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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Mar 1913, p. 10

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JIÎSHALÊ in Wahhntsn OtVrll. Fraci ,Msmy Landes JOIM Wth Nttd Persona lui and out of *Offlil LI% lui Cheering New Presi- -dont-Emueg Troop o New JDm01 Qd el etoner for Tift. Succesmor --Culver Biack Morte Troop O lI-. dignel Act. for Marsha. b~ilb~heipreetaai1utte- of 11 gSssiii thé leelUg o!te greltep tiireug mer gatiereit le Washington, iie.aas fvin. ta oday .shiasIY e!ter aoT inaugural, amltniu whlch foltélvas aons, af the, aotistos mm .rd but tii. parae vas Dot. siwt doleme. ler Dimocratic Silo- pllcltp. thit a pgnt vs. ane ai tii. -artil mouScatlmpsing that evr dîlih o oan ew occupant e! tbt jette oHouce. Faloinus trip tram Princeton te ,ZWwliwonyastemdaY, aeooùhpaled but.t;W Princeton studet. ie re. eYWSa et tiei uon station by s Oca- Uftee uf prounent ctlis anda dit -â .miUbOmas Neleon Pagee-tbe att bteA«terWam n i ymmebra of thoi Wkçm,*âd inretfmile#trou &I e t li. andas tihe iiarehmm aid hiiý,bproc ptl*and saker given *a.-lg onc bp oiecDa mmeta t*iiv Wllar, ml -of vhlcb wlit*mh, igi.Wlona a fired tii- -UlingaIthe Shoireimm, am gmrntby- on. ice -vans. *for est trovdei"Y-dmp, t mtIi, uprerne suAiS &Mltriumph0«!bils lii.' *t ubout bal! t M e i. u siedf ourit-t u h* b atmbp membere ai Ijifêtd *. White HanS, ubere ha, ViUgs-eted by Pietdet Tmft, *Ai i~g tiet the prealotama mie to-b elteftit a tftimam fdr tViyt e-CapltOl, mt'lIrà sei Q&ý'tefAit btiSai mlii r. WIlMI6 oftge'itt. Tii preteomt-elet hW .se a puad ai bonor tha Essxtroap Of!Neaaik. N. J. Msali nAie-lad Encart. que,-puimsW rst aln vîto -be ai eneCarted tram tBthe s-.o W*t îeliht t e, fetollévet ta sultan carrlagel- eis -a- .va. ~~PW'tii eSo . ls--tasbts qalil- 48 ro.nde. viti..membna aof the litee a-even t being a Sad re- mauor et tthedeath of Vice Pfd Ult M&et N.il . ?imai.ils ethenan vau the, Cuiver Blck tip ai indiens. This la lthé &MU ise a vice péident bu bis du'ii érd - linasu -46tîtusmI Ouro- :=,MciaeI laala'iU I nies-- sCate'.-bvmbeau, due btu-ihepersan- ai requptet o Presiclet Wlson. Mi-,. Wilson and Mrs. titarshall did not ridi tuthle Inaugurailrcesson. but the firsi lady o lie lentsetdiier tliree eMtii*d ukltaris amd tire vii, ai tilvidi preidéat - uer, ascort-dta t tbe4s*toW by aRsltclal-inllltary ait. 4AMufiet at he capital buldlng>, Preeldeci Tafttand fulir. Wilson pie.- reaied ai once te tb. presîdents ram h sirstIr* Tait béieid bicseil d"U#hherIéf emulidr o! htsterU« bt.-.iplng tbile passed ta tii. lent béées b!oosbl'eu. M.*MutimaI! Wns- i" 'êe-t6 iisvice presldent'm renom mf~ tecomelit or iaklng thi lithésouate, chamber pt'.- cirr nimleitsieufor lekloy ltt"4rbot oly lia mnnibes o t« bWesit lastel boty te thein, la, iiufrte supreeme court cf the, United~ huilas, tie tlpLnmatlc cor,.. momien.- of,'te ibouse oi ýrepesutatlvua, dit- ltblthpluid ofltls eit te govomnmet aud a gillery bMliant wth the pri. iisuejrated FraUdent w thé United States Of Aminci. sunce ai the beauty and distinction of1 An Impoeio fP>ociol.1 The ancteci ceremlany af turnîigf back the edock hatuE been attended1 to la due 'forc i, telactii 12 by1 tbIS xamttded tlmeeteod, apupeared UrneC prettlden t Sud Prostdent-elect aet th: limtedit ates eoetd*by the bonor-o able commutte, ta thie' dief$sta elna front of the, piestOlug afficeVa deàk.à I'bomaa P. Marstaîl vats thon sWarn en by the presldent pro- tem.-o!t the sonate, star wbtch thaoa' as a prsy-1 er ly thie chaplain, the eew vice ores-1 dent delivciiod a bÉie! Inaugural "il- dress mnd gave tiie math ta the Dow membeil of the. seate. and tthe auto- ly procession was ready ta maya teo the temporury stand buttt oye the 1 east portice et the capttoi. - 1 Thase wha bave never wittnssed thlfr trnosicg arrmy of!Uited States oOili.and rapretteitatives o! m&H th& nattons of thie eaTllMoe*thraugb tiie rotunda aed corridors of thie ne- tUonas capital have unlased the, mont Impresstve formali spectacle khausa the isupubulie.Headel W' thé. sartiale earusaiofthu, sea. and the.tu- geaut-at-atmuw et tii, bouse, tollowed luy tiie marshal of thesuprome court, and < he marahMe it theDistrict af Co- lusibia,thie p'rocesion roved in thé. followleg ordar: *tiaf Justice Whiite and tii. eigit at;soetate lusticesof the Uibe dStates supeme court. 't1i committéeon, arrangernents. the. .ves. Ideut and presldnteetthei. aaha eudorsa mjd miinttrs tront forelun uw tiens lus ail their rUgmIiu of offie. the xipçe prasldent-eieiit and former vice orgeidbte the ii president pro tae». of th. senate. senators and formelt ,n-ê a"s. thie speaker and clark of the. bans.e, retiring ioebels and met- bera.elact of the bouse. heide of! ex ecutive departments of the ýga.rnh- ment govercors of states and terri. tories, Admtral Dewey, head o! the. usvy; Majoir Goeberai Leonard Wood, iiead of tiie amoi:-,officers ai the, ami god piavy vho hava r.clved Ih* tiianks of cabgraos anidaiR athir per-) sans who bave beec aêrnttted te t1w fluer of the. enai.. fottouail by theoc, tauate of the secéte gallery h.aded b, mambesaof the diplomatie corps. Admtntetertng the. Osth. Ail Mat.dons *fnot reQuive minS spift luaithétllng, but ehon itLI retçd thât nom. of tlie .divIsIons. repressntod iiundrds of people ettd luit tbey >tnctudedadiltthue tef ote ifichu a tof the nIted Statesavera meut et aIt departrnsnts. tte aOered' Itel deletatea front ai iarelga>ne*ia aid- Borne of-tii. font diuttgniahed mçn andiwonien tinyrlvmte lit* nomne realtzatlon msy be hmd of uhat it ail meant. 'AMrved et tihe tampoftry stand w»iesé'hdhtreds of people wunie a rffdy seited sud tees o! thoutanil. more were haeked te front of the Stand, the bigh dignltartee tookt thé phiéet aflattai ta thpur nd tprepared to oenize the.chie! event ai the. ,day. rbr tfieffist thrnee iîiJustice "d. *ird 1D. White adublsistereif thei catit vinfe W. Fuller, bavin - oleclatel' at t»i tast SIX pubfli nttlfiatit. ln' *-atm valo é h reidt-ehM' Wn geateit ste the ,ee.rable ch i .à tic* the. oath. bovînstetaklsthe Bible, ai Iteclôse. Thé'boohiio ai aumandl the. cheesu or th ii. uistsuaut"uree e *rnsoPl s*na he iifaët <bat -a nev president of. tiieUnital'States Ai TAT A PRIVAlE CITIZEN.il18~1CAS FRÉ OVER LUe1 la Plein mig1er Aglii.At' 28 Yser@ - et CilIce Holding. , -Washingtonu, Ilarcii 4.-Wbeam Wil- iaM H. Tait cpaves for- Asguti, he v1 be a prtvata citizen tor tie Unt Unelu lventy-etgiit yeans. pot more f han a qeatiteno! a C'éa- luiyAr. l'ait babapflCtincsu~ lm.h ente.o!fi pblic mud='15 e~, uongi. ti. t e ie vndQs-ed ciuu mos ce ic eet et Isdopé, tt»-rbm ha WhIte House wws it »W itl in %"lux t fi, tuu lesin Ut. Taft &gain. No On. la Hurt in Fuslade Neir Et Pus.. Tr,436 El Pamo. Tex.. futreh 4.-Mezicas- solters se patrol dlty on the.&texi- cie ie.tired! a few *;bots oveýtfrîl infernustimkil ice ,The. bultts fi la Mliabinglon l'artk'ie ml>ee pi ifl faucu. Ne one awss inimreit SCaloimel Juan N. Vaqme. comý- méfider of the Juarez garnisOn. -dé- elardt hht wno ai s trOoopaiu50m ta tii îiilîihud Il,- totimalei Ilihât -taî u uel h.Ice liitdoue lie éboutitig. 'te rAugural' ittress s'an deit 1 uêaul qtau#£ItcaPreildîtfai, ered l te ieasy cannier and fuit voteine nte tt.0fAelS o r whtcb President Wilson te aires.« te ntdStteO myC finous, butltme crowd'wun so ena'. ý; ý_l mousi tuat nly Ibose cearest.tb. plat- forte ceuld bear. These cheered thte eillirgi points. especiatty the hrIet -u rn'eice ta th". taif! and the. utriMing sidiencei such aa "dor wank la 1,msm sdi* et restayatis," lJustica' n gePm" t. tii. eXpy Justice shall always bho ur mat-puce btwe. a" and «thtsla làcot a dey of triumopibveil»d It a a day oi dedication." Mani c0u-, and tuat a Îfibesntary références were midi ta titis offect wl h: lofty tone of tiie sidrsi. Ile sOi thtti brevlty,, pithienis and higiimorat totemnet fCo mIai Iltsl 'lkened te the. inaugurai Viuiwe MtlU addrasses of Lincoln. Saping that Ie thi journey back ta- the. White - . tbt Turkey Roue Présdeint Wilson and NMr. Taft *- tathe alliesl îaciiintd placeslate t rst car- lng a dectslc tiag., the. new presIdaýtnt ua on tiiIfetDrp Fight band and tii. «-président an b.e lef, Wilson vs beered aiment enutinuoushly throughout lte mile et Ponasplvanta avanue extendtns c $@yiee.a tuaen tii. capitol mcd tiie treasury si building. At lthe White flolse luuOi-- Wieso sois vas eerved'le tié prenidentisi OgntaI and vice prestdenttat parties. Mr. 41# vitWo1 Taft, whoii treatmant of bie au- e .1.B1 mrlce Ryo sor tiraugiiont the day bas been the. . l ln seul of caurtesy and gondt recitcg, uij vwti uxeii itmself aooc miter tii. lunch. glisse. taPi cnutao atke the train for A ugust wn éfese Ga.. vitere be wtt! rest for sme.~ eto sis.ks before movlng to hie »Wv aite3d2fees n New Haven, viiere bt e l e hi KeMIt -aou2rtie u Professer o! liv at Yale.mrerv Tieei. ratev g stand tn front of the affe u Whtte House, taeviiicb tii. presideni- W»flnmgtOfl today and aimait au onts Singer fini party thon repmtred. seit absiout equati niier o! the relsidentsa!ortho helate. 1.60(1 Persons anddlm crowded vitii City who bave aise turnd out te s,, s utH friandls amd relatives of the. cev pros. thé show. The acifraglats vho iucb i'SnWi, sbac Ident and vice president. Tii. stand et overt t., maime greund pisterdu Igercblef vi s8 On tii. genéral design Of the heme are ettil le the clty ad are consulcu- cfth lePmtrOIL Saint O! Democrac, ces in uho crowds, utth -tifr yellow RARROW maronas Jefferson, jusI mestthe stand hanners beaing the. legeli oi "Votes ,: ucrais the wisy ta lafayette park la for Woneo." - Weatthy Ni &iter the, plan of Wasiingtac's hinme »capitéte i.enrmou isront, no *unn it Maunt Vernon. 1-ugsOrse mnd oiter ituorder lmen corneta ma the dey. unn ovargrec trees are plaeed about the Ther*ela Immense Ombsam f Ne, ord- twastandsanmd the court ar hocor la cOige,-bît snt'-ablmy. nu11tei, are Wth îrilImet wtth the, Inatigral colores, and -trproeu s e aretrne é » Or. t grae and-white. Tiiese calera dom. nt'"0ti ~îe éémrau rt leate thréughout the, entIre City. thl5gisu!cofllage me&te.ii»lime itit as ca A Madel for 0111cr Nations, af!-the. penit.bad -heei Canioni4 im Tii. gigmertié parade ia ne, tieder aas !colege y.lle wvIuo- onthe arum e s'ay. 'rielirai: division, led by the merci, Sudit vas, arrange& thRt the 'te lae famats Marine band, la alraady pans- cavboy andIt ldiaa contingent oi the egtr i o .ng thte court of bone. As tits band panade wauid b. subdued le their Btra a s-fm approaciedth le presldent!i stand- It chitrs. ii Ia . e broi. omitlnte istratc, ai "Hall te îî is estîueated that the. Parade vîli éatl"- tie Chie! amidthe ibeerlcg of tiie tait tttî g 'oc tor liter. Flra udedeo i ssseciued thousands. The tinet pâ, îng tii.régulesr artm" and navy uA &" ,p a rade diviston consista of! mornfo the cadet div-ision cornes thi éitini!r faesi marcblng regimeets ot tbe Unit- geard tramntiih varions si t b,1.igt CUBA 'I ed" Etates army set Davy and tha odit n many tastancas b1w tîe-goverai- Wéit Palet and Annapolîs cadets, or and iesstaff. T'b e o ý Pontsl. pei'iaps tii. beist drIlled body ai youflg tîsu- 20,000n mar-chers l&,tiiidisltn b" t ien le the wortd. Gétiéral liid atome.The. enlise u»I"ma <mes-i ci N1LM13Il WOods btoast tbRt ho vGit make<hieNew Jersey la ouit la ioaor o! the lUnit amneetpit ostico oftiiepageauî , ia »deor 3 erzeymasi ta beoan, President oi the Probuituc etbes' natiana"' bas certainly beaun e Untted States. Virginie, tiienev dent It l8 ellud. ~~premldents birthplaçe. and* Gièrgin, Ua111111 -cris Tii. scece aiong Pespalvanlsamvi. thte native state 01 tirs. Wllsoa.j are tid for - tajgatten.lob rephtesentai by hbousmade i iev traatmu. viue PaniistVBlllLuNew Tore TheOu Maryiant and otIe! nearby itates eAfi, iavevl sweaithteigreat- imblau columes. ar ea fun Tii. Yeteu'-iu-ntri el. and the.vol Theitehitrd divisldd lVdtade up ofe' w as absolul G <rand Army o!tlteeltepubltc, Spanisb 7.5 ph< War Veterans acd otiier patriotic or- London,. ginizat ions. The aId soldieri, wvii o itrnéonï bal' seuiianOred' Place te every in-&ad Beri-li auguratliunacesslan. are groWing iew-tne e' er eaci four yeus, ns.d tiiere wer, M11414- lict Dont a few suspièOùiý luenfleintuthe. marine cab throats of- tbffl*> *ba elid ,em twen th loday. ville eyes grew blurred whie tals la pro] boucs a n. 'The lasL dtvisOioIilfiStà efpotiti- ta] and clvlc meaisatlons. ln It are mas-chigcs cles mou aliPsrts O! the 1a4vm:« country,. Tammnany le present in bha terce. and Mapor Carter H. Harrison -"b 5 ln taading a large Contingent front~ l5I huictago 13s0o0 Pbadelpim. Daitl ore snd' tiie f et r !Columibia are St5h0 elresented by Democrmtlc organisa- tionhu; Amiertean Indieins, dressed ln -thé Costumes of tlmeir asicestore, leIca a picluiresque toucii; cemrly 100 itunts- . muen preceded by thoir iiuntng doge t'.d are te lice: 1,000)students tram l5ui Princeton are ou-i to matchle Pratiol~revey îch i saceonhocor oi theif former president; ahi fol itso the great tbarougiifare la aimoat every gvent collet@ ln Amer- .î, occei. Tbe temporu-p tand.thé Ica, mnd bandts of mugie at !réqnsatKY a t0d istanc, tii. vic davib' er-pIntersals in the gtant parad ue tâtiils : b'judis ane, the rei o ev thethe mensure le WhIell the. hovy oi*i Btt biditngalog th rote nd één he ramp-tramp o! the marc.hens liCeps trees amduitbtsetopa are aive with bu- tîme. 2 mS a inanlty. The décorations. not ocly of There la ana velcome Ineosst i thia street but of the whole lice af Only thI Maflntbahl' 1. énhioseite ma-ciiani n a leiser degree. otfubé îflt 4tecietf' anitthatenly entité Ctty. havé never-beén moeeet- wé iobttepeieta e feotive. GreLIatcfhe «bd ftetoama henpf..u -ti.,prsidcil n 14tM e $PRO tie avenuelut Irequ.mt1givaÎsla-iewing teal. Ille r 4eOuscêi. T'ie, siin lshted atitht-vlske dT l tetUeellibm tea r e White~~q of Pennsylvania avenue a verltable ipa o h lipenM l.WiBy. =& dd fali and iti tý guanda t iu.fietmla i e-t le nbandimntnt , _ minte gren and white and tiie dlsplny a! the t o! d tic nmu mt i eltboa featrthe <pMii i national cotora the effect vilI b.cIlifete iii' ftngde ie-uteste tebora>e l tii.pp-sr thst t da05. hlsoryo! bc5tgiitAteii. Afe hi q9ailji Quarter of sMIllion Vliol<oI.i endeit net Ire v1l1heimretahaip ay lyConservatlve estiffites tW*e'arerqig e te Co . et euneie. aedtéf.I FOUR* BÙ'ÈoTrO DUN«MARtiTUAYOilS rit16g' m DP Exploions Fîmes Auàfstneearc- W. L. Che W t iO MdltliiaiRt01 lIg * Nouée iln Ua&uburg. ýPS. Web luèqté. t Warren, l'a., Marci 4.-Four pet- Wagtimîngtc4i. Mardi 4.--WlIIIIaM L larci 5.'-A Belgrade dis- osiJJl Mat61AI Y*terras ai acn the allies and Tmrkep ly beau secteUir msdt terme> annauzciment .t. liII b. ms-de on Timinaa. tber tmand the. Agence Ot- initsautinapié qualas Grand- enu&gê Seit Pacha as. L c » oitImminent, v wl ont code Adnianapis and tiat Turkey lu mwalt- Ion ai tiie pavensas to Its ,Ére1EV ERYTHINO8 Inger Wou $tain. Mas-ch 6. - Chas-le. 1q. ai Colivày. the . cus vth hiewt., Mrs. Ltlliaxt mtil-Conam, ta an trial for àJndge ICes-tmns court. h the. merder o! SophIa ] the. vities stad ln liie i.d thit isebut]lait the flat imea avenue befor. fthe s commîttet. fHe misa .kariln quarraIs be<veen ,and Wtlliamn R. Warthen, ise. aboumt money mat- déeletavershlp -of the di vau fauet on NMis ly or ai lhe ras and bondt- icii ver. mimet as a gag. YESCAPE 0F WEBB 49w Varker Casr.d tram t House by Policeman., ik Mmmci 6,-Dr. William Bii narroviy escapei deati tat for a tinte tireatenasi bii resttdeciat 0M0Fifti Dr. Webib, viiwuvastI n unried out la a polIcemamna Ce inom, Are, emoke and bttmatet aI about $15,000. ýim knove, the lire started Îrk trams an apen grate ire abb's apartmnit. Tii, Webb uas botugir a tev vaeks a D. Rotkefelter. ré Fui CRimiNALs Mi Mte Ovores-.wded and c Food Prisenori Lois. 1March 6.--Te slefping it passait iy cangroe sviI io bc sIgnait by the. reài ia sc.udaiously Inclusive ai mnais, slhugh onu ilu- Stie noirces levolvet la upiisfg. au peditentlary mnd lais er, overçrêa.ded and thona sis, ta food the prisonera ukse a!o a tueusand or mc telp eecesaary.- mmni London fram Bertiln. ,Minci 6. - Tiie tire tetle- lvet-satitea betveen London abue beee beld. Tii. dis- wech the Fao cilles la 700 aIutassity mile. of sub- ble, A regular sansvice hc- iBritisht and Germo aitcpi- iniset. 'ae-Wit lc&u»d 700 ata P'-Iaggsd R0g99M nM1p phyml". um. nu.fe a& ao ta I. lon alite miter me 1rie bien viSite ils'ein h we 1A otb. bu" y l. lioâlthwwater lif orast the Jatmceme tttlbHuiut« LO Cooking S»Cioel Magmasina ,VW paotl!r; t javel ta lime lomm, k- min, T-'al- and wsler, s-i ,4the li; hiles iéýW. ie twol tjse 4"g CaCmiKo. CAPTAIN GEORGE a. CLARX,'U. S. N. Nel c \k 1~Ml Io<t r tîn1w postîi oof oilliîîaniîlrt t f ie 1naval trainîinîgstatilon tat ()' 1reat I4îkes, 1IIleSlu-, Q eeeds <'aptain W. F. Ftillaîni, U. S. N., wllias, aej î'epted a îfflitioîu as aideto >tt eitr of the' Nav%. C apfain ( iark lias sp-wnt nairlvy is Nwhîîh lite inIi lle inavv- ;id cl ontes to thte' naval Sellool w ith thtleIlîigliest per ceeut of the blrds fly away "Out ELT i q N4 or cound' wotunded adlie d *Iso wly. CR EL Y S ~ N'hosewho place, the number o MIFW ESTI3D IN TE11 a-It-on au fur from tetuha h SIIOTIN4iOF BuIDSst3t n o an more cruel thati field Riooting. It appws tht ChicgobTh bird id for tibs %part lu tht hae be eading he lcoioi menomlon pigeon atti the 00e., lcténded bave~~~~~~~~ be vdm hellei afrRtoureamemit are lept c<oped agailit the Silort lyis-îdutgtcg le'p r close quartera for séecrai days tîve pigeon aBlootlmg front trapu jiiot as a rUtp hefore the event. This ta over thUin 1e lit Wisconsiun. A law no fruim ,bolte, of tourge, but froae wlli prolîally lie pasacut i ttat etate' P ea i n ordr ta have the tive ta prolibit thc practice. targets a valable wbcn the men &a- Tliere was a tinte, when live filrd semlîk- for the Blaiightr-r. matches were cunsidered ali t1ght,. but ubli opnionhan Psuted n Fî111y are not wlici birds witlmna- taws prohibtiig thue practire. Inl tv uiccnapi iaiu h u ticinvntin o flc dy 'rge ac fer but dounestic creatur5maccustom- thed taventioncofjthe as tukely teand,, the imîme n s e etholis of pro-' _dt a n uta kl alsv lbthe dark trap bewlldered à d fY pelllng these aauceeaikîî krraegi rdectîy at the gin. The chance tutUY mienu s wlftly and caslty tbere lbi: ebr a o lslf a& been little excuge for the more bar-1 Ia i vi M ol blrot m a cni s r grS h t a l inarkitman wlio caneo brtg dovu It a,îgi i ~mnres rîarlas incty out of one buedred wtbin mboiid hfe passed prolilitig aey fernilîoîînds a b,- if mîriilly Ilîll Parch or rpori w h ich l,îrlc-rgon fnu-lt y and or I i,(. ie ns aith ion' of t hectwo 1%lIsonsii wil iîniloiitvly qîiîckly: ihors 41Iowed. lait in lne anîd give itbe Cid go IThe.beten ela&s of t rali shooter, markiuceuî poitllle riof that they are a re otposed tb te uae of live birds, or wanted. and, there la no demenand et acy cona.' lOi,îirlitimau fîuIîfoutu! wtb ecerfor the continuation of the. 1 ve uuînîlsaooting Is fluaifabout 10 sport. WIU Ouir eiûtire st*ck tof Merchandise at a'i teat redulctionri fût thel next 36 daye A-. Ka. w"N4 ~L1 T <f rT nra Frmier aentenw Is the tinte Io brt4 the m put lnflrst clasa Procilcal ttoreShdelng end Wood Work Repalrïngand 'Jebbing. H. Diefenbake r, Prop. LLN1S 1

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