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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Apr 1913, p. 13

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nci wmwu mfi WVVI Brou N m MaylwMIgat MAl mmi k~VAliIOMFERS ENI 15 hEM PhY&Ilein ln Attendanee Up.. Lei»' les e@*"de Sud: Il Fur Mis l4eJMOUesWil MNet Stec Own of Thurady"-Roman.Citholc World W&lte ln, suepenie. Reto, April 1<-'Fb condition of th. opea undoubtedy very grave, sud etme Iore vs reporteS bie vas dilîr. There bave beeu severai Inciden*i vàbjhshow that h. optita- latte Officils of lbe Vatican ea no longer rosât th. conviction that the ena i osear. , Dr. Amuici, atterIslezinh@ cbed- aide fur a few moments tu îpeak te a friand sai iravahy: "I fear hiebiti- tintas viinet se* the dawn of Thurs- del.» Condition Chari«for Worse.1 The condition of the pope obangeS for the worie la the evenias. Pro- fessor Marchialssasud Dr. Amici Muade their *venins viit sif5:30 lu. @tead of 7:30 and &fier a consulta. tien Issued the foloins bulletin: rte pope'& fever han returned. Hie temperature le now 100.7, Fahren- heil. The thorax symptomi and thoso of influensa bave beauiightly as- gravitai. The condition of the pa tient'. vital force la good." The bulletin la obicurely vorded.1 I. i t maikes the ral allusion le an af- fection oft he thorax vhich ila p. pareatiy a paraphrase for pneumonla. MAdleal friendi of Profesaur bMîrchia1 lave say hie always usez the expres-1 sion 'ani affection of the cavity of the chesi," iliss-ead f "pueumouia." The doctors admit that a bacterlo- * logicai eslaminstlon of the sputum ex- crottons. conirmai tbe report that the influeuzala of an infections charac- ter and bas provoked Inflammation wbich ls nov ipueading te the lungs. Cenfesior Notlfled te Be Rend>y. Mdgr. Caccia Dominîni. the hope's privale frbamberlaiu. drove lu Car- dînai Merry Sel Vli* automobile to the reidence of Cardinal Vlncenzo Vanutteili. the pop'& coufesior. te w aru hlm ofthie poàgiblltty of bis b-. log susimoned te tbe Vatican If tbe popes condition becime vorse. The popes private secretary, Migr. Breussan.irent tb Uic railwaY station to meai the pottis aed brother Augelo. lhe poituater of Coraclo. who arriveS at midulhth. Illaiikuown thît Cardinal Merry de' 'Val do@& net wish the pope's sisters te le present At te end as their emotion veudbcneotirent thît il vouli mur the solemuitY Of thue ai- minitrallon of the lait sacrements, vbich. accordinir te tradition. viiilube gven by the Cardinal Pienipenten- flary. Cardinal blerry del Val, the papsl secretary of clate, bimacîf. ea' corteSl by prelites besriug lighted torchen, noble guardu with drawu averdis, anS thar officieis. Pentiff Reliztes condition. Thue pontlff roalsges that tbis ls is lait ilines.. le la serons and ducs net compilu f sny suffering. He sumila ,aiuty toete inbslatluns sud injections aud shakes bis, bead sadi, vben efforts are made te feed hlm. Vour correspondent le Intormed from anl'uuuiestienahle source that the onl danger of Immediate deatb ortises tronu suffocation. Maesachuaetts Democrat if ected. Boston. April IS-Tho Iret elector- ai opinion of the now Demnocratic tariff bill ais delivered la the Thir- teutit Massachusetts Cottressionai district, viten John J. Mitchell. Deom- * ocratic, was elected to the national bouse of representatives by a plurali- ty wbicit msy exceed 4,000. The dis- trict normaiiy ta Republican by from 10.000 ta 12,000. Steriiization le Vetoed. UAncoin. Ns-b.. April 16.--Governor Moorbead bas vetoed s bill providlng for theltertiization oft îe confirmeS crimInas anS the mentally lncm- w:ultdcluemre 11k. hthpratce of peout. bSmeire such rctetf psenations than those of a Chris- ticountry, and wonld be uncoLsti- tutioas. Kilts Muebond with As. Caumet, tihApril 6.-Illins Kuisto was killeS sabere bc siept bY ais vîfe. Shte uplit bis head open with a.n a%. A fesa menthe ago site attackeS hlm sud was confineS for a wublinluasuInsane hospital. Morir nqury On. Racine. Wia., Aprîl 16.-The linS-1 tisg of the body ut John Bartita. aged thirty-seveu. a fermer living near the Miwaukee connty une. lu a barn bas led ta a motier iuquiry. Suffragettes hurm Fine Hous. St. Loonards, Buland. April l6.- Suffragettes hurneS the bandsome anS ccstiy îeaside borne of Arthtur Pbillp Dulkos, memtber ot partia,, ment. Armistice ln the Balkans. Constantinople. April 1.-A report te current botre that a ton Stys arut- 1 cebas hoon concludi betwe.u Trkey sud Bulgari. la Danger of Arrest Sooti. party held lu Kenosha yesterday at- ternoon. Misses Grace Wynn andi Alie Doug- las spent the day vliitn,< with fri.nds at Warrenton. The Owflcltnn's Union ut North America held a vsry quecccssful dance ai the Arrnory lent eing wbicis was attendeS ity a large crowd. Miss Olive Bec-cher enlertained a nujaber of young ladies lest cvening eat ber borne ou N. Couty St, and a very enjoyahie evenIug was spent. This evening te regular weeki, ruiler skating party wIll he beldi ai tîhe Naval Station rIIIll.il It vas reported iast week watt the last pvrty of the season. The Ossesso (His wore ,I.titijtilv entertained last eveulug at lthointe ot Miss Effle NMeyers on North Co.tnty Street. The evening was-greatiy Pli joyed and rerreabment-t we sers'ed. Tounorrow eveniug in the Parish __________________________liause the tkiail Carriers sud ilerks iWlli hold their aunulai dance whleh WARRANT OUT FOR MELLEN promises tu ttc a very enjoyalc ne 'ritch@Lrd's orchestra wiii fttrnimhi Connecticut Judge Acte Againsi Head Ile music. of New Haven Raliroad. Bridgeport, (Coul. Ait-il 16 -lB, ud Washinlgton, B. C., April 16 -'ost warrants for President (Charles S. masiter Generai Burieson anounced lu- Mellen aîtd Vice.Presîdent E, Il. Nie-day il ha the adrninistration'a î.olicy Henry of tbe New I... 't ralitud .10 continue ail Republican postmast- woe itued by .iîdpe <te.lit te ;,rs u.tw tnoffice to the euS ur their ctianttai si1de ofthil.- .'uierlur tit. tt-rms, provlded no charges wcre sus- Tbcychage te Io eiielis lbtaîrtes agaînal their efficlency. The groais neglîgene andnanaugblcr Inj ple to ail classes of î,Ost- connectilinwiti theb.Wetporî ar e;! Mstr lasI OctÜber in ta'icb sevt--tali lIeb mse, vere lmat The warratitîs oiow tic lin..'.of Gary, mnd.. Aprhl I16 Mayor T. E. thdle sucured snt toute ut t lor fo'trKnotts today put ou the "'ild" lu leser officiais ot the compat.y It col Gary. Thîrteen places wbers gamîtl. neciion wthth ie tVestport dîsamter, iug was reported ta be carrned on were Svisited by the police. The gamblers FLOOD RECED-:S AT CAIIFO vere notified to close up and leave -te citv. No orders were issued. Oheo River Frpidly DrocPing ecw -ltowever, to the propriturs of' the the Danger Mark. l)earborn park poolroom ou the west- Caro Ii . pri li, -Tit (ito ru edge of the city, which Io vlsited ri% er lms laI .rg rapidiy al (alro sud daily by a tralnload of C'hicagu sports, wili lv h.F!uw te ditugir mark in t hý next few dnys. The guage regisI. r.. New York, 4çrll1Cl Theodore 6.2 feet, a full ofe ght'îcutbs In t cri- Roosevelt ate lunch today witb chif- ty-four hours. i dren of varlous nationailes et aný The ni, amer Three Stes frft ('aira east aide grammar suool. The for- for Shawnetown to take off lb. mer president visiteS severai achools trool l tâilotid there. Ad jutant tu Investigate thte food-at-cost price Cenerai Fraunk tflcl.on left wllb a big luncheons turnlhed under the ans- tond ut supplies fur the fi-ad retitîges la the Wâbash river bottoma. KIkIS WOMAtIIANDO SELF Jesiousy Cause of Double Tragedy et Molise, Ill. Molifie, Ili. April iG-Edward ije- Podtt [lorand a yesug tîityied %Irsn:l Id llof .aî.d lnstaty ied tirs. and lira turntsd the revover upon himsoi:. 'Ihe tragedy 'sas %tstSsed1 by tires' r..,. tera aItliheNlürt huome. Mansur cutpauy. dud nul knousofuthlb terrible occurrence outil îloi oe limei atter thet Uo vie tIluts out lb unfortua- i aie love ait air wcre dt-ad. %frs. Thomas J.Kirchner of Nurth l « M Si. James street spent Tuesdav witb frieîtds in Kenusha. Card of Thanka. .%%'e dFsire to tl.ankounr many friends andi ais., te stgers for tiel r ktnd- nessansd the flowers durtjtg the recelit Ilinessansd deatit of our hu shaz.d artd father. Itufus l.' 'l'layer of Osawato- umie, Mitêtia countyý Kansas. Mr". V. C. Thayer and Joint Glaser.ssvky-It 'Want HORSES Gr* USLE-Fine team of bay mares, 4 year olds. Haiter broke onlyý; weight about 1200 pounds eacb. Several other borses. moatiy colts. Inquire H. C. Horning, Hotel Washburn, Waukegan. 111; telephone 160. wkylt FOR SALE-Three farms in Bristol. Wia., at a bargain, 86 acres. 47 acres andi 37 acres, the latter near a creamery cali or address Orlando Richards Bristol, Wia., P. 0. Box 67. wkylt+ FOR SALE-Young working bores; weiglis over 1400 Ibo. Prie rea- onable. Cail at J. J. Fesser, Grange Hall. 214 miles southwest of Gurnee. wkylt WANTED TO LOAN - Front $3.000 to $5.000 on goosi Lake county real estate. Adl'est "B," cars Sun office, Waukegan, 111. , wkylt4. MINNEBOTA-Btg, bbiihy ImProved Red river.valley tdrma la offered yuu at hait lts real value. Write for description. bookiet. C. A. Tuilar. Warren, Minn. wky4t* Io-m< "oMmfttae roïl êsgtÀ«OédaI nwspe1wiUlth5ttidil w *UOM, ~eiroe th >zs'iDttY. The colonel State huato>r A .J. Oison of Wood- claimillg tlus± ho knew their idlà . thsrftus bomê,.Il*' paiS for*hieis Ich. Itcost 2 cents stock, il oïpmoecongmesuian 1. c. Tlhe menu-aadt>be prie were: OuA Copley fqr.re-election ln 1914. îîle Mr. JsehmecCrne i luting ieCthleLd cnp ! bau oup I ent:~n' .gg siS e wll n o tb reuhîcanwitb friends and relatives ln Ken~a , a meeting tat evening 11%, cupor eaunfuw eedayne,.ggaaddh plans weree rpu coa mi sandwich, 1 cent. ticket.-ElgIn Courier. fbeanetdas.it clansr party sud daM Dr. Florence Stone lias . eIved a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith vlsited 1The \Waukegan base hall ieam are hei uthe Blprtu nderg.etael new 'Maxwell runahout. Mr. and Nirs. Fran k A. laxeIvl <of n.aklrtg ilaît'. to itold a dance lu the day eveaing. Mr ertMeiill 0flianrtnd.md .thioclty yesterlay. -Mr. Smith 1, artt.try Saturday eveuing. r. Baert anelcilie oaid Id. foreman of the automnatlc gale service Miss Florence Wbidden elntoem wasft Waukeganonalitr oa. 'nte North Western raiiroad. Mrs. Thé, Wh'lzzer Girls held a very çi the M.. G. R. Girls tant evelnat* Mrs. Edward GIh)boti.'.aid daugît- Smith bas returned t0 mllwvaukee. jyblmetgla eugtth orne on Lowe avenue, and-~ ter, Miss Dsii, are,.i t. he' dat honte of Cls ra(e 1irajId onu il-Iti pleasant evenîug wag spent. aq luChcao.Word lias bcen received front MIrg. dere street. Gaines were ,Ijayed soi] whicb dainty refreshments IChcgolive Smlit(torittilan qtreet, wito lR rIereshrîtent4sesrv'd. served. Mrs. Bert Melville t..Ii)%(e, J cistiug ati tirerside enjoying thie lered te bospitail odis. h. urtder'o teattifttl roses, orange Ilo'.ioms, aitti A baby Lb)v ;Ias borît Saturday to Edgar T. flavies waLs tormafly ait oî'eratou. Sutsilne of soulterti t'aifornia, Nlr.t %Irs. Chttrles.Ni. 'litompîsonuu t ber charged front the office of statij Mr. anud tirs. George fl.,4. o mihmllle eforsuet ..hm l v1ýttt. .%irs. Thotnpson tory Irtspector iast nightbt y Ooff Washington street, are i- Iiitig with "lie Loyal h'.ors and iauglitters son9teIie oflstrh t. roîn amlres laudtte ea rc fricîtds sud relatives litt chl.ago Stndlav chool cin. ttfolte ,_Ir.tBooftNd4ri. onJaeilBuetchmâ riýtr eatin iChristian citur, h taiii gît ea 'dock To.Tirliasrtrdfotte state Civil Serviec ommis"~ >TstoialTierdey lttts return nexi frontvletter ln witich Mr. Burdettech California witerolit, and bis wife Itavieg wth a vn e "cak lai'.. aiarm last eveliiog about 7 e.entig. April 111h ut lite churrh, cor- »M aig eu cu tttai. Ier ofCt (ty(ttastil'tieu st reef .. mitent (lite %%Inter. %Ir. Ticirntty re t.ttsly iutoxicated at public 9t tir. Kusly Ety'i i, 'loa ,., , .. ~ . ..ttrned for tlitir[io!,f uofarrautclmo7 ings." avelne, bas returued 10 1i,-r homue lu c ure-h vili ivc a fareweli roceplieu frias c10 aeKenjoyvha, J.4t tuutnorrow aflertitoon St the rectory lut frtnd l KnonaWJ. itt,îuu'oftRt-v.'anud tirs. tW. W. Love, Thte order 0f atern Star viii bolS sabo Ic]es -'I'ay Ist for Ma'.saebusetts a carS party this eveuing ai the home l) Malte' heir future home. Friend.9 of Mr. and Mn. Roitert isry-,daie ou aèrc cordialiy Invitcd te attend. N. West street. 1Cook 'oîunty f'uperlnt.cîîdent of ThueLuthr lagueut le 'weti 8wSciools Tobin yaqterday deciared ihal Is'.ed tesling, the latest experiment ln L.utheran chnrc b eld attImîportantt 1 eto.ss ~etn ra utrs meeting last eveningIn itthit'ehureh cuao),wsretnga neet parlorstioug the citildren. The erops ot pariors. lite cotutry, he said. cottid ho lucreas- A otan by the naortpi. '.vt-ut va,,cd a hundredld by lte adopttion of arrestetl by the poice i.,1itiglitî ;)o 'ils simplte method by t'armera. Pu- a chiarge (il havIug beattii ii. t'fau.i y ils are bcbinlstructed lun miking f 111e li.crlug lias heencîtet, iiit,'d. o a germiualing box thia week. NexI Thte 7-îuotls-oi chiid f tI r.ai .irs. Ernest IHeovemati t .1 Sprlttg street diesi ast niglit.Th.- 'furterni week lhey ahi test corn. Enough sd ceit to plant 100,0)00 acres wlI ttsedtht'. aîrlutg, tir. Tobin said. 'Sttt lie neta unmorrom, ut t t ('ctI k The ro.dtd 10Chicago via State MIsRNlar Lyo enertatied thesitrel. North Chicago, la saiS te bee Mis May Lon ntettncd thepraeticaiiy Impas8able, the auraI it metubers ot the Fortulgitlis Club 0 t has iteen lu years. It la thte aorst from lte Preshyterian churcit ia4t even - the cleetrie road to the city limita. lug ai ber hôme on Shertdant itad. A 1locai attorney had bis automobtile Mara Ana urg0f etttsb. ao tock lu the mud for twoand one- worked five years as a doîtestie for ital or nlt udi Su Mr. anS Mra. George Ih. iicotb, a Sutîday. Thte Oreeubay road, which weaithy stock faim oancr St Trevor. uosaaiy 14 in good condition S ai l hiî.s hesei $50000 icier U ite 1ctîmes is îtractieai y tintpassablie. There vollun to Uiem. Their joint wtilla. s a bath bos atithoecorner ut the admitted 10, prohate give tite ecore, Green Bay road antd the Libertysile .rulterty ta lte taitbtuli serant. The rond. S.oths died ain a menti. et each other. Shte la ltae divcree, itle et Tite on ner'. o'a store on lte Northt Williaum Burg, sou of a forumer pocst'-iicagot sîde of T,î.li street tias Coin- master of Kenosha. She k ota one itiained te lite local potlce titat severai of te aealthiest vomen lit the 1Waîîkegaut utc, aFt itiglit br.tke tite county. widotas lit is plat-e of' business. lie Bell System Every big undertaking has sm one big idea back of it. The'onoie big idea back of the Bell Telephone' System is Universal Service. Intelligent and unfaltering adherence to hs ideal, has evolved a service so, vast, and yct so flexible, that Bell patrons everywhere can talk to points one hundred or fifteen hm,, dred miles distant with equal ease, and-at mode rate cost. For rate& to any point, cJJ U"Long Distance." h Teg l I'ef)1one Coînplaîîv, A. R. Auîdretts, 'Manîager Phono 9901. tyChlei IS STILL ON AID TO MAKE *rrow, Thursday, On@ of The iqsest oys THE PRICES WILL BE REDUCEO STILL FURTHER- Full LentCoats S$10 Womex's and Misme' full length new spring and summer coats in tans, grays, navy, black, brown, etc. Some trim- med neatly with moire and silk collars; others with braid and buttons. A mice assortinent here h plain taflored coats, full length, all colora, sizes. The materials comprise storm and wide wale serges, diagonals, Bedford cord and whipcord, worsteds and piques G -some are lined, others haîf ___0 0 lined. Ail $15.00 and $18.00 w u - garments .............. le Siraight *'Cutuamway Suifs Women's and Misses' plain tailored and nifty trimined exclusive suit models, every one lined wit>h elther Peau-de- cyne or skinners' satin. The materiala are good serges. Bedford cords, dia.gonals, checks, noyelty mixtures and pin striped materials, also some nice corduroys and piques, in liglit colors. These are ail high class $15.00 and $1.0 auestodm orr t 1 * $18.O values and ow offe very specal Challenge Price- 811k Dressing Boys Knee Pants and Blouses Womsn's, Ohlidrens Bosgood strong heavy pants, in sizes up to 14, also flan- Saccques nelette blouses in blue and brown. Just the thlng for Wash Dresses ______________________ ail_ out theï.r coats. Special 5c values, to close .'iUi undreds more of those good, sacques, maei fo. d ad to orw .................n3c91MAy - Oriental designed pattup, B ach one lias a nice, neat ë and cufs attached. The e sU of very good guality a.nd the ases run from 34 to 44. These garments are speca $300 values ....... 11tThe Progressive Store. 0 durable q$1.50 value w omen's and Children's wash dresses. Ver good styles and a huindred differ- ont patterns. The materials are lawn, gingham, percale, galatea. Remember, ail $1.50 dresses, special, at. . t

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