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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Feb 1913, p. 4

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~dZklv.Adertlidon Rate§ made Known on Applession. RIPTION PRICE, 81.60 PER YF.AR STRICTL.Y IN AUVANCIE wvýiD. SMITH ................................................................- ....... Editor .SM T .......................................... ,............... Manager jý*' AY I..MUBBARO ... ....................................City Editor FRIDAY. FEBÉWARY 28, 1913. Judge Pensons' decisions have stood up pretty woll wben they have beau appealed to the higlier courtÉ!. He's uaklng good. ________ ln MexicGo it seemns to be one rebel succeeding another rebel in the matter of power'. In tact, to be in style, one Iust bias to be a busy rebel. It surely looks as if Oettîng Brothers of Chicaqp,- owners ofthie icehouse at Channel Lake;, are being followed by tire- bbesp for, the Ioss of an !ce house each year cannot be terméd a mmr accident. Too bad such miscreants cannot be appre- The Iowa legilature Thursday voted for women 's àurg nd on tho sanie day the Supreme court raleit ieawful to oswear, Og1bo"cuss word," via 'phono. Won- àw toI thos ay iïflance to the two acta coming on Omoeday? _ _ _ _ _ Ieno fun belng President of Meio-for one nover how long he'll be President. Now, if Dias and Ma- ý*Ocoid>only join oach other ln Paris, where Diaz is now ,thdy coud bave a good old chat about what it .d eto bo a deposod Mexican Presidont. y~ B Efy unday lias just finished a revival at Columbus, and it in reporteit, ho obtainod 22,0000 converti and kmiove",$26,000 for bis work. Thus, homade-a o:.Ver a dollar a head for converte, aithough it is de- theh took on the revival on a par dieni basis. 'U in mld -Uîat a number of erstwhile candidatesfor aueded whthrth rvill uoek elect- oerogr.l tiet atthe 4omlng ~ $p~po@ê*uiIuiIwt atotwue eu- ~U At T lit JOT wbat 7O 7-»E O ssd~1& b"M 4 ls ki M~1çG'~tuur tr- itionalBatk GET ONE, TO=DAXý' LOANED FREE The. Saving Bank iu your home offert, one of the.eset ways of "avins money. Drop coins into 'It each day, theuhbrinit tethe bauk au oft.n as is iconvenient and have the contente creait.d to your accotant where it wifl work for you nmghe aud day at 3 Per cent interest, compounded twice a year. - You work for your money-Set your money at vork for you. - It works -wh~ik you sleep. You can bscure one of these haudéomne bauks by signlng the. lattached coupon and aeuding to us with initial de. P"aa of $1.00 or more. THVMRT NATIONAL BANK, i labertyvmon flMinos._______ t....sP1h plese doposit to my caiêi1â you Saina Dpatmet~Pleaaelaaueasalg gehrWitt One lnâigl-Plàted"Hm algi At AUl Timus Under, U. S. Government Supervision. ýaow Storm olfhidq Turned tii ýëwusG Telegraph' Tewojone ý0 ServiceThohotCs :.useg'tIvoc #0 Waukegan, February 22, 1913. these reté -0f i deep elu8hy *aocUimu Waukegaa. grlpped ln une of the latioli tIllOis-iUde walkins and teins- waret anow and aleet alarma ln b1s ,ieridgidiful. nl te blatary. tartlng early friday nOn.min vise Èot. up thie maoralusg&0l lng and laatlng until late lait nlgbt. ihoVEled -off bis waik viu §eServlas was practlcilly hieiples for 1 § hours.'0f. a miSai,. for, It wa m mgbty bardf Telegrapb communication nortb andl cbovilig. soutb vltb the exceptlpn af one vire, 1I .Ntrth Uicagaoeiiny virejea $ta- was cut off, about 150 phones ver. tiati, ln' charge of A. C. -Wember, 89c put out of order. raiiraad trains ver. Thirteenth Street, vas put out of soir- delayed, treet car traic wae at s'vice tempDOrarlly lait nlght then cleet atandstill for severtil houre, 4lghtq and les, an the 25 f6ut pole abova went out, cornpelling the use af gai the l4irn tin the rear of M~sboume. or candies and pedestrlans narrci#iy CnuhO I ttu snap in thi 'uiddle andti çscaped death when a trolley vire fil an thse roof af Wembpra baume, feai t Clayton and Gnese atreets. draqgUn# thi. wlrea down wl'b IL. Char Branches of treee. beaklng off as a lesa - WeIsber, granilfather Of .,. C.. result of the icy leet forcing tbem vie ,lai the barn at the Iini' and when daWn. Covered tbe treets and aide- the paie tell 1$ pusheda hale through walits througbout the residetit dis. the roof, eausing hlm ta iiee ..ut Imb tricts. Reports tram North Chicago, th, opben. Plans ta rebulil the atat- Gurnee, Lake Bluff. Highland Park tliu vithla a short time %nee made and Dion City are tat tiie etorm azo' by Mr. Weniber thia morlng . This reuderred them heipleBe. timas b. plana ta put up a nundreul Beginnîng early PrI.day mornlng 1oot pole lnsteail ot a twenty-filve foot3 wtb a fali of snow, whicb later one- turned taerm andl tben ta ileet, tb e 1"Ilyl order a new pole III j few îtarm continueil throughout the day.- daya. It yull be a hundre(,d - 'iet in Telephone pales were enapped lin two lngth. The aId one, 25 feet long,. along the Nortbwestern rallroad. Tel. did flot give very good service." he egraph Officiais declareil that service said. «I"I vlil ot put It Up lhawver, le at a sI.andtill. for a few veeke. as 1 vînt ta wat Eiectric igbt service lns the Cen. unil this weather has paimed. . -it tral 'School andil n reaidences asa would b. Impossible tu du anythibns readereil uselesai a resuit of short lOt." circuits and branches of trees fallîng John Carra vwireless station, or liel,. aos tbe vires andl breaking them. vider. Street, vas not harmcd hi Bbc About haIt a dozen main ligbt lins Storm'. vire Put out of order. The aide- Many Paies DOow. vaîka were like glas& snd ffiany per It ls a tact af conalderable interalat sons narrowly eacaped injury tram that between' Kenosba andl Wauikegn fallng.66 &Jegiphpole& vere inapped of fAit. ur vîrea are out of ariler ex. tie t fSoe tthem" ey cePt One as a result af tbe atorD'." palle. ver. ieapped ln tbree Or, ' Mid Mgr. Mawell, of the Poa IOC-* ad vas what tild ie Telegraph Ca. "MIl messages are be- telegra» - service. , ing accePteil by us ui>Ject ta delay. A fim. ahmai ystem vire vai, brou,- SMon ire ilreaily at tari repaîring en lust eridlng and toi a Urne aSU the the~~~~ vie-" iealiai' boxe an the South id "Telograpis communication of aur -enlutbutcf commutuon. The lUn" 19Out Off," Ménager Ford. of tise break vIMainded la short Order by WeËstrnUnio14 cid toa areporter j'Fifee mt O1rrell. "Rotreeri' voare acewtmtg ail ges-1 cetIf4t4ii ock eUoffl. baage and aendlng tisons h telephono. Thse .10* la thé tater of th. es Serflal of aur talepisone virse M-etY courUWoue vas a rithutetieod dot, butast or-th«ai150 phoesm eatiser. - leet lot ta thse ne.. op ut of Order'.-j Iryma t7 , .0thiq aprain i tUmed "ýOur Bgit mesr,«ce soolthée te w vti.L 'A* OtUuibO veIl. OaIY four vir-evers doa'vu. o dtpandedupon ths é i o'e- an"d tbMgvas as a legult et prewvet fting up vere budly faoldS ad ve.O branches of treci visicis- ere*louded -late la getting, to torI. 1 li aiet. We bad bail tev rePar Of ligbtî 011n9 out." an offciai of the Waukegan Ililinism. ebruary 24, 1913. Public Service 0cl. 1 5W0 damnage to telephane vire.. ,In the reildence districts the 'polo«. etc.. tu LKILe county as a re- stre ee r littereil vltb large limbe suit of Friday'i aleet Storm, . ill not Of Rhaile tre.. vbich bail been nap- begin ta cOver the damage don.." pl Qff by the le Sd viniL. The al a fareman foer the telephone com- dama. vas greitee In sections pany todaY ,yho hiu been varklng in there the North Caroline apielrs pro-' varlaus parts af tise county. rail. là being questioaed au ta the aium- .Street cars badl great difficulty. The ber af poles dova. lie rougbly iesti- trolley Paie refumeil ta itay on the mated that there muet be 1,000 braIt- trolley vire, the tce causing it ta slip en pales in the caunty, vbicb, of it- Off. At Oenesee and Clayton streets, self, tocane a big expense ta the comn- aaleavlly cbarged trolley virs tell pany. admany lives vere enilangem'd. Extra men are leing rusbed Inta Street cars ver. deiayed fram 7 p. thie caunty by tbe telephone company lu. ta 10 P. m. A Pedestrian, *base anid even then tise vark of repaira name le unknoova, vas posaibly aaved muet be very slov because it necees,- frons belng burned vben, ai be ctart- tatea thse dlffing 0f 'the poles toac - ad agissesthe atreeta. ho vas hltai 4eOaidfte t W Oie hlIih have by a about tram patrolman Nelson, ta be sent out, tWha vas on guard. An automobile Temporsry Repaira. carrying twa young felots, manageil Because of' the dî ftiuty of Placlng ta stOP vithin a few feet oftneas the co1ay nodrt e lve. Tan d es raay saveownIl tir lxfun.e!îate service for patrons even ît Thve.telr idnent laphk o. It la but temporal-y, folIote this plan: TPentephae ano teegrah Ci-Wbere Paies are dovn and vires are panes avemai n atemjt t esi-brokedL a cible lasîtrung alang a matnae teasre. Thue 1 lu talle and.,tence or even on thse ground tbi-ougb' dnO amage nvies.utbeolrs rl 'n »,lh connections are mte to tibe Int tbusailsut ollrs.A heavy:- nxt Pale vheý«the tire, are bang- loge occurred tbraugbout the count>.. îng ail right. Thun, tbrougbaui Lake Na attenipt ta estimate bas beeu county, huadred« q thois sections of made.Te - lOe. - cables are teaiorarllî cMarrg the TeTree, DyuotthilOerCty. r.mssge.tiom rarlouePoinuta. he tmrest ubu h ist- M.ny of thse teil nu"vere put fere.lmreImthey e-erhave ha- Oui af 811-v0c: aid tbeee ver, the firat foe. arge 11mW and branche. ta h.repairaI Aid t»Ciancoaan vers davn and la mganyceesetise tlIItî bu reutelan auis of e valisa ver. blacked at a remIt.ot thse cerne.belq r.eti1lhed.. lroken limbe. Mini fine trees vire Ail telepsouseMuni tiegduaph coma- ruineil. Branche voit vebshted umultbn la tok liruaffl ta 1 otn so thît *pereoi a lklwMa' ng la ieeeby ihe IodAi meq«igei thte aMai Places bcd t to aop ta Ve1 diR-nt coveab.. -Tie-WectQMn paut. un"onlent *0Q Mai5ifVOMt Oi-pg That the virec itood up go vel, as, . tarepair th9 lme tisai vere, data theî did leeMs mrpriug for , thyeibetteleau m«oeba aa4.gWuka.Te vers velgisted davn until tbey b«tPaa lr~r~tis -a IsolalTne the ole. -are in goqL t, - etimbimi Snowfa~i -Meavy. Tbe suottail wvp beavy drbg r1 day and tise change ta ,leei aucdI the formsaiaon= the talke.*sd f# Trhe Langest Magaznlnl the Wenld To-day'. Màagasines ltheblargt etun beetedited lameine publaboil at 50e per ysar. pive d ttppar copy st aI, sevseuirc.Evoy lady Wb aprecb- iàteg & gond magazine ebould =cI fr. a ir-e 0samp. Copi endl premièta ealcg. Addlrece Toygl~àr<,Cantou, Obio. 21-tf tion of tiseir." mes OsaI banquet at thg naua 'l~fthhg teins arien a$.~ay'sWornbimpItlore Work dan. tii M.'~ à.ldop. o.13-tf 911-l" e Wta'"osie-ieè O b Centait '--d ,why. Ilold'-i. Reedeito orUic eut aide M. e quità vrought qp at. -vhMt hdy aolder an outrage pelrptnted nueslIre. Çate <SnleY. -tan gd venin reidint on Buttrics etreet Mra. Gohley BUV«a 0bus lu nl"ti «cottage. A f ev nale a Ni,. noar use bout of mldnlght, aie ac ýwa:kee trom lber eluaiber hy-tise coun t a ruppîng on ber bedroak vîIndow. "Whoms there! Go away, J'n an cId voman ail l'i ail alone.' a.xe cried out lD a terror etrioken voiei, "Money or your llt." came thie stem commandl fron t te outalda as n revolver vaâ pointed at her. "lboney, la t?" elle acraiaed. I'You ]:»w 1 haven't am." TIsait ithout vailint for D'0e eeh* leaped out of bed and In ber nigbt clothIng ran to the home ut a next, door nelgbbor to cecure assistance. A% elle returned a few moments lat. er ehe saw a man ruan. sway trains ,er bhrne. As b. pacied i nder a» etc, llght ah. recagniz#ml hile as à youg man living la thi neigitr- hood. .She calleil out to bitm Iat be dld nt neéd ta run atay as ae hsdi recagnized hlm. Tlhe next mornlng tbe young man a'j;peared al, ber borne anti )g a mogt abject manner begged ber par.lo. ire ad be bnd been lntoxicated thse nlght before adbail not been reepon-1 sible for what h. did. The lied wom. I an dd tut like to prosecute one off ber nelghbors su ch, agreed flot 'a take the matter up with the Police aithough at-firat sbe had Inteuded to do eu. Otber neIghbors wbo bave heard of the matter however, are quit. In- dignant and may that bad lit not bea for Uhei# iathIat the veather vwu viery muid the aMcd voman miglit bave caught; a'cold .hlch vould have resaltl in ber death a' th.evoi oely thi lîimeieothiag as the y« bkvween thse tva bous«. They My, tier vI ikee the Younlg man Unider murveilance and at the neE mils et a-elmIWar&at upoq, hbu t ethUe, vil m» that be te deil t its prely. For Kim M .d Ua4ier Dm»eeee w~amas nieU, tmare tI< 1 lauora aukega ta le é.b 001.uvatyl ep pai% form peullgOtltWr k foouay I tI*-rUm r$ o$0 tue 1lato ole30*cea t OU Ipritn ont i otidfense fr aqofehlattoIex aisi miP. flite lzap i'oet peay for murOder or. ymn cafryad n psalee enalty0ff ou By- Kene»-rovide fr 0to 1an100 fines bod te t odas'lsaonmtheeit ,Mthése Àu.ls. Th'**~¶h ,, pW es t4sathOe ctatei aSter- W peqduuu md thse PMie saMvb, *fivdIoS $holiMWaythe ,4*te*,attorey M te bu ruatamb h im Thse> smetmut. thicis' w» drIafed hi Judas llavenab. Providea for ptemhsover the 86 tee te tâA ObItaty. DY lspu-4ivlug cille. andd villages the %rigt te roguuate control Mdloeil electrlçlty for voter and light. Bi Clark-Amnendlns the motor ye- Idole ict te, peotect automnobile *1v- eu. fro aube bhumiliation and acOn- vOntencé resulting train their appms beamban Wheu the tani lmp or t4bia mnachines bau» accldentally hecome ex- tingulshed. domething wblob you NUND, but wiioh you do not feel able te bey "noir." i mai be ai"lvtcd &DYidAy 110v lai tie 1lOR SALW' colc.. 6680 For Rbcamatiomlsu ad Gout. SýPRING 'TOOLS' CIIATHA M NIGMILIS. SEEDERS ANDO DRWLS. DISI< tARROWS« LEVER IIARROWS. DEEREandJANIESVILLEPLOWS WAGONS Of ALL KINDS. Largoot Stock tn la"e Cuty. Price rlght. IF IT S CHANCNUK 9T'S YQU SICK? .for Poison, Blood iha Skda eeShetM-âde NerZs oe h. spuha.FerCatarrh. .r.f., freisusHumncteUlcers, à"%e dhmPse CSMi ipOO, Hoadeche, Pm od acis asy cause. e- obfintig A FLCUT 1- 1 1

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