LK COUNTY IN-DEPENDENT' ________ WAUKEGAN EELYSUN__ S VOL, XXI.-NO. 26. BIXTEEN PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, IL, FnJ1>AY, NIARCII 21, 1913. ONE TO EIGHT C~ 50 PER YEAR ïN ADVANCE MU PODtJI3RS H, W. FER1Y PCKED 1WOMqAN BI~iMIST 71ON MAN KIL.LEJ IN !VLV II 5SON 0F TITANICE FRIGIITENED BY À TO HEAD THE TICKET ~A WRECX NWSVCK SMRID ARE PLEARID WITlitis EXPLAINS "VIY 51E One of three atockiÎren killd in tihe ATTACKED IN 816 l of Gurree occrrrred thre D (,CIL 1 The Independents of Zion Cty bave De069tri cCimo o ir [111jurrîaD DIESnLl~îî~ el Bo# IN SCAIE selected teecandidates for the L FT IILDAL f t Herdon Vas Jamesr lilrli LIONo] CITY INJai.e VULSJONN, u %;S electIon: 13 I IL>UAVH.Fganrof Pller, Isono!Of 1?rý Jaa eun-EllabCrTYPOSTERsIN CONVU $O S- Suerier-.I. ery,(rnO i 0. D ;¶I',ig t ran olison onar.,Sbriver. A few friends and rel. - j Suervisr-H. W Ferr, trenmi. -dentilied pasiangers kill donehad a1e atr dthe marriage.Mra4 The Milk Company at Gurnee Tnad. Clerk-B. 0. Lave. Mrs. Mary Badone Says Osa~i n inCl iShm Progress Leagie of Zion SeekSs Ael Ry Gurnee and Uotd Three YearOld Child 0f M. Agrees to Pay $1.48 1-3. for chool Trustee-Mr. W. H. Ferry. DeapanionOUduCityHerutoto Show Inconsistency i f lsTire groom la the onuple ol rs eto oJDe Commisoner-QGuy Alarmons. Dafnin ake ertaTogoonry a theison of i e our'ewtn dis.Di the Next Six Months. Jutce&-Mr. P. V. Llndsay, Mr. C. Elope to Waukegan. JUDGE DONN LLY His Actions. ake ter i fir' la1n o n e to Eue dt- I in le. Howe li6re. 1. B. ialia, Mr. Trues- ~g .yg aFtr, isnathsising nd e to'urug nZi-Ci FARMERS WILL SIGN . dP Mr. Jas. Cumming, Mfr. Duncan WAS INFATUATED WITH HER FAVWD IW» K IK LEu QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED. b orme when the amlp went down. FTE N W SIGO La Y - stalesece1iveda n o esee u dI F RAP NSI E TCharge Voliva Lives on Fat of NEW BARRINGTON BANK st earMr.JohProduadce. .s Land on Hard Earned Money SOON TO BE OPENED.:Difficulty in LocatingHm # but $1.26-Consider it a M lmoinyer. ter, Mass., Has Been Noti- Few Das Aga Regretted Re of Followers. otatebtkwt aptlsok Wire-Funeral Held Pend-, Town Cournîttee - W. E. Bebolegiraxaptlsok- Fine Vtctory. fWnho fied-May ., ut $.irro r and a pald-in surplus of $6. n i-Arvi lof Zon Cty, Mr. Fosland o .sla hopPoect. Could Not Sentence Two Lithe Galled Jade MW.nrrt 0e, os ne lv arrlgton wi Harbor, Mfr. H. W. Ferry of the Southb --db:Barntowll$o Mlien rderersof RockcouPile.ho 1ndcr ibis calition the Irotresbireopen for ibusinesas the Pirst Banfrr ueldcdb ea' Mîitprduer 0 Ike4tIIltEV n Ed. A sensation was sprung In forergu e er aRckPl. lkagîre of Zion City bas Juat Issued stae aB ~L.rlrt ri evr , inobserindceby blg ,~ sel1 ta thse Bovinan Bollag Company Mmre Ferry, preseut Benton 500Cr circles lau Waukegan on Friday atter - anoîher large handiljl wbîch isa anv-" s mnKo ogthrau rigrsutend tintos e a ire datbigla ti of Guraee bave won a decdded i(toIy. viser, was the ludependent flurunee uro Btus lr AN inesthe bnk w thetr ylando r yo ir-teeya4odcll ( Th B became apparent thins mornlng ntnowyearstalto and was elecred. I-lAN1 HERE s-nVun IDEA. thri izt tiomplimentarv to jbrrmle hs e ntedahl wherr îlrc lowmau people gave out raea pedi eor u n %r*'Vragg Badone of \ orcse.- fer r0< i lsrgîaarhtrirce(iraoIri îd eue i u n.N@wton Hyt 1I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lis urr.ýîil 1 os ltre votra Of Zionia ,tatc pfrniit and w re try lrg to so oe d 0Zolrmheeawela 1 beir sehedule of îrices for the ensu- doubt wrll be elected again this year. %Ias8., bad acknowledged herrîcît a 1rig'Police Admit That With Rock to ieci 1 t the!otpndr'u t icket. Thins tkl rfarrrt .Tieoiinlcp edetoav ifrentouersa wee intg six mrmntbs. The averg e P"1Mr. Ferry isa aBenton res*t sof arnibti Tisrconfession m d-1I'Ii n-o hthv ený okI arntf.Teoiia a-Wdedy h uea a mat l 1.8 pr10 oud wihpre-Dowle tinres, havlng lvWthere rriortriy after abe and Oscar DeapaniPile Here Number of Off end- lsn(f1- re hr ie lis stoc If $25,OOu* was overrrobscrib- 'fîrsdayafter hbingpn la greatly la Centrat to the price of ai& i ase r.rt t trIo or tirrc ra enor,,u lite.t4egeore winloutnnet-ionohe<Vakega, wre rroten-u ers Would be Smaller. 1awe,,k s. E arior-ii(eIlbg bVIlira b . rat ass ecsrrytorastie 'few dave ib a failure ta oinets $¶ý SlJ4gie ot ytb Brdu <ot'erj arumtirte Independentl'y Ouitiders, front of the \Wagner bord ai West: aanutt price as sntabliabed by tbe Bowman ________esl h eat ,o s xlie n h u at v-Ta udeCalsL1nlvo repe icue @al npc ligosmtesl iele. aice I tJde ialaDn. t fmakirrg a .ù der ort', rtthre -y of Warrkegau Rer. George M w h ic a d s 10 c en s p e 10 p o u id s in,0 r. A Be pa in e a tr e dS u n t ire irc u i c o u rt fa v o rs ret I r ro K P i 0e < ii i c ' * rl e . rsW I T N E S S E S ith e te r y o tr e W in ir t B a e 1ollowng la thre Price given out 1U11R A Eluiiduced iber te desert lier frsi as a punisirment for prisori( lw7ir- ri- r'.- -qferf itre ijiesitrs TLANI)SCT O c f tr h In uepneai cbb by thre Bowaupeople for the. next v irueiiTAK N sand, Joseph liadone of Worces- Place of saine of the casir rforms Of snd r r , LANDcrs r jntrr ne d e hi- i churrste six menothe: er, and eoped witlr hm bte aulgan Puiiiment meted ou, mas indacced bill: Zion City, officiated et the fu.rk BACri1-$1.fio Ih'eementhe aga. :aon. a few days ago wbeu i n stî ii~rers WOiro iu Innno%%, for roltirjal rea- AIIELP ('Er te cy t Tewmnmarried Bdn u hýnder indictiment, Vere art-aigned ire-sons unît, durr~wrleîh.fchistophîî ei- E PHSDV R E d 1a Zion the tire yeu taM2aen- ld ad wll. do farm - fr i. ore 1.5.1 n ru. ndcu____a_ iviceth ci>lnd was almosi paralyzed wtth' Jul-1136 H U T O D C. 4T L er Of Worcester ru Decerner, mIi 1 One of the Caes aas ht uf tw e up t<le thai re a d John AIexader Charles G. Binnie of Lake For- lr"Y a lavg dog. At the dre tbý Augst-111.50. Trer- lrved bappilv. she saldt,unutîl 4 )oung mnen who bild tolen tilo eieap Dorce acre Pilas in perfect harmo-IetBinsBohrlrmhs ents quJeted tire chîld' er Septeaber-$15. Pu Fak Diero unrlMontrsa 5K0wiren sir et siDeapanian orercoats at Round Larke. T.ýce 11<1Ivandi inîcordi.rrrtir reference te es ative Heaoth. rrm igiri. Puugt ta day or ia t Thre ten Per cent bonus muetlad- ' near ber bore ne aW'orcester. dence eirowed theY brd isXnn tire ctir rrc ol ly aird genrral Moral cou-Ntv et.rgt u a rtoatr ded to tbese prIcea ta order ta resch Auto Struck by Train in Deo. i De-apanloa became Infatuated withîcoaîs froru in front oftirhe store and Id Ic' îibrn(icnn Vo\'ot "hisI irrgrg tIrieI lfEtîu Bu1 ori.l5 tire cbild was selao4 me anrd told me iaras tire orîy wom- iad w<rrrîhem taside ancre Ctir>. \'. <dui bis., e'.EstherBrd from tirens the aMOUtwhieh WUlirbe psid to ail Laeratie orî frhe "sire tard, were looked a 1thyto Ctlerirc i 1i1 W e, rrIro la now lvinrg tnScoiiaud,! Tire followlng day Ih Vas test ad pncttcally ail of tbem a I -do"-.epersuaded me to go t10 \Vauke.j ird ireen cutu ar.burrGlenn EgVrilîa 'a. iad oo d- hrw ttucnvlios Te Arestauatry leucslt hî bh, owekoter itforcoauinin ~~IPaul Frank, tire chauffeur, who was 100k me roelire borne of hiesroher warmi Place ta spead th ire rthe'ChreGBneofLkFrstt.ahoe ea ulitc nus for a& Il alibat testa oser 3.6 tnjur;d ai Valley Jonction, near ti re e e re d ,-d Ten1 Ourrî asked. lreJohn Alexarldr itIe. day lu thCir(tcuit court was granted m'tar the one wbleh precededB" butter fat, conntylitne, tire day br, on we were marrrled. Tienh exe l yj-Pr 1efo ehst- ire began ta abuse me, îîreaîeuîng melTire meu denled tht¶ or h o iat a tbe uet anld?-for iadivorce froru iis SPOuse, by Judge ai pbiystetaaa Vers calied lai Theire ak<ornty MII Producera'1Imas 1hall B tprtirwesterra train iî 1 Writney. cf tidarar> trust audthefor aur onbsbenmkngantbi iharreet If i sardt anyibiug" 'W sl, 1 dont seabat esciareneral bad character. au autcatton bas beartmoftagfun IIghtharr auto tarber araser.rjeo- o btsentence Yu ath ae ptle, iWocagdJh lxne o- Birrule iad brougirt his brother affiidsufforiag of brain foyer, dirept - fer blgier Priros and tu thia InaW' -morîgage, Vas Bat. a lairera IAit a r-Oe 0 ermohartrrs Jn- d uthe aou t atone "i lewiro himmoralJondAleandd o ent dmmdilaattriurutmi tire rat"o la hrme i Chicag. bIB aIle Wragg lu Worcester, anrd threlai he sltI. ien aahlugthesirck hlmleaieb&immral coduct ud de anoire ma aI tie wy fom eat tilbthe i.physiclans itd prie gve byth Copay. An jtr cmeta auga. hurdal"aur!turrning to one of tire court or- nOunced hirm pubily, 4h r.beuir wsland ta îestlfy Iniis divorce suit and being frigiteed by the dot He U$te gvo y tr c m ay * o b sbee n ta M eAlster boaital 1ntgir tire moirer and daugirter vent iSfciaIs, ire asked: rYOi have a atone bardly a icar in ir grave, as a "Ro't iey iold of tire îfes habit of drink- . h ie p r ft , 7-rth Bw a ope z : pald but 1*evr sdace tire accident anrd for a Lime ta Chicago. Deapanion followed and Pilie tiere, bavent yoil al csîiiner"'-W'iliur Glenn vl- anîd aise of ber relations wtth mon, but t 41ddtr rtlsJ<> nue v glper ndefor sal nr spectiodno i wsfcared ire coîrid not survive. 1 Wu, threateulng tlrom arheu the pliei n orujed that aucir aas flot v Tewifewaas noi reprosedlted lu the A ietm f.Hy B U ThsYerte soiain eade iraIPrOved laiely, however, ard. Vre aumnutned b y other guests of th, case h me Isappointed. WhoOiectedta 10the traciice utflpub- court, go tire évidence sood unretire rnad and iis vifebdai I1.10 Par bundreil. Tire Bowa pu.înobarrtng theo Umi wbich la 11111 la a tleb bt 'ow do >oa i'elloIl li t lu tire iishig tire portrait Jhn, Aiexan- fuied and tIhe decree waa entered. 0f knoirovg junt Vier-e b. vos. pie COMPrOmIsen by glg a price Plasier eut, ho Isa oa al righl, Hie Deapanton la veli known amoug the ocuty jaî"' ire aaked, I der Dowie, aud said- Wenyu Binute vorksai Lake Forent aud grain after- telegrsrn vaé di Vbic Baearly reacherj letafigure. iriotirer came atter himfaundire vasiforin elemnent of Waukegaand bts "We dont lîke t," '.as theorepîn. My pîcture ilu it ad lt1irk as beeu tirere for gvaisyi .Ho Ia an effort ta locate bla" Superviser Ralpin Chitteadon ef PlaCed on a streicirer and abroad almaay acquaintances were surprtsod Tatin mrire cmlment araund In public places, yoo may1 left, lus aife ln Scotlaxnd wbeu r ie adno. Ilsstr Garage, on. of the dtroctoru of tire Nortinvester train hetug removed 1ientreweanet0fie attair. Tireyî for tire sberltt," the Judgo simlled. "I knors tiat 1 have gene te lie devil" ,cae te tire United t Bates and iI ao îu eps atelev'a Mlk Pr'oduoern' association declaredtab Clybouru Junctiorr, viere au arn-iare tnclined 1t'laie the side of t dea lu gtirentencel."Ifyou edon0-\il'uA end ose iva tore ite ta edmkadorsisdhlm In Washington, 1>. ioday tiret the Price given outnt bibulace conveYed ire 1 me. aife, iroyever, a be ayae i1er ilminsreutaesl ars r Zo 't- o' t uhlj i efr ieleIaaIiascntnen eie rr, ttngie 'ul a BoW11n aPeople la perfectly sat îî 1 Is larecallai tire funeral cortege of va> s seemed 1taire a nicestile wOM-îltke i Ibi ilsrea elpacsi inCt o.t theire l- nce. oier taing e wit to i r t tor ad a aysai Podcer wllwhch isauo as prt hü sar- n.Punasmena 0yo." Itense amusement aud disgust of ailý Fox Lake Case Up. aert rainhmn abi 'à. sigaup. t laIbebtgbai pîce edfor oseitîlgeloff ireiouteaidfor blur. This Val don* sign UP lit fithe erers Theiedesertedforbusbandl b0Worcithes-utudand ate drerrrghîsbthrnn rug peoTheileemandof'thraudgiswliree-Partt et tuengevîdeocea twas thetrudnc-e VasInibIu - aschlecaussl tire ceh Paid for milk Ina litavieintty. t551 ou lsi erlr ae rrbas ireen Irformed of bis wite's, gard ta tire 5100reIle Iringas rp a sub-r ogiesi andntroecaparelueece. ed lartire case of Hîlda OIson vs- ber tW eptofouI brsa The, condition bers le quit.l oa eoylina. A second auto narrovit' arrest and lu ait prubafrility wîîî î.ae Ject that bas otten been debated bers. Tr iu ie oeo -ag iaI rsad strOsn o fFxita ptOffer aid UThr are traitta10tirai t ihbusdeveloped tan artaped teing slruck by tire train. Que no time rn reacirg Chicago. 'rheti- Many of tire court rirficers and tire \oliva iras rîported lifoaiers" for Lake. Tire woman chiged desertion irroken. the cale of lire Bordeax people Vwhere wouian was klied and two olirers, ir oi r e e JIwiwsir terhvbasier- police believe lire atone pile vouid the Irnrpose trf augrmning iis firesarrd tirelirustant was trot represented. Tire Hoyttfmily, duriae tbeir- tie farMera bave i'evolted aan V h ers tnjuredina tire auto drIven by pro6eCuted on a charge cf iigamy wir e threnbs uihnn hkcudo lcindy beesOig Prhrevdnewl cptI a ls' price m tsd gira ieti'rlk blc koow u uutil afler iis arriv-< b irnstnme 'f rire meanViro pass sell a riolator of lire spirt i et.11eeleofeplg e iundenÏnri 0f lb. 1lP.t Fraannko of aukea-r, their ibande. Toa nlia or-nn-smoking ordinauce, onheLtues ecping nee a fedontr tireltibond-e < ther lm ___________Oscarf ated lu aflla n au ainIhèiit f00 Tire followlng Iaragrapirs ludicatecur ody Tdeehersya a t 4 !g,,,.se'h ot- arire m'as arregted lu Chicago tbese mon. Ofîctet' ydo eaanelalng very clcarly tire animosity <eut against or oa.tne hi ypty iP raorr nortire harrge of ungainy, as 90 tbey can ire ocked up In jal- Vrolîva ir, tire îrogress League: 1u w n~ F U l u -noted in tire Son Fridav, 'vas re- eau get tirres 'squares' a day sud 'r'oirld sans, sensible people ciro c ?R r f M R o - lased ir tire police atter tbey liead -iii have to do rrocarork, Tiret' vould a Mran iro iras ireen convicied of c Il (lrzze iro îîseers ie s's tre oe e a litte more careful If teY rau tie foliane ncut fjsiesdi R IID izze hn.riagnt h we Vhe one re WnrincortUoRjstcean wrio caused hircisîes arr-est. Her rIsIt Of being seuteuced ta tire place wo slruder Indictmnt for î,e JuryME 98 cse iras beeîr otlur'ed *.- tidy h re te wouid bar-e ta make big sud for consprrac,- by a grand jury 1>012 IBif TRIE IRAS ittmc sawriers.îThis ~punisir- oflrs ceontryrnen; woîauldsner The L.ake Count>' board cf super- Bti No 38 bas been Intodaced ,niri0,0 and ire vas at librtry. 'île told VIte beaters aud tifs assuredthtie PO- chirese sîrrî a person to leadtIhemi vIosoetIa mrecnt sesion paced SIt-tire rescrit session of Our ie îoe f oyirs ie decelved lc out lt in uetnao!tei thts of truîir arrd rigirsous- sel onrecrdne nanmoutyopps- ire POvIingforth apoinai' itiir boaILe foilowed lier and ih. trouble tire> do nomIf such a pu-eues', self onIlsrecorderasroufle. i WhoIney tipupa-luureontrevldi geforastirss apro anemen utet' k hOhitrirmeut veril rdd ed ta the bilîlnow before the eaUte 1.9- tie Goveruor tof au officiîal irTu irrd riectonarlirie rathbse pr0ie, W1Wb irn o t es n( rormlriirorrs- on frne fatw LîcaII ksss au eoal en aupo rnkosetiaveaaltr isîsture whtch provides for àstaate of,1ýtum shah bave the power vesîcd i oan teeianlretrilom'îtrs'cnrrirrsdt'oWllkier<'skea rs itj aescrn uitra uir Hyeae frconi wtio ihsll drectî>' have charge1 hlm 10 appoitassistants for tire ur-ur le'rîr hinduced bis wviéta tde-.oeirn iat<trl ei elprg large],'Iry liard - ,nred upeorrle abîci assaluarrîs rose motives are not been eemetiing oack of bine malter, of thes count>' records, finances, etc,jposàe of examnung, dictiting in rd harV- !"l1it er trst iuîrband. but irIsrst-,irhe 1Pyfrte keîî 5as tire iroken 10 earrr orrîy ve er vagesr 1kîrucîr near the ior of tarelve o'clock The tno mIn stopped Milcbaela as of ever>' county I theo tate. In ahort, ngcontral of al l iandiaI acrouns i, terktew sire wa-a, rrled befoias3oecudb sdt Mrv h Vobatdta aCudýlv e lksa ihOeo h itm ewsrudn h onrat a themeaur, i th mndeof an ffren cuat oficaisof he re 0k tire marrrage r-os' ltb ber. ruade ibrougirojîtirhe counîy. Lake the uniscu or a greasy rag" tihug inirrr- s iii ratirer a srrili.s condiitionam asstreot. iitiroi a word tirey began couni>' officiala, lncluding impervianre,,several contJes 0f lire State, Sud c 0f p uniir ecu suriaMasalghtýil orsietwssi 'sltO hetrii etngh eIupitilhm etn ir ni le àsbestop 0remove the nldtvidualtty Weeafsc bl oe e eqîe EIIl1'rlMi a lu ad nail.l o 111yiieenî for Irl- commrrn herd" sud ccir cd ar thre- auds oftwta muen. Tise' lasblood raîr from tire ounds. Mi- ~~~ Zs~~~~~:Whreuc h il dsnontIre quIie T fi~LiYIA t Ill lierovid;ifor re::; long. r i:pic.couhrni eetre: varie@couiiz n ednba te aehda pre-loos trarnig or ex UNDER N R C 'more ntres 1taiis farm 1met Both iiritrr ire aucr iherres wni,alui ek. i rto te trescerre. Tire asailants count>' contrel of Ita own busIn ess, Perieuce perîaintng te tire, erîOf Lake Woresîtihe past week. Hoeiras "tireriiie rrr Aind, îuwsirrrsceo:rrp- 1 liie- nîctiti'. of thee ntacks vere; made goor dther escapre.M ichas T h e b l lî l a k n n w n as r a e n M e i t 3 8 , îc O u n t y o ffi c e s v h o a c c o o n t s a r e t1 0 l t m a s a d m î l t i d t o d a y t i r a i A t to r - P u r c i r £ e d t i r e J a c o br M o o r s p l a c e O f i e d b a b o g r d d i e s t o h iI I , M C A E S o f O k t e t ' i v a l n t h e p i cs a i n w e e introduced b>' Mr, Ha>', Jan. 29th snd ceaire neiieliiraondîar>drreCirorgr.tltrIALllf at tee, r-stain e ie ilîe ttinabr i xumndsd otoie r trrnetsa <-taire Edwards andI Elaru Clarke, thir-Y-five acres aud tire Sktdmor t, ikii!rrjiSr-l o ielcra îr oirrrîirr- ftr 'uea o1 iyilnvssrnnee eatn la now In the hande cf tin committeejr o f lie lave of tire State pertaiu-'ir ai.' laien unfer couîract ta purcirase Place of sit' ce doaa l fns i . rnrrrt acrsagiii t r IIs"(t irs e lrsoui r,- orn i r er owatheaisu egaeirl ybs ifirrwuies. ioneaIrîrc ouattend on .counyantonsipe orga-tion the tg xpeses0f auianiug riew îror1 î ofWaukea("clssîxrg o 196 racts10 hi plac ho yl soo baveorce wa ir-oretoiOfan on out> sd OWisIpcrGvnzslo.Iugb nc aconut, udWbres.tire JohnEllot farrrr on Beachlrroad, fr-, Swift keeps ou adding -.i3îrîiee srctsair n eva en tarbst ie a Chokoed, bill seemingI>' Interfres with the on'- dePartmentlaist ha o lectedt roru tiere aoffair- Oued tarin. Hef i96rasctsoirng Ti- ubisliu oPlaadie" t uî'ioîre ils rits <c as re risîCmh<ii-lo b-id -tir lai ficlais of a county cnnductlng thelr severaî couaties of lire Stalarso iefriglrTi e' arezdfr.H lsnmtig Ti-cniino dadIfye h e, tirereblry ol is aewsbae!i ltrsf ronibailworked raer let own business and therefore, It ml icreaslng teepnet aosElo tc ea. lvr1,500 acru s 0w-Lake iForest i irsîrralislareprrrterl te ibe very cr111- Inn r )andtIlirisshirt aras osîred writiî1 sud <Iarîrfi bism.i< ioinie aen th« atf If Il îinould b. gîven moit carefut payer# tiroreofsind iReport bad Il Ibat tirs attorney's e. - _a._____ - . a el u h ad- iblo.twro 'otn in lraidLr% steiped out consideratlon b>' the legilature beforo ?r'ieress, vo trlley0 theIres i l-plan ositrg tire 35 acres whlcir lie West I1 ____% alItn re hi . Iraintir e ibood CI. HLTOP3ielhlzadtacd ir.O-ofhw --1 h rpotallnAroa < ahep idebrîrked iris teg ae io Hi.ClISR>,54lcniîi n lakd itiDeo i being pased-EDITOR. leresis O! Our people reqoîre tirai tire oftlire lectric read for a golf course. lChscatgo Telepirowas ,hl,-em-