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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Mar 1913, p. 4

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(NO !P~NW~NTIL~ke C Offce -e,phone Numtter 1; City Edtor Residence 'Phone Number 225-R. LiI,.ruyville Exuo6ange Rmtbsed at the Potttfiest Lit.'rtyvill., Ili., as S#coitd CI@ Mail datair lIam Isakier. A<Irtelng 4~tes Mae. Inown on Applcaiofl. SUBSSOIPTION PRICE. 81.60 PgR VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANIE W. J. SMITH -........ .... .................................... ...................ido F. G. SMITH .................................................................. Manager RAY L... HUSSARD......................................................... City Editor FRIDAY. MARCH 28, 1913. The verdict of $130 against the. defendants in the jopcae, siiould b. anothér wedge in the. argument to saoonkeeperg that they show vigi as to men they soUl bo., to. It should show themn concluively that every por-1 son who purchases a drink of them, lndfrectly holdsthem1 rusouablefor their safety until tiiey have reached home..1 TIe orl a lear: soU mmoel1 to responaible purchasers or face a possible damage verdict Jopp died mnte home1 after prc .sngdrink lin.e airbura saloon. The. jury_ bas nLov viweld the. saloonkeeper and brewery which1 owad lthe place. responsible. The. point uhould flot es- caeother dealers who have good sens.. Slylvia Pankhurst, the youzg Engliaii suffragette, vws fried a f ev days ago by the. London aut.horities because _.ri,*y'f.ad for ber lif. if sie vas imprlaouedmuch long- W;lb. volunlary hngstrike vbklci started upon b.- 2*,O"tnin it grev alaralng. The. authorities 4» ah bu are pemtted ber to contizne refùsing to esat.W. dii kau~n-ylaw which provides that Loudoi4 or any otbrJ*%WUPgo into the poorer stm ents of the )g cttýhs md fora.the poor M lfoik 0est; lii cteyhv d iegettlng enouge to lve on.T rfosvh ub..m t foilov that olfilcim force a fanatia 1k. Sylvia9 te ét, md, j" tbecause ah. viii iot, have beon forced to1 en hW maersetence, it il aFII to10figre out. If sii,, e vM-1 in 0f bmins, vihes to istarve herueif ta death, lot her do t-LMb. bouM vorry, flot others. TAXE TECIROLE 077 BALLOT. ne Th.hnantion of the circle fro thtop ofthe bal- u Wsdi municipal éections in Ililuois, la a question là aroualng mucbi nteruot and discussion =hrugh- * a b sM aamd ln mazy quarters that the ad- M ~ ùp.demane ntcouly Ith" thepar- beoff ", e 1>t)I, bûtUýt lt pwiaip.r i for UN »g atonoamAkWdmufor emuipal of-, Ak a a1tyvoe in el cuIWgda1OS uoilnated ta be chosen by a ùS of Obicanmd bis Iaw department I* lSfh15W5O bythia obj«ein that they are formulat- & plWU for a nonartisan prmry system 11ike that in luIni >lfom& a.ider this plua there is an open non- pastusPrbrlIy. lIf any candidate at this primary se- g4ù*,a uaajority of the. votes eut h. la given the. office, the & b oW letoxi being dlapenaed ith. if, however, no cau- di"at recelvos an absoluto majority of votes at the. pri- artiiore la'afinal electio nat which the votera are afford k<g~~eopprtuity ~ochoose betvoen the two candidates us tdfI ad econd respoctively in the voting at OPERATE ON BISHOP. today. The operation wiii h.' Perforni edby Dre. A. P.liaisted and Daniel~ Dlahop C. P. Anderson wa W1.~h~ I~r operated on for appendicitis tbli M~otion to vatate an order made ianl mornlng t St. Luke's hospital. ]ishopp ,> 'yJudge IAndis that LDr. Wiliam Anderson lias been ill for mioe thanT. Kirhy and i wife. Margaret L. three' weeks. For the last week hiblsKrl)y ray Itack $20,tu'p 10 1thedeol>s. condition bas heen such that the phy-'tor in the defunet hank of wnirb sicians feared Io perform an opera- Kirby was the' head. was .ontt-iu(-d a tion. He railied yestorlay andlilansi aeek Saturdwi uheri It amp tir) for were made ta trnrm the operation!dio.Ition. DAI RYMEN!1 Government statistics on milk show au average fat content of 3o2,Per cent '4 llinois requires a test of 3 per cent Doos your milk test 3#7 per cent TNINK IT OV ER I N. E. GATZERT. i. Ditector Milk Producers' Ass'n. WAUý1K»GÂN, M1.. Mackh3,4.- Ilmny Wu alep pis -bave relatives in and about Omahv& 4o ~aIgO~I~trile diSaster lier. thia mionu,tW hav*,wsrrlesip lt h saf ety., Th. viresbelagpws othelii ad the. general unsati- fa~ta'y rei4j la neya frQmlthe West, added ta hgeu fpeople bheowbo sougbtiDIr2t0 fMod rltvs iu that section. jim, 'a f, isa roildeut of Oabotlit. Ne asVm.y br. ho are concernedi abot hm.Tii. Koasus f l ved in Lbryil and ar weil knovu lJs WUkp K r. Md 1i Zsao .e r ofWaukogan are reuidents of Omaha. Mr.PlpîàÏivas for«ëw1y EllaGuruee of Waukfgl n d wvi itint ber parïétm fot long ugo. "M fact that neltuser her gà,me lü«. tisaI of ber husband an- pears lunltheat o! dead dInjued lu, amy o! the. late Cffi- cago papes causes peope here 10o conclude that they are flot aiog houe lnured, but bave escapedal rlgiî Other former Wauk 1a u p .-sIalivlnin Omian d for viiose safoýty concerunfit lu14clude: itaines Làidsay, brother o! Thiomas LindBa an d brother of Mm. L. J. Gurnee; b. has been there mnany years 'uthe jewelry business W. C. Halaey, pétbonsi friend of Alvin Wait, who bas visited bore often. Mmle (reenlea!, graudson of E. 0, Greenleaf of Wash- mngtou street; hee a reporter on the Omaha World. Mnm. ay, mother of Mr. Greeia!'la motiier, and alaa a former .Wauke» resdenut. ]M4M ks, ýbrother «= Josie Marks, viio lives àt a oive thé Yaer wvbch ah. ovna.c Charles Solwke, fome amttr for the. telephone company,vho loft ibere svrlYearsago. Warren Oittenden, brotbar-ln-lav of E. J. Heydeck- or. e Mn. Bartilsep, a sister of James Brenton and the other Broutons af Wank.gan; mie bas lived near Omaha unany years, but la belireed to have been safely outalde the, stônm soue. mn. W. 0. Cox recently left Waulçegan for Oais and la on the Suns liaI o! ubsrbers. Eari Binett, a Waukepan mm i ho la a saleama for the Double BlasI campany, of Nati Chicago, arrived homo fnom Oraha, onty Suuday, hencehe escaped the. stonm by but a f iv bours. Lat. investigation shows liat th. atorm bit the par- ticular section of Omnaha vorst, nigtu'here Mr. and Mn. Jesse palme formenly Uved, but smre time back they moved fartiier narth and ane tierefore believed ta b. saf e frombam i f. 'e c if y ir rh aI e. ut r. 'r M a. 'i 't i. a Fine o FWra ThN 0Up~ r To &Mordtata w cuuucnraslroalo ictal&. the new redorai law relativ wé froigbt ceu robbuaiO tWIT 10cl~ breaking uP the ortutuid gs c thieves. The 1ev PrOvides thAtau c porson wlo breaks the %se O f a os coODainiDII Intersâte shlpients. el priai or t*tgee. or wbo atO&ls suc shlpmintl tr0in a car or station.,a Ilo gubject te a fine of89,00Or tu prlsoninfnt in the pmntenttiy for lc lonuer than ton vea", Or boath. 1 Durna the Tait faw mauthà th»î bave bien an unuilly large aunibe orf riigbt car rabbaniei In and nnet Wankigas. Many o!fIbhe" have tal en place on the SigIn, Joliet andi En torm raliroati. and estli MOre bal Ftaken place on the St. Paul rOiti0 Rondout. The vigilance of local railroid dq tectivis bas suceeedat lis causing hal! daoin or moie et thoeibOY8 be arrîsteti and trieti. Tbey Wei foundi gniitY andi vire sentincodt the refont, achool. Althouab lit Wou] have bien possible ta try than iuntil the nsw roderai lav thet wesu trie meruly untiar the plain lareinY Bt Thora arenmre plcesaIl the stal wvoere the foderai law voulI not ai ply as the ggads tu the cars votealn Intaristateashîpinints. Waukegan1 so close ta the Wisconsin bousAul lina, bovaver. that practicsJly lail tà goods in frelabt, caris that Pu tbrougbhahor are going Jot or couin tout of Wisconsin n o her statei. Tt sanie la traie wlth the frelght trait eit Rondout, la each of the cau wbere robberles have bien commtltt Tt bas heiu roulaitbtht the tbievi broke the saIs of the cari lu atiditie ta reinoving the contents. Milliero these viliona vould bava anhiecte Uta. ta the fulitpenalty of Ci la,. Tt la vory probable that whin a« of these cases ara tried horbIn 1 ture that tbry will be triati onder tI federai 1ev as t ityll hi possiblei administer aur-h beavter penalîll. contracter a plan sîmilar tb that for a Feral bulding et Woodatoci 1 ýNROmm E TE The imvortance of tbe committo. FderaI building. AS i~ II~SER 0F wàà reaflaed ààonce wOliIt viwu it_ _ _ __ _ _ takdo eeIi a h hope of!l UT ~ y Jfl~ mcy eviny legisIator t.bat hi ho celecq LI ted as' a nimber of ;L Mr. Mit" -I matieno effort to become a mimber àI but Governor Donne saw la hlm a Lake CountyRepresentative ta a b oudpoeefiIn nthe Be Member of Public Utïli.- ition, hece he ungeti hlm t a aoept ties Commit',ee. 1 r. Munno', long connection Vlth1A IS A FINE RECOGN!TIQN. This is One of t1he Most ip- tant Conittees in Lov.er House at Springfield. corporation interests lu the capacity of counsîl ha, given hlm an Inîight to sur-b mattens whlcb makes hlmn an invatuabte man for sur-h a comiaittee. HE CERTAINLY WAS GIVEN 'BAWLING OUT.'l B. LT" in the Linotype column That Rcpyrr'entativé-Fayette S. Mtua- nlu le Tribune ibis morniag bas this ro of iHighland Park, i. loorin.- Up to sa y as one of thre strong tueLnli the state IN WHlCI A CERTAINÇ PARTY S legialature is -vident front var100us de- PROPERLY IIAMWLED OUT. velopments at .ttpringfield lateiy, te (ri h cenyPandae. latefft of wbi. it thetafct that Gov- To whorn t may concero: As my ernGr Lainu.- ba& Pisced hlm on the rinms.Chas. NMichels, was publilhed new P ublie Fîlities commttee. c comn- In the paper lait week that 1 have - -ret ir' d front lathing. that is flot true,' L'bas. 4; still at the lathing trade and vill be rigbt on the spot and alsoi quit drnkng the buse and the party rwogive the paper to publish that, [ bar party did not know that or that tarty dont know anything at ail Adispateir to the Son "oni SPring- ~rfilid today tells of the appointment of Dr Frank T. Stanton. a veterlnar. i r Ian living in Iagleslde, Lake county, to the position of clerk In thc, Corpota- tiMon department of the otice of tse 'semrtary of state Wood$. Ve sac. coesCharles Rysus of Sp'ingfteld. Sow dWho "tu "R B n*aoM.r- moiliba w Onf'oE, 0W Mo* ýingeot Th us O"iat<e *IiC rtB maire hle odOia lai la WsMUk #ego meiai mýiefl.d. r ttewble. te fr.gttadministra- ltion bas eoeuatail ci hch f. 10 be porbape the moit laportant onmlt- luein luthi e 4iliare *Tho Public UtHtW s comMattoe svIl hi la cherp of thé Publie uClU- tisa of Illinois, sncb as Isu. lSitil liabla, oretc.,ct le, t heoegnlittii l have beahe utiitsiai drectly undor Its F. B. LOVEIL CO. b0 n bt.bieýn-M, to sig cotrats withnuil. e i e e comh~g. o e e e e N. E. GATZERT, Director MiIkProducers' As'n. t er. terING TOOLS IEVMR tIARROWS. DfEERE a.dANESVIILE PLOWS s. WAGONS 0F AIL KINOS. larguit Stock ln Lake County. Plcem rigi IF lITs àeFLOM Q'I~fJ tu- SC1IÀNCK9SS k.UllAINU le. IT' et ci r' R ___________ pi E YOU SICK? QFor Poison Blood furifies the Blond, Cleanses the Liver. ~~£km dbe Skia, Strengahens the Nerves, Iaiéuum *a pemi. FS Caterrh, Ssofutla, «Suofutou mors, Ulcens, Huumrsmd Pbapha on te.FPce. Constipation. Headache. P"la id 8»14DaoI ail Blond dimaesa om any cause FrChflis & Fever - mi*Ueontifo ChILl a ria and Ague "CNIL.LAthe werld's grcas- utAbminely sure. sal e cnd hormisate. tdpermontakmg se. yetsonextremely fatal e.oh moalul guu. "t l onestcases ie drives the poison .O*irdyouot<(< m in l3 deys. A Mild Fmily Laxative eCOUNTY 197maw

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