L~1~j a.m. ~. ,<,~ - i~uP*tirs iÀ~taï.* Feu- w TV1 IWxVi THIS US A STRONG ASSERTION. TO MKE-IJWlE PIEDGE YOU THAT E-VËËY ,WORD CONTAINED ON THIS, SI-ÏEETI 15 AN ABSOL(JTEË TRUTH & A IONAFIDE PROPOITION AFIER MANY YEARS IN BUSINESS THIS HONORABLE WELL KNOWN STORE J*Id. ami Cq, 90Abr u le&Co a -ea FFmi wid Ail m- liÂVE DECIDED ON ACCOUNT 0F OTHER INTRESTS, TOVÂCATE THIS BILWIKG AND-RE- TIIgEFRÔM BUSINESS FËOREVER. 'THEREIORE TtfSGRANDIAND HIIIýGliICLA95 STOC-K ot FINEST A4D BEST Y I ShOS R' * IN~~I1 ATRK~ WILL BE SO LD TO IHE PU BLIC 1ÈOR W11AT UT VWL BRING IN TIjE______ *STORE..1INi T1(> *11el OSOONER AS WE MUJST VACATE. OUR- LEASE EXPIRES "Il. Alschuier & Co., for many years Waukegan's successfut inerchants have'declded on account of Mr, lcue' ag lnterest ini bis'Gary, mnd. store.to seUl out to the public bis entire stôick in thîs *city-.-It was with much regret that this dktii n bs been reacbed as he particularily'enjoyed. a large- weil pleased patronage--and through his* apere' fo of -- -your kind and Ilberâl responses Un the past wUIlseli bis sto-ck* in your city at the old stand S. *Lf e I k , S0r CW. Tom. g M *iion -This entite stock s fresh and clean and" dur ng wur 17'yasia no occaSféný to. make sales or special eIfôrts ea Iwàys enjoyld acle«mn naturaâl lUMnèss. Ne~r Uà tfhèMstory of merçharndUsinq nWaukegan or Un any other clty In th~e Union was ah, opp ortudlty lIke this*presentêa tothe pWcthsAlng Public at terg .Neyer Uèiorea à-neye v -r clg 1a lncao 1yoù! you whoare economizing during thèse tUnes of hlgh cosi: o"f- living- ever expiet achWwce like- thî t hrowflln youuiPetb again. SPEIALNOTKCE ~P~m~' Ihev O-riginal Cost or Former V«Itte Ottir Leïft ,C "eno mi m ~A' g,2 hutoGtYoîül a5teé, Oitfit at Less than Haif. Corne Early as Ail LetszaOLldtïWL Y adns; M h U'h~hiDetin Yeu, WE ANT YOU TO EXigIP t -"EI AjA» rY Y tI lE~~~~~ REIEPOeBSNS S& Openshug q~ wveuup Gtwàfé I lit le thoriltei acmoa Iloweve met pli tlntet*t. lag hia Dot Per Lake r C therit. If noie an( u<mter ruaîde <c day Rite a salon ato* of n th. W"a, lot Dr. Li and, vit t IJR resu opflrate, The apt and it la in the watcb*d <y of An along <wl The:a< la 70 ' P caused I fui alleu and, 4L iewit for The oje pILat, ho that ho The, b conditUoi ti le col the oul> DO opera Jean It 1i Wauke 4ydi tai thi au& vaI Man) Ni s WILL nor t of US pigeon tha W throp have iL beau aa which motere Kanes weeke to the bave 1 tbat la a vesi tO die woundi troui tiloedin It la xiong c <'actb Il ftiwl te en te Emare has ,Ieý found proboecu bhoota. rhe tsuded and Là many n aboots state Il t"o Pm In mon lie*. NG 1 î UV