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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Mar 1913, p. 8

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uAD RONIW BIG wAI% N UN O YOTUU DOCK 15 SOLO Darnes Wl eSweatedl The Wester om l uDoCW. , uM'p lad WIbebWgest coal industryi boîea 0d bow0.»PUY xe by Poice toGet Naines eeedand ha. wei,4tovi aid of Companiofis o~rltaWeop o u t. olo CAUGHT THIS AFTgRNOON. Ti.s l ftà o I ' - oi thel" of the # gu*oadDetectives Short Ture thé <TablEaolto éé i<k Ago Broke up One Gang puyo oflndBryes, 1é es.ol 3v Waskepft. Illinos, Marc 3 191--0 .tii street, North Chi ,cago, leîeved giVes tiieusa aded f"Od f NT@tU bc'I tu bu the leader of a newv gang o U~f l bStWm 3,60,0 400000 toue f.aatbra. WV d"e, as lud uderareM.*4anid bftuznuu c hes Charge of having robbed frelgbt Telcldck Mb -«e w b " Sn Me. on the ElgMf, Joliet and Estern paly and wMflbe. operated uidr the name of the iaigq 080Vosd In the local yards. 'He bau coflc&U It in unerstood Mr. peter Re", prÎi[dent1o isR Placed In the LéAke county jail th coMpanyt viiibe here lu a few day.. Md vill be "sweated" lu an effort to The Western Coal & Dock cotniny Frank M. West la Manager of the Pt qhii tu give OuIt te naines of the ~ognzdaot1 er g yCmUl uWues idM.Tyo .ff lu hie gang. He f reely admits w ra e bu 3yasa o chlc ago aIn prulentandJ.Mr. Taylor hlmg comtted the thefts but J. B. Cavanaugli, vlose death la8t De-j0 hcg aPýWs -B &M tàmIfttr refuses to divulge the tbrbogh eun orrw t te augh wau secretary o! the Company oeiberbroghtgenhieBOIOW previon hu is death a fév mmthi 'sa bas ompalons. boe£rtsof mmany Wukegau Peulplej1 ago. Mesure,. Taylor snd Cavanaugh toiicM n Charles Nelson Of the and H. N. Taylor now presideut of the!were the mn uwhO lauuched thie eqin lurth Chicago pil-ce force -,V Monon Coal Company of Chicago. ]rhel puiy soins 15 yearu ago. mUMin the frqlgt car as It pa"ed docks have an excellent business bothi The docks are among thé largest on Wu bot the. train was iiOYIBig 0 locally and througbout the veut and the Rkes lu the smaller ctiles, i act, 11*67 ha coul D ot hosrd It.LHe no- 1uorthvw"t.few big Ctles bave Cul docks *ny OW Chasles Neyera, a epecWIs-IL lausderstoocl the present office of larger. They baindle a gret«at ein t,, I detectlve'anS the latter hur- thé Western Coal Dock Co., i Chi- o!fsoft sud bard coul and i; bus beau ,-I<hChicago. Bârsea baye cago vil] ho abollshed ad moved t0 largely tlirough the efforts and ilu i M 5!UI 0l u e BeS U tS 5 teboygan where sre the general of- flueneof the coul Company that the Vlant la Nothi hago-' i lices o! the Res COUI Co. Wukeg . an1551*0! buau odeoeffle 1 0 o eTl5StW@ entOfloblle Local o0fciais cof the. cSkvay re- suad kept open te the liaigetcos] 010etI09 al o.ectigns Md ferred Intervewers (o the geneal of- 1hbsts en t>ae great lakes, 'O alu aIg ta an atomo. cet« tay lu reupoule toquertes Mu Second 0051 DockdOls. gaveSU*Csau but the. boy to viac fst dm. sale viii bave on 1Tie sale la aie liuportmit hIf£M F-0 too*«t terha. Waukwu, Bave te s«Y that the Relus of the tact that It maras the eom< le leMd lie bOY 0off he btat until 1Mr. ReMusvisite the docks tii. Oourley dock, the only othé e" b-Hl.fe -th-m turned t"die mndist ba vise ee les- e l "hodàkla the City, vue soiS by jobi ~u-te NOYMeeuvbobi » r~eicange.. Gourley 10 CharleK R ulsow. M d-Dhe l4 a tiit sale ordlngi,, nov ovruers et the tlm tae110 bd8 treic« B umday etkow tI laa ac h t le edock propertlta vîil et nt u lb lie-"ar -$29ve1i ar"cles Blo . W dock Ilsoperty, viti buildings, .prlng business Ila lisefclU md vi] 10 du &toO Use.HO Ie bu oequiptUmt mil stock on ha"d vI Iprovide Wauregau vth Il& nexl isb r,*V tzoorro. The aeiéete. . Xltirve Noyers rdeclared ho vas le9suc.Sthb.boy islae bheS do a M o! ymoten Who am ure rakne ki d ýP9«fs-ogt Cas-s.Tvc tlos oevekau fo Deftlve Mrers iè hW Dos-ues, Detective 8. Nchzole, w4ol a aunget!tour Nort Chil. Wbff 108 vo 15*5..ts'ko n esu "l tregit «of ta largoesiuntz «M"s.Tisse bffoyevre boirnd Little Interest in the Repubican Town Caucus Becuse of No Cotests. John .J. Drser. John Reekteuwald. JcOOCoNins. 'Dovey" Lutter,. ROM) cOrIÏUWIONER- A, F. Swunson. TOWN lýOMMTTEEAN- Ernest P. Bldiugos. liens-y Werner. iJohn lHaubaner. y' 's rss Jry.ILis unuutOnie hundred and sevon votes ver. ________ th sco1 nd m g aI libsirceut et lie republca ov ann liS hedUiiedaliOSid et e 51 i e Beey Mat flouse Se14 l»IIIL5' U ~'..g i.It lu the" gtâte boya ,M" uduel te reveil lie names urday. i vt vs80agi ~bl ~o>paioaThFe reason the vte wu o i 1$ ,amm vas cbsrgec t bà law because tuovus no couesot for 0909 a quantity or coupes- srm s eamy o!f1the office.. The. vote accordeS Pm* o lie Ainre-osem au Wseoaci candidate foloW:NEW 1J GLJ 00,98" bu bon» t v hi lut upervius-Edvas-d Conrad, 9&. O bt bea ue ilerasrisistAst. Saperso--oha Demorest, 'M4 P b. u epbdoeltder 95.FormrPurlnpiof Waii h mplOilil s t on uhte B himtlyJaatices o i of h e.- Hîgd h oo ITakeg oho »U emptatIon ve klac> ahe fr butWillamn F, Wes, 100. at Palisade, Col.- ruadh carow ULd ept i tgtJulns . Bals. 98. ____________James ri. Welch, 101. Boy . M"911, 99 A PaUisade, Colorado, paper sass R. 8RSDR I . Botaford, 96. "W J. Stebbihia; fcrrnaly ef WA LAI< IS USU3S Re red Petitelals', 94. uSe sction fos- lie jimt ymS, b MIR Y CRS OÀA A. C. Bers-y, 101. heen appoluted principal of Ibm Pa J. B. lus-alla, 100. sade achool te smceed J. IL Moi D I IT C. E. Icika, 98. son. vho bas tendesel bis rolgna William Canmore, 100. te the 0015001board le tak$e ffet ]h RoaS Commnlsioner-Geolrge tIra. 14. Mr. lebins vMii assume bi udeIndicates Ho WiII Not bain. 92. îles lie folovl i oat. ' Permt Inefiite elayin ochool Trustee--Dr. J. F. Roener, "Afterseesvldg ttteol jeansAse PeritInefiit Dla 0.n neducator lu the colinots of flUlu the Bank Mater. Ilepublican Town Commttee- IvOre 0o! loin Os püid ft Wlllam B Smih. hghachool ai Wauksgau. Ms, M Robert M. Ingalle. bIne Pu th4le B. IL Davis s-s Jndge LandishIndicated FrtSay that DaviS E. Clarke. veat o v m oro lim a u~yeà bio vould nol PermittheIbisKrby case AI a cOmmîîîee meeting o! the Bull holng ImpreO" Vli t Grandv le o elyedInefuîtly H îree-Mmues Party lu Attorney Homer ley as a residence BotIci sud lhep ad, ilinseif forcly onl the SIibJeOt Cooke's office Salurday uîgîit, tie siblitles o!fs-uit gsowlng. vben Atorney Francis J. Houlban ticket vhicîthle progressives viii put Il-. Stebbias "lst oe %bout s y APeered In court and made a motion up ai the Town ElectIon, vas select- go after reslamng as principal o! ta continue a prerlous motion to va- ed. Henry Deecon, assistent suporvia- Waultegan fIlgi achol, he plan cale lie jati sentences imppsed on Dr. or, heada the ticket, bis beug an as- lng t1VO giv e i>elaalona vos-k William T. Kirhy and lin. Margaret pirant for the office o! superylsor. fruit-rabiins.lie hsconduced U. Kirby, bila wife. for contempt o The ticket la made up folove: renebi slic@ ht lias, but accos-d cout for falure to turn over $20,000 SUpERVISOR- 10 the above, lbU decided to re.enj of lhe privale bank'a missîng funde. Henry tîcacon. ln educational voilt. It la belte ulwtlnI give you a moflîb more" ASST, BUPERVISR- ber. liat ho plans condueting, »S th le coust. *« vili give yrou outi C. G. Doicke. ranch as voîl, lookng sfter liaI1 'Meneli . JUPTICE OF THE PEACE- o! vork as asidose . «H'f son bave more evidence you vi Bert Tompklns. i 1 pseast I hian liiavi vîhi- Jams Ms-re.On Sunday s800 r. Dr. Ooui ~. eThere la Ïsoing te belDo Bsn Wleaves-. vIladdreemthlieun .*5Ipeadlu< d"lu Ibis mater.,WUlan olvey. the %% *1elîtegn àA nwy. th-wtom day -Evsning 1* AtlrbteW ENO CAmE.NERY SUDDENLY C WW torf« the TwePar- Had RAu"dedin WaukoMa»for it Meg4ve Filed NlMsMiyYàe" andi NOM. W tt iCty fle. Wa8 Sookto Ffisotis SOTti PA IES ARE'UNITEDI, lu*-. Aua 3-Ades, vlwoc0fthi £Vury rualtbn WUI h Yk- Ieu*9 f en.I Bbléa stibw en tq 8ÏtTh" i no F1IId ,»cause. s boBb te ber au friadsla WmuOgu soqs ba" lvê h~ lb. otg bre for s quarter ef a centurY. UWr Amlen h"ba la spolIa vtb berboast "aie mpending municipal prioluIes noverai yea mgo but theée baS mot Mmd ebecglao lMon Clty POIni u e esu very noticeabis for the laat 16 b. the 1 k tlY contuted lu thé. yemn. blut«et o 1h51clty. MeinlssO! 0the iirs. Alden bid apent Sunday&lies-- rival fîctom misàt the résulte VIi nDoon etth11e bonis of ber non, Mari. be atm MadSfor liat reason lieyi- e lves uti 131 Oakley a$enne. Short- tend te redouble thoîr efforts te see ly aller seve o'clock, atler liarini' that DiO s-sud la aiioved to crBee in. esten supper, ah. glasted te reas-S te Thbefoliving candidates filed thelr ber home. Her sou Fred. vho baW pelitiosie vil the clty clerk o! ZIon been living vltb ber for sou>me . r Cty "ila vek: bas bast passed through a serions L- THROORA'1'8- speiliof slcknoesasd the mother dld y Fnt Nyor-W. H. Clenibeun. not like tue bave hlm alOne &Dn ous a Fur Ci Clefk-John D. -'llorna thfm necessy. Thon tac>, a tels- z For tHty Ts-essnrr-U. G. floue. phone message bail intorrned ber liaI t. iFor Cty Attorstey-TleoO. Forby. .nother son, C'harles, vas vsIgetEa ner home, and anious t10âses IDi obé a INDEPENUiEfs- tarted out. 515e vas accornpenied b# t, For Mayoi'-John D. Johnson. _ Wlnnltred Alden, 8'red Aldeui's lItûs r Fqr CkyCit(e--Ed!wards Christian- daughtss- She vms lu the best ut 4 sn uMM. Luvis. 155511keaItlieUis.. z For Cty Attoruney-Wsn. i. Ikb-Y. l'he colS veather and tbe sharp -. Vrr Cit Treaarer-B. E.Love. wlnd sesmed tu have a baS effect ou e At lb. <wessnt'time lie Indepen- Mm-s.Aldea sud fit mon boumsevs-y d dents bavéathe balance ot poversla lu itiut for ber te breathé. Wzeu si LI Mon. as niemsof ths faction bold arriveS la front o! the Bars-y fentin a1l lie execuve offces sud in lhe Iste sdeeSe, nser lie corner of ooumOilth**.are seven ledeliendents North Breet sud North avenue.l eaasd thyme itterata. emdisBhe could go no fus-ler a»4 d CbsIMÇ42M lobeii. eks lie normi saab 10ta at tns Position on (Ug &nation »aoes-ki ti Incocmbent but M at étps. ly am mater vbo gUi thz# Domni*on 'Gruudmotber'ail ouI o! bret>- a the ind"me5dusto bave Bgseel tae cant go ami fus-lier uo,, a" x stand sihSly tbe or hlm. WiIa=m uteikd te thee Iii., e- Remme, lie pret *eittreaunr, l le "il rsnon sieoS UU, USle s net a mnilisafor *e.ihon. The ultile giltropfle.r. mAlen Mode e* mas» la treor Judge Y. V. Bannes, no0 fathorr -ply. .I l Il 1h. pre5"nt clti gtusae. Theodore l'Gs-adon'ont o! breali&"#sit-ml - Fýorbn, -Volivs's rigbitbaud as-.ta sa m mr e onqtepm," lie child perpotus ca ferdt e h.City 51101'- aiSideS ColusneBLIfie blrried t w bt nferhudzeM sbe 1te-vnalishernoe et s neighhor ta umm the honos-. W. H. Fabs-F who seeks neam nbulance by téléphco. Wlem the nimrnnaticm la a rlslug attorney 1e retus-neS a !ev moments*ta"es-ho vise bas amu im-le slu Waukegan vms InformeS that bis molier bai .» velI as Zlcti Cty. otled ausee sioseS ber borne. Thé primas-y vIl be lou Marcb Charles Aldonent4once divineS liat 11 and lie eleetion cm Apil 15. Boli diie mothers coudition ea.0(ers factions viii prsenot an nabroken val 1sad hsrYtag Sovu thi.e treet h. foins vbes the votera mas-chl e lie pofllung ie bwd beau cars-led IletohebBeoile places sud tic résute viii show lie tone résidence mnd s physiclau nze. nukOle trength Of oaci> Party. Tl'.moeS.H vos-keil oves- ber come main cotest viii mot corne ailthe pri. 1 e mUrnsd Il asred tu, do no mary sud Itlelaý,sobbe liat Delîber food. Thei haviDÉ mmcuber iu sey- Psrty vIl aoek lust ont a full vote'oral siella Of lie arne nature bo de- as It la dese-o kI. ksmrnelu re- icided the béat ting tuaI coniS bc *",0 efor b r ténltidoflevou»e tes o 0 uinD5 sa mbw thora yuIl hoy8.t= â! cailegm r2. baI8c. -filamoliet thle Utme wvi on lie job ailS Il thi*M la sur valtd'bnOtblug bovily -and not One bu lidn *hy àammsa lSbiW not vole regaiucn menessHoieheors-il the pilemoautlthai lieeugr Win, te lb.eborne of a neabior ta sunnme ho «emerus. nejptîsi rff on!a isu bulance by toisphone. Iben hg Wauin mpsobably vil ho on bau elus Sa fevnmornents lates- ho vs 8 to prsersve oos- sua" preent b~ informeS 1h51 Isemolier baS Jur ai cashes. . passeS svay. The prenant fiayeo f Zion Mr. Ms-s.Aidez a sfécru lu Plyniouth LB Bee6 a nt aemdW sor ee&- a., oPbs-ua'y 14, 1847. Ou ApaÎ to. Ho bus boomuontaf tho lty thi3. 1887, SI. e " ius-s-le 0 InaId grct uteipsIo! fltI l eàn'AlderrnanAldea. Mr- AldeipasseS svay oc MIlles- ba u em usieps-otohn r Jli, *,1910. As s resnit or t(b D. lohahon vie jMka h. oe. la liicl.nis cbldroli vera bore, ix ,- >9ro pt mçz nbb ie l e p at vboM ares-o sl1living,.l'bey are Bu WkParty. un e oupa igs.e o u d ans- 0.. Chasles RL, snd Fred o! Waulý buber business inbfm, 2huVook coi.n- a, Arthur -M., c>! Bruce, wls., Joh lIpàay employé vM ausolite usuel N.,etD M.Iiad1mtSc errktudeud"tvq4ýmt I, %saiSli ha aIMstils.icii. illv - bas W" »V"a more votses'Tii.Allen !arnly moveS to Wmni ain aees lIat .lp . 'I'a» Probaibegin la1887 at vblcb methis- re.that gna ttêii asbogh a nolt ecelve a rnià«yet 'nioratisan This faetorY vas operated hèeac lton or afe êý ha mid., m0myyearB tntl a fsv years sl Lob._______ It vms moved te Bruce, Win.,. mo tIl 015. Il mlgit ho noir a source of Ia, lhe DIES AFTER, AN 'LL- an" thus Secose relglut bure "b.:LMmr 4mncebaS 55e luWankoîi PeluWaakeglannm.' IeS0" s-dail Tihelusege of the Aideu famibW morsilng at'10>4 tMohu ixÎn a tuck lost dlingulshod. Ms-s.,ALlen W Ye* o! rionmatlbwb** O ebed W'lies 4MdOedd'fronPlIgrime vbo. ce lieh beas-I. James bZiàgs, asou, vas prés- boni Englaul te Ainerca on liei Ont vhen lie'Ç" Le. mie. Deîgaw 4lov e ue is as a direct descende ý e huajiad *vas on. IL vemm, killod lu et! John Rolovand 1o camne over - bis a vs-edllon t» ibv nter ohilbIb.tis 'boit anS vbo vas on. o! '41,1 Wood s5i eau -S e Iwfl ona vos-kils-ettgovoruors o! muanibusotts. H gt<e train "ohn gagoït tflhs1 evueed lu- hu»uS vas a direct descendant la lb.th se-et u s ubsula su, tJobii AllenvaleIO010Ccarne oves' 1 d vved by SI: IýIOs-5p ald 0- lb. flovor. Il1li~ront grand= , s-U. dugsuSIO gît lic home ofý*gn 6les oh 338 WesIl e 90hlhg vas unloyed et For Ll etroet- $ha.b#4bq~zM *Isifor lie; font Pldsy ta Suuddyby Ftmnk ]i nom~~~ pot on w4s F t erie, At und,,ChailesChrist, b o returnéu s~qr -- s ~ Vogs he fn'i s o MLLF W Rig- 'S:T t emal- bý" s r..& ce.. 5nla ocmL home Lumber Co. Mr. Wilson Invites Everybody to Inspect Ladie st and Childrei' s Goods, Ladies, chanibray and ginghsrn dmose....... $1 to $3 Ladiem' Aprona, &a i ai ....s0- ............50 tW 65e L.adies' $lips and Cornet Colora............. ------1 5e W *8 Lad.eq crpeKirnue............*$1.50tW $2 CoP oten l iasLd.s' Sbixt IValts..........1.25 tW $3 LaIlie' siik liste, fleece, voolen and collon 11-se.- 100 to S Ladies' Collas- Supports and Hair Nets ........... a for lie Childreu'n Aprons, Rompors snd Dresses... 25c W*$2.50 (3hildren's Shouidur Garters and Koit Wsists .... -...... 250 Children's Belte aud Windsor Ties. Cliîldreu's lMittons sud 4uIf Gloves. Children'. Leggius sud Sweaters. Infant'. Coatoq Dresses, 8kirts and Sacques. Infanî'e ootees snd Ithose. infant§ Baude, Veste and Ruben 14hirts. Baby Blankots, Stork Pausnd mdaitary Sheete. PMUE AmaOTuLWT O7 DOM& Oomplte B» R em"istUatsrY Oo0" TME W-ILSONSTORE, tlanby BIocIç.Lfbotyviil. A NNO UNCI3M EN T. SWe are pleaaed to aunonnee to our frielide lu tht. viclulty. tb'tt ve will be ready February l5ith with two of the greateet brande of Fertilizers known. The O0* Btand Gmses- d m seCieP Groses A ..ml............ Fe"ssékShsll....4 A e Pm me bWIme ...l.... ..... 1 te a par sou TheOny Brnd -... .6 .........12 .......... te 2 par o PefaiUP. 'lîSobS0pft.e. lasmiasle Po"el.. 1 te 2 pm «men on We eaun oeil you better goode folr lesu money than us DY firin todaY, 011 aceouùt of owning our own or mine, Our own Mill, near Coate. ville. Penn. We date frell fromn ait combine@ or trust. Compare the. &g analyste of thoeêgoods wlth other brandéï, get their or prime, and thon çall onusn. (Jorqeini, lot. us toil youn how by ivesthug a little money Iu th eïef>rti1. O> zbrs, you eiL gogt bigger rettîrne than any iuveet- ment on the farm today. Vour yield le too llght. ýYWe eau help you. ga É Thé Mercdith Minipg afid MdiIg Co* os ~ Y ILE MUMVDTE.President ffan Raout 3. Schau"5.llsg,,. Uouylir IuI let on OR L.E - In (Iood Condition. Will'Soit CIEAp. d o Johbu'MDetiene ::Waukg. -tuauvkibNas 5s i VOL JO tinusua Off k Er l wass (11 ibiat John M~ trio or boyt restoS for lii out. ha.. bec *eI should Ihat Sale tê.bail nil! thomtcbi en-c lu tIhehast i fomrthwith al coverpd. WoIIl. witl brcht andS 1 rested ai I Came cp lu beys were r tasse o!fIV th5e carly se Jinuary 16, case. liat docket. Find Il vas l Green meut SKIILs BYw-J 14 orwegim la Beini MANY G, Waukege Present Foi mlaîkega are jusl n( great Norv lu tarA, it boys of Ih are hoconi long, narre There ar whereeauo sa15111 lu cmeau mii leap acrom 'I'be vo, Dean theo preut on th le sa '.pe th vehtc4h. O! curu are uot yt altbecaul lime. Ho, Wel and t Ment in t Thie use extensive liaI ma tieu ta gC Thie mat more P* for uhina enougi il s'sally ho mI-al ti Joe. BIer Katbering < jas. Rmm Imta Br- /Juilts Os- àmà"

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