r ~rW~U~ T. AYll~ (!flTrWrV TMTIWP1 flWErvIt ~nIAV LT A P<!II lA 1Q12 NJ'~ - -.-' a a. a.. A.~--~-- -~1--a.&&1 J*~ 4.' *lJ*A~i*4' 't -~ i ~-"-'- - Park. This viii prove a aprted con- test. Henry Meyer of P'rémont la up for reeléction and whll reporte are tImt tbéeé iay bhéopposition, the chancea are la the éhow-down, he vlIi bave noaqe- It la unde-tood that Jamen Wielcb of New-port vill hé up for Tréelectioni -o vueoperaléd on Se McAlttr ant, hlm. ~itaiWedneéday événtng. Mam-h In Shields, aupervimor Kng, it la th Dr. Lydaon o Chicago, ceélu- saiS. me>' bavé opposition in thé per- 4y Dr. Knight, belng lu chargé af son Oi Hénry' Vicléri-n. 0. lai-mer living véstai Laite F'oréat. Mi- King i lét-IL laSae candidate andS Vklerman la f eel- birlr at thé baratta.! hrnght lng cioued although hé han nol yt j4 thé lad that the irmagé passéd formally éntered thé race. Sthé ordétti tu a Ver salle~- la Wauliegcc. SirperivîOr Conrad = nunel', that hé épMt a faifr bas srievi thé nomination ced la op- M ad that hé la gettiag ovri thé pocéd' b>' Edward Tobia. dérnociat ovée bétter tiran bcd hoeceel. and Ilear>' Déacon. as thé Progres- tt.d ive candidate. lU lethît Thut-aday mnrieig r asaittSeinWatkegae, John à@ ry good aniS his etimPéi-atulii-émoxr, a thé répubilcan noaine (W -*Ma ma±lfatory bencé. t 1le etIt th Heur>' Johnson as thé deacrat" Ig hé viii recale? rOiS thée0Oiéi-frcandidate andS Gus Délcit la thé Pro- ým wirib, it luealilttéd v-O as et gréasivé candidate againit thor. WWiand mmd va rortéd IQ oniy a-1 Thun, Itla ceea that thét'é vlS hée te tm51 ména for oombatlng bled- a fév contesta in thé couty for nomn- li trtoubeié vbiut bave poved testions soiSdao aMthé lectin bli.wbOhmt thé opration anal wh1tuh1 o himn Suemd h a gret deal otf Wn, For Cltéirm1'. MREiTUIÀI W ALL CITIES ALON THE SHIORE LuN Bill to Prevent Dumpage of Garbage Into the Lake En- dorsed at Racine. SANITARY ASSN. IN ACTIONI FarInteres g' 7hL SI _______CORN VITALITY. Mayor Bading of Racine Tells Fatr saglmtt, LIghtInléa Vâlu- Men Racine Has Pure Water iabis £xpermsnt.1 Supply Now. ¶The pereat musito ai l markeéts,.BraSanmd produce t-t0os. etc, yl soam give placé ta thé qués- The Lake Michigan S&ntarYaiazo- lion o re. c =TOn nconvention. vbich convenat Wbéi-alia"l véplant St? Roc chaIS v. prépare thé ccili et Racine monde>'. Indorsad the bibi I vrlt halbeue ln congréas probiitiag eciles an thé Won t-tipe chen picliod? shore ai Lake Michigan iroin dump- H11evand vhére bas il béén stared? ng ce-cetcge loto thé aie ced ao Wbat par ecet it Sa vital? a bill eow hefore thé Michigan legla-1 Thés. viii hé thé probléma Sa thé lature for ca "e supervsion ofi va- mIds ai thé gocal farinera Oi lbé Mi- ter aupply for dotoeetic use.é.'11 d is vut in a ev weélia. 1 - ni Who inawirr ao tue candidateeoi- chai-- -"""-1-n iTe rustting fielas cii soon mscar @ gr, e bng tImé. ma uithe board at thé meeting foi- ociatron dli aook teaerousé péople thée, questiono. Thoeé ibI hé sturd>', DpI Fsrnil>' Was Presont. Inigeifin t o étlmc, ait cli ileon Lake Michigan lt oros nfrnsana nSIèeA loigeeto,1 e e nwbut cikfo0eicain10mur .vil! é ounorIegi-. cilds, sand s vée t Al iméocers of thée ttgea farnîl> seeing Ibat ho vas a leadlieg candiýwlkfrlgsaint nuepr iih uilglr tkysad @ I*rtef, and tva cana, George cnd date trio yeai- ago. Illtj atid Jamrieda ter cuppit. ifcoi-n. and wye.vré et thé hosptal white thé Weictrai Newport me>' héthé couet>' fft>' dlegates Tere-sentia>' cilice W.eareIn thé habit af diatiam on mPrc *« . tIon, vas la progrésé. lnane ai c andidate foi- thé poition. Hé elsta fWscniIliosIihia n!thé mcmmoth corn ct-cpm at thiafair T bc elag le the mrom hethé (bai-manc (ti-keb>'acornait volé tva Indiana veré présent. Thé dblacusclan1 landS. Telbave yau @vrrthougbt of lier ~ré varSn~ véi-scgacacledthe, N#lefon ft couliS ceuse 10'on vere o. uvas g.wsli hy Dr. W. A. Evans, Chca; o rncop thé children un. the faim -li pepration ca o seri-os thal ___________ Mayor G. A- Bading. Miwaukee;IlB.D.' m vre Inaued-na>'. éon aI- oft F.WieleU oul ne cosen te CIT STLL IABE . Dixon. oce-tai-y oi thé Michigan tovéd te molét the Beéd coi-n aniS test i itSa Sdone lexcéptiag Ihath el ot CTsTLLLAL tate Iboard of béa.th: V. O. HItribard-l ItuSaanyn.oie. doue dfrnt up-ta- coTi 1 uid net lié avoidéal. Tva veOks cnd W. R. Humphrey, Chicago, and daté mthade? Illinois couliS net hé éxiP miSa. .Jonevas taken te thé (Continired Fi-aie P.é «one) albers. j aeisfied vlth cu average coi-n yld Our teicl ita putt birsl nsét acadtîiin Ofers veré élécléd as foîhova: aof3 hushés. nor vould lova. ylth Iig la Jd.ePi-SldOtlita 8200-arelaSnd. léél Ihat Il hushéis Il I *sn opératIon Se cage it ca as om nal Itoécar. Thlia ces vhat JdI.. sdetUDizon. Lancinà. Mich.: e cewaapyo onco. Sr ce ad incé then hé bas bée Whitney eovérieu. Th1cortiprar a algcr rp e t->' frI Iebs ot h cuthelivicé preeldients. G. A- Bcding. 1i- Omir corn voulfi yiéld almamîdaublo met real' orIL le1ecbc taIat thé compainants dIS cctlmh.véto varukée. ced W . Hibuard. Chicago; lis présent roture aniSlits qucit>' 1 eut-e, Mica intnegan and iSne éice-tai-W W. R. Humphrey. (Chcago. couliS ho matérlali>' bétter. the Jia chai-geofa hi& came nOv. 'ailegé thet the driver had béén cart&.%loyei- Goodland ln bis addrés 0or i venture the assertion ébat 2 verorge- ïis, »jonue, vho la 70 yétti-5 ad, esa. did ncal cesésarSl>' Imputé negli- wceé aid that thé valér éuppiy jcent- of thé corn acéa l pantéd ln thé ai S bemn Weil for norné Une a- gence on th part a th othérs lnaot'Inl Racine ms pure ed that as thej t> -»A effort tu clercomé thée llmeti Mr. BulkIe>' raid of thé malter: aniS thé dispocai ai aevage vaulid bhéIm anbothered him. Each Urne hîs "That ioeaa' stop us fi-mar hoving costly. cautionéd thé association ta .- the v- but tebli-iar. ru~Sailf that Ir thesé mec rode la a car vtta more laci>'. i --Id2 lei.Dr. Lirdton of OhS<*Bt. eyM> li ca aééél rvn . Myaý idi.g 0f Nilaukéé. ide-! cacisuted andS hé adviséd anl ope- that thé>' thug cotrlbutéd te théo ck laret! that thé public bélth vas ti-t mi Ms a test i-eort onl>' and hé cient. We weced tbia oiparmseai la. hé conaidéreal andS nel mone>' -" col bas vatched thé casé vlth march on b>' thé court heforé thé ce aisv Judge Jones vasdOu1t1y @et in motoe." IN S R AMTÂYi, et Lakl count>' for-iteén 'lm -în > héjdénèe ht ho vas former!>' cil>'allai-né>' otrwhte h it aal i J u g i g W O y e r a o a s , e p r o v t h a J a m e e r r y -e a u > ' a s aÀa a1a a aE c s - Wh u n.dtg canddae for mayor. No(athci> ii1'tasv)er-_ ___T la thé count>' la botter keove(uteCt ittr eso)cr-T h. bnenco, everyhad>'la catch lsal"d'lnmdve ceatgj fCoalnuéd Fi-rn Page One.) t . t tthé aéeéd limit Il dosnt matoeil>' bl cndtin, change lbe statues ai thé citym lia- sto ht>' Iln thé action of thé Ivo ménrimciderabi>' lathé caluts, HuaeY c C»NTEST cho occupéd bis car et thé limé fl neyer mcuréd hic rney for thé ium- Sadèpo af Mâture Corn Aos.embted tu, litsaWT ciel thé accident. Il Sm récallid tht ber. Wagner titi Waukegan &bouit Afler Faur Mionthe' Stérsgo. Wv o mrn p l a nt ér b cd h e en e ft Sl a S i-eu t oa i1 t on y e ar a ag o t e e n te r th é l fe -s c rtn g i c r b o t e e y a t u i n d d . N w B l foRSUPEiRVISORthé Dr. Bouton Place o Seld service which hé oiovéo d for orne ciahlteel prn~ d noc (CotaniS i-oné'~î'é né iy auto Jmt et iuci. i'iii (ier ilup- Relative Ottasé Tip. Havlieacb ai a n yube aIcor? 1 -. cetting thé car andiS nJuiing thé threel -. -Wagner nO longer peces t111, farmérs. aniS thé folbwoig ci-e corn W' anitegn-Joha T. Eninrons. Watt- ime ced killing Mr. Edycri Féri-y. jbridge ui hua cblp. Hé Su a COMPM osa f thé common anscéra:'n tadluster aniSbhast broir. ead vblIei1. No, Dont helievé ln fil. I're -.~n1tmn--Janee<ijwéih. au- I.dr>eraai Ian doaI> vet n egaged laneeextining a compose dur- -alva-m gat good corn wvithaut IL moe wds ho spend hiif thoi- ina Chreltmas veéliaI geoiYgti. 2. Weil,.no. Yeu e. ve have . .Wfg iedre I-f. Meyer.imé occupytag thé beach ln Chicago !tlch.. be met c ditant relatvve ho' 3. N o. a-uzyts ar.so v ca icITh ba a té 1ue . 4.NoIavued n rtee m o-n.a I ~~eganljt $10 per dey. TIpé>' cri-d "enougb"ý,gave him bis tirât ciev ta tbe vbere- md thé>' cére gaod. Guuam théei-Ot Wtk.kgan-lmtothv ,j. spelîmen. Trîcada>' tathé country*a neveeat urjabout faiebisdauguttér. viii hé ail right. we ~mégn--tciy 3ioeké. a i Géneva te fté Judgé Clintan P. o alrth&cl a h bh Aller acedtum-thé barrest thé irwin. Pragi-emmive, cha began h m o nchér, la 1893. t Mntavac. W115«11 Gond Bock ttélia me. cnd i am clling tibu"c.éda théeaé B chlda gradmozther. Mra. Serabl ta rél> on Providence for thé future. r 'Wmrre-Itl]ph W. ('blttendo es ea. igth eHeniry>BHunt,. ced permission e tadopt Il. VerSous aîber excuses. çweerie- 1en ThBooe._____________ ..rebuséal opermit a-lem] 1Nov, for thé give of the tirât aed b ~uqndW.PrnuBrooonks. adoption but alOvo ber te, bavé thé.-lest ascrs, Ibère la no hope. ThéSr -West Derfeld-'. W. Paettls, Dret-- Thé pronunciation ai the letter Z Pl.1im uetbibraa l--gc otneeéIni nSterms sm zee la an Amréteantm 'fie En« apearéd. fortunesaraie acte aof Providence, andiS ý ilsb pronunclation la zed. firn thé aid thet s aninmd ai tThevbale mal't Inl thé case of Mr. Simane ai Anti- Oid Fi-encht aidé, vblch La lurn l urdina oS Téha> aandSthée bci eeb. X la te ld that hé tsa acandi- derired tram the Lattin cela.thé nom h éaie iewgometcoked" manmm m>'hé broegbt te so@ 1c fr enornitation ced chule tbee Iofthé sîxtb ler of théeOi-eéi lpae dring bristeas wvéci ld hlm luit'the qeio hn I be fnancop. Idéaid *i-o reports hé may have opposition ibel, cori-espoudina laeIbhengiimh zed. thé corncbai gané 1to ctie. But théfmri-ner boy or girl! No ex- em avavéd candidate ta yet ln the jShakesapearein SaKtng béai-, t il ,N'ah.Séorcut thalm Islsed thé cuses fioui Ibein. "10vdoyote #81d.caréné 2. gve the English pronuec-l, -es ïRégarding thé Situation la the îocn lion, vhtch le aI ti in vogué:e; ýdjctl adthat chu dam desd. The fathérj coi-a" Sm thé!- quoi-y. et Avon, ifenu-v C. Edwa-vtm cholbas ton unuecéssry etter." cas about ta givé rip chén another IF'orunatéiy foi- thts aid vanSl Ibi - nvé assuervsa- f-im tatrelative aidéd him. n vaa téai-néai1tethé attitude ai lbe rting genoration lèf1 Change Due te Coptlvity. thar te girl baiS goné ta Caifornie. tcr0atp-clcata ci o slip for thé 11051 Ievte yiars. ta toi Ai cancr ir Idé are descendants of City arter ct>' vas séarcbod for- Pr"gognm $'ti-efrani(héSeu îe hri taéd.Ibmcamon gr-ey'spedles ai thé Ca-,i-latîtes. L-ut estvk thé hst babY temNo.th e rhaé béend nuror c tgll tat lhéf ta alta hé a candI car, lxaenuja. Thcîr origineal ivery i asfonS aIOxaard. Cal. She lntomdéréltis9a.oniton lefsbu d itsh e oesidArlcg bas héen moditted te tomon yellov vb"Mlcb tafnfuence thé vulalt>' Of corn.P rpsong fr curit Irflatrer. captvit andcros-bredMmm aLouise Esîles. vife et an auto- Ma>' of thème statemeatil seem ta ho3 ~AmSre Whle i Gayeabu ista cativt>'mmdcroa-heedngmonbi le dealet-.Leltére vord UE-reasoneblé, but thé? bavé net boom clé w fnofhé C atonta changéd. îWgnaa' learned that 'hé cbeckéd clth scèe]at tts, . ye iWis candidatfr aeRoinaliote ec r No0 Chance for HIéft. i bd ncaly oi and a dcughtér. but cf thèeefacté. and lauai-fier ta Illus- rý woS bi an Iw Rond Akemon Mr.Lahtoc-TYo' vite and yWa giandeon au Weil. itcléand tImprecé truthe. that ae- i ame fgrrring on ri-ne>'.Walter 1gesaiong fine togédder. 'pasi ohe a l bmrrmridsv ree dy linove. but not bpeded. 1 i te andl Wm.toéritng. F'uiedis ofme.' BrudiSér Shindtg." Mr. Bhndg- CpanW nrrmaiSa eeaplanacal c set ai éxperi-mente for myV C,-mlatter tvoareivti-ying tn gel theni'Yeaa Sbc lita Yeti loude'n i its, yc- g.Wl i i.h api-roeai-cut clame tn farimeva oet Ila IL déa 4cide wcheti ud irire"eaurta eacre mub uIc: ;aniS dcir int nc lu.ening a réception for the daughIter an i 81m Collège of Agiculture.AAin,V aru hti i4 r nteb-quch- ta vil c pusm o it Ita ont- thé grandson. dfinmg thé vinlér qf IM anmd 1909. I Beltaerargu Ii ifibeata-gt hé bolier ro'." Thé purpoe ofîta xpérinent vasà neetcertairthe rif- toncthe ata ltyac k itvl»ng as lé-eh h-rit Iront the s 1rj THE REV. CATHELL t seti b féto h ieî> eýWatch Sublit nsàPasWL. afripé aniS unripS coi-n. af étatlng Il ~~~~~~,~~~~ Uaténcivîhî i aeVla Atny wve4ch, htbuba u eimade iCentinue r ioua Page One.) Unader-difrent oombnactIonm ai tont- ftth Dw owisii o fit Vll.inside osi___sa________asabig______perature andS moîmnre@. *,0 el>' candidate for s'rrv1rvinîm pea palare rc bcoprn - ____________ _______ 'Job Stlattn, he i 1h f&ter f ato.hfén ,nfe monhhtluOi ailmastrs dégres tinthé Arts. Hé fi-marncbig field af yéllbovdent, about aWbeavSan't- Vm,'3,rattnnoniif fi'art. spenit on the coi-i. Théenmpt>' pendirecelvpdthie dégre afDoclar ai Sa- thetiSme théeaéré vas enlertng the - In Strattans hvé naor- -,h tti rvolghod iorty-fivé gi-iné ced la dlI, créaI Ttîoioay froc Gri-IsoliS callogé. 1dough Stage. Thes oc ra e.divided stilI are ln Sîfferi-ni triwnghipt. amter islé.leuIhana Inch. This Danport. la. in IS96. He cee or- jueafiré strings cf tes ocré eacb. are ,trong min e htitr alit ui v«r alcutcan hé vare On a rng O-déi-Mdecon ln 1870, and pitetti Wbee thé coi-n as Wvilmatured. os apenantandcen ",N.t>' sas neai ,lmlortiitytunrilpe- bowgae itl clihé an nîércwýnr iltua- a edn m ol600 1871 b>' Ri§boptStevens. Hie firet neté as possîIé v er. plabéfThese ~ l cae hé idr Sr~i tn v dc-mie Verso. h oi-k vas asscistant et thé Churcli ageIn veré dividéd Intaovfie strings ci %s& teor the for thé i-cl timi. 1db - &tM @1mu anleat ie bitu laàajMujeoaithé Epiphan>'. Philadelphie. efler ton gars éach. A strng of esccli as ýWandIscou viit b. itlirg 'ti thet' mai a mpoutIoUM M 064 VmUt."vbSch hé @pont c yéar et BeverI>', N. ataréal undér tbe fafortoaLncondiions: b~~eta the tene imé. 0" 5yonmg bapeeil Wr he thé oageJ. Fori-thé néxt rivé cgars hé wasTetaperalure. Ilumidity. - upérvisor Ferry aifitintori -i., mgr"Oaithtsmai bLOIS, i~l bon «C& dUe tod' br'ttl* ec i fthé Church ar thé Ascenn 3airi .... Hgut L be ~ln thé racé agaîn anal i 1-,t a. idgreS ai auUl M! -2 -.... gb iigb b dl ave opposition l inih térsIcin lafMVt& 11lame st.@4ie wbeoa >Balimore, Md. In 18-77 bo lamai.chargé 3 ..... Loy 111<1 4s.Voiacandidate la that ,thbquserpM.r;thm &M ,uegfl of théeci-ktITi-umeushurgh aniS - 4 -... Lac Los '~ bi __ItII'lC M t.. & OUM VU Val Qver> Oeda. N. Y. le hécamé rectai-ofai.....-Otalde proteetfi iim muh -Dtt bo sme bd t85 àe lulae t. Paul@ churcut, Dem Mone., a.. Clarbé f ai Detial.a a ~s 50 ddawutlhmrlrmall 98 r c > epeanec estézte fer ré-electicu, Il tauhbave at-e sled "Vllu.ut.. ver>' ui at lautheopetir et Pi-éd tauon a w . g naltm - thel veo te authr of a cfévvolumest raILeift sely toea hted jï bah m beà« f, %» l f lecture, and mrmons. iWvomoan theo ftrvinudimo 0 1CONDITION FUIR Mwma Cou -ityJd &if tU.' p i for Isba -t etc. prno eli the Th, mne ten Kt -11 ativol. kt lé$ le fai 9Ton . Tel te ev 1.Out ror th t) A I2) A .1) À DM. () A e cf ýre.m ovideg 0rami c@ cel Bach each Once kfron anted Lthé 'outi rhei atlve tome ar giv ig. an ervatlý fi-c i-n. b ho mi 2. C t ait ouned ra hi riere Dateriý -mo- 3. 1 lid ne heré 4.-1 mre tred cs ul in th@ avider Noii uxperi (1) ai-n. (2) freezi Cb) going ri (4) befar, rot gy >redi, lt, tl froin Tbi retui per a cL A1 culte puhil ta bl eed Tb meal falu prai tivel antff it V one but It 'w bcd true Mtai ai t Wtt r.. the atnîopboru condttlBSH SLFS home village, ad vwu oveei7 ta«o " *ver Im efubir WAS S SE S ? ta tamk b>'hi. for buving ber 8 mice em, aleperaureOMMte dl@ 0, loneilnesm. yr bitb bumldlty undO? OVét Wbon ubetrito dé douiber action ditions. itho W s v avod amlde ber ozplÏnatIou. but nt tour ai thon* cobutlos CplThought Netan Wshl& DoRt varda opened the meula àrop-econtatlve on the aver- Rlght *eo>acf hlm bevlldered léiBter. m. tés.vL "The ouly vay out of t ta for Mi- uporatoro Ilihb bImdltty l0 @y M. DIBBELL. 11cm taerarry m. 1 Ibave beos wbt" kUz àtW@. 9*he gamne lmn't Worth thé eadlo." IIg ber ta do t for ton yoarc1 *0l fiperature hlgh. huiidty hlib sait! celyn deJectedly. «W«. l. net otin0g16ta oit quletly and 5 ber Itchen cellnt Or stabe Coiling. tively éant lve on lu thi. vay; the pine avay before my oye,-! vant 7018 rpefcture, loy. humldtt lb ends mîmpîy vont meet-! rnuet go te tel, Mirlain that Tt la ber dSTi 7tO rrage celler. ta vark et smonthîng." ho my vite, net te heel à baille r tomde etorae-rlvtigas heds. "But vhat can Yon do. chlld?"' Yn cabeoba@siwtayO lnmttsd. TOU quoied ber mîter. '*Tou have nover vauld bo as dear as a @mistr te M*e»d ho experimont vo chose: leariied aflything but boiisekeeplflg could have à borne vlth ns alvalylit l i aboratory on the third îo. wvIli enougb ta teacb Tt, and nibe>' Yoen vonld.«' 1cellar. vanta lasons at that." .lacelyn gave a littié laueb.-ToM mésction af a cold storage 'Wlil 1 migbUt eTolat keép one- nealy secret] me te déstb. bUlt nov 1 body'& boume.'ité tliraugh your dep laid so>Ulo. idrivIng shed. "Oh Zacelya. la Tt not better te Yen knav 1 bave alveys ilka&, dU.i lng oi each of ripéeand unripe etervo rempèctably than te go out as Oliver. Wby dldn't younamotlue t. coi-n vaai paced in fivo»Mali! a cammon servant?"' help Yon before, Ineteed of beopiig ge. built ta keep otmi anid "TtertaIy la not. 1have a gonad this tié' o mrt-a umy at&il Eacb of theme cage@ vas thon bealthy apPetite every day ai my tl Ie omro am e e ýd vith'a thermometer and an lite, and 1I ittettd ta do my beit ta vImItag. and 1 Bbc!! surely ley day.e Mter (an instruimenmt ta meuro produce the titree atIfactory menin the lav te my déar aid goue. of a mis- iort of monture in thé air). vhlch Providence Intended me ta tor.-. 9h. #bailibc happy, oyon If 1 have ta force ber Inta It." tgs vere tored In thé places have. Bésidom, 4 bouekeoper la an "Wbý'at a dubhcdIhveboA ted~ aby.important persan novadaym-mbe ovor- r@ ord Oliver il bate ly.'1 mle iday about noon godas fseathé dalngm of ererybody élo." aeaplst oonheub tfr &ttre And mouiture vore talion "Wbore do yen éxpect te find such fdarenepeal tago Into Yteo ubjofr itation. a remponiblé position? Thé>' dont far wonvsurdgoe n yth ort t-VMm a moatb ix kérnels were tak' go beggingi" 1v ould break your heat't" Héegase n each ear tn éach cage And 'Nov my gi-etst ecret haill hédi- .laelyn'm haad a brotherly iQUuMo as à i sand piseintac gredhhoueé. vulged" Jocèlyli anawered trtnrn- hé took bie departuro. 1cmre Urne six otber kérnols phantl>'. "I had a long talli vith Mrs. Jorelyn lcept ber yard. ad on the Iacéd ila e awduat germinator Dérment betoré ibe returned ta the day tollowtng gave MutinM a sevomo pt under conditions uted ta cit>' thia fait, and hé, qutte cpproved lecture on ber dut>' ta the mm w bo lus. aifrny Idea. In ber letter vhieh camp, I d iovpd her go long and vmlted for atudontsatudied thé prouting toda>' cb@ Beys that a déar frient! oaibe optet.iSfrshba a very closeiy. f rom mrnth ta bors ls In auch poor bealth that »b@ 1Ibbroer-m l orheormeiab@d o- .Records vere mode of thé ýla no langer able ta looki suer bause- bcotrin an m fortédposelbiityibcth >0 trenth ai germination. and bald affaira, but cannot ber taethnli meanfutur e. odiiyl h tatal per cent. cf germinatian. ai glving Up ber borne. Mim.R er- Onrtur.at h Nro el @ ver? Interesting points tu Ment told ber about rne, and van mu-dOne terntI ngterheeNortonbosi- ýtorAg9 veré Illutrated b>' t. athorlzed ta mie me a promoal.Thé e neer oun unmuai s ouse nent. apte doem net permit eaiary In generous. and ch@ Io ure i1 teat.fud nes igeo n 'ng table, af température rend. yl lue Mrm. Norton. oacen yaii "Oh. Mises NeveIll" vas the groot. id germination pércentages. Lot 1euggemt an>' reamon vhy .1 sbould ré- Inn af Mary thé parlor-mmid, "Misfr. le lai us ta point out orne Ob- fumé uch an citer' .Nro' ehvhmcne ,to ansmco drlg ar xpet- Mtam anlY gaaped. ace@mhe gaxéd have hbepctaîhing toaéther ové,' an They are: Into théepager face of ber onergotle hour.. -Mra. Norton &Md put i n the Ihere buriditi vas bigh. ln1 Young ister. bloc roorn. cnd hé vouid tay a long se of Statians 2, 3 and 4, mouldu 'Yen dear aId litriam-you Jmml lime @ho hope-d.* pon thé corn. The%@e 10vfotan ca'l hlp liaaving that Tt ie thé ver? "I am glad hé bac coins. Mary: IL rtîlté undoubtedl>' appéd vital- béat thing an eartb 1 could de. Yen vIll do Mrm. Norton good and vo Muet Dm thé liernéls. Thé mold van con lire hère ln peece cd Scofoit moka hlm comiortable." JUAoelyfl hat- ta bé abondant on the unsound and nomsoavor 1te:Cet enéd ta ber mont. feeling ta ber ovu but vrty littIé of It appeared on surpisie decidediy bine. tui-éd corn. Removing ber vrapo. abe th-ev la Germnnation tenesbcovéd a rap- ahavl about ber ebouldOi-O cnd lîppol Inng off la the vitality ai un- out ai doors. Mrm. Norton and ber corn toréd vhere the hurnidlly nephp.w veré -vid@ntily ettlod fer igb. gucb acm ith iithho &ver&"othé evening. and a losely féolinlg chile,. Thé unound corne toréd carne over the Young boneékoefloSa Sfront could gel et lit Buffred e@beard their voicea tn Pauling. In Satio No 4. ltbogb o W ' ' " ' mooniight, Jocei>'n eated bormfOut o6 l gtaibo.4meatuanSloy I benchb b>'thé houndary vall. mué etlt vé did nol get a nditiOn * faced thé situation. "Wieat sleslsb Ibèr.ed vasetntarcultondaitirn<,v thng I cm' Jus eenbéaemit-ilae g redtnano vas latiobéof air.yinta hémade happy ln $Pliteof bereolf. mdcoii-nw nn. ehodaYand Ni-sNorton but theOBIY Pet-- Thé corn, i adcndtin @ on @ha haon earth toIt ta lovae cme The ffet o bal cndiion ofta hrlghtea ber up. 1Itnlaie tath* govwon much Ions markid inthé ,dumpm' its e anic@ va> of prmttng at thé corn that vasvol!me-the Golden Rule" vhen put In t trage. thon lb Bnttiasef dlréctod lecture fall ipan unsound corn. Hovevér, thé ai lise det for ta Jaolya's dMaguat gentrat éffects w vae havn UP %aefaund borsoîf ohbing sottlY. Bih. tenta of ripe med ca. c=v 1I té ersioco> cc' it in thé tente of eunmoMt@undelcore.nth W, thé pvactical îlEaonm of thie'WyMmNoe.vhl mth rirnent are as tolovms: matter?"'amlied a ympathétle vaic@. Pic vél ralu-edcar fo sed a jocelyn gave a dunal dah. Ob@ I kwl mtrdsn o edloced up vtth a tart ta find berseîf cantrontéd hy a tai Young mon. vha Thé béat condition for thé tar- 1 continued. "Aunt AIma sent me ta of gééd coi-n in in a torehouae1 brIng ber treamured housekeéper In ce témporaturé neyer goeéobe u ovh pw u sewl hier àn.and vhasé air moistureniws "Ynu Dan't Know the Meanlng of u c bedv bttbhel é o- t. iod" lfound yeu in toars. Cant 1 do Ward."sornetbtng ta holp yen?" tSééd coi-e abould hé tored lonécorne, 1 bave képI thé béat part ai ",Na, for i am ci-ytng becanse i arn ca tbère le a god circulation afi t tilti the liet-Mrs. Norton tirée thé mont celfigb creaturé On éai'tb." Thé cherical changée b aeover on thé hiablande, only thitly she anmwepred. "Shouid you sympa- gon le thé dormant mééd réquréminuteon the trolley." thizévitih corné o1 l ene vhoaci-dbd é- culation ocfrt-oh air ln ordér ta Relief cuccoeded' diamay Inla cesée hp vas gong ta bave fora rée thé polcsonoul agazes pi-aduced. i Mirtao yès. 'That vii hé co- brother-ta 1ev a manab@ hmd alvmys )Test over>' par ofet coi-nlnent ta bavé you no trear et hand.j 'tked.. e uelng t in thé field. ;Thé g=éa- woneebeglnning ta vander bac I1j."Isbould sympathise vitb me 3rn expert living coutlSnet bave couliS cuit vilh you avay off vhére coIntéa perfpet bouselieper wvbevol- .cted thé@ giet variations l i ttal 1cauld nover Béé yau. You are a ber trouible-aho bas tald me ail bat thé éxperlinént bovéd Op. brave chiliS. ad i béitevé yeu cauld about you-hol i &m glaiS Tt le no a study of the écrs or kérnls. nat belp sncceedlng et chatever yoe corsé." le thne %pent ia Iéting seéd coi-n undertooli." 'Nlrs, Norton la thé boit voman mas a profit et aérerai bundréd Thé ceék followlng. Jocelyn Névé!! that over Ilved " jocélyn rosé as chn céa, et harvést. tarted for thé Norton borné teasc- apoke. "I muaetoe bat@l a prop- t every cOOrn-bIter" test bies eed score ber duttes casIcs baricekeeper. éri>' fIxéi for thé ntight. Piémme dont tblm cpri-ng. It pRYBI 'Rémémber i shall corne tase@ you tell ber chat a gong@cé1ihavé béon" lever>' Thureday atteruoon," site "You need net fear that 1 iviiibh- EVALUE 0F EXpERIMENTS. calild hack teta iriam. cs thé big Ira>' a confidene." hé msvéréd. cubai-han trotte' sterted. itugene Raston provéd a gréai ad- léttar irorn a vestern agicullural Jocelyn rirpedeiàiSe ordiatlecrne ditin lathé haîîsold, hé carrfld gé0 gays: firni-c. Norton ci haiS takena cboth Mmc. Norton aniS bar honimélep- Nhon any éxpermtoent et thé agi- I-tling ta ber young houcaeeper etieAv off on al carte ot exeurlons. "I rira colèg fes t th fuure th rir tiret meeting. 1"t cm en glail amitae trallgPi- ad cent taemso th@ in a taco v abeoul nthi@ Thtrlathethat 1 cm ta bavé coibéoneo ca c cuntry,." vas bie excuse,.And Jocs- lith détail abutil.érîet larte taecharge ai evei-thlag," ahe maiS lyn sîlenti>' blgeom lhlrnceas ha ccv )e prlnted exact!>' ai If t bcd nue» vitb a relieved alilh. "Nov 1, can thé plin beginnina ta creép haeki nto eét in peae. andS iest seerne ta bc a Un Nortons chéeka. rig uétonS. o.cna eprerpétuai demad vith me nova- Mlam vas maried ta ber patient tl that 1a propéi-iy caried eut héo lcfym.glvrSinidcntnr n técul re? Doses flt éelr> expériment "Wboa yen don't bavé anything teo vent for a. short trip; but 3000171a 'e amotlflgpoativel>' orne- thInli about except boy to net Weili ound thet ani>' JO> foi- ber stater fitlad va I so ehmca psboldsé ota and traag 3yeU vIl! finiS yourself i-est- ber thought. 'o that avdust vstebo e d béfore ye knov t. 1 arn gaia i 1 ut ho grovlng legs eoîih-! AI ta feed ta livé stock cnd thé te cee that yeu do gel vel-thet la cértRInO hpe a. 1h101 11 er caa shauld al dl@ froin tarvapkoa ns of ty dutléo cm baumekeéper." self. oxperliment vould nat hé a lalluré. And Jocelyn'a ceérful voie@ gavé on thé aight ai thé véddlnIBugen91OI wooId bc a dinappoletinént ta the ber employer a plongant thill. Raltn ani jocelyn atroiléd togother. vbah haiS fatled ta p- iebi point, Mi-m. Norton cee alons, aniS bei-1il!-Tt eoerns btter ta bavé a brathor- t wouid net hc a failure. beceuse bealth vas lai-gel>' the recuit ai soi-- Sa lav that y'au iécred, doean't It?' mouid prove absalutliY that chat i-av over thé loas of both ber bu& Elugene meiéd. 1 been uppoééd ta hé truc vasnot badnd an a ny daugbtér. Per la- .,I cm delgbtd-i béglu to hope, e et &il. Thés'éiore. thé oxpérment feront la lite aeemed dead. but thé thet i1ram véi-cmingcefbes. gr vrould b. a muocee. A goad présence of ber chéérful Young boumé. "Thé Ideao your helng slfis-, ,niSbas l tid ne cf an Incident dur- liéeper ceumed t te sbov feint flut. yendoi't knav thé méanîng of the ig'@mete as président of a voitt- Irlngs of lite. ced as thé menthe yard.» egréIturm colage. The dIroctor poussid %ho iound that existence vas Jacelyn langbed. «That ami>' shows tue.oMprvont âââa sieunced %a net aftor ail an entire blanli. bac iStle >you knov of the reaI me.'! oriilgit that vas te hoc onductéd The tva vomén beeme fond ofi 1i1kaov that Aunt Alluâ binE al ,h If»lua apples. Ater sorne lime ach othor lai- the girl madea vltant nvlaec 1eve b om e, F N pi i *111 --% -- r 17lý MAIM (',nTfNTV TN1)1nyRIlMirK, PR.TI)AV. MARCH 14.1913.