I - mïI 'Ra W9g1 red mi& to rust ~to 50 10e 5c 14e ..6c 25C 1 4e SP'RJN& I~SHIIONS ý é1! ; f~~1 '-b 'v J' H 'f -i. "'i t - '.1 <Af 4' t i Il J Thursclay, Fricfay and Scturday. Murch 20, 21 and 22 A Comprehensive Exhibit of Wearing Apparel. Millinery, Fabrics and Dress Accessories .\ -er <hlîforîe liav\e we eeti ale .tuîîitrodîîee sîtehi Iln ext<ii5Jive and( eitiieisive Slîîîwîîîg iof the sea- sîîîsîiist a slii vIvs ini eoats. sîîits. giiwns and lai'- a'5 <is a-.a ait NY4,i11.iuisjîeetion uinîîig tllis S~l Maîîli ofthe 1 fi'îîîîî-t iîtlîuîativue st'île îîîatîiîs s îîiiiîlîiiêl iit lis diisîîla Ilîîaîîv ni'tiieil.istinct andlixliiv iiilu' ilu îî-blitli s lii lieserit an assembillageI t IlIII îI)Stelîaiiiîg antd eXuîliusit('I iiiiiels ini the Sîl«Iîsî ii Y îîîîî fa vi iii iiittiials aid ei I i îi Wewaliut ', îîîtii î;ki a slîeoial ufluirt tii atteid l lis i qîeýiiiiîg. Il a fi ils YViim a -('ild(I opîiît imiitvfo i. a i:iîf ii uîfîihIiuialldilif-voîstiiig stiilv l)\ aiie i'ashî lies t stv~Il lvtjîi. Easter CoWats, Suits aind Ou <i t, îjDreîî Ilssiae us tlai iill VI i Isiglîîiediii itue <;îso i's ii ; iv i larlîing Styles a.1111iii (il. 'l'The flbiios auu and îîsaiesjîulii iili ~ ietfit and llonîg sîvî.'lIiv are ilii.a large ranigeii I Ifl I l o,1Ilsi1 m o-4iied laiîî if <og e e aî\îuî l 1iai lil ' i caeli designi, iii;iliiig tlileili iari ilai-l'e\liY i 'Il iiiiats raîlgoin -ive fiîriont $7.50 lp t> -$35.00 w hile t1e sîîits aie pî'iiîd f roii1 $1000 tîî $35.00, witli îXiî(Ptiuîîîal vallis ai $2().Oi() tg) '2.00.. Yu f I iîid eî&tî v li11tges iii l r sse's a l d ".(I w îlS, 1,roiti117.ai s tiiasihîîg as $35.00. Exquisite Easter Millinery ~. ENqîisîte andîl îlarinig viatiomus11lbii u 1iflillileî'v depaimeiit ti iv~leilm iigl, ev~erv slio\\ îasv andl table is teeined wi t ilproductihonslit'l thle (1 îeat Eîisteî'î i laslî- ion enitei's, lîsilts 1WowiI ehari-i eiii eejutiohs__anîd reproducitioi~ns f hie latesi m iid uevwest stYles. ManY beautiful bats have beu eiîe eçîeily 'r usîw inîg, niakiîîg an unîîstiallv large and vena rvewsive sî_w .The< shoNiîîg relirle- sents pravtilcallv eVerOIIeecival)le sha <e, w~ith the suîall luat__weîbîiui uatiuîg, thie elose-fitting Turban being vCFr I)plilar. Among thec large assortment__you are suîre to hind the bait that is aautdto yo tir partieular need. Ranging in priee from$2.50 up to $50.00._______ ~jf .qu iu~ Dress Fabrics Our assortmients of dress fabries are reNJete with the new silk suitiugs and wash fabries in ail the new ~44 'j Ili 10e 15C 14C 15e lOc loc 15e "/l 7 e> -A s/t' k -x f. Sprlag hoowear A showing of -tho new styles iri men 's, ladies and ebildren's footwear, especially féatuiýthe famous Red ilm h. " 4a". 1. . e ý F .0 j, ., u ll,