.Weeékly-Reviewv Id. I f riîvesl (ioli a litge suce,. for tue Intial peniîruauî. Tuere vas an outpaîiîîg <ilthe.-population, lncludlng meiieîbr. i hue -400- and tiicrea.ut f Foi Lake- eoclety tbtt taxed tii. capacihy of thie building aluot ta the liiî Tih-e ceeu for the olture. vas armanired ut the, <mt end ai the building to M-Lt of whiti w" ilstuîled the ilecric inîbeetreîîr, couitini of piano, bras, di uni,uae, iruîu, Ote@sud triangle, iu Charge oi Oea Koeti. Who aeh-d ase leader oif orchetra. Three reels of pictures ver. abavu, ineludiîig a tva roei feture otillIe: - The itnîke tlreaker," depietlug the mtirrinscene incideitai te, the suee- fil conclusion iof the great strike lu whici tiie leader pia> ed the psrt of the. heco fiuially viuuiug the' Plutocratis daugiiter; recelvlug firivene.s sud livingiishpplly over aitcrwards. You Luow the stary. Tite third vas a Conifort Your Stomadi W. pay far chie butelsast if Il falla ta prompllyrlia,. Indigea- tieno oui Dypla liexa iDvsupalTablotaremedy utaaitroublas because îley0b mai uan oeeu u etispila.& fd .i i i ao.vsrt i lao rilsirai bou sud atsel abody er visuia maturaibcd' vi ~a. oce aWIka- in layau uai. Tmis anasiar sa hemMilmsudprove ouramfo blat hhem vPiniispel - fraiù- botilesmu- kWa 1g vat Rexli DYnçp 'l'lteami wviat lii i do Md tmo t fud 1, q. to ludo am ' tÏmleuma I v voqIhi'lsuitl.aisk vr va nIairt SRsxiDU pgl 25 Mte, 80 e Mt, i81. Yao ambuy %ili DiaçaçalTablaS 23 " . aammualtraaim st aur iobru ECKER & BOND L21nt Z=. a im u l an'aua. aIIioft pl black a fore- honse 'eighî. Sound ýiself [s coite mnd of 'ice ait Farun" Pririe iuffalo f finsite As, and a suit re is ta movad service Il sai- Schaal Notes Alice, slizai ai the. îortlk grade lias Deen absent froni echool tbis veel on accouat ai icinese. 'IGea. Staulei' soi Katbrine Esîpin ai laurîl sud third rsapectîvehv have had a Pert-eu attendanee record fon the year up-to-date. Evellue llueutiug bas again returued alter ncovaring inour su aperation for tonsîls and sienolds. The OirsI grade aii tant the drama, tizatonoaithie ThmeBihl ioantsGroSf" Count, supI. biipson vas a ni-cent viitar aI lthe sclooi. Lloyd Shultz has egain reported alter bcbng canflned uahbi. home for a tew days vuiha bai eold. The. principa recreatian a! the girls sud biys at preseut senfin te b.- jacte sud manIles. Bach ai th teaclera vas recenly precauted viti 810 by lMra. Jas. Elpiu on behali ai lhe Ladies' Enebre Club vith vilub ta Durcisse boks for the, sebool. TFie club lim aiea orderai a Dev bookase forane ou.covhIle idra. J. . Brovn viii douaîeoeta tie ahi-n rouai. lire. Win, ivera'fartabouge. atofa boe, vas ttas d entraoi dby fr lait Saturisi'. blMis"lsyeIA ai8 1Wauiegan, apent Suniai' at J. D innrras. Our mail man le baving a bard lime on acconu ai lheb bd rami., thhugliho bai ual mimda sday. RaHatthZoadera liarta ruai ta ber home alter spenina se.vaal vieis vîhli ilira. Jsmes Foulon. WiiI lielvilleis seraplnst ho rosis sud lrYing la ma. tbes, Passible. WiHI W01011bai rturnai la is vonk ln Chicago. lama. Strabau a aioue ta Dakota to vorit Ile mMon. KIDNET FLUSH Fon Klduei'asd Bladior Disames. F'ox L a iiv da p rDon't lu takre.luis hehall ut th L.lbertyville tavu hall Wedneuday uight April 9. Good munie sud au exceler supper. Tîdtete t50e. Supper extra. t Gravali Raofing and Repairing 1 do &Il kînd iiof ready roollog oi reteep roof@ or i)ver aId ehingzles Ali vaïspiait. tarvia coatlog appllcd bot oi mtrecto; or drivevavs. lrtinîate. ifur imbed aud von guarauteei. 4PLTaa HÂvEII, Lake Forest, 111. Phione 45J.-c-28-4 DR. L. IM. COULSON V!T!RINARIAN Office at Gardinier Hotel Phione 53R GRAYSLAKE ILLINOLÇ SPRING TIME is PAINT TIM[ We ane olemiring out our stock of paints and selling them out at 1le a than cost. Note the followtng.. 1 gal. Noxail Paint .... 12 j gal. Noxail Paint....70 1 qt. Noxali Paint. 40 Floor and Porcli Paints .60c per j gallon. Druce Drug Co. THE EMXÂLLSTORE Grayak% - . Round Lake I BT JACK HALLI Min Ruth O'Boyia, oeety belle, l4 doubla comteu. entitUed: "fla A 'Finitfag lier aiter. Frauderlsat laukegau @boit£ sui the. Jteloue Huobaa, le.. eeudlugr ber fronde a a.rls.of pont carde. examgrated portrayal afiàamcople oi Misnlitige Craveili of Clso, «o a ollSm wbO*e facial aOMSIoa. w-ek snd ~gait BtheiSchulttz. îîîîwl sud iiodiiIanti.. Ince"taI te10 la. wliere abs won onterbéined by M r. lTbc*.@ora 10 capture the @a«&W noeuvle. filinabsu.rled su irrenatabi. appoal for langbter, vlWb" asussrua' Mrn. C. E. Clpr. une of tii. 11400; a1 pouded ta by tb. etiaaailouI. Janeavili., Wi.. vislgad Mr. sud mir. Tbe.JJoui Ruebaud vm dsled au Wm. anerand durixthé, asest a. morp couarvative finea but provefi a At the. canrluelo, cf lier tay lira. clese.cond ai a mnsa, ai satument. Dadurand accompsaued ber bonie for a la fast It la wigîthe bouai, oi trosa shiort viei ln Wisconain. The. Danun. ta aMY liaI w. baie aldom avu eo.btter rsude bar@ recently moved ironi tbe tilturseglatii.Fox L"te regflon. O'Boyle cottage auonForest Ave, ta theIi. limedlateiy mtur lhe performifancae b Marbie cottage louated la the. dowu chaire wveuclme avry sud dauclg town ditrict. .vaa lu. ode. Raviver Umis Katbroue Raîdpla sud hMe Alces Spicaak two The population Of Inleséide vwa* lu- debout totasliai the hrt dance befor. lie freaisiMardi 22nd, by th". addition 0i performance von ave, by preemtylng tlio one Dcv lubabtant wb..n a bab 'y boy ePam otbeîvm the' audiemnesud thé vas bora ta tMr, sud lire. John MCAvoy. acreen durlng au lot.,mlaalou. lively net-Tueobuge e stuIrgleairdiestre n t A leel as-taacurrd e luleidefaili voumeafpwthlolnchronized lait veli, craatlag a wbilwiad ofi muaelesjmelodileali aubonergpd the. exctemeat ln lie veinity nf Wainigton audlenai la u Oan. oy. suiing the Ave., and tii.latermsanuaftii. ,lraad maieeontlussst toseamper auras. the truck@, the. prelmilee Wbelug itaged flur, hitilu .front of littie hde ln Coeruan'a lEmprum wvhs DOtrsrmsed la fative attre vho, smiied, Wllley, knoovata loca eau iB q" W. la'.Iaethir badesud araue,,graceflly Pliyai.lan sud dmoatrar ofbincue eieadlag tbair riglit arme wvielh vas temperature, sud Jos. Out*,e i x-m t..guygmje yii u y on of tbe Brophy stock fartm, ladulisi a setill ediiyeulc:Ild pliylcaldlaceeia, peeedd hi ~ leder valet vlth ther rîglit armealater verbal la,ili thereont ofa i oilader- vhiclitbsy dafinsi s erles af graeuu standiug vhleli memaita Iiene n Ciithe uudusslag gyratlousecitlg gally or Ialerprtaio. ofassocii u aneull iton vilaPerîug soft varia couchadinluterme between lbhegantlia aIOBO IeelOii.ofeîiasrment loto emcliotiiers wilng OrabbIag meli aléla as vle luke gelps, s tliey truagld for Iii Maitury la' So0m* 0f th- apaoet oiTerpey. talllag la lie bar, wlierdurlug theburamsu art desrvo apecl a ntIon. etingS tiedotor at m prtion ailie Rbrt &Fripe tiUe auritsa u>ii Culci aili. piOeiý "' ~b~OSiWW aeidb: Mie le II aga" oi drswtaOralbiood vas aulamsati. dimouiîratloa of the ' loetry ai cet swaardoi ta Citer. At tliui .tffs San" hliabt w^@ a modal of grae sud ai tipraceadiage the Irai. pro ietor elegc, wvile Hormsi Uerrecoeu sud calici saliit snd tbl 'uaioo elerMies filgiLund perfornied ritliel anatomie, sud toad rcvt Ster whicii watz efoîutluaa, mallung overi' more a be ordered theni tu the baci yard ta picture; ever pose a watt of art. wblcli tiey rapired sud gave s ai rr Lare. sud Mien WIuifred imtation of a bsr dance accampsnied Re = il eUtlatlag an exceuîrîce by bourse maledclaus litermingled two-ap colla4wltb lîttie George wîth aa siower of expletlvea. Iliperce,. Spiezak vio vas croaing the fluor at lion, sid dire tliretiai bodiiy laîur: an augle oi 425 degrues. procipîttnug lîi* Iu ronnetiou ritli jbripkis sudCxlioutii. tu Uic Saur rmm vh lie hmramlib.lod. lation ou the part of 1Mr&. Eu. thi.etricaîing bliseif irom i6eniie ai r'etaurant lady, Implorlng the. doctuta lidn ea xrmt. u uci te) refrain D'om sauubltiug Cuiter slie the tone ut safoy at the ouI,,erizeo was tii. hced ai a large familt, when fluor Hovever tiiere vwas mitiàlîrsl E oudieul, Ace@t Chie( af Polilue Hudrlcka çreumtDcs sttending the Incdent sud appesred upon lii. scene aud cudevisi it laeciiarîtat.îe ta preaume that Mfr. tu, oeparate lb. canteanst*; liiieffort* snîibecs.. vliolly abliviona tu hia beni rewarsd'ti ald b à 5 'ight te aurrouudinge witle tuding ithe charma Iaw" tbst dlsturbed hie wbIskers sud ai bisi.fair partuer. equlusmltjea&ton ani thé &sane tiiie, severai political snnouaoement e ve causing blm tu VigorouOIliappiy is îbrovWn upan tii. creoa lmporîunlng the. club to tue uranium ai Cuter wblh euple t.0vot for the flioviag cadi- braugit the mIle.tO a cosoe. I-Aqat. dates- J. 0. Brown. C. a. Otrander, Chef eoe. Jscksou reports evervtlilng lm. C. lubutz, "lied" Mueucli, J. J, Walshbf peaceable et pesnt. Ray Mo)rrili sud C . Pandelou .Tbi -perormancen » rpas e uuiday - evaulag s large sudlebca belug prient Beautiful 8prlng amnug vi>. wasou, "Pliltical gigne ai iprlug are beginuing tu emnstiiees Relubd, "Redi Muenci". multlply la tiiaFoi Laks raglan. IWa lmiiedistoly aller tii. ciase ai the are nuoî galngta eaumeratsar catalogue Petlaimaao ioerupled the roetrum thoa. but yull merl itate h&bat tiey are sud coOimeucsd su oration ravewlag tii. usuai steroty'ped eveutet laI ierad bils administration as precident and the approacub iicut iful aurlug tlisî dir'ator oi thie 'ubooi board and pra- dite your sonlti bmetîful t.ioobs greaeed tuas discussion of thie politicalI tliat aivaysemnov suad lnsirlng, 1stualOn sud vas beglunlng ta dilate i casing you ta ires. of &polo blosm.o pa h lee f the day vieunosa.e olcuna.dott.d saisi dressa, snlllu vtcidofti igàita. Unterritled Ltrd@k,-brIglil uniehîne and d«llgiitiuli e continusi bis remaria uut4i the, munieu temperature sud otiier tlilugs toa nuni- vas started wilel creeted a volume of i p-rue tueton. Dove tffl afDaitaOliarmonise aitu the vocal efforts ai our 'orstor" vho subsided witîrout deiveringr apostrophe Tiiesiricel Seasari Opens. c<r wlnding up vrith a pyrotechuical peraration *ti The, opeuing ait Koeth's tiiestre, The istivitleu closi.d ratiier early Siîpperirît Ave. aud Rlanîd PI&sce, ovilg a tiith opening dance st the uuder tie management (il Mesrii. Tweed Kraniuey reeort, Mir. Koeth generouily sud Sererm,,aur new theatrical lnag- loaning hs@ merrymakers to Peter nates snd mîotin picture impresarios, Johnson for the ocefasion. m È>uà1 nda. Orders Talten for Jtob Work C. 0. Lngabaglof aiclago, va guet a1 lie parnuoe erauls'. ILaalla Griffu i fWakegau. @peut esi esud vîti bi@ uacle, ,Wm. Bna letetter and tamils. Chus. Tanker and amliy of Chic& hava moved loto the. fiât a"ove Kida i tore. Joe Staug bas reaigned hie ponit with tiie coudeustug factorysuad 1F DieJardiin bon taken hia place. lire. baàrtiett î.peut Sunday at t Park. Jleu Rains @peut Suuduy lu Chicsl Fred sud Wili Beudubn ut Chicsg ispeut dundsyv ith their grandiuotl Mire. &lsu'raîii sud sunt, MinKiý liacOrati. Mfr. Knox of Gurnu, @peut lioni witii hl@ daugbter, Mirs. L. Borge i Mfr. Neveu, Miss Braoks and h Harteel of Burlingtan. vera guestei lir. aud lira, Feuton, Frlday a atteuded the dance Frlday evenlng. Don,&rl ta tak@ in the hall et1 Libertv viii. lown hall Wedueadal uigi April 9. Gond muaic aud an exceiie supper. Ticket. 50c. Supper extra. The. ofihriog iro. the. mite tboxes Sc. Andrevas Suaiay icliol far tb Fauer olferiagi vwere $9 04.Os ti gaie fforitgn missins uthie bslance1 îOur home îai. Mir. sud Mri. O. Wsldtnsu of iai waod, visitait irienda hera the veot sl and atteuded the. dance Frlday eveali If yoonat tiie beet le creacm go tiie Reliait soda fountain. lDruce@ Dr Co. ROUND LAME Severali roni Round Lake attended tJ Fois Banquet at La Salle iotel lu Ci cago Fridai'. Leu Amau aiLibertyville, vunit4 relatives lier. iaturday sud Sundsy. Carnie Vagt alteuded a masquer&a haiait Wsnkegsu Satnndsy night., Jue Amanu enterl.tnesd t a suppç for s 1ev af ieisriegîd and relativg cundal evening. Rima Wite sud Carrne Vogt vs Erayoiai. viuitors Manday atternoon. Ch»a. [toeadeutcber @peut Sunday ai IMoadai' vith i@ iiitera lu Chilcago. John lloaiug sud I e. George Rodin atteuded tiifauerai of Mr@. John Steff ai Vota, Mondai'. Mien dltcig for tavu waterwüri went out on as drie for hlgher vagq Moaeys aternoon, whiei they got, ai in Tueedai' took up their vork agaiu. Clara ltasing retunued ta ber vank he pont office Tutesday morulue ait* bolng confned ta ber home for a wee witii infiamâtor.ý nbeumalinm. Mns. 11.vo.OOf Chicago. i@ Vieitiug bE ipter Mr@. A. M.Wiite'. WedJing belle are '.oon ta ringi Rounîd Lake. Henry Gieoeile bas inoved hi@ famil rito th, flat above hie store. lin.Frank [louelI sud sotne aud Mr Harri' Lusi vieihed iu Round Lake Tueê dai afternoon. tire. George fltoiug l vieitiug hc pareuts lir anho- fora& 1ew days. sying of MMOT14EnR'HEARI le WAS NOT MARBUE 't' L..]yaung lok, vioa uaDoituallairiaîz Appliction t a 5dlarputably esony haur, maso Aivertîsîng Rate* On iai.tin lto ha dimnnroam ai the at ca tle t&MiIY'wuabrekfaktlng. Atrop. luroua expreaislan vas anmbis tcs sa a ira, Wm.. eaurck ai Vetura Cal- sud la hua arma vua in Un ouda forna. la vlating ber cousin. Mro. Ed script puppy. blini, and viii a mail th@ Wagner sud Mma. liaGrath ;aud daugtb- 100i. iuQulrin ne. aud- ter. 'katbal uî at lulS an'It h. à b.autyT A banni aid man vas toi"~ The lait number ai the lecture course todrnw blni :ga, vas heulait Thureayeveuiug aud vas A uhomnioaiejcaSlaua sarc*&. the, exceptloually gaad. "*W. aln't ha cute" came trous Mso J. M. Palmer vlelted ber da'îgbter Bllly, tva ruara younger tia jact ion 4le-I. wvinli sttsndiog eclîool et "Ha'n s fine 11111e IfsOll mu are" red Prairie du Cietu, Wls., tuis veek. lagsai te bron« aei yo belli zko" Mfr. sudt Mrs. Wm. Haines of Chicago, OAuster iavgl" exclaimed Bolide. Oak epeut Ituuday itbliB. J. Loiton sudasMe*bi'ooght lu lie bacon, nul isuilli."0 aoppei long enaugi ta huiclethe sgo. MPA@t@.Bluini, sauinng. tîfapletan t= tslai'y açit brova heai liai ~O. bobbed helplsaaly avar Jack,@rn., go, and Wlcis oa i 511v Laie, athended the '«'A aIueice, mahheri" laquirai Ir. dance here Frîdai' eniag. l a axlanly. aeualng momthIi iti' Tii. dance given iii'tiî. rîysiale aminou n luils moliosa slenme Bnue,,n tiAsat. preved ta b.,.une ai "Charinlgt «aIl!Jack@ malien, day the bîggest eveuts of the ea,,on whIùbch M pro oe sic vltî hl do and vastdue otahle uuing cuergi' ai th@e "WPrpose y.dokasp hm,cue" coînmittoe. Tb.inet pracecil werc aId lad. ", kepao bilas.Cors. dlise itIle licter han $178 vhich mshows lt.eiI' mo nuorna."f 0of douce vas alt 0, a ssoeLbîlbut a "Thiallever' sdl- aid Jachag and iluancial enemmoatione. unaympsthhtlcaly. "nul i lir. aud lire. Thomas Jack8on of ni amlotgalng te, bave analier dog Miuailie plae, Daga aasdirti' and the. Austin, vere lulava ltoutweek. They Inlay and fullîofai n a n sd I catbe iiî, viliireturu tota ibar Cottage ou, Gagea thans; £soi yau m"sy setl mal, top leLaie about lisy lot. your mIni ta gaI nid oai lute le iWufmro Coombs of Oak Park aud bs. for ber cousin ira, Californuia are vielting y akInss tbt f D«jQ air relatives sud fiendà bore. «Dontl ion tiu, eln. bea rd Oea. Caomba sud Frank Harwell oai Jaukà tier. fon Oai Part, tare oep4biga veaihuntlug -"Na. I dou't hlnk liaI rM give lu at Gages Lake. kgaiu, lnterrmpled lac's maitiar. *'I ens- Alndo tiblo, howver, liaI ian bave bai 0 lenMacL&eblanofiChicago, ln speni. eungb experianua hn adopllng doge nd lng a ev daya vîti Jim Magg sud vie ta lest iou for anesoammer. Thae Dg 1 ,t0agomer sud Incdent, earried offa s .tbat Iang-laggsd yomg lit. Bep tu, fevdocks. nard lie Caxtôus gave jou. It kmna rug Wayne Harvey trasiotcd buslnee@etatwIeive af lie Frankin chickana. if Waukegn Wedoe"y. Yu remambe r. sud you bai ta psy Waukgau eiaiday.for liem i atmarket pricea. 1 Ihougil - _______________ ven lie St. Bernard va poisoed You vould have learosi discretlan, FOR Hi but you boid ta bing home liat pei- 3 resi fax terrier mon sasi ou mot he Tb ii tth; @on iMr. sud %IrgenlIet stuch a bangain,"1 "Thal vaza s mai iog, thaugh." de. hi- Miartin pat9eiavay Sonday enieng, canci Jack's faiier, "sud l'd 111e ta Marc b 28. et t hnteme Ml.MB.get boid af the. policeman wbo abot te unton fa-m. liebail long lever sud bhlm Jusl because Ils licence tag va, vas sîic only a shart ie. lie was e isued for a dag descnubed a.s aSI. about fi ve montiisnid. Bernard." de The Fort Hill Bunday subool viilm'1bati iaped lisl Incident vouli re-aen Aril th.à god atend nce aI.you more Caneful %bout avadlng re-uen prildli. A aodattedtne ~lav," si Jsck's rotier, '"but, pe le desired on that dey. Devertieleas yen kept puttlng off get- vos The mauy f iende ai Mr. sud lMm. Wrn. thug a licence for lie caolaeyau Longuuîre vîi li e plsumds taiarn that braugiit home taelie a comsie ta lie ira the ill vi remalu on th. Wat fea, sud chiliren nntl Il bit lia Colline chili. Mfr. Lougmîre vii conthMhubis vworkas "diitle dag va. shot, sud mon von. foreman for the Rolesaile Canuing hiavdloinlcurt d onmned fo iao nd Factory Ca., for the summif et leasl. hvn lesdo us h lit. asu d lra. Krumse.y af raysilake' "ÂnywaY. Hln.- iaid Jaci t ai. Mn visted at Brewers Suanday. er. "every boy ouglil ta hare a do«. lo lir. and lire Ed Lookiofim'est Utothle kidi eep I.L'M i ea tat li licHenr, vlsited ah Lusk Broe. Sundai'.Je licensesiasd cared for." " I vii l have analier dag aronni kiTie tIre, youngesl chilien aiftMr. lie Piace," Inalalai Jack's mtier. and suMlr. Joseph. Vogt hsue been ver' At tis Jack depoai iie nev pet rit elci are reported better. upon thefl, ansd rau tramitate roomi . Vedve Dutzier ile grinding feed ion tie howling. LoftIta hi-Iif. lhe puppy et fanmera lu thiiviciauity. sprawied unîapplly on the carpel, wr __________ feeling around i wIh laI pathetlcally lek ______ searchiog nase hf is. TIen. as If GA E XE l ofclous t t Itiresaaalan. ln a raid. L _ L A ES.,,Jnfeeling world, ilneut up a plaintive ,r C. C. Amei lotet a valuahie diving vinlng. bore.@iis weeî. The famlli' ate breakfastlnl silence for a fi-w minutes, sud tien Ja's lui Mr. sudMtre. J.l .K.llervisited frieudi tatiier etlrrcd oneasly. lu Lîberlyville Tueslay. '*My goodness, I can't stand tIt. Y Will ONeil maie a lusiiloes.trip ta le saldt ah last. '«I belleve lie litUle Chicago tioiday. beggar's hungri'." C Gertie Maniroiliq caring for Mme. Bilas H-e tmade overtures ta h liapop vil tplece af bacon. The pup eniffed SWrigit ai Liberhyvilic nia jàilIIl iiteotatlvelv ,al the mor-sel, and then lagrippe. nesumed lils alllng vili neneved .r Jack Jameo callel on fiends neakr vîgor. Jacks shber regardi Il Rollins neceutîy. lhoughtfully. "«Periape,' ho sali, finsl,"lln i5 1fr,, Ueo. Cleveland sud daughter aid enough'for bacon." ly Ile' 't- Marîonle, lis @pouding s iev day. lu Sametlhng ver' lîke a giggle came ai Round Laie, rtrmJaeks motber'î end of lie table, Anthony Gonyo lorîglit a flue drivlug but wben Jack's ftler looied up. bisi haranesud buggy ai 4Oliver Hook. wife vas coldly pultir'g bread loton Bllys cgg. Then Jack's fathun Pourefil soine creian lotnoasaiucer and de- ni poslhed 1h under the pup'e nose. The whining cantlnued. Ver gently, ýr. NisesLisiie Meagier i.- ver i]at ber lacis tfather hhrust lie vabbly 1111e bomne vîh typioi pîîenîîîouîa. blhackoase falrly ioto the saucer, bol the absinate awouir vouldn't drInk, Thos. Merriman epent Sunda it ie isand thie whloe developed ta a frigit. -parents ber,. ened yelp. Jack@ malien left lie SMii. ilysu ld recoveritkg irom a severe nooni preclpltat-ly. Mlnas. "'m iafrald you'Ill ealli' have ta go. pop.' sali Jack's father. stroîlng lie lira. John Kelly as, a Chicago vita, fat 11111e brao back lie firet of th, e el. At liat moment lie poelman'a Miss Mari' Chevliar ateudei a ban. wllstie eonnded aI the front dnar. quet giren iii'the. Kigh ieof Columbus sud Jacks falier vent la, gel bis *la Wsnisgan, Weduesday eveuis, mail. Il vas fulii'ten minutes hetors S ~he neturned. As b. enterai lie roin Miss Larretto Bunke is bon» l rom be gasped lunatonishment. lack'a -DaKalb vie,, @hohas benu atteudlug moier vas sltlog cnoss-leggei an debout. lie toon teedlng the 11111. bnavn Tboes. Rudd, vbo le employai at Laite PuptaY vth milk out ai anesofai nihy' Foresat, pVvlna wtb bis parents iiscarded baIlles. bair.' Juna ackatoat! aven ber, beamlug, Whou le ugtsîgîl ai bis tler ho criai, J. J. Kelly la qute fiilunsaChcago jublaotly: "Datit 5h. maya voream iiaepllsl. aep lt!" Tii, basket socil îhehlda# lb, Wsmae- ladk's mothen laaîtd op sud bai tonschol hurdayeveingwaiwé-lithegruce ta blua uInioier rhuis tonscloo Thtraai evulu vs vliban'î smuseeîglance. atteniti. -A vîiry enjoyable pragram "Il cnies jouit l II.asbaby," aio v as rendoh#'aller viich the basket. Ssii, apolageticalli'. Tbau, piddauli' vewr.e oduhsuite s neat nom rashli. sechanged ber lactice ftram lie da- Uir. James Taylor sud iangbler Mary Clfiord Crittenden of Rusell. vo oi Taylorvillc, Ill., "pnt Tuesday i' vh urnee villor Suodey. tie former', sinter. Mr@ Mari' Rater. L. W. Bracier sîtended the.Foi Miss Murphy, lhe ssistant importa- banquet lu Chicago Friday ovauna. tendent af suboahe lu Chluîsgo le a cousin Tii. Ladiui' Aid soceJey mlv. à of tira Johin Elubenger. enteraument mm aStuay emi* Tiie Doige subool seultbe follavlug C. J. WlgitM» oai Gryolak@. vWi tu lie Ournasa pelliig matci: Iran. business vistai liera Weiaeid. Chope. Helen sud Jeesie Cannan. The Roy' Studer vas lu hllbumu on b. Hociaisi' schoisment Chas. Qallagiier, noms severalisys lait veel. Clars Edmond@ and Jualla Haser.Chas. s es ilafva ooto Gallagiier wan second In Nevport. RUte ers e, ouai'. s oe m George Safiri af Chiueg, grauated Rmloe udy for the mînlîtri' vitih igi honore, vîtm Umalainer vlisi 1 er parente s a chance of a tva yosr course.la Ger. Polo, IIL, Satuidai' sud Sundy. mani', ail expeusos peti. Bei. Gearge Saffani preacied fa, is fatior Enudai'. i~a, A Àdaugiter vas bain ta Mn. sud MM. Yen liv atteaddi althIuun li Bau Wllla Webb ou Saturdai', lisici29. nlghî ona acouaI aiflte abri et 01110 Malien sud baby dilg alcli'. tîme. Mr. R. N. Cannon and famnli' sllenied On Saturiay afttornoon limaVU thie dding aithoin son' Léeale Canna. Slvpr's bonms va burnesi viti oit S aI Narvood Park, Mardi 26. coutenit. It lot.tOv am tii the su" The C. E. societi'y wl rapeal tiei Mm. sud lire. J. Balbyai' aomse home talent entertelument frriday, ove- apent Sunday et Dr. Lsvîn. niug, Aprîl Il. M.s. A. G. Suver *peut a f.v.dui'a vi Meaes. Jahn S. sud Roy E. Daau on eisugîter lu Mwuete. ver, Chicago visîtura Mondai'. lira. C. P. Leach i og wesP"a. vlalted lirm.Jonnie Lsac lelat voL Mims Eioi laever' ,uc Ii mprovusi ira, ber roSut Ille"a. B. H.n spouenbnrg bas commaesi îloà nhe large privaIs garage Mai gravel drive. lira. Young sud danglkar Vu,5, wm Chicago vialtars Saturdai', Mir. soi lire. Paddock of Rouai Liaâo Mir. sud lire. Robt. Mutsv of s1. day aI Morne Brother. Auna Bsusou ai Pleasant Pr&", @peut Satuniai' sud Suadai' vîit liMe A. C. Cnrrna. [aura E. Carris wan the honoraeacet th spelllng cauteot ai lie Neyat a mi Warren cuhoale behi aI Guru.. lm-t Fridai'. Mn. Chais ai Portland, Oregon. cafls au a fev af bis mani' irieuds lasi Fnidai'. AIl vere pleed ta se.hlm. Mir. andiMlira. Geo. DeForni speal Bau. day in Chicago, vith lima.DaFomnis %'lee,,n arang andaMise Cors awsavon attended the. Beloil Oiee Club entertain- ment in Chicago Mandai' evening. tMns. J. A. Thain gavesa dinnen liarci 28 lu honoraiflins. Erneet White'@ ved. ding auuiveraary. The limt of the C'. E. course vîlil e given April 29. Mn. sud lins. Jesse Deumau moved Wednesday 10 their 0ev home lu Mili- humn. Mn. Stariveather of Rociio-d, Ii., speut sevenal daye in tlis iciniti' îoniug piano@. e a i.. a: A. Dr. Lewin sud As& Cordsévasa PlanaWankKenusha visitones aturdai'. Aldana Plana Shap St Waukegaule Tii. Ladies' Aid met last Tiioai the place ta bave yoar piano munt for repsirs, retlulsilug, nev acton, @e. vith Mns. E. A. liee.. They seil the mSiinner olano and fichuls piano. 114 North Sheridan Bad, nap'o: d-rUb13.W Waukegan. C-28-tfIf dpneta&rdb O L AST CHANCE to get, your Flour as Reason- able. Same Price again this week on Flour and FeecL We have got it,. so corne over and g et it. We DOn't Say: eaJust out, expect a car ang a. C. H. BARNSTABLE Gurnee, fLUnois PATRONIZE YOUR'ýt- 'HOME BANI et- Your account cannet be too amail for our be.nk to handie gladly. WE PAY YOU TO' SAVE. 3 Per Cent lnterest per Pennum Paid on Savlq i Account and lime Certilicates. 14 You get your Interest in Three Igonths if it you istart a Savings Account Now. Not for i Six Months If you buy a Certificat. Now. Latke Villa Trust & Saving 0 LAKE VILLA Bank ILLINOI A State Bank. Capital $25,00.00. J-- . - Mns. M. Spalford lied a severe stroko ai paralyi'e.. At promsut vrlting ae@la sanie botter. lir. Ema Hughes of Lhlbetyvlhle, ia vitihber mther lire. Spaffoi-d, Mn. and lirs. Jeppe Jepson @peut Sun. day vîh ifriends lu Grayaiste. MIae.i Foute sud Safford returusi iro, Whealau, Ili., Fridai'. lir@. A. Id. McCrodie vas quite slut the SUD. los clown. r andi t nov. mteeti timai. IL. ------------