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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Apr 1913, p. 11

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148EOOUITYINDEENDNTFUmÂAT, FRDY PI,~,1E. ml# e "-V6n4. nhs srot mnp club XA.-1he ewhose elclency average@ between 96 and 100 per cent. Mie munt have bad previous expertence. Includlng ai leait six Yeart tenebilu n econdary achool wor.k. A blgb degree of excellence Muet be obtalned n this clas Cîasan B-Tirage whose effictenoy averages betweeft 90 and 96 per Cent. Thoir experience muatInlclude ntimlant KfLI BY TORNADO M an Who Lived Here Two Yeags Ago Reported ta Have Been Killed in Texas. i F«r Mder t -Ps-. ne -vii rilgec m. tirai parceia. postge 1 iodai' for tire Postage of tire Po are anal re- rimui4ed cancel- correct rde ail arrangements te o nd sI Tnt iii~ W t I U , lemocratir c, ie Up IUeday ov BUT. N T THE lfig n eréIlrton of the Demncr.atle vie- BtUTyNO>I TUEh. and a a bl Othe"afod& 8W'ruPsdal I K INDO0F À KITE 14rhn liiew r.i e~hPd~ string when the retu rus came In. But The democratir hile weîît up Tues- 1 lie rciîrns dldnt corne ln right, 50 day evening in Waukegan-u -t no thre string wasa put int the box. the thl- unre which l had been pianired b' hile wais arried bacs to the attUc. ^Yafd there it ia tu rernain utlilthe oc. the leaders o! the party wa.4 te have c&sion arrive*s, no miatter how distant, been sent up. whIlen htmay be uged cosistently 10 For report bas It Ibat M. i. l1Hua- proclaini dimnocratic vlctory. sey, once a candidate for Mavor who, - ____ white P. T. Fowler managed fis cam- Mrs. George tlrogden or Libertyville paian. lew a bug@e bic over tap city returned Tuesday fromn a visit to ber for days as a campaigu atunt, had cousine ln Neenab a md Waupaca, Win. \g egarded by Government as Strong Eidenoe in Alaska Land Fraud Case. Two lattera lnlroducod TaesdsY were regsrded by lire goverrrmené1-asei psticularly daunaglira evîdeuce agaislrsiAber C. Front sud bis four aaiocIateg on trial before Pederal Judge LAridis, charged witli 100.,- 000 Alakan centl and fraiîdB. There Atirs ivoierernd by Bl. D. Townu tend, speclal as"tant attorney gen- oral. Tire Irqi dsted Sept. 2, 1905. vag wrItien iry 0. G. Laioree, onc of tira original promoien f th ie Alasa Coâtral raîtrond, tea1Frost. lu partILA recd: 1 -'l have received tlm- foUôwtng 'te- gram front Mr. Watson: 'fend Frost ffty copies power of attorney 1a lo- cate. Ask hlm JO tillAla Dam sud forward ta me by Oirsi mail. «I have no information o<suer iran tilat contalne lu thre tolegraruase to wbat ire wamintironsfor. 1 pensme. hoirveor, bo bas chiner msade Riesar- rangements vîtir tire slpponed owmcri o! tire eai preperî letIre bau an Op-t liton upn ie bave tirent rolocated. or- lirai b.esu fomd out tibey are not loraled soeordinit ta tire aw sndin- tonds 8t e acse fhem for Yeu. i oldvine dolug as bIT. Watson gurg geals. gettingas ns auy usmes as pas sble filet yoni can rely ulion and bave (hem sgu tire pomer o! attorney snd forward ta me ai tbe carilest possible moment." Tire govemumeut maisins liFront did exactly as ibis leiter anggesis. Tire defeudant admlir ire iltirnetely acied, sud ibaivirai ho dli happened ta concide wir tIr, nstuiîons Ilu t bis letter, but ire deuîed tirai ho fol- lovsd tire Instructions. "Wba i ddMr. IAberee meamiren he ovraie. ggel an mati> nainpsan Poo-Il subie tirai you cau reîy on' -a6ked, Attorney Tomirseid.i "I donl lnow abat be urav iufie bad Au bis nümd wheu ire vraie thdt.* replled AFront,'-but .j underntood bien ta mesu by 'rely upon' Aat A mas tb get persans I had soere ressonable as ourance wouild net willhaîly l ri1P the lande n lgrucb a amy liratthey monid net permit thons ta lia operaled. The same pirase vas ased Au a ]et- ter from lAboree ta Front aritten ou July 21, 1905. fI rend n part: "I bave the letter fron lMr. Wat- son saylng iré bail sugeâied that At woîld ir ell for un ta isîh hAro wtir names o! a nuber o! our frieudi mirorn me cmuId rely upon ta relocale saine of the most valuabie cal locasious Ibat we have îuîlcr oav tAon hefore pas ing tirs owuerso! thiers lanfui]i. PI3SOALPURITY T0 BE TAUT tCmtiuued Fraen Pge DO.) forts. Il n believed, .-suI miss ihe standard of moraliiy la a rnsrked ci- tent. About the5 Girl* The board ihougbt I better nol ta bogn gAving tire lectures to the girls natAl aftir fil abanieen foutud boy thet experfieîut mrks. sa f ar as tIre irs arw, concerned. f ftie plan proves felaible conspeteut menn vili ire se- cured 1u gise lectures to the girls. Juil va irs Alire dolle wltb regard tat Stiie bigir scirool stridents las flt knomu beesusé îbey are gomemirat oider, but Il la tirougiri lbey otIl reçoive sepsi' aie Instruction.1 No boy virose parents obecc Io1 is recelvluig tire instrurction wîlIlieo oirlged ta attend tire lectures, ai-. Ihougb It In belleved flraial parents Au tirs city vilI melcome tire Installa- tion of tire plan. «- The Salary Matttr Tire teacirers DorMIsulte subuiitted tiroir report murh regard to tire scale o!, salaries for tire toacbers of tire bliacireool. and it mas acccpicd aud pased iry a unsuimous veoeof!tire(t board. Thie achedîjle placeq ibe minimîum saiary o omrn ecachera lu the higla scitoOl ai $75 per month. it mas $90 fortuerly. Tire board fouud t couid nedire pîenty o! teachers for $75 per ariutir, but n)efficient inaizirv-ora un- dert tiamounit. The maximum sai- ary mwas pladeèd ai $140 prr moutir. For tire male lustrueiors iliere fa a 15 àpe r cent addilou over. tireee salaires.1 asaortment of tour years' succeaful work ln sec-1 onday nboosI Reports that reac-bed Iere lhins weký Clan C-Thos wboae ffleucy averagen betweea 86 and 89 per cent. ti t] dof the deatb ln Texas a few days Their experlence mueti nclude atiago of Mihael Congrove who spen least tbree yaurn' succenfui work ln two years n aukegan. le ftartedl CI"*~ D.-Teachera Inthriis classapany ln Norh Chricago, and ater be- muet have frod at leasa two years' suc- ceame foremran wben the bAg northwcst censful experience n secondsry achoolnsewer was laid lu Waikegan. The de- wok. talla of bis death other Iban thai be lThp folowin)g »cale or wages ap- was killed lu a tornado. havre not ----- plies: Ibeen iearncd. EDWARD CONRALo ClaC.......... »-----$91 0 i $I1 'urvelf1auea ss bl Who, rn Tuesda'n 'selection, was re- Clan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e r-------a oss nisud went to Texan, wbrsfre ne i5lelected aupervisor of Waukegsr, towri. Clan B--------------...$110 tu $l20'said te bave engaged n newer work. ship by an overwhlming majorlty. Clais A--------------$.. S20 ot $140 le uade mauy frlendn hers whO wiii He obtalned wlthli a few vote@ oosas 7h.pancîsio! ir 1,gbsctoohA regret to lbear of bis deatb. fmany as both hie opporients. Hia b('g tbe mn Who ls in lhe the judge ofre' -______ vote was a aplendid enilorsernent of »ueaeb.VsefloluîSr. MPerbers o!l hl, eight yenra' services in the office the board assert tirertthe msjorlîy oriSNAPSHOTS AT THE of supervisor. lb. touchrer@ n tire igh b i lati ELC ON NTES Y- the Présent tIme coule under classes LCTO NTUSA C or D. aud noue ofthoien under Clansa A Thuas tbe pssing or thre uew IAi uîsuFinkela;tein ianded twehîl, neale does not mean an advance lne une voles% for î-ouaill. 80 lie aiso' salary for many teacher% . iîrnd. The uew plan almply lents tire Ifl8sows tfiai Rd.lConradi s a mire touchrer§ upc. their imprin sund tibeir %"filegelier.s salary depends upon what ilrry mairke fleur> Deacon. no doubt, couid have! AI fit1n almon10t mPoesltrle for s teacb- lices re-eecîed assitaut nuîer'.lsor Ifý er te quanti, for the salary pald lu be ivsd expressed s desire n the lie- Clae A hecarase of tIe may resile ginng o! the carupagi. However, 1 tiens laid derar.fDiscApline in the Henry preferred tu teile s chancen aI clann ruontsud assenbly roorn. plir-. the iigger Job, as suprirvisor. and 511w fection n aitendance sud lardînese, Fieury la Sot o authe board ai ail. lo)YallY to the uchocil board and the Republtns of the town ghowed JOHN WBORÊST Principal, persoualiy. nmaner of the that they're grillA on earth, that the Who was elected »Insistant super- speechr and a score of other tings are Rulil bavent disrupted tbem entireiy. viner froru Waukegan township n taien lvito cotisîdertilon liefore Il Anyhow, escir candidate for super- Tuesd&ysa election. Ma h.id the s&Me teacher lan Avancer! tu Clas A. visor wss exîended tbe courtesyof!lbe- ffice a fow yearna 40, retiring volun- A tirat tbe icachers are mucFrpleas- Ing allowed to carry bis own Prev-lnct. îariiy. H4e won out handily. sed wtb the scale, for lit gveg tbem Thatsa ai lst congoiing eeu Aunlthe10 sonseting loisrive for, sud they re- face of defeat. 0AîI A& 5iis*' siAze, tbsi effIclency ou ibeir part rieserters or the G. 0.r lu in all- WAU EiJ IAN FOU SL mieans as steady .inrrease lunialary, kegan township finid theuiselves out _________________ lu the cold-and tircy sîso finid tirai t D lLI'fEiU 1 beir desertion of tihe ahip didn t cause IN ICIC R iEL UI IREPORTERS WERE BARRED. îuffcient damage doocdoNaLOS ANdELES 1 (corliiuued From Page One) Yenterday waa a tîeautifui day nu, fair___ as_ tbe wemliier weub toilay Il 1Se s o dld the offIciaIs maulfeat Sncb nar rained, 'twas dark aud gloomy andrlIThirteen Residens and Former rowmlunded judgmeut as tu.cicludp everybody rli.doleful, exceltlng Rtdeheo auea pros represeutatives fronutIhe polllug Tucsdays vctora. eintofW u ga place. The voter% uf the rity demand At tirat. Henry Deacon rau closieri '$et Together.' au exPlsuation of the hlghly ouspl- tu Tobiu iban mauy supposed lie clous atttude ansumed bY the officiel@ woiîld. The danger al the lime seem- A -lui- ial iii hiery letter to the ,iun lu tbAs preclnct. cd tonbc that the repuhlican caudidae froin ,uslaui t i, l..CalifA! - t if a Thoe PoilIsclosed ai rive oclock. Rp- migbt face defeat not trru ic Prhe iîî ,, aa imîcîllu- beld by Wauke- reseutatlves o! The Sun aud Gazette gressives, but from MIe Derrocr4qs a eod he nte2ti.ý'u were ou baud te gel tire resultE. They as a rcsîîIî of the presenc, o!f icî8' elutr u re 80.Wu were barred froinitire building. Afler Pr1eseakgnh- a \iee u oeh due dlîberation Inside, one cf ihe er sud lia. i-, ctîilcIt aiWest Lmke offlers openAd the dook a crack sud H T 1YP 1 pII E ilan aitnj, - a dell,,btfiîl a!- Poked Out a slIp of paper on whlc,,h ia ITS 5.Dlla sals/a L4INESO ai ir for ti i liom Ihis rily aho hall wss wrlttieuthe courir for superviser-- not s--ii-'a'leIll i. i lit years lu sorine lic aiiOved I oui as f in desdly foir parcel post Cuts Del It ~XOK r- i celreia tihât there was a Inoir outiAde muxloris Del it no iPepe tn Io break ln sud kidnap tire Judgcs as SmaII Parcel Business the 1eleiihi iiiiiiS Ualfornia, were well as steal tire bsllot.. of Express Comnanies. ihPi.e. ail 'iei-uc -il i-r resîjlents or Wheu uoting more bad becu ireard lAa,iii'ar(I l af ti ime rerIdenis of trous thIs precAnet at 7:30 o-clock u- tairoad of'cra ii li>. express th.ciY olirer represestative of The Sun rmade linps, iay tbc fallng off in smii park-1M rsi> J lM i; i ui-.wif' of Dr. s speclal trip tu tireprecinct. HeaP.sj en malerîi sinc i île es lCarier. round th irs lrai rreeeative stand-ialiiniueuîcof the parce] posR.î ep M r.- A Il.l'atiiu' qg outaîde the door sud was Aform- regi atives of the Pexpress, rf-rrpanienj lIra. tiW nI @d he lied been kePi outside for Iwo saY lire ¶rusiness lirai bas gon to lirr NI re R 11,It suds aîfallbours. governreni le enalil soi iut:etld noi M rs.llec( The second man knocked on the pay thc companicsa i,.d iligi týe lai llrs, S. %V ." dooer ter, now witb more 41,ace .,- cîrs, is Nrsi. Edaard le-e "*Whai do You want?' mas tire un.oîîlu aartrfc isRul oi- civil question from te fi lsd. -ia cte lrg iraclir i'leAIe ! MiesRtFIle Zou Tbe reporter explslned ilîsi ail the thiînents froru a-hoiesile h.i.es ibat MISS urInily Zîi ailier precAncto lu tire ciy lied beon lave -heen for the urovi iurl goAoc iM rs Y aitus beard froni except tison ansd asked by fr-'rgii' In ibis wav the (uxpreas 1M",-. joln pfs-il boy mucir Aimorld iaire before tire companlea nuir trend on he ibe es o! Nili. Lil. Ml1,11i resuis could Ibe ser-ured, ile raiîroads 'by diertring fi, oI he The %hisses Z itr, Besiev sud "Oh., Youllset tiremi sometime. -- wRaîtrfcgr rsc Te 'ara.IlsIîl f'-i iilr.!bnPw thie dlscourteonn rcply. copaniesihavie start-ulin e' rusive cli are ei,,iîîg"i bc atr.wbl Th ire en Alside refu.ed telire Ilu .ampaign o!fndveriilg ini 'e -persq' tirePotiers arc ailliing ,, rigrt ierogie frtce, udh asfulymagazlues sud traite journals generaîs along, bilra gnov d west o yearfl ten minutes lutter befors the riror ith iview o! increabîng ee1upi ixinesago. agalu Wei oPened s crack sud thre !rom Ibis enasa. resulis poked oui as before.Wii h sualpcaehinv - ___ _________ Thre Sun doe not ireleve tirai the IVt h nalpca.bsns Peupe ae Batated wth ilecio o ls0Por coing t80thb, pace' l- there peole re atsfid mtirclriton l!-s uoiliiua lefi for Iîle exprei-s corn- Étillas *bo seem ta rare go IllIleabourt 1anie,; lu 10b ut In 1recolip w i OOmure graiifyirg tire PublIieslhes.- Thre Sun tususrfru Oeohrauî hs INvt i irelleves thiai tbe People wquld lAk bo saie sforcesonfrolru sin l .pTr s wha Tilitru satisfsoiory exilanation of thre nmai- sorelî road . If iers Whoae tcr. Tire Sanns intereat goos no fui h a'ods fte ti I Tl rt iller thon fseeklng to serve tire pui 111)upthe express compainienfi .- legs lic ta tire matr«aud ibelleves tirai ihn atmreh aw itiay ifrom ti frcig n go doiug t sbould be alded insiead tIalî l ar i ag feino!th rr'u-s ss o! hiudered. if ibese election ouni. - Ialiei Mnaedrs miofcthe i"n frosa taIs ceauoffer a saisaciory explana- tlire eresompanafo ine ,itilfoial O u r B u sii Untho ievotera miro psY tirrufor heArcaswl ocnkpFtfU.joif unsatisfaccory services would Ilire tluiglars w the ual opensa li ts r ayl! hear I.iiiilyierlra- ei awv ____________ .1appeara 10uirc a case of nie govern Because nient laiing business froru tbe cx-. Pvetty oIrlS une Pain tMon. 1) ess connpanes,aud lhe liltaklug saine price-ever Wb« D"tr *mb#*arms àil forni tire ralîroada. mot r ut the a iboea Te eother suale or tie -iI.nge toi select é . 1 P" Itoi ai, »- eftvIaa b in thre Md. rallroadsliy ithe Parcei pot This l- the price. For $ tilu i ni cé b ie i-creag~nen tto kmail hzüo d tire- direct from the n neý 1 l-*Omânî" dlrrmion Increase Au pary5l thea er centor * ,the goods ha .-.--- ýgMthat lasth irs Ost â5i59tirt, new parcel IPest vraf!i ouLlil a plat au"fl tae gm. The rallrosdssamy tncre Weis au lu- - I Î1 creue of 16 per cent In mal irisiuess- v lu st ts u due Porceli Pot"aand the overl au stot" u tbe "Meuî otteord *orefanroy3ras10 Mt ccliiA O a tàas Weieht ofthe - 4ooa malthre parei Plat boai- - Phone. 630 Uq<_ourq mer. qpaceuhtDo tastA e ~ ~ a 0~ Qlcaednextto P4an TioteIs sec ExosilmiSuppu bIv. Il, The Style Store EIIZZI~SATU Extra Special Childrens' White Petticoats Lace and embroldery trimmed Petticoats for children up ta 12; Our 50C values 15C Extra Speclai Dress Beroeins Wonderlul values in a high- c!ass linen or voile dress, poitive- ly worth $5 ta $7, Saturday only 2.98 You will be deligh.d- with the famoug pWai; shadça and the striking14 effeots li checks, plaidck and stripes. And, oL course you wilI 11ke the. quality of the fabricg-- Red Seal Zephàyr Qing-1ý hamas beixig faionuw for their fast eus of col- or and great durability. Just investigateî the se - off eringu at 12ýûc per. yard, guaanteed fast, colora, 27 ihcbes wide N-mm vice IsKIng Extra SpedMW SIaick end Co016ç Upq~ 500 of them in high-c1amu mer- cezed materlals. Ail 1.$Q and 2.00 values. 79v Extra S cI i Q"euNtaiï o Women's au,4 uq'p- matai, cloth top, short vamp,-l- by toe abois. Ousr tpçdat yàiÀ,u at 4.6,0. Satùsrday oniy I otie trîouble ible hrings suit riess is Growing its buit on value giving-just a littie more quality for the rything new and up-to-date. The largest anid best stock For $15.00 we give y'ou the very best suit to be sold, for ý2.00 or $3.00 you get a hat that is right because it cornes narket to you. Everyone knows why we lead in shirts- ýcount-come and see and let quality and price tak to ryou and it will pay us for we want every goodý judge of x service so that we can show t-hat we are rnaking good. F. C. ~htei û rce's Drug Store Given for Bernent .1 St. Joseph's Church Libertyville, Ilinhois, Libertyviile Town Hall The Best et Music You will bepleaà- ed with the style aid lu elct- niy Bam iting cf rueedai s unsul- Mil Was anuaal 'ecently. h onor. ct nmre i meaison lied for nici' and nl mer. meetig oclation >111eld onj lys mal (lire fol- ). Pope. ec King ie Fed- sud lire a Cur- eo! the rt' ta 'e taion mJIIn* te rma" Tirey and tire rdînauace ked tui cedAr 20rI

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