LA"E COUNTY IM)EPENJ)ENT, PRIDAY, -MARCH 14, 1913. 1ake ~ufl nbepenb~ent! PfITRBNAOE MAY _____ ___ ~ehI~CAUSE TROUBLE 'Twould bequit. a joke, vouldn't it, if ths Dr. Fried- -___ m"n, wb r udda the discoverer of a cure for 0 M lamUa 6,6- ---IA 1 ~~~NECESSITY 0F A OFFICIALÂLT AUSEÀISN 0 MAUDITE FEEN L& ure o. hY___ POJET IN ALAS STOWNAUI E iLkCo=e#,Trt0.1-I- ~O O Q YAbstracts of Titlri.tle mt «d.!P J-aroh) Fieds~man, Cltlcago ... BYR S. B T F R Mason&io TeMpleo Bldge. Phone 4. PU EO TC Theora Timmonà§. sanw ....26 R UTB1O TC la )a eit ai te or un ad le on fr leu the for , i lig- the gia go& MOI [T. by se- m-< Y"s ber lbes Mo "If. Omos at-e s-ng Se the Ob. Wo. ite al do ltb." cing it ne n Ilpa- sai inoc l ite pr-i dontr a.. is )foth- isos zIm . - - - - - - i ADVERTSING iiaftmer emlioyer a a iuigbrt and~ ¶1 A RRIVES f OR MulteMi. it ns lIt asia TU GLOBE STORE M'D i bsteti ntrofdne _____titeir leâl dwdecoralîn>- anti write attractive advertlaing copy, Mdr. C. E. Duff, wItlte largesi de- viticit'are considered te hast for an> *I-ment %torsAtme 5ati i ne, las-i. ta-n tIce the vice ef Watikegan and 1 ýW. asuulieti charge etfte advettis- wit ite proper service anti tesest1 ifigw and w-bics-trts.pig* >et. tbe rm efr dependabin and .1>-it 44 .Deanlment O qtQ ihtinmorn nmrca d e ielte Globe w-tut il ýâfê%rtô Mr. -Wbu. A. fl)oiea etodg1'. lef ot ~n1lIy 1t iqr o*. Mr.Artu ut lilngen. wbe hateen Wiso bhm buen u 3talb e i@b o-an isilalatub Mr. Dobson for sevor- 1 bgt ite i9 $ai mocîaïhaM-tii st Mr. DurIin bis 'ho ~ bynes- d'týas -à -w-.,-> - . LIPTON CHALLENGE DECLINEDý No Rensa ta GIven b>- Directors of New York Yacht Club. New.York,'NIlarh P.::The New ontk Yacht rittitdebtned the chl- lange of Sie Thomas iîtoto1 race tee lthe Amaricme cp.Aff(er a meet- ing of lthe dInectors the decIion vas announceti. No reason mss gien b>- tbe of- ficiais w-han asked. An expianvîlon of t11e met iv axpactet sioetty. 31 Sîtts for Direct Eioîîtiecs. Washington, Mat-ch 13. - Senate recorde show thidti iirty-ne of -lie necosear- thir>--six slaIRa ralified the oosaittWoisi àendmemst provlding tor tise direct selcion etftUnited storie is a LIVUiL rovv auis.gai- v e want, youU tjel ti LurIUet- forts are for your benefit - Our aim is to supply you with our goods, of course, but that's fot selfish, for y ou must get them somrewhere, and why flot here, where every effort has been made to the very best in quality, couirteous treatment, and at- tractive,. surroundîngs - You can find just what you want right here id. ittie, old Waukegan-Come in and let us show y ou ail the new things in Spring Suits, Shirts, Hats, and Ties. Phonse 630 New located nuit to P.avce's Drug Store F. W.,, 0,14Vo Il - erul l:a9 ius.ut n vur the worm somewnat auter riUlUIRI WUMISuu Mlp 111i 61- -James Triggs tu Isidor IDeMoyer,, -Aga théstle f apahiCok, dicoere oeti.Lorcaple'Justice Mmets iofAell Ska saneTellLcasJutiefc PaclTeiso f a leandwaW.W' $aid 3. aest.A.She9 ra There_-a chanc.--..s PeterMoteentes. Citicato39tPlan of Having a Permanent C. Il.Glason and wife toJ.M. tus Heinz Were Firet teo A.'llce SpaIding, me2 Town Auditor. Welsit. 280 acres ln Easat V%, ection Finance Railroad. ints..- cseiuuiag~ug i~ng pstofSdfi t24, Grant township Q. C. $10.___ Tn. ligjand thoen forranother, the Oourt's WILL EIYEXTRA SESSIONJames Bianchard, Watîîegaî 6 W. arit bLot once be worn out and eventually the. whole mat- ____îiaMoe intiv1ASKS FOR PUBLIC INTEREST East riot feet, West 100 feet. o 4 HNFOT BUITI, la, ol (, vanatei 21Ubiock 6, Egmloor addition, Highland_____ vil be dropped. And, what's to happen to the poor w.ys and Mauna Committe, Requlr- Etn rîo ugwo Park. W t)D. $700l. oitora whose savings went up with the bank'a ex- ing More Time for Preparatton utE" iofè, iihod2 Says it is a Necessity That thei J. W ONeili and wire b o jh, Said to Have Namned StatIons 11 inTariff Bille. Asks Thot Congres:. FranIlucer 'ic"A1tVteatedte cig Criflmh, lot in northw,,st U, section i oo fEasoCi + ..- Convene April 7 or 8-Tarifi toa B h mer anne 2.; Convict 1a.qr in building highways and public roads Only Subect Considored. tt~ .ne iwuî'., Town Meeting Here Nettie 1, R. Jones to Matblidla Nie- cago, Kenoshag Etc. 1 3fl nld. ann, lot 3. blockt92, lHighland Park ____ + I ndorsed Jat meeting of the ofticers and directorsl Vasîhingin. -march 1.Thât Pres- AîtiK frni r,.oeam . 4W. D $10.KA.hedtCicgan g*ý gsittuation te foi s u declares there la great need alItelus 1-einze, the Moetans 1- DnoaihwyI ovmn Ascato tHoe ietslsInn vl:hv ooe hnOfAe akea 2 .S.ioîtr. uîee taA.Jloisd3and 4,fetbloc bE.A 17e,1fCbCo mudaeAssociation wilI support leg- result fof the demanda of ihose whol fo(E ddy. ame,.. 2prnsenttlime of an and it oft he town-l Wrlght's adiio3 nd 4rtvl. W.ok 1. klng" were among hIlfftt t t0n l~n mpoeents of hlghways and'wil fa- turpntrtd hlm ln hi. fight for the[tr epe.-7 bîeg 8 bî , h xrss~e$0.*the Aluaka Centrali ra&Ird. tuer a bill to b. lntrgduced at Springfield this week. I Prrmîidpntial nomination, a ai91nt 1: tladys Itchaeter. alias t.lady tBrenn 21 1 h;pê thathe tme ta not for away, March 110-Henry iBlack and wlfelte aacuriyAbe C - ~~~b, fdci loprnpnts ln the ast few darsIicieIitie.Ciao . 8wtosîch an audit ail=ê made. tO William C. Oates, lot 17. hlick 64, n bisteay ithe aang Iim'e IelSen on s agotheCoi. wsthrown Clark Supporters ^ait Favors. NRobmott>- yesteChicago 581 aukan '~.O B; malins ago Couflt WC~0 au-tP handler. ame ..... . 49 For thils reaonhc aaukson itelairf orth tia hfoW.JudeD.,i2s1.I Ibto a state of excitement over certain Zion City deathu, Ri l i-aseceme îîaroun onthe f acnk iotz Mlwuk f*ail ttose înîeresîed in good oi ikr o ete1.t.cago. w~IcVr.follo-wpd by declarations that the. cases vere ltort of Clark hy man% congrosé,mer n ,î od ai 2 rmn uialievtr ucoISlkr 0arsl tule n-John E. Rallaine of Seattle, OrgSit, to b. tested, that the State Board of Health was to assist ah- fito. sîsts asorpd Wilson, arP - tteite tewn meeting to be hëld In f"urlî section :J3, heerfielîl town siip. ai promoter of the ralIroud pmieo4'Z' in certain prosbcutlons, etc. .And, as usual, it al"blew, 119 ie ndta tm~ etr ial~ atIoseo irlI testified Shed d 1 bis .ilther a6ý cornre of t!l m oliastm trouble. now thut h In his opinion the be l O«bI, ity of l141,.reat le) J. 'V. Nie- vanced $200.000 to the orginal Pstô patonae t bfo Ih prcîdn.ALL THEIliIIIIIAY pan woguid b4 for thete owfl of Wau.îuneyer Pt iai, south part lot :100. Lake muter-a and Hoe. took $$.OU wor*& parng olehandcdt.î e gan lu have a permanent îewn au-1 Forest. W. 1,). of prefetied stock. 011.44e logis, It seexns that unugs are coming Vohiva's way just J-pester (hart..ln te pre conveaColM K IOiNI ~ Iditor, a pa htl okdotsciCnes abead vr oJ .tehtessiP o w ,M tI icmaga. hbâtite support ,fa, . î,=XIMI*S*lîanEhRSiswoNedeuesu- otese M10 ad l aife 1& J.oA.lit etred stlv orkeMd oa, how. In the first place, hie rec.ntly paici $140,000 on the itlarge malorly of the mvmhprt, of te ces$ fîlly in ether states. Ife Io ofthlie Hoît. os1 n lMri '0-d a eue yMceen oi Zion purchase andi now cones two court rulings, onelip- hoîî,. ln many roses representa DN4E BYABL Impresion, however. that il wouitl verse' subdivision, Foi L.ake. W. D. of a subeidiar>- construction colompua !i-thi upotd h sekratouh DA E Y IL cneesryt eltelegisiature!$504). whIch bulit the roui Md the *B*i190* h01ding teanti-smoking odin ceiniZion, addition - essOr bluuaouuteote îv br districts were net for him. te pais a cew las lefore titis u aggie Tutadlîtusband tuO, ito- .In ition hee- Wt lng hlm a big point in connection witb the $50000 damage Expect to Coetrot Patronage. ha made possible, Il ls possible lie scîIr Giachas, lot 22, block 12, Waslî of Seward, Alaska, waa put up m j sut in whlch he lsa adefendant. Tuesday was a lucky day Tue stuation, whiih now srises ., in CongeSSa a 1 elTo endmad e mtigel sucurnit iga iawI 2<1W.D.0$,- o esineo Cu a le for the overseer and- a bine one for bis aopponents. thalt ht-se cengressmen, sho s tear asan aysStep To- wefforscommend a e 1 eting alitihmSrgWueau. W t).$1- o t s oColut ago were activel>- engaged in organ- ward Getting Good Illinois passed. The wlnos te@tled thp, treS lzing their conslîtenîs ln opposuition imeters had notisentioz. of taPPM Infc fthi.t court rulizg about the Zion City smoke te Woodrow Wilson and te policier. Roads la Hurrying Them H e says township offIcers shouidh IOCSTtsie.wa ordinance, autoist ais4nlg through the city in future had h peef o exper eculomies___ avdt eatroekand accunksThs liiiiiii rwo 11,4b,, better not spek to tut the. roal intention of the court in pest" t mstese-locA ri tptsai eln tom cannai bo started an>- îooý FWE UNERLFWa nteand bis assoclituaes int.rpreting the law, for, 'tis said, the. plan is to enforce hoiders In titeir dil-ictwil.I bas hem ený.s sntIllibnois, Congressnian MatUnet' itii I'10et À it to the letter. And,,the letter declares on. may flot smoke th1e euslorn of previeus adinistra- ~In te foiiowlng communication to ASPR aid, w-ere tatou up afier Omtugu. dn onaemmesocoge.teSun he Impresses the importance1 1001 hi bs.ustaruNO on a public street, which meana BSheridan Road, along te distrring agents for ttas clams:lte ousting of lte 4,000 road ecommis-l of atlending the Town meeting: FlowI large a loin were »un trytjg which the autouisa pass, just as much as it does any other oS patronage. Il im now charged itv sioners ln an addreu befere the coun- To the taxpayers n particufer and te negotiato allerr IbM?" anke4i.D.î street. Ihose s ho supî,erîed Wilson against hi ogesmnaau les'îy teacersln te roona or te cun- lte peupie of iwaukean townatdp LgsaieLbyo 1W Tow-nsend, speciai asotant ealt*oq. Ihe8idelngrieee s. tîntes, ar e a- 1 uprndit of c oo . gnrIý:jL gsaieLb yo il ilgeneral. If al crirnisal actions against defendants axe to b. per o esinpnlserî t-Ost-yad re dn y ueienad w0fsctol n cil fin iwofethlie ttawneffor ordas rbalncueiugs0f n abotS210OO, bw 4topped as va4 don. in Circuit Court this week, without -arded for tepir stand Insthe ptre-con. dling of lte moes> appropriati for accou l'n S fieiwspreod, Chicago Bench. Frost and hi*a saociatesa cqur« tklng~~~ dam vra, h aua qeto nth icstenton îsmpaîgn hi pln eoat ied ,tusiiil nd vi.ew aiseoftire resuifs of au-.'__ f rom appointlipe offices The congresse ' h m IostJ* aneful,. said dlltmng cf conrt>- records, il appears the raiilroad froi M. BdWin o~ 1. aerae ctazji a: liatvastI~ i~e l t.kin thm aen, In mattng up bheir pabronage 'lte congreasman. "The mufle>-the>- ltaittere Is a necessiîy for every AtIfe meeting caliei for neat Tues. 1904. FYro e bome.presidut. li~ o e ti. rand J&r fo0 ain dlt e t t e m if abes for recommendaîton 0 th e suend n et near i- as w ie iy spent laxPaYer In lerested, regardless of day lte Illinois com mssion n mer. W itnes s l dof a Party of invuu t~U e dtrn e mtftomrt o h aef rsderaepytgter tt oiu ogttele n -tr ite>-hpsrty,10 peen ite e- enaelativre oby te naeil gîti- snttoAlst b Wou. l Eore teGan i yhs spft time (ncBlpns onod 51. Iitenifor Clark or Ioder-, ite aîifor tiair services, tee. JusI ling la be he iiai Precinct No.5igsaialob.w4hyl 1 ean430 day, ad lnopeeç Sê,ý Yo) ai irng îuh or mte- 15 t ltei im ie atoui,p l1 a Ielimnediale aclivîties at Speingli.ld ta ilire terrtor>. "Aouat tyn l co nt) nv s*fsatn iate slaerfidng true bii s ol o bou ee' at o usck lalt h., ui n efr a oban te aoto fatr w- euud t ea4 L~ P r ' ,a u e e. To Dela y- Extra Session. au. c l n n> ne b au uch ore oneygoe&tu te '>w-,,our f 2 'lck ornehore uch anetfaomat-nage an tdi ot i o Osalernae etmaner 0te m4 Moenain r icagoe. A ssist at 'sAttornely enry eaactincenîl>-the preelent itatth@ eml - lea dIvre a iorce ma e frm Obonesnnalroftheaa. on o th Maes198 ndrppdwihuttup. eenAp OrrilI 'ni.dprood JO "he WLA MS te ISd leayblI n wth eer ne o th e tio neesy illoee. y urunt ie Baankce a nada, 'a t herod bFrivos ~aertIbUasry n r m muuge illam enmorofowatheseTtowprssdip.hatTheet le ntaielydatd h dola atel ntil hagdwt odn pas tie or heetrae ss reprngresb h oI fesaebar on oDr.rlyanhrtfoe Mxcuier oedy teOfthen racmis ao 4naeainbuluding thentsalrd w aieovr roht agruswao w sdtwsak s r bib Mr.Idewos agron ontrcton'te snees ni>- te tlaIdas nlta rPurmnsfrgrieorlld. Aonain hao. A sigtntil tesAorney He ragcal tio ce s, tIe pWiont basâti Wuegt 1-ll il ea i e c tedlxe. dexpre Il diveemleiate.e i- Saîy@s nFrateiTonise, ve anci th-nk har TINGMtwnsbid u11on icago er.onne.Ceai aquires in ffet, iiefrquecy f hld ps ki.llngs et.,iha eRîîtheir gude ytfle(mntmt ele f aiehve uhCtzn tut onli wlivte eaiage ieIlliacoe iqjsi freat I hî put-oe acodulg t tisegq beicre asech. aw o thi knt ite outhecase meln st-t oS thnbos eaes, mte h, iter EtLrecuîe r.VICEUama yfortî suame ,flso u t etakn i te o ubîctri-t Jdg K 4puitoMete beor ,pdItlth ewCngtess eti ngE dIf eat I ae thegeringiheent calmle b bis toa .. c A nd teerone. -iht U tl o e uOaicl tr Onmtmbil orlAtuîl(o ve lu aîîîega mexpeavrt-l ioc eor eilto.epoe nI-otsok."r is i efect th fre ueny o hod u s, klligsetet o nt - TarifS e ssagde . t lt» iMte lunde>- il aine a re, i Cl l en s osthte towi i ee ellvoMt e t re osed teIlin D.otis sud aordtinffla viene, av ot e 3,1 es_____Iheir usalpeI ntbtteB S cnerd wt ug a nuh Of rme . -_______ - - - Mm niyremood Isrnetmt tor0 isage. bcm m a- ie avoredthettcappoinîpient ef Jîdge namneti b>-Frost In"itonoi" ofcfýý reut brtter-in-law oulMes. PFrank tint-iR. S. I)O'iSFORD, John P.tiIcGoort>- for te I-luve and cagoantd man>- norýiF suons susuîý' presIdtiei te adi satilitly cf 1indutlJ THE OXIG BLL.iti oettnltOaii ntTeRîiiNw ss îuti lthe Town Board ef Atîdtors. tige Kavattaugit forlte Sentale. mnd Exhitits show-el clima were u Boxing, ljke hgrse racing, vas abolished in Illinois bic ltrst message ln congr- lTe ýJohnti C. Willtias came hontea front baileveti tht tomits a ion,-~Cimg, Eiaio~ fas be~ase is prmotes mae i int an nstrmentnôt nypsents neproriamatin tEextumtetl Milwauîkee Sairda>- nigitî, w-bm ere Ziont liîeid ls prîmarias yestmr-n eib> iecmmsinst," "Late Bluff," "Sheridan" aMe foêaus gnin buomtefrcrooe i mblaninstumntnô 60 Inpeint otitbat tht- extra ce5loo 1-atlanded the atnial tonvantitof ethle day Attortne>-William H. Fabury wio ln addition le making a ce"-affile Kenosita.-I fo ablstutfrcoke abin.rled for te putpose or respt IIgthe Wiseenein iaindrymtns associalon M'aseî mvcfendidate. lteorgIsther ofltfice__of_______ - altuuehîî-y, mas defeaaeti b>- Rees fier. ouould boxing nov be l. aizeci by the legisiature and sriff si-e,%1ir. Undrwood assure i fie sas itonoreti lî heing elecled sdca*fo h ofcec b> e ti mae na naregsolitio sklng 14. er, Mr foe..&M into the banda of the sarne plug-uglies who ruined it hlm fit t et tleaders wottid he shble ntiv ice eiunt Staphan Gesset tuerl ut arr. Richtardi Still!an. aasidc aîlong te camnfe liteol" toi bave a tus- word Oer 5o~oreboxingviii b once mre drien outoff fl!cisonflntri the tentioc f cougies..J ttiwatkee, va s lerted prealdant f ealc, fur t position ut aldermaitiu. id1 sllsaousee time for forevor. outftle luth mard b>-P. L. Norris. ltae pDfnl prI g .dte mum ibi Iwo*r a'BoXing lu itself is less brutal than wrestling and less FIREMEN TEL 0F WORK Mrs. Leachi ut t;uriiee gave a dii.. ltîcuujmtuenl. E. (B.Crisllanson. pras- «A tblng of beauty la s JOy tv 1 affplp osa - £. l 411 ~ ,ner part>-Iluitîltur tîf lier fatiierMr. Me ci l vcerk, again won the nommna- *," remgpetehi l b5nd as eho 4~ierous tuaf llegO football. It Je far 1855 îaarrnaulphy- one Manc 1-lies 48,000 Pound$ 01 T. T.French. wiuuu ,-ebraled Ilis S2nd timîîîfor fle position. detealittg Levi g fe ber gos-n. "Tou ean't-MUlJpwassI ,,,,ythan colle% rowing, which year in and year out in- Cooltin Making Mus Ru, Itirtda>-TuePslus Tanive of m r, s ,ieisVtry ittie excilîeprttwav me Imb vearlng ibis dresa anotber Deasre of tisle nsa s-b. o ime, a larger percentage off young men who practice it New Yoek, ttsrh 1,. The Erdumo Franches nid f rieîtîs "are preseol atnd - bIîet ecausm tiiere mare but tam saison." neapondedth i fe.-Wasb., *ndb. ésepeolilyif it haugusf» te . t#jan any otiier sport qxcept aviation. arbitmslors eonllnued the wage ht-araveynoahelm saht, ciet *gô frl.3uaIg-L. But boxing yul be ruineci by its prornoters as surely tsgs alhe Waltinrf. Guy Turka I q&it waa luit tie if it has the. sarne promoters. of théE Irie. testifledti t the large Ifthe legisiature shouici pais tiie boxing bill the com- amoîtî-1 -i a tndlpbelnis iti O sinappointeci to direct the. ôperation of the law must mile etîn asti loir] ef foru lite men of hlgii standard or the cornrunity will certainly end ingtong aei um r oh andtltsor ¼t li ivonehotlivtvi o whviole business. thie gentry vho try to fatten on this mn overn[ bvhi-eat, wlm "dit-d Inbeing extr-avagant. ript bave onlyzslp'eds of decency in their composition. the, dilcit baside his angine.__________________ ~e thern conlirol and there will be nothing but crookeci- Frm fgur-s me n thet-ool muand acandal.. hees. te feutrai member of tht- om 1&Jrovisiommwiss e ion=st bar seretook pay. Such blîralion lioset iIgureer] tlitiTurrkr O p n r g x as .V Scss itantilet i 46,001pounds cf col lnmaiu p ni g w a A S c e s roisonWÎ b * frt artocrokd Int, ose rîîn. Ifboxingý is to be permitteci it must b. above SUS-- YPs,'- saîd Turck,."asti mosi oc f I u eypesilst a e s m n a u e -inandi clear of crokedness. hri wc nodrt e li