tire. " S Ot abie te handie lils large yeare old. He vas round by hie vite M easane usunner sud tie groanlng. She le unahie te apeak Eug. O4to bave s gusrdlau sppolnteài jIish and iiér frantlcBereame attrscted ~I'5Ax h. muld fritter awa> hM en- attention et neighbore who called Dr. enito. Kulowsky and an ambulance. Tii. lv- Collin lid made.man>' large dector arrived and after iiarty exain- Nations te the rgilroad meu'sborne Ination had bim taken te thé hospital. lad alded <tie Institution ever The doclor wouid not su>' that the ce a, fonnded lu. man md beeu polsoned but wlll make a statoinént later. 91eftr vas odicially queted at 36 Accordlug ta ou. report o! tern.. mW0-o the Elgin butter board Monu- bcd>' vie nvhum drink the whiekey, »S tubse IMag oid on the. uew somethlng red vas seau lu tiei. im af it price. Onue hundred ke>' just as ho gulped It tram aie Watuba sold ei 34*4 cAti, sud1 glus. and titat le vinît gives tise ta Iafor'wiel, S53l eents vas the poison theory. de ffot t but he T1 La kes bg vOeky-INDEPENDENT. F APPOINTS ELECRIC STATIO - ~ A!IRE IN WAUlKeGAN LêIN LEN ESO O OUT SFOINDED HOME flPOT, CARRIED OUT G___ OI R. odg HldsL. . ire starting iu the chimzAey lead- Threç Té*h $trst SÈ100n- is ot Ae o d - l * ng froa the hot vater bolIer ithe keesM dqeednsi is otAbe o d- electrlc rilroad station attEdialui Unusual otlt< TOdey. nister the Af airs. court Tburaday inornlng et 8 destroy- ed the greater:portion of the, upper :NCED BY A WOMAN. part of the building, entatllug daMaS.l RECAU..S A PITIFfJL CASE. - which, wiill, fot groat, viii bo. meUt- Sad that He Had C'out te o vouee *patrons of tii. Tbre. sseonkfflrs ve.todaY $5O~)OO rond vbO unse tlit station hItravêlnug Made joint dfudaalu a &S1000f .Awa $ W M In- north. soutb. e uat or v et via eiectrlc da mnage uit fed lua circuit court br leot a Few Ye S. for tfi. station vili bho ot oftCOMIS- tty. À. V. fSmtiih i vhIcithe -coin- sion for nome Unie. u* ua he vèchildren cf llowlng dlspotcii te .Sun, TPh, Ore dOPsrtrnet arrived On thecaI (hres.. -sra nwCR the. disposition eOftti. case gesuiortîy mter thiswa u r l Cn.es .H1ariflW0f L, . Coo, fbander and bon- ad lu and roudered efficient Service. flod neluthe.oouuty isil for non-ou-. ithe Railroad MId"-%borne at The. voter premoni'. vusnot wiiat It DPnor hfici faily. The ntb.r wvas Park, lu vblch bis daugiiter siiould have been, as but 55 pounda recontly Sont tougiWnsaeylum. Th, ci'av agurdanaptoîntoa could -b. turnished utile 100 inluire childron, anesthon, bave, beau lu bav a ..suPressure. Trouble wih ]ce made it Lits Bluff orphanago. Isteril thl e $n.) Impossible to seure the deulred pres- Tiie defendants are: Steve Ci-tan, )Ope, Ia te te . S-un.) C.sure. Cbl* of Ite Pireliepartinent JOB. Dackiewlcsansd Peter Wsnuber. odLet, lda.. Feb. 1L-Jdg C.Sans Oarroîl, declrd hovover, tat The. Case ln luterestlug because Il oh ~ ~ ~ ~ whl o! Eloameoevon ~ >li bave been better had le the flr&t tume that. lu the. nanes *=laasipCase Of Mrs. Carnie the. pressure been stronger, the pme-cf chldren of a rivbwo la cialmed >ix s. b ord fbaslau sure vams trong-ouough lu vlew of the ta bave beau made au habituai drunk. six Oy ea d nsl argu- Ct tht thebuilding la a lo1e. R rd, sucb su action bas beau brougiit stedaysuddecdedtha aTiiere vas au ample supily oýwater. lu tiie local courts. Otiier cases have should b. appointed. C. V. Chot-OFarrell wben asked for an corne up viierein tii.vwtt. bas be5n ;ýwhù iiaaben teniporary ostmmate of the. dage replled tint complainant. fer Mr. Colli, vas ua mod as lit w a bard motter t telth ae exact May Moan Preodont. sanant guardlaz.i. t la mbng twoî o In this ca .se, bowever, tiiese Oive dama. bt ut bti ol o tils guardlansblp Case bas aMount te more than $500. cildreu;, Gunnard. Olof, Slgrid, UI- 0 mout expensive litigation a hn lieaten rivdte, ani.Anua Hogstrtuniare complalu- W -me. bers fer umny yer. Wetedpartetarie h ire iiad galnéd a good start sud the suts sud tht>' allege thrOugii their Alibreok onupbaslzed lu bis attic vas lamass o!fîslmes. Tii. chiot Doit frleud, J. IL Vedder sud their lth ho do. not cousider lua thiks theprincipal damage va cou- counesel, Mr. Smnitb, 'that tiiey bave e IWletiior thé defendant led et saint.f airùa been robbéd of. their meais of sup. 7vbeaer ho cmncouduot ce t' to thnenstsatinulbsaitp ar fta. Port trougiit .the.salooukeepsu. MIMMS,5 transactions proeir. te t aronentaltog.6 prtofth aving made tbeir fatiier a *il-tb thé ungo f 90 years, ,T 13'~r druakardThe. hW clalun that the. f& stt or as aglu . The feauie oftir 'robabus. s aloonkeepers s.01 ilquor te Hot 1 te.tctun. upas fute Wst eb s truin wheu they knew tiat they >,Iàm hii4apabie, the. court tifeU, as iierces si) fer as t su haebi taidrunard heunt f ite u >' - could b.o!fService. aTiaitrui ün aidu f tcame u.fr 'vj9InMvas e tgorona e Thie csudy sor, lu the camtela con 1 -4vu 40ros. ducTocdy Mre Pa thae dnt o! ou. e i.public durlng the. vinter viien *Ai«-rliant up to isare dceb r rtaeto e -Çapt. Cook sud Otiiers rallied to tiiele bos eaus epun ble~to t m a apersosaimatter. Accore'adue tvsfon i.'vr i IDO, be te Si ruteout aud s whi t avlu the ho eru ai. &0ehrfatr stock wu endsng.re.&m-,» orthe pu-mn triga terhm nCm plis ruab.d loto the depot te aId muaavnu.Seerl Whkw ýcxtsimover .vounen whbielped ln chinty vonk "M dw*tf noetmi . su etting the stock outaide. Thon, duriaS the. vint., alse took thon f00. an It va# brougit out, otbws belpod etc. Thaun, whille the. fatiier vas c.arrt te *av*distancevbhoet suIaIugesppr 4ý- exfpe t.,s mpui otîcd htsut s1IMponglpes.1the.a t-IUadaligtsuprh@ «Au? 0 55t5 u ie woil Ad th5e trinpriof t. ttfamily, tii.maother becanue Insane, snd ewoAo a. trng ar 0 S astit Ononiia&go was&sent te Elgia ~ ysze'.sdthe ot-, Per»us wbo vatcbed the. procedure Tii. fathor vas arrost.d about thé *Vao ththoi d 5 tabou e the usolidu the Me s ai e io sd given a lau msenc Cý uiw 3a n.motuim.erIl I agieabuneh ofMdhlaet a»I l4e a' oerts cdthé 0 Mne o iobigabeocrybx 4,018014On tbeetand to gSveand boxes o a cniy. nome luopen V55t5 10 Mr. Coeu arriedCen you béat It? lý, luffl Of Highland Prk. Chiote(f&edociares b. thinks L tI Â 1 V' v, t. A thé PuPb re entItIed to the grestes 1f qW ISW rJaS ,»OW e tr wl er . alAtter.t colvinte -D obeeLu, an alen r.deflit for Uu.lr actions. Man>' of tiien bd* Vriiùm by Mr. CoMa t ObSer.d te suead promptly vents ý*il . sar or b rI.d bar, te thé roscue. <i 4OW.6 rdmSW pau *T"Tls w ere verY busily eugaged John A. Liese Brings Action ptâ lettems vbcb verq MU whon w. arriv.d on the. accu.." said Agarnst Buider of City bNUmWat sud tien vawuakd Ciot O'farrel.Fi'Saon yeqWet ~s,,Vbo ad ÂIJKSANJohn A.1,J004, who. on D«ee We "lelg&b u ,e JU 1t batud ot r inseof 'A a5! iî. belilg to unloadi 1>g tmon girt M*db ompmné i ors fSorhe ii. ty lr station,hau ',** ol ork, 014not IndIcaaCompl.te nute.ry sunnounde the. brougit Suit icircuit Court agalus OMUA. Cosa.of Jacob Kauculek. 34 yeurs ol01 Contracter Charles W. Pence ti $5.000 Damsnai lujur>' dam«g. lie states lu te ill >11 016 ed dy by Atty. Olsakt Euiarda, th"0 b. bad been 'ilr.d by Pence te, aid lu lifting 'tblg girder s" lndhie cons1truction vork sud that, as mon working for Pence placed the rolars under the. beau lu sncb sma us tut the beain llpped offtitem sud crumhbed is iand, h. bélleves the cou- tractor la Ulaile. He statem lu thiiluiî at sev.nl boues lu bIs band wye scniasied-sud tint b, vas laid up for nome tins, baving te bave tus attentibn ef a doc. ter. sud belng unable te viork. Tue cuteome of lb. case vîli prove inter. esting as Uese. miso la a contracter, doîns movlég vork, etc.. bouc. It in a case!o on. contracter sulng anotb- or, instead o!ftuing, »as ueul, a vork- imnuahilng a contracter. NEW MOTEL, WAUKEGANI? A report vas beard. ou tue mire.' teda>' that Wean la te have a ne, botel. Report bas It. that certain mes,4 out. eiders, have obtanud options on tiree proinueut dovn.towu sites ont one of wbicb they Intend orectlng a nmodern, tlwee-story botel.. vîti suites sud ev. enuthlnÇ neemsary te mae Il a Mo. dornafftair. Tii. sites mentloned inelude tue Da. dy lot at Watey sud Genee sud tie Fleminugite, Madson sud (imaes bNotblng detiait. could b. obtaine< 3on thenmtter but tues. lieut! diacus, slng it declared the. pronoters init e6 tieu liad three »U4ous sud meanu business frit ttttt£TD O0F JAIL PFOR M#AN W40O STOLE BRASS OE4'Et4>ANT.PLIAO OUILTY 'T0 OCHANS AiD oWA8 GIVIN A MIMNS OF «5 AND COOTS Tony JIPine, 43 yeszýs oid, a reuldent of VictOil. treet, was arre8ted about 2:30 o'olceât ta mornlng on a chate of steagag abboUt 76 poundis of bra5ý a M a qualtity of hait leatr foz rthe ,Ooea Produets ltftnlng 9eo<upsuy where, ho.tae enployed. He. spent the nihlt ln the. cownty Jail snd was av- ralgned befo'ie Polit. Magistrat. Wsal. ter Taylor this mornini. He plead gniky te tthe charge. Assistant Stato's Attorney &. M. Runyard. after bfaing 2the. evidenoe la the. case sud Im.su lug: tlat L1sOn. le the father of six childreu. Aaked for Ienieucy on tbo part of the. court. To Rave the.min f rom beiug bObnd over to the grand Jury Mr. Ruuyard asked tiiazthte charge b. chauged froni larceny to' .disorderly conduet. Lllman waa Oued $26 and ost a total 6f 134.40.. Adamn Vogel. chiot niglit watebman et the. sugar rfnery and former uight captalu ci the Waukegsn police de- pertinenLt tested against 1pilian, relatlng how ho had captured the tel- low lni tk« setrot carrying away the, brasa. eyeiasji on tue Part of tue boys as ' 'Hoe sa is ieattbntion iret val caîl- 'hbey heardê sentence pasoed upon, .6 te Llpmau about Il oclock 1»-,' tboii. ulgbt. viien lé saw lm working ai mai alppearances the parents s0otbing iu tiie table bouse. -He of the boys do net care mnucii viat va&tded thei.anindu sa5w hlm carry à b6comea Of ;theuk The. parents eof lon abectte ii gae sd paiit Draciioaly ver. the. oui>' ones vi outaide tie fonce. lu order that ho vlelted the. boy# lu the couuty »aQ weuld know thp feiiov ho etried sud vers the only oua.e ho app.arf. aloug oeusny-and tiien flasiied bis lu Police court during the triai tus!ý lauteru la.. hua ace. Hl ien ezwniked aiO IU ouL lu order that Llpmau vould not Tiiero vas littia nov ithe testi. thini b.o vas "Tdersuspicion, He saw mony brought out. Tiie boys ri .' IÀpin uVralk tote i.table iiouse and sted thdéir story ef breakliu#*4te then peer eut et a window te sec it frolght cars sud stealing tartge Cep.' suyone vas watciiing im.pDr billets. 'bey aougiit te uh ic0aw A ifttie Itet Vogel luvestigated the. a boy nani.d Jo. l"lks wto tue>' asy package that hmd iie#a pboeceisitode mevw the articles *)Of* st0len 1 the. fonce sud tound Il etatiui.w asubelpiug theni cut tbam up go loag brante >pps coe. vith pie«cculd set a part of the Us>' theat o'boardilu order " a damsai cOb, wouid bo received, Tiie 'poWiCe. an Servr nigh thik Jvaus othIig but u8iug l"lkus for a wtneos agalamut tii a tev pi.cea or kindsag., os Hs thon uotitied t.e polie <leuart- The boys ln telling tbeïr story totd meut. Wben su ocuber arrived it vas of elilg considerabi. copper sUd found uhat ipinsu :Mdremoved thebrasa te Junk demiers. The. policeviii brasa toa aPoint about 100 yards. waymake su lnvestlaaotlotdetermine sud badl Piaced it la a Olteli. Tiie tvo viiotier or not mes.e Juuk dosln. Meu lay in watt sud sta stme Up- voeaccssorl., atter thie tact. man snd tvo cexpaious came ,aicng. Wben tbey arrlved opposite the. place vii,,. the.bras, hMstbesu deDosited, tboy stopped and chuckled Io tblnk 1M boy they bld outvitted th, reflnery. LI 5tI LIT D, UIPMan stOOP.d over sud raised the, brasa to blms houlder. As ho dld se Kenosha, Wis., F.b 17.-Tii.bei- h0 vas plac.d umder arreat and vas îgpeoeshv o ierfgi roumoved to tho counti jai.IgPooeshv o hi e UAp--sules mployed as a starchIn Kenosha. Tht. evenig the. City siioveler sud drave a smsll vage. H. council decided by a vote or il te 7 has te support a elfe sud mis clii-te gragt a permit for S show te b. dren. t va* th'a tfut wvhh cu»&ed. gel br'the. enoeha Athletic Club. *6 Pue w geuC te wk -*w il&,,: Lifflan had te talk tiiroh n Iinter- betoees Mar&l 8 s"d Moeài 8. lisý proter. The refin.ry bas -been 'oin show la fob o held under the. protea- tcOfldrabl, brasa and tii. bas causod tien of the, Kenosha Polio. deparmmt, a strlcter ovatcb te be niaiislfed. and uirletly lu accSrdance 'elth th* luterprtaton of the Wsconslu lav U'ND URDCR TACTS vhl,& bas pormitteil boîing bouta le' L_ J. YEOMAN PINOS INÎIREUTINQother _________ DATA WHIENOLEARINO USA W U!A SITE Trrtg.'DEATWUE N ' When Louis J. Yeoman vas looklug MICHAEL MOýHEN, WHO ,MAD 1np the titi, lu the. «aie of the. lot on 1 LIVED IN *AM« HOUSE 47 North Gonssesestreet viehci as sold YEARS, OUED AT AG£ OF 85. tO H. IL Waterton for the new tie. eOr "sê.te, u ound au lnt*ebostl ece Michael Mabon, 85 years o10. a rosi- a f blstory vhlch only aider resideuts dent ef Waukegsu for 'the last 47 ' recall. yearm. passed avay thîs mornîug st >He found that theo me. eold Ohe lot 3:30 o'ciock. ]bi l'ovonhber h. sus. e oîlei grandfatiier Jsine Yeoman, tained a e trok, of paralys sud ti, vuas rles ,FrIche. Whio lived on the togetiier wtth 010 age. la given as the. nortiveet Corner of Marlou sud Iliii cause of hlm desth. Mr. Maben bac! 1 a rty streets tulèti.brickt bouse nov r.slded lu tho same bous. during ail L. occeuPl.d y the. Armeuias. thi, years bc iad llved here. H, r. 8-ol S nt1a4 'Ie me. slded ou West Washington street, just The tact tiiat tie recofds eboved West of the. City liunlta. PrMeikI.as net m@Meld caused hlm »Mt.' ?d'ainvs bomm luTipperar' te ivetigat, te iMM»h certain efthte cont>', Ireland. Whou a ybung mau ýt tact 8aohtittI. migbt be cloar. the b, Came to uhý Country sud mttle. Ir 1>011.3 Prevailiug that lis va married lu Nev Yerk, afiervard inovlug te Mt the lime of the mtrger aithough Wuk.gqii. For ysatsiié vwas a gar- tthe deed as trasmerred tu hie grand- deuer but several rears ago retired1 e tather dld not show it. train active businessB. >f The investigation revqsl.d that the He l.avo. ou, daugiiior, m. Mry 1* proPerty vas irausierr.d lu' Mancb.i Cney, viti viionihé résid.d and tvo r- 1865, but that FrICIkie did uot marry: granjcbldreh. Thé fuurai viii b. > bis second vifé tuntil X&$' 27, 1866. held Weduesday niornlng at 9.30 0'-!I Hlm firet vite di.d somn years pre- dcock aetue Ciurcii o! the imuu. kvloumiy.1 late Conception and hurlai viii take m Murdes-ad 5.oond Wfi. 1Place lu St. Mmrfs cometeriy. j * Itw i% issecond vit hom Frick.' 1Dunlug thc enYyears h. bad ro- d te iurdered lu offld blacd, the. d.ed .10. lu Wsùéigan mr. mshon b,. > bhein& COMnitted about 30 ysaro mgo. came Well huowu sud bis death Cane- t-H. beat' ber over the Iesd vig a s s regret aupug bis, magy * io'ten It ieavY Polo, thé mun4sr beng ongetf ies vile Poseti ava> -severai ygsrn the. Mautbrutal la th@e etys ilStoiy. &go., se- 't. Boys AUil iui '? to Lar- PARENTS NOTliWT>ERESrED.1 Boys 'Toit ot SMitIngte .junk Dewiês--Pofd w iý wfI n vestigateChargeS. Waukegqna four boy bandit. vene given a. preilminar>' bearing lia police. court belote Police Magistrate Water Taylor tht. aterneon eitvo o'clocI. Tu.>'&Hal peadguilt> to a charge of larceny ansd vere teuad oven te the. Grand Jury vlcIL naoe tu te .rst Moaday lu DMrcb. hein bonde vare Ozed at $M00emoi. They w ýv' i- bié, ta furulsh bull end viii bave te reusinulu the qouuty laSu ntil the grand Jury site. Tihe boye' arnes are: George Vrk, Jobu Vark, Otto Draohomky sud John Cork. il the boys foot su> regret et thoir position they 016 net ebov IL,. ier 111.0lute the cou rroogi sd took thein -position lu front cf ithe judge wlth auilng faces as If tii.>' vrs ratier amused et ths situation. lu ropons. ta a question from the. court thé, four boys admitted their gulît, eacb tellilng luit vbat part b. haît playsd lu th. man>' robb.ries tbat bave besu commltsd. "I vîll place you under bondset $500 each-you nust wviiiuntili tii grand, jury nits beforé your puulah- ment wilI ho meisd out ta you. Sein. et you are goiug te St. Charlesansd nome ta prison.' the ecoin declar.d. Tien, vas net even the liier of su m0. ~' Uel~O*# t 14%4 U1 lll b. jotioat*0t emat onst s o f the lQwýg~huestur., * resowam ttot zo;a u iste« sldopfle t a weeatinat An#ofm e-ç,ue. é,yf» tewday T4p pO"esq 0054ta oema .blghway Wa«aio .drsed la the lBot ht Koüey 1Oan Buy te a"e"rvar by cousoesu retrscllsds frse.of psuah.. W i4o .gIonei a" makésoun oun tramsg a se escisuclar eu. . Louis J., Yeoman MANUPACTURING OPTICIAN Mms.Wilson Invites Everybody. to lnspect âMM%%ý REILfR STcx G0 Ladies' and , Children's Goods Ladies, chambray and gîughàm dreis ....... $1 tE> $3 Ladiems Apro..us1 i.sîee-85c t Wie IadieW Slips and Corset Covers .................18C tW $9 Ladies' oroi>.Kimonas, ..- ....... 1.50 tW $2 -Complet@ lUne Ladies' Shirt Walt ,.. . . .. .. $1.25 tW $3 Ladies' silk liaIs, fleece, woolen Àa l cotton h jso,. 100 W 50S Ladies' Collar Supporta and Unair Nets, ..........8a for 100 (Jbildr.u's Aprons, Rompers and Dresses ... 2C tW $2.50 Children'a Sbould"r Garters snd Koit Waigte.......... 250 Children'e Baltes ad Windsor Tien. Childrenls Mittens and (Golf Gloveu. Ckldrsu's Legguinsansd Sweaters. Iufant'u Coat*, Dresses, Skirts and Sseqnes. Infant'@ Bootees and Shoes. Infsnt'a Ba"d, vest aud Bubon Shirts.> Baby illanheta, Stork Pontsanad Sanitary Shoot.- FIoEA8S0RTNEM 0FP DÔLLL complote Une E ioste emtur 000"da Ti-IE, WILSON STORE tisby B!ock.Lb.yvl. We are plead W announce Wo our frienda lu thiâ Vcinity, th't wQ willi be r eady February Ibth with two of the greatest brande of tfertilizer, known. Meredlth's Gear.ud &-A urs Cp row oer ..........1te 2poes. A~mr.b.AMd 4 t67 peom bue . . ...........4tSse. Meredithps The oniy RiEand n2ru.........O.... t.12«« AwsalbPhos.Aeid St*e?,.mg - Poe.. ......l1t.l13 p«au* bsslss.e o".. t te à pâ, MeM W.e au oeil you botter goode for leus money titan #my flrm today, on account of owni»g Our. own mine, our own mili, near Ooate@vUlti, Fno. W. are free fronta li combines or trusts. (3ompirre the analysis of these goode with other brande,' get tizeir prioos, and thon eaUl on us. Comn" lu, let ne 1.11 you 1mw by iîiveeting a Jittie money lu these fertil- hoers, -you eau get bigger returne thau any inveat- ment on the farm today. Your yield la' too llght. We eau belp 7ou.. Tht 1 Mereith Miniog and Milling Co. J. . X NRIDIT, Prosident Room 3. MkSckBuiing Uetvl iIsols E~ORSA LE SimliRunaýboUt, in Cood Condition. WiII Sou ClIeAP.- Johà 1,& Doe nfe ::Wl eff 120 Wddh$4 1st t4,LL 4FE] Pricts UP-10 r e Mt bri riNRU TU MACI New MOAC USfIUMVILLf j luir gfgl. home' Lùuber.d j' Modol 1 ' sy Slin * Oe el ic e mi etoi lier tao op tien1 china tralis Tho t-er mihe qire le dc ou@ f lu CI ut tb claiS lump Wl tors Uin. cail> out facel TIl Sti en It cm lie m y ln1 tg sal il I- t'g